What are the Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney or creatinine?

Like the other organs of the human body, the kidney also plays an important role in wellbeing. Acute Kidney Disease is a state of kidneys when they meet sudden kidney dysfunction. Numerous reasons can be held responsible for the state, but there could be some help from Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney or creatinine.

A sudden loss may cause many complications and may require quick treatment. The loss can be estimated by the high levels of blood wastes such as Creatinine, nitrogen, and urea. In addition, metabolic acidosis, fluid imbalance, uremia, high potassium, life risk, etc. are some other Acute Kidney Disease complications.

Acute Kidney Disease results in an increased risk of Chronic Kidney Disease affecting many other body organs. This disease can be managed by treating the root cause. The treatment of the basic root of the Disease is done in Ayurveda.


  • Abnormal urine
  • Swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet
  • Feeling tiredness
  • Trouble in breathing
  • Feeling confused
  • Nausea
  • Pain or pressure in the chest
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in mood
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • High blood pressure
  • Metallic taste in your mouth


Here are the following complications:

Fluid build-up

When the kidneys get damaged, they can’t remove fluid and wastes from the body. It is a very uncertain complication in any kidney disease. Whether it is Acute Kidney Disease or Chronic Kidney Disease, it may build too much fluid in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath.

Chest pain

Too much build-up of fluid in the lungs can cause chest pain.

Muscle weakness

When the body fluid, electrolytes, and body’s blood waste are out of balance, it can cause muscle weakness.

Permanent kidney damage

Acute Kidney Disease can lose permanent kidney function and can cause last-stage kidney Disease. Therefore, allopathic doctors suggest their patients who are at the last stage of kidney disease for permanent dialysis for life long, a mechanical filtration process that works to remove toxins and wastes from the body, or a kidney transplant to survive.


As Acute Kidney Disease happens suddenly, this can result in loss of kidney function and, yes, also ultimate death.


Nowadays, people prefer Ayurveda kidney treatment not just for kidneys, even for every Disease. Ayurveda has been an ancient remedy to cure chronic and Acute Diseases of all kinds. It is a technique rather than a treatment to bring back the functioning of kidneys naturally. The aim of Acute Disease Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda is on repairing the underlying causes.

Ayurveda has a natural remedy, herbal medicines, and a healthy diet plan for treating any disease. Ayurveda is a fully developed medical system from the accepted history and adopted even after the recovery. However, Ayurveda faces criticism claiming that treatment methods are obsolete and there is zero development in medicines. But, Ayurveda has proved all these claims false every time.

The best Acute Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda brings all such elements in line and treats the disease from the roots. The treatment includes herbal medicines (pastes, oils, and herbs made tablets), yoga, meditation, and particular lifestyle & dietary changes.

The changes:

Acute Kidney Disease diagnosis in Ayurveda has great importance in the natural recovery from this type of kidney disease. Ayurveda also helps to improve the health of the existing organs without letting any chemical material enter the body. People suffering from Acute Kidney Disease require proper nutrition and minerals to maintain the health of the kidneys and body.

Not to forget, diseases affecting the kidney system have adverse effects. Sometimes, these diseases develop in the immune system because of diabetes and high blood pressure or get triggered after kidney damage. Therefore, dietary & lifestyle changes become necessary for the wellbeing of the diseased kidney.

Good dietary and lifestyle habits can have great importance on recovery.

For example, people with hypertension need to monitor their sodium intake, whereas those with diabetes must refrain from sugar and edibles with a high glycemic index.

1. Need to change the eating habits

Apples, cranberries, pineapples, strawberries, radish, onions, bell peppers, are the foods a kidney patient can eat.

Avoid citrus fruit, coconut water, and pickles because they contain high potassium and sodium, respectively. Moreover, foods like nuts, whole grain bread, and sunflower seeds have high phosphorus, which must be avoided.

2. Importance of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins generate calories as per the requirement of the individual. However, Ayurvedic kidney treatment for Acute Kidney Disease focuses on reducing all such nutrients that may hamper the functioning and the treatment of kidneys. The adjustment depends on the individual’s goal, whether the weight gain or weight loss process during the Disease.

3. Take a sufficient amount of liquid

Limit the liquid intake, and do not stop it completely. Milk, juices, ice-creams, vegetables, and fruits with water are also the medium of fluid supply to the body. So, be cautious. However, low sodium intake lowers the thirst sensation.

4. Too much protein can be unhealthy

It is significant to avoid a high protein diet as it can stress the filtering mechanism. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid red meat. However, eating lean chicken in a fair amount is okay. Moreover, try eating vegetarian food with low protein.

5. Limit the amount of food intake

The patients can consume corn, sodas, rice-based grains, and unsalted popcorn as per the need. However, be cautious of what and how much you eat, as some of these food items can increase blood glucose levels.

6. Take rock salt

Kidney patients are advised to take a low sodium diet but the regular salt contains high sodium levels. So the doctors advised them to take to Rocksalt in their diet. We never advise them to stop taking salt in their diet.

7. Avoid packed food

Avoid canned food as it has salt in high quantities, which is not kidney-friendly, and it increases the level of blood pressure and Creatinine drastically.

Source by Dr. Puru Dhawan

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