(Department of Health)
as amended by
the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1955, the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1960,
the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1962, the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendments)
Act, 1964, the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendments) Act, 1972, the Drugs and
Cosmetics (Amendments) Act, 1982, the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendments)
Act, 1986 and the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendments) Act, 1995.
as corrected up to the 30th April, 2003
The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940,
as amended by the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1955,
the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1960, the Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1962,
the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act,1964,
the Drugs andCosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1972,
the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1982,
the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1986
and the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act,1995.. . . .
The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 as corrected upto 30.04.2003
Notification issued under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act . . . .
1. The Repealing and Amending Act, 1949 (40 of 1949).
2. The Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
3. The Part B States (Laws) Act, 1951 (3 of 1951)
4. The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1955 (11 of 1955)
5. The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1960 (35 of 1960)
6. The Drugs (Amendment) Act, 1962 (21 of 1962)
7. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1964 (13 of 1964)
8. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1972 (19 of 1972).
9. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1982 (68 of 1982)
10. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1986 (71 of 1986)
11. The Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act, 1995 (22 of 1995)
A.O. 1950 . . . . . . . for Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
Cl. . . . . . . Clause
Ins. . . . . . . inserted
P. . . . . . . Page
Pt. . . . . . . Part
Reg. . . . . . . Regulation.
Rep. . . . . . . Repealed.
S. . . . . . . Section
Sch. . . . . . . Schedule.
Sec. . . . . . . Section
Subs. . . . . . . Substituted
w.e.f. . . . . . . with effect from.
G.O.I . . . . . . Government of India.
dt. . . . . . . date/dated
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Application of other laws not barred.
3. Definitions
3A. Construction of references to any law not in force or any
functionary not in existence in the State of Jammu and
4. Presumption as to poisonous substances.
5. The Drugs Technical Advisory Board.
6. The Central Drugs Laboratory.
7. The Drugs Consultative Committee.
7A. Section 5 and 7 not to apply Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs.
8. Standards of quality
9. Misbranded drugs
9A. Adulterated drugs
9B. Spurious drugs.
9C. Misbranded cosmetics.
9D. Spurious cosmetics
10 Prohibition of import of certain drugs or cosmetics.
10A. Power of Central Government to prohibit import of drugs and
cosmetics in public interest.
11. Application of law relating to sea customs and powers of
Customs officers.
12 Power of Central Government to make rules.
13 Offences.
14 Confiscation
15. Jurisdiction
16. Standards of quality.
17. Misbranded drugs.
17A. Adulterated drugs.
17B. Spurious drugs.
17C. Misbranded cosmetics.
17D. Spurious cosmetics.
18. Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs and
18A. Disclosure of the name of the manufacturer ,etc.
18B. Maintenance of records and furnishing of information.
19. Pleas .
20. Government Analysts.
21. Inspectors.
22. Powers of Inspectors.
23. Procedure of Inspectors.
24. Persons bound to disclose place where drugs or cosmetics are
manufactured or kept.
25. Reports of Government Analysts.
26. Purchaser of drug or cosmetic enabled to obtain test or analysis.
26A. Power of Central Government to prohibit manufacture etc. of
drug and cosmetic in public interest.
27. Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of drugs in contravention of
this Chapter.
27A. Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of cosmetics in
contravention of this Chapter.
28. Penalty for non-disclosure of the name of the manufacturer, etc.
28A. Penalty for not keeping documents, etc., and for non-disclosure
of information.
28B Penalty for manufacture, etc. of drugs or cosmetics in
contravention of section 26A.
29. Penalty for use of Government Analyst’s report for advertising.
30. Penalty for subsequent offences.
31. Confiscation.
31A. Application of provisions to Government departments.
32. Cognizance of offences.
32A. Power of Court to implead the manufacturer, etc.
33. Power of Central Government to make rules .
33A. Chapter not to apply to Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs.
33B. Application of Chapter IVA.
33C. Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory
33D. The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee.
33E. Misbranded drugs.
33EE. Adulterated drugs.
33EEA. Spurious drugs.
33EEB. Regulation of manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic, Siddha and
Unani drugs.
33EEC. Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani drugs.
33EED. Power of Central Government to prohibit manufacture etc., of
Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs in public interest.
33F. Government Analysts.
33G. Inspectors .
33H. Application of provisions of sections 22, 23, 24 and 25.
33I. Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of Ayurvedic, Siddha
or Unani drugs in contravention of this Chapter.
33J. Penalty for subsequent offences.
33K. Confiscation .
33L. Application of provisions to Government departments.
33M. Cognizance of offences.
33N. Power of Central Government to make rules.
33O. Power to amend First Schedule.
33P. Power to give directions.
34. Offences by companies.
34A. Offences by Government departments.
34AA. Penalty vexatious search or seizure.
35. Publication of sentences passed under this Act.
36. Magistrate’s power to impose enhanced penalties.
36A. Certain offences to be tried summarily.
37. Protection of action taken in good faith.
38. Rules to be laid before Parliament.
23 OF 19401
[10th April, 1940]
(Received the assent of the Governor General on the 10th April, 1940)
As Amended by Act No. II of 1955
(Received the assent of the President on the 15th April, 1955)
As Amended by Act No. 35 of 1960
(Received the assent of the President on the 15th September, 1960)
As Amended by Act No. 21 of 1962
(Received the assent of the President on the 27th June, 1962)
As Amended by Act No. 13 of 1964
(Received the assent of the President on the 12th May, 1964)
As Amended by Act No.19 of 1972
(Received the assent of the President on the 31st May, 1972)
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
For Statement of Object and Reasons, see Gazette of India, 1940, Pt. V, p.34; for the Report of the
Select Committee, see ibid., p. 143.
The Act has been applied to all the partially excluded areas in the State of Orissa, see Orissa
Government Notification No. 3358-LSG., dated the 25th August, 1941.
As Amended by Act No.68 of 1982
(Received the assent of the President on the 13th November, 1982)
As Amended by Act No. 71 of 1986
(Received the assent of the President on the 24th December, 1986)
As Amended by Act 22 of 1995.
(Received the assent of the President on the )
An Act to regulate the import, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs 1
WHEREAS it is expedient to regulate the 2
[import, manufacture, distribution and
sale] of drugs 1
[and cosmetics];
AND WHEREAS the Legislature of all the Provinces have passed resolutions in
terms of section 103 of the Government of India Act, 1935 26 Geo. 5,c.2, in
relation to such of the above-mentioned matters and matters ancillary thereto as
are enumerated in List II of the Seventh Schedule to the said Act;
Ins. By Act 21of 1962, s. 2(w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. By the A.O. 1950 for certain words.
It is hereby enacted as follows: —
1. Short title, extent and commencement. –(1) This Act may be called the Drugs 1
Cosmetics] Act, 1940.
(2) It extends to the whole of India 2
* * *
(3) It shall come into force at once; but Chapter III shall take the effect only from
such 3
date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint
in this behalf, and Chapter IV shall take effect in a particular State only from such 3
date as
the State Government may, by like notification, appoint in this behalf:
[Provided that in relation to the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Chapter III shall take
effect only from such date after the commencement of the Drugs and Cosmetics
(Amendment) Act, 1972 19of 1972, as the Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf.]
2. Application of other laws not barred. —The provisions of this Act shall be in
addition to and not in derogation of, the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 2 of 1930,and any
other law for the time being in force.
3.Definitions. —In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
[(a) “Ayurvedic, Siddha6
or Unani drug” includes all medicines intended for internal
or external use for or in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of
[disease or disorder in human beings or animals, and manufactured] exclusively
in accordance with the formulae described in, the authoritative books of
Ayurvedic, Siddha6
and Unani (Tibb) systems of medicine], specified in the First
1Ins. By Act 21of 1962, s. 2(w.e.f. 27-7-1964)
2The words “except the State of Jammu & Kashmir” omitted by Act 19 of 1972, s .2.
31st April, 1947; see Notification No. F. 28 (10) (3) 45-H (1), dated the 2nd September 1946, Gazette
of India, 1946, Pt, I, p.1349.
Chapter IV came into force in the States of Delhi, Ajmer and Coorg on the 1st April, 1947, see ibid.,
Chapters III and IV came into force in the States of Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur, Kutch, Bhopal,
Tripura, Vindhya Pradesh and Manipur on the 1st April, 1953, vide Notification No. S.R.O. 663,
dated the 30th March, 1953, Gazette of India, Pt. II, Sec. 3, p. 451.
Chapter IV came into force in the Unoin territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli w.e.f. 1st August, 1968,
see Notification No. ADM/Law/117(74) dated the 20th July, 1968, Gazette of India, Pt. III, Sec. 3,
p.128.The Act is extended to Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1963, s.2 and Sch. I; to
Pondicherry by Reg. 7 of 1963. s. 3 and Sch. I; to Goa, Daman and Diu, by Reg. 11 of 1963, s. 3 and
Sch. and to Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Islands by Reg. 8 of 1965. s.3 and Sch.
Added by Act 19 of 1972, s. 2.
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 2 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983).
[(aa) “the Board” means—
(i) in relation to Ayurvedic, Siddha2
or Unani drug, the Ayurvedic, Siddha2
or Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board] constituted under section 33C; and
(ii) in relation to any other drug or cosmetic, the Drugs Technical Advisory
Board constituted under section 5;]
4 (aaa) ] “cosmetic” means any article intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or
sprayed on, or introduced into, or otherwise applicated to, the human body or any part
thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance,
and includes any article intended for use as a component of cosmetic ,2
* * * ;]
5[(b) “drug” includes—
(i) all medicines for internal or external use of human beings or
animals and all substances intended to be used for or in the diagnosis,
treatment, mitigation or prevention of any disease or disorder in human
beings or animals, including preparations applied on human body for the
purpose of repelling insects like mosquitoes;
(ii) such substances (other than food) intended to affect the structure
or any function of human body or intended to be used for the destruction
of 6
(vermin) or insects which cause disease in human beings or animals, as
may be specified from time to time by the Central Government by
notification in the Official Gazette;]
[(iii) all substances intended for use as components of a drug
including empty gelatin capsules; and
(iv) such devices intended for internal or external use in the
diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of disease or disorder in
human beings or animals, as may be specified from time to time by the
Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette, after
consultation with the Board ;]
[(c) “Government Analyst” means—
(i) in relation to Ayurvedic, Siddha2
or Unani drug, a Government Analyst
appointed by Central Government or a State Government under section
33F; and
(ii) in relation to any other drug or cosmetic , a Government Analyst appointed
by the Central Government or a State Government under section 20;]
__________________________________________________________________________ 1
Original cl. (a) was relettered as cl. (aa) and subs. by s. 2, ibid. (w.e.f. 15-9-1964). 2
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. as ci. (aa) by Act 21 of 1962, s. 4 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Relettered by Act 13 of 1964, s. 2 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 2, for cl. (b).
Subs. By s. 2, ibid., for “vermins” (w.e.f. 15-9-1964). 7
Subs. By s. 2, ibid., for cl. ( c) (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
* * * * *
[(e) “Inspector” means—
(i) in relation to Ayurvedic, Siddha3
or Unani drug, an Inspector appointed by
the Central Government or a State Government under section 33G; and
(ii) in relation to any other drug or cosmetic, an Inspector appointed by the
Central Government or a State Government under section 21;]
(f) “manufacture” in relation to any drug 6
[or cosmetic] includes any process or part
of a process for making, altering, ornamenting, finishing, packing, labelling,
breaking up or otherwise treating or adopting any drug 6
[or cosmetic] with a view
to its 3
[sale or distribution] but does not include the compounding or dispensing
[of any drug, or the packing of any drug or cosmetic,] in the ordinary course of
retail business; and “to manufacture” shall be construed accordingly;]
[(g)] “to import”, with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means to
bring into 9
[(h)] “patent or proprietary medicine” means, —
(i) in relation to Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani Tibb systems of medicine all
formulations containing only such ingredients mentioned in the formulae
described in the authoritative books of Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani Tibb
systems of medicine specified in the First Schedule, but does not include a
medicine which is administered by parenteral route and also a formulation
included in the authoritative books as specified in clause (a);
(ii) in relation to any other systems of medicine, a drug which is a remedy or
prescription presented in a form ready for internal or external
administration of human beings or animals and which is not included in
the edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia for the time being or any other
Pharmacopoeia authorized in this behalf by Central Government after
consultation with the Drugs Technical Advisory Board constituted under
section 5;]]
[(i)] “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.]
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Cl. (d) omitted by Act 19 of 1972, s 3.
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 2, for cl. (e) (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Cl. (bbb) ins. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 2. 5
Cl. (bbb) relettered as cl. (f) by Act 35 of 1960, s. 2 (w.e.f. 16-3-1961). 6
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 4 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by s. 4, ibid., for “or the packing of any drug “. 8
Cls.(c), (d) and (e) relettered as cls. (g), (h) and (i) respectively by Act 35 of 1960, s. 2 (w.e.f.
Subs. by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch., for “the States”.
10Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 2, for original cl. (e).
* * * * * *
3A. Construction of references to any law not in force or any functionary not in
existence in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. –Any reference in this Act to any law which is
not in force, or any functionary not in existence, in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, shall, in
relation to that State, be construed as a reference to the corresponding law in force, or to the
corresponding functionary in existence, in that State.]
4. Presumption as to poisonous substances. —Any substance specified as poisonous by
rule made under Chapter III or Chapter IV 3
[or Chapter IVA] shall be deemed to be a
poisonous substance for the purposes of Chapter III or Chapter IV 3
[or Chapter IVA], as the
case may be.
5. The Drugs Technical Advisory Board. — (1) The Central Government shall, as soon as
may be, constitute a Board (to be called the Drugs Technical Advisory Board) to advise the
Central Government and the State Governments on technical matters arising out of the
administration of this Act and to carry out the other functions assigned to it by this Act.
4[(2) The Board shall consist of the following members, namely: —
(i) the Director General of Health Services, ex officio, who shall be
(ii) the Drugs Controller, India, ex officio;
(iii) the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory, Calcutta, ex officio;
(iv) the Director of the Central Research Institute, Kasauli, ex officio;
(v) the Director of Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, ex
(vi) the President of Medical Council of India, ex officio;
(vii) the President of the Pharmacy Council of India, ex officio;
(viii) the Director of Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, ex officio;
(ix) two persons to be nominated by the Central Government from among
persons who are in charge of drugs control in the States;
(x) one person, to be elected by the Executive Committee of the Pharmacy
Council of India, from among teachers in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry
or pharmacognosy on the staff of Indian University or a college affiliated thereto;
Cl. (f), ins. by the A.O. 1950, omitted by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch.
Ins. by Act 19 of 1972, s. 4.
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 3 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 4 , for sub-section (2)(w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
(xi) one person, to be elected by the Executive Committee of the Medical
Council of India,from among teachers in medicine or therapeutics on the staff of
an Indian University or a college affiliated thereto;
(xii) one person to be nominated by the Central Government from the
pharmaceutical industry;
(xiii) one pharmacologist to be elected by the Governing Body of the Indian
Council of Medical Research;
(xiv) one person to be elected by the Central Council of the Indian Medical
(xv) one person to be elected by the Council of the Indian Pharmaceutical
(xvi) two persons holding the appointment of Government Analyst under
this Act, to be nominated by the Central Government.]
(3) The nominated and elected members of the Board shall hold office for three years,
but shall be eligible for re-nomination and re-election:
[Provided that the person nominated or elected, as the case may be, under clause (ix) or
clause (x) or clause (xi) or clause (xvi) of sub-section (2) shall hold office for, so long as he
holds the appointment of the office by virtue of which he was nominated or elected to the
(4) The Board may, subject to the previous approval of the Central Government, make
bye-laws fixing a quorum and regulating its own procedure and the conduct of all business
to be transacted by it.
(5) The Board may constitute sub-committees and may appoint to such sub-committees
for such periods, not exceeding three years, as it may decide, or temporarily for the
consideration of particular matters, persons who are not members of the board.
(6) The functions of the Board may be exercised notwithstanding any vacancy therein.
(7) The Central Government shall appoint a person to be Secretary of the Board and
shall provide the Board with such clerical and other staff as the Central Government
considers necessary.
6. The Central Drugs Laboratory. — (1) The Central Government shall, as soon as may
be, established a Central Drugs Laboratory under the control of a Director to be appointed
by the Central Government, to carry out the functions entrusted to it by this Act or any rules
made under this Chapter:
______________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by s. 4, ibid, for the proviso (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Provided that, if the Central Government so prescribes, the functions of the Central
Drugs Laboratory in respect of any drug or class of drugs 1
[or cosmetic or class of
cosmetics] shall be carried out at the Central Research Institute, Kasauli, or at any other
prescribed Laboratory and the functions of the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory in
respect of such drug or class of drugs 1
[or such cosmetic or class of cosmetics] shall be
exercised by the Director of that Institute or of that other Laboratory, as the case may be.
(2) the Central Government may, after consultation with the Board, make rules
(a) the functions of the Central Drugs Laboratory;
* * * * * *
(d) the procedure for the submission to the said Laboratory 3
[under Chapter IV
or Chapter IVA]of samples of drugs 1
[or cosmetics] for analysis or test, the forms of
Laboratory’s reports thereon and the fees payable in respect of such reports;
(e) such other matters as may be necessary or expedient to enable the said
Laboratory to carry out its functions;
(f) the matters necessary to be prescribed for the purpose of the proviso to subsection (1).
7. The Drugs Consultative Committee. —(1) The Central Government may constitute an
advisory committee to be called “the Drugs Consultative Committee” to advise the Central
Government, the State Governments and the Drugs Technical Advisory Board on any other
matter tending to secure uniformity throughout 4
[India] in the administration of this Act.
(2) The Drugs Consultative Committee shall consist of two representatives of the Central
Government to be nominated by that Government and one representative of each State
Government to be nominated by the State Government concerned.
(3) The Drugs Consultative Committee shall meet when required to do so by the Central
Government and shall have power to regulate its own procedure.
[7A. Sections 5 and 7 not apply to Ayurvedic, Siddha6
or Unani drugs. — Nothing
contained in sections 5 and 7 shall apply to Ayurvedic, Siddha6
or Unani drugs.]
__________________________________________________________________________ 1
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 5 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Cls. (b) and (c) omitted by Act 11 of 1955, s. 4.
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 5, for “under Chapter IV” (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Subs. by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch., or “the States”.
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 6 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
8. Standards of quality. —(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, the expression “standard
quality” means—
(a) in relation to a drug, that the drug complies with the standard set out in
[the Second Schedule], and
(b) in relation to a cosmetic, that the cosmetic compiles with such standard as may
be prescribed.]
(2) The Central Government, after consultation with the Board and after giving by
notification in the Official Gazette not less than three months’ notice of its intention so to do,
may by a like notification add to or otherwise amend 2
[the Second Schedule], for the purpose
of this Chapter, and thereupon 2
[the Second Schedule] shall be deemed to be amended
9. Misbranded drugs. —For the purposes of this Chapter a drug shall be deemed to be
[(a) if it is so coloured, coated, powdered or polished that damage is concealed or if
it is made to appear of better or greater therapeutic value than it really is; or
(b) if it is not labelled in the prescribed manner; or
(c) if its label or container or anything accompanying the drug bears any statement,
design or device which makes any false claim for the drug or which is false or misleading
in any particular; ]
[9A. Adulterated drugs. — For the purposes of this Chapter, a drug shall be deemed to be
(a) if it consists, in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance;
(b) if it has been prepared, packed or stored under insanitary conditions whereby it
may have been contaminated with filth or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to
health; or
(c) if its container is composed in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterious
substance which may render the contents injurious to health; or
(d) if it bears or contains, for purposes of colouring only, a colour other than one
which is prescribed; or
(e) if it contains any harmful or toxic substance which may render it injurious to
health; or
(f) if any substance has been mixed therewith so as to reduce its quality or
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 7, for “the Schedule” (w..e.f. 15-9-1964).
9B. Spurious drugs. — For the purposes of this Chapter, a drug shall be deemed to be
(a) if it is imported under a name which belongs to another drug; or
(b) if it is an imitation of , or a substitute for, another drug or resembles another
drug in a manner likely to deceive or bears upon it or upon its label or container the name
of another drug unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal its true
character and its lack of identity with such other drug ; or
(c) if the label or the container bears the name of an individual or company
purporting to be the manufacturer of the drug, which individual or company is fictitious
or does not exist; or
(d) if it has been substituted wholly or in part by another drug or substance; or
(e) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a
product .
9C.Misbranded cosmetics. —For the purposes of this chapter, a cosmetic shall be deemed
to be misbranded—
(a) if it contains a colour which is not prescribed ; or
(b) if it is not labelled in a prescribed manner; or
(c) if the label or container or anything accompanying the cosmetic bears any
statement which is false or misleading in any particular.
9D. Spurious cosmetics. –For the purposes of this Chapter, a drug shall be deemed to be
spurious, —
(a) if it is imported under the name which belongs to another cosmetic; or
(b) if it is an imitation of, or is a substitute for, another cosmetic or resembles
another cosmetic in a manner likely to deceive or bears upon it or upon its label or
container the name of another cosmetic, unless it is plainly or conspicuously marked so as
to reveal its true character and its lack of identity with such other cosmetic; or
(c) if the label or the container bears the name of an individual or company
purporting to be the manufacturer of the cosmetic, which individual or company is
fictitious or does not exist; or
(d) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a
10. Prohibition of import of certain drugs or cosmetics. —From such 1
date as may be
fixed by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette in this behalf, no
person shall import—
(a) any drug 2
[or cosmetic] which is not of standard quality;
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
1st April, 1947 for cls. (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) and 1st April 1949 for cl. (d) see Notification No. 18-
12/46-D (I), dated on 11th February 1947, Gazette of India, 1947, Pt. 1, P. 189 as amended by
Notification No.F.1-2/48-D (1), dated 29th September,1948.
1st April, 1953 for the States of Himachal Pradesh, Bilaspur, Kutch, Bhopal,Tripura, Vindhya Pradesh
and Manipur; vide Notification No. S.R.O. 666, dated the 30th March, 1953, Gazette of India, 1953, Pt.
II, Sec. 3, p.451.
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 8 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
[(b) any misbranded drug or misbranded 2
(or spurious) cosmetic;]
[(bb) any adulterated 2
(or spurious) drug;]
(c) any drug 4
[or cosmetic] for the import of which a licence is prescribed, otherwise
than under, and in accordance with, such licence;
[(d) any patent or proprietary medicine, unless there is displayed in the prescribed
manner on the label or container thereof 2
(the true formula or list of active ingredients
contained in it, together with the quantities thereof);]
(e) any drug which by means of any statement, design or device accompanying it or
by any other means, purports or claims to cure or mitigate any such disease or ailment, or
to have any such other effect, as may be prescribed;
[(ee) any cosmetic containing any ingredient which may render it unsafe or harmful
for use under the directions indicated or recommended;]
(f) any drug 4
[or cosmetic] the import of which is prohibited by rule made under this
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the import, subject to prescribed
conditions, of small quantities of any drug for the purpose of examination, test or analysis or
for personal use:
Provided further that the Central Government may, after consultation with the Board ,by
notification in the Official Gazette, permit, subject to any conditions specified in the
notification, the import of any drug or class of drugs not being of standard quality.
2* * * * * *
[10A. Power of Central Government to prohibit import of drugs and cosmetics in public
interest. — Without prejudice to any other provision contained in this Chapter, if the Central
Government is satisfied that the use of any drug or cosmetic is likely to involve any risk to
human beings or animals or that any drug does not have the therapeutic value claimed for it
or contains ingredients and in such quantity for which there is no therapeutic justification and
that in the public interest it is necessary or expedient so to do then, that Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, prohibit the import of such drug or cosmetic.]
1Subs. by s.8, ibid,. for cl. (b) (w.e.f. 27-7-1964). 2
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 9 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 8 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 5, for cl. (d).
11. Application of law relating to sea customs and powers of Customs Officers. – (1) The
law for the time being in force relating to sea customs and to goods, the import of which is
prohibited by section 18 of the Sea Customs Act, 18781 (8 of 1878) shall, subject to the
provisions of section 13 of this Act, apply in respect of drugs 2
[and cosmetics] the import of
which is prohibited under this Chapter, and officers of Customs and officers empowered
under that Act to perform the duties imposed thereby on a Customs Collector and other
officers of Customs, shall have the same powers in respect of such drugs 2
[and cosmetics] as
they have for the time being in respect of such goods as aforesaid.
[(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-sections (1), the Customs Collector
or any other officer of the Government authorized by the Central Government in this behalf,
may detain any imported package which he suspects to contain any drug 2
[or cosmetic] the
import of which is prohibited under this Chapter and shall forthwith report such detention to
the Drugs Controller, India, and, if necessary, forward the package or sample of any
suspected drug 2
[or cosmetic] found therein to the Central Drugs Laboratory.]
12. Power of Central Government to make rules. —(1) The Central Government may,
after consultation with 4
(or on the recommendation of the Board) and after previous
publication by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for the purpose of giving effect
to the provisions of this Chapter:
[Provided that consultation with the Board may be dispensed with if the Central
Government is of opinion that circumstances have arisen which render it necessary to make
rules without such consultation, but in such a case the Board shall be consulted within six
months of the making of the rules and the Central Government shall take into consideration
any suggestions which the Board may make in relation to the amendment of the said rules.]
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing power, such rules may—
(a) specify the drugs or classes of drugs 6
[or cosmetics or classes of cosmetics] for
the import of which a licence is required, 4
[and prescribe the form and conditions of such
licences, the authority empowered to issue the same, the fees payable therefor and
provide for the cancellation, or suspension of such licence in any case where any
provision of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder is contravened or any of the
conditions subject to which the licence is issued is not complied with];
(b) prescribe the methods of test or analysis to be employed in determining whether
a drug 6
[or cosmetic] is of standard quality;
(c) prescribe, in respect of biological and organometallic compounds, the units or
methods of standardization;
Now see the Customs Act 1962
Ins. by Act 21of 1962, s. 9 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 6, for sub-section (2).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 7.
Ins. by Act 21of 1962, s. 10 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
[(cc) prescribe under clause (d) of 2
(section 9A) the colour or colours which a
drug may bear or contain for purposes or colouring;]
(d) specify the diseases or ailments which an imported drug may not purport or
claim 3
[to prevent, cure or mitigate] and such other effects which such drug may not
purport or claim to have;
(e) prescribe the conditions subject to which small quantities of drugs, the
import of which is otherwise prohibited under this Chapter, may be imported for the
purpose of examination, test or analysis or for personal use;
(f) prescribe the places at which drugs 4
[or cosmetics] may be imported, and
prohibit their import at any other place;
(g) require the date of manufacture and the date of expiry of potency to be
clearly and truly stated on the label or container of any specified imported drug or class
of such drugs, and prohibit the import of the said drug or class of drugs after the expiry
of a specified period from the date of manufacture;
(h) regulate the submission by importers, and the securing, of samples of drugs
[or cosmetics] for examination, test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratory, and
prescribe the fees, if any, payable for such examination, test or analysis;
(i) prescribe the evidence to be supplied, whether by accompanying documents
or otherwise, of the quality of drugs 4
[ or cosmetics] sought to be imported, the
procedure of officers of Customs in dealing with such evidence, and the manner of
storage at places of import of drugs 4
[ or cosmetics] detained pending admission;
(j) provide for the exemption, conditionally or otherwise, from all or any of the
provisions of this Chapter and the rules made thereunder of drugs 4
[or cosmetics]
imported for the purpose only of transport through, an export from, 5
(k) prescribe the conditions to be observed in the packing in bottles, packages or
other containers, of imported drugs 2
[including the use of packing material which comes
into direct contact with the drugs] 4
[or cosmetics];
(l) regulate the mode of labeling drugs 4
[or cosmetics] imported for sale in
packages, and prescribe the matters which shall or shall not be included in such labels;
(m) prescribe the maximum proportion of any poisonous substance which may
be added to or contained in any imported drug, prohibit the import if any drug in which
that proportion is exceeded, and specify substances which shall be deemed to be
poisonous for the purposes of this Chapter and the rules made thereunder;
(n) require that accepted scientific name of any specified drug shall be displayed
in the prescribed manner on the label or wrapper of any imported, patent or proprietary
medicine containing such drug;
(o) provide for the exemption, conditionally or otherwise, from all or any of the
provisions of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder of any specified drug or class of
drugs 4
[or cosmetic or class of cosmetics].
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 10 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 7, for “to cure or mitigate”.
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 10 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch., for “the States”.
[13. Offences. —(1) Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf imports,-
(a) any drug deemed to be adulterated under section 9A or deemed to be a spurious
drug under section 9B or any spurious cosmetic referred to in section 9D or any
cosmetic of the nature referred to in clause (ee) of section 10 shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and a fine which
extend to five thousand rupees;]
[(b) any drug or cosmetic other than a drug or cosmetic referred to in clause (a), the
import of which is prohibited under section 10, or any rule made under this Chapter,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months,
or with fine which extend to five thousand rupees or both;
(c) any drug or cosmetic in contravention of the provision of any notification issued
under section 10A, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to three years, or with fine which extend to five thousand rupees, or both;
(2) Whoever having been convicted of an offence—
(a) under clause (a) or clause (c) of sub-section (1), is again convicted of an offence
under that clause, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to ten thousand rupees, or with both;
(b) under clause (b) of sub-section (1),is again convicted of an offence under that
clause, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one
year, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both
(3) The punishment provided by this section shall be in addition to any penalty to which
the offender may be liable under the provision of section 11.]
14.Confiscation. —Where any offence punishable under section 13 has been committed,
the consignment of the drugs 2
[or cosmetics] in respect of which the offence has been
committed shall be liable to confiscation.
15.Jurisdiction. —No Court inferior to that of a 1
[Metropolitan] Magistrate or of a
[Judicial] Magistrate of the first class shall try an offence punishable under section 13.
16.Standards of quality. —3
[(1) For the purposes of this Chapter, the expression “standard
quality” means—
(a) in relation to a drug, that the drug complies with the standard set out in 4
Second Schedule], and
__________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 11 (w.e.f.27-7-1964)
Subs. by s. 12, ibid., for sub-section (1), (w.e.f. 27-7-64). 4
Subs. Act 13 of 1964, s. 11, for “the Schedule” (w.e.f 15-9-1964).
(b) in relation to a cosmetic, that the cosmetic complies with such standard as may
be prescribed.]
(2) The 1
[Central Government], after consultation with the Board and after giving by
notification in the Official Gazette not less than three months’ notice of its intention so to do,
may by a like notification add to or otherwise amend 2
[the Second Schedule] for the purpose
of this Chapter, and thereupon 2
[the Second Schedule] shall be deemed to be amended
[17. Misbranded drugs. —For the purposes of this Chapter a drug shall be deemed to be
(a) if it is so coloured, coated, powdered or polished that damage is concealed, or if
it is made to appear of better or greater therapeutic value that it really is; or
(b) if it is not labelled in the prescribed manner; or
(c) if its label or container or anything accompanying the drug bears any statement,
design or device which makes any false claim for the drug or which is false or
misleading in any particular.
17A. Adulterated drugs. — For the purpose of this Chapter, a cosmetic shall be deemed
to be adulterated, —
(a) if it consists, in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid or decomposed
substance; or
(b) if has been prepared, packed or stored under insanitary conditions whereby it
may have been contaminated with filth or whereby it may have been rendered injurious
to health; or
(c) if its container is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous or
deleterious substance which may render the contents injurious to health; or
(d) if it bears or contains, for the purpose of colouring only, a colour other than
one which is prescribed; or
(e) if it contains any harmful or toxic substance which may render it injurious to
health; or
(f) if any substance has been mixed therewith so as to reduce its quality or
17B.Spurious drugs. –For the purposes of this Chapter a drug shall be deemed to be
(a) if it is manufactured under a name which belongs to another drug; or
(b) if it is an intimation of, or is a substitute for, another drug or resembles
another drug in a manner likely to deceive or bear upon it or upon its label or container
the name of another drug unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal
its true character and its lack identity with such other drug ; or
(c) if the label or container bears the name of an individual or company
purporting to be the manufacturer of the drug , which individual or company is fictitious
or does not exist; or
(d) if it has been substituted wholly or in part by another drug or substance; or
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 8, for “State Government.”
Subs. Act 13 of 1964, s. 11, for “the Schedule” (w.e.f 15-9-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
(e) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a
17C. Misbranded cosmetics. —For the purposes of this Chapter, a cosmetic shall be
deemed to be misbranded, —
(a) if it contains a colour which is not prescribed; or
(b) if it is not labelled in the prescribed manner; or
(c) the label or any container or anything accompanying the cosmetic bears any
statement which is false or misleading in any particular.
17D. Spurious cosmetics.—For the purposes of this Chapter, a cosmetic shall be deemed
to be spurious,–
(a) if it is manufactured under a name which belongs to another cosmetic; or]
(b) if it is an intimation of , or a substitute for , another cosmetic or resembles
another cosmetic in a manner likely to deceive or bear upon it or upon its label or
container the name of another cosmetic unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so
as to reveal its true character and its lack of identity with such other cosmetic; or
(c) if the label or container bears the name of an individual or a company
purporting to be the manufacturer of the cosmetic which individual or company is
fictitious or does not exist; or
(d) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a
18. Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs and cosmetics. —From such
date as may be fixed by the State Government by notification in the Official Gazette in this
behalf ,no person shall himself or by any other person on his behalf—
(a) manufacture for sale 2
[or for distribution] ,or sell, or stock or exhibit 2
offer for sale]—
[(i) any drug which is not of a standard quality, or is misbranded,
adulterated or spurious;
(ii) any cosmetic which is not of a standard quality or is misbranded or
[(iii) any patent or proprietary medicine, unless there is displayed in the
prescribed manner on the label or container thereof the true formula or list of
[active ingredients contained in it together with the quantities thereof;]]
(iv) any drug which by means of any statement, design or device
accompanying it or by any other means ,purport or claims 4
[to prevent ,cure or
mitigate ] any such disease or ailment ,or to have any such other effect as may
be prescribed;
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
1st April,1947 for sub-clauses (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) of clause (a) and clauses (b) and (c) ; 1st April, 1949
for sub-clause (iii) of clause (a) in so far as it takes effect in Delhi, Ajmer and Coorg, see Notification
No. 18-12/46-D. II, dated 11th February, 1947. Gazette of India, 1947, Pt.I, p.189; as amended by
Notification No.F. 1-2/48-D(II), dated 29th September, 1948; 1st April, 1953 for the States of Himchal
Pradesh, Bilaspur, Kutch, Bhopal, Tripura, Vindhya Pradesh and Manipur, vide Notification No.
S.R.O. 664, dated 30th March,1953, Gazette of India,1953, Pt. II,Sec. 3, p. 451. 2
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 9, for sub-clause (iii)
Subs. by s. 9,ibid., for “to cure or mitigate”.
1[(v) any cosmetic containing any ingredient which may render it unsafe
or harmful for use under the directions indicated or recommended;
(vi) any drug or cosmetic in contravention of any of the provisions of this
Chapter or any rule made thereunder;]
(b) sell, or stock or exhibit 2
[or offer] for sale, or distribute any drug 3
[or cosmetic]
which has been imported or manufactured in contravention of any of the provisions of
this Act or any rule made thereunder;
(c) manufacture for sale 2
[or for distribution], or sell, or stock or exhibit 2
[or offer]
for sale, or distribute any drug 4
[or cosmetic],except under, and in accordance with the
conditions of, a licence issued for such purpose under this Chapter :
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to the manufacture, subject to prescribed
condition of small quantities of any drug for the purpose of examination, test or analysis:
Provided further that the 5
[Central Government] may, after consultation with the Board,
by notification in the Official Gazette, permit, subject to any conditions specified in the
notification, the 2
[manufacture for sale, or for distribution, sale, stocking or exhibiting or
offering for sale or distribution] of any drug or class of drugs not being of standard quality.
* * * * * *
[18A. Disclosure of the name of the manufacturer, etc.—Every person, not being the
manufacturer of a drug or cosmetic or his agent for the distribution thereof, shall, if so
required, disclose to the Inspector the name, address and other particulars of the person from
whom he acquired the drug or cosmetic.]
[18B. Maintenance of records and furnishing of information. —Every person holding a
licence under clause (c) of section 18 shall keep and maintain such records, registers and
other documents as may be prescribed and shall furnish to any officer or authority exercising
any power or discharging any function under this Act such information as is required by such
officer or authority for carrying out the purposes of this Act.]
19.Pleas. —(1) Save as hereinafter provided in this section, it shall be no defence in a
prosecution under this Chapter to prove merely that the accused was ignorant of the nature,
substance or quality of drug 7
[or cosmetic] in respect of which the offence has been
committed or of the circumstances of its manufacture or import, or that a purchaser, having
bought only for the purpose of test or analysis, has not been prejudiced by the sale.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 14, for sub-clause (v) (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by s. 14, ibid. (w.e.f. 27-7-1964). 4
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 14 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 9, for “State Government”.
Explanation Omitted as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983) 7
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 14 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
Ins. by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
(2) 1
[For the purposes of section 18 a drug shall not be deemed to be misbranded or
adulterated 2
[or spurious] or to be below standard quality nor shall a cosmetic be deemed to
be misbranded or to be below standard quality] only by reason of the fact that—
(a) there has been added thereto some innocuous substance or ingredient because the
same is required for manufacture or preparation of the drug 3
[or cosmetic] as an article of
commerce in a state fit for carriage or consumption, and not to increase the bulk, weight
or measure of the drug 3
[or cosmetic]or to conceal its inferior quality or other defects; or
* * * * * *
(b) in the process of manufacture, preparation or conveyance some extraneous
substance has unavoidably become intermixed with it: Provided that this clause shall not
apply in relation to any sale or distribution of the drug 3
[or cosmetic] occurring after the
vendor or distributor became aware of such intermixture.
[(3) A person, not being the manufacturer of a drug or cosmetic or his agent for the
distribution thereof, shall not be liable for a contravention of section 18 if he proves—
(a) that he acquired the drug or cosmetic from a duly licensed manufacturer,
distributor or dealer thereof;
(b) that he did not know and could not ,with reasonable diligence, have ascertained
that the drug or cosmetic in any way contravened the provisions of that section ;and
(c) that the drug or cosmetic, while in his possession, was properly stored and
remained in the same state as when he acquired it .]
[20.Government Analysts. — (1) The State Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications, to
be Government Analysts for such areas in the state and in respect of such drugs or 7
of drug or such cosmetics or classes of cosmetics] as may specified in the notification.
(2) The Central Government may also, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint
such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed qualifications, to be Government Analysts
in respect of such drugs or 7
[classes of drugs or such cosmetics or classes of cosmetics] as
may be specified in the notification.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 15, for certain words (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 15 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Cl.(aa)ins. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 10, omitted by Act 13 of 1964, s. 15 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Subs.by Act 13 of 1964, s. 15, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 15-9-1964).
Subs. by Act 35 of 1960, s. 4, for the original ss.20 and 21 (w.e.f. 16-3-1961)
Subs. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 16, for “class of drugs” (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), neither
the Central Government nor a State Government shall appoint as a Government Analyst any
official not serving under it without the previous consent of the Government under which he
is serving.
[(4) No person who has any financial interest in the import, manufacture or sale of drugs
or cosmetics shall be appointed to be a Government Analyst under sub-section (1) or subsection (2) of this section.]
21. Inspectors. —(1) The Central Government or a State Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, appoint such person as it thinks fit, having the prescribed
qualification, to be Inspectors for such areas as may be assigned to them by the Central
Government or State Government, as the case may be.
(2) The powers which may be exercised by an Inspector and the duties which may be
performed by him, the drugs or 2
[classes of drugs or cosmetics or classes of cosmetics] in
relation to which and the conditions, limitations or restrictions subject to which, such powers
and duties may be exercised or performed shall be such as may be prescribed.
(3) No person who has any financial interest 3
[in the import, manufacture or sale of drugs
or cosmetics] shall be appointed to be an Inspector under this section.]
[(4) Every Inspector shall be deemed to be public servant within the meaning of section
21 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), and shall be officially subordinate to such authority
[having the prescribed qualification] as the Government appointing him may specify in this
[22. Powers of Inspectors—(1) Subject to the provisions of section 23 and of any rules
made by the Central Government in this behalf, an Inspector may, within the local limits of
the area for which he is appointed, —
[(a) inspect, —
(i) any premises wherein any drug or cosmetic is being manufactured and the
means employed for standardizing and testing the drug or cosmetic;
(ii) any premises wherein any drug or cosmetic is being sold, or stocked or
exhibited or offered for sale, or distributed ;
(b) take samples of any drug or cosmetic,–
(i) which is being manufactured or being sold or is stocked or exhibited or
offered for sale, or is being distributed;
(ii) from any person who is in the course of conveying, delivering or preparing to
deliver such drug or cosmetic to a purchaser or a consignee;
Ins. by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by s.17, ibid. ,for “class of drugs” (w.e.f. 27-7-1964). 3
Subs. by Act 21of 1962, s.17, for “in the manufacture, import or sale of drugs” (w.e.f 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 35 of 1960, s. 4, for the original ss.20 and 21 (w.e.f. 16-3-1961)
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Act 11of 1955, s. 11, for s.22.
(c) at all reasonable times, with such assistance, if any, as he considers necessary,–
(i) search any person, who, he has reason to believe, has secreted about his
person, any drug or cosmetic in respect of which an offence under this
Chapter has been, or is being, committed; or
(ii) enter and search any place in which he has reason to believe an offence under
this Chapter has been, or is being committed; or
(iii) stop and search any vehicle, vessel, or other conveyance which, he has reason
to believe, is being used for carrying any drug or cosmetic in respect of which
an offence under this Chapter has been, or is being, committed,
and order in writing the person in possession of the drug or cosmetic in respect of which
the offence has been, or is being, committed, not to dispose of any stock of such drug or
cosmetic for a specified period not exceeding twenty days, or, unless the alleged offence
is such that the defect may be removed by the possessor of the drug or cosmetic, seize the
stock of such drug or cosmetic and any substance or article by means of which the
offence has been ,or is being, committed or which may be employed for the commission
of such offence;]
[(cc) examine any record, register, document or any other material object found
[with any person, or in place, vehicle, vessel or other conveyance referred to in
clause (c)], and seize the same if he has reason to believe that it may furnish
evidence of the commission of an offence punishable under this Act or the Rules
made thereunder;]
[(cca) require any person to produce any record, register, or other document relating
to the manufacture for sale or for distribution, stocking, exhibition for sale, offer
for sale or distribution of any drug or cosmetic in respect of which he has reason
to believe that an offence under this Chapter has been, or is being, committed;
(d) exercise such other powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of
this Chapter or any rules made there under.
(2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 2
[1973 (2 of 1974)] shall, so far as
may be, apply to any search or seizure under this Chapter as they apply to any search or
seizure made under the authority of a warrant issued under section 2
[94] of the said Code.
[(2A) Every record, register or other document seized under clause (cc) or produced
under clause (cca) shall be returned to the person, from whom they were seized or who
produce the same, within a period of twenty days of the date of such seizure or production, as
the case may be, after copies thereof or extracts there from certified by that person, in such
manner as may be prescribed, have been taken.]
Ins.by Act 35 of 1960, s. 5(w.e.f. 16-3-1961)
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
(3) If any person willfully obstructs an Inspector in the exercise of the powers conferred
upon him by or under this Chapter 1
[or refuses to produce any record, register or other
document when so required under clause (cca) of sub-section (1)], he shall be punishable
with imprisonment which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.]
23. Procedure of Inspectors. —(1) Where an Inspector takes any sample of a drug 2
cosmetic] under this Chapter, he shall tender the fair price thereof and may require a written
acknowledgement therefor.
(2) Where the price tendered under sub-section (1) is refused, or where the Inspector
seizes the stock of any drug 2
[or cosmetic] under clause (c) of section 22, he shall tender a
receipt therefore in the prescribed form.
(3) Where an Inspector takes a sample of a drug 2
[or cosmetic] for the purpose of test or
analysis, he shall intimate such purpose in writing in the prescribed form to the person from
whom he takes it and, in the presence of such person unless he willfully absents himself, shall
divide the sample into four portions and effectively seal and suitably mark the same and
permit such person to add his own seal and mark to all or any of the portions so sealed and
Provided that where the sample is taken from premises whereon the drug 2
[or cosmetic] is
being manufactured, it shall be necessary to divide the sample into three portions only:
Provided further that where the drug 2
[or cosmetic] is made up in containers of small
volume, instead of dividing a sample as aforesaid, the Inspector may, and if the drug 2
cosmetic] be such that it is likely to deteriorate or be otherwise damaged by exposure shall,
take three or four, as the case may be, of the said containers after suitably marking the same
and, where necessary, sealing them.
(4) The Inspector shall restore one portion of a sample so divided or one container, as the
case may be, to the person from whom he takes it, and shall retain the remainder and dispose
of the same as follows: —
(i) one portion or container he shall forthwith send to the Government Analyst for
test or analysis;
(ii) the second he shall produce to the Court before which proceedings, if any, are
instituted in respect of the drug 2
[or cosmetic];
[(iii) the third, where taken, he shall send to the person, if any, whose name,
address and other particulars have been disclosed under section 18A.]
(5) Where an Inspector takes any action under clause (c) of section 22, —
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins.by Act 21 of 1962, s.15 (w.e.f. 27-7-1964).
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s.16, for cl. (iii) (w.e.f.15-9-1964).
(a) he shall use all despatch in ascertaining whether or not the drug 1
[or cosmetic]
contravenes any of the provisions of the section 18 and, if it is ascertained that the drug
[or cosmetic] does not so contravene, forthwith revoke the order passed under the said
clause or, as the case may be take , such action as may be necessary for the return of the
stock seized;
(b) if he seizes the stock of the drug 1
[or cosmetic], he shall as soon as may be,
inform a 2
[Judicial] Magistrate and take his orders as to the custody thereof;
(c) without prejudice to the institution of any prosecution, if the alleged
contravention be such that the defect may be remedied by the possessor of the drug 1
cosmetic], he shall, on being satisfied that the defect has been so remedied, forthwith
revoke his order under the said clause.
[(6) Where an Inspector seizes any record, register, document or any other material
object under clause (cc) of sub-section (1) of section 22,he shall, as soon as may be, inform a
[Judicial] Magistrate and take his orders as to the custody thereof.]
24. Persons bound to disclose place where drugs or cosmetics are manufactured or kept.
—Every person for the time being in charge of any premises whereon any drug 1
[or cosmetic]
is being manufactured or is kept for sale or distribution shall, on being required by an
Inspector so to do, be legally bound to disclose to the Inspector the place where the drug 1
cosmetic] is being manufactured or is kept, as the case may be.
25.Reports of Government Analysts. —(1) The Government Analyst to whom a sample of
any drug 1
[or cosmetic] has been submitted for test or analysis under sub-section (4) of
section 23, shall deliver to the Inspector submitting it a signed report in triplicate in the
prescribed form.
(2)The Inspector on receipt thereof shall deliver one copy of the report to the person from
whom the sample was taken 4
[and another copy to the person, if any, whose name, address
and other particulars have been disclosed under section 18A], and shall retain the third copy
for use in any prosecution in respect of the sample.
(3)Any document purporting to be a report signed by a Government Analyst under this
Chapter shall be evidence to the facts stated therein, and such evidence shall be conclusive
unless the person from whom the sample was taken 5
[or the person whose name, address and
other particulars have been disclosed under section 18A] has, within twenty-eight days of the
receipt of a copy of the report, notified in writing the Inspector or the Court before which any
proceedings in respect of the sample are pending that he intends to adduce evidence in
controversion of the report.
Ins by 21 of 1962 s.15 (w.e.f.27-7-1964)
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins by Act 35 of 1960,s.6(w.e.f.16-3-1961).
Subs.by Act 13 of 1964,s.17, for certain words (w.e.f.15-9-1964).
Subs. By s.17, ibid., for “or the said warrantor”(w.e.f..15-9-1964).
(4) Unless the sample has already been tested or analysed in the Central Drugs
Laboratory, where a person has under sub-section (3) notified his intention of adducing
evidence in controversion of a Government Analyst’s report, the Court may, of its own
motion or in its discretion at the request either of the complainant or the accused, cause the
sample of the drug 1
[or cosmetic] produced before the Magistrate under sub-section (4) of
section 23 to be sent for test or analysis to the said Laboratory, which shall make the test or
analysis and report in writing signed by, or under the authority of, the Director of the Central
Drugs Laboratory the result thereof, and such report shall be conclusive evidence of the facts
stated therein.
(5) The cost of a test or analysis made by the Central Drugs Laboratory under subsection (4) shall be paid by complainant or accused as the Court shall direct.
26. Purchaser of drugs or cosmetics enabled to obtain test or analysis.— Any person 2
any recognized consumer association, whether such person is a member of that association or
not] shall, on application in prescribed manner and on payment of prescribed fee, be entitled
to submit for test or analysis to a Government Analyst any drug 1
[or cosmetic] purchased by
him 3
[or it] and to receive a report of such test or analysis signed by the Government Analyst.
[Explanation. —For the purposes of this section and section 32, “recognized consumer
association” means a voluntary consumer association registered under the Companies Act,
1956 or any other law for the time being in force.]
[26A. Power of Central Government to prohibit manufacture, etc., of drug and cosmetic
in public interest. —Without prejudice to any other provision contained in this Chapter, if the
Central Government is satisfied, that the use of any drug or cosmetic is likely to involve any
risk to human beings or animals or that any drug does not have the therapeutic value claimed
or purported to be claimed for it or contains ingredients and in such quantity for which there
is no therapeutic justification and that in the public interest it is necessary or expedient so to
do, then, that Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, prohibit the
manufacture, sale or distribution of such drug or cosmetic]
[27. Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of drugs in contravention of this Chapter. —
Whoever, himself or by any other person on his behalf, manufactures for sale or for
distribution, or sells, or stocks or exhibits or offers for sale or distributes, —
(a) any drug deemed to be adulterated under section 17A or spurious under section
17B or which when used by any person for or in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or
prevention of any disease or disorder is likely to cause his death or is likely to cause such
harm on his body as would amount to grievous hurt within the meaning of section 320 of
the Indian Penal Code, solely on account of such drug being adulterated or spurious or not
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s.15 (w.e.f.27-7-1964).
Ins. by Act 71 of 1986
Amended. by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
of standard quality, as the case may be, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term
which shall not be less than five years but which may extend to a term of life and with fine
which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees;]
[(b) any drug—
(i) deemed to be adulterated under section 17A, but not being a drug referred to
in clause (a), or
(ii) without a valid licence as required under clause (c) of section 18,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but
which may extend to three years and with fine which shall not be less than five thousand
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate and special reasons to be recorded in the
judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than one year and of fine of
less than five thousand rupees;
(c) any drug deemed to be spurious under section 17B, but not being a drug referred
to in clause (a) shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less
than five years and with fine which shall not be less than five thousand rupees;
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate and special reasons, to be recorded in the
judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than three years but not less
than one year;
(d) any drug, other than a drug referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c), in
contravention of any other provision of this Chapter or any rule made thereunder, shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which
may extend to two years and with fine;
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate and special reasons, to be recorded in the
judgment impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than one year.
27A. Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of cosmetics in contravention of this Chapter. —
Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf manufactures for sale or for
distribution, or sells, or stocks or exhibits or offers for sale—
(i) any cosmetic deemed to be spurious under section 17D shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine;
(ii) any cosmetic other than a cosmetic referred to in clause (i) above in contravention
of any provision of this Chapter or any rule made thereunder shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which
may extend to one thousand rupees or with both.]
Amended. by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
[28.Penalty for non-disclosure of the name of the manufacturer, etc.— Whoever
contravenes the provisions of section 18A 2
[or section 24] shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to
[one thousand rupees], or with both.]
[28A. Penalty for not keeping documents, etc., and for non-disclosure of information. —
Whoever without reasonable cause or excuse, contravenes the provision of section 18B shall
be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which
may extend to one thousand rupees or both.
28B.Penalty for manufacture, etc., of drugs or cosmetics in contravention of section 26A.
—Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf manufactures or sells or distributes
any drug or cosmetic in contravention of the provisions of any notification issued under
section 26A, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to five thousand rupees.]
29 Penalty for use of Government Analyst’s report for advertising. —Whoever uses any
report of a test or analysis made by the Central Drugs Laboratory or by a Government
Analyst, or any extract from such report, for the purpose of advertising any drug 3
cosmetic], shall be punishable with fine, which may extend to five hundred rupees.
[30.Penalty for subsequent offences. –. 5
[(1) whoever having been convicted of an
(a) under clause (b) of section 27 is again convicted of an offence under that clause,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years
but which may extend to six years with fine which shall not be less than ten thousand
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate and special reasons to be mentioned in the
judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than two years and of fine of
less than ten thousand rupees;
(b) under clause (c) of section 27, is again convicted of an offence under that clause
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six years
but which may extend to ten years and with fine which shall not be less than ten thousand
(c) under clause (d) of section 27, is again convicted of an offence under that clause
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years
but which may extend to four years or with fine which shall not be less than five thousand
rupees, or with both;]] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964,s.19,for s.28 (w.e.f.15-9-1964).
Amended. by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins by Act 21 of 1962, s.15(w.e.f.27-7-1964)
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 14, for s. 30
Subs. by Act 35 of 1960
[(1A).Whoever, having been convicted of an offence under section 27A is again
convicted under that section, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to 2
[two thousand rupees], or with both.]
(2) Whoever, having been convicted of an offence under 3
* * * section 29 is again
convicted of an offence under the same section shall be punishable with imprisonment which
may extend to 4
[ten years] or with fine, or with both.]
31. Confiscation. 5
[(1)] Where any person has been convicted under this Chapter for
contravening any such provision of this Chapter or any rule made thereunder as may be
specified by rule made in this behalf, the stock of the drug 6
[or cosmetic] in respect of which
the contravention has been made shall be liable to confiscation 7
[and if such contravention is
in respect of—
[(i) manufacture of any drug deemed to be misbranded under section 17,
adulterated under section 17A or spurious under section 17B; or
(ii) manufacture for sale, or for distribution ,sale, or stocking or exhibiting or
offering for sale, or distribution of any drug without a valid licence as required under
clause (c) of section 18;]
any implements or machinery used in such manufacture, sale or distribution and any
receptacles, packages or coverings in which such drug is contained and the animals, vehicles,
vessels or other conveyances used in carrying such drug shall also be liable to confiscation.]
[(2) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-section (1) where the Court is
satisfied, on the application of an Inspector or otherwise and after such inquiry as may be
necessary that the drug or cosmetic is not of standard quality 2
[or is misbranded, adulterated
or spurious drug or misbranded or spurious cosmetic], such drug or, as the case may be, such
cosmetic shall be liable to confiscation.]
[31A. Application of provisions to Government departments. — The provisions of this
Chapter except those contained in section 31 shall apply in relation to the manufacture, sale
or distribution of drugs of any department of Government as they apply in relation to the
manufacture, sale or distribution of drugs by any other person.]
32.Cognizance of offence. —(1) No prosecution under this Chapter shall be instituted
except by an Inspector 10[or by the person aggrieved or by a recognised consumer association
__________________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Ins.by Act 21 of 1962, s. 20 (w.e.f.27-7-1964).
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
The words and figures “ section 28 or” omitted by Act 13 of 1964
Subs.by s.20,ibid.,for “two years.” 5
Re-numbered as sub section (1) by Act 35 of 1960, s. 9.(w.e.f.16-3-1961).
Ins.by Act 21 of 1962, s. 21 (w.e.f. 27-71964).
Added by Act 13 of 1964, s. 21 (w.e.f.15-9-1964).
Ins.by Act 21 of 1962 s, 18 (w.e.f.27-7-1964).
Ins by Act 13 of 1964, s. 22(w.e.f.15-9-1964).
10Ins. by Act 71 of 1986.
whether such person is a member of that association or not.]
(2) No court inferior to that of a 1
[Metropolitan] Magistrate or of a 1
[Judicial] Magistrate
of the first class shall try an offence punishable under this Chapter.
(3) Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be deemed to prevent any person from being
prosecuted under any other law for any act or omission which constitutes an offence against
this Chapter.
[32A.Power of Court to implead the manufacturer, etc.—Where, at any time during the
trial of any offence under this Chapter alleged to have been committed by any person, not
being the manufacturer of a drug or cosmetic or his agent for the distribution thereof the
Court is satisfied, on the evidence adduced before it, that such manufacturer or agent is also
concerned in that offence, then, the court may, notwithstanding anything contained in 1
[subsections (1), (2) and (3) of section 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 (2 of 1974)]
proceed against him as though a prosecution had been instituted against him under section
[Power of Central Government to make rules. —(1) The Central Government may
after consultation with, 1
[or on the recommendation of,] the Board and after previous
publication by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for the purposes of giving
effect to the provisions of this chapter:
Provided that consultation with the Board may be dispensed with if the Central
Government is of opinion that circumstances have arisen which render it necessary to make
rules without such consultation, but in such a case the Board shall be consulted within six
months of making of the rules and the Central Government shall take into consideration any
suggestions which the Board may make in relation to the amendment of the said rules.]
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may—
(a) provide for the establishment of laboratories for testing and analyzing drugs
[or cosmetics];
(b) prescribed the qualifications and duties of Government Analysts and the
qualifications of Inspectors;
(c) prescribe the methods of test or analysis to be employed in determining
whether a drug 4
[or cosmetic] is of standard quality;
(d) prescribe, in respect of biological and organometallic compounds, the units
or methods of standardization;
[(dd) prescribe under clause (d) of section 1
[17A] the colour or colours which a drug may
bear or contain for purposes of colouring;]
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended by Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins.by s. 23, ibid (w.e.f.15-9-1964). 3
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 15, for sub-section (1).
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 22 (2.e.f. 27-7-1964)
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 24 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
(e) prescribe the forms of licences for the manufacture for sale 1
[or distribution],
for the sale and for the distribution of drugs or any specified drug or class of drugs
[or of cosmetic or any specified cosmetic or class of cosmetics], the form of
application for such licences, the conditions subject to which such licences may be
issued, the authority empowered to issue the same, 1
[the qualification of such
authority] and the fees payable therefor 1
[and provided for the cancellation or
suspension of such licences in any case where any provision of this Chapter or the
rules made thereunder is contravened or any of the conditions subject to which they
are issued is not complied with;]
[(ee) prescribe the records, registers or other documents to be kept and
maintained under section 18B;
(eea) prescribe the fees for the inspection (for the purposes of grant or renewal
of licence) of premises, wherein any drug or cosmetic is being or is proposed to be
(eeb) prescribe the manner in which copies are to be certified under sub-section
(2A) of section 22;]
(f) specify the diseases or ailments which a drug may not purport or claim 3
[ to
prevent, cure or mitigate] and such other effects which a drug may not purport or
claim to have;
(g) prescribe the conditions subject to which small quantities of drugs may be
manufactured for the purpose of examination, test or analysis;
(h) require the date of manufacture and the date of expiry of potency to be
clearly or truly stated on the label or container of any specified drug or class of
drugs, and prohibit the sale, stocking or exhibition for sale, or distribution of the
said drug or class of drugs after the expiry of a specified period from the date of
manufacture or after the expiry of the date of potency;
(i) prescribe the conditions to be observed in the packing in bottles, packages,
and other containers of drugs 2[or cosmetics] ,1
[including the use of packing
material which comes into direct contact with the drugs]and prohibit the sale,
stocking or exhibition for sale, or distribution of drugs 2
[or cosmetics] packed in
contravention of such conditions;
(j) regulate the mode of labelling packed drugs 2
[or cosmetics], and prescribe
the matter which shall or shall not be included in such labels;
(k) prescribe the maximum proportion of any poisonous substance which may be
added or contained in any drug, prohibit the manufacture, sale or stocking or
exhibition for sale, or distribution of any drug in which that proportion is exceeded,
and specify substances which shall be deemed to be poisonous for the purposes of
this Chapter and the rules made thereunder;
(l) require that the accepted scientific name of any specified drug shall be
displayed in the prescribed manner on the label or wrapper of any patent or
proprietary medicine containing such drug;
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Ins. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 22 (2.e.f. 27-7-1964)
Subs. By Act 11 of 1955, s. 15, for “to cure or mitigate”.
* * * * * *
[(n) prescribe the powers and duties of Inspectors 3
[and the qualifications of the
authority to which such Inspectors shall be subordinate] and 4
[specify the drugs or
classes of drugs or cosmetics or classes of cosmetics] in relation to which and the
conditions, limitations or restrictions subject to which, such powers and duties may
be exercised or performed;]
(o) prescribe the forms of report to be given by Government Analysts, and the
manner of application for test or analysis under section 26 and the fees payable
5[(p) specify the offences against this Chapter or any rule made thereunder in
relation to which an order of confiscation may be made under section 31;] and
(q) provide for the exemption, conditionally or otherwise, from all or any of the
provisions of this Chapter or the rules made thereunder, of any specified drug or
class of drugs 2
[or cosmetic or class of cosmetics];
* * * * * *
[33A. Chapter not to apply to Ayurvedic, 3
[Siddha] or Unani drugs. —Save as otherwise
provided in this Act, nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply to Ayurvedic, 3[Siddha] or
Unani drugs.]
33B. Application of Chapter IVA—This Chapter shall apply only to Ayurvedic, 3
and Unani drugs.
33C. Ayurvedic, 3
[Siddha] and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board.—(1) The Central
Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette and with effect from such date as
may be specified therein, constitute a Board (to be called the Ayurvedic, 3
[Siddha] and Unani
Drugs Technical advisory Board) to advise the Central Government and the State
Governments on technical matters arising out of this Chapter and to carry out the other
functions assigned to it by this Chapter
(2) The Board shall consist of the following members, namely: —
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Cl. (m) omitted by Act 13 of 1964, s. 24 (w.e.f. 15-9-1965)
Subs. by Act 35 of 1960, s. s. 10, for cl. (n) (w.e.f.16-3-1961)
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Act 21 of 1962, s. 22, for “ the drugs or class of drugs” (w.e.f. 27-7-1964)
Subs, by Act 13 of 1964, s. 24, for cl. (p) (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
Sub-section (3) ins. by Act 35 of 1960, omitted by Act 13 of 1964, s. 24 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 25 (w.e.f.1-2-1969)
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 26, (w.e.f. 8-12-1969)
(i) the Director General of Health Services, ex officio;
(ii) the Drugs Controller, India ex officio;
[(iii) the principal officer dealing with Indian systems of medicine in the Ministry
of Health, ex-officio;]
(iv) the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory, Calcutta, ex officio;
(v) one person holding the appointment of Government Analyst under section
33F,to be nominated by the Central Government;
(vi) one Pharmacognocist to be nominated by the Central Government;
(vii) one Phyto-chemist to be nominated by the Central Government;
[(viii) four persons to be nominated by the Central Government, two from amongst
the members of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Committee, one from amongst the
members of the Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee and one from amongst the members of
the Siddha Pharmacopoeia Committee;]
(ix)one teacher in Dravyaguna and Bhaishajya Kalpana, to be nominated by the
Central Government;
(x)one teacher in Ilm-Ul-Advia and Taklis-Wa-Dawa-sazi,to be nominated by the
Central Government;
[(xi) one teacher in Gunapadam to be nominated by the Central Government;
(xii) three persons, one each to represent the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug
industry, to be nominated by the Central Government;
(xiii) three persons, one each from among the practitioners of Ayurvedic, Siddha
and Unani Tibb system of medicine to be nominated by the Central Government.]
(3) The central Government shall appoint a member of the Board as its Chairman.
(4) The nominated members of the Board shall hold office for three years but shall be
eligible for renomination.
(5) The Board may, subject to the previous approval of the Central Government, make
bye- laws fixing a quorum and regulating its own procedure and conduct of all business to be
transacted by it.
(6) The functions of the Board may be exercised notwithstanding any vacancy therein.
(7) The Central Government shall appoint a person to be Secretary of the Board and shall
provide the Board with such clerical and other staff as the Central Government considers
[33D. The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee. —(1) The
Central Government may constitute an Advisory Committee to be called the Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee to advise the Central Government, the State
Governments and the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board on any
matter for the purpose of securing uniformity throughout India in the administration of this
Act in so far as it relates to Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs.
(2) The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee shall consist of two
persons to be nominated by the Central Government as representatives of that Government
and not more than one representative of each State to be nominated by the State Government
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
(3) The Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs Consultative Committee shall meet when
required to do so by the Central Government and shall regulate its own procedure.
33E. Misbranded drugs. — For the purposes of this Chapter, an Ayurvedic, Siddha or
Unani drug shall be deemed to be misbranded–
(a) if it is so coloured, coated, powered or polished that damage is concealed, or if it
is made to appear of better or greater therapeutic value than it really is; or
(b) if it is not labeled in the prescribed manner; or
(c) if its label or container or anything accompanying the drug bears any statement,
design device which makes any false claim for the drug or which is false or misleading in
any particular.
33EE. Adulterated Drugs. —For the purposes of this Chapter, an Ayurvedic, Siddha or
Unani drug shall be deemed to be adulterated, —
(a) if it consists, in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid or decomposed substance;
(b) if it has been prepared, packed or stored under insanitary conditions whereby it
may have been contaminated with filth or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to
health; or
(c) if its container is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterious
substance which may render the contents injurious to health; or
(d) if it bears or contains, for purposes of coloring only, a colour other than one
which is prescribed; or
(e) if it contains any harmful or toxic substance which may render it injurious to
health; or
(f) if any substance has been mixed therewith so as to reduce its quality or strength.
Explanation. —For the purpose of clause (a), a drug shall not be deemed to consist, in
whole or in part, of any decomposed substance only by reason of the fact that such
decomposed substance is the result of any natural decomposition of the drug:
Provided that such decomposition is not due to any negligence on the part of
manufacturer of the drug or the dealer thereof and that it does not render the drug injurious to
33EEA. Spurious drugs. — For the purposes of this Chapter, an Ayurvedic, Siddha or
Unani drug shall be deemed to be spurious–
(a) if it is sold, or offered or exhibited for sale, under a name which belongs to
another drug; or
(b) if it is an imitation of, or is a substitute for, another drug or resembles another
drug in a manner likely to deceive, or bears upon it or upon its label or container the name
of another drug, unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal its true
character and its lack of identity with such other drug; or
(c) if the label or container bears the name of an individual or company purporting
to be the manufacturer of the drug, which individual or company is fictitious or does not
exist; or
(d) if it has been substituted wholly or in part by any other drug or substance; or
(e) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a
33EEB. Regulation of manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs. —No
person shall manufacture for sale or for distribution any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug
except in accordance with such standards, if any, as may be prescribed in relation to that
33EEC. Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
drug. From such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
specify in this behalf, no person, either by himself or by any other person on his behalf,
(a) manufacture for sale or for distribution–
(i) any misbranded, adulterated or spurious Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs;
(ii) any patent or proprietary medicine, unless there is displayed in the
prescribed manner on the label or container thereof the true list of all the
ingredients contained in it; and
(iii) any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug in contravention of any of the
provisions of this Chapter or any rule made thereunder;
(b) sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or for distribution, any Ayurvedic, Siddha
or Unani drug which has been manufactured in contravention of any of the provisions of
this Act, or any rule made thereunder;
(c) manufacture for sale or for distribution, any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug,
except under, and in accordance with the conditions of, a licence issued for such purpose
under this Chapter by the prescribed authority;
Provided that nothing in this section apply to Vaidyas and Hakims who manufacture
Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug for the use of their own patients;
Provided further that nothing in this section shall apply to the manufacture, subject to the
prescribed conditions, of small quantities of any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug for the
purpose of examination, test or analysis.
33EED. Power of Central Government to prohibit manufacture, etc., of Ayurvedic,
Siddha or Unani drugs in public interest. – Without prejudice to any other provision
contained in this Chapter, if the Central Government is satisfied on the basis of any evidence
or other material available before it that the use of any Ayruvedic, Siddha or Unani drug is
likely to involve any risk to human beings or animals or that any such drug does not have the
therapeutic value claimed or purported to be claimed for it and that in the public interest it is
necessary or expedient so to do then, that Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, prohibit the manufacture, sale or distribution of such drug.]
33F. Government Analysts. —(1) The Central Government or a State Government may,
by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint such person as it thinks fit, having the
prescribed qualification, to be Government Analysts for such areas as may be assigned to
them by the Central Government or the State Government ,as the case may be.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section(1),neither the Central Government
nor a State Government shall appoint as a Government Analyst any official not serving
under it without the previous consent of the Government under which he is serving.
[(3) No person who has any financial interest in the manufacture or sale of any drug
shall be appointed to be a Government Analyst under this section.]
33G. Inspectors. —(1) The Central Government or a State Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, appoint such persons as it thinks fit, having the prescribed
qualification, to be Inspectors for such areas as may be assigned to them by Central
Government or the State Government as the case may be.
(2) The powers which may be exercised by an Inspector and the duties which may be
performed by him and the conditions, limitations or restrictions subject to which such powers
and duties may be exercised or performed shall be such as may be prescribed.
(3) No person who has any financial interest in the manufacture or sale of any drug shall
be appointed to be an Inspector under this section.
(4) Every Inspector shall be deemed to be a public servant within meaning of section 21
of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860) and shall be officially subordinate to such authority as
the Government appointing him may specify in this behalf.
33H. Application of provisions of section 22, 23, 24 and 25. —The provisions of section
22, 23, 24 and 25 and the rules, if any, made thereunder shall, so far as may be, apply in
relation to an Inspector and a Government Analyst appointed under this Chapter as they apply
in relation to an Inspector and a Government Analyst appointed under Chapter IV, subject to
the modification that the references to “drug” in the said section, shall be constructed as
references to “Ayurvedic, 1
[Siddha] or Unani Drugs.”
[33I . Penalty for manufacture, sale, etc., of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug in
contravention of this Chapter. —Whoever himself or by any other person on his behalf—
(1) manufactures for sale or for distribution,–
(a) any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs–
(i) deemed to be adulterated under section 33EE, or
(ii) without a valid licence as required under clause (c) of section 33EEC,
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year and
with fine which shall not be less than two thousand rupees;
(b) any Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug deemed to be spurious under section
33EEA, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one
year but which may extend to three years and with fine which shall not be less than five
thousand rupees:
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate and special reasons to be mentioned in the
judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than one year and of fine of
less than five thousand rupees; or
(2) contravenes any other provisions of this Chapter or of section 24 as applied by
1Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
section 33H or any rule made under this Chapter, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months and with fine which shall
not be less than five hundred rupees.
33J. Penalty for subsequent offences. —Whoever being convicted of an offence, —
(a) under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 33I is again convicted of an
offence under that clause, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to two thousand rupees;
(b) under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 33I is again convicted of an
offence under that clause, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall
not be less than two years but which may extend to six years and with fine which shall not
be less than five thousand rupees;
Provided that the Court may, for any adequate or special reasons to be mentioned in the
judgment, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than two years and of fine of
less than five thousand rupees;
(c) under sub-section (2) of section 33-I is again convicted of an offence under that
sub-section , shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six
months and with fine which shall not be less than one thousand rupees.]
33K. Confiscation. — Where any person has been convicted under this Chapter, the
stock of the Ayurvedic,1
[Siddha] or Unani drug, in respect of which the contravention has
been made, shall be liable to confiscation.
33L. Application of provisions to Government departments.– The provisions of this
Chapter except those contained in section 33K shall apply in relation to the manufacture for
sale, sale or distribution of any Ayurvedic,
[Siddha] or Unani drug by any department of
Government as they apply in relation to the manufacture for sale, sale or distribution of such
drug by any other person.
33M. Cognizance of offences. —(1) No prosecution under this Chapter shall be
instituted except by an Inspector 1
[with the previous sanction of the authority specified under
sub-section (4) of section 33G.]
(2) No Court inferior to that of a 1
[Metropolitan Magistrate] or of a 1
Magistrate] of the first class shall try an offence punishable under this Chapter.
33N. Power of Central Government to make rules. —(1) The Central Government may,
[ after consultation with, or on the recommendation of, the Board] and after previous
publication by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for the purpose of giving effect
to the provisions of this Chapter:
Provided that consultation with the Board may be dispensed with if the Central
Government is of opinion that circumstances have arisen which render it necessary to make
rules without such consultation, but in such a case, the Board shall be consulted within six
months of the making of the rules and the Central Government shall take into consideration
________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
any suggestions which the Board may make in relation to the amendment of the said rules.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may-
(a) provide for the establishment of laboratories for testing and analysing
[Siddha] or Unani drugs;
(b) prescribe the qualification and duties of Government Analysts and the
qualifications of Inspectors;
(c) prescribe the methods of test or analysis to be employed in determining whether
any Ayurvedic,1
[Siddha] or Unani drug is labelled with the true list of the ingredients
which it is purported to contain;
(d) specify any substance as a poisonous substance;
(e) prescribe the forms of licences for the manufacture for sale of
[Siddha] or Unani drugs,1
[and for sale of processed Ayurvedic, Siddha or
Unani drugs,] the form of application for such licences, the conditions subject to which
such licences may be issued, the authority empowered to issue the same and the fees
payable therefor; 1
[and provide for the cancellation or suspension of such licences in any
case where any provision of this Chapter or rules made thereunder is contravened or any
of the conditions subject to which they are issued is not complied with;]
[(f) prescribe the conditions to be observed in the packing of Ayurvedic, Siddha
and Unani drugs including the use of packing material which comes into direct contact
with the drugs, regulate the mode of labelling packed drugs and prescribe the matters
which shall or shall not be included in such labels;]
(g) prescribe the conditions subject to which small quantities of Ayurvedic
[Siddha] or Unani drugs may be manufactured for the purpose of examination, test or
analysis; and
[(gg) prescribe under clause (d) of section 33EE the colour or colours which an
Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug may bear or contain for purposes of colouring;
(gga) prescribe the standards for Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs under section
(h) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed under this Chapter.
33O. Power to amend First Schedule. —The Central Government, after consultation
with the Board and after giving, by notification in the Official Gazette, not less than three
months’ notice of its intention so to do, may, by a like notification, add to or otherwise amend
the First Schedule for the purposes of this Chapter and thereupon the said Schedule shall be
deemed to be amended accordingly.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
33P.] Power to give directions. The Central Government may give such directions to
any State Government as may appear to the Central Government to be necessary for carrying
into execution in the State any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made
34. Offences by companies. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by
a company, every person who at the time the offence was committed, was in charge of, and
was responsible to the company for the conduct of business of the company, as well as the
company shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable
to any punishment provided in this Act if he proves that the offence was committed without
his knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where an offence under this
Act has been committed by a company and it is proved that the offence has been committed
with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director,
manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other
officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded
against and punished accordingly:
Explanation. —For the purposes of this section–
(a) “company” means a body corporate, and includes a firm or other association
of individuals; and
(b) “director” in relation to a firm means a partner in the firm.
[34A. Offences by Government departments. Where an offence under Chapter1V or
Chapter 1VA has been committed by any department of Government, such authority as is
specified by the Central Government to be in charge of manufacture, sale or distribution of
drugs or where no authority is specified, the head of the department, shall be deemed to be
guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall render any such authority or person
liable to any punishment provided in Chapter1V or Chapter 1VA, as the case may be, if such
authority or person proves that the offence was committed without its or his knowledge or
that such authority or person exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by Act 11 of 1955, s. 16, for s. 34
2Ins. by act 35 of 1960, s. 11 (w.e.f. 16-3-1961).
S. 33A re-numbered as s. 33P by Act 13 of 1964, s. 27 (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
Ins. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 28, (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
[34AA. Penalty vexatious search or seizure. Any Inspector exercising powers under
this Act or the rules made thereunder, who,–
(a) without reasonable ground of suspicion searches any place, vehicle, vessel or
other conveyance; or
(b) vexatiously and unnecessarily searches any person; or
(c) vexatiously and unnecessarily seizes any drug or cosmetic, or any substance or
article, or any record, register, document or other material object; or
(d) commits, as such Inspector, any other act, to the injury of any person without
having reason to believe that such act is required for the execution of his duty, shall be
punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees.]
35. Publication of sentences passed under this Act. (1) If any person is convicted of an
offence under this Act, [ the court before which the conviction takes place shall, on
application made to it by the Inspector, cause] the offender’s name, place of residence, the
offence of which he has been convicted and the penalty which has been inflicted upon him, to
be published at the expense of such person in such newspapers or in such other manner as the
Court may direct.
(2) The expenses of such publication shall be deemed to form part of the cost relating to
the conviction and shall be recoverable in the same manner as those costs are recoverable.
36. Magistrate’s power to impose enhanced penalties. — Notwithstanding anything
contained 2
* * * 1
[the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973,] it shall be lawful for any
[Metropolitan Magistrate or any Judicial Magistrate of the first class] to pass any sentence
authorized by this Act in excess of his powers under 2
* * * the said Code.
[36A. Certain offences to be tried summarily. —Notwithstanding anything contained
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, all offences under this Act, punishable with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, other than an offence under clause (b) of
sub-section (1) of section 33I, shall be tried in a summary way by a Judicial Magistrate of the
first class specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government or by a Metropolitan
Magistrate and the provisions of section 262 to265 (both inclusive) of the said Code shall, as
far as may be, apply to such trial:
Provided that, in the case of any conviction in a summary trial under this section, it
shall be lawful for the Magistrate to pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding
one year:
Provided further that when at the commencement of, or in the course of, a summary
trial under this section, it appears to the Magistrate that the nature of the case is such that a
sentence of imprisonment for a term exceeding one year may have to be passed or that it is,
for any other reason, undesirable to try the case summarily, the Magistrate shall, after hearing
the parties, record an order to that effect and thereafter recall any witness who has been
examined and proceed to hear or rehear the case in the manner provided by the said Code.]
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
The words and figures “section 32 of” omitted by Act13 of 1964. 29, (w.e.f.15-9-1964)
37. Protection of action taken in good faith. —No suit, prosecution or other legal
proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended
to be done under this Act.
[38. Rules to be laid before Parliament. —Every rule made under this Act shall be laid
as soon as may be after it is made before each House of Parliament while it is in session for a
total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more
successive sessions, 1
[and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the
session or the successive sessions aforesaid], both Houses agree in making any modification
in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter
have effect only in such modified from or be of no effect, as the case may be, so however that
any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule.]
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Ins. by s.30, ibid (w.e.f. 15-9-1964)
[See section 3(a)]
Serial No. Name of book
1. Arogya Kalpadruma
2. Arka Prakasha
3. Arya Bhishak
4. Ashtanga Hridaya
5. Ashtanga Samgraha
6. Ayurveda Kalpadruma
7. Ayurveda Prakasha
8. Ayurveda Samgraha
9. Bhaishajya Ratnavali
10. Brihat Bhaishajya Ratnakara
11. Bhava Prakasha
12. Brihat Nighantu Ratnakara
13. Charaka Samihita
14. Chakra Datta
15. Gada Nigraha
16. Kupi Pakva Rasayana
17. Nighantu Ratnakara
18. Rasa Chandanshu
19. Rasa Raja Sundara
20. Rasaratna Samuchaya
21. 3
[Rasatantra Sara Va Siddha Prayoga Sangraha—Part 1]
22. Rasa Tarangini
23. Rasa Yoga Sagara
24. Rasa Yoga Ratnakara
25. Rasa Yoga Samgraha
26. Rasendra Sara Samgraha
27. Rasa Pradipika
28. Sahasrayoga
29. Sarvaroga Chikitsa Ratnam
30. Sarvayoga Chikitsa Ratnam
31. Sharangadhara Samhita
32. Siddha Bhaishajya Manimala
33. Sidha Yoga Samgraha
Subs. by Act 13 of 1964, s. 31, for the Schedule. First Schedule came into force w.e.f. 1-2-
1969 and the Second Schedule came into force w.e.f. 15-9-1964
Amended as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
Subs. by Notification No. G.S R. 658 (E) dated 31-08-94
Serial No. Name of book
34. Sushruta Samhita
35. Vaidya Chintamani
36. Vaidyaka Shabda Sindu
37. Vaidyaka Chikitsa Sara
38. Vidya Jiwan
39. Vasava Rajeeyam
40. Yoga Ratnakara
41. Yoga Tarangini
42. Yoga Chintamani
43. Kashyapasamhita
44. Bhelasamhita
45. Vishwanathachikitsa
46. Vrindachikitsa
47. Ayurvedachintamani
48. Abhinavachintamani
49. Ayurveda-Ratnakara
50. Yogaratnasangraha
51. Rasamrita
52. Dravyagunanighantu
53. Rasamanijari
54. Banagasena
[54A Ayurvedic Formulary of India (Part-I)
54B Ayurveda Sara Samgraha]
254C Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India
55 Siddha Vaidya Thirattu
56 Therayar Maha Karisal
57 Brahma Muni Karukkadai (300)
58 Bhogar (700)
59 Pulippani (500)
60 Agasthiyar Paripuranam (400)
61 Therayar Yamagam
62 Agasthiyar Chenduram (300)
63 Agasthiyar (1500)
64 Athmarakshamrutham
65 Agasthiyar Pin (80)
66 Agasshiyar Rathna Chrukkam
67 Therayar Karisal (300)
68 Veeramamuni Nasa Kandam
69 Agasthiyar (600)
70 Agasthiyar Kanma Soothiram
71 18 Siddar’s Chillarai Kovai
Ins. by Notification No. G.S.R. 735 (E) dated 28th August 1987
2Inserted by Notification No. G.S.R. 423(E)dated 11th june 2002
72 Yog Vatha Kaviyam
73 Therayar Tharu
74 Agasthiyar Vaidya Kaviyam (1500)
75 Bala Vagadam
76 Chimittu Rathna (Rathna) Churukkam
77 Nagamuni (200)
78 Agasthiyar Chillarai Kovai
79 Chikicha Rathna Deepam
80 Agasthiyar Nayana Vidhi
81 Yugi Karisal (151)
82 Agasthiyar Vallathi (600)
83 Therayar Thaila Varkam
[84 Siddha Formulary of India (Part I)]
Serial No. Name of book
1 Karabadin Qadri
2 Karabadin Kabir
3 Karabadin Azam
4 Ilaj-ul-Amraz
5 Al Karabadin
6 Biaz Kabir Vol. II
7 Karabadin Jadid
8 Kithalf-ul-Taklis
9 Sanat-ul-Taklis
10 Mifta-ul-Khazain
11 Madan-ul-Aksir
12 Makhzan-ul-murabhat
1[13 National Formulary of Unani Medicine (Part I)]
Ins. by Notification No. G.S.R. 735 (E) dated 28th August 1987
Amendment as per Act 68 of 1982 (w.e.f. 01-02-1983)
(See section & 8 and 16)
Class of drug Standard to be complied with
1 2
Patent or proprietary medicines1
than Homoeopathic medicines]
2. 2
[Substances commonly known as
vaccines, sera toxins, toxoids, antitoxins
and antigens and biological products of
such nature for human use or for
veterinary use.
3. 3* * *
4.Substances (other than food) intended to
affect the structure or any function of
the human body or intended to be used
for the destruction or vermin or insect
which cause disease in human beings or
* *4-A. Homoeopathic Medicines :
(a) Drugs included in the Homoeopathic
Pharmacopacia of India.
The formula of list of ingredients displayed
in the prescribed manner on the label of the
container and such other standards as may
be prescribed.
The standards maintained at the
International Laboratory for Biological
Standards, Stantans Serum Institute,
Copenhagen and at the Central Veterinary
Laboratory, Weybridge Surrey, U.K., and
such other laboratories recognized by the
World Health Organization from time to
time, and such further standards of strength,
quality and purity, as may be prescribed.]
Such standards may be prescribed.
Standards of identity, purity and strength
specified in the edition of the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the India
for the time being and such other standards
as may be prescribed.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Ins. by Notification No. S.O. 887 ,dated 19th March 1966, Gazette of India , Pt. II, Sec. 3 (ii), p. 819 2
Subs. by Notification No. G.S.R. 299(E) dated 23rd April 1984 3
Omitted by Notification No. G.S.R. 299(E) dated 23rd April 1984
** Amended by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Notification No. X-1101/3/77-D/M/S & PFA
dated 6th June 1978
(b) Drugs not included in the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of
India, but which are included in the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of
United States of America or the United
Kingdom or the German Homoeopathic
(c) Drugs not included in the
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India
or the United States of America, or the
United Kingdom or the German
Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
[5. Other drugs
(a) Drugs included in the Indian
(b) Drugs not included in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia but not included in
the official Pharmacopoeia of any
other country.
Standards of identity, purity and strength
prescribed for the drug in the edition of
such Pharmacopoeia for the time being in
which they are given and such other
standards as may be prescribed.
The formula of list of ingredients displayed
in the prescribed manner on the label of the
container and such other standards as may
be prescribed by the Central Government.
Standards of identity, purity and strength
specified in the edition of the Indian
Pharmacopoeia for the time being in force
and such other standards as may be
In case the standards of identity, purity and
strength for drugs are not specified in the
edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia for the
time being in force but are specified in the
edition of the Indian pharmacopoeia
immediately preceding, the standards of
identity, purity and strength shall be those
occurring in such immediately preceding
edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia and
such other standards as may be prescribed.
Standards of identity, purity and strength
specified for drugs in the edition of such
official Pharmacopoeia of any other
country for the time being in force and such
other standards as may be prescribed.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1
Subs. by Notification No. G.S.R. 885 dated 18-8-73, Gazette of India Pt. II S.3(i)
In case the standards of identity, purity and
strength for drugs are not specified in the
edition of the official Pharmacopoeia for the
time being in force but are specified in the
edition immediately preceding, the standards
of identity, purity and strength shall be those
occurring in such immediately preceding
edition of the official Pharmacopoeia and
such other standards as may be prescribed.]
as corrected up to the 30th
November, 2004
New Delhi, the 21st December 1945
No. F. 28-10/45-H (1). __
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 6(2), 1
[12, 33 and
33N] of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (XXIII of 1940), the Central Government is pleased
to make the following Rules: __
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
___(1) These Rules may be called the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
(2) They extend to the whole of India.
2. Definitions.
___ In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context___
(a)“the Act” means the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (XXIII of 1940) as amended
from time to time;
(b)“Central Licence Approving Authority” means the Drugs Controller, India,
appointed by the Central Government.
(c)“Director” means the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory;
(d) “From” means a form set forth in Schedule A;
(dd)Homoeopathic medicines include any drug which is recorded in
Homoeopathicproving or therapeutic efficacy of which has been established
through long clinical experience as recorded in authoritative Homoeopathic
literature of India and abroad and which is prepared according to the techniques of
Homoeopathic pharmacy and covers combination of ingredients of such
Homoeopathic medicines but does not include a medicine which is administered by
parenteral route.
(e) “Laboratory” means the Central Drugs Laboratory;
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R. 370(E) dated 07-04-1994
2Amended by G.O.I Notification No.G.S.R. 358 dated 15-3-1975 (Govt. of India Notification No. X
11011/3/72-D & MS dated 5-3-1975).
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 923(E) dated 14-12-1992
4Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-59 / 68-D, dated 19th Nov. 1969.
[(ea) “registered Homeopathic medical practitioner” means a person who is registered
in the Central Register or State Register of Homeopathy;]
[(ee) “Registered medical practitioner” means a person__
(i)holding a qualification granted by an authority specified or notified under
Section 3 of the Indian Medical Degrees Act, 1916 (7 of 1916), or specified In
the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956); or
(ii) registered or eligible for registration in a medical register of a State meant for the
registration of persons practicing the modern scientific system of medicine
excluding the Homoeopathic system of medicine; or
(iii) registered in a medical register, 3
other than a register for the registration of
Homoeopathic practitioner, of a State, who although not falling within subclause (i) or sub-clause (ii) declared by a general or special order made by the
State Government in this behalf as a person practicing the modern scientific
system of medicine for the purposes of this Act; or
(iv) registered or eligible for registration in the register of dentists for a State under
the Dentists Act, 1948 (16 of 1948); or
(v) who is engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine and who possesses
qualification approved by the State Government.
(f)‘retail sale’ means a sale 5
[whether to a hospital, or dispensary, or a medical,
educational or research institute or to any other person] other than a sale by way of
wholesale dealing;
(g) ‘sale by way of wholesale dealing’ means sale to a person for the purpose of selling
again and includes sale to a hospital, dispensary, medical, educational or research
Ins by G.O.I Notification No. G.S.R 680 (E) dated 5-12-1980
2Added by Government of India, Notification No. F. 1-22 / 59-D, dated 9 th April, 1960.
3Amended by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D, dated
the 5 th June, 1972).
4Amended or added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-3/51-DS., Dated 15 th October, 1954.
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 681 (E) dated 6-6-1988
(h) “Schedule” means a Schedule to these Rules.
(i)State Government in relation to a Union Territory means the Administrator thereof.
(j)‘Poisonous substance’ means a substance specified in Schedule E.
3. Functions.
____It shall be the function of the Laboratory___
(i)to analyse or test such samples of drugs as may be sent to it under sub-section (2) of
Section 11, or under sub-section (4) of Section 25 of the Act;
(ii) 2* * *
(iii) to carry out such other duties as may be entrusted to it by the Central Government
or, with the permission of the Central Government, by a State Government after
consultation with the Drugs Technical Advisory Board.
3A(1)The functions of the Laboratory in respect of the following drugs or classes of drugs
shall be carried out at the Central Research Institute, Kasauli, and the functions of the Director in
respect of the said drugs or classes of drugs shall be exercised by the Director of the said
Institute :___
(1) Sera
(2) Solution of serum proteins intended for injection
(3) Vaccines
(4) Toxins
(5) Antigens
(6) Anti-toxins
(7) Sterilized surgical ligature and sterilized surgical suture.
(8) Bacteriophages.
1Amended by Government of India Notification No. F.28-10/45-H (1), dated 31st March 1957.
2Amended or omitted by Government of India Notification No. F-1-16/57-D, dated 15th June, 1957.
3Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 4-1 / 60-D, dated 15th May, 1961
[Provided that the functions of the Director in respect of Oral Polio Vaccine shall be
exercised by the Deputy Director and Head of the Polio Vaccine Testing Laboratory in case of
Central Research Institute, Kasauli only.]
2[(1A) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of Oral Polio Vaccine shall be carried out
by the following Institutes and the functions of the Director in respect of the said drugs shall be
exercised by Director of the respective Institutes :–
(a)Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor.
(b) Enterovirus Research Centre (Indian Council of Medical Research), Haffkin Institute
Compound, Parel, Bombay-400012.]
[(c) The National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA.]
(2) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of the following drugs or classes of drugs shall
be carried out at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar or Mukteshwar and the
functions of the Director in respect of the said drugs or classes of drugs shall be exercised by the
Director of either of the said institutes.
(1) Anti-sera for veterinary use.
(2) Vaccines for veterinary use.
(3) Toxoids for veterinary use.
(4) Diagnostic Antigens for veterinary use.
(3) The functions of the laboratory in respect of condoms shall be carried out at the Central
Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad, and the functions of the Director in respect of the
said condoms shall be exercised by the Director of the said Laboratory.
[(4) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of the following drug shall be carried out at
the Laboratory of the Serologist and Chemical Examiner to the Government of India, Calcutta
and the functions of the Director in respect of the said drug shall be performed by the Serologist
and Chemical Examiner of the said Laboratory :__
VDRL Antigen.
1 Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R.62(E) dt 15.02.1982 and amended by notification no.G.S.R.445(E)
dated 30-04-1992
2Added by Notification No.G.S.R. 445(E) dated 30-04-1992
3Amended by Notification No. G.S.R.249(E) dated 04-04-2002
4Amended by Govt. of India, Ministry of Health, F P&W.H. & U.D. Notification No. F.-1-6/62-D, dated
the 2 nd July, 1969.
5Amended by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification NO. X. 11014/12/72-D, dated
the 5 th June, 1972).
6 Sub rule (4) omitted and subrule (5) renumbered as (4) by G.O.I. by Notification No. G.S.R. 62(E) dated
[(5) The function of the Laboratory in respect of Intra-Utrine Devices and falope Rings shall
be carried out at the Central Drug Testing Laboratory, Thane, Maharashtra and the functions of
the Director in respect of the said devices shall be exercised by the Director of the said
[(6) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of human blood and human blood products
including components, to test for freedom of HIV antibodies, shall be carried out by the
following Institutes, Hospitals and the functions of the Director in respect of the above
mentioned products shall be exercised by the head of the respective Institutes, namely:–
(a) National Institutes of Communicable Disease, Department of Microbiology, Delhi.
(b) National Institute of Virology, Pune
(c) Centre of Advanced Research in Virology, Christian Medical College, Vellore.]
[(7) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of Homoeopathy shall be carried out at the
Homoeopathy Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad and the function of the director in respect
of the Homeopathic medicine shall be exercised by the Director of the laboratory.]
[(8) The functions of the Laboratory in respect of Blood Grouping reagent and diagnostic kits
for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Hepatitis C Virus shall be
carried out at the National Institute of Biologicals, NOIDA and the functions of the Director in
respect of the said drugs shall be exercised by the Director of the said laboratory.]
4. Despatch of samples for test or analysis.
__ (1) Samples for test or analysis under subsection (4) of Section 25 of the Act shall be sent by registered post in a sealed packet, enclosed,
together with a memorandum in Form 1, in an outer cover addressed to the Director.
(2)The packet as well as the outer cover, shall be marked with a distinguishing number.
(3)A copy of the memorandum in Form 1 and a specimen impression of the seal used to seal
the packet shall be sent separately by registered post to the Director.
5. Recording of condition of seals.
__ On receipt of the packet, it shall be opened by an officer
authorized in writing in that behalf by the Director who shall record the condition of the seal on
the packet.
Ins by G.O.I. Notification GSR No. 865 (E) dt 25.10.1990 and subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R
242(E) dated 18-03-1998
Ins. By G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 16(E) dated 10-01-1990
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 246(E) dated 1-5-1991
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.249(E) dated 04.04.2001
6. Report of result of test or analysis.
__ After test or analysis the result of the test or analysis,
together with full protocols of the tests applied, shall be supplied forthwith to the sender in Form
7. Fees.
__ The fees for test and analysis shall be those specified in Schedule B.
8. Signature of certificates.
__ Certificates issued under these Rules by the Laboratory shall be
signed by the Director or by an officer authorized by the Central Government by notification in
the official Gazette to sign such certificates.
PART III (Rules 9 to 20)
21. In this Part____
4[(a)“import licence” means a licence in Form 10 to import drugs 3
* * *; excluding
those specified in Schedule X, or a licence in Form 10-A to import drugs
specified in Schedule X.]
(b)“licensing authority” means the authority appointed by the Central Government to
perform the duties of the licensing authority under these Rules and includes any
person to whom the powers of a licensing authority may be delegated under Rule
(c)“licence for examination, test or analysis” means a licence in Form 11 to import
small quantities of drugs the import of which is otherwise prohibited, for the
purpose of examination, test or analysis.
[(d) “manufacturer” includes a manufacturer of drugs, who may be a Company or a
unit or a body corporate or any other establishment in a country other than India,
having its drug manufacturing facilities duly approved by the National Regulatory
Authority of that country, and who also has a free sale approval of the drugs
approved by the said authority in the concerned country, and /or in other major
(e)”Registration Certificate” means a certificate issued under rule 27A by the
licensing authority in Form 41 for registration of the premises and the drugs
manufactured by the manufacturer meant for import into and use in India.]
22.The licensing authority may with the approval of the Central Government by an order in
writing delegate the power to sign licences and 2
[Registration Certificate and] such other powers
as may be specified in the order to any other person under his control.
1Omitted by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15 th June, 1957.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
3Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
Subs. By Govt of India Notification no.462 (E) dt.22.06.1982
[23.Import licences.__ An import licence in Form 10 shall be required for the import of 2
excluding those specified in Schedule X, and an import licence in Form 10 A shall be required
for the import of drugs specified in Schedule X.]
[24 Form and manner of application for import licence. __ (1) An application for an import
licence shall be made to the licensing authority in Form 8 for drugs excluding those specified in
Schedule X, and in Form 8-A for drugs specified in Schedule X, either by manufacturer himself
having a valid wholesale licence for sale or distribution of drugs under these rules, or by the
manufacturer’s agent in India either having a valid licence under the rules to the manufacture for
sale of a drug or having a valid wholesale licence for sale or distribution of drugs under these
rules, and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of one hundred rupees for a single drug and an
additional fee at the rate of one thousand rupees for each additional drug and by an undertaking
in Form 9 duly signed by or on behalf of the manufacturer:
Provided that in the case of any subsequent application made by the same importer for import
licence for drugs manufactured by the same manufacturer, the fee to accompany each such
application shall be one hundred rupees for each drug.
(2) Any application for import licence in Form 8 or Form 8-A, as the case may be, shall be
accompanied by a copy of Registration Certificate issued in Form 41 under rule 27-A:
Provided that in case of emergencies the licensing authority may, with the approval of the
Central Government, issue an import licence in Form 10 or 10-A, as the case may be, without the
issuance of Registration Certificate under rule 27-A, for reasons to be recorded in writing.”
(3) A fee of two hundred and fifty rupees shall be paid for a duplicate copy of the licence
issued under this rule, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.
24-A. Form and manner of application for Registration Certificate. — (1) An application for
issue of a Registration Certificate shall be made to the licensing authority in Form 40, either by
the manufacturer himself, having a valid whole sale licence for sale or distribution of drugs
under these rules, or by his authorized agent in India, either having a valid licence under the rules
to manufacture for sale of a drug or having a valid whole sale licence for sale or distribution of
drugs under these rules, and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in sub-rule (3) and the
informations and undertakings specified in Schedules D-I and D-II duly signed by or on behalf
of the manufacturer.
Subs. By G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-06-1982
2Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
(2) The authorization by the manufacturer of his agent in India shall be documented by a
power of attorney executed and authenticated either in India before a First Class Magistrate, or in
the country of origin before such an equivalent authority, the certificate of which is attested by
the Indian Embassy of the said country, and the original of the same shall be furnished along
with the application for Registration Certificate.
(3) (i) A fee of one thousand and five hundred US dollars shall be paid alongwith the
application in Form 40 as registration fee for his premises meant for manufacturing of drugs
intended for import into and use in India
(ii) A fee of one thousand US dollars shall be paid along with the application in Form 40 for
the registration of a single drug meant for import into and use in India and an additional fee at
the rate of one thousand US dollars for each additional drug.
Provided that in the case of any subsequent application for registration of additional drugs by
the same manufacturer, the fee to accompany shall be one thousand US dollars for each drug.
(4)The fees shall be paid through a Challan in the Bank of Baroda, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110001 or any other branch or branches of Bank of Baroda, or any other bank, as
notified, from time to time, by the Central Government, to be credited under the Head of
Account “0210-Medical and Public Health, 04-Public Health, 104-Fees and Fines”:
Provided that in the case of any direct payment of fees by a manufacturer in the country of
origin, the fees shall be paid through Electronic Clearance System (ECS) from any bank in the
country of origin to the Bank of Baroda, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, through the
Electronic Code of the bank in the Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health, 04-
Public Health, 104- Fee and Fines”, and the original receipt of the said transfer shall be treated as
an equivalent to the bank challan, subject to the approval by the Bank of Baroda that they have
received the payment.”
(5) The applicant shall be liable for the payment of a fee of five thousand US dollars for
expenditure as may be required for inspection or visit of the manufacturing premises or drugs, by
the licensing authority or by any other persons to whom powers have been delegated in this
behalf by the licensing authority under rule 22:
(6) The applicant shall be liable for the payment of testing fees directly to a testing laboratory
approved by the Central Government in India or abroad, as may be required for examination,
tests and analysis of drug.
(7) A fee of three hundred US dollars shall be paid for a duplicate copy of the Registration
Certificate, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.
(8) No Registration Certificate shall be required under these rules in respect of an inactive
bulk substance to be used for a drug formulation with or without pharmacopoeal conformity.]
25.Licences for import of drugs manufactured by one manufacturer___
(1) A single application may be made, and a single licence may be issued, in respect of the
import of more than one drug or class of drugs manufactured by the same manufacturer:
1Provided that the drugs or classes of drugs are manufactured at one factory or more than one
factory functioning conjointly as a single manufacturing unit;
Provided further that if a single manufacturer has two or more factories situated in different
places manufacturing the same or different drugs a separate licence shall be required in respect
of the drugs manufactured by each such factory.
(2) 2 * * *
25A.Condition to be satisfied before a licence in Form 10 or Form 10-A is granted.
(1) A licence in Form 10 or in Form 10-A shall be granted by the licensing authority having
regard to–
(i) the premises, where the imported substances will be stocked are equipped with proper
storage accommodation for preserving the properties of the drugs to which the licence applies;
(ii) the occupation, trade or business ordinarily carried out by the applicant;
Provided that the licensing authority may refuse to grant a licence in Form 10-A in respect of
any applicant where he is satisfied,–
(a) that the applicant has not complied with the provisions of the Act or these rules or
(b) that by reasons of— 4[(i) his conviction under the Act or these rules or the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985) or the rules made thereunder.]
(ii) previous suspension or cancellation of the licence granted to him;
he is not a fit person to whom licence shall be granted.
(2)Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the licensing authority under this
rule may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, appeal to the Central Government and the
Central Government may after such enquiry in to the matter as it considers necessary and after
giving the appellant an opportunity for making a representation in the matter, make such orders
in relation thereto as it thinks fit.
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-19/48-D, dated 27 th October, 1949.
2Added or omitted under Government of India Notification No.F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15th June, 1957.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-06-1982
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
[25B. Registration Certificate for import of drugs manufactured by one manufacturer:–(1)
A single application may be made, and a single Registration Certificate in Form 41 may be
issued in respect of the import of more than one drug or class of drugs, manufactured by the
same manufacturer:
Provided that the drug or classes of drugs, are manufactured at one factory or more than one
factory functioning conjointly as a single manufacturing unit:
Provided further that if a single manufacturer has two or more factories situated in different
places manufacturing the same or different drugs, separate Registration Certificates shall be
required in respect of the drugs manufactured by each such factory.]
26. Conditions of import licence. ____An import licence shall be subject to the following
(i) the manufacturer shall at all times observe the undertaking given by him or on his
behalf in Form 9;
(ii) the licensee shall allow any Inspector authorized by the licensing authority in that
behalf to enter with or without notice any premises where the imported substance is
stocked, to inspect the means, if any, employed for testing the substance and to take
(iii) the licensee shall on request furnish to the licensing authority from every batch of
each substance or from such batch or batches as the licensing authority may from
time to time specify a sample of such amount as the licensing authority may
consider adequate for any examination required to be made, and the licensee shall, if
so required, furnish full protocols of the tests, if any, which have been applied.
(iv) if the licensing authority so directs the licensee shall not sell or offer for sale any
batch in respect of which a sample is or protocols are furnished under the last
preceding subrule until a certificate authorizing the sale of the batch has been issued
to him by or on behalf of the licensing authority;
(v) the licensee shall, on being informed by the licensing authority that any part of any
batch of the substance has been found by the licensing authority not to conform with
the standards of strength, quality and purity prescribed by Chapter III of the Act, or
the Rules thereunder and on being directed so to do withdraw the remainder of that
batch from sale and, so far as may in the particular circumstances of the case be
practicable, recall the issues already made from that batch;
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R.No.604(E) dated 24.08.2001
(vi) the licensee shall maintain a record of all sales by him of substances for the import
of which a licence is required, showing particulars of the substance and of the
person to whom sold and such further particulars, if any, as the licensing authority
may specify and such record shall be open to the inspection of any Inspector
authorised in that behalf by the licensing authority;
[ Provided that in respect of the sale or distribution of drugs specified in Schedule
X, the licensee shall maintain separate record or register showing the following
particulars, namely;
1. Name of the Drug,
2. Batch number,
3. Name and address of the manufacturer,
4. Date of transaction,
5. Opening stock on the business day,
6. Quantity of drug received, if any, and the source from which received,
7. Name of the purchaser, his address and licence number,
8. Balance quantity of drug at the end of the business day,
9. Signature of the person under whose supervision the drugs have been supplied]
(vii)the licensee shall comply with such further requirements, if any, applicable to the
holders of import licenses, as may be specified in any Rules, subsequently made
under Chapter III of the Act and of which the licensing authority has given to him
not less than four months’ notice.
27.Grant of import licence.
____On receipt of an application for an import licence in the form
and manner prescribed in Rule 24, the licensing authority shall, on being satisfied that, if
granted, the conditions of the licence will be observed, issue an import licence in Form 10 1
From 10-A, as the case may be.]
[27-A Grant of Registration Certificate:– (1) On receipt of an application for Registration
Certificate in the Form and manner specified in rule 24-A, the licensing authority shall, on being
satisfied, that, if granted, the conditions of the Registration Certificate will be observed, issue a
Registration Certificate in Form 41:
Provided further that if the application is complete in all respects and informations specified
in Schedules D-1 and D-11 are in order, the licensing authority shall, within nine months from
the date of receipt of an application, issue such Registration Certificate, and in exceptional
circumstances and for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Registration Certificate may be
issued within such extended period, not exceeding three months as the licensing authority, may
deem fit.
1Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-06-1982
Inserted by Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
(2) If the applicant does not receive the Registration Certificate within the period as specified
in the proviso to sub rule (1), he may appeal to the Central Government and the Central
Government may after such enquiry into the matter, as it considers necessary, may pass such
orders in relation thereto as it thinks fit.]
28. Duration of import licence. __A licence unless, it is sooner suspended or cancelled, shall
be valid 2
[for a period of three years from the date of its issue]
Provided that if application for a fresh licence is made three months before the expiry of the
existing licence the current licence shall be deemed to continue in force until orders are passed
on the application.
28-A. Duration of Registration Certificate. – A Registration Certificate, unless, it is sooner
suspended or cancelled, shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of its issue:
Provided that if the application for a fresh Registration Certificate is made nine months
before the expiry of the existing certificate, the current Registration Certificate shall be deemed
to continue in force until orders are passed on the application.
29. Suspension and cancellation of import licence.
__ If the manufacturer or licensee fails to
comply with any of the conditions of an import licence, the licensing authority may after giving
the manufacturer or licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be
passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, suspend or cancel it for such period
as it thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which it relates:
[Provided that a person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the licensing authority
under this rule may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, appeal to the Central
Government, and the Central Government may, after such enquiry into the matter, as it considers
necessary and after giving the said appellant an opportunity for representing his views, pass such
orders in relation thereto as it thinks fit.]
[29-A. Suspension and cancellation of Registration Certificate. —If the manufacturer fails to
comply with any of the conditions of the Registration Certificate, the licensing authority may
after giving him an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed, by an
order in writing stating the reasons therefore, suspend or cancel the Registration Certificate for
such period as it thinks fit either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which it
1Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-10/62-D, dated 19th April, 1964.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
Subs. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
Provided that a person, who is aggrieved by the order passed by the licensing authority under
this rule may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, appeal to the Central Government,
and the Central Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as it considers necessary and
after giving the appellant an opportunity for representing his views in the matter, pass such
orders in relation thereto as it thinks fit.]
30. Prohibition of import after expiry of potency. —No biological or other special product
specified in Schedule C or C (1) shall be imported after the date shown on the label, wrapper or
container of the drug as the date up to which the drug may be expected to retain a potency not
less than, or not to acquire a toxicity greater than, that required, or as the case may be, permitted
by the prescribed test.
1* * * * *
30AA.Import of New Homoeopathic medicine: __
(1) No new Homoeopathic medicine shall be imported except under and in accordance with
the permission in writing of the Licensing Authority.
(2) The importer of a New Homoeopathic medicine when applying for permission shall
produce before the Licensing Authority such documentary and other evidence as may be
required by the Licensing Authority for assessing the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine
including the minimum provings carried out with it.
[Explanation. —For the purpose of this rule, ‘New Homoeopathic Medicine’ means—
(i) a Homoeopathic medicine which is not specified in the Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India or United States of America or of the United Kingdom or the
German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia; or
(ii) which is not recognized in authoritative Homoeopathic literature as efficacious under
the conditions recommended; or
(iii)a combination of Homoeopathic medicines containing one or more medicines which
are not specified in any of the Pharmacopoeias referred to in clause (i) as
Homoeopathic medicines and also not recognized in authoritative Homoeopathic
literature as efficacious under the conditions recommended.]
30-B. Prohibition of import of certain drugs.
___ No drug, the manufacture, sale or
distribution of which is prohibited in the country of origin, shall be imported under the same
name or under any other name except for the purpose of examination, test or analysis.
1 Section 30A omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 944 (E) dated 21-09-1998.
2Amended as per G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 680(E) dated 5-12-1980
3Amended under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-45 4th January, 1951
[31. Standard for certain imported drugs. —No drug shall be imported unless it complies
with the standard of strength, quality and purity, if any, and the test prescribed in the rules shall
be applicable for determining whether any such imported drug complies with the said standard:
Provided that the drugs intended for veterinary use, the standards of strength, quality and
purity, if any, shall be those that are specified in Schedule F (1) and the test prescribed in that
Schedule shall be applicable for determining whether any such imported drug complies with the
said standards and where no standards are specified in Schedule F(1) for any veterinary drug, the
standards for such drug shall be those specified in the current edition, for the time being in force,
of the British Pharmacopoeia Veterinary:
Provided further that the licensing authority shall not allow the import of any drug having
less than sixty percent residual shelf-life period as on the date of import:
Provided also that in exceptional cases the licensing authority may, for reasons to be recorded
in writing, may allow, the import of any drug having lesser shelf-life period, but before the date
of expiry as declared on the container of the drug.]
32.Packing and labeling of imported drugs. __No drug shall be imported unless it is packed
and labeled in conformity with the rules in Parts IX and X 3
* * * and further conform to the
standards laid down in Part XII provided that in the case of drugs intended for veterinary use, the
packing and labeling shall conform to the rules in Parts IX and X and Schedule F(1).
32-A Packing and Labelling of Homoeopathic medicine.–No Homoeopathic medicine shall
be imported unless it is packed and labeled in conformity with the rules in Part IX-A
33. Import of drugs for examination, test or analysis.____ Small quantities of drugs the
import of which is otherwise prohibited under Section 10 of the Act may be imported for the
purpose of examination, test or analysis subject to the following conditions:__
a) No drug shall be imported for such purpose except under a licence in form 11;
b)the licensee shall use the substances imported under the licence exclusively for
purposes of examination, test or analysis and shall carry on such examination, test or
analysis in the place specified in the licence, or in such other places as the licensing
authority may from time to time authorize;
Substituted as per G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R. 604 (E) dated 24-08-2001
2Amended by Govt. of India, Ministry of Health, F. P. & W. H. & U. D. Notification No. F. 1-6/62-D.
dated 2-7-1969.
3Omitted under G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.663(E) dated 3-7-1992
4Amended by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D, dated the
th June, 1972).
c)the licensee shall allow any Inspector authorized by the licensing authority in this
behalf to enter, with or without prior notice, the premises where the substances are
kept, and to inspect the premises, and investigate the manner in which the substance
are being used and to take samples thereof;
d)the licensee shall keep a record of, and shall report to the licensing authority, the
substances imported under the licence, together with the quantities imported, the date
of importation and the name of the manufacturer;
e)the licensee shall comply with such further requirements, if any applicable to the
holders of licences for examination, test or analysis as may be specified in any rules
subsequently made under Chapter III of the Act and of which the licensing authority
has given to him not less than one month’s notice.
[33-A Import of drugs by a Government Hospital or Autonomous Medical Institution for the
treatment of patient.—Small quantities of new drug, as defined in rule 122-E, the import of
which is otherwise prohibited under this section 10 of the Act, may be imported for treatment of
patients suffering from life threatening diseases, or diseases causing serious permanent disability,
or such disease requiring therapies for unmet medical needs, by a Medical Officer of a
Government Hospital or an Autonomous Medical Institution providing tertiary care, duly
certified by the Medical Superintendent of the Government Hospital, or Head of the Autonomous
Medical Institution, subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(a) no new drug shall be imported for the said purpose except under a licence in Form
11-A, and the said drug has been approved for marketing in the country of origin;
(b) the licence shall use the substances or drugs imported under the licence exclusively
for the purpose of treatment of patients suffering from life threatening diseases, or
diseases causing serious permanent disability, or such diseases requiring therapies for
unmet medical needs, under the supervision of its own Medical Officers at the place,
specified in the licence or at such other places, as the licensing authority, may from
time to time authorize;
(c) the licencee shall allow an Inspector authorised by the licensing authority in this
behalf to enter, with or without prior notice, the premises where the substances or
drugs are stocked, and to inspect the premises and relevant records and investigate
the manner in which the substances or drugs are being used and to take, if
necessary, samples thereof ;
(d) the licencee shall keep a record of, and shall submit the said report half yearly to the
licensing authority, the substances or drugs imported under the licence, together with
the quantities imported and issued to the patients, the date of importation, the name
of the manufacturer, the name and address of the patient for whom the drug is
prescribed and the name of disease;
Inserted by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
(e) the licencee shall comply with such other requirements, if any, applicable to the
holders of import licences for import of new drugs for treatment of patients by
Government Hospitals, as may be specified from time to time in any rule
subsequently made under Chapter 111 of the Act and of which the licensing
authority has given to him not less than one month’s notice;
(f)the drug shall be stocked under proper storage conditions and shall be dispensed
under the supervision of a registered pharmacist;
(g) the quantity of any single drug so imported shall not exceed 100 average dosages
per patient:
Provided that the licensing authority may, in exceptional circumstances, sanction the import
of drug a large quantity.]
34. Application for licence for examination, test or analysis.____(1) An application for a
licence for examination, test or analysis shall be made in Form 12 and shall be made or
countersigned by the head of the institution in which, or by a proprietor or director or the
company or firm by which the examination, test or analysis will be conducted.
(2)The licensing authority may require such further particulars to be supplied as he may
consider necessary.
[(3) Every application in Form 12 shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred rupees for a
single drug and an additional fee of fifty rupees or each additional drug.
(4) The fees shall be paid through a challan in the Bank of Baroda, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110001 or any other branch or branches of Bank of Baroda, or any other Bank, as
notified, from time to time, by the Central Government, to be credited under the Head of
Account 0210-Medical and Public Health, 04- Public Health, 104- Fees and Fines.]
[34-A. Application for licence to import small quantities of new drugs by a Government
Hospital or Autonomous Medical Institution for the treatment of patients.—(1) An application
for an import licence for small quantities of a new drug, as defined in rule 122-E for the purpose
of treatment of patients suffering from life threatening diseases, or diseases causing serious
permanent disability, or such diseases requiring therapies for unmet medical needs, shall be
made in Form 12-AA, by a Medical Officer of the Government Hospital or Autonomous Medical
Institution, which shall be certified by the Medical Superintendent of the Government Hospital
or Head of the Autonomous Medical Institution, as the case may be.
Substituted by Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
2 Inserted by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
(2) The licensing authority may require such further particulars to be supplied, as he may
consider necessary.
(3) Every application in Form 12-AA shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred rupees
for a single drug and an additional fee of fifty rupees for each additional drug.
(4) The fees shall be paid through a challan in the Bank of Baroda, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110001 or any other branch or branches of Bank of Baroda, or any other Bank, as
notified, from time to time, by the Central Government, to be credited under the Head of
Account 0210- Medical and Public Health, 04- Public Health, 104- Fees and Fine.]
35. Cancellation of licence for examination, test or analysis.___(1) A licence for examination,
test or analysis may be cancelled by the licensing authority for breach of any of the conditions
subject to which the licence was issued.
(2) A licensee whose licence has been cancelled may appeal to the Central Government
within three months of the date of the order
[35A. Cancellation of licence for import of small quantities of new drugs.–(1) A licence for
import of small quantities of a new drug, defined in rule122-E, for the purpose of the treatment
of patients suffering from life threating diseases, or diseases causing serious permanent
disability, or such diseases requiring therapies for unmet medical needs, by a Government
Hospital or an Autonomous Medical Institution may be cancelled by the licensing authority for
breach of any of the conditions subject to which the licence was issued or for contravention of
any of the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder.
(2) A licencee whose licence has been cancelled may appeal to the Central Government
within three months from the date of the receipt of the order, and the Central Government may
after such enquiry into the matter, as it considers necessary and after giving the appellant an
opportunity for representing his views, may pass such orders in relation thereto, as it thinks fit.]
36. Import of drugs for personal use.
__ Small quantities of drugs, the import of which is
otherwise prohibited under Section 10 of the Act, may be imported for personal use subject to
the following conditions: __
(i) the drugs shall form part of a passenger’s bona fide baggage and shall be the
property of, and be intended for, the exclusive personal use of the passenger;
(ii) the drugs shall be declared to the Customs authorities if they so direct;
(iii) the quantity of any single drug so imported shall not exceed one hundred average
doses :
Inserted by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 604(E) dated 24-08-2001
Provided that the licensing authority may in an exceptional case in any individual case
sanction the import of a large quantity:
Provided further that any drug, imported for personal use but not forming part of bona fide
personal baggage, may be allowed to be imported subject to the following conditions, namely:–
(i)the licensing authority, on an application made to it in Form 12-A is satisfied that the
drug is for bona fide personal use;
(ii)the quantity to be imported is reasonable in the opinion of the licensing authority and
is covered by prescription from a registered medical practitioner ; and
(iii)the licensing authority grants a permit in respect of the said drug in Form 12-B.
37. Packing of patent or proprietary medicine. —Patent or proprietary medicines shall be
imported in containers intended for retail sale.
Provided that such medicines may be imported in bulk containers by any person who holds a
licence to manufacture, if such person has obtained permission in writing to import such
medicines from the licensing authority at least three months prior to the date of import and the
imports are made within a period of twelve months from the date of issue of such permission.
38. Statement to accompany imported drugs.
___ All consignments of drugs sought to be
imported shall be accompanied by an invoice or other statement showing the name and address
of the manufacturer and the name and quantities of the drugs.
39. Documents to be supplied to the Customs Collector. ___Before drugs for the import of
which a licence is not required are imported a declaration signed by or on behalf of the
manufacturer or by or on behalf of the importer that the drugs comply with the provisions of
Chapter III of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules thereunder shall be supplied to
the Customs Collector.
40. Procedure for the import of drugs. ____(1) If the Customs Collector has reason to doubt
whether any drugs comply with the provisions of Chapter III of the Act and Rules thereunder he
may, and if requested by an officer appointed for this purpose by the Central Government shall,
take samples of any drugs in the consignment and forward them to the Director of the laboratory
appointed for this purpose by the Central Government and may detain the drugs in the
consignment of which samples have been taken until the report of the Director of the said
laboratory or any other officer empowered by him on this behalf, subject to the approval of the
Central Government, on such samples is received :
1Amended under Government of India Notification No.F-1-36/54-D.S.,dated 3rd March,1955.
2Amended under Government of India Notification No.F-1-3/51-D.S.,dated 15th October,1954
3Amended under Government of India Notification No.F-1-45/58-D, dated 4th January,1961
4Amended by the Government of India Notification No. F. 1-99/52-D.S., dated 3rd November, 1953
Provided that if the importer gives an undertaking in writing not to dispose of the drugs
without the consent of the Customs Collector and to return the consignment or such portion
thereof as may be required, the Customs Collector shall make over the consignment to the
(2) If an importer who has given an undertaking under the proviso to sub-rule (1) is required
by the Customs Collector to return the consignment or any portion thereof he shall return the
consignment or portion thereof within ten days of receipt of the notice.
41. (1) If the Director of the laboratory appointed for the purpose by the Central Government
or any other officer empowered by him on this behalf, subject to the approval of the Central
Government, reports to the Customs Collector that the samples of any drug in a consignment are
not of standard quality, or that the drug contravenes in any other respect the provisions of
Chapter III of the Act or the Rules thereunder and that the contravention is such that it cannot be
remedied by the importer, the Customs Collector shall communicate the report forthwith to the
importer who shall, within two months of his receiving the communication either export all the
drugs of that description in the consignment, to the country in which they were manufactured or
forfeit them to the Central Government which shall cause them to be destroyed :
Provided that the importer may within fifteen days of receipt of the report make a
representation against the report to the Customs Collector, and the Customs Collector shall
forward the representation with a further sample to the licensing authority, who after obtaining, if
necessary, the report of the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory, shall pass orders thereon
which shall be final.
(2) If the Director of the laboratory appointed for the purpose by the Central Government or
any other officer empowered by him on this behalf, subject to the approval of the Central
Government reports to the Customs Collector that the samples of any drug contravene in any
respect the provisions of Chapter III of the Act or the Rules thereunder and that the contravention
is such that it can be remedied by the importer, the Customs Collector shall communicate the
report forthwith to the importer and permit him to import the drug on his giving an undertaking
in writing not to dispose of the drug without the permission of the officer authorized in this
behalf by the Central Government.
42. 3* * *
1Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 7-7/47-D, dated 5th January, 1954
2Added under Government of India Notification No. 7-11/47-D, dated 5th October, 1951.
3Omitted by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-9/52-DS., dated 3rd November, 1953
43. The drugs specified in Schedule D shall be exempt from the provisions of Chapter III of
the Act and of the Rules made thereunder to the extent, and subject to the conditions specified in
that Schedule.
[43A. No drug shall be imported into India except through one of the following places,
namely: __
Freozepore Cantonment and Amritsar Railway Stations:
In respect of drugs imported by rail across the frontier with Pakistan.
Ranaghat, Bongaon and Mohiassan Railways Stations:
In respect of drugs imported by rail across the frontier with Bangladesh
[Raxaul: In respect of drugs imported by road and railway lines connecting Raxaul in India
and Birganj in Nepal]
[Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and Cochin, Nhava Sheva and Kandla]:
In respect of drugs imported by sea into India.
[Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Ahemdabad and Hyderabad]:
In respect of drugs imported by sea into India.
43-B.Drugs, consignments of which are in transit through India to foreign countries and
which shall not be sold or distributed in India shall be exempted from the requirements of
Chapter III of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) and the rules made thereunder.
Provided that if the Government of the countries to which the drugs are consigned regulate
their import by the grant of import licences, the importer shall at the time of import into India,
produce such import licences.
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 478(E) dated 6th August, 1981
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 120(E) dated 05-03-1998
3Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 504(E) dated 18-07-2002
(Also, the word Calcutta substituted with a word ‘Kolkata’ as per this notification).
4Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 647(E) dated 28-10-1998
5Added under Government of India Notification No. E. 1-60/D, dated 19th March, 1964.
44. Qualifications of Government Analyst.
____ A person appointed as a Government Analyst
under the Act shall be a person who____
(a) is a graduate in medicine or science or pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry of a
[University established in India by law or has an equivalent qualification recognized
by the Central Government for such purpose] and has had not less than five years’
post-graduate experience in the testing of drugs in a laboratory under control of (i) a
Government Analyst appointed under the Act, or (ii) the head of an Institution or
testing laboratory approved for the purpose by the appointing authority, 3
[ or has
completed training on testing of drugs, including items stated in Schedule C, in
Central Drugs Laboratory], or
(b) possesses a post-graduate degree in medicine or science or pharmacy or
Pharmaceutical chemistry of a 4
[University established in India by law or has an
equivalent qualification recognized by the Central Government for such purpose]or
possesses the Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemists (India) obtained
by passing the said examination with “Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals’ as one
of the subjects and has had after obtaining the said post-graduate degree or diploma
not less than three years’ experience in the testing of drugs in a laboratory under the
control of (i) a Government Analyst appointed under the Act, or (ii) the head of an
Institution or testing laboratory approved for the purpose by the appointing authority
[or has completed training on testing of drugs, including items stated in Schedule C,
in Central Drugs Laboratory];
Provided that3
[(i) for purpose of examination of items in Schedule C, —
(ia) the persons appointed under clause (a) or (b) and having degree in Medicine,
Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pharmacy should have experience
or training in testing of said items in an institution or laboratory approved by
the appointing authority for a period of not less than six months;
(ib) the person appointed under clause(a) or (b) but not having degree in the above
subjects should have experience or training in testing of said Schedule C drugs
for a period of not less than three years in an institution or laboratory approved
by the appointing authority or have completed two years training on testing of
drugs including items stated in Schedule C in Central Drugs Laboratory;]
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 443(E) dated 12-04-1989
2Amended by G.S.R. No. 1427 dated 22-10-77 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11013/2/76-D & MS
dated the 10th October, 1977)
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 697(E) dated 26-10-1995
4.Subss. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.71(E) dated30.01.1987
(ii) for a period of four years from the date on which Chapter IV of the Act takes effect in
the States, persons whose training and experience are regarded by the appointing
authority as affording, subject to such further training, if any, as may be considered
necessary, a reasonable guarantee of adequate knowledge and competence, may be
appointed as Government Analysts. The persons so appointed may, if the appointing
authority so desires, continue in service after the expiry of the said period of four
years :
(iii) no person who is engaged directly or indirectly in any trade or business connected
with the manufacture of drugs shall be appointed as a Government Analyst for any
area :
Provided further that for the purpose of examination of Anti-sera, Toxoid and Vaccines and
Diagnostic Antigens for Veterinary use, the person appointed shall be a person who is a graduate
in Veterinary Science, or general science, or medicine or pharmacy and has had not less than five
years’ experience in the standardization of biological products or person holding a post-graduate
degree in Veterinary Science, or general science, or medicine or pharmacy or pharmaceutical
chemistry with an experience of not less than three years in the standardization of biological
products :
Provided also that persons, already appointed as Government Analysts may continue to
remain in service, if the appointing authority so desires, notwithstanding the fact that they do not
fulfil the qualifications as laid down in clause (a), clause (b) or the preceding proviso.
45. Duties of Government Analysts. __(1) The Government Analyst shall cause to be
analysed or tested such samples or drugs 1
and cosmetics as may be sent to him by Inspectors or
other persons under the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and shall furnish reports of the
results of test or analysis in accordance with these Rules.
(2)A Government Analyst shall from time to time forward to the Government reports giving
the result of analytical work and research with a view to their publication at the discretion of
46. Procedure on receipt of sample. On receipt of a package from an Inspector containing a
sample for test or analysis, the Government Analyst shall compare the seals on the packet 2
[or on
portion of sample or container] with the specimen impression received separately and shall note
the condition of the seals on the 2
[packet or on portion of sample or container]. After the test or
analysis has been completed, he shall forthwith supply to the Inspector a report in triplicate in
Form 13 of the result of the test or analysis, together with full protocols of the tests or analysis
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12.8.1972
Ins./ Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 59(E) dt 7.2.1995.
____It shall be deemed to be full and sufficient compliance with the requirement
of the rule in respect of the supply of “protocols of the tests or analysis applied”, if____
(1) for pharmacopoeial drug, where the tests or methods of analysis prescribed in the
official pharmacopoeia are followed, references to the specific tests or analysis in the
pharmacopoeias are given in the report;
(2)for patent or proprietary medicines for which the tests and methods prescribed in any
of the official pharmacopoeias are applicable and are followed, references to the
specific tests or analysis in the pharmacopoeias are given in the report;
(3)for patent or proprietary medicines containing pharmacopoeial drugs for which the
official tests or analysis or methods of assays are modified and applied, a description
of the actual tests or, as the case may be, analysis or methods of assays so applied is
given in the report;
(4) for patent or proprietary medicines for which no pharmacopoeial tests or methods of
analysis are available or can be applied but for which tests or methods of analysis
given in standard books or journals are followed, a description of such tests or methods
of analysis applied together with the reference to the relevant books or journals from
which the tests or methods of analysis have been adopted, is given in the report;
(5) for those drugs for which methods of test are not available and have been evolved by
the Government Analyst, a description of tests applied is given in the report.
47. Report of result of test or analysis.
___ An application from a purchaser for test or analysis
of a drug under Section 26 of the Act shall be made in Form 14 A and the report of test or
analysis of the drug made on such application shall be supplied to the applicant in Form 14-B.
48. Fees.
___ The fees to be paid by a person submitting to the Government Analyst under
Section 26 of the Act for test or analysis of a drug purchased by him shall be those specified in
Schedule B.
[49. Qualifications of Inspectors. —A person who is appointed an Inspector under the Act
shall be a person who has a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with
specialisation in clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India
by law:
Provided that only those Inspectors: —
Ins. under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-60/61-D, dated 12th July, 1962.
Substituted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 658(E) dated 19-10-1993
(i) Who have not less than 18 months’ experience in the manufacture of atleast one of the
substances specified in Schedule C, or
(ii) Who have not less than 18 months’ experience in testing of atleast one of the
substances in Schedule C in a Laboratory approved for this purpose by the licensing
authority, or
(iii) Who have gained experiences of not less than three years in the inspection of firms
manufacturing any of the substances specified in Schedule C during the tenure of their
services as Drugs Inspector; shall be authorised to inspect the manufacture of the
substances mentioned in Schedule C.]
[Provided further that the requirement as to the academic qualification shall not apply to the
persons appointed as Inspectors on or before the 18th day of October, 1993.]
[ 49A. Qualification of a Licensing Authority.—
No person shall be qualified to be a Licensing Authority under the Act unless:–
(i) he is a graduate in Pharmacy on Pharmaceutical Chemistry or in Medicine with
specialization in clinical pharmacology or microbiology from a University established
in India by law; and
(ii) he has experience in the manufacture or testing of drugs or enforcement of the
provisions of the Act for a minimum period of five years:]
[ Provided that the requirements as to the academic qualification shall not apply to those
inspectors and the Government Analysts who were holding those positions on the 12th day of
50.Controlling authority.
__(1) All Inspectors appointed by the Central Government shall be
under the control of an officer appointed in this behalf by the Central government.
(2) All Inspectors appointed by the State Government shall be under the control of an
officer appointed in this behalf by the State Government.
(3) For the purposes of these rules an officer appointed by the Central Government under
sub-rule (1), or as the case may be, an officer appointed by the State Government
under sub-rule (2), shall be a controlling authority.
Ins. by G.O.I. by Notification No. G.S.R 552(E) dated 04-12-1996
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 443(E) dt 12.4.1989.
Sub. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 532 (E) dt 14.8.1991.
4. Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12.8.1972.
[50A. Qualification of a Controlling Authority.—
(1) No person shall be qualified to be a controlling Authority under the Act unless.–
(i) he is a graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or in Medicine with
specialization in clinical Pharmacology or microbiology from a University
established in India by law and
(ii)he has experience in the manufacture or testing of drugs or enforcement of the
provisions of the Act for a minimum period of five years:
[Provided that the requirements as to the academic qualifications shall not apply to those
Inspectors and the Government Analysts who were holding those positions on the 12th day of
April, 1989.]
51. Duties of Inspectors of premises licensed for sale.
___ Subject to the instructions of the
controlling authority, it shall be duty of an Inspector authorized to inspect premises licensed for
the sale of drugs____
(1) to inspect 3
[not less than once a year] all establishments licensed for the sale of
drugs within the area assigned to him;
(2) to satisfy himself that the conditions of the licences are being observed;
(3) to procure and send for test or analysis, if necessary, imported packages which he
has reason to suspect contain drugs being sold or stocked or exhibited for sale in
contravention of the provisions of the Act or Rules thereunder;
(4) to investigate any complaint in writing which may be made to him;
(5) to institute prosecutions in respect of breaches of the Act and Rules thereunder;
(6) to maintain a record of all inspections made and action taken by him in the
performance of his duties, including the taking of samples and the seizure of
stocks, and to submit copies of such record to the controlling authority;
(7) to make such enquiries and inspections as may be necessary to detect the sale of
drugs in contravention to the Act;
1 IIns. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 443(E) dated 12-04-1989
Subs. by Notification No. G.S.R 532(E) dated 14-8-1991
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification GSR 700 (E) dt 28.9.2001.
(8) when so authorized by the State Government, to detain imported packages which
he has reason to suspect contain drugs, the import of which is prohibited.
52.Duties of Inspectors specially authorized to inspect the manufacture of 1
[drugs or
cosmetics].__ Subject to the instructions of the controlling authority it shall be the duty of an
Inspector authorized to inspect the manufacture of drugs____
(1) to inspect 2
[not less than once a year], all premises licensed for manufacture of
[drugs or cosmetics] within the area allotted to him to satisfy himself that the
conditions of the licence and provisions of the Act and Rules thereunder are being
(2) in the case of establishments licensed to manufacture products specified in
Schedule C and C(1) to inspect the plant and the process of manufacture, the
means employed for standardizing and testing the 2
[drugs or cosmetics], the
methods and place of storage, the technical qualifications of the staff employed
and all details of location, construction and administration of the establishment
likely to affect the potency or purity of the product;
(3) to send forthwith the controlling authority after each inspection a detailed report
indicating the conditions of the licence and provisions of the Act and Rules
thereunder which are being observed and the conditions and provisions, if any,
which are not being observed.
(4) to take samples of the 1
[drugs or cosmetics] manufactured on the premises and
send them for test or analysis in accordance with these Rules;
(5) to institute prosecutions in respect of breaches of the Act and Rules thereunder.
53. Prohibition of disclosure of information.
___ Except for the purposes of official business or
when required by a Court of Law, an Inspector shall not, without the sanction in writing of his
official superior, disclose to any person any information acquired by him in the course of his
official duties.
54. Form of order not to dispose of stock.– An order in writing by an Inspector under clause
(c) of Section 22 of the Act requiring a person not to dispose of any stock in his possession shall
be in Form 15.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 504(E) dated 18-07-2002
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 700(E) dated 28-9-2001
54-A.Prohibition of sale.
__ No person in possession of a 2
[drug or cosmetic] in respect of
which an Inspector has made an order under clause (c) of sub-section (i) of Section 22 of the Act
shall in contravention of that order sell or otherwise dispose of any stock of such 2
[drug or
55. Forms of receipts for seized drug, cosmetic, record register, document or any other
material object.– A receipt by an Inspector for the stock of any drug or cosmetic or for any
record, register, document or any other material object seized by him under clause (c) or clause
(cc) of sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the Act shall be in Form 16.
4 [55A . Manner of certifying copies of seized documents.—The Drugs Inspector shall return
the documents , seized by him under clause (cc) or produced before him under clause (cca), of
sub-section (1) of section 22 of the Act, within a period of twenty days of the date of such
seizure or production, to the person from whom they have seized or, as the case may be, the
person who produced them, after copies thereof extracts therefrom have been singed by the
concerned Drug Inspector and the person from whom they have seized , or, as the case may be ,
who produced such records.]
56.Form of intimation of purpose of taking samples.
__ When an Inspector takes a sample of a
drug for the purpose of test or analysis, he shall intimate such purpose in writing in Form 17 to
the person from whom he takes it.
[56A . Form or receipt for samples of drugs where fair price tendered is refused.—Where
the fair price, for the samples of drugs taken for the purpose of test or analysis, tendered under
sub-section (1) of section 23 has been refused, the Inspector shall tender a receipt therefor to the
person from whom the said samples have been taken as specified in Form 17-A;]
57. Procedure for dispatch of sample to Government Analyst.__(1) The portion of sample or
the container sent by an Inspector to the Government Analyst for test or analysis under subsection (4) of Section 23 of the Act shall be sent by registered post or by hand in a sealed packet,
enclosed together with a memorandum in Form 18, in an outer cover addressed to the
Government Analyst.
(2)A copy of the memorandum and a specimen impression of the seal used to seal the packet
shall be sent to the Government Analyst separately by registered post or by hand.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-19/59-D, dated 13 th June, 1961.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 850(E) dated 07-12-1994
3Amended by GSR No. 926 dated 16-7-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & MS dated
Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 89(E) dated 16-2-1981
Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 292(E) dated 29-5-1997
58. Confiscation of drugs, implements, machinery etc.
1) Where any person has been convicted for contravening any of the provisions of
Chapter IV of the Act or any rule made thereunder, the stock of the drug in
respect of which the contravention has been made shall be liable to confiscation.
2) Where any person has been convicted for the manufacture of any drug deemed
to be misbranded under clause (a), clause (b), clause (c), clause (d), clause (f) or
clause (g) of section 17 of the Act, or adulterated drug under section 17 B of the
Act, or for manufacture for sale, or stocking or exhibiting for sale or distribution
of any drug without a valid licence as required under clause (c) of section 18 of
the Act, any implements or machinery used in such manufacture, sale or
distribution and any receptacle, packages, or coverings in which such drug is
contained and the animals, vehicles, vessels or other conveyances used in
carrying such drug shall also be liable to confiscation.
58-A. Procedure for disposal of confiscated drugs.____(1) The Court shall refer the
confiscated drugs to the Inspector concerned for report as to whether they are of standard quality
or contravene the provisions of the Act or the Rules in any respect.
(2) If the Inspector, on the basis of Government Analyst’s report finds the confiscated drugs
to be not of standard quality or to contravene any of the provisions of the Act or the Rules made
thereunder, he shall report to the Court accordingly. The Court shall thereupon order the
destruction of the drugs. The destruction shall take place under the supervision of the Inspector
in the presence of such authority, if any, as may be specified by the Court.
(3) If the Inspector finds that the confiscated drugs are of standard quality and do not
contravene the provisions of the Act or the Rules made thereunder, he shall report to the Court
accordingly. 3
[The Court may then order the Inspector to give the stocks of confiscated drugs to
hospital or dispensary maintained or supported by the Government or by Charitable Institution.]
1Amended by S. O. No. 289, dated 3-2-1973 ( G.O.I. Notification No. X. 11014/17/72__D, dated the 20th
December, 1972).
2Added under G.O.I. No. F. 1-9/62-D, dated 2nd Dec. 1964.
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 59(E) dt 7.2.1995.
59. (1) The State Government shall appoint Licensing Authorities for the purpose of this Part
for such areas as may be specified.
(2) Applications for the grant or renewal of a licence 2
[to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] drugs, other than those included in Schedule X, 3
[shall be made in Form 19
accompanied by a fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred or Form 19-A. accompanied by a
fee of rupees five hundred, as the case may be, or in the case of drugs included in Schedule X
shall be made in Form 19-C accompanied by a fee of rupees five hundred, to the licensing
Provided that in the case of an itinerant vendor or an applicant who desires to establish a shop
in a village or town having population of 5,000 or less, the application in Form 19-A shall be
accompanied by a fee of rupees ten .
[A fee of rupees one hundred and fifty] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of a licence 4
sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] drugs, other than those included in Schedule X,
or for a licence 4
[ to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] drugs, included in Schedule
X, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost;
Provided that in the case of itinerant vendor or an applicant who desires to established a shop
in a village or town having a population of 5,000 or less, the fee for a duplicate copy of a licence
if the original is defaced, damaged or lost, shall be rupees two.
(4) Application for renewal of a licence 4
[to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute]
drugs, after its expiry but within six months of such expiry 3[shall be accompanied by a fee of
rupees one thousand and five hundred plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees five hundred
per month or part thereof in Form 19, rupees five hundred plus an additional fee at the rate of
rupees two hundred fifty per month or part thereof in Form 19-A and rupees five hundred plus an
additional fee at the rate of rupees two hundred and fifty per month or part thereof in Form 19-
Provided that in the case of an itinerant vendor or an applicant desiring to open a shop in a
village or town having a population of 5,000 or less the application for such renewal shall be
1Substituded by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 778(E) dated 10-10-1985
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-08-2001
4 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 778(E) dt 10.1.1985.
accompanied by a fee of rupees ten, plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees eight per month
or part thereof.]
60. A licensing authority may with the approval of the State Government by an order in
writing delegate the power to sign licences and such other powers as may be specified in the
order to any other person under his control.
[61. Forms of licences to sell drugs.
__ (1) a licence 3
[ to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] drugs other than those specified in Schedule C, C (1) and X and by retail on
restricted licence or by wholesale, shall be issued in Form 20, Form 20-A or Form 20 –B, as the
case may be:
Provided that a licence in Form 20-A shall be valid for only such drugs as are specified in the
(2) A licence 3
[to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] drugs specified in
Schedule C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X, by retail on restricted licence or
by wholesale shall be issued in Form 21, Form 21-A or Form 21-B, as the case may be.
[Provided that a licence in Form 21-A shall not be granted for drugs specified in Schedule C
and shall be valid for only such Schedule C (1) drugs as are specified in the licence.]
(3)A licence 3
[to sell, stock, exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] drugs specified in Schedule
X by retail or by wholesale shall be issued in Form 20-F or Form 20-G as the case may be.]
62. Sale at more than one place.__ If drugs are sold or stocked for sale at more than one place,
separate application shall be made, and a separate licence shall be issued, in respect of each such
Provided that this shall not apply to itinerant vendors who have no specified place of
business and who will be licensed to conduct business in a particular area within the jurisdiction
of the licensing authority
1Amended by G.O.I. No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15th June, 1957
Subs by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 788(E) dated 10-10-1985
Substituded by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 487(E) dated 2-7-1984
5Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 10-21/49-D, dated 10th March, 1953
62A. Restricted licences in Forms 20-A and 21-A.
__ (a) Restricted licences in Forms 20-A
and 21-A shall be issued subject to the discretion of the Licensing Authority, to dealers or
persons in respect of drugs whose sale does not require the supervision of a qualified person.
(b)Licences to itinerant vendors shall be issued only in exceptional circumstances for bona
fide traveling agents of firms dealing in drugs or for a vendor who purchases drugs from a
licensed dealer for distribution in sparsely populated rural areas where other channels of
distribution of drugs are not available.
(c)The licensing authority may issue a licence in Form 21-A to a travelling agent of a firm
but to no other class of itinerant vendors for the specific purpose of distribution to medical
practitioners or dealers, samples of biological and other special products specified in Schedule C:
Provided that traveling agents of licensed manufacturers, agents, of such manufacturers and
importers of drugs shall be exempted from taking out licence for the free distribution of samples
of medicines among members of the medical profession, hospitals, dispensaries and the medical
institution or research institutions.
62-B.Conditions to be satisfied before a licence in Form 20-A or Form 21-A is granted.
(1) A licence in Form 20-A or Form 21-A shall not be granted to any person, unless the authority
empowered to grant the licence is satisfied that the premises in respect of which the licence is to
be granted are adequate and equipped with proper storage accommodation for preserving the
properties of drugs to which the licence applies:
Provided that this condition shall not apply in the case of licence granted itinerant vendors.
(2)In granting a licence under Rule 62-A the authority empowered to grant it shall have
regard to :____
(i) the number of licences granted in the locality during one year immediately preceding;
(ii) the occupation, trade or business carried on by such applicant :
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 10-21/49-D, dated 10th March, 1953.
2 Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-9/60-D, dated 3rd July, 1961.
Provided that the licensing authority may refuse to grant or renew a licence to any applicant
or licensee in respect of whom it is satisfied that by reason of his conviction of an offence under
the Act or these Rules or the previous cancellation or suspension of any licence granted
thereunder, he is not a fit person to whom a licence should be granted under this Rule.
(3) Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the licensing authority in sub-rule (1)
may, within 30 days from the date of the receipt of such order appeal to the State Government
and the State Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as it considers necessary and
after giving the appellant an opportunity for representing his views in the matter make such order
in relation thereto as it thinks fit.
62C.Application for licence to sell drugs by wholesale or to distribute the same from a
motor vehicle: ___
(1)Application for the grant or renewal of a licence to sell by wholesale or to distribute from
a motor vehicle shall be made to the Licensing Authority in Form 19-AA and shall be
accompanied by 2
[a fee of rupees five hundred]:
Provided that if the applicant applies for the renewal of a licence after its expiry but within
six months of such expiry , the fee payable for renewal of such licence shall be 2
[rupees five
hundred plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees two hundred and fifty per month or part
(2) A fee of 2
[rupees one hundred fifty] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of a licence issued
under this rule, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.
62D.Form of licences to sell drugs by wholesale or distribute drugs from a motor vehicles.
A licence shall be issued for sale by wholesale or for distribution from a motor vehicle of
drugs other than those specified in Schedule and Schedule C(1) in Form 20BB and of drugs
specified in Schedule C and Schedule C(1) in Form 21BB :
Provided that such a licence shall not be required in a case where a public carrier or a hired
vehicle is used for transportation or distribution of drug.
63.Duration of licence.
__ An original licence or a renewed licence to sell drugs, unless
sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be 2
[valid for a period of five years on and from the date on
which] it is granted or renewed :
1Added by G.O.I. Notification No. X11013/7/76__DGHS dated the 25th January 1979.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-08-2001
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-10/62-D, dated 10th April, 1964.
Provided that if the application for renewal of licence in force is made before its expiry or
if the application is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application. The licence shall
be deemed to have expired if application for its renewal is not made within six months after its
63A.Certificate of renewal of a sale licence.
__ The certificate of renewal of a sale licence in
Forms 20, 20-A, 20-B,3
[20-F, 20-G], 21, 21-A and 21-B shall be issued in Form 21-C.
63B. Certificate of renewal of licence.
__ A certificate of renewal of a licence in Form 20BB
or Form 21BB shall be issued in Form 21-CC.;
64.Conditions to be satisfied before a licence in Form3
[20, 20-B, 20-F,20-G 21 or 21-B] is
granted .
__(1)A licence in Form 3
[20, 20-B, 20-F,20-G, 21 or 21-B] 6
[to sell, stock, exhibit or
offer for sale or distribute]drugs shall not be 7
[granted or renewed] to any person unless the
authority empowered to grant the licence is satisfied that the premise in respect of which the
licence is to be 7
[granted or renewed] are adequate, equipped with proper storage
accommodation for preserving the properties of the drugs to which the licence applies and are in
charge of a person competent in the opinion of the licensing authority to supervise and control
the sale, distribution and preservation of drugs :
Provided that in the case of a pharmacy a licence in Form 20 or 21 shall not be 7
[granted or
renewed] unless the licensing authority is satisfied that the requirements prescribed for a
pharmacy in Schedule N have been complied with.
[Provided further that licence in Form 20-F shall be 7
[granted or renewed] only to a
pharmacy and in areas where a pharmacy is not operating, such licence may be 7
[granted or
renewed] to a chemist and druggist]
__ For the purpose of this rule the term ‘Pharmacy’ shall be held to mean to
include every store or shop or other place : (1) where drugs are dispensed, that is, measured or
weighed or mode up and supplied : or (2), where prescriptions are compounded; or (3) where
drugs are prepared; or (4) which has upon it or displayed within it, or affixed to or used in
connection with it, a sign bearing the word or words “Pharmacy”, “Pharmacist,” “Dispensing
Chemist” or “Pharmaceutical Chemist”; or (5) which, by sign, symbol or indication within or.
1Amended by S. O. No. 2139, dated 12th August, 1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D,
dated the 5th June, 1972).
2Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-10/62-D, dated 10th April, 1964.
Inserted by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
4Added by Govt. of India Notification No. X11013/7/76__DGHS dated the 25th January 1979.
5Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15th June 1957 and No. F. 1-19/59-
D, dated 13th June, 1961
6Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 778(E) dated 10-10-1985
7Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 681(E) dated 6-6-1988
upon it gives the impression that the operations mentioned at (1), (2) and (3) are carried out in
the premises; or (6) which is advertised in terms referred to in (4) above
(2)In granting a licence under sub-rule (1) the authority empowered to grant it shall have
(i)to the average number of licences granted during the period of 3 years immediately
preceding, and
(ii)to the occupation, trade or business ordinarily carried on by such applicant during the
period aforesaid :
Provided that the licensing authority may refuse to grant or renew a licence to any applicant
or licensee in respect of whom it is satisfied that by reason of his conviction of an offence under
the Act or these Rules, or the previous cancellation or suspension of any licence granted
thereunder, he is not a fit person to whom a licence should be granted under this rule. Every
such order shall be communicated to the licensee as soon as possible.
[ Provided further that in respect of an application for the grant of a licence in form 20-B or
form 21-B or both, the licensing authority shall satisfy himself that the premises in respect of
which a wholesale licence is to be granted are:–
(i) of an area of not less than ten square meters; and]
[(ii) in the charge of a competent person, who—
(a) is a Registered Pharmacist, or,
(b) has passed the matriculation examination or its equivalent examination from a
recognised Board with the four years experience in dealing with sale of drugs, or;
(c) holds a degree of a recognised University with one year’s experience in dealing
with drugs]
[Provided also that,–
(i) in respect of an application for the grant of a licence in Form 20 or Form 21 or both,
the licensing authority shall satisfy itself that 5
[the premises are of an area] of not less
than 10 square meters, and
(ii) in respect of an application for the grant of a licence–
(A)In Form 20 or Form 21 or both, and
(B)In Form 20 B or Form 21B or both,
the licensing authority shall satisfy itself that the premises are of an area not less
than 15 square meter;
1Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-19/59-D, dated 13th June, 1961
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 681(E) dated 5-12-1980
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 351(E) dated 26-4-2000
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 91(E) dated 25-2-1997
5Amended by Corrigendum G.S.R. 121 (E) dated 5-3-1998
Provided also that the provisions of the preceding proviso shall not apply to the premises for
which licences have been issued by the licensing authority before the commencement of the
Drugs and Cosmetic (1st Amendment) Rules, 1997]
[(3) Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the licensing authority in sub-rule
(1) may, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State Government
and the State Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as it considers necessary and
after giving the appellant an opportunity for representing his views in the matter, make such an
order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.]
65. Condition of licences. __ Licences in 1
[Form 20, 20-A, 20-B, 20-F, 20-C, 21, and 21-B]
shall be subject to the conditions stated therein and to the following general conditions___
[(1) Any drug shall, if compounded or made on the licensee’s premises be compounded or
made under the direct and personal supervision of a 2
[registered Pharmacist]
(2)The supply, otherwise than by way of wholesale dealing, 3
[* * *] of any drug supplied on
the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner shall be effected only by or under the
personal supervision of a 2
[registered Pharmacist].
(3) (1) The supply of any drug 1
[other than those specified in Schedule X] on a prescription
of a Registered Medical Practitioner shall be recorded at the time of supply in a prescription
register specially maintained for the purpose and the serial number of the entry in the register
shall be entered on the prescription. The following particulars shall be entered in the register: _
(a) serial number of the entry,
(b) the date of supply,
(c) the name and address of the prescriber,
5(d) the name and address of the patient, or the name and address of the owner of
the animal if the drug supplied is for veterinary use.
(e) the name of the drug or preparation and the quantity or in the case of a
medicine made up by the licensee, the ingredients and quantities thereof,
(f) in the case of a drug specified in 1
[Schedule C or Schedule H] the name of the
manufacturer of the drug, its batch number and the date of expiry of potency,
if any,
(g) the signature of the 2
[registered Pharmacist] by or under whose supervision the
medicine was made up or supplied.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
Subs. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 676(E) dated 06-09-1994
3Omitted by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
4Amended by S. O. No. 2139, dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D, dated
the 5th June, 1972.)
5Amended by GSR No. 926 dated 16-7-1977, (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & M.S.
dated 24-6-77).
6Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-9/60-D dated 3rd July,1961.
Provided that in the case of drugs which are not compounded in the premises and which are
supplied from or in the original containers, the particulars specified in items (a) to (g) above may
be entered in a cash or credit memo book, serially numbered and specially maintained for this
Provided further that if the medicine is supplied on a prescription on which the medicine has
been supplied on a previous occasion and entries made in the prescription register, it shall be
sufficient if the new entry in the register includes a serial number, the date of supply, the quantity
supplied and a sufficient reference to an entry in the register recording the dispensing of the
medicine on the previous occasion.
Provided further that it shall not be necessary to record the above details in the register or in
the cash or credit memo particulars in respect of: ___
(i) any drugs supplied against prescription under the Employees State Insurance
Scheme if all the above particulars are given in that prescription, and
(ii) any drug other than that specified in 1
[Schedule C or Schedule H] if it is supplied
in the original unopened container of the manufacturer and if the prescription is
duly stamped at the time of supply with the name of the supplier and the date on
which the supply was made and on condition that the provisions of sub rule (4)
(3) of this rule are complied with.
(2) The option to maintain a prescription register or a cash or credit memo book in respect of
drugs and medicines which are supplied from or in the original container, shall be made in
writing to the Licensing Authority at the time of application for the grant or renewal of the
licence to sell by retail.
Provided that the Licensing Authority may require records to be maintained only in
prescription register if it is satisfied that the entries in the carbon copy of the cash or credit memo
book are not legible.
(4) (1) The supply by retail, otherwise than on a prescription of a drug specified in Schedule
C 3
[* * *] shall be recorded at the time of supply either :
Subs. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
Ins. by Government of India Notification No. 1-63/61-D, dated 17th July, 1963.
3Omitted by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
(i) in a register specially maintained for the purpose in which the following particulars shall
be entered :____
(a) serial number of the entry,
(b) the date of supply,
(c) the name and address of the purchaser,
(d) the name of the drug and the quantity thereof,
(e) in the case of a drug specified in Schedule C, the name of the manufacturer, the
batch number and the date of expiry of potency,
(f) the signature of the person under whose supervision the sale was effected, or
(ii) in a cash or credit memo book, serially numbered containing all the particulars specified
in items (b) to (f) of sub clause (i) above.
NOTE:__ The entries in the carbon copy of the cash or credit memo which is retained by the
licensee shall be maintained in a legible manner.
(2) The option to maintain a register or a cash or credit memo book shall be made in writing
to the Licensing Authority at the time of application for the grant or renewal of a licence to sell
by retail:
Provided that the Licensing Authority may require records to be maintained in a register if it
is satisfied that the entries in the carbon copy of the cash/credit memo book are not legible.
(3)(i) The supply by retail of any drug shall be made against a cash/credit memo which shall
contain the following particulars :____
(a) Name, address and sale licence number of the dealer,
(b) Serial number of the cash/credit memo,
(c) the name and quantity of the drug supplied.
(ii)Carbon copies of cash/credit memos shall be maintained by the licensee as record.
Ins. by G. S. R. No. 245 dated 21-2-1976 (Govt. of India Notification No X. 11013/5/72-D&M.S. dated
the 3rd, February, 1976).
[(4)(i) Records of purchase of a drug intended for sale or sold by retail shall be maintained
by the licensee and such records shall show the following particulars, namely:–
(a) the date of purchase,
(b)the name and address of the person from whom purchased and the number of the
relevant licence held by him,
(c) the name of the drug, the quantity and the batch number, and
(d) the name of the manufacturer of the drug.
(ii) Purchase bills including cash or credit memo shall be serially numbered by the licensee
and maintained by him in a chronological order,]
(5)(1) Subject to the other provisions of these rules the supply of a drug by wholesale shall
be made against a cash or credit memo bearing the name and address of the licensee and his
licence number under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act in which the following particulars shall be
(a) the date of sale.
(b) the name, address of the licensee to whom sold and his sale licence number. In case
of sale to an authority purchasing on behalf of Government, or to a hospital, medical,
educational or research institution or to a Registered Medical Practitioner for the
purpose of supply to his patients the name and address of the authority, institution or
the Registered Medical Practitioner as the case may be,
(c) the name of the drug, the quantity and the batch number,
(d) the name of the manufacturer.
[(e) the signature of the competent person under whose supervision the sale was effected.]
(2)Carbon copies of cash or credit memos specified in clause (1) shall be preserved as records
for a period of three years from the date of the sale of the drug.
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 1242(E) dated 17-9-1979
2Amended by G.O.I. No. F. 1-63/62-D, dated 17th July, 1963.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 496(E) dated 9-6-1995
[(3) (i) Records of purchase of a drug intended for resale or sold by wholesale shall be
maintained by the licensee and such records shall show the following particulars, namely:–
(a) the date of purchase,
(b) the name, address and the number of the relevant licence held by the person from
whom purchased,
(c) the name of the drug, the quantity and the batch number, and
(d) the name of the manufacturer of the drug.
(ii) Purchase bills including cash or credit memos shall be serially numbered by the licensee
and maintained by him in a chronological order.]
(6) The licensee shall produce for inspection by an Inspector appointed under the Act on
demand all registers and records maintained under these Rules, and shall supply to the Inspector
such information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the
Act and Rules thereunder have been observed.
(7) Except where otherwise provided in these Rules, all registers and records maintained
under these Rules shall be preserved for a period of not less than two years from the date of the
last entry therein.
(8)Notwithstanding anything contained in this Rule it shall not be necessary to record
particulars in a register specially maintained for the purpose if the particulars are recorded in any
other register specially maintained under any other law for the time being in force.
[(9) (a) Substances specified in Schedule H or Schedule X shall not be sold by retail except
on and in accordance with the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner and in the case of
substances specified in schedule X, the prescriptions shall be in duplicate,one copy of which
shall be retained by the licensee for a period of two years.
(b)The supply of drugs specified in Schedule H or Schedule X to Registered Medical
Practitioners, Hospitals, Dispensaries and Nursing Homes shall be made only
against the signed order in writing which shall be preserved by the licensee for a
period of two years;]
Subs. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 1242(E) dated 17-9-1979
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
(10) For the purposes of clause (9) a prescription shall____
(a) be in writing and be signed by the person giving it with his usual signature and be
dated by him;
(b) specify the name and address of the person for whose treatment it is given, or the
name and address of the owner of the animal if the drug is meant for veterinary use;
(c) indicate the total amount of the medicine to be supplied and the dose to be taken.
(11) The person dispensing a prescription containing a drug specified in Schedule H 2
Schedule X] shall comply with the following requirements in addition to other requirements of
these Rules____
(a) the prescription must not be dispensed more than once unless the prescriber has
stated thereon that it may be dispensed more than once;
(b) if the prescription contains a direction that it may be dispensed a stated number of
times or at stated intervals it must not be dispensed otherwise than in accordance
with the directions;
(c) at the time of dispensing there must be noted on the prescription above the signature
of the prescriber the name and address of the seller and the date on which the
prescription is dispensed.
(11-A) No person dispensing a prescription containing substances specified in 2
H or X], may supply any other preparation, whether containing the same substance or not, in lieu
[(12) Substances specified in Schedule X kept in retail shop or premises used in connection
therewith shall be stored—
(a) under lock and key in cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of these
substances ;or
(b) in a part of the premises separated from the remainder of the premises and to which
only responsible persons have access;]
1Amended by G. S. R. No. 926, dated 16-7-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & M. S.
dated 24/6/1977).
Ins./amended/subs by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
3Amended by G. S. R. No. 926, dated 16-7-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & M. S.
dated 24/6/1977).
(13) 1 * * *
(14) 1 * * *
(15) (a) The description “Drugstore” shall be displayed by such licensees who do not
require the services of a qualified person.
(b) The description “Chemists and Druggists” shall be displayed by such licensees who
employ the services of a “3
[registered Pharmacist]” but who do not maintain a “Pharmacy” for
compounding against prescriptions:
(c) The description “Pharmacy”, “Pharmacist”, “Dispensing Chemist” or “Pharmaceutical
Chemist” shall be displayed by such licensees who employ the services of a “
Pharmacist]” and maintain a “Pharmacy” for compounding against prescriptions:
[Explanation:– for the purpose of this rule,—
(i) “registered Pharmacist” means a person who is a registered Pharmacist as
defined in clause (i) of Section (2) of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (Act No. 8 of
Provided that the provisions of sub-clause (i) shall not apply to those persons
who are already approved as “qualified person” by the Licensing authority on or
before 31st December 1969.
(ii) Date of Expiry of potency means the date that is recorded on the container,
label or wrapper as the date up to which the substance may be expected to
retain potency not less than or not to acquire toxicity greater than that
required or permitted by the prescribed test.
(16) The license shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impressions and the defects noticed.
1Omitted by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
2Amended by the Government of India Notification No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15th June, 1957.
Substituted by Notification No. G.S.R 676(E) dated 06-09-1994
Subs. by Notification No. G.S.R 676(E) dated 06-09-1994
5Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-14/68-D dated 26-10-1968.
(17) No drug shall be sold or stocked by the licensee after the date of expiration of potency
recorded on its container, label or wrapper, or in violation of any statement or direction recorded
on such container, label or wrapper;
Provided that any such drugs in respect of which the licensee has taken steps with the
manufacturer or his representative for the withdrawal, reimbursement or disposal of the same,
may be stocked after the date of expiration of potency pending such withdrawal, reimbursement
or disposal, as the case may be, subject to the condition that the same shall be stored separately
from the trade stocks 2
and all such drugs shall be kept in packages or cartons, the top of which
shall display prominently, the words “Not for sale”.
(18) No drug intended for distribution to the medical profession as free sample which bears a
label on the container as specified in clause (viii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 96, and no drug meant
for consumption by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, the Central Government Health
Scheme, the Government Medical Stores Depots, the Armed Forces Medical Stores or other
Government institutions, which bears a distinguishing mark or any inscription on the drug or on
the label affixed to the container thereof indicating this purpose shall be sold or stocked by the
licensee on his premises.
[ Provided that this sub- rule shall not be applicable to licensees who have been appointed as
approved chemists, by the State Government in writing, under the employees’ State Insurance
Scheme, or have been appointed as authorized agent or distributor, by the manufacturer in
writing, for drugs meant for consumption under the Central Government Health Scheme, the
Government Medical Stores Depots, the Armed Forces Medical Stores or other Government
Institutions for drugs meant for consumption under those schemes 5
[or have been appointed as
authorized Depots or Carrying and Forwarding agent by the manufacturer in writing, for storing
free samples meant for distribution to medical profession.] subject to the conditions that the
stock shall be stored separately from the trade stocks and shall maintain separate records of the
stocks received and distributed by them.]
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-55/61-D, dated 22nd August, 1964.
2Added by S. O. No. 903, dated 28-2-1976 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11013/2/75-D & MS. Dated
3Added under Government of India, Ministry of Health, F. P., W. H. and U. D. Notification No. 1-113/69-
D, dated 23-12-69.
Substituted by Notification No. G.S.R 496(E) dated 09-06-1995
Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 352(E) dated 26-04-2000
(19) The supply by retail of any drug in a container other than the one in which the
manufacturer has marketed the drug, shall be made only by dealers who employ the services of a
[registered Pharmacist]” and such supply shall be made under the direct supervision of the
[registered Pharmacist]” in an envelope or other suitable wrapper or container showing the
following particulars on the label :
(a) name of the drug,
(b) the quantity supplied,
(c) the name and address of the dealer.
(20) The medicines for treatment of animals kept in a retail shop or premises shall be labeled
with the words ‘Not for human use__ for treatment of animals only’ and shall be stored____
(a) in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of veterinary drugs, or
(b) in a part of the premises separated from the remainder of the premises to which
customers are not permitted to have access.
[(21) (a) The supply of drugs specified in Schedule X shall be recorded at the time of supply
in a register (bound and serially page numbered) specially maintained for the purpose and
separate pages shall be allotted for each drug.
(b) The following particulars shall be entered in the said register, namely:–
(i) Date of transaction;
(ii) Quantity received, if any, the name and address of the supplier and the
number of the relevant licence held by the supplier;
(iii) Name of the drug;
(iv) Quantity supplied;
(v) Manufacturer’s name;
(vi) Batch No. or Lot No;
(vii) Name and address of the patient purchaser;
(viii) Reference Number of the prescription against which supplies were made.
(ix) Bill No and date in respect of purchases and supplies made by him;
(x) Signature of the person under whose supervision the drugs have been
1Added by G. S. R. No. 444 dated 28-4-1973 [Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/4/72-D (Pt.) dated
the 31st March, 1973].
Substituted by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 676(E) dated 06-09-1994
3Added by G. S. R. No. 926 dated 16-7-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & MS.
Dated 24-6-1977).
4Added by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-6-1982
66. Cancellation and suspension of licences.
__ (1) The Licensing Authority may, after giving
the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed by an order in
writing stating the reasons therefor, cancel a licence issued under this Part or suspend it for such
period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which it relates, if
in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the licence or with
any provisions of the Act or Rules thereunder:
Provided that, where such failure or contravention is the consequence of an act or omission
on the part of an agent or employee, the licence shall not be cancelled or suspended if the
licensee proves to the satisfaction of the licensing authority:___
(a) that the act or omission was not instigated or connived at by him or, if the licensee
is a firm or company by a partner of the firm or a director of the company, or
(b) that he or his agent or employee had not been guilty of any similar act or omission
within twelve months before the date on which the act or omission in question took
place, or where his agent or employee had been guilty of any such act or omission
the licensee had not or could not reasonably have had, knowledge of that previous
act or omission, or
(c) if the act or omission was a continuing act or omission, he had not or could not
reasonable have had knowledge of that previous act or omission, or
(d) that he had used due diligence to ensure that the conditions of the licence or the
provisions of the Act or the Rules thereunder were observed.
(2)A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may, within three months of
the date of order under sub-rule (1), prefer an appeal against that order to the State Government,
which shall decided the same.
[66A. Procedure for disposal of drugs in the event of cancellation of licence.—(1) In case a
licensee, whose licence has been cancelled, desires to dispose of drugs he has in his possession in
the premises in respect of which the licence has been cancelled, he shall apply in writing to the
licensing authority for this purpose, giving the following particulars, namely:—
(a)the name and address of the person to whom the drugs are proposed to be sold or
supplied together with the number of the licence for sale or manufacture as the case
may be held by him.
1Added by S. O. No. 2139, dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. 9-817DGHS/77
2Amended by G. S. R. No. 926 dated 16-7-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D& M.S.
dated 24-6-1977).
Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 1242(E) dated 17-9-1979
(b) the names of drugs together with their quantities, batch numbers, the names and
addresses of their manufacturers and the dates of their expiry, if any, proposed to be
sold to the person mentioned in clause (a).
(2) The licensing authority may, after examination of the particulars referred to in sub- rule
(1) and, if necessary, after inspection by an Inspector of the premises where the drugs are
stocked, grant the necessary permission for their disposal.]
67-A. (1) The State Government shall appoint Licensing Authorities for the purpose of this
Part for such areas as may be specified.
(2) Application for the grant or renewal of a licence 2
[to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] Homoeopathic medicines shall be made in Form 19-B to the Licensing Authority
and shall be accompanied by a 3
[fee of rupees two hundred and fifty];
Provided that if the applicant applies for renewal of licence after its expiry but within six
months of such expiry the fee payable for renewal of such licence shall be 3
[rupees two hundred
and fifty plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees fifty or part thereof].
(3) If the original licence is either defaced, damaged or lost, a duplicate copy thereof may be
issued on payment of a 3
[fee of rupees fifty.]
67-B. A Licensing Authority may, with the approval of the State Government, by an order in
writing, delegate the power to sign licences and such other powers, as may be specified, to any
other person under his control.
67-C. Forms of licences to sell drugs.
__ (1) A licence 2
[to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for
sale or distribute] Homoeopathic medicines by retail or by wholesale shall be issued in Form 20-
C or 20-D as the case may be.
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-35/64-D, dated 18th August, 1964.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 788(E) dated 10-10-1985
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-8-2001
4Amended by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D dated the
5th June, 1972).
5Added by G. S. R. No. 665, dated 28-5-77 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/2/77-D & M. S.,
dated 6-5-1977).
67-D. Sale at more than one place.
__ If drugs are sold or stocked for sale at more than one
place, a separate application shall be made and a separate licence shall be obtained in respect of
each place.
67-E. Duration of licences.
__ An original licence or a renewed licence unless it is sooner
suspended or cancelled shall be 1
[valid for a period of five years on and from the date on which]
it is granted or renewed :
Provided that if the application for renewal of a licence in force is made before its expiry or
if the application is made within six month of its expiry, after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application and the licence
shall be deemed to have expired if application for its renewal is not made within six months after
its expiry.
67-EE. Certificate of renewal.
__ The certificate of renewal of a sale licence in Forms 20-C
and 20-D shall be issued in Form 20-E.
67-F. Condition to be satisfied before a licence in Form 20-C or Form 20-D is granted.
(1) A licence in Form 20-C or Form 20-D to 4
[to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or
distribute] Homoeopathic medicines shall not be granted to any person unless the authority
empowered to grant the licence is satisfied that the premises in respect of which the licence is to
be granted are clean and in the case of a licence in Form 20-C the sale premises is in charge of a
person who is or has been dealing in Homoeopathic medicines and who is in the opinion of the
Licensing Authority competent to deal in Homoeopathic medicines.
[Provided that no registered Homeopathic medical practitioner who is practicing
Homeopathy in the premises where Homeopathic medicines are sold shall deal in Homeopathic
(2) Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the Licensing Authority under subrule (1) may within 30 days from the date the receipt of such order appeal to the State
Government and the State Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as it considers
necessary and after giving the appellant an opportunity for representing his case, make such
order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-8-2001
2Amended by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D dated the
5th June, 1972).
3Added under Government of India, Ministry of Health, F. P., W. H. and U. D. Notification
No. F. 1-14/67-D, dated the 3rd February, 1969.
4Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 788(E) dated 10-10-1985
Ins. by Notification No. G.S.R 680(E) dated 5-12-1980
67-G. Conditions of licence.
__ Licence in Form 20-C or 20-D shall be subject to the
conditions stated therein and to the following further conditions, namely:___
(1) The premises where the Homoeopathic medicines are stocked for sale or sold
are maintained in a clean condition.
(2) The sale of Homoeopathic medicines shall be conducted under the supervision
of a person, competent to deal in Homoeopathic medicines.
(3) The licensee shall permit an Inspector to inspect the premises and furnish such
information as he may require for ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act
and the Rules made thereunder have been observed.
(4) The licensee in Form 20-D shall maintain records of purchase and sale of
Homoeopathic medicines containing alcohol together with names and addresses
of parties to whom sold.
(5) The licensee in Form 20-C shall maintain records of purchase and sale of
Homoeopathic medicines containing alcohol. No records of sale in respect of
Homoeopathic potentised preparation in containers of 30 ml. or lower capacity
and in respect of mother tinctures made up in quantities upto 60 ml. need be
[(6) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an
Inspector to record his impressions and the defects noticed.]
67-GG. Additional information to be furnished by an applicant for licence or a licensee to
the Licensing Authority :____
The applicant for the grant of a licence or any person granted a licence under this Part
shall, on demand furnish to the Licensing Authority, before the grant of the licence or during the
period the licence is in force as the case may be, documentary evidence in respect of the
ownership or occupation or rental or other basis of the premises, specified in the application for
licence or in the licence granted, constitution of the firm, or any other relevant matter, which
may be required for the purpose of verifying the correctness of the statements made by the
applicant or the licensee, while applying for or after obtaining the licence, as the case may be.
1Added under Government of India, Ministry of Health, F. P. , W. H. and U. D. Notification No. F. 1-59/68-
D, dated the 19th November, 1969.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 351(E) dated 8-5-1984
3Added by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D dated the 5th
June, 1972).
67-H.Cancellation and suspension of licences____
(1)The Licensing Authority may, after giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why
such an order should not be passed by an order in writing stating the reasons therefor, cancel a
licence issued under this Part or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, if in his opinion, the
licensee has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the licence or with any provisions of
the Act or Rules made thereunder :
Provided that, where such failure or contravention is the consequence of an act or omission
on the part of an agent or employees, the licence shall not be cancelled or suspended if the
licensee proves to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority :___
(a) that the act or omission was not instigated or connived at by him or, if the licensee
is a firm or company, by a partner of the firm or a director of the company, or
(b) that he or his agent or employee had not been guilty of any similar act or omission
within twelve months before the date on which the act or omission in question took
place, or where his agent or employee had been guilty of any such act or omission,
the licensee had not or could not reasonably have had, knowledge of that previous
act or omission, or
(c) if the act or omission was a continuing act or omission that he had not or could not
reasonably have had knowledge of that previous act or omission, or
(d) that he had used due diligence to ensure that the conditions of the licence or the
provisions of the Act or the Rules thereunder were observed.
(2) A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may, within three months of
the date of the order under sub-rule (1), prefer an appeal against that order to the State
Government, which shall decide the same.
1Added by S. O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/12/72-D dated the 5th
June, 1972).
2Amended by G.S.R. No. 926 dated 16/7/1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/6/76-D & M. S.
dated 24-6-1977)
PART VII ___ 1
68. Manufacture on more than one set of premises.
__ If drugs are manufactured on more than
one set of premises a separate application shall be made and a separate licence shall be issued in
respect of each such set of premises.
2[68-A Grant or Renewal of Licences by the Central Licence Approving Authority.— (1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in this part, on and from the commencement of the Drugs
and Cosmetics( Ninth Amendment) Rules.1992, a licence for the manufacture for sale or
distribution of drugs as specified from time to time by the Central Government by notification in
the Official Gazette, for the purpose of this rule, shall be granted or renewed, as the case maybe,
by the Central Licence Approving Authority (appointed by the Central Government.)
Provided that the application for the grant or renewal of such licence shall be made to the
licensing Authority.
(2) On receipt of the application for grant or renewal of a licence, the licensing authority
(i) verify the statement made in the application Form;
(ii) cause the manufacturing and testing establishment to be inspected in accordance
with the provisions of rule 79; and
(iii) in case the application is for the renewal of licence, call(s) for the informations of
the past performance of the licensee.
(3) If the licensing authority is satisfied that the applicant is in a position to fulfill the
requirements laid down as in these rules, he shall prepare a report to that effect and forward it
[along with the application and the licence (in triplicate) to be granted and renewed , duly
completed] to the Central Licence Approving Authority :
Provided that if the licensing authority is of the opinion that the applicant is not in a position
to fulfil the requirements laid down in these rules, he may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in
writing, refuse to grant or renew the licence as the case may be.
(4) If on receipt of the application and the report of the licensing authority referred to in subrule (3) and after taking such measures including inspection of the premises by the Inspector,
appointed by the Central Government under section 21 of the Act, with or without
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 788(E) dated 10-10-1985
Ins. by Notification No. G.S.R 923(E) dated 14-12-1992
3Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 89(E) dated 14-2-1996
an expert in the concerned field if deemed necessary, the Central Licence Approving Authority,
is satisfied that the applicant is in a position to fulfill the requirements laid down in these rules,
he may grant or renew the licence, as the case may be:
Provided that if the Central Licence Approving Authority is of the opinion that the applicant
is not in a position to fulfill the requirements laid down in these rules, he may, not withstanding
the report of the licensing authority, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, reject the
application for grant or renewal of licence as the case may be.
68-B. Delegation of Powers by the Central Licence Approving Authority.—The Central
Licence Approving Authority may with the approval of the Central Government, by notification
delegate his powers of signing licences and any other powers under the rules to any person under
his control having same qualifications as prescribed for controlling authority under rule 50A for
such areas and for such periods as may be specified. ]
69. Application for licence to manufacture drugs other than those specified in Schedules C
and C(1) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules.
[(1) Application for grant or renewal of 4
[licence to manufacture for sale or for
distribution]of drugs, other than those specified in Schedule C and C (1) shall be made to the
licensing authority appointed by the State Government for the purpose of this part (hereinafter in
this part referred to as the licensing authority) and shall be made–
(a) in the case of repacking of drugs excluding those specified in Schedule X for sale or
distribution in Form24-B;
(b) in the case of manufacture of drugs included in Schedule X in Form24-F;
(c) in any other case, in Form 24.]
[( 2)(a) Every application in Form24-B shall be made up to ten items for each category of
drugs categorized in Schedule M and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees five
hundred plus and an inspection fee of rupees two hundred for every inspection or for the purpose
of renewal of the licence.
1Amended by Government of India Notification No. F. 1-22/59-D, dated 9th April, 1960.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-06-1982
3Amended by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-8-2001
Subs.by G.O.I.Notification No.G.S.R.788(E) dt 10.10.1995.
(b) Every application in Form 24F shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs
categorized in Schedule M and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees six thousand and
an inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred for every subsequent inspection or for
the purpose of renewal of licence.
(c) Every application in Form 24 shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs
catogarised in Schedule M and Schedule M-III and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of
rupees six thousand and an inspection fee of one thousand and five hundred for every inspection
or for the purpose of renewal of the licence;]
[(3) If a person applies for the renewal of a licence after the expiry thereof but within six
months of such expiry the fee payable for the renewal of such licence shall be:–]
[(i) in the case of Form 24-B a licence fee of rupees five hundred plus an additional fee
at the rate of rupees two hundred and fifty per month or part thereof in addition to
an inspection fee of rupees two hundred;
(ii) in the case of Form 24-F a licence fee of rupees six thousand plus an additional fee
at the rate of rupees one thousand per month or part thereof in addition to an inspection
fee of rupees one thousand;
(iii) in the case of Form 24 a licence fee of rupees six thousand plus an additional fee at
the rate of rupees one thousand per month or part thereof in addition to an
inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred;]
[(4) A fee 2
[rupees one thousand shall be paid] for a duplicate copy of the licence issued
under clause (a), clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-rule (1) if the original is defaced, damaged or
[(5) Applications by licensees to manufacture additional items of drugs shall, in the case of a
licence to manufacture for sale and distribution for repacking and other than those specified in
Schedule C and Schedule C (1), be made to the licensing Authority. Such applications shall, if
the additional items of drugs applied for belong to categories which are not already included in
the licence, be accompanied by an additional fee at the rate of rupees one hundred for each
additional items of drug for repacking and rupees three hundred per additional item of drugs
categorized in Schedule M and Schedule M-111.]
1Amended by Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dated 22-06-1982
Subs by Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-8-2001
[(6) Where an application under this rule is for the manufacture of drug formulations falling
under the purview of new drug as defined in rule 122-E, such application shall also be
accompanied with approval, in writing in favour of the applicant, from the licensing authority as
defined in clause (b) of rule21.]
___ For the purpose of these rules, the term ‘repacking’ means the process of
breaking up any drug from a bulk container into small package and the labeling of each such
package with a view to its sale and distribution, but does not include the compounding or
dispensing or the packing of any drug in the ordinary course of the retail business.
69-A. Loan Licences.
[(1) Application for the grant or renewal of loan licences to
manufacture for sale or for distribution of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C,
Schedule C (1) and Schedule X shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs
categorised in Schedule M and Schedule M-111 and shall be made in Form 24-A accompanied
by a licence fee of rupees six thousand and an inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five
hundred to the licensing authority:
Provided that if the applicant applies for the renewal of a licence after, its expiry but within
six months of such expiry, the fee payable for renewal of such licence shall be accompanied by a
licence fee of rupees six thousand and an inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred
plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees one thousand per month or part thereof.]
___ For the purpose of this rule a loan licence means a licence which a licensing
authority may issue to an applicant who does not have his own arrangements for manufacture but
who intends to avail himself of the manufacturing facilities owned by a licensee in Form 25.
(2) The Licensing Authority shall, before the grant of a loan licence, satisfy himself that the
manufacturing unit has adequate equipment, staff, capacity for manufacture, and facilities for
testing, to undertake the manufacture on behalf of the applicant for a loan licence.
[(3) subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), application for manufacture of more than ten
items for each category of drug on a loan licence shall be accompanied by an addition fee of
rupees three hundred per additional item specified in Schedule M and Schedule M-111]
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R 311(E) dated 1-5-2002
2Amended by the Government of India Notification No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15th June, 1957.
Subs by G.O.I. by Notification No. G.S.R 601(E) dated 24-8-2001
(4)If the Licensing Authority is satisfied that a loan licence is defaced, damaged or lost or
otherwise rendered useless, he may, on payment of a 2
[fee of rupees one thousand] issue a
duplicate licence.
69-B. [ * * *] Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 944(E) dt 21.9.1988.
[70. Form of licence to repack or manufacture drugs other than those specified in Schedules
C and C(1).- Licences for repacking of drugs against application in Form 24-B shall be granted
in Form 25-B, licences for manufacture of drugs included in Schedule X and against application
in Form 24-F shall be granted in Form 25-F and licences for manufacture of drugs against
application in Form 24 shall be granted in form 25].
70-A. Form of loan5
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution] of drugs other
than those 6
[specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X].- A loan 5
[licence to manufacture for sale or
for distribution] or drugs other than those 6
[specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X] shall be issued
in Form 25-A.
71. Conditions for the grant or renewal of a licence in Form 25 or 6
[Form 25-F].- Before a
licence in Form 25 6
[or Form 25-F] is granted or renewed, the following conditions shall be
complied with by the applicant.-
(1)The manufacture shall be conducted under the active direction and personal supervision
of competent technical staff consisting at least of one person who is a whole-time employee and
who is____
(a) a graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry of 8
[a University established
in India by law or have an equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the
Central Government for such purpose] of this rule and has had at least eighteen
months practical experience after the graduation in the manufacture of drugs. This
period of experience may, however, be reduced by six months if the person has
undergone training in manufacture of drugs for a period of six months during his
University course; or
(b) a graduate in Science of 8
[a University established in India by law or have an
equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for
such purpose] of his degree has studied Chemistry as a principal subject and has
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-20/64-D dt 26.10.1968.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E0 dt 24.8.2001.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57 D dt 15.6.1957 & No. F.1/22/59-D dt 9.4.1960.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
7Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 15.6.1957
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 71(E) dt 30.1.1987.
had at least three years practical experience in the manufacture of drugs after his
graduation; or
(c) a graduate in Chemical Engineering or Chemical Technology or Medicine of 1
University established in India by law or have an equivalent qualification
recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose] with general
training and practical experience, extending over a period of not less than three
years in the manufacture of drugs, after his graduation; or
(d) holding any foreign qualification the quality and content of training of which are
comparable with those prescribed in clause (a), clause (b) or clause (c) and is
permitted to work as competent technical staff under this rule by the Central
Government :
Provided that any person who was immediately before the 29th June, 1957, actively directing
and personally supervising the manufacture of drugs and whose name was accordingly entered in
any licence granted in Form 25 3
[or Form 25-F] as it existed before the date shall be deemed to
be qualified for the purposes of this rule.
[Provided further that for drugs other than those specified in Schedule C, C(1) and X and
meant for veterinary use, the whole-time employee under whose supervision the manufacture is
conducted shall be graduate in veterinary Science or Pharmacy or General Science or Medicine
of a University recognized by the Central Government and who has had at least three years
practical experience in the manufacture of drugs excluding graduate in Pharmacy who shall have
at least eighteen months practical experience in the manufacture of drugs].
Provided 4
[also] that the Licensing Authority may, in the matter of manufacture of
disinfectant fluids, insecticides, liquid paraffin, medicinal gases, non chemical contraceptives,
plaster of Paris and surgical dressings, for the manufacture of which the knowledge of
Pharmaceutical chemistry or Pharmacy is not essential, permit the manufacture of the substance
under the active direction and personal supervision of the competent technical staff, who,
although not having any of the qualifications included in clauses (a), (b) or (c) of this rule, has, in
the opinion of the Licensing Authority, adequate experience in the manufacture of such
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 71(E) dt 30.1.1987.
2Added under Government of India Notification NO. F. 1-19/59-D, dated 13-6-1961.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 93(E) dt 24.2.1999.
5 Added under Government of India, Ministry of Health, F. P. and U. D. Notification No. F. 1-14/68-D, dated the 26-
(2)The factory premises shall comply with the conditions prescribed in Schedule M.
(3)The applicant shall provide adequate space, plant and equipment for the manufacturing
operations; the space, plant and equipment recommended for various operations are given in
Schedule M.
(4)The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate staff, premises and laboratory
equipment for carrying out tests of the strength, quality and purity of the substances at a testing
unit, which shall be separate from the manufacturing unit and the head of the testing unit shall be
independent of the head of the manufacturing unit :
Provided that the manufacturing units, which, before the commencement of the Drugs and
Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules, 1977, were making arrangements with institutions approved by
the Licensing Authority for such tests to be carried out on their behalf may continue such
arrangements upto the 30th June, 1977 :
Provided further that for tests requiring sophisticated instrumentation techniques or biological
or microbiological methods other than sterility the Licensing Authority may permit such tests to
be conducted by institutions approved by it under Part XV(A) of these rules for this purpose.
[(4A). The head of the testing unit referred to in condition (4) shall possess a degree in
Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical chemistry of a University recognized for
this purpose and shall have experience in the testing of drugs, which in the opinion of the
licensing authority is considered adequate.]
(5)The applicant shall make adequate arrangements for the storage of drugs manufactured by
(6)The applicant shall, while applying for a licence to manufacture patent or proprietary
medicines, furnish to the Licensing Authority evidence and data justifying that the patent or
proprietary medicines____
(i) contain the constituent ingredients in therapeutic / prephylactic quantities as
determined in relation to the claims or conditions for which the medicines are
recommended for use or claimed to be useful;
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 926 dt 16.7.1977.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 5.12.1980.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 515 dt 10.4.1976.
(ii) are safe for use in the context of the vehicles, excipients, additives and
pharmaceutical aids used in the formulation and under the conditions in which the
formulation for administration and use are recommended;
(iii) are stable under the conditions of storage recommended; and
(iv) contain such ingredients and in such quantities for which there is therapeutic
[v) have the approval, in writing, in favour of the applicant to manufacture drugs
formulations falling under the purview of new drug as defined in rule 122-E, from
the Licensing Authority as defined in Clause (b) of Rule 21.]
[(7) The licensee shall comply with the requirements of Good Manufacturing practices as
laid down in Schedule M.
71A. Conditions for the grant or renewal of a licence in Form 25B.
____Before a licence in
Form 25-B is granted or renewed the following conditions shall be complied with by the
applicant :____
(1) the repacking operation shall be carried out under hygienic conditions and under the
supervision of a competent person;
(2) the factory premises shall comply with the conditions prescribed in Schedule M; and
(3) the applicant shall have adequate arrangements in his own premises for carrying out
tests for the strength, quality and purity of the drugs at a testing unit which shall be separate from
the repacking unit;
Provided that the repacking units, which before the commencement of the Drugs and
Cosmetics (Second Amendment) Rules, 1977, were making arrangements with institutions
approved by the licensing authority for such tests to be carried out on their behalf, may continue
such arrangements upto the 31st July, 1977;
Ins, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 311(E) dt 1.5.2002.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 735(E) dt 24.6.1988.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-22/59-D dt 9.4.1960.
4Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1972.
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 926 dt 16.7.1977. .
Provided further that for tests requiring sophisticated instrumentation techniques or biological
or microbiological methods the licensing authority may permit such test to be conducted by
institutions approved by it under Part XV(A) of these rules for this purpose.
____A person who satisfies the following minimum qualifications shall be
deemed to be a “competent person” for the purposes of rules 71-A or 74-A of these rules,
(a) a person who holds the Diploma in Pharmacy approved by the Pharmacy Council of
India under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (VIII of 1948) or a person who is registered
under the said Act, or
(b) a person who has passed the Intermediate examination with Chemistry as one of the
principal subjects or an examination equivalent to it or an examination recognized
by the Licensing Authority as equivalent to it; or
(c) a person who has passed the Matriculation examination or an examination
recognized by the Licensing Authority as equivalent to it and has had not less than
four years practical experience in the manufacture, dispensing or repacking of
71-B : Conditions for the grant of renewal of a licence in Form 25-A.- Before a licence in
form 25-A is granted or renewed, the applicant shall, while applying for a licence to manufacture
patent or proprietary medicines, furnish to the Licensing Authority evidence and date justifying
that the patent or proprietary medicines:
(i) contain the constituent ingredients in therapeutic/prophylactic quantities as
determined in relation to the claims or conditions for which the medicines are
recommended for use or claimed to be useful;
(ii) are safe for use in the context of the vehicles, recipients, additives and
pharmaceutical aids used in the formulations and under conditions in which the
formulations for administration and use are recommended;
(iii) are stable under the conditions of storage recommended; and
(iv)contain such ingredients and in such quantities for which there is therapeutic
Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 515 dt 10.4.1976.
72. Duration of licence.- An original licence or a renewed licence inform 25,2
[Form 25-B or
Form 25-F] unless sooner suspended or cancelled shall be 3
[valid for a period of five years on
and from the date on which] it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry, or if
the application is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on for its renewal is not made within
six months of its expiry.
[73. Certificate of renewal.- The certificate of renewal of a licence in Form 25 or Form 25-F
shall be issued in Form 26 or Form 26-F respectively].
73-A. A certificate of renewal of loan licence.- The certificate of renewal of a loan licence in
Form 25-A shall be issued in Form 26-A.
73-AA. Duration of loan licence.- An original loan licence in Form 25-A or a renewed loan
licence in Form 26-A, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be 3
[valid for a period of five
years on and from the date on which] it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry, or if
the application is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on for its renewal is not made within
six months of its expiry.
73-B Certificate of renewal of licence in Form 25-B.- The certificate of renewal of a licence
in Form 25-B shall be issued in Form 26-B.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-10/62-D dt 10.4.1964.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
4Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1972.
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-10/62-D dt 10.4.1964
6Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-10/62-D dt 10.4.1964
7Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1972.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-22/59-D dt 9.4.1961.
74. Conditions of licence in Form 25.
____A licence in 2
[Form 25 and Form 25-F] shall be
subject to the conditions stated therein and to the following further conditions, namely :____
(a) the licensee shall provide and maintain staff, premises and the equipment as
specified in rule 71;
(b) the licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of these Rules and with
such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rules subsequently
made under Chapter IV of the Act; provided that where such further requirements
are specified in the rules, these would come into force, four months after
publication in the official Gazette;
(c) the license shall either in his own laboratory or in any other laboratory approved by
the Licensing Authority under Part XV (A) of these rules test each batch or lot of
the raw material used by him for the manufacture of his products and also each
batch of the final product and shall maintain records or registers showing the
particulars in respect of such tests as specified in Schedule U. The records or
registers shall be retained for a period of 5 years from the date of manufacture;
(d) the licensee shall keep records of the details of manufacture as per particulars given
in Schedule U of each batch of the drugs manufactured by him and such records
shall be retained for a period of five years;
(e) the licensee shall allow an 3
Inspector appointed under the Act, to enter, with or
without prior notice, any premises and to inspect the plant and the process of
manufacture and the means employed in standardizing and testing the drugs;
(f) the licensee shall allow an 3
Inspector appointed under the Act to inspect all registers
and records maintained under these rules and to take samples of the manufactured
drugs and shall supply to such Inspector such information as he may require for the
purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and the Rules thereunder
have been observed;
(g) the licensee shall, from time to time, report to the Licensing Authority any changes
in the expect staff responsible for the manufacture or testing of the drugs and any
material alterations in the premises or plant used for the purpose which have been
made since the date of the last inspection made on behalf of the licensing authority;
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-20/64-D, dated 26th October, 1968.
2. Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
3 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 444 dt. 28-4-1973.
(h) the licensee shall, on request, furnish to the Licensing Authority, the Controlling
Authority or to such authorities as the Licensing Authority or the Controlling
Authority may direct from every batch, or batches of drugs as the Licensing
Authority or the Controlling Authority may from time to time specify, a sample of
such quantity as may be considered adequate by such authority for any examination
and, if so required, also furnish full protocols of tests which have been applied;
(i) if the Licensing Authority or the Controlling Authority so directs and if requested
by the licensee who had also furnished prima facie reason for such directions, the
licensee shall not sell or offer for sale any batch in respect of which a sample is or
protocols are furnished under clause (h) until a certificate authorizing the sale of the
batch has been issued to him by or on behalf of the Licensing Authority or the
Controlling Authority;
(j) the licensee shall on being informed by the Licensing Authority or the Controlling
Authority that any part of any batch of the drug has been found by the Licensing
Authority or the Controlling Authority not to conform with the standards of
strength, quality or purity specified in these rules and on being directed so to do,
withdraw the remainder of the batch from sale, and, so far as may in the particular
circumstances of the case be practicable, recall all issues already from that batch;
(k) the licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impressions and the defects noticed;
(l) the licensee shall maintain reference samples from each batch of the drugs
manufactured by him in a quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug
required to conduct all the tests performed on the batch. In case of drugs bearing an
expiry date on the label, the reference samples shall be maintained for a period of
three months beyond the date of expiry or potency. In case of drugs where no date
of expiry of potency is specified on the label, the reference samples shall be
maintained for a period of three years from the date of manufacture.
(m) The licensee, who has been granted a licence in Form 25-F, shall-
1Amended /Ins by G.O.I. Notification GSR No. 444 dt 23.4.1973.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
(i) forward to the licensing authority of the concerned States of manufacture and
supply of the drug a statement of the sales effected to manufacturers, wholesalers,
retailers, hospitals, dispensaries and nursing-homes and Registered Medical
Practitioners every three months;
(ii) maintain accounts of all transactions giving details as indicated below in a register
bound and serially page numbered and such records shall be retained for a period of
five years or one year after the expiry of potency, whichever is later:-
A. Accounts of the drugs specified in Schedule X used for the manufacture:-
1. Date of issue
2. Name of the drug
3. Opening balance of stock on the production day.
4. Quantity received, if any, and source from where received.
5. Quantity used in manufacture.
6. Balance quantity on hand at the end of the production day.
7. Signature of the person in charge.
B. Accounts of production.:-
1. Date of manufacture,
2. Name of the drug,
3. Batch Number
4. Quantity of raw material used in manufacture.
5. Anticipated yield.
6. Actual yield,
7 Wastage,
8. Quantity of the manufactured goods transferred.
C. Accounts of the manufactured drugs:-
1. Date of manufacture,
2. Name of the drug,
3. Batch Number,
4. Opening Balance,
5. Quantity manufactured,
6. Quantity sold,
7. Name of the purchaser and his address,
8. Balance quantity at the end of the day,
9. Signature of the person in charge.
(n) The licensee shall store drugs specified in Schedule X in bulk from and when any
of such drug is required for manufacture in a place other than its place of storage it
shall be kept in a separate place under the direct custody of a responsible person.]
[(o) The licensee shall comply with the requirements of ‘Good Manufacturing
Practices’ as laid down in Schedule M.]
74-A. Conditions for licence in Form 25-B.
____A licence in Fom 25-B shall be subject to the
conditions stated therein and to the following conditions :____
(a) the repacking of drugs shall at all times be conducted under the personal
supervision of at least one person who is approved as a competent person by the
Licensing Authority;
(b) the licensee shall either provide and maintain adequate arrangements in his own
premises for carrying out tests of the strength, quality and purity of the drugs
repacked or make arrangements with some institution approved by the Licensing
Authority under Part XV (A) of these rules for such tests to be regularly carried out
on his behalf by the institution;
(c) the licensee shall make adequate arrangements for the storage of drugs;
2 (d) the licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of these Rules and with
such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rules subsequently
made under Chapter IV of the Act;
Provided that where such further requirements are specified in the rules, these
would come into force four months after publication in the Official Gazette.
(e) the licensee shall allow any Inspector appointed under the Act to enter with or
without notice, any premises where the packing of drugs in respect of which the
licence is issued is carried on, to inspect the premises and to take samples of
repacked drugs;
(f) The licensee shall, either in his own laboratory or, in any other laboratory approved
by the Licensing Authority, test each batch or lot of raw material used by him for
repacking and also each batch of the product thus repacked and shall maintain
records or registers showing the particulars in respect of such tests as specified in
Schedule U. The records or registers shall be retained for a period
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 735(E)dt 24.6.1988.
2 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-20/64-D dt 26.10.1968
of five years from the date of repacking. The licensee shall allow the Inspector to
inspect all registers and records maintained under these rules and shall supply to the
Inspector such information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining
whether the provisions of the Act and these Rules have been observed;
(g) the licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book, in Form 35, to enable an Inspector
to record his impressions and the defects noticed;
(h) the licensee shall maintain reference samples from each batch of the drugs
manufactured by him in a quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug
required to conduct all the tests performed on the batch. In case of drugs bearing an
expiry date on the label, the reference sample shall be maintained for a period of
three months beyond the date of expiry of potency. In case of drugs where no date
of expiry of potency is specified on the label, the reference samples shall be
maintained for a period of three years from the date of manufacture.
74B. Conditions of licence in Form 25-A.
____(1) The licence in Form 25-A shall be deemed
to be cancelled or suspended, if the licence owned by the licensee in Form 25, whose
manufacturing facilities have been availed of by the licensee, is cancelled or suspended, as the
case may be, under these rules.
(2)The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of these Rules and with such
further requirements if any, as may be specified in any rules subsequently made under Chapter
IV of the Act; provided that where such further requirements are specified in the rules, these
would come into force four months after publication in the Official Gazette.
(3)The licensee shall test each batch or lot of the raw material used by him for the
manufacture of his products and also each batch of the final product and shall maintain records
or registers showing the particulars in respect of such tests as specified in Schedule U. The
records or registers shall be retained for a period of five years from the date of manufacture. The
licensee shall allow an Inspector to inspect all registers and records maintained under these rules
and shall supply to the Inspector such information as he may require for the purpose of
ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and these rules have been observed.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. 1-14/68-D, dt 26-10-68.
2Added under G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R. 444 dt. 28-4-1973 .
3Amended under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-20/64-D, dated the 26th October, 1968.
(4) The licensee shall either-
(i) provide and maintain to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority adequate staff
and adequate laboratory facilities for carrying out test of the strength, quality and
purity of the substances manufactured by him or
(ii) make arrangements with some institution approved by the Licensing Authority
under Part XV (A) of these rules for such tests to be regularly carried out on his
behalf by the institution.
(5) The licensee shall maintain reference samples from each batch of the drugs
manufactured by him in a quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug required to
conduct all the tests performed on the batch. In case of drugs bearing an expiry date on the label
the reference samples shall be maintained for a period of three months beyond the date of expiry
of potency. In case of drugs where no date of expiry of potency is specified on the label, the
reference samples shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of manufacture.
2 [(6) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impressions and the defects noticed.]
3 [75. Form of application for licence to manufacture for sale or distribution of drugs
specified in Schedules C and C(1) and X 4
[excluding those specified in Part XB] _ (1)
Applications for the grant or renewal of licence to manufacture for sale or distribution of drugs
specified in Schedules C and C(1) 4
[excluding those specified in Part X-B and Schedule X],
shall be made to the Licensing Authority in Form 27 and 5
[shall be made upto ten items for each
category of drugs catagorised in Schedule M and Schedule M-III and shall be accompanied by a
licence of rupees six thousand and an inspection of rupees one thousand and five hundred for
every inspection or for the purpose of renewal of licence.]
Provided that if the applicant applies for renewal of licence after its expiry but within six
months of such expiry, the fee payable for renewal of the licence shall be 5
[a licence fee of
rupees six thousand plus an additional fee of rupees one thousand per month or a part thereof in
addition to an inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred.]
(2)Application for grant or renewal of licence to manufacture for sale or distribution of drugs
specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X shall be made to the licensing authority in Form 27-B, and
[shall be made up to ten items for each category of drugs categorized in Schedule M and
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification NO. GSR. No. 444, dt. 28-4-1973.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 31(E) dt 8.5.1984.
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
4 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 28(E) dt 22.1.1993.
5 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Schedule M-III and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees six thousand and an
inspection fee of rupees one thousand five hundred for every inspection or for the purpose of
renewal of licences:].
Provided that the applicant shall possess a licence in Form 28 to manufacture such drugs:
Provided further that if the application for renewal of a licence is made after its expiry but
within six months of such expiry, the fee payable for renewal of the licence 1
[shall be rupees six
thousand plus an additional fee of rupees one thousand per month or part thereof in additional to
an inspection fee of rupees one thousand five hundred.]
[(3) The application for grant or renewal of licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution
of drugs in ‘Large Volume Parenterals’ and ‘Sera and Vaccines’ shall be made to the licensing
authority appointed under this Part in Form 27-D and 1
[shall be made up to ten items for each
category of drugs categorized in Schedule M and shall be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees
six thousand and an inspection fee of rupees one thousand five hundred for every inspection or
for the purposes of renewal of licences:]
Provided that if the application for renewal of a licence is made after its expiry but within six
months of such expiry, the fee payable for renewal of the licence 1
[shall be rupees six thousand
plus an additional fee of one thousand per month or a part thereof in addition to the inspection
fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred.]
[(4) A fee of rupees one thousand shall be paid for duplicate copy of the licence issued under
sub-rule (1), sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3), as the case may be, if the original licence is defaced,
damaged or lost.
(5) If the licence applies for manufacture of more than ten items of each category of drugs,
the application shall be accompanied by an additional fee at the rate of rupees three hundred for
each additional item of drugs categorized in Schedule M and Schedule M-III.]
[(6) Where an application under this rule is for the manufacture of drug formulations falling
under the purview of new drugs as defined in rule 122-E, such application shall also be
accompanied with approval, in writing, in favour of the applicant, from the licensing authority
as defined in clause (b) of rule 21.]]
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 311(E) dt 1.5.2002.
75-A. Loan licences.
____(1) Applications for the grant or renewal of loan 2
[licences for the
manufacture for sale or for distribution] of drugs specified in Schedules C and C(1) 3
those specified in Part X-B and Schedule X] shall be made in Form 27-A to the licensing
authority and 4
[shall be made upto ten items for each category of drugs categorized in Schedule
M and Schedule M-III and shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees six thousand and an
inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred for every inspection or for the purpose of
renewal of licences.].
Provided that if the applicant applies for the renewal of a licence after its expiry but within
six months of such expiry the fee payable for renewal of the licence shall be 4
[rupees six
thousand and an inspection of fee of rupees one thousand five hundred plus an additional fee at
the rate of rupees one thousand] per month or a part thereof.
____For the purpose of this rule a loan licence means a licence which a licensing
authority may issue to an applicant who does not have his own arrangements for manufacture but
who intends to avail himself of the manufacturing facilities owned by another licensee in Form
(2) The licensing authority, shall, before the grant of a loan licence, satisfy himself that the
manufacturing unit has adequate equipment, staff, capacity for manufacture and facilities for
testing to undertake the manufacture on behalf of the applicant for a loan licence.
[(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), the application for manufacture of more than
ten items of each category of drugs on a loan license, shall be accompanied by an additional fee
at the rate of rupees three hundred for each additional item of drugs.
(4) If the licensing authority is satisfied that a loan licence is defaced, damaged or lot, he
may, on payment of a fee of rupees one thousand, issue a duplicate copy of loan licence.]
75-B. [ Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 944(E) dt 21.9.1988.]
76. 6
[Forms of licence to manufacture drugs specified in Schedules C and C(1), [excluding
those specified in Part XB and Schedule X], or drugs specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X and
the conditions for the grant or renewal of such licences.-
[A licence to manufacture
Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 15.6.1969.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 28(E) dt 22.1.1993.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 13.8.1972
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
7 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
for sale or for distribution of drugs specified in Schedules C and C(1) other than Large Volume
Parenterals, Sera and Vaccines, drugs specified in Part X-B and Schedule X shall be issued in
Form 28 and a licence to manufacture for sale or distribution of drugs specified under Schedules
C and C(1) (other than Large Volume Parenterals, Sera and Vaccines, drugs specified in Part XB) and Schedule X shall be issued in Form 28-B. A licence to manufacture for sale or for
distribution of Large Volume Parenterals, Sera and Vaccines shall be issued in Form 28-D.
before a licence in Form 28 or Form 28-B or Form 28-D is granted or renewed, the following
conditions shall be complied with by the applicant.]
(1) The manufacture will be conducted under the active direction and personal supervision
of competent technical staff consisting at least of one person who is a whole time employee and
who is____
(a) a graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry of 1
[a University established
in India by law or has an equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the
Central Government for such purpose] of this rule and has had at least eighteen
months’ practical experience after the graduation in the manufacture of drugs to
which this licence applies; this period of experience may however be reduced by six
months if the person has undergone training in manufacture of drugs to which the
licence applies for a period of six months during his University course; or
(b) a graduate in Science of 1
[a University established in India by law or has an
equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for
such purpose] of his degree has studied Chemistry or Microbiology as a principal
subject and has had at least three years’ practical experience in the manufacture of
drugs to which this licence applies after his graduation; or
(c) a graduate in Medicine of 1
[a University established in India by law or has an
equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for
such purpose] with at least three years’ experience in the manufacture and
pharmacological testing of biological products after his graduation; or
(d) a graduate in Chemical Engineering of a University recognized by the Central
Government with at least three years’ practical experience in the manufacture of
drugs to which this licence applies after his graduation; or
(e) holding any foreign qualification the quality and content of training of which are
comparable with those prescribed in clause (a), clause (b), clause (c) or clause (d)
and is permitted to work as competent technical staff under this rule by the Central
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 71(E) dt 30.1.1987.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-19/59-B dt 13.6.1961.
Provided that any person who was approved by the licensing authority as an expert
responsible for the manufacture of drugs for the purpose of rule 76 read with rule 78 as these
rules were in force immediately before the 29th June, 1957, shall be deemed to be qualified for
the purposes of this rule.
Provided further that for the drugs specified in Schedules C and C(1) meant for veterinary
use, the whole time employee under whose supervision the manufacture is conducted may be a
graduate in Veterinary Science or general science or medicine or pharmacy of a University,
recognized by the Central Government and who has had at least three years’ experience in the
manufacture of biological products.
[Provided further also that for the medical devices specified in Schedule C, the whole time
employee under whose supervision the manufacture is conducted may be a Graduate in Science
with Physics or Chemistry or Microbiology as one of the subjects; or graduate in Pharmacy; or
Degree/Diploma holder in Mechanical or chemical or Plastic Engineering of a University
recognized by the Central government for such purposes.]
(2) The factory premises shall comply with the conditions prescribed in Schedule M.2
Schedule M-III in respect of medical devices].
(3) The applicant shall provide adequate space, plant and equipment for any or all the
manufacturing operations; the space, plant and equipment recommended for various operations
are given in Schedule M 2
[and Schedule M-III].
(4)The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate staff, premises and laboratory
equipment for carrying out such tests of the strength, quality and purity of the substances as may
be required to be carried out by him under the provisions of Part X of these rules including
proper housing for animals used for the purposes of such tests, the testing unit being separate
from the manufacturing unit and the head of the testing unit being independent of the head of the
manufacturing unit :
Provided that the manufacturing units which before the commencement of the Drugs and
Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules, 1977, were making arrangements with institutions approved by
the Licensing Authority for such tests to be carried out on their behalf may continue such
arrangements upto the 30th June, 1977 :
Provided further that for tests requiring sophisticated instrumentation techniques or
biological or microbiological methods other than sterility the Licensing Authority may permit
such tests to be conducted by institutions approved by it under Part XV (A) of these rules for this
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D dt 2.7.1969
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 109(E) dt 22.2.1994.
[(4-A) The head of the testing unit referred to in condition (4) shall possess a degree in
Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry of a University recognized for
this purpose and shall have experience in the testing of drugs, which in the opinion of the
Licensing authority is considered adequate.]
(5) The applicant shall make adequate arrangements for the storage of drugs manufactured by
(6)The applicant shall furnish to the Licensing Authority, if required to do so, data on the
stability of drugs which are likely to deteriorate for fixing the date of expiry which shall be
printed on the labels of such drugs on the basis of the data so furnished.
(7)The applicant shall, while applying for licence to manufacture patent or proprietary
medicines, furnish to the Licensing Authority evidence and data justifying that the patent or
proprietary medicines :____
(i) contain the constituent ingredients in therapeutic/prophylactic quantities as
determined in relation to the claims or conditions for which the medicines are
recommended for use or claimed to be useful;
(ii) are safe for use in the context of the vehicles, excipients, additives and
pharmaceutical aids used in the formulations and under the conditions in which the
formulations for administration and use are recommended;
(iii) are stable under the conditions or storage recommended; and
(iv) contain such ingredients and in such quantities for which there is therapeutic
[(v) have the approval, in writing, in favour of the applicant to manufacture drug
formulations falling under the purview of new drug as defined in rule 122-E, from
the licensing authority as defined in clause (b) of rule 21.]
[(8) The licensee shall comply, with the requirements of “Good Manufacturing Practices” as
laid down in Schedule M.]
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 5.12.1980.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
Ins. byG.O.I. Notification No. GSR 515 dt 10.4.1976.
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 311(E) dt 1.5.2002.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 735(E) dt 24.6.1988.
[Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, “Large Volume Parenterals” shall mean the
sterile solutions intended for parenteral administration with a volume of 100 ml. or more (and
shall include anti-coagulant solutions) in one container of the finished dosage from intended for
single use.]
76-A : Form of loan licence to manufacture for sale 3
[or for distribution] drugs specified in
Schedules C and C(1) 4
[excluding the drugs specified in Schedule X] and conditions for the grant
or renewal of such licence :____A loan licence to manufacture for sale 3
[or for distribution] drugs
specified in Schedules C and C(1) 4
[excluding the drugs, specified in Schedule X] shall be issued
in Form 28-A, and the applicant shall, while applying for a licence to manufacture patent or
proprietary medicines, furnish to the Licensing Authority evidence and date justifying that the
patent or proprietary medicines;
(i) certain the constituent ingredients in therapeutic/prophylactic quantities as
determined in relation to the claims or conditions for which the medicines are
recommended for use or claimed to be useful;
(ii) are safe for use in the context of the vehicles, excipients, additives and
pharmaceutical aids used in the formulations, and under the conditions in which
the formulations for administration and use are recommended;
(iii) are stable under the conditions of storage recommended; and
(iv) contain such ingredients and in such quantities for which there is therapeutic
77. Duration of licence.
____An original licence in 6
[Form 28, Form 28-B and form 28-D or
renewed licence informs 26, 26-F, and Form 26-H] or a renewed licence in Form 26, unless
sooner suspended or cancelled shall be 7
[valid for a period of five years on and from the date on
which] it is granted or renewed:
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 515 dt 10.4.1976
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.1-10/62-D dt 10.4.1964.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry, or if
the application is made within six months of its expiry after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application and the licence
shall be deemed to have expired if the application for its renewal is not made within six months
of its expiry.
78. Conditions of licence.
____A licence in 3
[Form 28, Form 28-B or form 28-D] shall be
subject to the special conditions, if any, set out in Schedule F or Schedule F(1), as the case may
be, which relate to the substance in respect of which the licence is granted and to the following
general conditions____
(a) (i) The licence shall provided and maintain an adequate staff and adequate premises and
plant for the proper manufacture and storage of the substances in respect of which the licence is
(ii) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing requirement, every holder of a
licence who for any purpose engaged in the culture or manipulation of pathogenic spore-bearing
micro-organisms shall provide to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority separate laboratories
and utensils and apparatus required for the culture or manipulation of such micro-organisms, the
laboratories, utensils and apparatus so provided not being used for the manufacture of any other
(b) The licensee shall provide and maintain staff, premises and equipment as specified in
rule 76;
(c) (i) The licensee shall maintain records of manufacture as per particulars given in
Schedule U.
(ii) The licensee shall either in his own laboratory or in any laboratory approved by the
Licensing Authority under Part XV (A) of these rules test each batch or lot of the raw material
used by him for the manufacture of his product and also each batch of the final product and shall
maintain records or registers showing the particulars in respect of such tests as specified in
Schedule U. The records or registers shall be retained in the case of a substance for which a
potency date is fixed for a period of two years from the expiry of such date, and in the case of
other substances for a period of five years from the date of manufacture.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12.8.1972.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-B dt 2.6.1969.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1976.
4Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 15.6.1957
5Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-20/64-D dt 26.10.1968.
(d) The licensee shall allow an 1
Inspector appointed under the Act to enter, with or without
prior notice, any premises where the manufacture is carried on and to inspect the premises, and
in the case of substances specified in Schedules C and C(1), to inspect the plant and the process
of manufacture and the means employed for standardizing and testing the substance;
(e) The licensee shall allow an 1
Inspector appointed under the Act, to inspect all registers and
records maintained under these rules and to take samples of the manufactured product and shall
supply to such Inspector such information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining
whether the provisions of the Act and Rules thereunder have been observed;
(f) The licensee shall from time to time report to the Licensing Authority any changes in the
expert staff responsible for the manufacture or testing of the substance and any material
alterations in the premises or plant used for that purpose which have been made since the date of
the last inspection made on behalf of the Licensing Authority before the issue of the licence;
(g)the licensee shall on request furnish to the Licensing Authority, Controlling Authority or
to such authorities as the Licensing Authority or the Controlling Authority may direct, from
every batch of drug as the licensing authority or the Controlling Authority may from time to time
specify, a sample of such quantity as may be considered adequate by such Authority for any
examination and, if so required, also furnish, full protocols of the tests which have been applied.
(h) If the Licensing Authority or the Controlling Authority so directs, the licensee shall not
sell or offer for sale any batch in respect of which a sample is, or protocols are furnished under
the last preceding sub-paragraph until a certificate authorizing the sale of the batch has been
issued to him by or on behalf of the Licensing Authority or the Controlling Authority.
(i) The licensee shall on being informed by the Licensing Authority or the Controlling
Authority that any part of any batch of the substance has been found by the Licensing Authority
or the Controlling Authority not to conform with the standards of strength, quality or purity
specified in these Rules and on being directed so to do, withdraw the remainder of that batch
from sale and so far as may in the particular circumstances of the case be practicable recall all
issues already made from that batch;
(j) No drug manufactured under the licence shall be sold unless the precautions necessary
for preserving its properties have been observed throughout the period after manufacture;
(k) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of these rules and with such
further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rules subsequently made under Chapter
IV of the Act, provided that where such further requirements are specified in the rules, these
would come into force four months after publication in the Official Gazette.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt. 28.4.1973.
(l) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impression and defects noticed.
(m) The licensee shall maintain reference samples from each batch of the drugs
manufactured by him in a quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug required to
conduct all the tests performed on the batch. In case of drugs bearing an expiry date on the label,
the reference samples shall be maintained for a period of three months beyond the date of expiry
of potency. In case of drugs where no date of expiry is specified on the label the reference
samples shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of manufacture.
[(n)The licensee, who has been granted a license in Form 28-B shall-
(i) forward to the licensing authority of the concerned States of
manufacture and supply of the drug a statement of the sales effected to
manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, hospitals, dispensaries and nursinghomes and Registered Medical Practitioners every three months
(ii) maintain accounts of all transactions giving details as indicated below in a
register bound and serially page numbered and such records shall be
retained for a period of five years or one year after the expiry of potency,
whichever is later:-
A. Accounts of the drugs specified in Schedule X used for the manufacture:-
1. Date of issue
2. Name of the drug
3. Opening balance of stock on the production day.
4. Quantity received, if any, and source from where received.
5. Quantity used in manufacture.
6. Balance quantity on hand at the end of the production day.
7. Signature of the person in charge.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification NO. F.1-14/68-B dt 26.10.1968.
Ins. by .GO.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
Ins. by .GO.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
B. Accounts of Production.:-
1. Date of manufacture,
2. Name of the drug,
3. Batch Number
4. Quantity of raw material used in manufacture.
5. Anticipated yield.
6. Actual yield,
7 Wastage,
8. Quantity of the manufactured goods transferred.
C. Accounts of the manufactured drugs:-
1. Date of manufacture,
2. Name of the drug,
3. Batch Number,
4. Opening Balance,
5. Quantity manufactured,
6. Quantity sold,
7. Name of the purchaser and his address,
8. Balance quantity at the end of the day,
(o) The licensee shall store drugs specified in Schedule X in bulk from and when any of such
drug is required for manufacture in a place other than its place of storage it shall be kept in a
separate place under the direct custody of a responsible person.]
[(p) The licensee shall comply with the requirements of ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’ as
laid down in Schedule M.]
78-A. Conditions of licence in Form 28-A.
____ (1) The licence in Form 28-A shall be deemed
to be cancelled or suspended, if the licence owned by the licensee in Form 28 whose
manufacturing facilities have been availed of by the licensee is cancelled or suspended, as the
case may be, under these rules.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 735(E) dt 24.6.1998.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-14/68-D dt 26.10.1968.
(2) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act, and of these rules and with such
further requirements if any, as may be specified in any rules subsequently made under Chapter
IV of the Act, provided that where such further requirements are specified in the rules, those
would come into force four months after publication in the official Gazette.
(3) The licensee shall test each batch or lot of the raw material used by him for the
manufacture of his products and also each batch of the final product and shall maintain records
or registers showing the particulars in respect of such tests as specified in Schedule U. Records
or registers shall be retained, in the case of a substance for which a potency date is fixed, for a
period of two years from the expiry of such date and in the case of other substances, for a period
of five years from the date of manufacture. The licensee shall allow an Inspector to inspect all
registers and records maintained under these rules and shall supply to the Inspector such
information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act
and these rules have been observed.
(4) The licensee shall either (i) provide and maintain to the satisfaction of the Licensing
Authority adequate staff and adequate laboratory facilities for carrying out tests of the strength,
quality and purity of the substances manufactured by him or (ii) make arrangements with some
institution approved by the Licensing Authority for such tests to be regularly carried out on his
behalf by the institution.
(5)The licensee shall furnish to the Licensing Authority, if required to do so, data on the
stability of drugs which are likely to deteriorate for fixing the date of expiry which would be
printed on the labels of such drugs on the basis of the data so furnished.
(6)The licensee shall maintain reference samples from each batch of the drug manufactured
by him in a quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug required to conduct all the
tests performed on the batch. In case of drugs bearing an expiry date on the labels, the reference
samples shall be maintained for a period of three months beyond the date of expiry of potency.
In case of drugs where no date of expiry of potency is specified on the label, the reference
samples shall be maintained for a period of three years from the date of manufacture.
[(7) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impressions and the defects noticed.]
[79. Inspection before grant or renewal of licence___Before a licence under this part is
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331(E) dt 8.5.1984.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
granted or renewed the Licensing Authority or Central Licence Approving Authority, as the case
may be, shall cause the establishment in which the manufacture is proposed to be conducted or
being conducted to be inspected by one or more Inspectors appointed under this Act with or
without an expert in the concerned filed. The Inspector or Inspectors shall examine all portions
of the premises, plant and appliances and also inspect the process of manufacture intended to be
employed or being employed along with the means to be employed or being employed for
standardizing and testing the drugs to be manufactured or being manufactured and enquire into
the professional qualifications of the Technical Staff to be employed. He shall also examine and
verify the statements made in the application in regard to their correctness, and the capability of
the applicant to comply with the requirements of competent technical staff, manufacturing plants,
testing equipments and the ‘Requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices’ and the
‘Requirements of Plant and Equipment’ as laid down in Schedule M read with the Requirements
of Maintenance of Records as laid down in Schedule U.
80. Report by Inspector.
____The Inspector shall forward a detailed descriptive report giving
his findings on each aspect of inspection along with his recommendations after completion of his
inspection in accordance with the provisions of Rule 79, to the Licensing Authority or Central
Licence Approving Authority, as the case may be.]
81. Procedure of Licensing Authority.
____(1) If the Licensing Authority 1
[or Central Licence
Approving Authority, as the case may be,] after such further enquiry, if any, as he may consider
necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of the Rules under the Act have been complied with
and that the conditions of the licence and the Rules under the Act will be observed, he 2
issue a licence under this Part].
(2) If the Licensing Authority 1
[or Central Licence Approving Authority, as the case may
be,] is not so satisfied, he shall reject the application and shall inform the applicant of the reasons
for such rejection and of the conditions which must be satisfied before a licence can be granted
and shall supply the applicant with a copy of the inspection report.
82. Further application after rejection.
____If within a period of six months from the rejection
of an application for a licence the applicant informs the Licensing Authority 1
[or Central Licence
Approving Authority, as the case may be,) that the conditions laid down have been satisfied and
deposits an inspection 4
[fee of rupees two hundred and fifty] the Licensing Authority 1
[or Central
Licence Approving Authority, as the case may be,]may, if after causing a further inspection to be
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 15.5.1959.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
made, he is satisfied that the conditions for the grant of a licence have been complied with, 1
respect of drugs notified under Rule 68-A] issue a licence in Form 28 2
[or Form 28-B].
83. Renewal.
____On application being made for renewal, the licensing authority may cause an
inspection to be made and, if satisfied that the condition of the licence and the Rules under the
Act are, and will continue to be observed, 3
[he shall prepare a report to that effect in respect of
those drugs which have been notified by the Central Government under Rule 68-A and forward it
along with the application to the Central Licence Approving Authority], and 4
[he shall issue a
certificate of renewal under this Part].
83-A. Certificate of a renewal of a loan licence.
____The certificate of renewal of a loan
licence in Form 28-A shall be issued in Form 26-A.
83-AA. Duration of loan licence.
____An original loan licence in Form 28-A or a renewed
loan licence in Form 26-A, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be 7
[valid for a period of
five years on and from the date on which] it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry, or if
the application is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of the additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application and the licence
shall be deemed to have expired if the application for its renewal is not made within six months
of its expiry.
84. The provisions of this Part shall apply to the manufacture of drugs for sale
notwithstanding that such drugs are manufactured for sale outside India.
[84-A.Provision for appeal to the State Government or Central Government by party whose
licence has not been granted or renewed.- Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed
by the Licensing Authority or the Central Licence Approving Authority, as the case may be,
refusing to 4
[grant or renew a licence under this Part], may within thirty days from the date of
receipt of such order, appeal to the State Government or Central Government, as the case may
be, and the State Government or the Central Government may, after such enquiry into the matte,
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996..
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F1-16/57-B dt 15.6.1959.
6Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1972.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001
as is considered necessary and after giving the said person an opportunity for representing his
views, may pass such order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.] .
84-AA Additional information to be furnished by an applicant for licence or a licensee to
the licensing authority.
____The applicant for the grant of a licence or any person granted a licence
under this Part s hall, on demand, furnish to the Licensing Authority before the grant of the
licence or during the period the licence is in force, as the case may be, documentary evidence in
respect of the ownership or occupation on rental or other basis of the premises, specified in the
application for licence or in the licence granted, constitution of the firm or any other relevant
matter which may be required for the purpose of verifying the correctness of the statements made
by the applicant or the licensee, while applying for or after obtaining the licence, as the case may
84-B. Prohibition for the manufacture for sale of cyclamates and preparations containing
____No person shall manufacture for sale cyclamates and preparations containing
[85. Cancellation and suspension of licences.
____(1) The Central Licence Approving
Authority may, after giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should
not be passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefor, cancel a licence issued under
this Part, or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit either wholly or in respect of any of the
drugs to which it relates 3
[or direct the licensee to stop manufacture, sale or distribution of the
said drugs and an Inspector], if in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any of the
conditions of the licencee or with any provisions of the Act or rules made thereunder.
(2) The Licensing Authority may, for such licences granted or renewed by him, after giving
the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed, by an order in
writing stating the reason therefor, cancel a licence issued under this Part or suspend it for such
period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which it relates,
[or direct the licensee to stop manufacture, sale or distribution of the said drugs and an
Inspector] if, in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the
licence or with any provision of the Act or Rules thereunder.
[(3) A licensee whose lice has been suspended or cancelled by the Central Licence
Approving Authority or Licensing Authority under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), as the case may
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2358 dt 26.8.1972.
Subs, by G..O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 20(E) dt 11.1.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 615(E) dt 9.8.1994.
be, may within ninety days of the receipt of a copy of the order by him prefer an appeal to the
Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, and the Central Government
or the State Government may after giving the licensee an opportunity of being head, confirm,
reverse or modify such order.]
85-A. Manufacture on more than one set of premises.
____If Homoeopathic medicines are
manufactured in more than one set of premises a separate application shall be made and a
separate licence shall be obtained in respect of each such set of premises.
85-B. Application for licence to manufacture Homoeopathic medicines.
____(1) Application
for grant or renewal of licences to manufacture for sale 2
[or for distribution] of Homoeopathic
medicines shall be made to the Licensing Authority appointed by the State Government for the
purpose of this Part (hereinafter in this Part referred to as the Licensing Authority) and shall be
made in Form 24-C.
(2) The application in Form 24-C shall be accompanied
(a) by a fee of 4
[rupees two hundred] for the manufacture of Homoeopathic mother
tinctures and potentised preparations and an inspection fee of 4
[rupees one
hundred] ten for the first inspection or 4
[rupees fifty] in case of inspection for
renewal of licence;
(b) by a fee of rupees two hundred for the manufacture of Homoeopathic potentised
preparations only, and an inspection fee of rupees one hundred for the first
inspection or rupees fifty e in case of inspection for renewal of licence;
(c) by a fee of rupees 4
[two hundred] for the manufacture of potentised preparation
from back potencies by pharmacies which are already licensed to sell
Homoeopathic medicines by retail and an inspection fee of rupees 4
[one hundred]
for the first inspection or 4
[rupees fifty] in case of inspection for renewal of
1Added under G.O.I.Notification No. F. 1-35/64-D, dtd 18.8.1964.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
3 Amended G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 245 dtd 11-2-1976.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
(3)If a person applies for renewal of a licence after its expiry but within six months of such
expiry, the fee payable for the renewal of such a licence shall be____
(a) 2
[rupees two hundred] plus an additional fee at the rate of 2
[rupees one hundred]
per month or part thereof and an inspection fee of 2
[rupees fifty] for the
manufacture of Homoeopathic mother tinctures and potentised preparations;
(b) 2
[rupees two hundred] plus an additional fee at the rate of 2
[rupees one hundred]
per month or part thereof and an inspection fee of 2
[rupees fifty] for the
manufacture of Homoeopathic potentised preparations only;
(c) 2
[rupees two hundred] plus an additional fee at the rate of 2
[rupees one hundred]
per month or part thereof and an inspection fee of 2
[rupees fifty] for the
manufacture of Homoeopathic mother tinctures and potentised preparations from
back potencies by pharmacies who are already licensed to sell Homoeopathic
medicines by retail.]
(4) A fee of 2
[rupees fifty] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of the licence for the
manufacture of Homoeopathic mother tinctures and potentised preparations issued under subrule (1) if the original is defaced, damaged or lost. While the fee to be paid for such a duplicate
copy of the licence for the manufacture of Homoeopathic potentised preparations only shall be
rupees fifty].
[(5) Applications by licensee to manufacture additional items of Homoeopathic medicines
shall be made to the Licensing Authority and such applications shall be accompanied by a fee of
[rupees fifty] for each additional item.]
85C. Application to manufacture ‘New Homoeopathic medicines’____Subject to the other
provisions of these Rules____
(1) no ‘New Homoeopathic medicine’ shall be manufactured unless it is previously approved
by the Licensing Authority mentioned in rule 21;
(2) the manufacturer of ‘New Homoeopathic medicine’, when applying to the Licensing
Authority mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall produce such documentary and other evidence as may
be required by the Licensing Authority for assessing the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine
including the minimum provings carried out with it.
1 Amended by G.O.I Notification No. GSR 245 dt 11.2.1976.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 13(E) dt 7.1.1993.
(3) While applying for a licence to manufacture a ‘New Homoeopathic medicine’ an
applicant shall produce along with his application evidence that the ‘New Homoeopathic
medicine’ for the manufacture of which application is made has already been approved.
____The term ‘New Homoeopathic medicine’ in this rule shall have the same
meaning as in rule 30-AA.
85-D. Form of licence to manufacture Homoeopathic medicines.
____Licence for manufacture
of Homoeopathic medicines is a licence to manufacture potentised preparations from back
potencies by Pharmacies who are already licensed to sell Homoeopathic medicines by retail and
shall be granted in Form 25-C.
85-E. Conditions for the grant or renewal of a licence in Form 25-C.
____Before a licence in
Form 25-C is granted or renewed the following conditions shall be complied with by the
applicant :____
(1)The manufacture of Homoeopathic medicines shall be conducted under the direction
and supervision of competent technical staff consisting at least of one person who is
a whole time employee 2
[and who is ____
a) a graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the subjects with three years’
experience in manufacture of Homoeopathic Medicines; or
b) a graduate in Pharmacy with 18 months of experience in the manufacture of
Homoeopathic medicines; or
c) holds qualification as defined under sub-clause (g) of clause (1) of Section 2 of
Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (59 of 1973) with 18 months of
experience in the manufacture of Homoeopathic medicines.
Provided that the persons who are already in employment with five years’ experience in
the manufacture of Homoeopathic medicines and whose name was accordingly entered
in any licence granted in Form 25-C for manufacture of different classes of
Homoeopathic medicines included in them shall be deemed to be qualified for the
purpose of this rule.]
[(2) The factory premises shall comply with the requirements and conditions specified
in Schedule M-I :
1Amended by G.O.I.. Notification No.F.1-59/68-D dt 19.11.1969.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 812(E) dt 14.11.1994.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 570(E) dt 12.6.1987.
Provided that where the Licensing Authority considers it necessary or expedient so to
do, it may having regard to the nature and extent of manufacturing operations, relax or
suitably alter the said requirements or conditions in any particular case for reasons to be
recorded in writing.]
(3) The applicant for manufacture of Homoeopathic mother tinctures shall either (i)
provide and maintain adequate staff, premises and laboratory equipment for
identifying the raw materials and for testing the mother tinctures wherever
possible, or (ii) make arrangements with some institution approved by the
Licensing Authority under Part XV(A) of these rules for such tests, wherever
possible, to be regularly carried out on his behalf by that institution.
(4) The premises where Homoeopathic medicines are manufactured shall be distinct
and separate from the premises used for residential purposes.
(5) Homoeopathic medicines shall not be manufactured simultaneously with drugs
pertaining to other systems of medicine.
(6) The applicant shall make arrangements for proper storage of Homoeopathic
medicines manufactured by him.
Provided that in case potentised preparations are made in a Pharmacy holding licence in
Form 20-C, the conditions (2) and (3) shall not apply. The licensee shall ensure to the
satisfaction of the Licensing Authority that the products manufactured by it, conform to the
claims made on the label.]
[85-EA Inspection before grant or renewal of licence.- Before a licence under this Part is
granted or renewed in Form 25-C or Form 26-C, the Licensing Authority shall cause the
establishment, in which the manufacture is proposed, to be conducted or being conducted, to be
inspected by one or more Inspectors appointed under the Act. The Inspector or Inspectors shall
examine all portions of the premises, plant and appliances and also inspect the process of
manufacture intended to be employed or being employed along with the means to be employed
or being employed for standardizing and testing the substances to be manufactured and inquire
into the professional qualifications of the technical staff to be employed. He shall also examine
and verify the statements made in the application in regards to their correctness, and the
capability of the applicant to comply with the requirements of competent technical staff,
manufacturing plants, testing equipments and the requirements of plant and equipment as laid
down in Schedule M-I read with the requirements of maintenance of records as laid down in
Schedule U.
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-59/68-D dt 19.11.1969.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 493(E) dt 9.6.1995.
85-EB Report by Inspector.- The Inspector or Inspectors shall forward a detailed descriptive
report giving his or their findings on each aspect of inspection along with his or their
recommendations after completion of his or their inspection to the Licensing Authority.
85-EC.Grant or refusal of licence.- (1) If the Licensing Authority after such further enquiry,
if any, as he may consider necessary is satisfied that the requirements of the rules under the Act
have been complied with and that conditions of the licence and the rules under the Act shall be
observed, he shall grant or renew a licence in Form 25-C or Form 26-C.
(2) If the Licensing Authority is not so satisfied, he shall reject the application and shall
inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejection and of the conditions which must be
satisfied before a licence can be granted or renewed and shall supply the applicant with a copy of
inspection report.
85-ED. Further application after rejection.- If with a period of six months from the rejection
of an application for a licence, the applicant informs the Licensing Authority that the conditions
laid down have been fulfilled and deposits an inspection fee of 1
[rupees two hundred and fifty],
the Licensing Authority may, if, after causing further inspection to be made, he is satisfied that
the conditions for the grant of licence have been complied with, issue a licence in Form 25-C or
Form 26-C.
85-EE Appeal to the State Government.- Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed
by the Licensing Authority refusing to grant or renew a licence under this Part may within ninety
days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State Government and the State
Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as is considered necessary and after giving
the said person an opportunity for representing the case, pass such order as it thinks fit.]
85-F. Duration of licence.
____An original licence or a renewed licence unless it is sooner
suspended or cancelled shall be 1
[valid for a period of five years on and from the date on which]
it is granted or renewed:
Provided that if the application for renewal of a licence in force is made before its expiry or
if the application is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of additional fee, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application and the licence
shall be deemed to have expired if application for its renewal is not made within six months of its
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dtd 12-8-1972. .
85-G.Certificate of renewal.
____The certificate of renewal of a licence in Form 25-C shall be
issued in Form 26-C.
85-H. Conditions of licence.
____A licence in Form 25-C shall be subject to the conditions
stated therein and to the following further conditions, namely :___
(a) the licensee shall provide and maintain staff and premises as specified in rule 85-E;
(b) the licensee shall allow an 1
Inspector appointed under the Act to enter, with or
without prior notice, any premises where the manufacture of a Homoeopathic
medicine in respect of which the licence is issued is carried on, to inspect the
premises and to take samples of the manufactured Homoeopathic medicines;
(c) the licensee shall allow an Inspector to inspect all registers and records maintained
under these rules and shall supply to the Inspector such information as he may
require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder have been observed;
2(d) the licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an Inspector to
record his impressions and defects noticed;
(e) the licensee shall comply with the following conditions in respect of mother
tinctures manufactured by him_
(i) the crude drug used in the manufacture of the mother tincture shall be identified
and records of such identification shall be kept 3
[for a period of five years].
(ii) the total solids in the mother tincture shall be determined and records of such
tests shall be kept 3
[for a period of five years].
(iii) the alcohol content in the mother tincture shall be determined and records of the
same shall be maintained 3
[for a period of five years].
(iv) the containers of mother tinctures shall preferably be of glass and shall be clean
and free from any sort of impurities or adhering matter. The glass shall be
neutral as far as possible.
(v) in the process of manufacture of mother tinctures hygienic conditions shall be
scrupulously observed by the licensee. Storage and handling conditions shall
also be properly observed by the licensee according to Homoeopathic principles.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G. S. R. 444 dtd 28-4-1973.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F-1-14/ 68-D, dated 26-10-68.
Ins. by .O.I. Notification No. GSR 13(E) dt 7.1.1983.
[(ea) no colour shall be added to any Homoeopathic medicines :
Provided that caramel may beaded to combination of Homoeopathic preparations
with syrup base;]
(f) records shall be maintained of Homoeopathic medicines containing alcohol and the
quantities sold together with names and addresses of parties to whom sold.2 [Such
records shall be maintained for a period of five years.]
85-HH Additional information to be furnished by an applicant for the licence or a licensee to
the Licensing Authority.-The applicant for the grant of licence or any other person granted a
licence under this Part shall, on demand, furnish to the Licensing Authority, before the grant of
the licence or during the period the licence is in force, as the case may be, documentary evidence
in respect of the ownership or occupation in rental or other basis of the premises, specified in the
application for licence or in the licence granted, constitution of the firm or any other relevant
matters which may be required for the purpose of verifying the correctness of the statements
made by the applicant or the licensee, while applying for or after obtaining the licence, as the
case may be.
85-I. Cancellation and suspension of licences.
_____(1) The Licensing Autority may, after
giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed, by an
order in writing stating the reasons therefore, cancel a licence issued under this Part or suspend it
for such period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the substances to which it
relates if, in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the
licence or with any provisions of the Act or Rules made thereunder.
(2) A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may, within three months of
the date of the order under sub-rule (1), prefer an appeal against that order to the State
Government, which shall decide the same.
86. Conditions relating to manufacture for examination, test or analysis____The provisions
of Section 18 of the Act shall not apply to the manufacture of any drug in small quantities for the
purpose of examination, test or analysis if the conditions prescribed in this Part are fulfilled.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 680(E) dt 5.12.1980.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 13(E) dt 7.1.1983.
3Added by G.O.I. Notification No. S. O. 2139 dtd 12-8-1972.
4Amended G.O.I. Notification No. G SR. 926 dtd 16-7-1977.
____Any drug manufactured for the purpose of examination, test or analysis
shall be kept in containers bearing labels indicating the purpose for which it has been
88.Labelling of drugs supplied to other persons.
____If any drug manufactured for the purpose
of examination, test or analysis is supplied by the manufacturer to any other person, the container
shall bear a label on which shall be stated the name and address of the manufacturer, the
accepted scientific name of the substance if known, or if not known a reference which will
enable the substance to the identified and the purpose for which it has been manufactured.
____If the person proposing to manufacture a drugs for the purpose of examination,
test or analysis does not hold a licence in Form 25 or Form 28 in respect of such drugs he shall,
before commencing such manufacture, obtain a licence in Form 29.
Provided that in the case of a drug the composition of which is such that the drug is not
generally recognized among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate
the safety of drugs as safe for use, no licence in Form 29 shall be granted unless the applicant
produces a certificate from the “Licensing Authority” mentioned in rule 21, to the effect that
there would be no objection to such licence being granted.
90. Form of application.
____(1) An application for a licence in Form 29 shall be made to the
Licensing Authority appointed by the State Government for the purpose of this Part (hereafter in
this Part referred to as the Licensing Authority) in Form 30 and shall be made by or
countersigned by the head of the institution in which, or a director of the firm or company by
which, the substance will be manufactured.
(2) Every application in Form 29 shall be accompanied by a fee of 3
[rupees two hundred
91. Duration of licence.
____A licence in Form 29 shall, unless sooner cancelled, be in force
for a period of one year from the date of issue, and may thereafter be renewed for periods of one
year at a time.
92. Conditions of licence.
____A licence in Form 29 shall be subject to the following
(a) the licensee shall use the drugs manufactured under the licence exclusively for
purpose of examination, test or analysis, and shall carry on the manufacture and
examination, test or analysis at the place specified in the licence;
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-19/59-D, dtd 13-6-1961.
2Added by G.O.I. Notification No. S. O. 903 dtd 28-2-1976
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001
(b) the licensee shall allow any 1
Inspector appointed under the Act to enter, with or
without notice, the premises where the drugs are manufactured and to satisfy
himself that only examination, test or analysis work is being conducted;
(c) the licensee shall keep a record of the quantity of drugs manufactured for
examination, test or analysis and of any person or persons to whom the drugs have
been supplied;
(d) the licensee shall comply with such further requirements, if any, applicable to the
holders of licences in Form 29 as may be specified in any Rules subsequently made
under the Act and of which the Licensing Authority has given him not less than one
month’s notice;
(e) the licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book to enable an Inspector to record his
impressions and defects noticed.
93. Cancellation of licences.
____(1) The Licensing Authority may after giving the licensee an
opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed, by an order in writing stating
the persons therefore, cancel a licence issued under this Part, either wholly or in respect of some
of the substances to which it relates, if, in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply any of
the conditions of the licence or with any provisions of the Act or Rules thereunder.
(2) A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may appeal to the State
Government within three months of the date of the order.
94. Exemption of certain drugs from certain provisions of this Part— (1) Labels on packages
or containers of drugs for export shall be adapted to meet the specific requirements of the law of
the country to which the drug is to be exported but the following particulars shall appear in a
conspicuous position on the innermost container in which the drug is packed and every other
covering in which that container is packed:
(a) name of the drug;
(b) the name, address of the manufacturer and the number of the licence under which
the drug has been manufactured;
(c) batch or lot number;
(d) date of expiry, if any.
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-10/68-D, dtd 17.6.1969.
[Provided that where a drug, not classified under Schedule F, Schedule F(1) and Schedule X,
blood products, Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances is required by the consignee to be not
labeled with the name and address of the manufacturer, the labels on packages or containers shall
bear a code number as approved by the Licensing Authority mentioned in rule 21.]
(2) The provisions of rules 96 to 101 inclusive, shall not apply to a medicine made up ready
for treatment, whether after or without dilution, which is supplied on the prescription of a
registered practitioner provided that:
(i) the medicine is labelled with the following particulars :—
(a) The name and address of the supplier;
(b) The name of the patient and the quantity of the medicine;
(c) The number representing serial number of the entry in the prescription register;
(d) The dose, if the medicine is for internal use;
[(e) The words ‘FOR EXTERNEL USE ONLY’ if the medicine is for external
(ii) Condition (3) of the conditions in rule 65 is satisfied.
95. Prohibition of sale or distribution unless labelled.—Subject to the other provisions of
these Rules, no person shall sell or distribute any drug (including a patent or proprietary) unless
it is labelled in accordance with these Rules.
96. Manner of Labelling :— (1) Subject to the other provisions of these rules, the following
particulars shall be either printed or written in indelible ink and shall appear in a conspicuous
manner on the label of the innermost container of any drug and on every other covering which
the container is packed, namely : —
(i) The name of the drug
[(A) For this purpose, the proper name of the drug shall be printed or written in a
more conspicuous manner than the trade name, if any, which shall be shown
immediately after or under the proper name and shall be]—
(a) for drugs included in the Schedule F or Schedule F (1), the name given therein;
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 676(E) dt 2.6.1988.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-19/59-D, dtd 13-6-1961.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
4Amended under G.O.I. Notification No. GSR19 dt 7-1-1978
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 27(E) dt 17.1.1981.
(b) for drugs included in the India Pharmacopoeia or the official pharmacopoeia and
official compendia of drug standards prescribed in the rule 124, the name or
synonym specified in the respective official pharmacopoeias and official
compendia of drug standards followed by the letters ‘I.P., or, as the case may be,
by the recognized abbreviations of the respective official pharmacopoeias and
official compendia of drug standards;
(c) for drugs included in the National Formulary of India, the name or synonym
specified therein followed by the letters ‘N.F.I.’;
(d) for other drugs, the international non-proprietary name, if any, published by the
World Health Organisation or where an international non-proprietary name is not
published, the name descriptive of the true nature or origin of the substance;
[ Clause B inserted by Notification No. GSR 27(E) dt 17.1.81 was deleted as per
G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 94(E) dt 8.2.2000.
(ii) A correct statement of the net content in terms of weight, measure, volume, number
of units of contents, number of units of activity, as the case may be, and the weight,
measure and volume shall be expressed in Metric system.
(iii) The content of active ingredients.
This shall be expressed—
(a) for oral liquid preparations in terms of the content per single dose being indicated
in 5 milliliters 1
[** *] :
Provided that where the dose is below 5 milliliters the contents of active
ingredients may be expressed in terms of one milliliter;2
[or fraction thereof.]
[Provided further that where the single dose is more than 5 milliliters, the content of active
ingredients shall be expressed in terms of minimum single dose as approved by the licensing
(b) for liquid parenteral preparations ready for administration in terms of 1 milliliters
or percentage by volume or per dose in the case of single dose container :
1Amended/Inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 285(E) dt 16.7.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 5.12.1980.
Provided that if the preparation is contained in an ampoule it will be enough
of the composition is shown on the label or wrapper affixed to any package
in which such ampoule is issued for sale;
(c) for drugs in solid form intended for parenteral administration, in terms of
units or weight per milligram or gram;
(d) For tablets, capsules, pills and the like, in terms of the content in each tablet,
capsule, pill or other unit, as the case may be;
(e) for other preparations, in terms of percentage by weight or volume or in
terms of unitage per gram or milliliter, as the case may be:
Provided that clause (iii) shall not apply to the pharmacopoeial preparations
where the composition of such preparation where the composition of such
preparation is specified in the respective pharmacopoeia and to a preparation
included in the National Formulary of India;
(iv) 1
[The name of the manufacturer and the address of the premises of the manufacturer
where the drug has been manufactured.]
Provided that of the drug is contained in an ampoule or a similar small container, it
shall be enough if only the name of the manufacturer and his principal place of
[manufacture] is shown;
(v) A distinctive batch number, that is to say, the number by reference to which details
of manufacture of the particular batch from which the substance in the container is
taken are recorded and are available for inspection, the figure representing the batch
number being preceded by the words ‘Batch No.’ or ‘B. No.’ or ‘Batch’ or ‘Lot No.’
or ‘Lot’;
(1) In the case of drugs manufactured by a continuous process, like manufacture of
magnesium sulphate, pharmaceutical chemicals etc., the production resulting in one
homogenous mix of the finished products shall be considered as one “Batch”.
(2) In the case of powders, liquid orals, ointments etc., one “Batch Number” shall be
assigned to all the containers filled from one homogenous bulk.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 491(E) dt 25.7.1991.
(3) In the case of tablets, capsules, lozenges, troches, etc., one “Batch Number” shall be
assigned to the products manufactured from one homogenous mix ready for
compression or filling.
(4) In the case of parenteral preparations sterilized by steam under pressure, one “Batch
Number” shall be assigned to all containers filled from one homogenous bulk
solution and sterilized in one sterilizer load.
(5) In the case of containers of parenteral preparations filled from one homogenous bulk
solution and sterilized in more than one sterilizer load, the “Batch Number” assigned
to the containers in the different sterilizer loads shall be the same “Batch Number” as
is assigned to the homogenous bulk solution, provided the samples taken from all the
sterilizer loads pass the sterility test, and are kept separate from one another until the
report of the sterility test is available.
EXPLANATION :— For the purpose of chemical and other tests, representative samples
from all containers filled from the homogenous bulk solution should be taken.
(6) In the case of parenteral and other sterile products filled aseptically, a “Batch
Number” shall be assigned to all containers filled from one homogenous mix during
one filling operation, the filling operation being completed in a period of not more
than a day and during which no schedule change in the filling assembly is made.
When containers are filled from one homogenous mix, in a number of filling operations, the
“Batch Number” assigned to the containers filled in individual filling operations shall be the
same “Batch Number” as is assigned to the homogenous mix, provided the samples taken from
all the different filling operations pass the sterility tests, and are kept separate from one another
until the report of the sterility test is available.
EXPLANATION : — For the purpose of chemical and other tests, representative samples
from all containers filled from the homogenous mix should be taken.
(7) In the case of medicinal gases produced by a continuous process of operation a
week’s production from one tank load shall be considered as a Batch :
(vi) Every drug manufactured in India shall bear on its label the number of the licence
under which the drug is manufactured, the figure representing the manufacturing
licence number being preceded by the words “Manufcaturing Licence Number” or
“Mfg. Lic. No.” or “M.L.”;
(vii) Drugs specified in Schedule P and their preparations including combinations with
other drugs shall bear on their labels the date of manufacture, and the date of expiry
of potency, and the period between the date of manufacture and the date of expiry
shall not exceed that laid down in the said Schedule 1
[under the conditions of
storage specified therein. 2
[Drugs and their preparations not included in Schedule
P], shall bear on their labels the date of their manufacture and also the date of their
expiry which shall not exceed sixty months from the date of manufacture]
Provided that this period may be extended by the Licensing Authority specified in
clause (b) of rule 21 in respect of any specified drug if satisfactory evidence is
produced by the manufacturer to justify such an extension.
(viii)Drugs specified in Schedule C (1) and their preparations including combinations
with other drugs shall bear on the labels (a) the date of manufacture, (b) date of
expiry of potency fixed by the manufacturer, and (c) where such drugs are
imported, also the number of licence under which the drug is imported, preceded by
the words “Import Licence”
[Provided that drugs in bulk form included in Schedule C(I) which are not ready
for use and not included in Schedule P need not bear on the label the date of expiry
of potency;]
2 [Provided further] that no reference shall be made to any other licence number
granted by any authority outside India on any label or container or in any covering
in which the container is packed or in any other matter or advertisement enclosed
(ix) Every drug intended for distribution to the medical profession as a free sample
shall, while complying with the labelling provisions under clauses (i) to (viii),
further bear on the label of the container the words ‘Physician’s Sample—Not to be
sold’ which shall be overprinted.
[(x) If any preparation contains not less than 3 per cent by volume of alcohol the
quantity of alcohol shall be stated in terms of the average percentage by volume of
absolute alcohol in the finished products.]
[(xi)In addition to the other particulars which are required to be printed or written under
these rules, the label of innermost container of the following categories of drugs and
every other covering in which the container is packed shall bear a conspicuous red
vertical line on the left side running throughout the body of the label which should
not be less than 1mm in width and without disturbing the other conditions printed
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 487(E) dt 2.7.1984 &
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 813(E) dt 27.7.1998.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 487(E) dt 2.7.1984
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 597(E) dt 17.6.1992.
on the label under these rules, namely:-
Narcotic analgesics, hypnotics, sedatives, tranquillisers, corticosteroids, hormones,
hypoglycemics, antimicrobials, antiepileptics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, anticancer drugs and all other drugs falling under Schedules ‘G’, ‘H’, and ‘X’ whether
covered or not in the above list:
Provided that the provisions of this clause shall not apply to.-
(a) preparations intended for animal treatment;
(b) preparations intended for external use;
(c) Ophthalmic preparations and ear drops; and
(d) Sterile preparations such as sutures, surgical dressings and preparations intended
for parenteral use.]
(2) (i) The particulars to be printed or written on the label of a mechanical contraceptive
shall be as specified in Schedule R.
(ii) The following particulars, in addition to those specified under sub-rule (i) shall be
either printed or written in indelible ink and shall appear in a conspicuous manner
on the label of the innermost container and on every other covering in which the
container of a contraceptive, other than a mechanical contraceptive, is packed,
namely :—
(a) the date of manufacture;
(b) the date upto which the contraceptive is expected to retain its properties;
(c) the storage conditions necessary for preserving the properties of the
contraceptive upto the date indicated in sub-clause (b) :
Provided that for oral contraceptives it shall be sufficient to display on the label of the
container the date of manufacture only.
(3) (i) The particulars prescribed in sub-rule (1) shall be printed or written in indelible
ink either on the label borne by a container of vaccine lymph or on a label or
wrapper affixed to any package in which the container is issued for sale. The said
particulars shall be indelibly marked on the sealed container of surgical ligature or
suture or printed or written in indelible ink on a label enclosed therein.
(ii) Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to require the labelling of any transparent
cover or of any wrapper, case or other covering used solely for the purpose of
packing, transport or delivery.
(4) Where be any provision of these rules any particulars are required to be displayed on
a label on the container, such particulars may, instead of being displayed on a label,
be etched, painted or otherwise indelibly marked on the container :
Provided that, except where otherwise provided in these rules, the name of the drug or
any distinctive letters intended to refer to the drug shall not be etched, painted or
otherwise indelibly marked on any glass container other than ampoules.
Explanation :— For the purpose of this rule, the date of expiry shall be in terms of month and
year and it shall mean that the drug is recommended till the last day of the month. The date of
expiry shall be preceded by the words ‘Expiry date’.
97. Labelling of medicines—
[(1) The container of a medicine for internal use shall—
(a) if it contains a substance specified in Schedule G, be labeled with the words
‘Caution: it is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical
supervision’ – conspicuously printed and surrounded by a line within which there
shall be no other words;
(b) if it contains a substance specified in Schedule H be labelled with the symbol Rx
and conspicuously displayed on the left top corner of the label and be also labelled
with the following words:
Schedule H drug- Warning : To be sold by retail on the prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner only.’,
(c) If it contains a substance specified in Schedule H, and comes within the purview
of the [Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985)] be
labeled with the symbol NRx which shall be in red and conspicuously displayed
on the left top corner of the label, and be also labeled with the following words:
Schedule H drug -“Warning:– To be sold by retail on the prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner only.”
(d) If it contains a substance specified in Schedule X, be labeled with the symbol XRx
which shall be in red conspicuously displayed on the left top corner of the label
and be also labeled with the words : –
Schedule X drug -“Warning:– To be sold by retail on the prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner only.”
(2) The container of a embrocation, liniment, lotion, 2
[ointment, antiseptic cream,] liquid
antiseptic or other liquid medicine for external application shall be labeled with the word in
capital ‘For External use only.’]]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 850(E) dt 7.12.1984.
(3)The container of a medicine made up ready only for treatment of an animal shall be
labelled conspicuously with the words ‘Not for human use; for animal treatment only’ and shall
bear a symbol depicting the head of a domestic animal.
(4) [ * * *] Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. 462 (E) dt 22.6.1982..
2[(4) The container of a medicine prepared for treatment of human ailments shall if the
medicine contains industrial methylated spirit, indicate this fact on the label and be labelled with
the words : “For External Use only”.
(5) Substances specified in Schedule X in bulk form shall bear a label wherein they symbol
as specified in sub-rule (1) shall be given conspicuously in red letters.]
[* * * Rules 98, 99, 100 and 101 deleted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E)
dt 22.6.1982].
[102. Non-Sterile Surgical Ligature and Suture.- Every container of, and wrapper enclosing
surgical ligature or suture other than a ligature or suture offered or intended to be offered for sale
as sterile, shall bear a label on which are printed or written in a conspicuous manner in indelible
red ink the words “Non-sterile surgical ligature (suture) – not be used for operations upon the
human body unless efficiently sterilized”.
103[* * * (1) Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 6.6.1957.]
(2) The name and address of the manufacturer shall be printed on the label of the container
of a patent or proprietary medicine.
(3)The true formula or list of the ingredients shall be printed or written in indelible ink on
the outer label of every package containing patent or proprietary medicine.
[104 Use of letter I.P. etc.-The letters ‘I.P’. and recognized abbreviations of pharmacopoeias
and official compendia of drug standards prescribed under these rules shall be entered on the
label of the drug only for the purpose of indicating that the drug is in accordance with standards
set out in the Indian Pharmacopoeia or in any such pharmacopoeia or official compendium of
drug standards recognized under the Rules.]
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D dt 2.7.1969
Sub Rule (5) re-numbered as No.(4) & new sub-rule (5) ins. as per G.O.I. Notification 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-3/51-DS dt 15.10.1954.
4Amended as per G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-16/57-D dt 6.6.1957
[104-A. Prohibition against altering inscriptions on containers, labels or wrappers of
drug. – No person shall alter, obliterate or deface any inscription or mark made or recorded
by the manufacturer on the container, label or wrapper of any drug.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any alteration, any inscription or mark
made on the container, label or wrapper of any drug at the instance or direction or with the
permission of the Licensing Authority.]
[105. Packing of drugs.— (1) The pack sizes of drugs meant for retail sale shall be as
prescribed in Schedule P-1 to these rules.
(2) The pack sizes of drugs not covered by the Schedule P-1 shall be as given below:
Unless specified otherwise in Schedule P-1,
(i) The pack sizes for Tablets/Capsules shall beWhere the number of Tablets (coated or uncoated)/Capsules (hard or soft
gelatin) is less than 10, such packing shall be made by the integral number. For
numbers above 10, the pack size of Tablets/Capsules shall contain multiples of
(ii) The pack sizes for liquid Oral preparations shall be 30ml (paediatric only) 60
ml/100 ml/200 ml/450 ml.
(iii)The pack sizes for Paediatric Oral Drops shall be 5 ml/10 ml/15 ml.
(iv)The pack sizes for Eye/Ear/Nasal drops shall be 3 ml/5 ml/10 ml.
(v) The pack size for Eye Ointment shall be 3 gm/5 gm/ 10 gm.
Provided that the provisions of the pack sizes covered under this rule shall not apply
1. Pack sizes or dosage forms not covered by the foregoing provisions of
this rule.
2. The imported formulations in finished form.
3. Preparations intended for Veterinary use.
4. Preparations intended for Export.
5. Vitamins/Tonics/Cough Preparations/Antacids/Laxatives in Liquid Oral
forms, Unit dose (including applicaps).
6. Pack sizes of dosage form meant for retail sale to Hospitals, Registered
Medic al practitioners, Nursing Homes.
7. Physician’s Samples.
8. Pack sizes of large volume intravenous fluids.
Provided also that pack sizes of any of the new drug as and when approved by the
Licensing Authority appointed under Rule 21 and if not covered under this rule, shall be
examined for the purpose of approval with the specific justification by the said Licensing
[Provided further that Oxytocin injection meant for sale shall be in single unit blister
pack only.]
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1242(E) dt 17.9.1979
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No. GSR 796(E) dt 1.10.1992.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 242(E) dt 3.4.2001.
[105-A. Packings of drugs specified in Schedule X.- The drugs specified in Schedule
X shall be marketed in packings not exceeding-
(i) 100 unit doses in the case of tablets/capsules.
(ii) 300ml in the case of oral liquid preparations.
(iii)And 5 ml in the case of injections.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to packing meant for use of a hospital or
a dispensary subject to the conditions that-
(i) such supplied are made by the manufacturers or distributors direct to the
hospital/dispensaries; and
(ii) hospital packs shall not be supplied to a retain dealer or to a Registered
Medical Practitioner.]
[106. Diseases which a drug may not purport to prevent or cure.—(1) No drug may
purport or claim to prevent or cure or may convey to the intending user thereof any idea
that it may prevent or cure one or more of the diseases or ailments specified in Schedule J.
(2) No drug may purport or claim to procure or assist to procure, or may convey to the
intending user thereof any idea that it may procure or assist to procure, miscarriage in
[ * * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.]
106-A. Manner of labelling of Homoeopathic medicines.—(A) The following
particulars shall be either printed or written in indelible ink and shall appear in a
conspicuous manner on the label of the innermost container of any Homoeopathic
medicine and on every other covering in which the container is packed—
(i) The words ‘Homoeopathic medicine’,
(ii) The name of the medicine—
[(a) For drugs included in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeias of India or
the United States of America or the United Kingdom, or the
German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, the name specified in that
(b) For other drugs, the name descriptive of the true nature of the drug.
Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
2 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-16/52-DC, dated 22-6-1954.
.Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-63/61-D, dated 17.7.1963.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 680(E) dt 5.12.1980.
(iii) The potency of the Homoeopathic medicine—For this purpose the potency
shall be expressed either in decimal, centesimal or millisimal systems.
[(iii-A) In case of Homoeopathic medicine containing two or more ingredients the
name of each ingredient together with its potency and proportion
expressed in metric system shall be stated on the label.]
(iv) Name and address of the manufacturer when sold in original containers of the
manufacturer. In case a Homoeopathic medicine is sold in a container other
than that of the manufacturer—the name and address of the seller.
(v) In case the Homoeopathic medicine contains alcohol, the alcohol content in
percentage by volume in terms of ethyl alcohol shall be stated on the label.
3 [Provided that in case that the total quantity of the pharmacopoeial Homoeopathic
medicine in the container is 30 milliliter or less, it will not be necessary to state the content
of alcohol in the label.]
(B) In addition to the above particulars the labels of a Homoeopathic mother tincture
shall display the following particulars: —
(i) a distinctive batch number, that is to say, the number by reference to which
details of manufacture of the particular batch from which the substance in the
container is taken are recorded and are available for inspection, the figures
representing the batch number being preceded by the words “Batch No.” or
“Batch” or “Lot Number” or “Lot No.” or “Lot” or any distinguishing prefix.
(ii) Manufacturing licence number, the number being preceded by the words
“Manufacturing Licence Number” or “Mfg. Lic. No.” or “M.L.”.
Explanation:– This clause shall not apply to a Homoeopathic mother tincture
manufactured outside India.
(C) No Homoeopathic medicine containing a single ingredient shall bear a proprietary
name on its label.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 466(E) dt 17.5.1994.
Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-59/68-D dated 19-11-1969.
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 108(E) dt 22.2.1994.
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification S.O. No. 2139 dated 12-8-1972.
[106-B. Prohibition of quantity and percentage.- No Homoeopathic medicine
containing more than 12% alcohol v/v (Ethyl alcohol) shall be packed and sold in packing
or bottles of more than 30 millilitres, except that it may be sold to hospital/dispensaries in
packings or bottles of not more than 100 millilitres.]
107. Name of substance.—If any substance specified in Schedule C is advertised or
sold as a proprietary medicine or is contained in a medicine so advertised or sold, the
proper name of the substance shall appear on the label in the manner prescribed in this
Explanation :– For the purpose of this rule the expression “Proper name” means the
proper name stated in Schedule F or if no such name is stated, the name descriptive of the
true nature and origin of the substance. Provided that in the case of veterinary biological
product the expression “proper name” means the proper name stated in Schedule F (1) or
if no such name is stated, the name or synonym given in the current edition for the time
being of the 5
[British Pharmacopoea (Veterinary)] , or, if no such name is stated either in
Schedule F (1) or the 5
[British Pharmacopoea (Veterinary)], the name descriptive of the
true nature and origin of the substance approved by the Licensing Authority.
108. Container.—4
(1) No substance specified in Schedule C shall be sold or offered
for sale unless it has been sealed in a previously sterilized container made of glass or any
other suitable material approved for the purpose by the Licensing Authority appointed
under rule 21, in such manner as may, in the opinion of the Licensing Authority, suffice to
preclude the access of bacteria.
Provided that it shall not be necessary to use a previously sterilized container if the
filled and sealed container is to be sterilized after the sealing and such sterilizing
procedure would render the product sterile. However, the Licensing Authority may, for
any special reasons, direct the licensee to pre-sterile such containers.
(2) When any such substance is issued in liquid form in containers which are sealed in
such a manner that portions of the contents can be withdrawn for use on different
occasions, the liquid shall contain a sufficient proportion of some antiseptic to prevent the
growth of any organisms which may be accidentally introduced in the process of removing
a portion of the contents of the container.
1 Ins, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 108(E) dt 22.2.1994 w.e.f. 22.6.1994.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-5/47-D, dated 25-11-1949.
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-6/62-D, dated 2-7-69.
4Amended by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No. 245 dated 21-2-1976..
Subs by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.647(E) dt 28.10.1998
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to a penicillin suspension in oil and
(3) The container shall comply with such further requirements, if any, as are specified
in Schedule F or Schedule F (1) as the case may be, in that behalf.
(4) The Licensing Authority may in the case of any particular preparation of any such
substance dispense with any such substance dispense with any of the requirements of this
Rule or Schedule F or Schedule F (1) as the case may be, and may make such additional
requirements, as having regard to the nature of the preparation, they may deem necessary.
109-Labelling-(1) The following particulars and such further particulars, if any, as are
specified in Schedule F or Schedule F (1), as the case may be, shall be printed or written in
indelible ink on the label of every phial, ampoule or other container of a substance
specified in Schedule C and on every other covering in which such phial, ampoule or
container is packed—
(a) where a drug is imported, the number of licence under which it is imported,
preceded by the words ‘Import Licence’:
Provided that no reference shall be made to any other import licence number
granted by any authority outside India on any label or container or in any
covering in which the container is packed or in any other matter of
advertisement enclosed therein.
(b) Where a test for potency in units is required by these rules, a statement of the
potency in units defined in terms of relation to the standard preparation
specified in Schedule F or F (1), as the case may be :
Provided that this clause shall not apply in the case of vaccine lymph.
(c) where a test for potency or maximum toxicity is required the date upto which
the substance if kept under suitable conditions may be expected to retain a
potency not less than stated on the label of the container or not to acquire a
toxicity greater than that permitted by the test, as the case may be. The date of
expiry shall be in terms of month and year and it shall mean that the drug is
recommended for use till the last day of the month. The date of expiry shall be
preceded by the words ‘Expiry date’ :
Provided that nothing in these rules shall be deemed to require the labelling
of any transparent cover or any wrapper, case or other covering used solely for
the purpose of packing, transport or delivery.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D dated 2-7-1969.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.19 dated 7/1/1978.
(2) The particulars prescribed in clause (a) of the preceding sub-rule shall be printed or
written in indelible ink either on the label borne by a container of vaccine lymph or on a
label or wrapper affixed to any package in which the container is issued for sale. The said
particulars shall be indelibly marked on the sealed container of surgical ligature or suture
or printed or written in indelible ink on a label enclosed therein.
(3) The following particulars, and such further particulars and such further particulars,
if any, as are specified in Schedule F or schedule F (1), as the case may be, shall be printed
or written in indelible ink either on the label borne by the container of any substance
specified in Schedule C or on a label or wrapper affixed to any package in which any such
container is issued for sale, namely :–
(a) the date on which the manufacture of the particular batch from which the
substance in the container is taken was completed as defined in Schedule F
or Schedule F (1), or if there is no definition in Schedule F or Schedule (1)
as hereafter defined in this rule and in the case of vaccine prepared from
concentrates, the date of completion of the final products and the bottling
for issue;
(b) where an antiseptic substance has been added, the nature and the
percentage proportion introduced;
(c) the perception necessary for preserving the properties of the contents up to
the date indicated in clause (c) of sub-rule (1).
(4) For the purpose of clause (a) of sub-rule (3), the date on which the manufacture of
a batch is completed shall be—
(a) in cases where a test for potency or toxicity is required by these rules or
not being so required, is accepted by the Licensing Authority as sufficient
for the purpose of fixing the date of completion of manufacture, the date
on which the substance was removed from cold storage after having been
kept at a temperature not exceeding 5°C continuously for a period not
exceeding two years from the time when the last test was completed.
(b) in cases where no such test is required or accepted;
(i) if the substance is a serum obtained from a living animal, the
earliest date on which any material contributing to the batch was
removed from the animal;
(ii) if the substance was obtained by the growth of organisms or
artificial media, the earliest date on which growth was terminated
in any of the material contributing to the batch:
Provided that if a batch of the substance (including all material
contributing to this batch) has for a period of not more than three years
been kept in cold storage at a temperature not exceeding 5°C
continuously from the earliest practicable date after that on which growth
was terminated in the material as the case may be, the date of removal
from cold storage shall be treated as the date on which the manufacture of
the batch is completed.
(c) in all other cases, the date on which the substance is filled in the container.
[109-A. Labelling of Medical Devices.- The labeling of Medical Devices shall
conform to the Indian Standards Specifications laid down from time to time by the Bureau
of Indian Standards in addition to any other requirement prescribed under the said rules.]
110. Prohibition of sale of substance after prescribed date—No person shall sell, or
exhibit for sale any substance specified in Schedule C after the date recorded on the
container, label or wrapper as the date upto which the substance may be expected to retain
a potency not less than, or not to acquire a toxicity greater than that required or permitted
by the prescribed test as the case may be.
110-A.[ * * * Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1242(E) dt 17.9.1979.
111.Standards—Every substance specified in Schedule C and C (1) intended for sale
shall confirm with the standards of strength, quality and purity specified in these Rules
and in Schedule F or F (1), as the case may be, and the tests for determining such
conformity shall be applied to samples taken from the final product after every
manufacturing process has been completed.
112. Tests for strength and quality—The tests, if any, required for determining the
strength and quality of each of the substances specified in Schedules C and C (1) shall be
those set out in Schedule F or Schedule F (1) 3
[or as specified]as the case may be.
[* * * Rules 113 and 114 Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.663(E) dt 3.7.1992.]
115. Application of tests for sterility—The tests shall be applied—
(a) to samples taken from each batch of the substance before the operation of
filling and sealing the containers in which it is to be issues has commenced
except preparations, which after being sealed in the containers are to be
sterilized by heat, in a manner satisfactory to the Licensing Authority; and
(b) to the contents of sample containers when ready for issue.
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 109(E) dt 22.2.1994.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D, dated 2-7-1969.
[* * * Rules 116, 117 and 118 Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 663(E) dt 3.7.1992.]
119. (1) If at this examination no growth of micro-organisms is found in any tube, the
sample may be treated as having passed the test.
(2) If at the examination of a growth of micro-organisms is visible, further samples
may be taken and the tests may be repeated on the further samples taken: but no container
the contents of which form part of the batch shall be issued until such further samples have
passed the test. The process of taking samples from the batch for a test may be repeated
twice :
Provided that if the same organism is visible in more than one test the batch shall be
treated as not sterile and the material contained in the batch shall not be issued or used as
part of a further batch unless and until it has been re-sterilized and has passed the tests.
120. Notwithstanding anything contained in the last preceding Rule in any case
(a) a substance is required in an emergency by a registered medical practitioner,
but the licensee has no filled containers in stock; or
(b) a substance which in the opinion of the Licensing Authority is so unstable in
solution that the delay occasioned by the completing of the sterility test on
filled containers would render its issue in active form impossible, the licensee
may issue the substance from a batch which has already passed the tests for
sterility and freedom from abnormal toxicity, without completing the sterility
test on the filled containers, provided that he complies with the following
(i) the licensee shall before the issue take samples in the required
proportion from the containers into which the batch is filled, and after
the required inoculation shall examine the tube every day for five
(ii) if at any examination any growth is visible in any of the tubes, he shall
immediately notify the Licensing Authority;
(iii) he shall keep available for inspection a record of all issues made under
this Rule containing such particulars of the circumstances in which
the issue is made as the Licensing Authority may require.
1[121. Test for freedom from abnormal toxicity—The test for freedom from abnormal
toxicity shall be carried out as per the current edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia in the case
of each batch of the serum tested by the licensee or by an institution approved by the
licensing authority for the purpose of carrying out the test on its behalf.]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999.
121-A Test for pyrogens—Solution of substances intended for parenteral
administration in large volumes (10ml or more at a time) shall be pyrogen-free and tested
for pyrogens. If water or any other adequate solvent is supplied along with the substances
preparing such solutions, it shall also be pyrogen-free and tested for pyrogens.
122. Substances specified in Schedule C (1)—The following provisions shall apply in
the case of a substance specified in Schedule C (1):–
(a) The container shall comply with the requirements, if any, specified in
Schedule F or Schedule F (1), 3
[or as specified] as the case may be.
(b) [* * * Deleted as per G.O.I. Notific ation No. GSR 19 dt 7.1.1978].
(c) The substance shall conform to the standards of strength, quality and purity
specified in Schedule F or Schedule F (1) 3
[or as specified], as the case may
be and the tests for determining the strength, quality and purity of the
substance shall be those specified in Schedules F or Schedule F (1) 3[or as
specified,] as the case may be.
(d) The tests for determining the strength, quality and purity of a substance
specified in Schedule F or Schedule F (1) 3
[or as specified] as the case may
be shall be applied to samples taken from the final product after each
manufacturing process has been completed.
(e) The substance should be stored in a cool place and away from light.
122-A. Application for permission to import new drug.-
[(1) (a) No new drug shall be
imported, except under, and in accordance with, the permission granted by the Licensing
Authority as defined in clause (b) of rule 21.
(b) An application for the grant of permission to import a new drug shall be made in
Form 44 to the Licensing Authority, accompanied by a fee of fifty thousand rupees.
Provided further that where a subsequent application by the same applicant for that
drug, whether in modified dosage form or with new claims, is made, the fee to accompany
such application shall be fifteen thousand rupees.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-27/56-D, dated 18-12-1956
2Amended by G.O.I.Notification no. F.1-6/62-D, dated 2-7-1969
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 663(E) dt 3.7.1992.
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 944(E) dt 21.9.1988
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 900(E) dt 12.12.2001.
Provided further that any application received after one year of the grant of approval
for the import and sale of new drug, shall be accompanied a fee of fifteen thousand rupees
and such information and data as required by Appendix I or Appendix I-A of Schedule Y,
as the case may be].
(2) The importer of a new drug when applying for permission under sub-rule (1), shall
submit data as given in Appendix I to Schedule Y including the results of local clinical
trials carried out in accordance with the guidelines specified in that Schedule and submit
the report of such clinical trials in the format given n appendix II to the said Schedule.
Provided that the requirement of submitting the results of local clinical trials may not
be necessary if the drug is of such a nature that the Licensing Authority may, in public
interest decide to grant such permission on the basis of data available from other countries.
Provided further that the submission of requirements relating to Animal Toxicology,
Reproduction studies, Teratogenic studies, Perinatal studies, Mutagenicity and
Carcinogenicity may be modified or relaxed in case of new drugs approved and marketed
for several years in other countries if he is satisfied that there is adequate published
evidence regarding the safety of the drug, subject to the other provisions of these rules.
[(3) the Licensing authority, after being satisfied that the drug if permitted to be
imported as raw material (bulk drug substance) or as finished formulation shall be
effective and safe for use in the country, may issue an import permission in Form 45
and/or Form 45-A, subject to the conditions stated therein.
Provided that the Licensing Authority shall, where the data provided or generated on
the drug is inadequate, intimate the applic ant in writing, and the conditions, which shall be
satisfied before permission could be considered.]
122-B. Application for approval to manufacture new drug other than the drugs
classifiable under Schedules C and C(1).-
[(1)(a) No new drug shall be manufactured for
sale unless it is approved by the Licensing Authority as defined in clause (b) of Rule 21.
(b) An application for the grant of approval to manufacture the new drug and its
formulations shall be made in Form 44 to the Licensing Authority as defined in clause (b)
of Rule 21 and shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty thousand rupees.
Provided that where the application is for permission to import a new drug (bulk drug
substance) and grant of approval to manufacture its formulation/s, the fee to accompany
such application shall be fifty thousand rupees only.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 900(E) dt 12.12.2001
Provided further that where a subsequent application by same applicant for that drug,
whether in modified dosage form or with the new claims, is made, the fee to accompany
such subsequent application shall be fifteen thousand rupees.
Provided further also that any application received after one year of the gran t of
approval for the manufacture for sale of the new drug, shall be accompanied by a fee of
fifteen thousand rupees and such information and data as required by Appendix 1 or
Appendix 1-A of Schedule Y, as the case may be.]
(2) The manufacturer of a new drug under sub-rule (1) when applying for approval to
the Licensing Authority mentioned in the same sub-rule, shall submit data as given in
Appendix 1 to Schedule Y including the results of clinical trials carried out in the country
in accordance with the guideline specified in Schedule Y and submit the report of such
clinical trials in the same format given in Appendix II to the said Schedule.
[(2-A) The Licensing authority, as defined in clause (b) of Rule 21 after being
satisfied that the drug if approved to be manufactured as raw material (bulk drug
substance) or as finished formulation shall be effective and safe for use in the country,
shall issue approval in Form 46 and/or Form 46-A, as the case may be, subject to the
conditions stated therein.
Provided that the Licensing Authority shall, where the data provided or generated on
the drug is inadequate, intimate the applicant in writing, and the conditions, which shall be
satisfied before permission could be considered.]
(3) When applying for approval to manufacture a new drug under sub-rule (1) or its
preparations, to the State Licensing Authority, an applicant shall produce along with his
application, evidence that the drug for the manufacture of which application is made has
already been approved by the Licensing Authority mentioned in Rule 21.
Provided that the requirement of submitting the results of local clinical trials may not
be necessary if the drug is of such nature that the Licensing Authority may, in public
interest decide to grant such permission on the basis of data available from other countries.
Provided further that the submission of requirements relating to Animal Toxicology,
Reproduction studies, Teratogenic studies, Perinatal studies, Mutagenicity and
Carnicogenicity may be modified or relaxed in case of new drugs approved and marketed
for several years in other countries if he is satisfied that there is adequate polished
evidence regarding the safety of the drug, subject to the other provisions of these rules.
122-C [*** Deleted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 900(E) dt 12.12.2001.]
[122-D. Permission to import or manufacture fixed dose combination.- (1) An
application for permission to import or manufacture fixed dose combination of two or ore
1 Ins./Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 900(E) dt 12.12.2001
drugs as defined in clause (c) of Rule 122-E shall be made to the Licensing Authority as
defined in clause (b) of Rule 21 in Form 44, accompanied by a fee of fifteen thousand
rupees and shall be accompanied by such information and data as is required in Appendix
VI of Schedule Y.
(2) The Licensing Authority after being satisfied that the fixed dose combination if
approved to be imported or manufactured as finished formulation shall be effective and
safe for use in the country, shall issue permission in Form 45 or Form 46, as the case may
be, subject to the conditions stated therein.
Provided that the Licensing authority shall where the data provided or generated on the
fixed dose combination is inadequate, intimate the applicant in writing, and the conditions
which shall be satisfied before grant of approval/permission could be considered.
122-DA. Application for permission to conduct clinical trials for New
Drug/Investigational New Drug.- (1) No clinical trial for a new drug, whether for clinical
investigation or any clinical experiment by any institution, shall be conducted except
under, and in accordance with, the permission, in writing, of the Licensing Authority
defined in clause (b) of Rule 21.
(2) An application for grant of permission to conduct.-
(a) human clinical trials (Phase-I) on a new drug shall be made to the Licensing
Authority in Form 44 accompanied by a fee of fifty thousand rupees and
such information and data as required under Schedule Y.
(b) exploratory clinical trials (Phase-II) on a new drug shall be made on the
basis of data emerging from Phase I trial, accompanied by a fee of twentyfive thousand rupees;
(c) confirmatory clinical trials (Phase-III) on a new drug shall be made on the
basis of the data emerging from Phase-II and where necessary, data
emerging from Phase-I also, and shall be accompanied by a fee of twentyfive thousand rupees,
Provided that no separate fee shall be required to be paid along with application for
import/manufacture of a new drug based on successful completion of phases clinical trials
by the applicant.
Provided further that no fee shall be required to be paid along with the application by
Central Government or State Government Institutes involved in clinical research for
conducting trials for academic or research purposes.
(3) The Licensing Authority after being satisfied with the clinical trials, shall grant
permission in Form 45 or Form 45-A or Form 46 or Form 46-A, as the case may be,
subject to the conditions stated therein.
Provided that the Licensing Authority shall, where the data provided on the clinical
trials is inadequate, intimate the applicant in writing, within six months from the date of
such intimation or such extended period, not exceeding a further period of six months, as
the Licensing Authority may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, permit, intimating the
conditions which shall be satisfied before permission could be considered.
Explanation.- For the purpose of these rules Investigational New Drug means a new
chemical entity or a product having therapeutic indication but which have never been
earlier tested on human beings.
122-DB. Suspension or cancellation of Permission/Approval.- If the improper or
manufacturer under this Part fails to comply with any of the conditions of the permission
or approval, the Licensing Authority may, after giving an opportunity to show cause why
such an order should not be passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore,
suspend or cancel it.
122-DC. Appeal.- Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the Licensing
Authority under this Part, may within sixty days from the date of such order, appeal to the
Central Government, and the Central Government may, after such enquiry into the matter
as is considered necessary, pass such an order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.]
122-E. Definition of new drug.- For the purpose of this part, new drug shall mean and
[(a) A drug, as defined in the Act including bulk drug substance which has not
been used in the country to any significant extent under the conditions
prescribed, recommended or suggested in the labeling thereof and has not
been recognized as effec tive and safe by the licensing authority mentioned
under Rule 21 for the proposed claims.
Provided that the limited use, if any, has been with the permission of the licensing
(b) A new drug already approved by the Licensing Authority mentioned in
Rule 21 for certain claims, which is now proposed to be marketed with
modified or new claims, namely, indications, dosage, dosage form
(including sustained release dosage form) and route of administration.
(c) A fixed dose combination of two or more drugs, individually approved
earlier for certain claims, which are now proposed to be combined for the
first time in a fixed ratio, or if the ratio of ingredients in an already
marketed combination is proposed to be changed, with certain claims, viz.
indic ations, dosage, dosage form (including sustained release dosage form)
and route of administration. (See items (b) and (c) of Appendix VI to
Schedule Y.)
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 591(E) dt 17.8.1999.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule.-
(i) all vaccines shall be new drugs unless certified otherwise by the Licensing
Authority under Rule 21;
(ii) a new drug shall continue to be considered as new drug for a period of four
years from the date of its first approval or its inclusion in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia, whichever is earlier.]
[122-EA. Definitions.- (1) In this Part and in the Forms contained in Schedule A and
in Part XII-B and Part XII-C of Schedule F, unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context.-
(a) “apheresis” means the process by which blood drawn from a donor, after
separating plasma or platelets or leucocytes, is re-transfused
simultaneously into the said donor;
(b) “autologous blood” means the blood drawn from the patient for retransfusion into himself later on;
(c) ‘blood” means a place or organization or unit or institution or other
arrangements made by such organization, unit or institution for carrying
out all or any of the operations for collection, apheresis, storage,
processing and distribution of blood drawn from donors and/or for
preparation, storage and distribution of blood components.
(d) “blood bank” means a place or organization or unit or institution or other
arrangements made by such organization, unit or institution for carrying
out all or any of the operations for collection, apheresis, storage,
processing and distribution of blood drawn from donors and/or for
preparation, storage and distribution of blood components;
(e) “blood component” means a drug prepared, obtained, derived or separated
from a unit of blood drawn from a donor;
(f) “blood product” means a drug manufactured or obtained from pooled
plasma of blood by fractionation, drawn from donors;
Ins. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 28(E) dtd 22.1.1993.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
(g) “donor” means a person who voluntarily donates blood after he has been
declared fit after a medical examination, for donating blood, on fulfilling
the criteria given hereinafter, without accepting in return any
Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause, benefits or incentives like pins,
plaques, badges, medals, commendation certificates, time-off from work,
membership of blood assurance programme, gifts of little or intrinsic monetary
value shall not be construed as consideration.
(h) “leucapheresis” means the process by which the blood drawn from a
donor, after leucocyte concentrates have been separated is re-transfused
simultaneously into the said donor,
(i) “plasmapheresis” means the process by which the blood drawn from a
donor, after plasma has been separated, is re-transfused during the same
sitting into the said donor;
(j) “plateletpheresis” means the process by which the blood drawn from a
donor, after platelet concentrates have been separated, is re-transfused
simultaneously into the said donor.
(k) “professional donor” means a person who donates blood for a valuable
consideration, in cash or kind, for any source, on behalf of the recipientpatient and includes a paid donor or a commercial donor,
(l) “replacement donor” means a donor who is a family friend or a relative of
the patient-recipient.]
122-F. Form of application for licence for operation of Blood Bank/processing of
whole human blood for components/manufacture of blood products for sale or
distribution.- (1) Application for the grant and/or renewal of licence for the operation of a
Blood Bank/processing of human blood for components/manufacture of blood products
shall be made to the Licensing Authority appointed under Part VII in 1
[Form 27-C or
Form 27-E,as the case may be], and shall be accompanied by 2
[licence fee of rupees six
thousand and an inspection fee of rupees one thousand and five hundred for every
inspection thereof or for the purpose of renewal of licence].
Provided that if the applicant applies for renewal of licence after its expiry but within
six months of such expiry the fee payable for the renewal of the licence 2
[shall be rupees
six thousand and inspection fee of rupees one thousand five hundred plus an additional fee
at the rate of rupees one thousand per month or a part thereof in addition to the inspection
Provided further that a licensee holding a licence in 1
[Form 28-C or Form 28-E,as the
case may be,] for operation of Blood Bank/processing of whole human blood for
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
2 Subs, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
components/manufacture of blood products shall apply for grant of licence under subrule(1) before the expiry of the said licence on 1
[Form 27-C or Form 28E, as the case may
be,] and he shall continue to operate the same till the orders on his application are
communicated to him.
[Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, “Blood Bank” means a place or
organizational unit or an institution or other arrangement made by such organizational unit
or institution for carrying our all or any of the operations of manufacture of human blood
components, or blood products or whole human blood for its collection, storage,
processing, distribution from selected human donors.]
(2) A fee of 3
[rupees one thousand] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of a licence
issued under this rule, if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.
(3) Application by a licensee to manufacture additional drugs listed in the application
shall be accompanied by a 3
[fee of rupees three hundred] for each drug listed in the
(4) On receipt of the application for the grant or renewal of such licence, the Licensing
Authority shall,-
(i) verify the statements made in the application form
(ii) cause the manufacturing the testing establishment to be inspected in
accordance with the provision of Rule 122-I and
(iii) in case the application is for renewal of licence, call for information of past
performance of the licence.
(5) If the Licensing Authority is satisfied that the applicant is in a position to fulfil the
requirements laid down in the rules, he shall prepare a report to that effect and forward it
[along with the application and the licence (in triplicate) to be granted or renewed, duly
completed] to the Central Licence Approving Authority.
Provided that if the Licensing Authority is of the opinion that the applicant is not in a
position to fulfil the requirements laid down in these rules, he may, by order, for reasons to
be recorded in writing, refuse to grant or renew the licence, as the case may be.
(6) If, on receipt of the application and report of the Licensing Authority referred to in
sub-rule (5) and after taking such measures including inspection of the premises, by the
Inspector, appointed by the Central Government under Section 21 of the Act, and/or along
with the Expert in the field concerned if deemed necessary, the Central Licence approving
authority is satisfied that the applicant is in a position to fulfil the requirements laid down
in these rules, he may grant or renew the licence, as the case may be.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 89(E) dt 14.2.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001
Provided that if the Central Licence approving Authority is of the opinion that the
applicant is not in a position to fulfil the requirements laid down in these rules he may,
notwithstanding the report of the Licensing Authority, by order, for reasons to be recorded
in writing, reject the application for grant or renewal of licence, as the case may be, and
shall supply the applicant with a copy of the inspection report.
122-G. Form of Licence for the operation of a Blood Bank/processing of whole human
blood for components and manufacture of blood products and the conditions for the grant
or renewal of such licence.- A licence for the operation of a Blood Bank or for processing
whole human blood for components and manufacture of blood products shall be issued in
[Form 28-C or Form 28-E or Form 26-G or Form 26-I, as the case may be]. Before a
licence in 1
[Form 28-C or Form 28-E or Form 26-G or Form 26-I, as the case may be] is
granted or renewed the following conditions shall be complied with by the applicant:-
[(i) The operation of Blood Bank and/or processing of whole human blood for
components shall be conducted under the active direction and personal supervision of
competent technical staff consisting of at least one person who is whole-time employee
and who is Medical Officer, and possessing-
(a) Postgraduate degree in Medicine – M.D (Pathology/Transfusion Medicines);
(b) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) with Diploma in Pathology or Transfusion
Medicines having adequate knowledge in blood group serology, blood group
methodology and medical principles involved in the procurement of blood
and/or preparation of its components; or
(c) Degree in Medicine (M.B.B.S.) having experience in Blood Bank for one
year during regular service and also has adequate knowledge and experience
in blood group serology, blood group methodology and medical principles
involved in the procurement of blood and/or preparation of its components.
the degree or diploma being from a University recognized by the Central Government.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this conditions, the experience in Blood Bank for
one year shall not apply in the case of persons who are approved by the Licensing
Authority and/or Central Licence Approving Authority prior to the commencement
of the Drugs and Cosmetics (Second Amendment) Rules, 1999].
(ii) The applicant shall provide adequate space, plant and equipment for any or
all the operations of blood collection or blood processing. The space, plant
and equipment required for various operation is given in Schedule ‘F’, Part
XII-B and/or XII-C.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
(iii) The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate technical staff as
specified in Schedule F, Part XII-B and/or XII-C.
(iv) The applicant shall provide adequate arrangements for storage of whole
human blood, human blood components and blood products.
(v) The applicant shall furnish to the Licensing Authority, if required to do so,
data on the stability of whole human blood, its components or blood
products which are likely to deteriorate, for fixing the date of expiry which
shall be printed on the labels of such products on the basis of the data so
122-H. Duration of licence.- An original licence in 1
[Form 28-C or Form 28-E or a
renewed licence in Form 26-G or Form 26-I] unless sooner suspended or cancelled shall
be 2
[valid for a period of five years on and from the date on which] it is granted or
122-I. Inspection before grant or renewal of licence for operation of Blood Bank,
processing of whole human blood for components and manufacture of blood products.-
Before a licence in 1
[Form 28-C or Form 28-E is granted or a renewal of licence inform
26-G or Form 26-I is made, as the case may be,] the Licensing Authority or the Central
Licence Approving authority, as the case may be, shall cause the establishment in which
Blood Bank is proposed to be operated/whole human blood for components is processed/
blood products are manufactured to be inspected by one or more Inspectors, appointed
under the Act and/or along with the Expert in the field concerned. The Inspector or
Inspectors shall examine all portions of the premises and appliance/equipments and
inspect the process of manufacture intend to be employed or being employed along with
the means to be employed or being employed for operation of blood bank/processing of
whole human blood for components/manufacture of blood products together with their
testing facilities and also enquire into the professional qualification of the expert staff and
other technical staff to be employed.
122-J. Report by Inspector.- The Inspector or Inspectors shall forward a detailed
descriptive report giving his findings on each aspect of inspection along with his
recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Rule 122-I to the Licensing
Authority or to the Central Licence Approving Authority.
122-K. Further application after rejection.- If within a period of six months from the
rejection of application of a licence the applicant informs the Licensing Authority that the
conditions laid down have been satisfied and deposits an inspection 2
[fee of rupees two
hundred and fifty] the Licensing Authority may, if after causing further inspection to be
made is satisfied that the conditions for the 1
[grant or renewal of a licence have been
complied with, shall grant or renew the licence in Form 28-C or Form 28-E.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001
Provided that in the case of a drug notified by the Central Government under rule 68-
A, the application, together with the inspection report and the Form of licence (in triplicate
to be granted or renewed), duly completed shall be sent, to the Central Licence approving
Authority, who may approve the same and return it to the Licensing Authority for issue of
the licence.]
122-L. Delegation of powers by the Central Licence Approving Authority.- The
Central Licence Approving Authority may, with the approval of the Central Government,
by notification delegate his powers of signing licences and any other power under rules to
persons under his control having same qualifications as prescribed for Controlling
Authority under rule 50-A, for such areas and for such period as may be specified.
122-M. Provision for appeal to the State Government by a party whose licence has not
been granted or renewed.- Any person who is aggrieved by the order passed by the
Licensing Authority or Central Licence Approving Authority, as the case may be, may
within thirty days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State Government or
Central Government, as the case may be, after such enquiry into the matter as it considers
necessary and after giving the said person an opportunity for representing his view in the
matter may pass such order in relation thereto as it thinks fit.
122-N. Additional information to be furnished by an applicant for licence or by a
licensee to the Licensing Authority.- the applicant for the grant of licence or any person
granted a licence under the Part shall, on demand furnish to the Licensing Authority,
before the grant of the licence or during the period the licence is in force, as the case may
be, documentary evidence in respect of the ownership or occupation, rental or other basis
of the premises, specified in the application for licence or in the licence granted,
constitution of the firm or any other relevant matter, which may be required for the
purpose of verifying the correctness obtaining the licence, as the case may be.
122-O. Cancellation and suspension of licences.- (1) The Licensing Authority or
Central Licence Approving Authority may for such licences granted or renewed by him
after giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be
passed by an order in writing stating the reason thereof, cancel a licence issued under this
part or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the
substances to which it relates 1
[or direct the licensee to stop collection, storage,
processing, manufacture and distribution of the said substances and 2
[thereupon order the
destruction of substances and] stocks thereof in the presence of an Inspector], if in his
opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the licence or with
any provision of the Act or Rules thereunder.
(2) A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may, within three
months of the date of the order under sub-rule(1) prefer an appeal against the order to the
State Government or Central government, which shall decide the same.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 20(E) dt 11.1.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 514(E) dt 5.11.1996.
122-P. Conditions of licence.-
[A licence in Form 28-C, Form 28-E, Form 26-G or
Form 26-I shall be subject to the special conditions set out in Schedule F, Part XII-B and
Part XII-C, as the case may be, which relate to the substance in respect of which the
licence is granted or renewed and to the following general conditions, namely:-]
(i) (a) The licensee shall provide and maintain adequate staff, plant and premises
for the proper operation of a Blood Bank for processing whole human
blood, its components and/or manufacture of blood products.
(b) The licensee shall maintain staff, premises and equipment as specified in
Rule 122-G. the licensee shall maintain necessary records and registers as
specified in Schedule F, Parts XII-B and XII-C.
(c) The licensee shall test in his own laboratory whole human blood, its
components and blood products and maintain records and registers in
respect of such tests as specified in Schedule F, Parts XII-B and XII-C.
The records and register shall be maintained for a period of five years
from the date of manufacture.
(d) The licensee shall maintain/preserve reference sample and supply to
collect the Inspector the reference sample of the whole human blood
collected by him in an adequate quantity to conduct all the prescribed
tests. The licensee shall supply to the Inspector the reference sample for
the purpose of testing.
(ii) The licensee shall allow an Inspector appointed under the Act to enter, with or
without prior notice, any premises where the activities of the Blood Bank and
are being carried out for the processing of Whole Human Blood and/or Blood
Products, to inspect the premises and plant and the process of manufacture and
the means employed for standardizing and testing the substance.
(iii) The licensee shall allow an Inspector appointed under the Act to inspect all
registers and records maintained under these rules and to take samples of the
manufactured product and shall supply to the Inspector such information as he
may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act
and rules thereunder have been observed.
(iv) The licensee shall from time to time report to the Licensing Authority any
changes in the expert staff responsible for the operation of a Blood
Bank/processing of whole human blood for components and/or manufacture of
blood products and any material alterations in the premises or plant used for
that purpose which have been made since the date of last inspection made on
behalf of the Licensing Authority before the grant of the licence.
(v) The licensee shall on request furnish to the Licensing Authority, or Central
Licence Approving Authority or to such Authority as the Licensing Authority,
or the Central Licence Approving Authority may direct, from any batch unit or
drugs as the Licensing Authority or Central Licence Approving Authority may
from time to time specify, sample of such quantity as may be considered
adequate by such Authority for any examination and, if so required, also furnish
full protocols of the test which have been applied.
(vi) If the Licensing Authority of the Central Licence Approving Authority so
directs, the licensee shall not sell or offer for sale any batch/unit in respect of
which a sample is, or protocols are furnished under the last preceding subparagraph until a certificate authorizing the sales of batch/unit has been
issued to him by or on behalf of the Licensing Authority or the Central
Licence approving Authority.
(vii) The licensee shall on being informed by the Licensing Authority or the
Controlling Authority that any part of any batch/unit of the substance has
been found by the Licensing Authority or the Central Licence Approving
Authority not to conform with the standards of strength, quality or purity
specified in these Rules and on being directed so to do, withdraw, from sales
and so far as may in the particular circumstances of the case be practicable
recall all issues already made from that batch/unit.
(viii) No drug manufactured under the licence shall be sold unless the precautions
necessary for preserving its properties have been observed throughout the
period after manufacture. Further no batch/unit manufactured under this
licence shall be supplied/distributed to any person without prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner.
(ix) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of these Rules
and with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any Rules
subsequently made under Chapter IV of the Act, provided that where such
further requirements are specified in the Rules, these would come in force
four months after publication in the Official Gazette.
(x) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an
Inspector to record his impression and defects noticed.
(xi) The licensee shall destroy the stock of batch/unit which does not comply with
standard tests in such way that it would not spread any disease/infection by
way of proper disinfection method.
[(xii) All bio -medical waste shall be treated, disposed of or destroyed as per the
provisions of the Bio -Medical Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules,
(xii) The licensee shall neither collect blood from any professional donor or paid
donor nor shall he prepare blood components and/or manufacture blood
products from the blood drawn from such a donor.]
123. The drugs specified in schedule K shall be exempted from the provisions of
Chapter IV of the Act and the Rules made thereunder to the extent and subject to the
conditions specified in that Schedule.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.245(E) dt 5.4.1999
124—Standards of drugs:–
(1) Drugs included in the Indian Pharmacopoeia–
(a) The standards for identity, purity and strength shall be those as may be
specified in the edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia for the time being in
(b) In case the standards for identity, purity and strength for drugs are not
specified in the edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia for the time being in
force but are specified in the edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia
immediately preceding, the standards for identity, purity and strength shall
be those occurring in such immediately preceding edition of the Indian
(2) For other drugs–
(a) The standards for identity, purity and strength shall be those as may be
specified in the edition of the official pharmacopoeia, for the time being in
force, of any country to which the drug claims to comply with,
(b) In case the standards for identity, purity and strength for drugs are not
specified in the edition of such official pharmacopoeia for the time being in
force, but are expected in the edition immediately preceding, the standards
for identity, purity and strength shall be those occurring in such immediately
preceding edition of such official pharmacopoeia to which the drug claims to
comply with.
(c) For drugs for which standards are not included in the edition of the official
pharmacopoeia, for the time being in force, of any country or in edition
immediately preceding, but included in the official compendia of drug
standards, namely, the British Pharmaceutical Codex or the National
Formulary of the United States, for the time being in force, to which the drug
claims to comply with.
124A.Standards for veterinary drugs—For drugs intended for veterinary use, the
standards shall be those given in the current edition for the time being in force of the
[British Pharmacopoeia (Veterinary)].
124-B Standards for patent or proprietary medicines: — The standards for patent or
proprietary medicines shall be those laid down in Schedule V and such medicines shall
also comply with the standards laid down in the Second Schedule to the Act.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 19 dt 7.1.978.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-6/62-D dt 2.7.1969.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 647(E) dt 28.10.1998.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 665 dt 28.5.1977.
[124-C. Standards for Surgical Dressings. – The standards for Surgical Dressing shall
be such as are laid down in Schedule F (II).]
[124-D. Standards for Sterilised Umbilical tapes.- The standards for Sterilised
Umbilical tapes shall be as laid down in Schedule F(III).]
125. Standards for substances (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any
function of human body—contraceptives—(1) The standards for mechanical
contraceptives shall be such as are laid down in Schedule R.
(2) The standards which other contraceptives will have to comply with shall be in
conformity with the formulae approved as safe and efficacious by the Central
Government. Such formula shall be displayed on the label of every container of such
[125-A. Standards for Medical Devices.- the standards for the Medical Devices shall
be such as are laid down in Schedule R-1.]
126. Standards for substances intended to be used for the destruction of vermin or
insects which cause disease in human beings or animals.
The standards of disinfectants shall be such as are laid down in Schedule O.
126-A Standards for ophthalmic preparations7
[including Homoeopathic
ophthalmic preparations] —The standards for ophthalmic preparations 7
Homoeopathic ophthalmic preparations]shall be those laid down in Schedule FF., and
such preparations shall also comply with the standards set out in the Second Schedule to
the Act.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 318(E0 dt 1.5.1984.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1115(E) dt 13.9.1986.
3 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F-1-28/65D dt 8.3.1966
4 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 109(E) dt 22.2.1994.
Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-20/60-D dt 24.1.1964.
6 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 1-113/60-D dt 23.12.1969
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 245(E) dt 17.6.1996.
127. List of colours permitted to be used in drugs—(1) No drug shall contain a colour
other than specified below : —
(1) Natural Colours
Red Oxide of Iron
Yellow Oxide of Iron
Titanium Dioxide
[Black Oxide of iron]
(2) Artificial Colours
(3) Coal Tar Colours
Common name of the
Colour Index
Chemical Name
1 2 3
Quinazarine Green S.S. 61565 1, 4-bis (p-Toluino) anthra-quinone
Alizarin Cyanine Green F. 61570 Disodium salt of 1, 4-bis (O-sulfo-pToluino) anthra-quinone
Fast Green F.C.F. 42053 Disodium salt of 4-{[4-(N-ethylpsulfobenzylamino)-phenyl-]-(4-
hydroxy-2- sulfoniumphenyl)-
2, 5-cyclohexadienimine]-
[* * * Green S- Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999.]
Tartrazine 19140 Trisodium salt of 3-carboxy-5-
Sunset Yellow FCF 15985 Disodium salt of 1-p-sulfophenyl Azo2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification S.O.No. 289 dt 3.2.1973
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 370(E) dt 7.4.1994.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 6.6.1988.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. X.11013/3/76-DM.S dt 19.8.1978.
[Quinoline Yellow WS 47005 Disodium salt of disulfonic acid of 12-(2-
quinolyl)-1, 3-indandione.
[* * * ‘Amaranth’-Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999.]
Erythrosine 45430 Disodium salt of 9-0-carboxypheny l6-
hydroxy 2,4-5,7-tetriodo-3-isoxanthone
Eosin YS or Eosine G 45380 Disodium of salt of 2,4,5, 7-Tetrabromo 9-
p-carboxyphenyl-6-hydroxy 3-isoxanthone.
Toney Red or Sudan III 26100 1-p-phenylazophenylazo-2-naphthol.
Ponceau 4 R 16255 Trisodium salt of 1-(4-sulpho-1-1-
Napthylazo)-2 napthol-6 : 8-disulphonic
Carmoisine 14720 Disodium salt of 2-(4-sulpho-1-napThylazo)-1 napthol-4 sulphonic acid
[* * * ‘Fast Red’- Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999.]
Indigo Carmine
73015 Disodium salt of indigotin-5 : -5 Disu
lphonic Acid
1Brilliant Blue FCF 42090 Disodium salt of 4-[ {4-(N-ethyl-psulfobenzylamino)-phenyl }-](2- sulfo -nium
phenyl)-methylene)-1-(N- ethyl-N-psulfobenyl)- ? 2, 5-cyclohexadienimine
Orange G 16230 Disodium salt of 1-phenylaze-2- naphthol-6,
8-disulfonic acid.
Resorcin Brown 20170 Monosodium salt of 4-p- sulfophenylazo-2-
(2, 4-xylylazo)-1, 3 resorcinol.
Naphthol Blue Balck 20470 Disodium salt of 8-amino-7-p-nitrophenylazo-2-phenylazo-1-naphthol-3, 6-
disulfonic acid.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. X.11013/3/76-DM.S dt 19.8.1978.
The Aluminum or calcium salts (lakes) of any of the water-soluble
colours listed above.
(2) The label on the container of a drug containing a permitted colour shall indicate the
common name of the colour.
128. The following rules are hereby repealed except as respect things done or omitted
to be done under these rules, namely :—
Andhra Pradesh Drugs Rules, 1945.
Assam Drugs Rules, 1945.
Bihar Drugs Rules, 1945.
Bombay Drugs Rules, 1946.
East Punjab Drugs Rules, 1945.
C.P. & Berar Drugs Rules, 1945.
Madras Drugs Rules, 1945.
Orissa Drugs Rules, 1945.
Saurashtra Drugs Rules, 1953.
Travancore-Cohin Drugs Rules, 1953.
United Provinces Drugs Rules, 1945.
West Bengal Drugs Rules, 1946.
Mysore Drugs Rules, 1954.
129. Statement to accompany imported cosmetics—All consignments of cosmetics
sought to be imported shall be accompanied by an invoice or statement showing the name
and quantities of each article of cosmetic included in the consignment and the name and
address of the manufacturer.
130. Documents to be supplied to the Collector of Customs—Before any cosmetics are
imported, a declaration signed by or on behalf of the manufacturer or by on behalf of the
importer that the cosmetics comply with the provisions of Chapter III of the Act, and the
Rules made there under, shall be supplied to the Collector of Customs.
131. Procedure for the import of cosmetics. – If the officer appointed at the post of
entry by the Central Government has reason to believe that any cosmetic contravenes any
of the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder he may take sample of the
cosmetic from the consignment for inspection. If on examination of the sample defects are
noticed the officer shall advise the Collector of customs for further action to be taken.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-36/64-D, dated 17-8-1961.
If the suspected contravention of the provisions of the Act or the Rules is such as may
have to be determined by test, the officer shall send the sample to the laboratory
established for the purpose for performing such that the test report on such sample is
received from the Director of the said laboratory or any other officer of the laboratory
empowered by him in this behalf with the approval of the Central Government.
Provided that if the importer gives an undertaking in writing not to dispose of the
cosmetic without the consent of the Collector of Customs and to return the consignment or
such portion thereof, he shall return the consignment or such portion thereof as may be
required, the Collector of Customs shall make over the consignment to the importer.
(2) If the importer who has given an undertaking under the proviso to sub-rule (1) is
required by the Collector of Customs to return the consignment or portion thereof, he shall
return the consignment or portion thereof within ten days of receipt of the notice.
Further procedure on receipt of the report of analysis
(3) If the Direc tor of the Laboratory established for the purpose by the Central
Government or any other officer of the laboratory empowered by him in this behalf with
the approval of the Central Government, reports to the Collector of Customs or to the
officer mentioned in sub-rule (1) above that the sample of any cosmetic in a consignment
contravenes the provisions of Chapter III of the Act or the Rules made there under and that
the contravention is such that it cannot be remedied by the importer, the Collector of
Customs shall communicate the report forthwith to the importer who shall within two
months of receiving such a communication either send back all cosmetic of that
description to the country in which it was manufactured or to the country from which it
was imported or hand it over to the Central Government which shall cause it to be
Provided that the importer may within thirty days of receipt of the report make a
representation against the report to the Collector of Customs who shall forward the
representation with a fresh sample of the cosmetic to the Drugs Controller, India, who
after obtaining, if necessary, the report of the Director of the Central Drugs Laboratory
shall pass orders thereon which shall be final.
(4) If the Drugs Controller or any other empowered by him in this behalf with the
approval of Central Government reports to the Collector of Customs after the inspection of
the sample of cosmetic and if necessary, after obtaining a test report thereon that the
sample of the said cosmetic contravenes in any respect the provisions of Chapter III of the
Act or the Rules made thereunder but that the contravention is such that it can be remedied
by the importer, the Collector of Customs shall communicate the report forthwith to the
importer and permit him to import the cosmetic on his giving an undertaking in writing
not to dispose of the cosmetic without the permission of the officer authorised in this
behalf by the Central Government.
132. Exemption of cosmetics—Cosmetics as may be specified in Schedule D shall be
exempted from the provisions of Chapter III of the Act and the Rules made thereunder to
the extent and subject to the conditions specified in that Schedule.
133. Import through points of entry—No cosmetic shall be imported into India except
through the points of entry specified in rule 43A.
[134. Cosmetic to contain Dyes, Colours and Pigments.- No Cosmetic shall contain
Dyes, Colours and Pigments other than those specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards
(IS:4707 Part 1 as amended) and Schedule Q.
The permitted Synthetic Organic Colours and Natural Organic Colours used in the
Cosmetic shall not contain more than:-
(i) 2 parts per million of Arsenic calculated as Arsenic Trioxide.
(ii) 20 parts per million of lead calculated as lead.
(iii)100 parts per million of heavy metals other than lead calculated as
the total of the respective metals.]
134-A Prohibition of import of cosmetic containing Hexachlorophene— No
cosmetic containing hexachlorophene shall be imported.
135. Import of cosmetic Lead or Arsenic compound prohibited—No cosmetic shall be
imported in which a Lead or Arsenic compound has been used for purposes of colouring.
135-A. Import of cosmetics containing mercury compounds prohibited. No cosmetic
shall be imported which contains mercury compounds.
136. Import of cosmetic for personal use—Small quantities of cosmetics the import of
which is otherwise prohibited under section 10 of the Act, may be imported for personal
use subject to the following conditions: —
(j) The cosmetics shall form part of a passenger’s baggage and shall be the
property of and intended for, the bonafide use of the passenger; and
(ii) The cosmetics shall be declared to the Customs authorities, if they so
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 811(E) dt 14.11.1994.
2Added by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 116 dated 25-1-1975.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. X.11013/76-D & MS dt 19.8.1978.
4 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
137. Manufacture on more than one set of premises—If cosmetics are manufactured
on more than one premises, a separate application for each such premises shall be made
and a separate licence obtained for each such premises.
138. Application for licence to manufacture cosmetics—(1) Application for grant or
renewal of licence to manufacture any cosmetic for sale 1
[shall be made up to ten items of
each category of cosmetics categorized in Schedule M-II to the Licensing Authority
appointed by the State Government for the purpose of this Part (hereafter’ in this Part
referred to as the Licensing Authority) in Form 31 and shall be accompanied by a fee of
rupees two thousand and five hundred and an inspection fee of rupees one thousand for
every inspection thereof or for the purpose of renewal of licence.]
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331-E dt 8.5.1984]
(2) If a person applies for the renewal of licence after expiry but within six months of
such expiry, the fee payable for the renewal of such licence shall be 1
[rupees two thousand
five hundred plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees four hundred per month or part
thereof in additional to an inspection fee of rupees one thousand.]
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331-E dt 8.5.1984]
(3) Application by a licensee to manufacturer additional items of cosmetics shall be
accompanied by a fee of 1
[rupees one hundred for each item subject to a maximum of
rupees three thousand for each application.]
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331-E dt 8.5.1984]
(4) A fee of 1
[rupees two hundred and fifty] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of a
licence under sub-rule (1) and the proviso to sub-rule (1) respectively if the original is
defaced, damaged or lost.
138-A Application for loan licence to manufacture cosmetics .-
(1) Application for grant or renewal of a loan licence for the manufac ture for sale of
cosmetics 1
[shall be made up to ten items of each category of cosmetics
categorized in Schedule M-II in Form 31-A to the Licensing Authority and shall
be accompanied by a licence fee of rupees two thousand and five hundred and an
inspectio n fee of rupees one thousand foe every inspection thereof].
Explanation—For the purpose of this rule a ‘loan licence’ means a licence, which a
Licensing Authority may issue to an applicant who does not have his own
arrangements to manufacture but who intends to avail himself of the manufacturing
facilities owned by a licensee in Form 32.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
(2) If a person applies for the renewal of a loan licence after the expiry but within six
months of such expiry, the fee payable for the renewal of such a licence 1
be rupees two thousand and five hundred plus an additional fee at the rate of
rupees four hundred for each month or part thereof.]
(3) The Licensing Authority shall before the grant of a loan licence satisfy himself
that the manufacturing unit has adequate equipments, staff, capacity for
manufacture and facilities to undertake the manufacture on behalf of the
applicant for a loan licence.
(4) The loan licence shall be granted by the Licensing Authority to only such
applicants who propose to avail of the facilities of manufacture of cosmetics in
the premises of a manufacturer located in the same State where the applicant is
located. In case the manufacture of cosmetic involves any special process of
manufacture or use of equipments which are not available in the State where the
applicant is located, the Licensing Authority after consulting the Licensing
Authority where the manufacturing unit is located, may grant the loan licence.
(5) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), application for manufacture of
additional items on a loan licence shall be accompanied by fee of 1
[rupees one
hundred for each item subject to a maximum of rupees three thousand per
(6) A fee of 1
[rupees two hundred and fifty] shall be paid for a duplicate copy of a
licence issued under sub-rule (1) if the original is defaced, damaged or lost;
139. Conditions for the grant or renewal of a licence in Form 32—Before a licence in
Form 32 is granted or renewed, the following conditions shall be compiled with by
(1) The manufacture shall be conducted under the direction and personal supervision
of a competent technical staff consisting of at least one person who is a whole time
employee and who possesses any one of the following qualifications:
(a) holds a Diploma in Pharmacy approved by the Pharmacy Council of India
under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948), or .
(b) is registered under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948), or
(c) has passed the Intermediate Examination with Chemistry as one of the
subjects or an examination recognized by the Licensing Authority as
equivalent to it.
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331-E dt 8.5.1984]
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331-E dt 8.5.1984]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
[(2) The factory premises shall comply with the requirements and conditions specified
in Schedule M-II.
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 723-E dt 11.8.1982.]
[* * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 723-E dt 11.8.1982.]
(5) The applicant shall either–
(i) provide and maintain adequate staff, premises and laboratory equipment for
testing the cosmetic manufactured, and the raw materials used in the
manufacture; or
(ii) make arrangements with some institution appro ved by the Licensing
Authority under Part XV (A) of these rules for such tests to be regularly
carried out in this behalf by the institution.
139-A Form of 3
[ licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution]—A
[licence to manufacture cosmetic for sale or for distribution] against application in Form
31, shall be granted in Form 32.
[139AA.Inspection before grant or renewal of licence.- Before a licence under this
part is granted or renewed in Form 32, Form 32-A or Form 3, the Licensing Authority
shall cause the establishment, in which the manufacture is proposed to be conducted or
being conducted, to be inspected by one or more Inspectors appointed under the Act. The
Inspector or Inspectors shall examine all portions of the premises, plant and appliances
and also inspect the process of manufacture intended to be employed or being employed
along with the means to be employed or being employed for standardizing and testing the
substances to be manufactured and enquire into the professional qualifications of the
technical staff to be employed. He shall also examine and verify the statements made in
the application in regard to their correctness, and the capability of the applicant to comply
with the requirements of competent technical staff, manufacturing plant, testing
equipments and the requirements of plant and equipments as laid down in Schedule M-II
read with requirements of maintenance of records as laid down in Schedule U-1.
139AB. Report by Inspector.- The Inspector or Inspectors shall forward a detailed
descriptive report giving his or their findings on each aspect of inspection along with his
or their recommendations after completion of his or their inspection to the Licensing
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 723(E) dt 11.8.1992.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.493(E) dt 9.6.1995.
139AC. Grant or refusal of licence.- (1) If the Licensing Authority after such further
enquiry, if any as he may consider necessary is satisfied that the requirements of the rules
under the Act have been complied with and that the conditions of the licence and the rules
under Act shall be observed, he shall grant or renew a licence inform 32, Form 32-A or
Form 33.
(2) If the Licensing Authority is not so satisfied, he shall reject the application and
shall inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejection and of the conditions which
must be satisfied before a licence can be granted or renewed and shall supply the applicant
with a copy of inspection report.
130AD. Further application after rejection.- If within a period of six months from the
rejection of an application for a licence, the applicant informs the Licensing Authority that
the conditions laid down have been fulfilled and deposits an inspection 1
[a fee of rupees
two hundred and fifty], the Licensing Authority may, if, after causing further inspection to
be made, he is satisfied that the conditions for the grant of licence have been complied,
with issue a licence in Form 32, Form 32-A or Form 33.
139AE. Appeal to the State Government.- Any person who is aggrieved by the order
passed by the Licensing Authority refusing to grant or renew a licence under this Part
may, within ninety days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State
Government and the State Government may, after such enquiry into the matter as is
considered necessary and after giving the said person an opportunity for representing the
case, pass such order as it thinks fit.]
139-B Form of loan 3
[licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for
distribution]—A loan 3
[licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution]
against application in Form 31-A shall be granted in Form 32-A.
140 Duration of licence.- An original licence or a renewal licence shall unless sooner
suspended or cancelled be 1
[valid for a period of five years and on from the date on which]
it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for renewal of a licence in force is made before its
expiry or if the applications is made within six months of its expiry, after payment of
additional fee, the licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the
application for its renewal is not made within six months of its expiry.
141. Certificate of renewal—The certificate of renewal of a licence in Form 32 shall
be issued in Form 33.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 723(E) dt 11.8.1992.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
4 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
141-A Certificate of renewal of a loan licence—The certificate of renewal of a
licence in Form 32-A shall be issued in Form 330A.
141-AA Duration of a loan licence—An original loan licence in Form 32-A or a
renewed loan licence in Form 33-A, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be 2
for a period of five years on and from the date on which] it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry,
or if the applic ation is made within six months of its expiry, after payments of the
additional fee, the licence shall continue to be in force and orders are passed on the
application. The licence shall be deemed to have expired if the application for its renewal
is not made within six months of expiry.
142. Conditions of licence—A licence in Form 32 shall be subject to the conditions
stated therein and to the following other conditions, namely:—
(a) the licensee shall provide and maintain staff, premises and equipment as
specified in rule 139.
(b) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and the Rules
made thereunder and with such further requirements, if any, as may be
specified in any rules to be made hereafter under Chapter IV of the Act.
(b-1) the licensee shall keep records of the details of each batch of cosmetic
manufactured by him and of raw materials used therein as per particulars
specified in Schedule U(1) and such records shall be retained for a period
of three years.
(c) The licensee shall test eac h batch or lot of the raw materials used by him
for the cosmetics and also each batch of the final product and shall maintain
records or registers showing the particulars in respect of such tests. The
records or registers shall be retained for a period of three years from the
date of manufacture.
(d) The licensee shall allow any Inspectors appointed under the Act to enter
with or without prior notice any premises where the manufacture of a
substance in respect of which the licence is issued is carried on, to inspect
the premises and to take samples of the manufactured products under a
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1594 dt 13.11.9176.
(e) The licensee shall allow an Inspector to inspect all registers and
records maintained under these rules and shall supply to the Inspector
such information as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining
whether the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder have
been complied.
(f) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to
enable an Inspector to record his impression and the defects
[Provided that clauses (b -1) and (c) shall not apply to the manufacture of soap and the
procedure for testing of raw materials and the records to be maintained by the
manufacturer of soap shall be such as are approved by the Licensing Authority.]
142-A Additional information to be furnished by an applicant for licence or a
licensee to the Licensing Authority.—The applicant for the grant of a licence or any person
granted a licence under this Part shall, on demand; furnish to the Licensing Authority,
before the grant of the licence or during the period of licence is in force, as the case may
be, documentary evidence in respect of the ownership or occupation on rental or other
basis of the premises specified in the application for licence or in the licence granted,
constitution of the firm, or any other relevant matter, which may be required for the
purpose of verifying the correctness of the statements made by the applicant or the
licensee, while applying for or after obtaining the licence as the case may be.
142-B Conditions of licence in Form 32-A.-
(a) A licence in Form 32-A shall be deemed to be cancelled or suspended, if the
licence owned by the licensee, in Form 32, whose manufacturing facilities are
cancelled or suspended, as the case may be under these Rules.
(b) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and these rules and
with each further requirements, if any, as may be specified from time to time in
Chapter IV of the Act, provided that where such further requirements are
specified in the rules, these would come into force four months after
publication in the Official Gazette.
(b-1)the licensee shall keep records of the details of each batch of cosmetic
manufactured by him and of raw materials used therein as per particulars
specified in Schedule U (1) and such records shall be retained for a period of
three years.
(c) The licensee shall test each batch or lot of the raw materials used by him for the
manufacture of the cosmetics and also each batch of the final product and shall
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dt 28.4.1973
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 6.6.1988.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1972.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1594 dt 13.11.9176.
maintain records of registration showing the particulars in respect of such tests.
The records or registers shall be retained for a period of three years from the
date of manufacture.
(d) The licensee shall allow an Inspector appointed under the Act to enter with or
without prior notice any premises where the manufacture of a substance in
respect of which licence is issued is carried on, to inspect the premises and to
take samples of the manufactured products under a receipt.
(e) The licensee shall allow an Inspector to inspect all registers and records
maintained under these rules and shall supply to the Inspector such information
as he may require for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the
Act, and the rules made thereunder have been compiled.
(f)The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in Form 35 to enable an
Inspector to record his impressions and the defects noticed.
143. Cancellation and suspension of licence.—(1) The Licensing Authority may, after
giving the licensee an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not be passed,
by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, cancel a licence issued under this Part
or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some of the
substances to which it relates, if in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any
of the conditions of the licence or with any provisions of the Act or the rules made
(2) A licensee whose license has been suspended or cancelled may appeal with in a
period of three months from the date of the order to the State Government which shall
after considering the appeal, pass orders, and such orders shall be final.
[144. Prohibition of manufacture of cosmetics containing colours other than those
prescribed.- No Cosmetic shall be manufactured which contains Dyes, Colours and
Pigments other than the one specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 4707 Part I
as amended) and Schedule Q.
The permitted Synthetic Organic colours and Natural Organic colours used in the
Cosmetic shall not contain more than :
(i) 2 parts per million of arsenic calculated as arsenic trioxide.
(ii) 20 parts per million of lead calculated as lead.
(iii) 100 parts per million of heavy metals other than lead calculated as
the total of the respective metals.]
144-A. Prohibition of manufacture of cosmetics containing Hexachlorophene.—No
cosmetic contain ing Hexachlorophene shall be manufactured.
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 811(E) dt 14.11.1994.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 116 dt 25.1.1975.
[Provided that in the case of soaps hexachlorophene may be used in concentrations
not exceeding one per cent weight by weight.
Provided further that the following cautionary note shall be printed and shall appear in
a conspicuous manner on the wrapper of package of each soap, namely:-
“Contains hexachlorophene – not to be used on babies”.]
145. Use of Lead and Arsenic compounds for the purpose of colouring cosmetics
prohibited.—The use of Lead and Arsenic compounds for the purpose of colouring
cosmetics is prohibited.
145-A. Form of intimation for purpose of taking samples of cosmetics.—Where an
Inspector takes a sample of a cosmetic for the purpose of test or analysis, he shall intimate
such purpose in writing in Form 17 to the person from whom he takes it.
[145-AA. Form of receipt of samples of cosmetics where fair price tendered is
refused.- Where the fair price, for the samples of Cosmetics taken for the purpose of test
or analysis, tendered under sub-section (1) of Section 23 has been refused, the Inspector
shall tender a receipt therefore to the person from whom the said samples have been taken
as specified in Form 17-A.]
145-B. Form of receipt for seized cosmetics.—A receipt by an Inspector for the stock
of any cosmetic seized under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 22 of the Act, shall be
in Form 15.
[145-BA Manner of certifying copies of seized documents.- The Drugs Inspector
shall return the documents, seized by him under clause (cc) or produced before him under
clause (cca) of sub-section (1) of Sectio n 22 of the Act, within a period of twenty days of
the date of such seize or production, to the person from whom they were seized or, as the
case may be, the person who produced them, after copies thereof or extracts therefrom
have been signed by the Drugs Inspector concerned and the person from whom they were
seized, or, as the case may be, who produced such records.]
145-C Form of order not to dispose of stocks of cosmetics—An order in writing by an
Inspector under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the Act requiring a person
not to dispose of any stock of cosmetics in his possession shall be in Form 15.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1049(E) dt 29.8.1986.
Added by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dtd 12.8.1972.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 292(E) dt 29.5.1997
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 89(E) dt 16.2.1985.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1594 dt 13.11.9176.
145-D Prohibition of manufacture of cosmetics containing mercury compounds—No
cosmetics containing mercury compounds shall be manufactured.
146. Prohibition of sale or distribution—Subject to other provisions of these rules, no
person shall sell or distribute any cosmetic unless the cosmetic, if of Indian origin is
manufactured by a licensed manufacturer and labelled and packed in accordance with
these rules.
[147. Exemption of cosmetics not manufactured for consumption or sale in India
from the provisions of this Part.- Labels on packages or containers of cosmetics not
manufactured for consumption or sale in India shall be adapted to meet the specific
requirements, if any, of the consignee.
Provided that where a cosmetic is required by the consignee to be not labeled with the
name and address of the manufacturer, the labels on packages or containers shall bear a
code number as approved by the Licensing Authority mentioned in Rule 21.]
148. Manner of labelling—Subject to other provisions of the rules, a cosmetic shall
(1) On both the inner and outer labels;
(a) The name of the cosmetic,
[(b) The name of the manufacturer and complete address of the
premises of the manufacturer where the cosmetic has been
Provided that if the cosmetic is contained a very small size container where
the address of the manufacturer cannot be given, the name of the
manufacturer and his principal place of manufacture shall be given along with
pin code.]
(2) On the outer labelA declaration of the net contents expressed in terms of weight for solids, fluid
measure for liquids, weight for semi solids, combined with numerical court if
the content is sub-divided:
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. X.11013/3/76-D&MS dt 19.8.1978.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 682(E) dt 5.12.1980
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 352(E) dt 26.4.2000.
Provided that this statement need not appear in case of a package of perfume, toilet
water or the like the net content of which does not exceed 60ml or any package of solid or
semi-solid cosmetic the net content of which does not exceed 30 grams.
(3) On the inner label, where a hazard exists—
(a) Adequate direction for safe use.
(b) Any warning, caution or special direction required to be observed by
the consumer,
(c) A statement of the names and quantities of the ingredients that are
hazardous or poisonous.
(4) A distinctive batch number, that is to say, the number by reference to which
details of manufacture of the particular batch from which the substance in the container is
taken are recorded and are available for inspection, the figures representing the batch
number being preceded by the letter “B”, provided that this clause shall not apply to any
cosmetic containing 10grams or less if the cosmetic is in solid or semi-solid state, and 25
milliliters or less if the cosmetic is in a liquid state.
[Provided further that in the case of soaps, instead of the batc h number, the month and
year of manufacture of soap shall be given on the label.]
(5) manufacturing licence number, the number being preceded by the letter ‘M’.
(6) Where a package of a cosmetic has only one label, such label shall contain all the
information required to be shown on both the inner and the outer labels, under these Rules.
[148-A. Prohibition against altering inscriptions on containers, labels or wrappers of
cosmetics.- No person shall alter, obliterate or deface any inscription or mark made or
recorded by the manufacturer on the container, label or wrapper of any cosmetic.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any alteration, inscription or mark
made on the container, label or wrapper of any cosmetic at the instance or direction or
with the permission of the licensing authority.]
149. 5
[Labelling of Hair dyes containing Dyes, Colours and Pigments.—Hair dyes
containing Para-Phenylenediamine or other Dyes, Colours and Pigments] shall be labelled
with the following legend in English and local languages and these shall appear on both
the inner and the outer labels.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 245 dt 21.2.1976.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 681(E) dt 6.8.1988.
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 245 dt 21.2.1976
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 351(E) dt 26.4.2000.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 811(E) dt 14.11.1994.
“Caution—This product contains ingredients which may cause skin irritation in
certain cases and so a preliminary test according to the accompanying direction
should first be made. This product should not be used for dyeing the eye-lashes or
eye-brows; as such a use may cause blindness”.
Each package shall also contain instructions in English and local languages on the
following lines for carrying out the test:
“This preparation may cause serious inflammation of the skin in some cases and so a
preliminary test should always be carried out to determine whether or not special
sensitivity exists. To make the test, cleanse a small area of skin behind the ear or
upon the inner surface of the forearm, using either soap and water or alcohol. Apply
a small quantity of the hair dye as prepared for use to the area and allow it to dry.
After twenty-four hours, wash the area gently with soap and water. If no irritation or
inflammation is apparent, it may be assumed that no hypersensitivity to the dye
exists. The test should, however, be carried out before each and every applic ation.
This preparation should on no account be used for dyeing eye-brows or eye-lashes as
severe inflammation of the eye or even blindness may result”.
[149-A. Special provisions relating to toothpaste containing fluoride.-
(i) Fluoride content in toothpaste shall not be more than 1000 ppm and the
content of fluoride in terms of ppm shall be mentioned on the tube and
(ii) Date of expiry should be mentioned on tube and carton.]
150. Report of result of test or analysis of cosmetics—Test reports on samples of
cosmetics taken for test or analysis under these Rules shall be supplied in Form 34.
[150-A. Standard for cosmetics.- Subject to the provisions of these rules, the
standards for cosmetics shall be such as may be prescribed in Schedule S.]
150-B. Application for grant for testing drugs / cosmetics—
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 223(E) dt 19.4.1991.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 510(E) dt 26.7.1982..
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. X.1104/7/76-D&M dt 23.8.1977.
(1) Application for grant or renewal of approval for carrying out tests for identity,
purity, quality and strength on drugs or cosmetics or the raw materials used in
the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of
drugs or cosmetics, shall be made in Form 36 to the Licensing Authority
appointed by the State Government for the purposes of Part VII, VII (A) or
XIV of these Rules, as the case may be and referred to as the “approving
authority” under this Part and shall be accompanied by an inspection fee of
[rupees six thousand] in the case of testing of drugs specified in Schedules C
and C (1) and 1
[rupees one thousand five hundred] in the case of testing of
drugs other than those specified in Schedule C and C (1), homoeopathic drugs
and cosmetics.
Provided that the applicant shall furnish to the approving authority such
additional information as may be required by him in connection with the
application in Form 36;
[Provided further that if the applicant applied for renewal of approval after its
expiry but within six months of such expiry, the inspection fee payable shall be
rupees six thousand in the case of testing of drugs specified in Schedule C and
C (1) and rupees one thousand five hundred in the case of testing of drugs other
than those specified in Schedule C and C (1), Homoeopathic medicines and
cosmetics plus an additional fee at the rate of rupees one thousand per month.]
(2) A separate application shall be made for grant of approval for carrying out tests
on additional categories of drugs or items of cosmetics and shall be
accompanied by an inspection fee of rupees one thousand five hundred in the
case of drugs specified in Schedule C and Schedule C(1) and rupees one
thousand each in case of drugs other than those specified in Schedule C and
Schedule C(1), homeopathic medicines and cosmetics.
Explanation—For the purpose of this Part, the words ‘drugs’ and ‘cosmetics’ shall
also mean and include the raw materials used in the manufacture of drugs including
Homoeopathic drugs or cosmetics, as the case may be.]
150-C. Form on which approval to be granted for carrying out tests on drugs /
cosmetics on behalf of licensees for manufacture of drugs/cosmetics and conditions for
grant or renewal of such approval—
(1) Approval for carrying out such tests of identity, purity, quality and strength
of drugs or cosmetics as may be required under the provisions of these rules,
ob behalf of licensee for manufacture of drugs or cosmetics shall be granted
in Form 37.
(2) Before ap proval in Form 37 is granted or renewed, the following conditions
shall be compiled with by the applicant—
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
(1) The premises where the tests are being carried out shall be well lighted
and properly ventilated except where the nature of tests of any drug or
cosmetic warrants otherwise. Wherever necessary, the premises shall
be air conditioned so as to maintain the accuracy and functioning of
laboratory instruments or to enable the performance of special tests
such as sterility tests, microbiological tests etc.
2) The applicant shall provide adequate space having regard to the nature
and number of samples of drugs or cosmetics proposed to be tested;
Provided that the approving authority shall determine from time to
time whether the space provided continues to be adequate.
3) If it is intended to carry out tests requiring the use of animals, the
applicant shall provide for an animal house and comply with the
following requirements.
(a) The animal house shall be adequate in area, well lighted and
properly ventilated and the animals undergoing tests shall be
kept in air conditioned area.
(b) The animals shall be suitably housed in hygienic surroundings
and necessary provisions made for removal of excreta and foul
(c) The applicant shall provide for suitable arrangements for
preparation of animal feed.
(d) The applicant shall provide for suitable arrangements for
quarantining of all animals immediately on their receipt in the
(e) The animals shall be periodically examined for their physical
(f) The applicant shall provide for isolation of sick animals as well
as animals under test.
(g) The applicant shall ensure compliance with the requirements of
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 (59 of 1960).
(h) The applicant shall make proper arrangements for the disposal of
the carcasses of animals in a manner as not to cause to public
(4) The applicant shall provide and maintain suitable equipment having
regard to the nature and number of samples of drugs or cosmetics
intended to be tested which shall be adequate in the opinion of the
approving authority.
(5) The testing of drugs or cosmetics, as the case may be shall be under
the active direction of a person whose qualifications and experience
are considered adequate in the opinion of the approving authority and
who shall be held responsible for the reports of test or analysis issued
by the applicant.
The testing of drugs or cosmetics, as the case may be, for identity,
purity, quality and strength shall be carried out by persons whose
qualifications and experience of testing are adequate in the opinion
of the approving authority.
(7) The applicant shall provide books of standard recognized under the
provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder and such books
of reference as may be required in connection with the testing or
analysis of the products for the testing of which ap proval is applied
150-D: Duration of approval: An approval granted in Form 37 or renewed in Form 38,
unless sooner suspended or withdrawn, shall be 1
[valid for a period of five years on and
from the date on which] it is granted or renewed:
Provided that if an application for the renewal of an approval in Form 37 is made
before its expiry or if the application is made within six months of its expiry after the
payment of the additional fee, the approval shall continue to be in force until orders are
passed on the applications and the approval within six months of its expiry.
150E: Conditions of approval: An approval in Form 37 shall be subject to the
following general conditions: —
(a) The institution granted approval under this Part (hereinafter referred to as the
approved institution) shall provide and maintain an adequate staff and adequate
premises and equipment as specified in rule 150-C.
(b) The approved institution shall provide proper facilities for storage so as to
preserve the properties of the samples of the samples to be tested by it.
(c) The approved institution shall maintain records of tests for identity, purity,
quality and strength carried out on all samples of drugs or cosmetics and the
results thereof together with the protocols of tests showing the readings and
calculation in such form as to be available for inspection and such records shall
be retained in the case of substances for which an expiry date is assigned for a
period of two years from the expiry of such date and in the case of other
substances for a period of six years.
(d) The approved institution shall allow the Inspector appointed under this Act to
enter with or without prior notice the premises where the testing is carried on
and to inspect the premises and the equipment used for test and the testing
procedures employed. The institution shall allow the Inspectors to inspect the
registers and records maintained under these Rules and shall supply to such
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Inspectors such information as they may require for the purpose of ascertaining
whether the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereunder have been
(e) The approved institution shall from time to time report to the approving
authority any changes in the person-in-charge of testing of drugs or cosmetics
or in the expert staff responsible for testing as the case may be and any material
alteration in the premises or changes in the equipment used for the purposes of
testing which have been made since the date of last inspection made on behalf
of the approving authority before the grant or renewal of approval.
(f) The approved institution shall furnish reports of the results of test or analysis in
Form 39.
(g) In case any sample of a drug or a cosmetic is found on test to be not of standard
quality, the approved institution shall furnish the approving authority 1
[and the
licensing authority of the State where the manufacturer and/or sender of the
drug or cosmetic is located] with copy of the test report on the sample with the
protocols of tests applied.
(h) The approved institution shall comply with the provisions of the Act and Rules
made thereunder and with each further requirements, if any, may be specified
in the rules subsequently made under Chapter IV of the Act of which the
approving authority has given the approved institution not less than four
months notice.
(i) The approved institution shall maintain an Inspection Book to enable the
Inspectors to record his impression or defects noticed.
150-F:Inspection before grant of approval: Before an approval in Form 37 is granted,
the approved authority shall cause the institution at which the testing of drugs or
cosmetics, as the case may be, is proposed to be carried out to be inspected jointly by the
Drugs Inspectors of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation and the State Drugs
Control Organisation who shall examine the premises and the equipment intended to be
used for testing of drugs or cosmetics and inquire into the professional qualifications of
the expert staff to be employed.
150-G: Report of Inspection: The Drug Inspector mentioned in rule 150-F shall
forward to the appointing authority a detailed report of the result of the inspection.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 93(E) dt 24.2.1995.
150-H: Procedure of approving authority: (1) If the approving authority after such
further enquiry, if any, as he may consider necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of
the rules made under the Act have been compiled with and that the conditions of the
approval and the Rules made under the Act will be observed, he shall grant an approval in
Form 37.
(2) If the appointing authority is not so satisfied, he shall reject the application and
shall inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejections and of the conditions, which
must be satisfied before an approval could be granted.
150-I: Further application after rejection: If within a period of six months from the
rejection for approval, the applicant informs the approving authority that the conditions
laid down have been satisfied and deposits inspection fee of 1
[rupees two hundred and
fifty], the approving authority mat, if, after causing a further inspection to be made,
satisfied that the conditions for grant of approval have been compiled with, grant the
approval in Form 37.
150-J: Renewal: On an application being made for renewal the approving authority
may cause an inspection to be made and if satisfied that the conditions of the approval and
the Rules made under the Act are and shall continue to be observed shall issue a certificate
of renewal in Form 38.
150-K: Withdrawal and suspension of approvals: (1) The approving authority may,
after the approved institution an opportunity to show cause why such an order should not
be passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, withdraw an approval
granted under this Part or suspend it for such period as he th inks fit either wholly or in
respect of some of the categories of drugs or items of cosmetics to which it relates, if in his
opinion the approved institution has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the
approval or with any provisions of the Act or the Rules made thereunder.
(2) Any approved institution whose approval has been suspended or withdrawn may
within three months of the date of the order, appeal to the State Government which shall
dispose of the appeal in consultation with a panel of competent persons appointed by it in
this behalf and notified in the Official Gazette.
151. manufacture on more than one set of premises—If Ayurvedic (including Siddha)
or Unani drugs are manufactured are manufactured on more than one set of premises, a
separate applications shall be made and a separate licence shall be obtained in respect of
each such set of premises.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 601(E) dt 24.8.2001.
2 Added under G.O.I.Notification No. 1-23/67-D dated the 2-2-1970.
152. Licensing Authorities—Fore the purpose of this Part the State Government shall
appoint such Licensing Authorities and for such areas as may be specified in this behalf by
notification in the Official Gazette.
153. Application for licence to manufacture Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani
drugs.—(1) An application for the grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale
any Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be made in Form 24-D to the
Licensing Authority alongwith a fee of rupees sixty.
Provided that in the case of renewal the applicant may apply for the renewal of the
licence before its expiry or within one month of such expiry:
Provided further that the applicant may apply for renewal after the expiry of one
month but within three months of such expiry in which case the fee payable for renewal of
such licence shall be rupees thirty.
(ii) A fee of rupees fifteen shall be payable for a duplicate copy of a licence issued
under this rule, if the original licence is defaced, damaged or lost.
153-A. Loan Licence.—(i) An application for the grant of renewal of a loan licence to
manufacture for sale of any Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be made in
Form 25-E to the Licensing Authority along with a fee of rupees thirty.
Explanation—For the purpose of this rule, a loan licence means a licence which a
Licensing Authority may issue to an applicant who does not have his own arrangements
for manufacture but intends to avail himself of the manufacturing facilities owned by a
licence in Form 25-D:
Provided that in the case of renewal the applicant may apply for the renewal of the
licence before its expiry or within one month of such expiry:
Provided further that the applicant may apply for renewal after the expiry of one
month, but within three months of such expiry in which case the fee payable for renewal
of such licence shall be rupees thirty plus an additional fee of rupees fifteen.
(ii) A fee of rupees seven and paise fifty shall be payable for a duplicate copy of a
licence issued under this rule, if the original licence is defaced , damaged or lost.
154. Form of licence to manufacture Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs:
(1) Subject to the conditions of rule 157 being fulfilled, a licence to manufacture for sale
any Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be issued in Form 25-D. The
licence shall be issued within a period of three months from the date of receipt of the
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376(E)dt 20.7.1978.
(2) A licence under this rule shall be granted by the licensing authority after consulting
such expert in Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani Systems of medicine as the case
may be, which the State Government may approve in this behalf.
154-A Form of loan licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic (including Siddha)
or Unani drugs:—
A loan licence to manufacture for sale of any Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani
drugs shall be issued in Form 25E.
(2) A licence under this rule shall be granted by the Licensing Authority after
consulting such expert in Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani systems of medicine, as
the case may be, which the State Government may approve in this behalf.
(3) The Licensing Authority shall, before the grant of a loan licence, satisfy himself
that the manufacturing unit has adequate equipment, staff, capacity for manufacture and
facilities for testing, to undertake the manufacture on behalf of the applicant for a loan
155. Certificate of renewal—The certificate of renewal of a licence in Form 25-D
shall be issued in Form 26-D.
155-A. Certificate of renewal of a loan licence.—The certificate of renewal of a loan
licence in Form 25-E shall be issued in Form 26-E.
[155-B. Certificate of award of G.M.P. of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Drugs.- The
certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices to manufacturers of Ayurveda, Siddha or
Unani drugs shall be issued to licensees who comply with the requirements of Good
Manufacturing Practice of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs as laid down in Schedule
156. Duration of licence—An original licence in Form 25-D or a renewed in Form 26-
D, unless sooner suspended or cancelled shall be valid upto the 31st December of the year
following the year in which it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a licence is made before its expiry or
within one month of its expiry after payment of the additional fee of rupees thirty, the
licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on the application. The licence
shall be deemed to have expired, if the application for its renewal is not made within three
months of its expiry.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376(E)dt 20.7.1978
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 561(E)dt 23.6.2000.
156-A. Duration of loan licence—An original loan licence in Form 25-E or a
renewed loan licence in Form 26-E, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, shall be valid
up to the 31st December of the year following the year in which it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if the application for the renewal of a loan licence is made in accordance
with rule 153-A, the loan licence shall continue to be in force until orders are passed on
the application. The licence shall be deemed to have expired, if the application for its
renewal is not made within three months of its expiry.
157. Conditions for the grant or renewal of a licence in Form 25-D—Before a licence
in Form 25-D is granted or renewed in Form 26-D the following conditions shall be
compiled with by the applicant, namely: — (1) The manufacture of Ayurvedic (including
Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be carried out in such premises and under such hygienic
conditions as are specified in Schedule T.
[1-A for getting a certificate of ‘Good Manufacturing Practices’of Ayurveda SiddhaUnani drugs, the applicant shall made application on plain paper, providing the
information on existing infrastructure of the manufacturing unit, and the licensing
authority shall after verification of the requirements as per Schedule ‘T’ issue the
certificate within a period of 3 months in form 26-E-I]..
(2) The manufacture of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be
conducted under the direction and supervision of competent tec hnical staff consisting at
least one person, who is a whole time employee and who possesses the following
qualifications, namely—
(a) A degree in Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Siddha or Unani system of
medicine, as the case may be, conferred by a University, a State Government or Statutory
Faculties, Councils and Boards of Indian Systems of medicines recognized by the Central
Government or a State Government for this purpose, or
(b) A diploma in Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani system of medicine granted by a State
Government for this purpose, or
(c) A graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Chemistry or Botany of a
University recognized by the Central Government with experience of at least two years in
the manufacture of drugs pertaining to the Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani systems of
medicines, or
(d) A Vaid or Hakim registered in a State Register of Practitioners of indigenous
systems of medicines having experience of at least four years in the manufacture of
Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani drugs, or
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376(E)dt 20.7.1978
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 561(E)dt 23.6.2000.
(e) A qualification as Pharmacist in Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani systems of
medicines, possessing experience of not less than eight years in the manufacture of
Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani drugs as may be recognized by the Central Government.
(3) The competent technical staff to direct and supervise the manufacture of
Ayurvedic drugs shall have qualifications in Ayurveda and the competent technical staff to
direct and supervise the manufacture if Siddha drugs and Unani drugs shall have
qualification in Siddha or Unani, as the case may be.
158. Conditions of licence.—A licence in Form 25-D shall be subject to the conditions
stated therein and to the following further conditions, namely—
(a) The licensee shall maintain proper records of the details of manufacture and of the
tests, if any, carried out by him, or by any other person on his behalf, of the raw material
and finished products.
(b) The licensee shall allow an Inspector appointed under the Act to enter any
premises where the manufacture of a substance in respect of which the licence is issued is
carried on, to inspect the premises, to take samples of the raw material as well as finished
products, and to inspect the records maintained under these rules.
[(c) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in form 35 to enable an Inspector
to record his impressions and the defects noticed.]
158-A Conditions of loan licence.—A licence in Form 25-E shall be subject to the
conditions stated therein and to the following conditions, namely—
(a) The licence in Form 25-E shall be deemed to be cancelled or
suspended, if the licence owned by the licensee in Form 25-D whose
manufacturing facilities have been availed of by the licensee is
cancelled or suspended, as the case may be, under these rules.
(b) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Act and of the
Rules and with such further requirements if any, as may be specified in
any Rules subsequently made under Chapter IV-A of the Act, provided
that where such further, requirements are specified in the Rules; these
would come into force four months after publication in the Official
(c) The licensee shall maintain proper records of the details of manufacture
and of the tests, if any, carried out by him, or any other person on his
behalf, of the raw materials and finished products.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376(E)dt 20.7.1978
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 561(E)dt 23.6.2000.
(d) The licensee shall allow an Inspector appointed under the Act to
inspect all registers and records maintained under these rules and shall
supply to the Inspector such information as he may require for the
purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and the Rules
have been observed.
[(e) The licensee shall maintain an Inspection Book in form 35 to enable an
Inspector to record his impressions and the defects noticed.
159. Cancellation and suspension of licences—(1) The Licensing Authority may,
after giving an opportunity to show cause within a period which shall not be less than
fifteen days from the date of receipt of such notice, why such an order should not be
passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, cancel a licence issued under
this Part or suspend it for such period as he thinks fit, either wholly or in respect of some
of the drugs to which it relates, if in his opinion, the licensee has failed to comply with any
of the conditions of the licence or with any provisions of the Act and the Rules made
(2) A licensee whose licence has been suspended or cancelled may appeal to the State
Government within a period of three months from the date of receipt of the order which
shall, after considering the appeal, decide the same.
160. Identification of raw materials—Raw materials used in the preparation of
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be identified and tested, wherever test
are available for their genuineness, and records of such tests as are carried out for the
purpose and the methods thereof shall be maintained.
160-A. Application for grant of approval for testing Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
drugs. – Application for grant or renewal of approval for carrying out tests for identity,
purity, quality and strength of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs or the raw materials
used in the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of the said
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs, shall be made in Form 47 to the Licensing Authority
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 331(E) dt 8.5.1984.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 701(E) dt 27.7.2001 and sub. By G.S.R.73(E) dt.31.01.2003.
appointed by the State Government for the purposes of Part XVI, XVII or XVIII of these
rules, as the case may be, and referred to as the ‘approving authority’ under this Part and
shall be accompanied by an inspection fee of six thousand rupees in respect of the drugs
specified in First Schedule to the Act.
Provided that the applicant shall furnish to the approving authority such additional
information as may be required by it in connection with the application in Form 47.
Provided further that if the applicant applies for renewal of approval after is expiry but
within six months of such expiry, the inspection fee payable shall be six thousand rupees
plus an additional inspection fee at the rate of one thousand rupees per month in the case
of testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs specified in First Schedule to the Act.
Explanation. – For the purpose of this Part, the words “Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
drugs” shall also mean and include the raw materials used in the manufacture of
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs, as the case may be.
160-B. Form in which approval to be granted for carrying out tests on Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani drugs on behalf of licensees for manufacture of Ayurvedic, Siddha and
Unani drugs and conditions for grant or renewal of such approval. – (1) Approval for
carrying out such tests of identity, purity, quality and strength of Ayurvedic, Siddha and
Unani drugs as may be required under the provisions of these rules, on behalf of licensee
for manufacture of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs shall be granted in Form 48.
(2) Before approval in Form 41 is granted or renewed, the following conditions shall
be complied with by the applicants, namely: –
(i) The premises where the tests are carried out shall be well lighted and
properly ventilated except where the nature of tests of any Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani drug warrants otherwise. Wherever necessary, the
premises shall be air-conditioned so as to maintain the accuracy and
functioning of laboratory instruments or to enable the performance of
special tests such as sterility tests and microbiological tests.
(ii) (a) The applicant shall provide adequate space having regard to the nature and
number of samples of drugs proposed to be tested:
Provided that the approving authority shall determine from time to time
whether the space provided continues to be adequate.Provided further that
separate section shall be provided for (i) Chemistry, (ii) Pharmacognosy,
(iii) Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, (iv) Microbiology, (v) Sample Room,
(vi) Office-cum-Record Room with proper partitions and minimum
required area is 800 sq. ft.
(b) The applicant shall provide a list of persons who may be employed with
him as experts, such as Chemist, Botanist and expert in
Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani or Pharmacist who shall possess a degree in
Chemistry, Botany, Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Bachelor in Pharmacy from a
recognized University or equivalent, with experience for 2 years for
carrying out tests or analysis as per the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
(c) The applicant shall provide adequate equipments essesntial for carrying
out tests for identity, purity, quality and strength of Ayurvedic, Siddha and
Unani drugs as per pharmacopoeial standards or other available standards.
· List of equipment recommended is given below:
Chemistry section.
1. Alcohol determination apparatus complete set.
2. volatile oil determination apparatus.
3. Boiling point determination apparatus
4. Melting point determination apparatus.
5. Refractometer.
6. Polarimeter.
7. Viscometer (Ostwalds, Red Viscometer.)
8. Tablet disintegration apparatus.
9. Moisture determination apparatus (IC filtrator.).
10. U.V.Spectro-photometer.
11. Muffle furnace.
12. Electronic Balance.
13. Hot air oven(s) different range of temperature/vacuum oven.
14. Refrigerator.
15. Glass distillation apparatus/plant.
16. Water supply demineralised exchange equipment/distillation equipment.
17. Air conditioner.
18. LPG Gas cylinder with burners.
19. Water bath(temperature controlled.)
20. Heating mantle(4) as required.
21. TLC apparatus with all accessories.
22. Sieves 10 to 120 wqith sieve shaker.
23. Centrifuge machine.
24. Dehumidifier.
25. pH meter.
26. G.L.C. with F.I.detector.
27. Silica crucible.
28. Tablet friability tester.
29. Tablet dissolution tester.
30. Other related equipment, reagents, glasswares etc.
Pharmacognosy Section.
1. Microscope binocular.
2. Dissecting Microscope.
3. Microtome.
4. Chemical balance.
5. Microslide cabinet.
6. Aluminium slide trays.
7. Hot air oven.
8. Occular Micrometer.
9. Stage Micrometer.
10. Camera Lucida Prism type and mirror type.
11. Hot plates.
12. Refrigerator.
13. LPG Cylinder with burners.
14. Other related equipments,reagents, glasswares etc.
Note: Instuments like HPLC, HPTLC, atomic absorption Spectrophotometer
could be arranged by tie up with other laboratories.
Microbiology section.
1. Laminar air flow bench(L.A.F.)
2. B.O.D. Incubator.
3. Plain Incubator.
4. Serological water bath.
5. Oven.
6. Autoclave/sterilizer.
7. Microscope (high power).
8. Colony counter.
9. Other related equipment and reagents.
(3). The applicant shall provide and maintain suitable equipment having regard to the
nature and number of samples of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs intended to be tested
which shall be adequate in the opinion of the approving authority.
(4) The testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs, as the case may be, for identity,
purity, quality and strength shall be carried out under the active direction of one of the
experts stated in clause (b) of sub-rule (2) who shall be the person-in-charge of testing and
shall be held responsible for the reports of test issued by the applicant.
(5) The testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs, as the case may be, for identity,
purity, quality and strength shall be carried out by persons whose qualifications and
experience of testing are adequate as stated in clause (b) of sub-rule (2).
(6) The applicant shall provide books of standard recognized under the provisions of
the act and the rules made there under and such books of reference as may be required in
connection with the testing of analysis of the products for the testing of which approval is
applied for.
(7) The applicant shall provide list of standard Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs
(Reference samples) recognized under the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder
and such reference samples kept in the laboratory may be required in connection with the
testing or analysis of the products of which approval is applied for.
160-C. Duration of approval. – An approval granted in Form 47 or renewed in Form
49 unless sooner suspended or withdrawn, shall be valid for a period of three years from
the date on which it is granted or renewed.
Provided that if an application for the renewal of an approval in form 47 is made
before its expiry or if the application is made within six months of its expiry after the
payment of the additional inspection fee, the approval shall continue to be in force until
orders to the contrary are passed on the application and approval shall be deemed to have
expired if the application for renewal is not made within six months of expiry.
160-D. Conditions of approval. – An approval in Form 41 shall be subject to the
following conditions, namely: –
I. The Institution granted approved under this Part (hereinafter referred to as the
approved laboratory) shall provide and maintain adequate staff and adequate premises and
equipment as specified in Rule 160-B.
II. The approved laboratory shall provide proper facilities for storage so as to preserve
the properties of the samples to be tested by it.
III. The approved laboratory shall maintain records of tests for identity, purity, quality
and strength carried out on all samples of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs and the
results thereof together with the protocols of tests showing the readings and calculation in
such form as to be available for inspection and such records shall be retained in the case of
substances for which date of expiry is assigned; for a period of two years from such date
of expiry and in the case of other substances, for a period of three years.
IV. The approved laboratory shall allow the Inspector appointed under the Act to enter
with or without prior notice the premises where testing is carried out and to inspect the
premises and the equipment used for test and the testing procedures employed. The
laboratory shall allow the Inspectors to inspect the registers and records maintained under
these rules and shall supply to such Inspectors such information as they may require for
the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder
have been observed.
V. The approved laboratory shall from time to time report to the approving authority
any changes in the person-in-charge of testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs or
the expert staff responsible for testing, as the case may be, and any material alterations in
the premises or changes in the equipment used for the purposes of testing which have been
made since the date of last inspection made on behalf of the approving authority before the
grant or renewal of approval.
VI. The approved laboratory shall furnish reports of the results of tests or analysis in
Form 50.
VII. In case any sample of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug is found on test to be
not of standard quality, the approved laboratory shall furnish to the approving authority
and the licensing authority of the State where the manufacturer and/or sender of the
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs is located, a copy of the test report of the sample with
the protocols of tests applied.
VIII. The approved laboratory shall comply with the provisions of the Act and rules
made thereunder and with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in the
rules made from time to time under Chapter IV-A of the Act of which the approving
authority has given the approved laboratory not less than four months’ notice.
IX. The approved laboratory shall maintain an inspection book to enable the Inspector
to record his impression or defects noticed.
160-E. Inspection before grant of approval. – Before an approval in form 48 is
granted, the approving authority shall cause the laboratory at which the testing of
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs as the case may be, is proposed to be carried out to be
inspected jointly by the Inspectors appointed or designated by the Central Government and
State Government for this purpose, who shall examine the premises and the equipment
intended to be used for testing of drugs and verify into the professional qualifications of
the expert staff who are or may be employed by the laboratory.
160-F. Report of inspection. – The Inspectors appointed by the Central Government as
stated in Rule 160-E shall forward to the approving authority a detailed report of the
results of the inspection.
160-G. Procedure of approving authority. – (1) If the approving authority after such
further enquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of
the rules made under the Act have been complied with and that the conditions of the
approval and the rules made under the Act have been observed, it shall grant appro val in
Form 48.
(2) If the approving authority is not satisfied, it shall reject the application and shall
inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejection and of the conditions which shall be
satisfied before approval could be granted.
160-H. Application after rejection. – If within a period of six months from the
rejection of an application for approval, the applicant informs the approving authority that
the conditions laid down have been satisfied and deposits inspection fee of two thousand
rupees, the approving authority may, if, after causing a further inspection to be made and
after being satisfied that the conditions for grant of approval have been complied, with
grant the approval in Form 48.
160-I. Renewal. – On an application being made for renewal, the approving authority
shall, after causing an inspection to be made and if satisfied that the conditions of the
approval and the rules made under the Act have been complied with, shall issue a
certificate of renewal in form 49.
160-J. Withdrawal and suspension of approvals. – (1) The approving authority may,
after giving the approved laboratory an opportunity to show cause why such an order
should not be passed, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, withdraw an
approval granted under this Part or suspend it for such period as it thinks fit either wholly
or in respect of testing of some of the categories of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs to
which it relates, if in his opinion the approved laboratory had failed to comply with any of
the conditions of the approval or with any provision of the Act or the rules made
(2) Any approved laboratory, whose approval has been suspended or withdrawn, may,
within three months of the date of the order of suspension or withdrawal, appeal to the
State Government which shall dispose of the appeal in consultation with a panel of
competent persons appointed by the Department of Indian Systems of Medicine &
Homoeopathy, Government of India in this behalf and notified in the Offic ial Gazette.]
[161. Labelling, packing and limit of alcohol.]—(1) There shall be considerably
displayed on the label of the container or package of an Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or
Unani drug, the true list of all the ingredients used in the manufacture of the preparation
together with quantity of each of the ingredients incorporated therein and a reference to
the method of preparation thereof as detailed in the standard text and Adikarana, as are
prescribed in the authoritative books specified in the First Schedule to the Act:
Provided that if the list of ingredients contained in the medicine is large and cannot be
accommodated on the label, the same may be printed separately and enclosed with
packing and reference be made to this effect on the label.
(2) The container of a medicine for internal use made up ready for the treatment of
human ailments shall, if it is made up from a substance specified in Schedule E (1), be
labelled conspicuously with the words ‘Caution: To be taken under medical supervision’
both in English and Hindi language.
(3) Subject to the other provisions of these rules, the following particulars shall be
either printed or written in indelible ink and shall appear in a conspicuous manner on the
label of the innermost container of any Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drug and
on any other covering in which the container is packed namely–
(i) The name of the drug. For this purpose the name shall be the same as
mentioned in the authoritative books included in the Firs Schedule of the
Ins. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 904(E) dt 2.11.1992.
(ii) A correct statement of the net content in terms of weight, measure or
number as the case may be. The weight and volume shall be expressed in
metric system.
(iii) The name and address of the manufacturer.
(iv) The number of the licence under which the drug is manufactured, the
figure representing the manufacturing licence number being preceded by
the words ‘Manufacturing Licence Number’ or ‘Mfg. Lic. No.’ or ‘M.L.’.
(v) A distinctive batch number, that is to say, the number by reference to
which details of manufacture of the particular batch from which the
substance in the container is taken are recorded and are available for
inspection, the figure representing the batch number being preceded by
the words “Batch No.” or “Batch” or “Lot Number” or “Lot No.” or “Lot
No.” or “Lot” or any distinguishing prefix.
(vi) The date of manufacture. For this purpose the date of manufacture shall be
the date of completion of the final products, or the date of bottling or
packing for issue.
(vii) The words “Ayurvedic medicine” or “Siddha medicine” or “Unani
medicine” as the case may be.
(viii) The words “FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY” if the medicine is for
external application.
(ix) Every drug intended for distribution to the medical profession, as a free
sample shall, while complying with the labelling provisions under clauses
(i) to (viii), further bear on the label of the container the words
“Physicians sample. Not to be sold” which shall be over-printed.
[ix (a) Preparation (Asavas) with high content of alcohol as base
Name of the drug Maximum size of packing
(i) Karpur Asava 15 ml
(ii) Ahiphensava 15 ml
(iii) Mrgamadasava 15 ml
(ix (b) Preparations containing self-generated alcohol
Name of the drug Maximum content of alcohol
(Ethyl alcohol v/v)
size of
(i) Mritsanjivani Sura
(ii) Mahadrakshasava
16 per cent
16 per cent
30 ml.
120 ml.]
Ins. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 904(E) dt 2.11.1992.
(4) Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to require the labelling of any transparent
cover or of any wrapper case or other covering used solely for the purpose of packing,
transport or delivery.
[161-A. Exemption in labeling and packing, provisions for export of Ayurvedic
(including Siddha) and Unani drugs.- (1) Labels and packages or containers of
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs for export may be adapted to meet the specific
requirements of the law of the country to which the said drug is to be exported, but the
following particulars shall appear in conspicuous position on the container in which drug
is packed and on every other covering in which that container is packed, namely :
(a) Name of the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug (Single or compound
(b) the name, address of the manufacturer and the number of licence under
which the drug has been manufactured;
(c) batch or lot number;
(d) date of manufacture, along with the date for “Best for use before”;
(e) main ingredients, if required by the import country;
(f) for export;
Provided that where Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Single or compound drug not
classified under First Schedule or Schedule E-(I), is required by the consignee to be not
labeled with the name and address of the manufacturer, the labels on packages or
containers shall bear a code number as approved by the Licensing Authority menti9oned
in Rule 152.
(2) the provisions of Rule 161 shall not apply to a medicine made up “ready for
treatment”, whether after, or without, alteration, which is supplied on the prescription of a
registered medical practitioner if the medicine is labeled with the following particulars,
(a) the name and address of the suppliers;
(b) the words “For External Use Only”, if the medicine is for external application.]
162. Duties of Inspectors specially authorised to inspect the manufacture of Ayurvedic
(including Siddha) or Unani drugs—Subject to the instructions of the controlling
authority, it shall be the duty of an Inspector authorised to inspect the manufacture of
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs—
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 787(E) dt 17.10.2000
(i) to inspect not less than twice a tear, all premises licensed for manufacture of
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs within the area allotted to him and to satisfy
himself that the conditions of the licence and the provisions of the Act and the Rules made
thereunder are being observed;
(iii) to take samples of the drugs manufactured on the premises and send them for test
or analysis in accordance with these Rules;
(iv) to institute prosecutions in respect of violation of the Act and the Rules made
[162A-Qualification of the State Drug Licensing Authority for Licensing of
Ayurvdeda,Siddha and Unani drugs:
(a) The Ayurvedic/ siddha/ Unani qualifications as per Schedule II of CCIM Act
1970/ B Pharma (Ayurveda0 of a recognized University.
(b) At least 5 years experience in the Ayurveda/ Siddha/ Unani drug manufacturing
or testing of Ayurvedic, siddha and Unani drugs or enforcement of provisions
of Chapter IVA of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940 and Rules made there
under or teaching/ research on clinical practice of Ayurveda/ siddha/ Unani
163. Procedure for despatch of sample to Government Analyst and to receipt by the
Government Analyst—(1) Sample for test or analysis shall be sent to the Government
Analyst by registered post or by hand in a sealed package, enclosed together with a
memorandum in Form 18-A in an outer addressed to the Government Analyst.
(2) The package as well as the outer cover shall be marked with a distinguishing
(3) A copy of the memorandum and a specimen impression of the seal used to seal the
package shall be sent by registered post or by hand to the Government Analyst.
(4) On the receipt of the package from an Inspecto r, the Government Analyst or an
Officer authorised by him in writing in his behalf shall open the package and shall also
record the conditions of the seals on the package.
(5) After the test or analysis has been completed, one copy of the results of the test or
analysis shall be supplied forthwith to the sender in Form 13-A shall also be sent
simultaneously to the Controlling Authority and to the Drugs Controller, India.
164. Method of test or analysis to be employed in relation to Ayurvedic (including
Siddha) or Unani drugs.—The method of test or analysis to be employed in relation to an
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drug shall be such as may be specified in the
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani Pharmacopoeia, or if no such pharmacopoeias,
Ins. by G.O.I.Notification No G.S.R.76(E) dt03.02.2003.
such tests as the Government Analyst may employ, such tests being scientifically
established to determine whether the drug contains the ingredients as stated on the label.
165. Qualifications of Government Analyst. —A person who is appointed a
Government Analyst under section 33 F of the Act shall be a person possessing the
qualifications prescribed in rule 44 or a degree in Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani System, as
the case may be, conferred by a University, a State Government or Statitory Faculties,
Councils and Boards of Indian Systems of Medicine recognized by the Central or State
Government, as the case may be, for this purpose and has had not less than three years’
post graduate experience in the analysis of drugs in a laboratory under the control of (i) a
Government Analyst appointed under the Act, or (ii) a Chemical Examiner to
Government, or (iii) the Head of an institution specially approved for the purpose by the
appointing authority.
166. Duties of Government Analyst—(1) The Government Analyst shall analyze or test
or cause to be analyzed or tested such samples of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani
drugs as may be sent to him by Inspectors or any other persons or authority authorised by
the Central Government or State Government under the provisions of Chapter IV A of the
Act and shall furnish reports of the results of test or analysis in accordance with these
(2) A Government Analyst appointed under Section 33F shall from time to time
forward to the Government reports giving the result of analytical work and research with a
view to their publications at the discretion of the Government.
167. Qualifications of Inspector—A person who is appointed an Inspector under
section 33G shall be a person who—
(a) has the qualifications laid down under rule 49 and shall have undergone
practical training in the manufacture of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or
Unani drug, as the case may be; or
(b) has a degree in Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani System or a degree in
Ayurveda Pharmacy, as the case may be, conferred by a University or State
Government or a Statutory Faculty, Council or Board of Indian Systems of
Medicine recognized by the Central Government or the State Government for
this purpose; or
(c) has a diploma in Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani Systems, as the case may be,
granted by a State Government or an Institution recognized by the Central
Government or a State Government for this purpose.
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376 dt 27.7.1978.
168. Standards to be complied with in manufacture for sale or for distribution of
Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs.-
Class of Drugs Standards to be complied with
Single drugs included in
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia.
Asavas and Arishtas
The standards for identity, purity and
strength as given in the editions of
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India for the
time being in force.
The upper limit of alcohol as self generated
alcohol should not exceed 12% v/v
excepting those that are otherwise notified
by the Central government from time to
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 519(E) dt 26.6.1995.
[See Rule 4]
Memorandum to the Central Drugs Laboratory
Serial Number……………………..
To the Director, Central Drugs Laboratory………………………………….
I send herewith, under the provisions of Section 25 (4) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940, sample(s) of a drug purporting to be……………for test or analysis and request that a
report that a report of the result of the test or analysis may be supplied to this Court.
1. The distinguishing number on the packet is ………………………………
2. Particulars of offence alleged…………………………………………….
3. Matter on which opinion is required……………………………
4. A fee of Rs……………..has been deposited in Court.
Date……………. …………………
[See Rule 6]
Certificate of test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratory
Certified that the sample bearing number…………………………..
Purporting to be a separate to be a sample of. ……………received on…………… with
memorandum No. …………………………………….dated……………………… from
………………………………has been tested / analysed and that the result of such test /
analysis is as stated below.
2. The conditions of the seals on the packet on receipt was as follows: —
3. In the opinion of the undersigned the sample is of standard quality as defined in the
is not of standard quality as defined in
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules thereunder for the reasons given below:
the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and Rules thereunder
Date…………… Director
Central Drugs Laboratory or other authorised officer
Details of results of test or analysis with protocols of test applied
Date………….. Director
Central Drugs Laboratory or other authorised officer
* If opinion is required on any other matter, the paragraph should be suitably amended.
Form 3 to 7
(See Rule 24)
Application for licence to import drugs (excluding those specified in Schedule X) to the Drugs
and Cosmetics Rules 1945.
I/We* ………………………………………….. (full address with telephone number, fax
number and e-mail address) hereby apply for a licence to import drugs specified below
manufactured by M/s ………………………………(full address with telephone no, fax and email no.).
2. Names of the drugs to be imported:
3. I/We* …………………………………. enclose herewith an undertaking in Form 9
dated………. signed by the manufacturer as required by rule 24 of the Drugs and Cosmetics
Rules, 1945.
4. I/We …………………………………. enclose herewith a copy of Registration
Certificate concerning the drugs to be imported in India, issued under Form 41 of the rules,
vide Registration Certificate No. …………dated ………….. issued through M/s.
.………………….(name and full address)……………………valid up to …………………..
5. I/We*
……………………………….. hold a valid wholesale licence for sale or
distribution of drugs or valid licence to manufacture drugs, under the provisions of the Act and
rules made thereunder. A copy of the said licence is enclosed.
6. A fee of ………….. has been credited to Government under the Head of Account “0210
– Medical and Public Health, 04-Public Health, 104-Fees and Fines” under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules 1945 – Central vide Challan No. ……………… dated ……….. (attached in
Signature ………………..
Name ………………..
Designation …………
Seal/Stamp of Manufacturer’s agent in India
Place ……..
Date ………..
1Omitted under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-16/57-D, dated 15-6-1957.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 604(E) dt 24.8.2001.
*delete whichever is not applicable.
[See rule 24)
Application for licence to import drugs specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetic
Rules 1945.
I/We* ……………………………(full address with telephone number, fax number and e-mail
address) hereby apply for a licence to import drugs specified below manufactured by
M/s………………………… (full address with telephone No, fax and e-mail No.).
2. Name of the drugs to be imported.
3. I/We* ………………………… enclose herewith an undertaking in Form 9 dated
………… signed by the manufacturer as required by rule 24 of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
4. I/We* ………………………….. enclose herewith a copy of Registration Certificate
concerning the drugs to be imported in India, issued under Form 41 of the rules, vide
Registration Certificate No. …………. dated ………………. issued through M/s.
……………………….(name and full address) ………..……….. valid upto
5 I/We* ………………. Hold a valid wholesale licence for sale or distribution of drugs
or licence to manufacture drugs, under the provisions of the Act and rules made
thereunder. A copy of the said licence is enclosed.
6. A fee of ……………….. has been credited to Government under the Head of Account
“0210 – Medical and Public Health, 04- Public Health, 104- Fees and Fines” under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945 – Central vide Challan No. ……. dated ……….. (
attached in original).
Signature ………………..
Name ………………..
Designation …………
Seal/Stamp of Manufacturer’s agent in India
Place ……..
Date ………..
[See Rule 24]
Form of undertaking to accompany an application for an import licence
Whereas …………………… of ………………… intends to apply for a licence under the
Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945, for the import into India, of the drugs specified below
manufactured by us, we ………………… of …………………. hereby give this undertaking
that for the duration of the said licence—
(1) the said applicant shall be our agent for the import of drugs into India;
(2) we shall comply with the conditions imposed on a licence by 1
[Rules 74 and 78]of the
Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945;
(3) we declare that we are carrying on the manufacture of the drugs mentioned in this
undertaking at the premises specified below, and we shall from time to time report any
change of premises on which manufacture will be carried on and in cases where
manufacture is carried on in more than one factory any change in the distribution of
functions between the factories;
(4) we shall comply with the provisions of Part IX of the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945;
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
* delete whichever is not applicable.
(5) every drug, manufactured by us for import under licence into India shall as regards
strength, quality and purity conform with the provisions of Chapter III of the Drugs &
Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945;
(6) we shall comply with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified by Rules,
by the Central Government under the Act and of which the licensing authority has
given to the licensee not less than four months’ notice.
Names of drugs and classes of drugs
Particulars of premises where manufacture is carried on.
Date………….. 1
[Signature, Name, Designation Seal/Stamp
of manufacturer or on behalf of the manufacturer]
1[FORM 10
[See rules 23 and 27]
Licence to import drugs (excluding hose specified in Schedule X) to the Drugs and
Cosmetic Rules, 1945.
Licence Number ………………. Date ……………
………………………………………………………… (Name and full address of the Importer)
is hereby licensed to import into India during the period for which the licence is in force, the
drugs specified below, manufactured by M/s. ……………………………. (name and full
address) and any other drugs manufactured the said manufacturer as may from time to time be
endorsed on this licence.
2. This licence shall be valid in force from …………. to ……… unless it is sooner
suspended or cancelled under the said rules.
3. Names of drugs to be imported.
Place :
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 604(E) dt 24.8.2001.
Conditions of Licence.
1. A photocopy of licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the
premises, and the original licence shall be produced, whenever required.
2. Each batch of drug imported into India shall be accompanied with a detailed batch
test report and a batch release certificate, duly signed and authenticated by the
manufacturer with date of testing, date of release and the date of forwarding such
reports. The imported batch of each drug shall be subjected to examination and
testing as the licensing authority deems fit prior to its marketing.
3. The licensee shall be responsible for the business activities of the manufacturer in
India along with the registration holder and his authorized agent.
4. The licensee shall inform the licensing authority forthwith in writing in the event of
any change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed
to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the change
takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the licensing
authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
(See rule 23 and 27)
Licence to import drugs specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945.
Licence Number ……………………….. Date ………………….
……………………………………………………………………….. (Name and full address of
the importer) is hereby licenced to import into India during the period for which the licence is
in force, the drugs specified below, manufactured by M/s. ……………………… (name and
full address) and any other drugs manufactured by the said manufacturer as may from time to
time be endorsed on this licence.
2. This licence shall be in force from ………………… to ………………. unless it is
sooner suspended or cancelled under the said rules.
3. Names of drugs to be imported.
Place: …………
Date : …………
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Conditions of Licence.
1. A photocopy of licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the
premises, and the original licence shall be produced, whenever required.
2. Each batch of drug imported into India shall be accompanied with a detailed batch
test report and a batch release certificate, duly signed and authenticated by the
manufacturer with date of testing, date of release and the date of forwarding such
reports. The imported batch of each drug shall be subjected to examination and
testing as the licensing authority deems fit prior to its marketing.
3. The licencee shall be responsible for the business activities of the manufacturer in
India along with the registration holder and his authorized agent.
4. The licencee shall inform the licensing authority forthwith in writing in the event of
any change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed
to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the change
takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the licensing
authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.]
[See Rule 33]
Licence to import drugs for the purposes of examination, test or analysis
I…………………….of……………….is hereby licensed to import from……………………the
drugs specified below for the purposes of examination, test or analysis at
……………………or in such other places as the licensing authority may from time to time
2. This licence is subject to the conditions prescribed in the Rule under the Drugs & Cosmetics
Act, 1940.
3. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of one
year from the date specified below—
Names of drugs Quantity which may be imported
Date…………………. Licensing Authority
[FORM 11 – A
(See rule 33-A)
Licence to import drugs by a Government Hospital or Autonomous Medical Institution for the
treatment of patients.
Licence No. ……………… Date ………….
Dr. ……………………………………. Designation ……………………………………. of
………………………………….(Name of College/Hospital/Autonomous Institution) is hereby
licenced to import from M/s. …………………………..(name and full address) the drugs
specified below for the purpose of treatment of patients for the disease (name of the disease)
……………. at ………………… or in such other places as the licensing authority may from
time to time authorize.
2. This licence shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of one
year form the date of issue specified above.
3. Name of drugs to be imported:
Names of drugs Quantity which may be imported
Place :………..
Date : ………. Licensing Authority
Seal / Stamp
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 604(E) dt 24.8.2001
Conditions of Licence
1. The licence shall be displayed in the Office of the Medical Superintendent of government
Hospital / Head of Institution of Autonomous Medical Institution.
2. The licensee shall store the drugs imported under this licence under proper storage
3. The drugs imported under this licence shall be exclusively used for the treatment of
patients, and a record shall be maintained in this regard, by a registered pharmacist
giving the full name(s) and address(es) of the patients, diagnosis, dosage schedule, total
quantity of drugs imported and issued, and shall be countersigned by the Medical
Superintendent of the Government Hospital or Head of the Autonomous Medical
Institution which shall be produced, on demand by an Inspector appointed under the
[See Rule 34]
Application for licence to import drugs for purpose of examination, test or analysis
I ………………………………..resident of …………………………………by
occupation ……………….hereby apply for a licence to import the drugs specified below for
the purposes of examination, test or analysis at………………….from………………..and I
undertake to comply with the conditions applicable to the licence.
[A fee of rupees…………… has been credited to Government under the head of
Account ‘0210-Medical and Public Health, 04-Public Health, 104-Fees and Fines under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945—Central vide Challan No……. dated…… (attached in
Names of drugs and classes of drugs Quantities
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 604(E) dt 24.8.2001
[See Rule 36, second proviso]
Application for the issue of a permit to import small quantities of drugs for personal use
I ………………………..resident of ……………………………………….by
occupation……………………………….hereby apply for a permit to import the drugs
specified below for personal use from……………………………………………
I attach a prescription from a registered medical practitioner in regard to the need for
the said drugs.
Names of drugs Quantities
Date…………………… Signature…………………
2 [FORM 12-AA
(See rule 34A)
Application for licence to import small quantities of new drugs by a Government Hospital or
Autonomous Medical Institution for the treatment of patients.
I, ………………… (name and designation) ………………………………….. of …………
…………… (name of the Hospital/Autonomous Medical Institution) hereby apply for a
licence to import small quantities of new drugs specified below for the purpose of treatment of
patients for the disease ………………. (name of the disease) at ……………….. (name and
place of the hospital) and I undertake to comply with the conditions applicable to the licence
and other provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the rules made thereunder
from time to time.
A fee of rupees ……………………… has been credited to Government under the Head of
Account “0210-Medical and Public Health, 04- Medical and Public Health, 10- Fees and
Fines” under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 – Central vide Challan No……….. dated
………… (attached in original).
2. Name of new drugs to be imported:
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-36/54-DS, dated 3-3-1955.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 604(E) dt 24.8.2001
Names of drugs Quantity which may be imported
Place: …………
Date : …………
Signature ……………………….
Name ………………………….
Seal / Stamp ………………….
Certified that the drugs specified above for import are urgently required for the treatment of
patients suffering from………………………….. and that the said drug(s) is/are not available
in India.
Signature ………………….
Place : ……….. Medical Superintendent of the Government of Hospital / Head of
Date: ………… Autonomous Medical Institution
Seal / Stamp
[See Rule 36, second proviso]
Permit for the import of small quantities of drugs for personal use
……………………………….of ………………………….is hereby permitted to
import from………………………….the drugs specified below for personal use.
2. This permit is subject to the conditions prescribed in the Rules under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940.
3. This permit shall, unless previously suspended or revoked, be in force for a period of
six months from date specified below.
Names of drugs Quantities, which may be imported.
Date……………………… Licensing Authority
[See Rule 46]
Certificate of test or analysis by Government Analyst under Section 25 (1) of the Drugs and
Cosmetics act, 1940
1. Name of Inspector from whom received……………
2. Serial No. and date of Inspector’s memorandum ………..
3. Number of sample…………………………
4. Date of receipt ………………
5. Name of drugs purporting to be contained in the sample ……….
6. Condition of seals on the 1
[packet or on portion of sample or container] ……….
7. Result of test or analysis with protocols of test or analysis applied …………
In the opinion of the undersigned the sample referred to above
is of standard quality as defined in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. and Rules thereunder
is not of standard quality as defined in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules thereunder
for the reasons given below:-
Date…………… Government Analyst…………..
[See Rule 163 (5)]
Certificates of tests or analyst by Government Analyst under Section 33H of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940
1. Names of Inspector from whom received………………………..
2. Serial No. and date of Inspector’s memorandum…………………..
3. Number of sample…………………………………………………
4. Date of receipt………………………………….
5. Names of drugs purporting to be contained in the sample…………….
6.Condition of seals on the package……………………………………..
7.Result of test or analysis with protocols of test or analysis applied
Date…………… Government Analyst…………..
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 59(E) dt 7.2.1995.
2Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F 1-23/67-D, dated 2-2-1970.
[See Rule 47]
Application from a purchaser for test or analysis of a drug under Section 26 of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940
1. Full name and address of the applicant……………………………………….
2. Occupation…………………………………….
3. Name of drug purporting to be contained in the sample………………………
4. Name and full address of the pharmacy or concern where the drug was purchased .
5. Date on which purchased……………………………………………..
6. Reasons why the drug is being submitted for test or analysis
7. A fee of rupees …………………………………..vide Schedule B of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945, has been credited to Government under the head of account “080—
Medical—Miscellaneous—Fees under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945—
Central/State”—vide treasury receipt attached.
I hereby declare that the drug being submitted for test was purchased by or for me. I further
declare that the sample of the drug being sent for test or analysis is exactly as it was purchased
and has not been tampered with in any way to reduce its potency.
Date………………….. Signed…………
[See Rule 47]
Certificate of test or analysis by Government Analyst under Section 26 of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940
1. Name of person from whom sample received……………………….
2. Date of receipt………………………………………………………
3. Name of drug purporting to be contained in the sample…………………..
1Added under Government of India Notification No. F. 1-3/51-D.S., dated 15-10-1954.
4. Opinion of the Government Analyst—The sample referred to above is / is not of
standard quality as defined in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules hereunder.
Date…………… Government Analyst…………..
[See Rule 54 and 145 C]
Order under Section 22 (1)(c) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 requiring a person not to
dispose of stock in this possession
Whereas, I have reasons to believe that the stocks of drugs / cosmetics in your
possession, detailed below contravene the provisions of section 18 of the Drugs and Cosmetic s
Act, 1940;
Now, therefore, I hereby require you under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 22 of
the said Act not to dispose of the said stock for a period of ………….days from the date of this
Date……………. Inspector……………….
Details of stock of drugs/ cosmetics
Date………………… Inspector……………….
[See Rule 55 and 145-B]
Receipt for stock of drugs or cosmetics or for record, register documents or material object
seized under section 22 (1) (c) or (cc) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
The stock of drugs or cosmetics or records, registers, documents or material objects
detailed below has / have this day been seized by me under the provisions of clause (c) or
clause (cc) of sub-section (1) of section 22 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 1940 (23 of 1940)
from the premises of ……………………………situated at …………………………..
Date………………. Inspector……………….
Details of drugs, cosmetics, records, registers, documents or material object seized
Date………………… Inspector…………………
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.1594, dtd 13-11-1976.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 926 dtd 16-07-1977.
[See Rules 56 and 145-A]
Intimation to person from whom sample is taken
I have this day taken from the premises of ……………………..situated
at……………………………samples of the drugs / cosmetics specified below for the purpose
of test or analysis.
Date………………. Inspector……………….
Details of samples taken
Date………………. Inspector………………..
[FORM 17-A
I[See Rules 56-A and 145-AA]
Receipt for samples of drugs or cosmetics taken where fair price tendered thereof under subsection (I) of Section 23 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 is refused.
To ……………………..
Whereas I, this ……… day of …….19 …….. have taken, from the premises of situated
at …………… samples of drugs/cosmetics as specified below:-
Details of Samples …………..
And where I had offered to pay you rupees……………….. as the fair price of the
samples of drugs/cosmetics taken:
And whereas, you have refused to accept the fair price tendered thereof.
Now, therefore, I give you the receipt as the fair price tendered for the samples of the
drugs/cosmetics taken by me.
Date: ……………. Inspector …………….]
1Added under G.O.I.Notification No. F 1-23/67-D, dated 2-2-1970.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 292(E) dt 29.5.1977.
[See Rule 57]
Memorandum to Government Analyst
Serial No. of Memorandum…………………………………………………
The Government Analyst
The portion of sample / container described below is sent herewith for test or analysis
under the provisions of clause (i) of sub-section (4) of Section 23 of the Drugs and Cosmetics
Act, 1940.
The portion of sample / container has been marked by me with the following mark.
Details of portion of sample or container with 1
[name of drug/cosmetic] which it
purports to contain—
Date……………. Inspector……….…….
2 FORM 18-A
[See Rule 163 (1)]
Memorandum to Government Analyst
Serial No.
The Government Analyst
The portion of sample / container described below is sent herewith for test or analysis
under the provisions of Section 33H of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 1940.
The portion of sample / container has been marked by me with the following mark.
Details of portion of sample or container with name of ingredients from which it is
claimed to be made.
Date………………. Inspector………………..
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 370(E) dt 7.4.1994.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12-8-1972.
[See Rule 59 (2)]
Application for grant or renewal of a2
[licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or
distribute] drugs other than those specified in Schedule X.
1. I / We ……………………hereby apply for licence to sell by wholsesale/retail drugs
specified in Schedules C and C(1) excluding those specified in Schedule X *and/or drugs
other than those specified in Schedules C, C(1) and X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945
*and also to operate a pharmacy on the premises situated at ………………………………….
2. ? The sale and dispensing of drugs will be made under the personal supervision of
the qualified persons namely:-
……………………………… (Name) …………………….. (Qualification)
……………………………… (Name) …………………….. (Qualification)
3. Categories of drugs to be sold……………………………………………..
4.O Particulars of special storage accommodation …………………………………..
5. A fee of rupees………………….has been credited to Government under the head of
Date………………………… Signature………………..]
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
? To be deleted if drugs will be sold only by wholesale.
O Required only if products requiring special storage are to be sold.
[See Rule 59 (2)]
Application for the grant or renewal of a restricted 2
[licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale,
or offer for sale or distribute] drugs by retail by3
[* * *] dealers who do not engage the
services of a qualified person
1. I / We ………………………….of………………………………..hereby
Drugs other than those specified
apply for a licence to sell by retail (i) in Schedule C, C1 and X_______
[* * * ]
on the premises situated at……………………………………
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
3Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
or (ii) 1
[Drugs specified in Schedule C(1)] on the premises situated
[Drugs specified in Schedule C(1)] as vendor in the
2. Sales shall be restricted to such drugs as can be sold without the supervision of a
qualified person under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules.
3. Names or classes of drugs proposed to be sold……………………………..
*4. Particulars of the storage accommodation for the storage of 1
[Schedules C(1)] on the
premises referred to above.
**5. The drugs for sale will be purchased from the following dealers and such other
dealers as may be endorsed on the licence by the Licensing Authority from time to time.
Name of dealers………………………………….Licence No. ……………………..
[* * *]
6. A fee of rupees ___________has been credited to Government under the
head of account……………………………………………………………………..
Date…………………… Signature……………….
*Delete whichever is not required.
**Applies only to an itinerant vendor.
[See Rule 62C]
Application for grant or renewal of a4
[ licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale by
wholesale or to distribute] drugs from a motor vehicle
1. I / We __________________________________of _________________hereby
apply for 4
[licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale by wholesale or to distribute]
drugs specified in Schedule C and C (1) and /or drugs other than those specified in Schedule C
and C (1) from the vehicle bearing registration no._______________ assigned under the Motor
Vehicles Act, 1939.
2. Categories of drugs to b e sold / distributed_________________________
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 487(E) dt 2.7.1984.
2Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.X.11013/7/76-D&MS dt 25.1.1979.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
3. A fee of rupees________________________ has been credited to Government under
the head of account_________________________________
*4. Particulars of the storage accommodation for the storage of drugs specified in
Schedules C and C (1) on the vehicle referred to above.
Date______________________ Signature_____________
[See Rule 67-A]
Application for 1
[licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale, or offer for sale or distribute]
Homoeopathic medicines
1. I / We ………………………of…………………….hereby apply for a licence to sell by
*[wholesale / retail] Homoeopathic medicines on the premises situated at……………………..
**2. The sale and dispensing of Homoeopathic medicines shall be made under the personal
supervision of the following competent person in -charge.
3. A fee of rupees ………………has been credited to Government under the head of
Date………………. Signature………………
*Delete whichever is not required.
** To be deleted if Homoeopathic medicines will be sold by wholesale.
[FORM 19-C
[See Rule 59(2)]
Application for grant or renewal of a1
[licence to sell, stock, exhibit or
offer for sale, or distribute] drugs specified in Schedule X.
1. I/We …………………………. of ………………….. hereby apply for a licence to
sell by *wholesale/retail drugs specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
1945. We operate a pharmacy on the premises, situated at …………….
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
2. ** The sale and dispensing of drugs will be made under the personal supervision of
the qualified persons mentioned below:-
……………………………… (Name) …………………….. (Qualification)
……………………………… (Name) …………………….. (Qualification)
3. Names of drugs to be sold.
4. # Particulars of storage accommodation.
5. A fee of rupees ……………………….. has been credited to Government account
under the head of account………………………
Date…………. Signature …………………..]
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
** To be deleted if drugs will be sold only by whole.
# Required only if products requiring special storage are to be sold.
[See rule 61 (1)]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute] drugs by retail other than
those specified in 2
[Schedules C, C(1) and X].
I ……………………………….is hereby 1
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for
sale or distribute] by retail drugs other than those specified in 2
[Schedules C,C (1) and X]
of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945, *and to operate a pharmacy on the premises situated
at………………..subject to the conditions specified below and to provisions of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules thereunder.
1. The licence shall be in force from……………………..to…………………
2. Name (s) of qualified person (s) in charge………………………………….
3. Categories of drugs……………………………
Date……………………… Licensing Authority……………..
* Delete whichever is applicable
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to
the public.
2. The licence shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and
the Rules thereunder for the time being in force.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3. The licence shall report to the Licensing Authority any change in the qualified staff
in-charge within one month of such change.
4. No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under cash or credit memo from
a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
5. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm taken place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 61 (1)]
Restricted 1
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute] drugs by retail
other than those specified in2
[Schedules C, C (1) and X] for3
[* **] dealers who do not engage
the services of a qualified person.
I ………………………..is hereby 1
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or
distribute] on the premises situated at 3
[* * *]…………….the following drugs being drugs
other than those specified in 2
[Schedules C,C (1) and X] of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
1945, subject to the conditions specified below and to the provisions of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules made thereunder.
1. The licence shall be in force from……………………to………………..
2. The licensee can deal only in such drugs as can be sold without the supervision of
qualified person under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
3. The licence, if he be an itinerant vendor, shall buy drugs only from the following
dealers and such other dealers as may be endorsed on the licence by Licensing
Authority from time to time.
4. [ * * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 504(E) dt 18.7.2002.]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996
Name of the dealer…………………………. Licence No………………….
Date………………. Licensing Authority
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to
the public. [* * * Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996].
2. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940 and the Rules thereunder for the time being in force.
3. No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under a cash or credit memo
from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the operating under the licence. Where any change in
the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be
valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the change
takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the
Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 61 (1)]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute] by wholesale, drugs other than
specified in2
[Schedules C, C(I) and X]
1. …………………………… hereby 1
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] by wholesale drugs other than those specified in 2
[Schedule C,C(1) and X] on the
premises situated at……………………subject to the conditions specified below and to the
provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and the Rules thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from ……………….. to…………………..
[3. The sale shall be made under the personal supervision of a competent person
(Name of the competent person.)]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 6.6.1988.
Date…………………… Licence No…………………
Licensing Authority
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be d isplayed in a prominent place in part of the premises open to
the public
2. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1940 and the Rules thereunder for the time being in force.
3.(i) No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under a cash or credit
memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
(ii) No sale of any drug shall be made to a person not holding the requisite licence to
sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute the drug. Provided that this condition
shall not apply to the sale of any drug to–
(a) an officer or authority purchasing on behalf of Government or
(b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institution or a registered medical
practitioner for the purpose of supply to his patients, or
(c) a manufacturer of beverages, confectional biscuits and other nonmedicinal products, where such drugs are required for processing these
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm taken place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the changes takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken
from the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1/63/61-D, dtd 17.7.1963.
[See Rule 62-D]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale by wholesale, or distribute] drugs other than
those specified in Schedule C and Schedule C (1) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 from
a motor vehicle.
1.__________________________is hereby 2
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer
for sale by wholesale, or distribute] to sell by wholesale, or to distribute drugs other than those
specified in Schedule C and Schedule C (1) from the vehicle bearing registration
no._________________________ assigned under Motor Vehicle Act, 1939, subject to the
conditions specified below and to the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the
Rules made thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from__________________ to______________
3. Categories of drugs…………………………………
Date _______________________ Licence No.__________________
Licensing Authority
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in prominent place on the vehicle.
2. The licence shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
and the Rules made thereunder for the time being in force.
3(i)No drugs shall be sold by wholesale or distributed unless such drug is purchased
under a cash or credit memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed
(ii) No sale by wholesale or distribution of any drug shall be made to a person not
holding the requisite licence to sell, stock, or exhibit for sale or distribute the drug:
Provided that this condition shall not apply to the sale of any drug to—
a) an officer or authority purchasing on behalf of the Government, or
b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institution or a registered
medical practitioner for the purpose of supply to his patients, or
c) a manufacturer of beverages, confectionary, biscuits and other non-medical
products where such drugs are required for processing these products.
1 Added by G.O.I. Notification No. X. 11013/7/76-D&MS, dtd 25.1.1979.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of change in the
constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the constitution
of the firm takes place, the current licence shall deemed to be valid for a maximum period
of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a
fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the
changed constitution.
5. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any change in
ownership of the vehicle specified in this licence within seven days of such change.
[See Rule 67-C]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] Homoeopathic medicines by
1. …………………………..is hereby licensed to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or
distribute by retail Homoeopathic medicines on the premises situated
at…………………….subject to the conditions specified below and to the provisions of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules made thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from…………………..to………………
3. Name of the competent person-in-charge.
Date…………………….. Licensing Authority
Conditions of Licence
1. The licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to
the public.
2. The licensee shall comply with the provisions applicable to homoeopathic
medicines under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules made thereunder
for the time being in force.
3. The licensee shall report to the Licensing Authority any change in the competent
staff within one month of such change.
4. This licence authorises the sale of Homoeopathic medicines made from one earlier
potency up to a quantity of 30ml at a time.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-35/64-D dtd 18.8.1964.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
3 Added under G.O.I.Notification No. F. 1-59/68-D, dtd 19.11.1969.
5. Where any change in the constitution of the firm takes place, a licensee shall inform the
Licensing Authority in writing about the same and the current licence shall be valid
only for a period of three months from the date on which the change takes place
unless, in the meantime, name of the form with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 67-C]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or distribute] Homoeopathic medicines by
1. …………………………….is hereby 3
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for
sale or distribute] by wholesale Homoeopathic medicines on the premises situated
at…………………………………….subject to the conditions specified below and to the
provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 1940 and the Rules made thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from…………………………..
Date…………………. Licensing Authority
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place on the premises.
2. The licence shall comply with the provisions as applicable to Homoeopathic
medicines under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules made thereunder
for the time being in force.
3. No sale of any drug shall be made to a person not holding the requisite licence to
sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute the drug. Provided that this condition
shall not apply to the sale of any drug to (a) an authority purchasing on behalf of
Government, or (b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institute or a
Homoeopathic medical practitioner for the purpose of supply to his patients.
4 The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence and the current
licence shall be valid only for a period of three months from the date on which the
change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the
Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 665, dtd 28-5-1977..
2Added under G.O. Notification No. F.1-35/64-D, dtd 18.8.1964.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
[See Rule 67-EE]
Certificate of renewal of 2
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or distribute]
Homoeopathic medicines.
1. Number of licence and date of issue……………………………….certified that
licence no………………….in Form 20-C / 20D granted on the …………….to………….for
sale of Homoeopathic medicines at the premises situated at…………..has been renewed for a
period from……..to………………….
2. Name of competent persons in-charge.
Date………………… Licensing Authority
[FORM 20-F
[See Rule 61(3)]
Licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by retail drugs specified in Schedule X
1. …….is hereby licensed to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by retail drugs
specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 on the premises situated at
2. Name of drugs
3. This licence shall be in force from ……………. to …………………
4. Name(s) of qualified person-in-charge.
5. the licence is subject to the conditions stated below and the provisions of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules, made thereunder.
Date: …………….
Licence No. ………..
Licensing Authrotity.
Conditions of the licence.
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to
the public.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-14/67-D dt 3.2.1969.
Subs, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
2. The licencee shall report to the licensing authority any change in the qualified staff
incharge within one month of such change.
3. No drug shall be stocked or sold unless such drug has been purchased under cash/credit
memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
4. The licensee shall inform the licensing authority in writing in the event of any change
in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless
in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the licensing authority in the name
of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 61(3)]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale, or distribute] by wholesale
drugs specified in Schedule X.
1. …….is hereby licensed to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by retail drugs
specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 on the premises situated at
2. Name of drugs
3. This licence shall be in force from ……………. to …………………
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and the provisions of the Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules, made thereunder.
Conditions of the licence.
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open to
the public.
2. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
and the rules made thereunder.
3. No drug shall be stocked or sold unless such drug has been purchased under a cash or
credit memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
4. The licensee shall forward to the licensing authority copies of the invoices of sales
made to the retail dealers.
5. No sale of any drug by wholesale shall be made to a person not possessing the requisite
licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute drugs specified in Schedule X :
Subs, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Provided that this condition shall not apply to the sale of any drug to –
(a) an officer or authority purchasing on behalf of Government;
(b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institution, nursing home, Registered
Medical Practitioner for the purpose of supply to its/his patients or manufacturer
holding a licence in Form 25-E or 28-B to manufacture the drugs containing drug
included in Schedule X.]
[The licensee shall inform the licensing authority in writing in the event of any change
in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence, where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless in
the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the licensing authority in the name of the
firm with the changed constitution.]
[See Rule 61 (2)]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale distribute] by retail drugs specified in
Schedules C and C (1) 2
[excluding those specified in Schedule X.]
1. …………………..is hereby 1
[licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale or
distribute] by retail the following categories of drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1)
[excluding those specified in Schedule X.] to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945*
and to
operate a pharmacy on the premises situated at……………..subject to the conditions specified
below and to the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from………….to………………
3. Name(s) of qualified persons in charge………………………….
4. Categories of drugs…………………………………………..
Date………………………… Licensing Authority
Licence No…………………………
*Delete if not applicable.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12-8-1972.
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open
to the public.
2. The licensee shall report to the Licensing Authority any change in the qualified
staff in charge within one month of such change.
3. [ * * * Omitted by G.O.I.Notification No. GSR 17(E) dt 7.1.1986.]
4. If the licensee wants to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute, during the
currency of the licence, additional categories of drugs listed in Schedules C and C
(1) 2
[excluding those specified in Schedule X.]but not included in this licence, he
should apply to the Licensing Authority for the necessary permission. This licence
will be deemed to extend to the categories of drugs in respect of which such
permission is given. This permission shall be endorsed on the licence by the
Licensing Authority.
5 No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under a cash or credit
memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
6. The licence shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place, unless in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 61 (2)]
Licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale distribute] by retail drugs specified in
[Schedules C (1)] 4
[* * *] dealers who do not engage the services of a qualified person.
1. …………………………..is hereby [licensed to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] by retail on the premises situated at /4
[* * *] …………………the following rugs
being drugs specified in 5
[Schedule C (1)] to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, subject to
the conditions specified below and to the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and
the Rules thereunder.
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-63/61-D dtd 17.7.1963.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
4Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996
5 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 487(E) dt 2.7.1984.
2. The licence will be in force from……………..to…………………..
3. Particulars of 1
[Schedule C (1)] drugs to be sold…………………….
4. [ * * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 504(E) dt 18.7.2002.]
Date…………………. Licensing Authority……
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent and conspicuous place in a part of the
premises open to public or shall be kept on the process of the vendor who shall
produce it on demand by an Inspector or an officer authorised by the State
Government in this behalf.
2. [ * * * Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 17(E) dt 7.1.1986.]
3. The licensee shall deal only in such drugs as can be sold without the supervision of
a “qualified person” as defined in the Explanation to sub -rule (15) of rule 65 of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
4. No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under cash or credit memo
from duly licensed manufacturer.
5. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 61 (2)]
[Licence to sell, stock or exhibitor offer for sale or distribute] by wholesale drugs specified in
Schedules C and C (1) 3
[excluding those specified in Schedule X].
1…………………….is hereby licensed to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute by
wholesale on the premises situated at……………..the following categories of drugs specified
in Schedule C and C (1) 3
[excluding those specified in Schedule X] to the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 487(E) dt 2.7.1984.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
Categories of drugs
2. This licence shall be in force from……………to…………………
[2-A. The sale shall be made under the person supervision of a competent person.
(Name of the competent person.)].
3. This lic ence is subject to the conditions stated below and to the provisions of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules thereunder.
Licence No……………
Date…………………. Licensing Authority……
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place in a part of the premises open
to the public.
2. [ * * * Deleted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 17(E) dt 7.1.1986.]
3. If the licensee wants to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute during the
currency of the licence additional categories of drugs listed in Schedule C and C (1)
[excluding those specified in Schedule X] but not included in this licence. He
should apply to the Licensing Authority for the necessary permission. This licence
will be deemed to extend to the categories of drugs in respect of which such
permission is given. This permission shall be endorsed on the licence by the
Licensing Authority.
4. (i) No drug shall be sold unless such drug is purchased under a cash or credit
memo from a duly licensed dealer or a duly licensed manufacturer.
(ii) No sale of any drug shall be made for purposes of resale to a person not holding
the requisite licence to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute the drug.
Provided that this condition shall not apply to the sale of any drug to—
(a) an officer or authority purchasing on behalf of Government, or
(b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institute or a registered medical
practitioner for the purpose of supply to his patients, or
(c) a manufacturer of hydrogenated vegetable oils, beverages, confectionary and other
non-medicinal products, where such drugs are required for processing these
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 681(E) dt 6.6.1988.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
3Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-63/61-D, dtd 17.7.1963.
4Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-113/69-D, dtd 23.12.1969.
5. The licence shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in
the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid
for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place
unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from Licensing Authority in the
name of the firm with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 62-D]
Licence to sell by wholesale or to distribute drugs specified in Schedule C and Schedules C (1)
to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 from a motor vehicle.
1 ……………………is hereby licensed to sell by wholesale, or to distribute drugs
specified in Schedule C and Schedule C (1) from the vehicle bearing registration no.
………………………..assigned under Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, subject to the conditions
specified below and to the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the Rules
made thereunder.
2. The licence shall be in force from …………….. to……………..
3. Categories of drugs………………………………………..
Date …………… Licence No. ……………………..
Licensing Authority
Conditions of licence
1. This licence shall be displayed in a prominent place on the vehicle.
2. No drugs to which this licence applies shall be sold by the Licensing Authority
from time to time in the Official Gazette have been observed throughout the period
during which it has been in the possession of the licensee.
3. If the licensee wants to sell by wholesale or distribute during the currency of the
licence, additional categories of drugs listed in Schedule C and C (1) not included
in this licence, he shall apply to the Licensing Authority for necessary permission.
This licence shall be deemed to extend to the categories of drugs in respect of
which such permission is given. This shall be endorsed on the licence by the
Licensing Authority.
4. (i) No drugs shall be sold by wholesale or distributed unless such drug is purchased
under a cash or credit memo from a duly licensed manufacturer.
(ii) No sale for wholesale or distribution of any drug shall be made for the purpose
of resale to a person, not holding the requisite licence to sell, stock or exhibit for
sale or distribute the drug:
Provided that this condition shall not apply to the sale of any drug to.—
(a) an officer or authority purchasing on behalf of the Government.
(b) a hospital, medical, educational or research institution or a registered medical
practitioner for the purpose of supply to his patients, or
(c) a manufactures of hydrogenated vegetable oils, beverages, confectionary and
other non-medical products, where such drugs are required for processing their
5. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the firm with the changed constitution.
6. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the ownership of the vehicle specified in this licence within seven days of
such change.
FORM 21 – C
[See Rule 63-A]
Certificate of renewal of 1
[licence to sell, stock or exhibit or offer for sale
or distribute] drugs
1. Certified that licence No……………….in 2
[Form 20, 20A, 20-B, 20-F, 20-G, 21,
21-A, 21-B], granted on the…………….to………….for sale of the following drugs at the
premises situated at……………has been renewed for a period from…………………to……….
2. Categories or particulars of drugs……………………………….
3. Name (s) of qualified person (s) in-charge……………………..
Date………………………. Licensing Authority
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
[See Rule 63-B]
Certificate of renewal of 1
[licence to sell, to stock or exhibit or offer for sale by wholesale or
distribute] drugs from a motor vehicle.
Number of licence and date of issue_________________________________
1. Certified that licence no. _________ in Form 20-BB or Form 21-BB granted on the
__________________________ to ________________________ for sale by wholesale or
distribution of the following drugs from the vehicle having registration No.
____________________________ assigned under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1939 has been
renewed for a period from _________________ to ____________________________
2. Categories of the drugs:
______________________ ________________________
______________________ ________________________
Date ___________________ Licensing Authority
[See Rule 69]
Application for the grant of or renewal of a 1
[ licence to manufacture for sale or for
distribution of] drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1).
1. I / We …………………………..of………………………… hereby apply for the
grant / renewal of a licence to manufacture on the premises situated at ……………….. the
following drugs being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) of the Drugs
and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
2. Names of drugs categorized according to Schedule M.
……………………………… .
3. Names, qualifications and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture
and testing.
4. A fee of rupees ………………………………. has been credited to Government
under the head of account……………………………………………..
Date……………………… Signature…………….
NOTE.—The application should be accompanied by a plan of the premises.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
[See Rule 69-A]
Application for grant or renewal of a loan 1
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution
of] drugs other than those specified in Schedule C and C (1).
1. I / We*…………………………………off …………………………..hereby apply
for the grant / renewal of a loan licence to manufac ture on the premises situated
at…………………………………………..C /o§ ………………………… the undermentioned drugs, other than those specifies in Schedule C and C (1) to the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules.
Names of drugs (each substance to be separately specified).
2. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert staff actually connected with
the manufacture and testing of the specified products in manufacturing premises.
4. I / We enclose
(a) A true copy of a letter from me / us to the manufacturing concern whose
manufacturing capacity is intended to be utilized by me / us.
(b) A true copy of a letter from the manufacturing concern that they agree to lend the
services of their expert staff, equipment and premises for manufacture of each item
required by me / us and that they will analyze every batch of finished product and
maintain the registers of raw materials, finished products and reports of analysis
separatly in this behalf.
(c) Specimens of labels, cartons of the products proposed to be manufactured.
4, A fee of rupees ……………………………………….has been credited to
Government under the head of account ……………………………………
Date …………………………. Signature…………………….
* Enter here the name of the proprietor, partners of Managing Director as the case may be.
f .Enter here the name of the applicant form and the address of the principal place of business.
§ Enter here the name and address of the manufacturing concern where the manufacture will be actually
carried out and also the Licence number under which the latter operates.
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
[See Rule 69]
Application for grant or renewal of licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs, being
drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) 1
[excluding those specified in
Schedule X]
1. I / We ………………………..of ……………………………..hereby apply for grant
/ renewal of a licence to repack the following drugs at the premises situated
2. Names of the drugs to be repacked……………………………………..
3. Name, qualification and experience of competent staff……………………
4. A fee of rupees forty has been credited to Government under the head of
Date………………………….. Signature of applicant…………
NOTE :—The applications shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises.
[See Rule 85-B]
Application for the grant or renewal of a2
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution
of]Homoeopathic medicines or a licence to manufacture potentised preparations from back
potencies by licensees holding licence in Form 20-C
[1. I / We ………………………….. of ……………………….. holder of licence
no……………………………………in Form 20-C hereby apply for the grant / renewal of
licence to manufacture the under mentioned Homoeopathic mother tinctures / potentised
preparations on the premises situated at…………………….
Name of the Homoeopathic preparations………………………. (Each item to be
separately specified)].
2. Names, qualifications and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture
and testing of Homoeopathic medicines.
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-598-D, dtd 19.11.1969
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 13(E) dt 7.1.1983.
3. A fee of rupees……………………….has been credited to Government under head
of account…………………………………………………………………………
Date………………………. Signature…………………..
NOTE 1. Delete whichever portion is not applicable.
2. The application should be accompanied by a plan of the premises.
[See Rule 153]
Application for the grant / renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic / Siddha
or Unani drugs
1. I / We ……………………….. of ………………………………..hereby apply for the
grant / renewal of a licence to manufacture Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs on
the premises situated at…………………………………….
2. Names of drugs to be manufactured (with details)
3. Names, qualification and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture and
testing of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs ………………………………..
4. A fee of rupees………………..has been credited to the Government under the head
of account……………………….and the relevant Treasury Challan is enclosed herewith.
Date…………………………… Signature………………………..
NOTE—The application should be accompanied by a Plan of the premises.
[See Rule 154-A]
Application for grant or renewal of a loan licence to manufacture or sale Ayurvedic (including
Siddha) or Unani Drugs
1. I / We*……………………………………………..of**……………………hereby
apply for the grant / renewal of a loan licence to manufacture Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or
Unani Drugs…………………………………..on the premises situated
C/o ***………………………………………………..
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.1-23/67-D dt 2.2.1970.
2 Added by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 376 (E) dtd 20.7.1978.
2. Names of drugs to be manufactured (with details).
3. The names, qualifications and experience of technical staff actually connected with
the manufacture and testing of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs in the
manufacturing premises.
4. I / We enclose,
a) A true copy of a letter from me / us to the manufacture concern whose
manufacturing capacity is intended to be utilized by me / us.
b) A true copy of a letter from the manufacturing concern that they agree to
lend the services of their competent technical staff, equipment and premises
for the manufacture of each item required by me / us and that they shall
maintain the registers of raw materials and finished products separatly in
this behalf.
c) Specimen of labels, cartons of the drugs proposed to be manufactured.
4. A fee of Rs…………………………………..has been credited to Government under
the head of account……………………….and the relevant Treasury Challan is enclosed
Date………………… Signature………………]
* Enter here the name of the proprietor, partners or Managing Director as the case may be.
** . Enter here the name of the applicant firm and the address of the principal place of
*** Enter here the name and address of the manufacturing concern where the manufacture will
be actually carried out and also the licence number under which the letter operates.
[FORM 24-F
[See Rule 69]
Application for grant or renewal of a 2
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of]
drugs specified in Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(1).
1. I/We……………………. of …………………….. hereby apply for the grant/renewal
of licence to manufacture on premises situated at …………………the undermentioned drugs,
specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
2. Name of drugs.
3. Names, qualifications and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture and
4. A fee of rupees………….. has been credited to Government account under the head of
Date: …….. Designation ………..]
FORM -25
[See Rule 70]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs other than those specified in
Schedules C and C(1).
Number of Licence and date of issue…………………………………………
1…………………………………………….is hereby to manufacture the following
categories of drugs being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) to the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, on the premises situated
at………………………………………………………………under the direction and
supervision of the following 2
[competent technical staff]
a) 2
[competent technical staff]
b) Names of Drug (each item to be separately specified)…………………………
2. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale by
the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence, subject to the conditions applicable to
licence for sale.
3. The licence shall be in force from…………………………..to……………
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 5(E) dt 6.1.1997.
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act,
Date………………………… Signature………………………
[*Licensing Authority
*Central Licence Appoving Authority.]
*Delete whichever is not applicable.
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. If the licensee wants to manufacture for sale additional items of drugs not included
above he should apply to the Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement as
provided in Rule 69 (5). This licence will be deemed to extend to the categories so
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with th e changed constitution.
[See Rule 70-A]
Loan 2
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs other than those specified
in Schedules C and C (1)
1. Number of licence and date of issue………………………………………
2. ……………………………….of……………………..is hereby granted a loan
licence to manufacture the following drugs other than those specified in Schedules
C and C (1) to the
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, on the premises situated
at………………………………C/o……………………………………under the direction and
supervision of the following 1
[competent technical staff]
a) 1
[competent technical staff]
b) Name of drugs……………………………
3. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale by
the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence subject to the conditions applicable to
licences for sale.
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act,
Date…………………… Signature……………………
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. If the licensee wants to undertake during the currency of the licence the
manufacture for sale additional drugs he should apply to the Licensing Authority
for the necessary endorsement to the licence as provided in Rule 69-A. This licence
will be deemed to extend to the drugs so endorsed.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
[See Rule 70]
Licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs being drugs other than those specified in
Schedules C and C (1) 2
[excluding those specified in Schedule X]
Number of licence and date of issue……………………………………….
1……………………………of……………………….is hereby granted a licence to
repack the following drugs for sale or distribution on the premises situated
at…………………….under the supervision of the following competent staff.
a) Names of drugs to be repacked.
b) Names of competent staff.
2. The licence shall be in force from……………………..to…………………
3. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing by the licensee and
storage for sale by the licensee of the drugs repacked under the licence subject to conditions
applicable to licences for sale.
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date……………………….. Signature……………………..
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. If the licensee wants to repack for sale or distribution additional items he should
apply to the Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement to this licence.
This licence will be deemed to extend to only those items so endorsed.
Added under G.O.I.Notification No. F. 1-22/59-D, dtd 9-4-1960.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
4. The drugs repacked under this licence shall bear on their label, apart from other
particulars required by these Rules, the name and address of the licensee and the
number of the licence under which the drug is repacked proceeded by the words
“Rpg. Lic. No.”.
5. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 85-D]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] Homoeopathic medicines
Number of Licence and date of issue…………………………………….
[1,…………………………………who holds a licence in Form 20-C is hereby
licensed to manufacture Homoeopathic mother tinctures / potentised and other preparations on
the premises situated at…………………………….under the direction and supervision of the
following technical staff :
Name of the Homoeopathic preparations (Each item to be separately specified).
Names of the Technical Staff …………………………]
2. The licence shall be in force from…………………………….to……………
3. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date……………………….. Signature………………………
Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-36/64-D, dated 18th August 1964.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 13(E) dt 7.1.1983.
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 154]
Licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs
No. of Licence…………………………..
1……………………………is / are hereby licensed to manufacture the following
Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs on the premises situated
at……………………………………………………………….under the direction and
supervision of the following technical staff: —
a) Technical staff (Name)
b) Names of drugs (each item to be separatly specified).
2. The licence shall be in force from…………………………..to……………
1 Added by G.O.I. Notification No.S.O. 903 dtd 28-2-1976.
2 Added under G.O.I. Notification No. 1-23/67-D, dtd 2-2-1970
3. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date……………………………… Signature………………
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. This licence shall be deemed to extend to such additional items as the licensee may
intimate to the Licensing Authority from time to time, and as may be endorsed by
the Licensing Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 154-A]
Loan Licence to manufacture for sale Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani Drugs
1. Number of Licence………………………………….
2…………………………………..of……………………………is hereby granted a
loan licence to manufacture for sale Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs, on the
premises situated at…………………………………C/o…………………………………under
the direction and supervision of the following expert technical staff.
a) Technical staff
b) Names of drugs (each item to be separately specified)
Added by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376 (E), dtd 20.7.1978
3. The licence shall be in force from………………….to………………………
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date of Issue……………………………….
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. This licence shall be deemed to extend to such additional items as the licensee may
intimate to the Licensing Authority from time to time, and as may be endorsed by
the Licensing Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any
change in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be
deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from
the Licensing Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
[FORM 25-F
[See Rule 70]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs specified in
Schedule X and not specified in Schedules C and C(I).
1. ………………………….. of ……………. is hereby licensed to manufacture at
the premises situated at …………… the following drugs specified in Schedule
X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
2. Name of drugs.
3. Names of approved 1
[competent technical staff]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
4. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale
by the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence subject to the
onditions applicable to licence for sale.
5. The licence shall be in force ……….. to ……………………..
6. The licence is subject to conditions stated below and to other conditions as may
be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Date of issue …………. Signature …………………..
Licence No. …………… Designation………………..
[*Licensing Authority
*Central Licence Approving Authority.
Conditions of Licence
1. The licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the licensed
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. If the licensee wishes to undertake during the currency of the licence the
manufacture of any drug specified in Schedule X not included above, he should apply to the
Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement of this licence. This licence shall be
deemed to extend to only those items so endorsed.
3. Any change in the 1
[competent technical staff] shall be forthwith reported to the
Licensing Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless, in the
meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority in the name of the form
with the changed constitution.
5. The licensee shall furnish to the Licensing Authority copies of the invoices of
sales made to dealers.
6. The licensee shall not manufacture drugs covered by this licence for use as
‘Physician’s Samples’.]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.2.1992.
[FORM 26
[See Rules 73 and 83]
Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of drugs other than those specified in
Schedule X
1. Certified that licence no……………………………………………granted on
the…………..to………………for the manufacture of the following categories of drugs being
*drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) and X
*drugs covered by Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X
to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, at the premises situated at …………….
……………………….has been renewed from………………to ……………
2. Name (s) of 2
[competent technical staff]………………..
[3 Name of the drugs (each item to be separately specified) …………..]
Date ……… Designation……………
*Delete whatever portion is not required.
[See Rules 73-A and 83-A]
Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture for sale of drugs other than those
specified in Schedule X
1. Certified that loan licence No………………………………………..granted on
the……………………………..to……………………………for the manufacture of the under
mentioned drugs being
*drugs other than those than drugs in Schedule C, C (1) and X
drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) excluding those specified in Schedule X.
to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, at the premises situated
at…………………..C/o……………….has been renewed from………………..to……………
2. Names of the drugs (each substance to be separately specified).
1 Subs.by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 370(E) dt 7.4.1994.
3. Name of the 1
[competent technical staff]
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
[See Rule 73-B]
Certificate of renewal of licence to repack for sale or distribution of drugs
being drugs other than those specified in Schedules C and C (1) 3
[excluding those specified in
Schedule X]
1. Certified that licence No…………………………granted on
the………………to……………………….for the repacking of the following drugs at the
premises situated at………………………….has been renewed from…………….
Names of drugs to be repacked……………………………….
2. Names of competent staff…………………………
Date : …… Signature …………….
Designation ………………
[*Licensing Authority.
* Central Licence Approving Authority.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
[See Rule 85-G]
Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Homoeopathic medicines
1. Certified that licence No………………..granted on the ………….to……………for
the manufacture for sale of the Homoeopathic mother tinctures / potentised preparation at the
premises situated at……………………..has been renewed for a period from
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996
2Added under G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-22/59-D, dtd 9.4.1964
Subs.by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.2.1992.
2. Name of the technical staff……………………………………..
[3. Names of the drugs (each item to be separately specified) …………]
[See Rule 155]
Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic / Siddha or Unani drugs
1. Certified that licence No…………………………….granted on
the…………………………………………to Shri/ Messers…………………………..for the
manufacture of Ayurvedic/Siddha/Unani drugs at the premises situated at………………..has
been renewed from………………………….to………………………….
2. Name of technical staff………………………………………….
3. Names of drugs (each item to be separately specified).]
[See Rule 155-A]
Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture for sale of
Ayurvedic / Siddha or Unani Drugs
1. Certified that Loan Licence No…………………..granted on
the………………………………………to…………………………….for the manufacture of
Ayurvedic / Siddha or Unani drugs at the premises situated
at……………………………………………….C/o………………………..has been renewed
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 370(E) dt 7.4.1994.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 1-23/67-D, dtd 2-2-1970.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 376 (E), dtd 20.7.1978
2. Name of technical staff……………………………………………….
[FORM 26-E-1
(See Rule 157 155-B)
(Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to manufacture of
Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani drugs):
Certified that manufacturing unit licensee, namely ……………situated at …………
State ………….. Licence No. ……………… comply with the requirements of Good
Manufacturing Practices of Ayurveda-Siddha-Unani drugs as laid down in Schedule T of the
Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945.
This certificate is valid for a period of three years.
Dated :….. Signature ………….
Place : …. Designation ………..
Licensing Authority for Ayurveda/
Siddha/ Unani Drugs.]
[FORM 26-F
[See Rules 73 and 83]
Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of
drugs specified in Schedule X
1. Certified that licence No. ……………….. granted on the ……….. to ……….
For the manufacture of drugs specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945, at the premises situated at ………………… has been
renewed from ………… to ………….
2. Names of drugs (each substance to be separately specified).
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR561(E) dt 23.6.2000 and subs. By G.O.I.Notification No.G.S.R.198(E)
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
3. Names of the 1
[competent technical staff].
Signature …………….
Designation ………………
[*Licensing Authority.
* Central Licence Approving Authority.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Date of issue ………………………..
[FORM 26-G
[See Rule 122-F]
Certificate of renewal of licence to operate f Blood Bank for processing of whole human blood
and/or* for preparation for sale or distribution of its components.
1. Certified that Licence No………….. granted on ……………… to M/s.
……………… for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of whole human blood and/or
for preparation of its components at the premises situated…………………….. is hereby
renewed with effect from …………….. to ……………..
2. Name(s) of items :
3. Name(s) of competent Technical Staff:
Date ……….. Signature ………………
Name and Designation ………
Licensing Authority.
Central Licence Approving Authority.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.]
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 244(E) dt 5.4.1999.
[FORM 26-H
[See Rules 68-A, 76, 78]
Certificate of renewal of licence to manufacture for sale of Large Volume
Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines specified in Schedules C and C(I)
excluding those specified in Schedule X.
1. Certified that Licence No. …………. granted on the ………… to……… for
the manufacture of following Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines at the premises
situated at …………….has been renewed from …………… to …………….
2. Name(s) of drug(s) ………………………(each item to be separately specified).
3. Name(s) of competent technical staff:
(a) responsible for manufacturing (b) responsible for testing
a) 1.
b) 2.
c) 3.
d) 4.
Signature ………………
Designation ………………….
Licensing Authority
Central Licence Approving Authority
Date ……………………..]
[FORM 26-I
[See Rules 122-I]
Certificate of renewal of licence for manufacture of blood products.
1. Certified that Licence No. …………. granted on the ………… to……… for
the manufacture of blood products at the premises situated at …………….has been renewed
from …………… to …………….
2. Name(s) of item (s).
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
3.Name(s) of competent technical staff:
(a) responsible for manufacturing (b) responsible for testing
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Signature ………………
Designation ………………….
Licensing Authority
Central Licence Approving Authority
Date ……………………..]
FORM -27
Application for grant or renewal of a 1
[licence to manufacture for sale or for
distribution of] drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) 2
[excluding those
specified in Schedule X]
1. I / We ……………………………………hereby apply for the grant / renewal of a
licence to manufacture on the premises situated at…………………………..the under
mentioned drugs, being drugs specified in Schedule C and C (1) 2
[excluding those specified in
Schedule X] to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Names of drugs
(each item to be separately specified).
2. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert staff responsible for the
manufacture and testing of the above mentioned drugs.
a) Name (s) of staff responsible for test………………………
b) Name (s) of staff responsible for manufacture……………….
3. The premises and plan are ready for inspection
will be ready for inspection on
4. A fee of rupees ……………………. ……………and an inspection fee of rupees
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
has been credited to Government under the head of account.
Date…………………………. Signature…………………
[See Rule 75-A]
Application for grant or renewal of a loan 1
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution
of] drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1)
1. I / We*……………………….of**………………………………..hereby apply for
the grant / renewal of Loan Licence to manufacture on the premises situated
at……………………………………………C/o***…………………………………… the
undermentioned drugs, being drugs specified in Schedules C and C (1) to the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules.
Names of drugs (each substance to be separately specified).
2. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert staff actually connected with
the manufacture and testing of the specified products in the manufacturing premises.
a) Name (s) of expert staff responsible for manufacture……………….
b) Name (s) of the expert staff responsible for testing…………………….
3. I /We enclose
(a) A true copy of a letter from me / us to manufacturing concern whose
manufacturing capacity is intended to be utilized by me / us.
(b) A true copy of a letter from the manufacturing concern that they agree to
lend the services of their competent technical staff, equipment and premises
for the manufacture of each item required by me / us and that they shall
maintain the registers of raw materials, finished products and reports of
analysis separately on this behalf.
(c) Specimens of labels, cartons of the drugs proposed to be manufactured.
* Enter here name of the proprietor, partners or Managing Director, as the case may be.
** Enter here name of the applicant firm and the address of the principal place of business.
*** Enter here the name and address of the manufacturing concern where the manufacture will
be actually carried out and also the licence number under which the latter operates.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
4. A fee of Rs…………………………………..has been credited to Government under
the head of account………………………………………………..
Date………………………… Signature………………..
[FORM 27-B
Application for grant or renewal of a 2
[licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of]
drugs specified in Schedule C, C(I) and X
1. I/We ………………. of ………………..hereby apply for the grant/renewal of a licence
to manufacture on the premises situated at …………………….the under-mentioned drugs,
specified in Schedule C, C(I) and X to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
2. Name of drugs.
3. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert staff responsible for the
manufacture and testing of the above-mentioned drugs:
(a) Name(s) of staff responsible for testing
(b) Name(s) of staff responsible for manufacture.
4. The premises and plant* are ready for inspection/will be ready for inspection on ………
5. A fee of rupees ……………………………….and an inspection fee of rupees…….has
been credited to the Government under the head of account………………….
Date ………….. Signature …………..
The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises.]
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
[FORM 27-C
[See Rule 122-F]
Application for grant/renewal* of licence for the operation of a Blood Bank for processing of
whole blood and/or* preparation of Blood Components.
1. I/We…………………….of M/s………………………………….hereby apply for the
grant of licence/renewal of licence number………..dated………..to operate a Blood Bank, for
processing of whole blood and/or* for preparation of its components on the premises situated
2. Name(s) of the item(s)
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
3. The name(s), qualification and experience of competent Technical Staff are as under:
(a) Name(s) of Medical Officer,
(b) Name(s) of Technical Supervisor
(c) Name(s) of Registered Nurse.
(d) Name(s) of Blood Bank Technician.
4. The premises and plant are ready for inspection/will be ready for inspection on……..
5. A licence fee of rupees ……………….and an inspection fee of rupees…………..has
been credited to the Government under the Head of Account………………(receipt enclosed).
Dated………… Name and Designation………….
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Note :
1. The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises, list of machinery and
equipment for collection, processing, storage and testing of whole blood and its
components, memorandum of association/constitution of the firm, copies of
certificate relating to educational qualifications and experience of the competent
technical staff and documents relating to ownership or tenancy of the premises.
2. A copy of the application together with the relevant enclosures shall also be sent to
the Central Licence Approving Authority and to the Zonal/Sub-Zonal Officers
concerned of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization].
[FORM 27-D
[See Rule 75]
Application for grant or renewal of a licence to manufacture for sale or for
distribution of Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines excluding those
specified in Schedule X.
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
1. I/We………………………of……………………..hereby apply for grant/renewal of a
licence to manufacture for sale or distribution on the premises situated at………………….the
under-mentioned Large Volume Parenteral/Sera and Vaccines, specified in Schedules C and
C(1) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
2. Name(s) of drug(s)……………………………(each item to be separately specified).
3. The name(s), qualification and experience of the competent technical staff responsible
for the manufacture of the above mentioned drugs.
(a) Name(s) of staff responsible for testing……………………
(c) Name(s) of staff responsible for manufacturing………………..
4. The premises and plant are ready for inspection/will be ready for inspection on………
5. A fee of rupees………………………and an inspection fee of rupees……….has been
credited to the Government under the Head of Account……………….
Date: ……….. Signature……………………..
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Note :
1. The application is to be accompanied by a plan of the premises, list of machinery and
equipment to be employed for manufacture and testing, memorandum of
association/constitution of the firm, copies of certificate relating to educational
qualifications and experience of the competent technical staff and documents relating
to ownership or tenancy of the premises.
2. A copy of the application together with the relevant enclosures shall also be sent
each to the Central Licence Approving Authority and concerned Zonal/Sub-Zonal
Officers of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization].
[FORM 27-E
[See Rule 122-F]
Application for grant/renewal* of licence to manufacture blood products
for sale or distribution..
1. I/We…………………….of M/s………………………………….hereby apply for the
grant of licence/renewal of licence number………..dated………..to manufacture Blood
products on the premises situated at ………………………
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 245(E) dt 5.4.1994.
2. Name(s) of the item(s)
3. The name(s), qualification and experience of competent Technical Staff are as under:
(a) responsible for manufacturing (b) responsible for testing
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. The premises and plant are ready for inspection/will be ready for inspection on……..
5. A licence fee of rupees ……………….and an inspection fee of rupees…………..has
been credited to the Government under the Head of Account………………(receipt enclosed)
Dated………… Name and Designation………….
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Note :
1. The application shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises, list of machinery and
equipment for manufacture of blood products, memorandum of
association/constitution of the firm, copies of certificate relating to educational
qualifications and experience of the competent technical staff and documents relating
to ownership or tenancy of the said premises.
2. A copy of the application together with the relevant enclo sures shall also be sent to
the Central Licence Approving Authority and to the Zonal/Sub-Zonal Officers
concerned of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization].
[See Rule 76]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs specified
in Schedules C and C (1)
Number of Licence and date of issue………………………………….
1…………………………………….is hereby licensed to manufacture at the premises
situated at the…………………………………………………..the following drugs, being drugs
specified in Schedules C and C (1) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
Names of drugs……………………………………………
2. Names of approved 1
[competent technical staff]……………….
3. The licence authorises the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale by
the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence subject to the conditions applicable to
licences for sale.
4. The licence will be in force from………………………….to………………
5. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date of Issue……………………………. Signature………………..
Designation ………………
[*Licensing Authority.
* Central Licence Approving Authority.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Conditions of Licence
1 This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. If the licensee wants to undertake during the currency of the licence the manufacture for
any drug specified in Schedules C and C (1) not in cluded above, he should apply to the
Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement to the licence as provided in Rule 75
(3). This licence will be deemed to extend to the items so endorsed.
3. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to the
Licensing Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any change in
the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless,
in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority in the name
of the form with the changed constitution.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.12.1992.
[See Rule 76-A]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs specified in Schedules C
and C (1)
1. Number of licence and date of issue…………………………………….
2………………………………………..of…………………………is hereby granted a
loan licence to manufacture on the premises situated
at…………………….C/o………………………the following drugs being drugs specified in
Schedules C and C (1) to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Names of Drugs…………………………………
3. Names of 2
[competent technical staff.]………………………………
3 A The licence shall be in force from…………………………to……………
4. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing by the licensee and
storage for sale by the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence subject to the
conditions applicable to licence for sale.
5. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Date of Issue…………………………. Signature……………….
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. If the licensee wishes to undertake during the currency of the licence the manufacture
for any drug specified in Schedules C and C (1) not included above, he should apply to
the Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement to the licence as provided in
Rule 75 (3). This licence will be deemed to extend to the items so endorsed.
3. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to the
Licensing Authority.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-10/62-D, dtd 11.4.1964
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any change
in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless,
in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority in the
name of the form with the changed constitution.
[FORM 28-B
[See Rule 76]
[Licence to manufacture for sale or for distribution of] drugs
specified in Schedules C, CI and X.
No. of Licence…………………
1. ……………………….……………. is hereby licensed to manufacture at the
premises situated at …………… the following drugs specified in Schedule C, CI and X to the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Name of drugs.
2. Names of 3
[competent technical staff]
3. The licence authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale
by the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence subject to the onditions applicable
to licence for sale.
4. The licence shall be in force ……….. to ……………………..
5. The licence is subject to conditions stated below and to other conditions as may
be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Date of issue …………. Signature …………………..
Licence No. …………… Designation………………..
[*Licensing Authority
*Central Licence Approving Authority.
Conditions of Licence
1. The licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E) dt 14.2.1992.
2. If the licensee wishes to undertake during the currency of the licence the
manufacture of any drug specified in Schedule X not included above, he should apply to the
Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement as provide in Rule 75(4). This licence will
be deemed to be applicable to the items so endorsed.
3. Any change in the 1
[competent technical staff] shall be forthwith reported to the
Licensing Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for a
maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes place unless, in the
meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority in the name of the form
with the changed constitution.
5. The licensee shall furnish to the Licensing Authority copies of the invoices of
sales made to dealers.
6. The licensee shall not manufacture drugs covered by this licence for use as
‘Physician’s Samples’.]
[FORM 28-C
[See Rule 122-G]
Licence to operate a Blood Bank for collection, storage and processing of whole human blood
and/or* its components for sale or distribution
1.Number of licence………………..date of issue……………………at the premises situated
2. M/s…………………………..is hereby licensed to collect, store, process and distribute
while blood and/or its components.
3. Name(s) of the item(s) :
4. Name(s) of the competent Technical Staff :
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 923(E)dt 14.12.1992
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification GSR 245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
5. The licence authorises licensee to collect, store, distribute and processing of whole
blood and/or blood components subject to the conditions applicable to this licence.
6. The licence shall be in force from…………….to………………
7. The licence shall be subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions
as may be specified from time to time in the Rules made under Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Dated :……… Signature……………….
Name and Designation…………
Licensing Authority
Central Licence Approving Authority
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
Conditions of Licence
1. The licensee shall neither collect blood from any professional donor or paid
donor nor shall be prepare blood components from the blood collected from
such donor.
2. The licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be displayed on the
approved premises and the original shall be produced at the request of an
Inspector appointed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
3. any cnange in the technical staff shall be forthwith reported to the Licensing
Authority and/or Central Licence Approving Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority and/or Central Licence
approving Authority in writing in the event of any change in the constitution of
the firm operating under the licence, where any change in the constitution of the
firm takes places, the current licence shall be deemed to be valid for maximum
period of three months from the date on which the change has been taken place
unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing
Authority and/or Central Licence approving Authority in the name of the firm
with the changed constitution.]
[FORM 28-D
[See Rules 76]
Licence to manufacture for sale of Large Volume
Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines specified in Schedules C and C(I)
excluding those specified in Schedule X.
Number of licence………………………and date of issue…………………
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 119(E) dt 11.3.1996.
1. …………………is hereby licensed to manufacture at the premises situated
at…………………..the following Large Volume Parenterals/Sera and Vaccines specified in
Schedules C and C(1) excluding those specified in Schedule X to the Drugs and Cosmetics
Rules, 1945.
2. Name(s) of drug(s) ………………………(each item to be separately specified).
3. Name(s) of competent technical staff:
(a) responsible for manufacturing (b) responsible for testing
1. 1.
2 2
3 3
4. The license authorizes the sale by way of wholesale dealing and storage for sale
by the licensee of the drugs manufactured under the licence, subject o the conditions applicable
to licence for sale.
5. The licence shall be in force from………………………….to……………..
6. The licence shall be subject to the conditions stated below and to such other
conditions as shall be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Signature ………………
Designation ………………….
Licensing Authority
Central Licence Approving Authority
Date ……………………..]
Conditions of Licence
1. The licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under
the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. If the licensee wishes to undertake during the currency of the licence the
manufacture of any drug specified in Schedule X not included above, he should
apply to the Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement as provided in
Rule 75(4). This licence will be deemed to be applicable to the items so
3. Any change in the competent technical staff shall be forthwith reported to the
Licensing Authority.
(c) The licensee shall inform the licensing authority and/or Central Licence
Approving Authority in writing in the event of any change in the
constitution of the firm operating under the licence, where any change in the
constitution of the firm takes place, the current licnece shall be deemed to
be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the
change takes place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been applied
for along with prescribed fee and necessary documents to the Licensing
Authority and/or Central Licence Approving Authority in the name of the
firm with the changed constitution.]
[FORM 28-E
[See Rule 122-G]
Licence to manufacture and store blood products for sale or distribtion.
1.Number of licence………………..date of issue……………………at the premises situated
2. M/s…………………………..is hereby licensed to manufacture, store, sell or distribute
the following blood products:-
3. Name(s) of the item(s) :
4. Name(s) of the competent Technical Staff :
a) responsib le for manufacturing b) responsible for testing
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
5. The licence authorises licensee to manufacture, sore, sell or distribute the blood
products, subject to conditions applicable to this licence.
6. The licence shall be in force from…………….to………………
7. The licence shall be subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions
as may be specified from time to time in the Rules made under Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
Dated :……… Signature……………….
Name and Designation…………
Licensing Authority
Central Licence Approving Authority
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
1Ins. by G.O.I. Notification GSR 245(E) dt 5.4.1999.
Conditions of Licence
1. The licensee shall not manufacture blood products from the blood drawn from
any professional donor or paid donor.
2. The licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be displayed on the
approved premises and the original shall be produced at the request of an
Inspector appointed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
3. Any cnange in the technical staff shall be forthwith reported to the Licensing
Authority and/or Central Licence Approving Authority.
4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority and/or Central Licence
approving Authority in writing in any change in the constitution of the firm
operating under the licence. In the event of any change in the constitution of
the firm, the licence shall be deemed to be valid for maximum period of three
months from the date on which the change takes place unless, in the meantime,
a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing Authority and/or Central
Licence approving Authority in the name of the firm with the changed
[See Rule 89]
Licence to manufacture drugs for purposes of examination, test or analysis
1.……………………………….of………………………..is hereby licensed to
manufacture the drugs specified below for purposes of examination, test or analysis
2. This licence is subject to the conditions prescribed in Part VII of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
3. This licence shall be in force from one year from date specified below.
Names of drugs
Date………………………………. Licensing Authority……..
[See Rule 90]
Application for licence to manufacture drugs for purposes of examination, test or analysis
I……………………………………………of……………………by occupation………….
………………hereby apply for licence to manufacture the drugs specified below for purposes
of examination test or analysis at……………………………… and I undertake to comply with
the conditions applicable to the licence.
Names of Drugs
Date…………………………. Signature……………………….
[See Rule 139]
Application for grant or renewal of a1
[licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale for
1. I / We …………………………of……………….hereby apply for grant / renewal of
a licence to manufacture on the premises situated at…………………………..the following
2. Name of Cosmetics……………………………………………..
3. Names, qualifications and experience of technical staff employed for manufacture
and testing……………………………………..
4. A fee of rupees ………………………….has been credited to Government under
head of account………………………………………………
Date……………………….. Signature…………………….
Note:—The application should be accompanied by plan of the premises.
[FORM 31-A
[See Rule 138-A]
Application for grant or renewal of loan1
[ licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for
1. I / We ……………………………..of…………………..hereby apply for grant /
renewal of a loan licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale on the premises situated
at…………………………………….C/o……………………………………….…….the following
2. Names of Cosmetics……………………………………….
3. The names, qualifications and experience of the expert shall actually connected with
the manufacture and testing of the specified products in the manufacturing premises.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788(E) dt 10.10.1985.
2 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 444 dtd 28-4-1973.
4. I /We enclose
a) A true copy of a letter from me / us to the manufacture concern whose
manufacturing capacity is intended to be utilized by me / us.
b) A true copy of a letter from the 2manufacturing concern that they agree to lend
the services of their competent technical staff, equipment and premises for the
manufacture of each item required by me / us and that they shall maintain the
registers of raw materials and finished products separately in this behalf.
c) Specimen of labels, cartons of the drugs proposed to be manufactured.
5. A fee of Rs…………………………………..has been credited to Government under
the head of account………………………………………………..
Date………………………… Signature………………………
[See Rule 140]
[Licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution]
Number of Licence and date of issue…………………………….
1…………………..is hereby licensed to manufacture on the premises situated
at……………………..the following cosmetics under the supervision of the following technical
a) Names of cosmetics.
b) Names of technical staff
2. Enter here the name and address of the manufacturing concern where the
manufacture will be actually carried out and also their licence number.
2. The licence shall be in force from…………………………….to…………………….
3. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
may be specified in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Date………………………….. Signature……………….
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788 (E) 10.10.1985.
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the expert staff named in the licence shall be forthwith reported to
the Licensing Authority.
3. If the licensee wants to manufacture for sale of additional items he should apply to
the Licensing Authority for necessary endorsement to the licence as provided in
rule 138 (3). This licence shall be deemed to extend to the cosmetics so endorsed.
4.The licensee shall inform the Licensing Authority in writing in the event of any
change in the constitution of the firm operating under the licence. Where any change
in the constitution of the firm takes place, the current licence shall be deemed to be
valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which the change takes
place unless, in the meantime, a fresh licence has been taken from the Licensing
Authority in the name of the form with the changed constitution.
[See Rule 139-B]
Loan 3
[Licence to manufacture cosmetics for sale or for distribution]
1. Number of Licence and date of issue
2………………………………..of……………………………..is hereby granted a loan
licence to manufacture the following cosmetics on the premises situated
at…………………….C/o……………………………………under the direction and personal
supervision of the following technical staff: –
a) Names of technical staff.
b) Names of cosmetics.
3. The licence shall remain in force from…………………to…………..
4. The licence is subject to the conditions stated below and to such other conditions as
are specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Date……………………… Signature……………
_____________________________________________________________________ 1.
Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 903 dtd 28-2-1976.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 444 dtd 28-4-1973.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 788 (E) 10.10.1985.
Conditions of Licence
1. This licence and any certificate of renewal in force shall be kept on the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of an Inspector appointed under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
2. Any change in the technical staff shall be forthwith reported to the Licensing
3. If the licensee wants to manufacture for sale additional items he should apply to the
Licensing Authority for the necessary endorsement to the licence as provided in
rule 138-A (5). This licence shall be deemed to extend to the cosmetics so
[See Rule 141]
Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture Cosmetics for sale
1. Certified that licence no………………granted on the
…………………………to…………………for the manufacture for sale of the following
cosmetics at the premises situated at………………has been renewed
from…………………..and shall expire on…………………………..
1. Names of cosmetics
2. Names of technical staff
Date………………………… Signature……………………..
[See Rule 141-A]
Certificate of renewal of loan licence to manufacture Cosmetic for sale
1. Certified that loan licence No………………granted on the
………………to…………………………for the manufacture for sale of the following
cosmetics at the premises situated at C/o…………………………………has been renewed
1. Names of cosmetics.
2. Names of technical staff.
Date………………………… Signature…………………..
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 444 dtd 28-4-1973.
[See Rules 131 and 150]
Certificate of test or analysis of cosmetic by the Central Drugs Laboratory or
the Government Analyst
1. Name of the officer or Inspector from whom received……………………..
2. Serial number and date of the Officer’s / Inspector’s
3. Number of sample……………………………..
4. Date of receipt………………………………..
5. Name of the Cosmetic purporting to be contained in the
6. Condition of seals on the 1
[packet or on portion of sample or container]
7. Results of test or analysis:–
The sample of cosmetics—
(a) contains a prescribed colour only
does not contain a prescribed colour.
(b) does not contain harmful ingredients
contains harmful ingredients
(c) conforms to claims made on the label as
to the nature and quality of the cosmetic
does not conform to claims made on the label as to the nature
nature and quality of the cosmetic
[d) contains not more than……………………………….parts per
million of Lead and………………………………….parts per
million of Arsenic…………………………………………..
contains more than……………………………….. parts per
million of Lead and ……………………………….. parts per
million of Arsenic.].
Date………………………… Director,
Central Drugs Laboratory / Government Analyst
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 59(E) dt 7.2.1995.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 510(E) dt 26.7.1982.
[See Rule 65, 67-G, 74, 74A, 74B, 78A, 85H, 142 and 142-A, 158 and 158A]
Form in which the Inspection Book shall be maintained
(A) The cover of the Inspection Book shall contain the following particulars, namely:–
1. The name and address of the Licensee…………………………………
2. Licence number and the date upto which the licence is valid……………………….
(B) (i) The pages of the Inspection Book shall be serially numbered and duly stamped
by the Licensing Authority. The pages, other than the first and the last pages, shall
have the following particulars:–
Name and designation of the Inspector who inspects the premises of the Licensee:-
Date of Inspection…………….
Observations of the Inspector…………….
Signature of the Inspector
(ii) The first and last pages of the Inspection Book shall be endorsed by the Licensing
Authority with the following words, namely:–
Inspection Book maintained by M/s……………………………
Situated at……………………..for license number…………………………….
In Form…………………………………….under the Drugs and Cosmetics
Seal and Signature of the Licensing Authority
Notes : (i) Printed copy of the Inspection Book may be obtained by the licensee from
the Licensing Authority on payment.
(ii) The Inspection Book shall be maintained at the premises of the Licensee.
(iii) The observations made by the Drug Inspector shall be in triplicate. The
original copy shall be retained in the Inspection Book to be maintained in the
premises of the Licence. The duplicate copy shall be sent to the Licensing
Authority. The triplicate copy shall be taken as record by the Inspector.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No.F.1-14/68-D, dtd 26.10.1968.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331(E) dt 8.5.1984.
[See Rule 150-B]
Application for grant or renewal of approval for carrying out tests
on drugs / cosmetics or raw materials used in the manufacture thereof
on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of drugs / cosmetics
(1) I / We ………………………………….of………………………………hereby,
apply for the grant or renewal of approval for carrying out tests hereby, apply for the grant or
renewal of approval for carrying out tests of identity, purity, quality and strength on the
following categories of drugs / items of cosmetics or raw materials used in the manufacture
thereof on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of drugs / cosmetics.
(2) *Categories of drugs, items of cosmetics:–
(a) Drugs other than those specified in Schedule C and C (1) and also excluding
Homoeopathic Drugs:–
1. Crude vegetable drugs.
2. Mechanical contraceptives
3. Surgical dressings
4. Drugs requiring the use of ultravoilet / Infra Red Spectrophotometer
or Chromatography.
5. Disinfectants
6. Other drugs
(b) Drugs specified in Schedule C and C (1):—
1. Sera, Vaccines, Antigens, Toxins, Antitoxins, Toxoids,
Bacteriophages and similar Immunological Products.
2. Antibiotics.
3. Vitamins.
4. Parenteral preparations.
5. Sterilized surgical ligature / suture.
6. Drugs requiring the use of animals for their test.
7. Drugs requiring the use of Ultravoilet/ Infra Red/ Spectrophotometer
or Chromatography.
8. Other drugs.
(c) Homoeopathic drugs.
(d) Cosmetics
(3) Name, qualifications and experience of expert staff employed for testing and the
person-in-charge of testing.
* Delete whichever is not applicable
1 Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No.X. 11014/7/76-D&MS, dtd 23-8-1977.
(4) List of testing equipments provided.
(5) I / We enclose a plan of the testing premises showing the location and area of the
different sections thereof.
(6) An inspection fee of rupees………………………………….has been credited to
Government under Head of Account……………………………
Date……………….. Signature………………
[See Rule 150-C]
Approval for carrying out tests on drugs / cosmetics and raw materials used in their
manufacture on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of drugs / cosmetics
Number of approval and date of issue:
(1) Approval is hereby granted to……………………………………..for carrying out
tests for identity, purity, quality and strength on the folowing categories of drugs/items of
cosmetics and the raw materials used in the manufacture thereof on the premises
Categories of drugs / items of cosmetics
(2) Names of 1
[competent technical staff] employed for testing and the person-incharge of testing.
(3) The approval shall be in force from……………………….to………………
(4) The approval is subject to the conditions stated below and such other conditions as
may be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Act.
Date………………………. Signature………………………
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996.
Conditions of Approval
(1) This approval and any certificate of renewal in Form 38 shall be kept in the approved
premises and shall be produced at the request of the Inspectors appointed under the
(2) If the approved institution wishes to undertake during the currency of the approval
the testing of any other category of drugs or items of cosmetics it should apply to the
approving authority for necessary endorsement meant as provided in rule 150-B.
This approval will be deemed to extend to the item so endorsed.
(3) Any change in the analytical staff or in the person-in-charge of the testing shall be
forthwith to the approving authority.
[(4) The approved institution shall inform the approving authority in writing in the event
of any change of the constitution of the institution operating under this Form. Where
any change in the constitution of the institution takes place, the current approval shall
be deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on which
the change takes place unless in the meantime, a fresh approval has been taken from
the approving authority in the name of the institution with the changed constitution.]
[See Rule 150-J]
Certificate of renewal of approval for carrying out tests on drugs / cosmetics and raw
materials used un the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees for manufacture for sale of
drugs / cosmetics
(1) Certified that approval number…………………..granted on the
…………………………………for carrying out tests of identity, purity, quality and strength
on the following categories of drugs / items of cosmetics and the raw materials used in the
manufacture thereof at the premises situated at…………………………………………..has
been renewed from………………………..to…………………………………………..
Categories of drugs / items of cosmetics
(2) Names of 2
[competent technical staff] and person-in-charge of testing.
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 5.12.1980.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 231(E) dt 4.6.1996
Date…………………… Signature………………..
[See Rule 150-E (f)]
Report of test or analysis by approved institution
(1) Name of the manufacturer from whom sample received together with his
manufacturing licence number under the Act and under the Rules made thereunder.
(2) Reference number and date of the letter from the manufacturer under which the
sample was forwarded.
(3) Date of receipt of the sample.
(4) Name of drug / cosmetics / raw material / final product in bulk / final product (in
finished pack)* as obtained from the manufacturer.
(a) Original manufacturer’s name (in the case of raw materials and drugs repacked).
(b) Batch number.
[(c)Batch size as represented by sample.].
(d) Date of manufacture, if any.
(e) Date of expiry, if any.
(6) Results of test or analysis with protocols of test or analysis applied.
In the opinion of the undersigned, the sample referred to above is *of standard
quality/is not of standard quality as defined in the Act and the Rules made thereunder for the
reasons given below.
Date…………………….. …………………………………..
Signature of Person-in-charge of testing
Note:- Final product includes repacked material.
*Delete whichever is not applicable
1 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 681(E) dt 6.6.1988.
*Form 40
[See rule 24-A]
Application for issue of Registration Certification for import of drugs into India under the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945.
___________________________ (Name and full address) hereby apply for the grant of
Registration Certificate for the manufacturer, M/s. ___________________ (full address
with telephone, fax and E-mail address of the foreign manufacturer) for his premises, and
manufactured drugs meant for import into India.
1. Names of drugs for registration.
2. I/We enclose herewith the information and undertakings specified in Schedule
D (1) and Schedule D (II) duly signed by the manufacturer for grant of
Registration Certificate for the premises stated below.
3. A fee of _______________ for registration of premises, the particulars of
which are given below, of the manufacturer has been credited to the
Government under the Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health,
04-Public Health, 104-Fees and Fines under Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945
– Central vide Challan No. ________ dated, (attached in original).
4. A fee of __________________ for registration of the drugs for import as
specified at Serial No.2 above has been credited to the Government under the
Head of Account “0210-Medical and Public Health, 04-Public Health, 104-
Fees and Fines” under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 – Central vide
Challan No. _______, dated ___________. (attached original).
5. Particulars of premises to be registered where manufacture is carried on:
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.604(E) dt. 24-8-2001 w.e.f. 1-1-2003.
Address (es) ___________________________________________
Telephone No. __________________________________________
Fax __________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________
I/We undertake to comply with all terms and conditions required to obtain Registration
Certificate and to keep it valid during its validity period.
Signature __________________
Name ______________________
Designation _________________
Seal/Stamp of manufacturer or his authorized
Agent in India.
(Note: – In case the applicant is an authorised agent of the manufacturer in India, the Power of Attorney is
to be enclosed).
*Form No. 41
[See rule 27-A]
Registration Certificate
Registration Certificate to be issued for import of drugs into India under Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Registration Certificate No. ____________ Date _____________
M/s ___________________________________ (Name and full address of registered
office) ________________________________________________having factory
premises at ___________________________________________(full address) has been
registered under rule 27-A as a manufacturer and is hereby issued this Registration
2. Name (s) of drugs which many be imported under this Registration Certificate:
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.604(E) dt. 24-8-2001 w.e.f. 1-1-2003
3. This Registration Certificate shall be in force from __________ to
____________ unless it is sooner suspended or cancelled under the rules.
4. This Registration Certificate is issued through the office of the manufacturer
or his authorized agent in India M/s ……………………………… (name and
full address) who will be responsible for the business activities of the
manufacturer, in India in all respects.
5. This Registration Certificate is subject to the conditions, stated below and to
such other conditions as may be specified in the Act and the rules, from time
to time.
Place: _________
Seal / Stamp
Conditions of the Registration Certificate.
1. The Registration Certificate shall be displayed at a prominent place by the
authorized agent.
2. No drug shall be registered unless it has a free sale approval in the country of
origin, and/or in other major countries.
3. The manufacturer or his authorized agent in India shall comply with the
conditions of the import licence issued under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
4. The manufacturer or his authorised agent in India shall inform the licensing
authority forthwith in the event of any administrative ac tion taken due to
adverse reaction, viz. market withdrawal, regulatory restrictions, or
cancellation of authorization, and/or not of standard quality report of any drug
pertaining to this Registration Certificate declared by the Regulatory Authority
of the country or origin or by any Regulatory Authority of any other country,
where the drug is marketed/sold or distributed.
The dispatch and marketing of the drug in such cases shall be stopped
immediately, and the licensing authority shall be informed immediately.
Further action in respect of such stopped marketing of drug shall be followed
as per the direction of the licensing authority. In such cases, action equivalent
to that taken with reference to the concerned drug in the country of origin or in
the country of marketing shall be followed in India also, in consultation with
the licensing authority. The licensing authority may, however, direct any
further modification to this course of action, including the withdrawal of the
drug from Indian market within 48 hours time period.
5. The manufacturer or his authorized agent in India shall inform the licensing
authority within 30 days in writing in the vent of any change in manufacturing
process, or in packaging, or in labeling or in testing, or in documentation of
any of the drug pertaining to this Registration Certificate.
In such cases, where there shall be any major change/modification in
manufacturing or in processing or in testing, or in documentation as the case
may be, at the discretion of the licensing authority, the manufacturer or his
authorized agent in India shall obtain necessary approval within 30 days by
submitting a separate application along with the registration fee, as specified
in clause (ii) of sub rule (3) of rule 24-A.
6. The manufacturer or his authorized agent in India shall inform the licensing
authority immediately in writing in the event or any change in the constitution
of the firm and / or address of the registered office / factory premises operating
under this Registration Certificate. Where any such change in the constitution
of the firm and/or address takes place, the current Registration Certificate shall
be deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on
which the change has taken place unless, in the meantime, a fresh Registration
Certificate has been taken from the licensing authority in the name of the firm
with the changed constitution of the firm and/or changed address of the
registered office or factory premises.
( Forms 40 to 43 pertaining to Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs replaced by Forms
Nos.47 to 50.)
**FORM 44
[See rules 122A, 122B, 122D and 122 DA]
Application for grant of permission to import or manufacture a New Drug or to
undertake clinical trial.
I/We …………………………………………………………of M/s.
……………………………….… (address) hereby apply for grant of permission for
import and/or clinical trial or for approval to manufacture a new drug or fixed dose
combination or subsequent permission for already approved new drug. The necessary
information / date is given below :
**Forms 44 to 46 A inserted as per G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R.900 (E) dt. 12.12.2001.
1. Particulars of New Drug :
(1) Name of the drug :
(2) Dosage Form :
(3) Composition of the formulation :
(4) Test specification :
(i) active ingredients :
(ii)inactive ingredients :
(5) Pharmacological classification of the drug :
(6) Indications for which proposed to be used :
(7) Manufacturer of the raw material (bulk drug substances)
(8) Patent status of the drug.
2. Data submitted along with the application (as per Schedule Y with indexing and page
A. Permission to market a new drug :-
(1) Chemical and Pharmaceutical information
(2) Animal Pharmacology
(3) Animal Toxicology
(4) Human / Clinical Pharmacology (Phase I)
(5) Exploratory Clinical Trials (Phase II)
(6) Confirmatory Clinical Trials (Phase III) (including published review articles)
(7) Bio-availability, dissolution and stability study Data
(8) Regulatory status in other countries
(9) Marketing information :
(a) Proposed product monograph
(b) Drafts of labels and cartons
(10) Application for test license
B. Subsequent approval / permission for manufacture of already approved new drug :
(a) Formulation:
(1) Bio-availability / bio-equivalence protocol
(2) Name of the investigator/center
(3) Source of raw material (bulk drug substances) and stability study data.
(b)Raw material (bulk drug substances)
(1) Manufacturing method
(2) Quality control parameters and/or analytical specification, stability report.
(3) Animal toxicity data.
C. Approval / Permission for fixed dose combination:
(1) Therapeutic Justification.
(authentic literature in pre-reviewed journals/text books)
(2) Data on pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics combination.
(3) Any other data generated by the applicant on the safety and efficacy of the
D. Subsequent Approval or approval for new indication – new dosage form
(1) Number and date of Approval / permission already granted.
(2) Therapeutic justification for new claim / modified dosage form
(3) Data generated on safety, efficacy and quality parameters.
A total fee of rupees…………………………….(in words)………………….) has been
credited to the Government under the Head of Account ………………….(Photocopy of
receipt is enclosed).
Dated :….. Signature …………………….
Designation ………….
[See rules 122 A, 122 D and 122 DA]
Permission to import Finished Formulation of the New Drug.
Number of the permission and date of issue
M/s. …………………………………………. .of
(address) is hereby permitted to import the following new drug formulation under rule
122 A / 122 D/ 122 DA of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945.
(1) Name of the New Drug :
(2) Dosage form :
(3) Composition :
(4) Indications :
Dated ………….. Signature …………………
Name and designation
of Licensing Authority …………
Conditions for Grant of Approval / Permission.
(1) The formulation shall conform to the specifications approved by the Licensing
(2) The proper name of the drug shall be printed or written in indelible ink and shall
appear in a more conspicuous manner than the trade name, if any, which shall be
shown immediately after or under the proper name on the label of the innermost
container of the drug or every other covering in which the container is packed.
(3) The label of the innermost container of the drug and every other covering in which
the container is packed shall bear a conspicuous red vertical line on the left side
running throughout the body of the label which shall not be less than 1 mm in width
and without disturbing the other conditions printed on the label to depict it is
prescription drug.
(4) The label on the immediate container of the drug as well as the packing in which the
container is enclosed should contain the following warning:
“WARNING : To be sold by retail on the prescription of a …………… Only.”
(5) Post marketing surveillance study shall be conducted during initial period of two
years of marketing of the new drug formulation, after getting the protocol and the
names of the investigator duly approved by the Licensing Authority.
(6) All reported adverse reactions related to the drug shall be intimated to the Drugs
Controller, India and Licensing Authority and regulatory action resulting from their
review should be complied with.
(7) No claims except those mentioned above shall be made for the drug without the prior
approval of the Licensing Authority.
(8) Specimen of the carton, labels, package insert that will be adopted for marketing the
drug in the country shall be got approved from the Licensing Authority before the
drugs is marketed.
(9) Each consignment of imported drug shall be accompanied by a test/analysis report.
[See rules 122 A and 122 DA]
Permission to import raw material (new bulk drug substance)
Number of the permission and date of issue ……………………………………………….
M/s.…………………………………………………….of ……………………….(address)
is hereby permitted to import the following raw material (new bulk drug substances)
under rule 122 A / 122DA of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, namely :-
Name of the raw material (new bulk drug substances) :
(2) ……………………………
Dated ………….. Signature ……………………………..
Name and Designation of the Licensing
Conditions for Grant of Approval / Permission
(1) The raw material (new bulk drug substance) shall conform to the test specifications
as approved by the Licensing Authority.
(2) For manufacture of raw material (new bulk drug substance) or its formulation in the
country, separate approval under rule 122-B shall be obtained from the Licensing
(3) The permission to import shall not be used to convey or imply that the raw material
(new bulk drug) is categorized as “life saving or essential drug.”
[See Rules 122 B, 122 D and 122 DA]
Permission / Approval for manufacture of new drug formulation.
Number of permission and date of issue ………………M/s…………………………… of
…………………………………… (address) is hereby granted Permission / Approval to
manufacture following new drug formulation under rule 122 B / 122 D / 122 DA of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, namely :-
(1) Name of the formulation:
(2) Dosage form:
(3) Composition:
(4) Indications:
Signature ………………………
Date : …………….. Name and designation of Licensing Authority
Conditions for Grant of Approval / Permission.
(1) The formulation shall conform to the specifications approved by the Licensing
(2) The proper name of the drug shall be printed or written in indelible ink and shall
appear in a more conspicuous manner than the trade name, if any, which shall be
shown immediately after or under the proper name on the label of he innermost
container of the drug or every other covering in which the container is packed.
(3) The label of the innermost container of the drug and every other covering in which
the container is packed shall bear a conspicuous red vertical line on the left side
running throughout the body of the label which shall not be less than 1 mm in width
and without disturbing the other conditions printed on the label to depict it is
prescription drug.
(4) The label on the immediate container of the drug as well s the packing in which the
container is enclosed should contain the following warning:
“WARNING : To be sold by retail on the prescription of a ……………. only”
(5) Post marketing surveillance study shall be conducted during initial period of two
years of marketing of the new drug formulation, after getting the protocol and the
names of the investigator duly approved by the Licensing Authority.
(6) All reported adverse reactions related to the drug shall be intimated to the Drugs
Controller, India and Licensing Authority and regulatory action resulting from their
review should be complied with.
(7) No claims except those mentioned above shall be made for the drug without the prior
approval of the Licensing Authority.
(8) Specimen of the carton, labels, package insert that will be adopted for marketing the
drug in the country shall be got approved from the Licensing Authority before the
drug is marketed.
[See rules 122 B and 122 DA)
Name of the permission / approval and date of issue ………………………………
Permission / Approval for manufacture of raw material (new bulk drug substance)
M/s. …………………………of…………………………..(address) is hereby granted
Permission / Approval to manufacture the following raw material (new bulk drug
substance) under rule 122 B / 122 DA of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Name of the raw material (new bulk drug substance)
(1) ………………………………………………
(2) ……………………………………………..
(3) …………………………………………….
Dated ……………………. Signature …………………………
Name and designation of Licensing
Conditions for Grant of Permission / Approval
(1) The raw material (new bulk drug substance) shall conform to the specifications
approved by the Licensing Authority.
(2) The raw material (new bulk drug substance) can be sold to only those manufacturers
who have permission, in writing, from Licensing Authority, either to use the
drug for development purpose/clinical trial-b io-equivalence study or to manufacture
the formulation.
(3) For manufacture of the formulation in the country, separate approval under rule 122-
B shall be obtained from the Licensing Authority.
[**FORM 47
[See rule 160 A]
Application for grant or renewal of approval for carrying out tests on Ayurvedic, Siddha
and Unani drugs or raw materials used in the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees
for manufacture for sale of Ayurv edic, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(1) *I/We ………………………… of …………………….. hereby apply for the
grant / renewal of approval for carrying out tests of identity, purity, quality and strength
on the following categories of Ayurvedic Siddha and Unani drugs or raw materials used
in the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensee for manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani drugs.
(2)*Categories of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs other than those specified
in the First schedule to this Act for which testing will be carried out :
1. Asava and Arista 1. Nabeez, Khal (Sirka)
2. Arka-Tinir 2. Majoon and its sub-categories
Itrifal, Jawarish, Khameera,
Laooq, Halwa
3. Avaleha and Paka-Ilakam 3. Sufoof, Zuroor, Sunoon.
4. Kavatha Curna-Kutinir Curanam 4. Namak, Khar
5. Guggulu . 5. Raughan
6. Ghrita-Ney 6. Zimad
7 Churna-Curanam 7. Habb (Pill)
8. Taila-Tailam 8. Shiyaf
9. Dravaka-Tiravakam 9. Qutoor (drops)
10. Lavana-Uppu 10. Kohal (Surma), Kajal
11. Kshara-Saram 11. Satt, Usara
12. Lepa-Pacai 12. Kushta
13. Vati, Gutika-Kulikai 13. Joshanda (Single drugs)
14. Varti 14. Sharbat Sikanjabeen
15. Netrabindu (Aschyotan) 15. Sayyal, Arq (Distillates)
16. Anjana-Kanmai 16. Qurs (Tablet)
17. Sattva-Sattu 17. Marham, Qairooti
18. Kupipakva Rasayana-Kuppi Centuram 18. Humool, Furzaja
19. Parpati 19. Bakhoor
20. Pishti 20. Nabati Advia
21. Bhasma-Parpam 21. Maadni Advia
22. Mandura-Atai kutinir 22. Asjad Advia
**Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.701(E) dt. 27-9-2001 and subs.by G.O.I. Notification
No.G.S.R.73(E) dt31.01.2003.
23. Rasayoga-Centuram 23. Haiwani Advia
24. Lauha 24. Jauhar
25. Ghana Sattva 25. Natool
26. Kvath Pravahi- Kutinir 26. Nashooq,Naswar
27. Panak (Syrup)-Manappaku 27. Shamoom
28. Tablet-Mattirai 28. Saoot (Nasal drops)
29. Capsule 29. Mazoogh
30. Ointment-Kalimapu 30. Tila
31. Phalavarti 31. Lashooq
32. Dhoomravarti/Doopan 32. Gulqand
33. Kshar Sutra/Kshar Varti 33. Fateela
34. Single drugs:
(a) Plant based
(b) Mineral based
(c) Metal based
(d) Animal based
(e) Synthetic
(f) Any other Ayurvedic, Siddha,
Unani formulation
34. Ghaza, Utban, Sabagh
35. Pushp (Phool) 35. Capsule
36. Nasya 36. Huqna
37. Swarasa (Fresh juice) 37. Naurah
38. Karna Bindu (Ear drops) 38. Latook
39. Any other dosage of patent and
Proprietary and Ayurvedic, Siddha,
Unani Drug
39. Vajoor (Throat paint)
40. Mazmazah (Mouth washer)
(3) Names, qualifications experience of experts employed for testing and the personin-charge of testing.
(4) List of testing equipment provided.
(5) *I/We enclose a plan of the testing premises showing the location and area of the
different sections thereof.
(6) An inspection fee of rupees ……………………has been credited to Government
under the head of account………………………………………………
Dated …………
Signature …………………..
Full address of the Applicant
*Delete whichever is not applicable.
[**FORM 48
(See Rule 160 B)
Approval for carrying out tests or analysis on Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs
or raw materials used in the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees for manufacture
for sale of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs.
Number of approval and date of issue:
(1)Approval is hereby granted to ……………………………………….. for carrying out
tests in identity, purity, quality and strength on the following categories of Ayurvedic,
Siddha or Unani drugs and the raw materials used in the manufacture thereof on the
premises situated at …………………………………………………
Categories of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs.
(2) Name of experts employed for testing and the person-in-charge of testing ……..
……………………………………………(experts) and …………… (person in charge).
(3)The approval shall be in force from ………………….. to ……………………..
(4)The approval is subject to the conditions stated below and such other conditions as
may be specified in the rules for the time being in force under the Act.
Date ………………… Signature …………………….
Place ……………….. Designation ………………….
Seal of State Licensing Authority
Conditions of Approval
(1) The approval and any certificate of renewal in Form 42 shall be displayed in the
approved premises and shall be produced in the request of the Inspectors
appointed under the Act.
(2) If the applicant wishes to undertake during the currency of the approval the testing
of any other category of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs it should apply to the
approving authority for necessary endorsement as provided in Rule 160A, this
approval will be deemed to extend to the items so endorsed.
(3) Any change in the experts or in the person in-charge of the testing shall be
forthwith reported to the approving authority.
** Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.702(E) dt. 27-9-2001 and subs.by G.O.I. Notification
No.G.S.R.73(E) dt31.01.2003.
(4) The applicant shall inform the approving authority in writing in the event of any
change of the constitution of the laboratory operating under this Form. Where any
change in the constitution of the laboratory takes place, the current approval shall
be deemed to be valid for a maximum period of three months from the date on
which the change takes place unless in the meantime, a fresh approval has been
taken from the approving authority in the name of the laboratory with the changed
[**Form 49
(See rule 160 I)
Certified of renewal for carrying out tests of analysis on Ayurvedic Siddha or Unani
drugs of raw materials used in the manufacture thereof on behalf of licensees for
manufacture for sale of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs.
(1) Certified that approval number …………………..granted on the ……… day
of…………..2001 for carrying out tests of identity, purity, quality and strength on the
following categories of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani, dugs and the raw materials used in
the manufacture thereof at the premises situated at …………………….. has been
renewed from ……………….. to ……………….. (Date).
Catagories of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs
(2) Names of experts and the person-in-charge of testing ………….(experts) and
………………………………….. (person-in-charge).
Date: …………….. Signature …………………..
Place : …………… Designation ………………
Seal of State Licensing Authority ]
[**FORM 50
(See Rule 160 D(f))
Report of test analysis by approved Laboratory
** Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.701(E) dt. 27-9-2001 and subs.by G.O.I. Notification
No.G.S.R.73(E) dt31.01.2003.
(1) Name of manufacturer from which sample received together with his
manufacturing license number under the Act or the rules made thereunder,
(2) Reference number and date of the letter from the manufacturer under which the
same was forwarded.
(3) Date of receipt of the sample
(4) Name of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug of raw material purporting to be
contained in the sample.
(5) Details of raw material of final product (in bulk finished pack)* as obtained
from the manufacturer:
(a) Original manufacturer’s name in the case of raw materials and drugs packed
(b) Batch number ………………………………………………….
(c) Batch size as represented by sample…………………………….
(d) Date of manufacture, if any …………………………………….
(6)Results of test or analysis with protocols of test or analysis applied or as per
Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani Pharmacopocial standards.
(7) Other specific tests for identity, purity, quality and strength of Patent and
Proprietary drugs.
In the opinion of the undersigned, the sample referred
to above is of standard *quality / is not standards quality
as defined in the Act or the rules made thereunder for the
reasons given below
Date : (F.No. ……………………………)
Place : Name & Designation & Seal …………………………
Name & Address of the Laboratory ……………………..
Licence No. ………………………………..
Note : Final product includes repacked material.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.]
[See rules 7 & 48)
Fees for test or analysis by the Central Drugs Laboratories or State Drugs Laboratories :
1. Fees for test and assay of Drugs requiring use of animals –
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone assay 1000
Gonadotrophic hormone for LH activity 1000
FSH Activity 1000
Posterior pituitary extract or its synthetic substitute for oxytocin
Vasopressor activity 400
Insulin and insulin in combination for hypoglycaemic activity 2000
Hyaluronidase 500
Glucagon 2000
Heparin for anticoagulant activity 600
Protamine sulphate 300
Depressor or Histamine like substane 300
Pyrogen test 500
Antigenecity or foreign protein test 300
Abnormal or undue toxicity or safety test 200
Determination of Lethal doses, LD10 or LD 50 in mice 800
Skin sensitivity/eye irrigation 250
Implantation test 2000
2. Microbiological tests and assays –
Bioassay of Antibiotic 400
Microbiological assay of vitamins 300
Phenol coefficient 300
Preservatives – Microbial challenge test 2000
Sterility test – Parenteral preparations 100
Surgical dressings 200
Syringes and needles 300
Transfusion and infusion sets of assemblies
Other sterile devices
3. Identification tests –
(a) Chemical Methods 50
* Subs. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.478(E) dt. 7-8-1998.
(b) Microscopical 50
(c) IR Spectroscopy 150
UV Spectroscopy
(i) Paper
(ii) Thin layer
(iii) Column
(iv) GLC
(v) HPCL
(vi) Gel Filtration
(f) Electrophoresis
(i) Paper and Cellulose acetate 200
(ii) Polyacrylamide Gel, starch gel, agar gel 300 each
4. Physical tests –
(a) Optical rotation, specific gravity, refractive index,
weight per ml, fluorescence.
75 each
(b) Viscocity 100
(c) pH, Solubility, loss on drying, net content, ash, sulphated
ash etc.
20 each
(d) Absorbancy, wt/unit area (surgical), foreign matter,
extractive value, thread count etc.
30 each
(e) Uniformity of weight
(i) Tablets 15
(i) Capsules 20
(f) Acid value, iodine value, peroxide value,
Soponification value, acetyl value.
100 each
(g) Disintegration tests –
(i) Ordinary tablets
(ii) Capsule
(iii) Sugar Coated tablets
(iv) Enteric coated tablets
(h) Dissolution test 250
(i) Uniformity of content. 500
(j) Wt. per unit area (powder), particle size, count, methoxy
200 each
(k) Limit test for impurities 100 each
(l) Related substances
(i) T LC method
(A) Without reference standard
(B) With reference standard
(ii) Gas Liquid Chromatography
(A) Without reference standard
(B) With reference standard
(iii)High pressure Liquid Chromatography
(A)Without reference standards
(B)With reference standards
(m) Water (Karl Fisher) 200
(5) Assays –
(a) General chemical methods
100 for
(b) Non-aqueous/instrumental
200 for
(c) Chromatography
(i) TLC
(ii) Column
(iii) GLC
(iv) HPCL
(v) Gel filtration
(d) Nitrogen determination 200
(e) Medicinal gases 400
Polymorph test –
(Content of polymorph A in chloramphenicol palmitate)
Surgical sutures (Depending on number of test to be
carried).. …. 200-500
Other miscellaneous tests 100-500
II Fees for Sera and Vaccine –
Sterility test 100
Abnormal toxicity test 400
Specific toxicity test 800
Inactivation test (Rabies) 200
Potency testing of rabies vaccine 2025
Potency testing of pertussis fraction of DPT vaccine 2025
Potency testing of tetanus fraction of DPT/DT/TT
Potency testing of diphtheria Fraction of DPT/DT
Testing of antisera for the specific titre 1000
Potency testing measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine 760 each
Testing of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) –
Potency testing of Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine 3900
Potency testing of Snake
Venom serum
for each venom
Identity testing for vaccines/sera
Cell culture (Other than OPV)
Other than cell culture 100
Estimation of volume/PH/total solids/No. of
organisms/Physical checking.
50 each
Estimation of total proteins/aluminium
200 each
Pyrogen testing 500
Stability test for vaccines other than Oral Polio Vaccine 4550
III Cosmetics 400 – 1500
(The exact amount of the fee shall be determined by the
Director of Laboratory or the Government Analyst, as the
case may be).
IV Rubber Condoms 1000
V Homoeopathic medicines:
1. Identification test for raw material of botanical origin
(other than assay of constituents).
2. Identification test for raw material of chemical origin
(other than assay)
3. Limit test for drugs of chemical origin 150
4. Assay of total alkaloids or of drugs of chemical origin 100
5. Identification test for drugs of animal origins or
6. Fees for testing of Mother tincture, lower potencies upto
3xor equivalent.
7. Determination of Biochemic drug through atomic
absorbance spectrophotometer.
Note:-1For tests not listed in the Schedule, charges will be determined by the Director or the Government
Analyst of the laboratory / institute as the case may be.
2.For the tests relating to Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha medicines, charges will be determined by the
Adviser (Indigenous System of Medicine), Director or Government Analyst of the Laboratory /
Institute, as the case may be.
[See Rules 23, 61 and 76 and Part X)
Biological and Special Products
1. Sera.
2. Solution of serum proteins intended for injection.
3. Vaccines for parenteral injections.
4. Toxins.
5. Antigen.
6. Antitoxins.
7. Neo-arsphenamine and analogous substances used for the specific treatment of
infective diseases.
8. Insulin.
9. Putuitary (Posterior Lobe) Extract.
10. Adrenaline and Solutions of Salts of Adrenaline.
[11. Antibiotics and preparations thereof in a form to be administered parenterally.]
4[12 Any other preparation which is meant for parenteral administration as such or
after being made up with a solvent or medium or any other sterile product and
whicha) requires to be stored in a refrigerator; or
b) does not require to be stored in a refrigerator.]
13. Sterilized surgical ligature and sterilized surgical suture.
14. Bacteriophages.
[15 Ophthalmic preparations.]
6[16 Sterile Disposable Devices for single use only.]
1. Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-30/47-A, dated 5-1-1950
2. Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-8/60-D, dated 31-8-1960
3. Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 487(E) dt 2.7.1984.
4. Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-14/68-D, dated 26-10-1968
5. Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 1242(E) dt 17.9.1979
6. Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R. 109(E) dt 22.2.1994.
[See Rule 23, 61 and 76]
Other Special Products
1 Drugs belonging to the Digitalis groups and preparations containing drugs belonging to
the Digitalis group not in a form to be administered parentally.
2 Ergot and preparations containing Ergot not in a form to be administered parentally.
3 Adrenaline and preparations containing Adrenaline not in a form to be administered
4 Fish Liver Oil and preparations containing Fish Liver Oil.
5 Vitamins and preparations containing any vitamins not in a form to be administered
6 Liver extract and preparations containing liver extract not in a form to be administered
7 Hormones and preparations containing Hormones not in a form to be administered
8 Vaccine not in a form to be administered parenterally.
[9 Antibiotics and preparations thereof not in a form to be administered parenterally.]
[10 In-vitro Blood Grouping Sera.
11 In-vitro diagnostic Devices for HIV, HbsAg and HCV.]
[See Rule 43]
Class of drugs Extent and conditions of exemption
1. Substances not intended for
medicinal use
All provisions of Chapter III of the Act and
Rules thereunder subject to the conditions that if
the substance is imported in bulk, the importer
shall certify that the substance is imported for
non-medicinal uses, and if imported otherwise
than in bulk, each container shall bear a label
indicating that the substance is not intended for
medicinal use or is intended for some purposes
other than medicinal use or is intended for some
purposes other than medicinal use or is of
commercial quality.
2. 3
[* * *]
3. 3
[* * *]
4. 4
[* * *]
1Amended under G.O.I. Notification No. F. 1-22/59-D, dated 9-4-1960
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R.487(E) dt 2-7-1984.
Entry 2 and 3 of Schedule D omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D dt 2-7-1969
Entry 4 of Schedule D omitted as per GOI Notification No.604 (E) dt 24-8-2001
5 Ins by G.O.I. Notification No G,S,R, 600(E) dt 27.08.2002.
Class of drugs Extent and conditions of exemption
5. The following substances, which
are used both as articles of food
as well as drugs: —
All provisions of Chapter III of the Act
and Rules there under.
All condensed or powered milk
whether pure, skimmed or
malted, fortified with vitamins
and minerals.
Farex, Oats, Lactose and all
other similar cereal preparations
whether fortified with vitamins or
otherwise excepting those for
parenteral use.
Virol, Bovril, Chicken essence
and all other similar predigested
Ginger, Pepper, Cumin, Cinnamon
and all other similar spices and
condiments unless they are
specifically labelled as conform –
ing to the standards in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia or the official
pharmacopoeias and the official
compendia of the drug standards
prescribed under the Act and
Rules made thereunder.
[See rule 21 (d) and rule 24 A]
Information and undertaking required to be submitted by the manufacturer or his
authorized agent with the Application Form for Registration Certificate. The format shall
be properly filled in for each application in Form 40. The detailed information, secret in
nature, may be furnished on a Computer Floppy.
1. Particulars of the manufacturer and manufacturing premises
1.1 Name and address f the manufacturing premises (Telephone No.,
Fax No.,E- mail address) to be registered.
1.2 Name (s) and address (es) of the Proprietor /ProprietorS /Partners / Directors.
1.3 Name and address of the authorized Agent in India, responsible for
the business of the manufacturer.
** Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.604(E) dt 24-8-2001 w.e.f. 1-1-2003,
1.4 A brief profile of the manufacturer’s business activity, in domestic as
well as global market.
1.5 A copy of Plant Master File (duly notarised)
1.6 A copy of Plant Registration / approval Certificate issued by the
Ministry of Health/National Regulatory Authority of the foreign
country concerned (duly notarised)
1.7 A brief profile of the manufacturer’s research activity.
2. Particulars of the manufactured drugs to be registered under Registration
a. Name of drugs (Bulk/Formulations/Special product) to be registered meant
for import into and use in India.
b. A copy of the approved list showing the bulk drugs/formulations/special
products mentioned in 2.1 above are permitted for manufacturing /
marketing in the country of origin, (duly notarized)
c. A copy of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate, as per WHOGMP guidelines, or Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products (CPP), issued by
the National Regulatory Authority of the foreign country concerned, in
relation to the bulk drugs or formulations or special products, meant for
import into India.
d. The domestic prices of the drugs to be registered in India, in the currency of
the country of origin.
e. The name(s) of the drugs which are original research products of the
3.Undertaking to declare that: –
3.1. We shall comply with all the conditions imposed on the Registration
Certificate, read with rules 74 and 78 of the Drugs and Cosmetics rules, 1945.
3.2 We declare that we are carrying on the manufacture of the drugs mentioned in
this Schedule, at the premises specified above, and we shall from time to time
report any change of premises on which manufacture will be carried on and in
the cases where manufacture is carried on in more than one factory any change
in the distribution of functions between the factories.
3.3 We shall comply with the provisions of Part IX of the Drugs and Cosmetics
Rules, 1945.
3.4 Every drug manufactured by us for import under the Registration Certificate
into India shall be as regard strength, quality and purity conforms with the
provisions of Chapter III of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Part IV of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945, and their amendments from time to time.
3.5 We shall from time to time report for any change or manufacturing process, or
in packaging, or in labeling, or in testing, or in documentation of any of the
drugs, pertaining to the Registration Certificate, to be granted to us. Where
any change in respect of any of the drugs under the Registration Certificate
has taken place in respect of any of the above matters, we shall inform the
same to the licensing authority in writing within 30 days from the date of such
changes. In such cases, where there will be any major change/modification in
manufacturing or in processing or in testing, or in documentation, as the case
may be, at the discretion of the licensing authority, we shall obtain necessary
approval within 30 days by submitting a separate applic ation, alongwith the
registration fee as specified in clause (ii) of sub rule (3) of rule 24-A.
3.6 We shall from time to time report for any administrative action taken due to
adverse reaction, viz. market withdrawal regulatory restriction, or cancellation
of authorization and/or “not of standard quality report” of any drug pertaining
to the Registration Certificate declared by any Regulatory Authority of any
country where the drug is marketed/sold or distributed. The despatch and
marketing of the drug in such cases, shall be stopped immediately and the
licensing authority shall be informed immediately. Further action in respect of
stop marketing of drug shall be taken as per the directions of the licensing
authority. In such cases, action equivalent to that taken with reference to the
concerned drug(s) in the country of origin or in the country of marketing will
be followed in India also, in consultation with the licensing authority. The
licensing authority may direct any further modification to this course of action,
including the withdrawal of the drug from Indian market within 48 hours time
3.7 We shall comply with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified,
by the Government of India, under the Act and the rules made there under.
3.8 We shall allow the licensing authority and/or any person authorized by him in
that behalf to enter and inspect the manufacturing premises and to examine the
process/procedure and documents in respect of any drug manufactured by us
for which the application for Registration Certificate has been made.
3.9 We shall allow the licensing authority or any person authorized by him in that
behalf to take samples of the drugs concerned for test, analysis or examination,
if considered necessary by the licensing authority.
Signature of the manufacturer
Seal / Stamp
(See rule 21 (d) and rule 24 A)
Information required to be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorized agent with the
Application Form for the registration of a bulk drug/formulation/special product for its import
into India. The format shall be properly filled in and the detailed information, secret in nature,
may be furnished on a Computer Floppy.
1.1. Name of the drug/formulation/special product, a brief description and the
therapeutic class to which it belongs.
1.2. Regulatory status of the drug. Free Sale Certificate and/or Certificate of
Pharmaceutical Products (CPP) issued by the Regulatory Authority of the
country of origin. Free sale approval issued by the Regulatory Authorities of
other major countries.
1.3. Drugs Master File (DMF) for the drug to be registered (duly notarised).
1.4. GMP Certificate in WHO formats or Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products
(CPP) issued by National Regulatory Authority of the country of origin
(duly notarised).
1.5. List of countries where marketing authorization or import permission for the
said drug is granted with date (respective authorisation shall be enclosed).
1.6. List of countries where marketing authorisation or import permission for the
said drug is cancelled/withdrawn with date.
1.7. List of countries where marketing authorisation or import permission for the
said drug is pending since (date).
1.8. Domestic price of the drug in the currency followed in the country of origin.
1.9. List of countries where the said drug is patented.
** Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.604(E) dt 24-8-2001 w.e.f. 1-1-2003,
2.1 Chemical name.
Code name or number, if any
Non-proprietory or generic name, if any
Physico-chemical properties.
2.2 Dosage form and its composition.
Qualitative and Quantitative composition in terms of the active
substances(s) and excipient(s)
List of active substance(s) separately from the constituent(s) of
2.3 Specifications of active and inactive ingredient (s) including pharmacopoeal
2.4 Source of active ingredient(s), name and address.
2.5 Tests for identification of the active ingredient(s),
Method of its assays and tests for impurity profile with reference standards
for the impurities (Protocol to be submitted alongwith reference standards for
the impurities / relative substances).
2.6 Outline method and flow chart of manufacture of the bulk drug or finished
formulation or special product.
2.7 Detailed test protocol for the drug with pharmacopoeal reference or in- house
specification as approved by the registration authority, in the country of
2.8 Stability data including accelerated stability and real time stability analysis.
2.9 Documentation on pack size.
2.10 Numerical expression on EAN bar code on the labels and cartons,
2.11 Safety documents on containers and closures.
2.12 Documentation on storage conditions.
2.13 Three samples of medicinal product/drug and outlet packing are to be
submitted with batch certificates. Additional samples as well as reference
substances with batch certificates including date of manufacture, shelf life,
and storage conditions of reference substance may be required both during
registration procedure and during validity of registration decision.
2.14 Batch test reports/certificate of five consecutive production batches in details
of the medicinal product are to be submitted for every site of manufacturing
2.15 Manner of labeling as per rule 96 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945.
2.16 Package insert.
2.17 Details of safety handling procedure of the drug.
2.18 Details of PMS study report for marketing period not exceeding five years
3.1 Biological control tests applied on the starting material, if applicable.
3.2 Biological control tests applied on the intermediate products, if applicable.
3.3 Biological control tests applied on the finished medical products, if
3.4 Stability of the finished products in terms of biological potency of the drug,
if applicable.
3.5 Sterility tests, if applicable, specification and protocol therein.
3.6 Pyrogen tests, if applicable, specification and protocol therein.
3.7 Acute and sub-acute toxicity tests, if applicable specification and protocol
3.8 Bio-availability studies and bio-equivalence data, if applicable.
3.9 Data relating to the environmental risk assessment for r-DNA products.
3.10 Other information relevant under the section.
Executive summary of the product is to be submitted mentioning the specific and
general pharmacological actions of the drug and pharmacokinetic studies on
absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion. A separate note is to be given on
acute and sub-acute toxicity studies and long term toxicity studies. Specific studies
on reproductive toxicity, local toxicity and carcinogenic activity of the drug is to be
elaborated, as far as possible.
A new drug as defined under rule 122-E of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 is
required to be permitted separately by the licensing authority under rule 122-A of the
said rules prior to its registration. Such a new drug requires a brief summary and
clinical documentation, alongwith permission under 122-A of the said rules for its
Registration Certificate.
6.1 Labels should conform as per the specifications under the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules 1945.
6.2 Package insert should be in English and shall indic ate the following
therapeutic indications: –
Posology and method of administration
Special warnings and special precautions for use, if any.
Interaction with other medicaments and other forms of interaction.
Pregnancy and lac tation, if contra-indicated.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines, if contra-indicated.
Undesirable effects/side effects.
Antidote for overdosing.
6.3 Package insert should indicate the following pharmaceutical information: –
List of excipients
Shelf life in the medical product as packaged for sale.
Shelf life after dilution or reconstitution according to direction.
Shelf life after first opening the container.
Special precautions for storage.
Nature and specification of the container.
Instructions for use/handling.
supplied, separately in annexure, as ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’)
The information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date Signature of the manufacturer
NB: 1. Any change in the process of manufacture, method of testing, labeling,
packing, designing of the sale pack, medical literature and documentation is
to be intimated to the licensing authority forthwith and permission to be
obtained from him within 30 days time period.
2. Information relating to Serial No.4 and Serial No.5 are not applicable for
drugs figuring in Indian Pharmacopoeia and also for the drugs figuring
in United States of Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, and British
Pharmacopoeia provided such drugs have already been approved for
marketing in India for the applicant under rules 122A, 122B, 122C or
122D of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945.
(See Schedule D-II, item No.7)
A product dossier showing the: –
1. Details of source Plasma, its viral screening, storage and transport from Collection
Centres to Fractionation Centre. Regulatory status of Collection Centres.
2. Details of Fractionation Centre, Regulatory Status, Method of Fractionation and
Control Processes.
3. Details of viral inactivation process for enveloped and non-enveloped virus(es) and
viral validation studies to assess the viral load of the product. Testing of viral
screening at any stage is to be high lighted with the details of the kits used with their
respective sensitivity and specificity.
4. Bulk filtration prior to pharmaceutical packing giving the full details of Microfiltration or nanofiltration followed.
5. Complete details of pharmaceutical processing and utilization.
6. Test protocol of the product showing the specification and pharmacopoeia method
followed for various testing parameters.
Specific batch test report for at least 3 batches showing the specifications of each
testing parameter.
7. Pack size and labeling.
8. Product insert.
Specimen Batch Release Certificate issued by the National Regulatory Authority of
the country of origin.
Specific processings like safe handling, material control, area control, pasteurization,
stability studies, storage at quarantine stage and finished stage and packaging should
be highlighted in the product dossier.
The information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: Signature of the manufacturer
Seal / Stamp
NB: 1. Any change in the process of manufacture, method of testing, labeling,
packing, designing of the sale pack, medical literature and documentation is to
be intimated to the licensing authority forthwith and permission to be obtained
from him within 30 days time period.
(See Schedule D-II, item No.7)
A product dossier showing the :-
1. The details of source antigen or antibody as the case may be and characterization
of the same. Process control of coating of antigen or antibody on the base
material like Nitrocellulose paper, strips or cards or ELISA wells etc.
Details of composition of the kit and manufacturing flow chart process of the kit
showing the specific flow diagram of individual components or source of the
individual components.
2. Test protocol of the kit showing the specifications and method of testing.
In house evaluation report of sensitivity, specific ity and stability studies carried
out by the manufacturer.
3. The report of evaluation in details conducted by the National Control Authority
of country of origin.
Specimen batch test report for at least consecutive 3 batches showing
specification of each testing parameter.
4. The detailed test report of all the components used/packed in the finished kit.
5. Pack size and labeling.
6. Product insert.
Specific evaluation report, if done by any laboratory in India, showing the
sensitivity and specificity of the kit.
Specific processing like safe handling, material control, area control, process
control, stability studies, storage at quarantine stage and finished stage,
packaging should be highlighted in the product dossier.
The information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: Signature of the manufacturer
Seal / Stamp
NB: 1. Any change in the process of manufacture, method of testing, labeling,
packaging, designing of the sale pack, medical literature and documentation
is to be intimated to the licensing authority forthwith and permission to be
obtained from him within 30 days time period.
(See Schedule D-II, item No.7)
A product dossier showing the: –
1. History, source, date of receipt, storage, identity and characterization of the seed
2. Detailed flow chart of manufacturing process showing al the details of inprocess
control on toxicity, potency study and stability data of the final bulk and the final
finished product including the storage temperature.
3. Complete details of chemical and pharmaceutical data for the product.
Composition and dosage form – method of manufacture with detailed flow chart
– control of starting material – control tests on intermediate and finished
products – certificate of analysis of finished products – validation of critical
manufacturing steps.
4. Test protocol of the vaccines showing the specification and method of testing
including pharmacopoeal specification.
5. Specimen batch test report for at least consecutive three batches showing the
specification of each testing parameter.
6. The detailed test reports of all the components used / packed in the finished
7. Pack-size and labelling.
8. Product insert
9. Specimen batch release certificates issued by the National Regulatory Authority
of the country of origin.
10. Summary of pre-clinical and clinical data including :
(a)Prescribing information.
(b) Pharmacological and toxicological data pertaining to tests on animals
Characterisation of immune response and safety study in human use, in
specific conditions.
Specific information on source of seed strain, its characterization, inactivation,
etc. and processings like safe handling, material control area control, process
control, stability studies, storage at quarantine stage and finished state, packing
should be highlighted in the product dossier.
Specimen production and quality control protocols for at least three consecutive
lots showing the specifications for each quality control parameter including
pharmacopoeial requirement shall be submitted for study.
The information submitted above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place Signature of the manufacturer
Date: Seal / Stamp
NB: 1. Any change in the process of manufacture, method of testing, labelling,
packaging, designing of the sale pack, medical literature and documentation is
to be intimated to the licensing authority forthwith and permission to be
obtained from him within 30 days time period.
2. All vaccines shall be new drugs unless certified otherwise by the liencesing
authority approved under Rule 21 of the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945. A
copy of approval of the vaccine issued by the said licensing authority is to be
enclosed, prior to issue of Registration Certificate of the said vaccines.
[Omitted as per GOI Notification No.G.S.R. 462(E) dt 22-6-1982]
[See Rule 161 (2)]
List of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani Systems
of Medicine
I Drugs of vegetable origin
Ahipena Papaver somniferum Linn.
Arka Calotropis gigantea (linn.)R. Br. ex. Ait.
Bhallataka Semecarpus anacardium Linn. F
Bhanga Cannabia eativa Linn.
Danti Baliospermum monatanum Mull. Arg
Dhattura Datura metal Linn..
Gunj Abrus precatirius Linn.
Jaipala (Jayapala) Croton tiglium Linn
Karaveera Rerium indicum Mill
Langali Gloriosa superba Linn
Parasika Yavani Hyoseyamus inibar Linn
Snuhi Euphorbia neriifolia Linn
Vatsanabha Acontium Chasmanthum StapfexHolm
Vishamushti Strychnox nuxvomica Linn.
Shringivisha Acontium chasmanthum Stapfex Holm.
II Drugs of Animal Origin .
Sarpa Visha Snake poison
III Drugs of Mineral Origin
Gauripashana Arsenic
Hartala Arseno sulphide
Manahashila Arseno sulphide
Parada Mercury
Rasa Karpura Hydrargyri subchloridum
Tuttha Copper sulphate
Hingula Cinnabar
* Added under G.O.I. Notification No. 1-23/67-D dated 2-2-1970
Sindura Red oxide of lead
Girisindura Red oxide of mercury
Abini Papaver Somniferum Linn.
Alari Nerium indicum Mill.
Azhavanam Lawsonia inermis Linn.
Attru thummatti Citrullis colocynthis Scharad.
Anai Kunri Adanathera pavonina Linn.
Rattha Polam Aloe barbadensis Mill.
Ilaikalli Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.
Eezhaththalari Plumeria acuminota Ait.
Gomatthai Datrua stramonium Linn.
Etti Strychnos nuxvomica Linn.
Ganja Cannabis sativa Linn.
Kalappaik Kizhangu Gloriosa superba Linn.
Kodikkalli Euphorbia tiruqalli Linn.
Chadurakkalli Euphorbia antiquorium Linn.
Karia polam Aloe sp.
Kattamanakku Jatropha glandulifera Roxb.
Kattu thumatti Cucmis trigonus Roxb.
Kunri Abrus precotorusu Linn.
Cheran Kottai Semicorpus anacardium Linn.
Thillai Exoecoria agallocha Linn.
Nabi Aconitum ferox Wall.
Nervalam Croton tiglium Linn.
Pugai Elai Nicotiana tobucum Linn.
Marukkarai Randia dumetorum Lam.
Mansevikkalli Euphorbia sp.
I Drugs of vegetable origin
Afiyun Papaver somniferum Linn.
Bazrul-banj Hyoscyamus niger Linn
Bish Aconitum chasmanthum Strapfex Holmes
Bhang Cannabis sativa Linn.
Charas Canabis sativa Linn
Dhatura seeds Datura metal Linn (seeds)
Kuchla Strychnos nuxvomica Linn
Shokran Conium maculatum Linn
II Drugs of Animal origin
Sanp (head) Snake (head)
Telni makkhi Mylabris cichori Linn
Mylabaris pustulata Thund
Mylabris macilenta
III Drugs of Mineral origin
Darchikna Hydrargryi perchloridum
Hira Diamond
Ras Kapoor Hydrargryi Subchloridum (calomel)
Shingruf Hydrargryi bisulphuratum
Zangar Cupri subacetas
Sammul-Far (Abyaz, Asfar, Aswad
and Ahmar)
Arsenic (white, yellow, black and red)
Tootiya Copper Sulphate
Para Hydrargyrum
Hartal Arsenic trisulphide (yellow)
Part I – Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification GSR 663(E) dt 3-7-1992 and corrected as per
GOI Notification No. GSR 27 (E) dt 22-1-1993.
Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part X, Part
XI, Part XII and Part XII-A omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 663(E) dt 3-7-
1. Location and Surroundings : The blood bank shall be located at a place which
shall be away from open sewage, drain, public lavatory or similar unhygienic
2. Building : The building (s) used for operation of a blood bank and/or preparation
of blood components shall be constructed in such a manner so as to permit the
operation of the blood bank and preparation of blood components under hygienic
conditions and shall avoid the entry of insects, rodents and flies. It shall be well
lighted, ventilated and screened (mesh), wherever necessary. The walls and
floors of the rooms, where collection of blood or preparation of blood
components or blood products is carried out shall be smooth, washable and
capable of being kept clean. Drains shall be adequate size and where connected
directly to a sewer, shall be equipped with traps to prevent back siphonage.
3. Health, clothing and sanitation of staff: The employees shall be free from
contagious or infectious diseases. They shall be provided with clean overalls,
headgears, foot-wears and gloves, wherever required. There shall be adequate,
clean and convenient hand washing and toilet facilities.
A blood bank shall have an area of 100 square meters for its operations and an
additional area of 50 square meters for preparation of blood components. It shall be
consisting of a room each for –
(1) Registration and medical examination with adequate furniture and facilities for
registration and selection of donors;
(2) Blood collection (air-conditioned);
(3) Blood component preparation. (This shall be air-conditioned to maintain
temperature between 20 degree centigrade to 25 degree centigrade);
Schedule “M” substituted by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.245(E) dtd 05.04.1999.
(4) Laboratory for blood group serology. (air-conditioned);
(5) Laboratory for blood transmissible diseases like Hepatitis, Syphilis, Malaria,
HIV-antibodies (air-conditioned);
(6) Sterilization-cum-washing;
(7) Refreshment-cum-rest room (air-conditioned);
(8) Store-cum-records.
(1) The above requirements as to accommodation and area may be relaxed, in respect of
testing laboratories and sterilization-cum-washing room, for reasons to be recorded
in writing by the Licensing Authority and/or the Central Licence Approving
Authority, in respect of blood banks operating in hospitals, provided the hospital
concerned has a pathological laboratory and a sterilization-cum-washing room
common with other departments in the said hospital.
(2) Refreshments to the donor after phlebotomy shall be served so that he is kept under
observation in the Blood Bank.
Every blood bank shall have following categories of whole time component
technical staff:-
(a) Medical Officer, possessing the qualification specified in condition (i) of rule
(b) Blood Bank Technician(s) possessing –
(i) Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (M.L.T) with six months
experience in the testing of blood and/or its components; or
(ii) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (M.L.T) with one year’s
experience in the testing of blood and / or its components.
the degree or diploma being from a University / Institution recognized by the
Central Government or State Government.
(c) Registered Nurse(s);
(d) Technical supervisor (where blood components are manufactured), possessing-
(i) Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (M.L.T) with six month’s
experience in the preparation of blood components; or
(ii) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (M.L.T) with one year’s
experience in the preparation of blood components the degree or diploma being
from a University / Institution recognized by the Central Government or State
(1) The requirements of qualification and experience in respect of Technical
Supervisor and Blood Bank Technician shall ap ply in the cases of persons who
are approved by the Licensing Authority and / or Central Licence Approving
Authority after the commencement of the Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment)
Rules, 1999.
(2) As regards the number of whole time competent technical personnel, the blood
bank shall comply with the requirements laid down in the Directorate General
of Health Services Manual.
3) It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure through maintenance of
records and other latest techniques used in blo od banking system that the
personnel involved in blood banking activities for collection, storage, testing
and distribution are adequately trained in the current Good Manufacturing
Practices/Standard Operating Procedures for the tasks undertaken by each
personnel. The personnel shall be made aware of the principles of Good
Manufacturing Practices / Standard Operating Procedures that affect them and
receive initial and continuing training relevant to their needs.
The premises shall be main tained in a clean and proper manner to ensure adequate
cleaning and maintenance of proper operations, the facilities shall include:-
(1) Privacy and thorough examination of individuals to determine their suitability
as donors.
(2) Collection of blood from donors with minimal risk of contamination of
exposure to activities and equipment unrelated to blood collection.
(3) Storage of blood or blood components pending completion of tests.
(4) Provision for quarantine, storage of blood and blood components in a
designated location, pending repetition of those tests that initially give
questionable serological results.
(5) Provision for quarantine, storage, handling and disposal of products and
regarding not suitable for use.
(6) Storage of finished products prior to distribution or issue.
(7) Proper collection, processing, compatibility testing, storage and distribution of
blood and blood components to prevent contamination.
(8) Adequate and proper performance of all procedures relating to plasmapheresis,
plateletpheresis and leucapheresis.
(9) Proper conduct of all packaging, labeling and other finishing operations.
(10) Provision for sale and sanitary disposal of :
(i) Blood and/or blood components not suitable for use, distribution or sale.
(ii) Trash and items used during the collection, processing and compatibility
testing of blood and / or blood components.
Equipment used in the collection, processing, testing, storage and sale/distribution of
blood and is components shall be maintained in a clean and proper manner and so
placed as to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. The equipment shall be observed,
standardized and calibrated on a regularly scheduled basis as described in the Standard
Operating Procedures Manual and shall operate in the manner for which it was
designed so as to ensure compliance with the official requirements (the equipments) as
stated below for blood and its components.
Equipment that shall be observed, standardized and calibrated with at least the
following frequencies:
1. Temperature
Compare against
Daily As often as
2 Refrigerated
Observe speed and
Each day of
As often as
3 Hematocrit
— — Standardise before
initial use, after
repair or
adjustments and
4, General lab. — — Tachometer, every 6
5. Automated Blood
Observe controls for
correct results
Each day of
6. Haemoglobinometer Standardize against
Each day of
7. Refractiometer or
Standardize against
distilled water
— ditto — —
8. Blood container Standardize against — ditto — As often as
weighing device container of known
9 Water Bath Observe temperature — ditto — — d itto–
10 Rh view box
— ditto — — ditto — — d itto —
11 Autoclave — d itto– Each time of
— d itto–
12 Serologic rotators Observe controls for
correct results
Each day of
Speed as often as
13 Laboratory
— —
Before initial use
14 Electronic
— Monthly —
15 Blood agitator Observe weight of the
first container of blood
filled for correct results
Each day of
Standardize with
container of known
mass or value
before initial use,
and after repairs or
All supplies and reagents used in the collection, processing, compatibility, testing,
storage and distribution of blood and blood components shall be stored at proper
temperature in a safe and hygienic place, in a proper manner and in particular –
(a) all supplies coming in contact with blood and blood components intended for transfusion
shall be sterile, pyrogen-free, and shall not interact with the product in such a manner as
to have an adverse effect upon the safety, purity, potency or effectiveness of the product.
(b) supplies and reagents that do not bear an expiry date shall be stored in a manner that the
oldest is used first.
(c) supplies and reagents shall be used in a manner consistent with instructions provided by
the manufacturer.
(d) all final containers and closures for blood and blood components not intended for
transfusion shall be clean and free of surface solids and other contaminants.
(e) each blood collecting container and its satellite container(s), if any, shall be examined
visually for damage or evidence of contamination prior to its use and immediately after
filling. Such examination shall include inspection for breakage of seals, when indicated,
and abnormal discoloration. Where any defect is observed, the container shall not be
used, or if detected after filling, shall be properly discarded.
(f) representative samples of each lot of the following reagents and/or solutions shall be
tested regularly on a scheduled basis by methods described in the Standard Operating
Procedures Manual to determine their capacity to perform as required,
Reagents and solutions Frequency of testing along with controls
Anti-human serum Each day of use
Blood grouping serums Each day of use
Lectin Each day of use
Antibody screening and reverse
grouping cells
Each day of use
Hepatitis test reagents Each run
Syphilis serology reagents Each run
Enzymes Each day of use
HIV I and II reagents Each run
Normal saline (LISS and PBS) Each day of use
Bovine Albumin Each day of use.
Written Standard Operating Procedures shall be maintained and shall include all steps to be
followed in the collection, processing, compatibility testing, storage and sale or distribution of
blood and/or preparation of blood components for homologous transfusion, autologous
transfusion and further manufacturing purposes. Such procedures shall be available to the
personnel for use in concerned areas. The Standard Operating Procedures shall inter alia
1.(a) criteria used to determine donor suitability.
methods of performing donor qualifying tests and measurements including minimum
and maximum values for a test or procedure, when a factor in determining
solutions and methods used to prepare the site of phlebotomy so as to give maximum
assurance of a sterile container of blood;
(q) procedures of plasmapheresis, plateletphersis and leucapheresis if performed,
including precautions to be taken to ensure re-infusion of donor’s own cells;
(r) procedures for preparing recovered (salvaged) plasma if performed, including details
of separation, pooling, labelling, storage and distribution;
(s) All records pertinent to the lot or unit maintained pursuant to these regulations shall be
reviewed before the release or distribution of a lot or unit of final product. The review
or portions of the review may be performed at appropriate periods during or after
blood collection, processing, testing and storage. A thorough investigation, including
the conclusions and follow-up, if any unexplained discrepancy or the failure of a lot or
unit to meet any of its specification shall be made and recorded.
2. A licensee may utilise current Standard Operating Procedures, such as the Manuals of
the following organizations, so long as such specific procedures are consistent with,
and at least as stringent as, the requirements contained in this Part, namely :-
(d) method of accurately relating the product (s) to the donor;
(e) blood collection procedure, including in-process precautions taken to measure
accurately the quality of blood drawn from the donor;
(f) methods of component preparation including, any time restrictions for specific steps in
(g) all tests and repeat test performed on blood and blood components during processing;
(h) pre-transfusion testing, wherever applicable, including precautions to be taken to
identify accurately the recipient blood components during processing;
(i) procedures of managing adverse reactions in donor and recipient reactions:
(j) storage temperatures and methods of controlling storage temperatures for blood and its
components and reagents;
(k) length of expiry dates, if any assigned for all final products;
(l) criteria for determining whether returned blood is suitable for re-issue;
(m) procedures used for relating a unit of blood or blood components from the donor to its
final disposal;
(n) quality control procedures for supplies and reagents employed in blood collection,
processing and re-transfusion testing;
(o) schedules and procedures for equipment maintenance and calibration;
(p) labelling procedures to safe guard its mix-ups, receipt, issue, rejected and in-hand;
(i) Directorate General of Health Services Manual,
(ii) Other Organisations’ or individual blood bank’s manuals, subject to the approval of
State Licensing Authority and Central Licence Approving Authority.
Conditions for donation of blood:
(1) General – No person shall donate blood and no blood bank shall draw blood from a
person, more than once in three months. The donor shall be in good health, mentally alert and
physically fit and shall not be inmates of jail, persons having multiple sex partners and drugaddicts. The donors shall fulfill the following requirements, namely: –
(a) the donor shall be in the age group of 18 to 60 years.
(b) the donor shall not be less than 45 kilograms;
( c) temperature and pulse of the donor shall be normal;
(d) the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and are within normal limits without
(e) haemoglobin which shall not less than 12.5 grams;
(f) the donor shall be free from acute respiratory diseases;
(g) the donor shall be free from any skin diseases at the site of phlebotomy;
(h) the donor shall be free from any disease transmissible by blood transfusion,
insofar as can be determined by history and examination indicated above;
(i) the arms and forearms of the donor shall be free from skin punctures or scars
indicative of professional blood donors or addiction of self injected narcotics.
(2) Additional qualifications of donor – No person shall donate blood, and no blood bank
shall draw blood from a donor, in the conditions mentioned in column (1) of the Table
given below before the expiry of the period of deferment mentioned in the column (2)
of the said Table.
Table: Deferment of blood donation
(a) Abortions 6 months
(b) History of Blood transfusion 6 months
(c) Surgery 12 months
(d) Typhoid 12 months after recovery
(e) History of Malaria and duly
3 months (endemic)
3 years (non endemic area)
(f) Tattoo 6 months
(h) Breast feeding 12 months after delivery
(i) Immunization (Cholera,
Typhoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus,
Plague, Gammaglobulin)
15 days
(j) Rabies vaccination 1 year after vaccination
(k) History of Hepatitis in family or
close contact.
12 months
(l) Immunoglobulin 12 months
(5) No person shall donate blood and no blood bank shall draw blood from a person,
suffering from any of the diseases mentioned below, namely:
a. Cancer
b. Heart disease
c. Abnormal bleeding tendencies
d. Unexplained weight loss
e. Diabetes-controlled on insulin
i. [(f) Hepatitis infection]
(g) Chronic nephritis
(h) Signs and symptoms, suggestive of AIDS
(i ) Liver diseases
(j) Tuberculosis
(k) Polycythemia Vera.
(l) Asthma
(m) Epilepsy
(p)Endocrine disorders
1. For blood collection room:
i) Donor beds, chairs and tables: These shall be suitably and comfortably
cushioned and shall be of appropriate size.
ii) Bedside table
iii) Sphygmomanometer and Stethoscope
iv) Recovery beds for donors.
v) Refrigerators, for storing separately tested and untested blood, maintaining
temperature between 2 to 6 degree centigrade with digital dial thermometer,
recording thermograph and alarm device, with provision for continuous power
vi) Weighing devices for donor and blood containers.
· Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40 (E) Dt 29-01-2001.
2. For haemoglobin determination:
3. For temperature and pulse determination.
4. For blood containers:
(i) Copper sulphate solution (specific gravity 1.053)
(ii) Sterile lancet and impregnated alcohol swabs.
(iii) Capillary tube (1.3 x 1.4 x 96mm) or Pasteur pipettes)
(iv) Rubber bulbs for capillary tubings.
(v) Sahli’s haemoglobinometer / Colorimetric method.
(i) Clinical thermometers
(ii) Watch (fitted with a second-hand) and a stop-watch.
(a) Only disposable PVC blood bags shall be used (closed system) as per
specifications of IP/USP/BP.
(b) Anti-coagulants: The anti-coagulant solution shall be sterile, pyrogen-free and
of the following composition that will ensure satisfactory safety and efficacy of
the whole blood and/or for all the separated blood components.
Note 1. (i) In case of single/double/triple/quadruple blood collection bags used
for blood component preparations,CPDA blood collection bags may
be used.
(i) Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine solution (CPDA) or Citrate
Phosphate Dextrose Adenine – 1 (CPDA-1) – 14 ml solution shall be
required for 100ml of blood.
5. Emergency equipments/items:
6 Accessories: –
(ii) Acid Citrate Dextrose solution (A.C.D. with Formula -A) I.P. – 15 ml
solution shall be required for 1—ml blood,
(iii) Additive solution such as SAGM, ADSOL, NUTRICEL may be
used for storing and retaining Red Blood Corpuscles upto 42 days.
Note 2. The licensee shall ensure that the anti-coagulant solutions are of a
licensed manufacturer and the blood bags in which the said solutions
are contained have a certificate of analysis of the said manufacturer.
(i) Oxygen cylinder with masks, gauge and pressure regulator
(ii) 5 percent Glucose or Normal Saline
(iii) Disposable sterile syringes and needles of various sizes.
(iv) Disposable sterile I.V. infusion sets.
(v) Ampoules of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Mephentin, Betamethasone or
Dexamethasone, Metoclorpropamide injections.
(vi) Aspirin.
(i) Such as blankets, emesis basins, haemostats, set clamps, sponge forceps, gauze,
dressing jars, solution jars, waste cans.
(ii) Medium cotton balls, 1.25 cm adhesive tapes.
(iii) Denatured spirit, Tincture Iodine, green soap or liquid soap.
(iv) Paper napkins or towels.
(v) Autoclave with temperature and pressure indicator.
(vi) Incinerator
(vii) Stand-by generator
7. Laboratory equipment
viii) Hand-lens for observing tests conducted in tubes.
(ix) Serological graduated pipettes of various sizes.
(x) Pipettes (Pasteur)
(xi) Glass slides
(xii) Test tubes of various sizes / micrometer plates (U or V type) P
xiii) Precipitating tubes 6mm x 50mm of different sizes and glass beakers of different
(xiv) Test tube racks of different specifications
(xv) Interval timer electric or spring wound.
(1) Standard blood grouping sera Anti A, Anti B and Anti C with known controls.
Rh typing sera shall be in double quality and each of different brand or if from
the same supplier each supply shall be of different lot numbers,
(2) Reagents for serological tests for syphilis and positive sera for controls.
(3) Anti Human Globulin Serum (Coomb’s serum)
(4) Bovine Albumin 22 percent Enzyme reagents for incomplete antibodies.
(5) ELISA or RPHA test kits for Hepatitis and HIV I & II
(6) Detergent and other agents for cleaning laboratory glass wares.
(i) Refrigerators, for storing diagnostic kits and reagents, maintaining a temperature
between 4 to 6 degree centigrade (plus/minus 2 degrees centigrade) with digital
dial thermometer having provision for continuous power supply.
(ii) Compound Microscope with low and high power objectives
(iii) Centrifuge Table Model
(iv) Water bath: having range between 37 degree centigrade to 56 degree centigrade.
(v) Rh viewing box in case of slide technique
(vi) Incubator with thermostatic control
(vii) Mechanical shakers for serological tests for Syphilis.
(xviii) Wash bottles.
(xix) Filter papers
(xx) Dielectric tube sealer
(xxii) Plain and EDTA vials
(xxii) Chemical balance (wherever necessary)
(xxiii) ELISA reader with printer, washer and micropipettes.
(xvi) Equipment and materials for cleaning glass wares adequately.
(xvii) Insulated containers for transporting blood, between 2 degree centigrade to 10
degree centigrade temperatures, to wards and hospitals.
NOTE (a) Blood samples of donors in pilot tube and the blood samples of the
recipient shall be preserved for 7 days after issue.
(b) The blood intended for transfusion shall not be frozen at any stage.
(c) Blood containers shall not come directly in contact with ice at any stage.
The records which the licensee is required to maintain shall include interalia the
following particulars, namely: –
* Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001.w.e.f.01.06.2001
(1) It shall be responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the whole blood collected,
processed and supplied conforms to the standards laid down in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia and other tests published, if any, by the Government.
(2) Freedom from HIV antibodies (AIDS) Tests – Every licensee shall get samples
of every blood unit tested, before use, for freedom from HIV 1 and HIV II
antibodies either from laboratories specified for the purpose by the Central
Government or in his own laboratory. The results of such testing shall be
recorded on the label of the container.
(3) Each blood unit shall also be tested for freedom from *[(Hepatitis B surface
antigen and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)] VDRL and malarial parasite and
results of such testing shall be recorded on the label of the container.
(1) Blood donor record : It shall indicate serial number, date of bleeding, name, address
and signature of donor with other particulars of age, weight, hemoglobin, blood
grouping, blood pressure, med ical examination, bag number and patient’s detail for
whom donated in case of replacement donation, category of donation (voluntary /
replacement) and deferral records and signature of Medical Officer In charge.
( (5) Records of A.C.D./C.P.D/CPD-A/SAGM bags giving details of manufacturer, batch
number, date of supply and results of testing
(6) Register for diagnostic kits and reagents used: name of the kits/reagents, details of
batch number, date of expiry and date of use.
(7) Blood bank must issue the cross matching report of the blood to the patient together
with the blood unit.
(8) Transfusion adverse reaction records.
(9) Records of purchase, use and stock in hand of disposable needles, syringes, blood
bags, shall be maintained.
NOTE : The above records shall be kept by the licensee for a period of five years.
The labels on every bag containing blood and/or component shall contain the
following particulars, namely;
(1) The proper name of the product in a prominent place and in bold letters on the bag.
(2) Name and address of the blood bank
(3) Licence number
**Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001.w.e.f.01.06.2001.
(2) Master records for blood and its components: It shall indicate bag serial number, date
of collection, date of expiry, quantity in ml. ABO/Rh Group, results for testing of
HIV I and HIV II antibodies, Malaria, V.D.R.L. **[( Hepatitis B surface antigen and
Hepatitis C Virus antibody)] and irregular antibodies (if any), name and address of
the donor with particulars, utilization issue number, components prepared or
discarded and signature of the Medical Officer in charge.
(3) Issue register: It shall indicate serial number, date and time of issue, bag serial
number, ABO/Rh Group, total quantity in ml, name and address of the recipient,
group of recipient, unit/institution, details of cross-matching report, indication for
(4) Records of components supplied: quantity supplied, compatibility report, details of
recipient and signature of issuing person.
(4) Serial number
(5) The date on which the blood is drawn and the date of expiry as prescribed under
Schedule P to these rules.
(6) A colored label shall be put on every bag containing blood. The following color
scheme for the said labels shall be used for different groups of blood:
Blood Group Color of the label
O Blue
A Yellow
B Pink
AB White
(7) The results of the tests for **[(Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C Virus
antibody)] syphilis, freedom from HIV I and HIV II antibodies and malarial
(8) The Rh. Group
(9) Total volume of blood, the preparation of blood, nature and percentage of anticoagulant.
(10) Keep continuously temperature at 2 degree centigrade to 6 degree centigrade for
whole human blood and/or components as contained under III of Part XII B.
(11) Disposable transfusion sets with filter shall be used in administration equipment.
(12) Appropriate compatible cross-matched blood without atypical antibody in recipient
shall be used.
(13) The contents of the bag shall not be used if there is any visible evidence of
deterioration like haemolysis, clotting or discoloration.
(14) The label shall indicate the appropriate donor classification like “Voluntary Donor”
or “Replacement Donor” in no less prominence than the proper name.
**Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001.w.e.f.01.06.2001
1. In the case of blood components, particulars of the blood from which such
components have been prepared shall be given against item numbers (5), (7), (8),
(9) and (14).
2. The blood and/or its components shall be distributed on the prescription of a
Registered Medical Practitioner.
A blood donation camp may be organized by –
(a) a licensed designated Regional Blood Transfusion Centre ; or
(b) a licensed Government blood bank; or
**[(c) the Indian Red Cross society; or
(d) a licensed blood bank run by registered voluntary or charitable organizations
recognized by State or Union Territory Blood Transfusion Council)]
(i)“ Designated Regional Blood Transfusion Centre” shall be a center approved and
designated by a Blood Transfusion Council constituted by a State Government to
collect, process and distribute blood and its components to cater to the needs of the
region and that center has also been licensed and approved by the Licensing Authority
and Central Licence Approving Authority for the purpose.
(ii) The designated Regional Blood Transfusion Centre, Government blood bank and
Indian Red Cross Society shall intimate within a period of seven days, the venue where
the blood camp was held and details of group wise blood units collected in the said
camp to the Licensing Authority and Central Licence Approving Authority.
For holding a blood donation camp, the following requirements shall be fulfilled/complied
with, namely: –
(A) Premises, personnel etc.
(a) Premises under the blood donation camp shall have sufficient area and the
location shall be hygienic so as to allow proper operation, maintenance and
**Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.218(E) dt 28-03-2001
(b) All information regarding the personnel working, equipment used and facilities
available at such a Camp shall be well documented and made available for inspection,
if required, and ensuring –
(i) Continuous and uninterrupted electrical supply for equipment used in the
(ii) Adequate lighting for all the required activ ities;
(iii) Hand-washing facilities for staff;
(iv) Reliable communication system to the central office of the
Controller/organizer of the Camp;
(v) Furniture and equipment arranged within the available space;
(vi) Refreshment facilities for donors and staff;
(vii) Facilities for medical examination of the donors;
(viii) Proper disposal of waste.
(B) Personnel for Out-door Blood Donation Camp:
To collect blood from 50 to 70 donors in about 3 hours or from 100 to 200 donors in
5 hours, the following requirements shall be fulfilled / complied with:
(i) One Medical Officer and two nurses or phlebotomists for managing 6-8
donor tables.
(ii) two medico social workers
(iii) three blood bank technicians
(iv) two attendants
(v) vehicle having a capacity to seat 8-10 persons, with provision for carriage
of donation goods including facilities to conduct a blood donation camp.
(C) Equipments :
1. BP apparatus
2. Stethoscope
3. Blood bags (single, double, triple, quadruple)
4. Donor questionnaire
5. Weighing device for donors
6. Weighing device for blood bags
7. Artery forceps, scissors
8. Stripper for blood tubing
9. Bed sheets, blankets/mattress
10. Lancets, swab stick/tooth picks
11. Glass slides
12. Portable Hb meter/copper sulphate
13. Test tube (big) and 12x100mm (small)
14. Test tube stand
15. Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-AB, Antisera and Anti-D
16. Test tube sealer film
17. Medicated adhesive tape
18. Plastic waste basket
19. Donor cards and refreshment for donors
20 Emergency medical kit
21 Insulated blood bag containers with provisions for storing between 2
degree centigrade to 10 degree centigrade.
22. Dielectric sealer or portable tube sealer
23. Needle destroyer (wherever necessary)
The Blood components shall be prepared by blood banks as a part of the Blood Bank
services. The conditions for grant or renewal of licence to prepare blood components shall
be as follows: –
(1) Rooms with adequate area and other specification, for preparing blood
components depending on quantum of workload shall be specified in item
B under the heading “1. BLOOD BANKS/BLOOD COMPONENTS’ of
this Part.
(2) Preparation of Blood components shall be carried out only under closed
system using single double, triple or quadruple plastic bags except for
peroration of Red Blood Cells Concentrates, where single bags may be
used with transfer bags.
(i) Air Conditioner;
(ii) Laminar air flow bench;
(iii) Suitable refrigerated centrifuge;
(iv) Plasma expresser;
(v) Clipper and clips and or dielectric sealer;
(vi) Weighing device;
(vii) Dry rubber balancing material;
(viii) Artery forceps, scissors;
(ix) Refrigerator maintaining a temperature between 2 degree centigrade to 6
degree centigrade, a digital dial thermometer with recording thermograph
and alarm device, with provision for continuous power supply;
(x) Platelet agitator with incubator (wherever necessary)
(xi) Deep freezers maintaining a temperature between minus 30 degree
centigrade to minus 40 degree centigrade and minus 75 degree centigrade
to minus 80 degree centigrade;
(xii) Refrigerated Water bath for Plasma Thawing;
(xiii) Insulated blood bag containers with provisions for storing at appropriate
temperature for transport purposes;
The whole time competent technical staff meant for processing of Blood
Components (that is Medical Officer, Technical Supervisor, Blood Bank
Technicians and Registered Nurse) shall be as specified in item C, under the
heading “ 1. BLOOD BANKS/BLOOD COMPONENTS” of this Part.
General: Facilities for A, B, AB and O groups and Rh(D) grouping.
[*(Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)] VDRL, HIV
and HIV II antibodies and malarial parasites shall be mandatory for every
blood unit before it is used for the preparation of blood components. The
results of such testing shall be indicated on the label.
The product shall be known as “Packed Red Blood Cells” that is Packed
Red Blood Cells remaining after separating plasma from human blood.
General Requirements:
(a) Storage: Immediately after processing, the Packed Red Blood Cells shall be
kept at a temperature maintained between 2 degree centigrade to 6 degree
(b) Inspection: The component shall be inspected immediately after separation
of the plasma, during storage and again at the time of issue. The product
shall not be issued if there is any abnormality in color or physical
appearance or any indication of microbial contamination.
Suitability of Donor: The source of blood for Packed Red Blood Cells shall
be obtained from a donor who meets the criteria for Blood Donation as
specified in item H under the heading “I. BLOOD BANKS/BLOOD
COMPONENTS” of this Part.
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001
(d) Testing of Whole Blood: Blood from which Packed Red Blood Cells are
prepared shall be tested as specified in item K relating to Testing Of Whole
Blood under the heading “I. BLOOD BANKS/BLOOD COMPONENTS”
of this Part.
(e) Pilot samples: Pilot samples collected in integral tubing or in separate pilot
tubes shall meet the following specifications:
(i) One or more pilot samples of either the original blood or the Packed
Red Blood Cells being processed shall be preserved with each unit of
Packed Red Blood Cells, which is issued.
(ii) Before they are filled, all pilot sample tubes shall be marked or
identified so as to relate them to the donor of that unit or Packed Red
Blood Cells.
(iii) Before the final container is filled or at the time the final product is
prepared, the pilot samples tubes accompanying a unit of Packed Red
Blood Cells, shall be attached in a tamper-proof manner that shall
conspicuously identify removal and re-attachment.
(iv) All pilot sample tubes, accompanying a unit of packed red blood cells,
shall be filled immediately after the blood is collected or at the time the
final product is prepared, in each case, by the person who performs the
collection of preparation.
(i) Separation: Packed Red Blood Cells shall be separated from the whole
blood, —
(a) if the whole blood is stored in ACD solution within 21 days, and
(b) if the whole blood is stored in CPDA-1 solution, within 35 days, from
the date of collection. Packed Red Blood Cells may be prepared either
by centrifugation done in a manner that shall not tend to increase the
temperature of the blood or by normal undisturbed sedimentation
method. A portion of the plasma, sufficient to ensure optimal cell
preservation, shall be left with the packed Red Blood Cells.
(ii) Packed Red Blood Cells Frozen: Cryophylactic substance may be added
to the Packed Red Blood Cells for extended manufacturer’s storage not
warmer than minus 65 degree centigrade provided the manufacturer
submits data to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority and Central
Licence Approving Authority, as adequately demonstrating through invivo cells survival and other appropriate tests that the addition of the
substance, the material used and the processing methods results in a final
product meets the req uired standards of safety, purity and potency for
Packed Red Blood Cells, and that the frozen product shall maintain those
properties for the specified expiry period.
(iii) Testing: Packed Red Blood Cells shall conform to the standards as laid
down in the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
The product shall be known as “Platelets Concentrates” that is platelets
collected from one unit of blood and re-suspended in an appropriate volume
of original plasma.
General Requirements:
(i) Source: The source material for platelets shall be platelet rich plasma
or buffy coat which may be obtained from the whole blood or by
(ii) Processing :
(a) Separation of buffy-coat or platelet-rich plasma and platelets and resuspension of the platelets shall be in a closed system by centrifugal
method with appropriate speed, force and time.
(b) Immediately after collection, the whole blood or plasma shall be
held in storage between 20 degree centigrade to 24 degree
centigrade. When it is to be transported from the venue of blood
collected to the processing laboratory, during such transport action,
the temperature as close as possible to a range between 20 degree
centigrade to 24 degree centigrade shall be ensured. The platelet
concentrates shall be separated within 6 hours after the time of
collection of the unit of whole blood or plasma.
(c) The time and speed of centrifugation shall be demonstrated to
produce an unclamped product, without visible haemolysis, that
yields a count of not less than 3.5 x 10 10 (3.5 x 10 raised to the
power of 10) and 4.5 x 10 10 (4.5 x 10 raised to the power ten) i.e.
platelets per unit from a unit of 350ml and 450ml blood
respectively. One percent of total platelets prepared shall be tested
of which 75 per cent of the units shall conform to the above said
platelet count.
(d) The volume of original plasma used for re-suspension of the
platelets shall be determined by the maintenance of the pH of not
less than 6 during the storage period. The pH shall be measured on a
sample of platelets which has been stored for the permissible
maximum expiry period at 20 degree centigrade to 24 degree
(e) Final containers used for platelets shall be colorless and transparent
to permit visual inspection of the contents. The caps selected shall
maintain a hermetic seal to prevent contamination of the contents.
The container material shall not interact with the contents, under the
normal conditions of the storage and use, in such a manner as to
have an adverse effect upon the safety, purity, potency, or efficacy
of the product. At the time filling, the final container shall be
marked or identified by number so as to relate it to the donor.
(iii) Storage: Immediately after re-suspension, platelets shall be placed in
storage not exceeding for a period of 5 days, between 20 degree
centigrade to 24 degree centigrade, with continuous gentle agitation of
the platelet concentrates maintained throughout such storage
(iv) Testing: The units prepared from different donors shall be tested at the
end of the storage period for –
(a) Platelet count;
(b) pH of not less than 6 measured at the storage temperature of the
(c) measurement of actual plasma volume;
(d) one percent of total platelets prepared shall be tested for
(e) the tests of functional viability of the platelets shall be done by
swirling movement before issue.
(f) if the results of the testing indicate that the product does not
meet the specified requirements, immediate corrective action
shall be taken and records maintained;
(v) Compatibility Test: Compatible transfusion for the purpose of variable
number of Red Blood Cells, A, B, AB and O grouping shall be done if
the platelets concentrate is contaminated with red blood cells.
(i) Storage: It shall be kept between 20 degree centigrade to 24 degree centigrade
for a maximum period of 24 hours;
(ii) Unit of granulocytes shall not less than 1 x 1010 (i.e. 1 x 10 raised to the
power of 10) when prepared on cell separator.
(iii) Group specific tests/HLA test wherever required shall be carried out.
Plasma frozen within 6 hours after blood collection and stored at a
temperature not warmer than minus 30 degree centigrade, shall be
preserved for a period of not more than one year.
Concentrate of anti-hemophiliac factor shall be prepared by thawing of the fresh
plasma frozen stored at minus 30 degree centigrade.
(a) Storage:
Cryoprecipitate shall be preserved at a temperature not higher than minus 30
degree centigrade and may be preserved for a period of not more than one year
from the date of collection.
(b) Activity:
Anti-hemophiliac factor activity in the final product shall be not less than 80
units per bag. One percent of the total cryoprecipitate prepared shall be tested
of which seventy five percent of the unit shall conform to the said
An area of 10 square meters shall be provided for apheresis in the blood bank.
The blood banks specifically permitted to undertake the said apheresis on the
donor shall observe the criteria as specified in item H relating to Criteria for
blood donation “I Blood Banks/Blood Components” of this Part. The written
consent of the donor shall be taken and the donor must be explained, the
hazards of apheresis. The Medical Officer shall certify that the donor is fit for
apheresis and it shall be carried out by a trained person under supervision of
the Medical Officer.
The donors subjected to plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis and leucopheresis
shall, in addition to the criteria specified in item H relating to the CRITERIA
COMPONENTS” of this Part being observed, be also subjected to protein
estimation on post-pheresis/first sitting whose results shall be taken as
reference for subsequent pheresis/sitting. It shall also be necessary that the
total plasma obtained from such donor and periodicity of Plasmapheresis shall
be according to the standards described under validated Standard Operating
(i) At least 48 hours must elapse between successive apheresis and not
more than twice in a week.
(ii) Extracoporeal blood volume shall not exceed 15% of donor’s
estimated blood volume.
(iii) Platelet pheresis shall not be carried out on donors who have taken
medication containing Asprin within 3 days prior to donation.
(iv) If during plateletpheresis or leucapheresis, RBCs cannot be retransfused then at least 12 weeks shall elapse before a second
cytapheresis procedure is conducted.
Before starting apheresis procedure, hemoglobin or haematocrit shall be done.
Platelet count, WBC counts, differential count may be carried out. In repeated
plasmapheresis, the serum protein shall be 6 gm./ml.
The quantity of plasma separated from the blood of donor shall not exceed 500
ml. per sitting and once in a fortnight or shall not exceed 1000 ml per month.
The blood products shall be manufactured in a separate premises other than that
meant for blood bank. The requirements that are essential for grant or renewal of licence to
manufacture blood products such as Albumin, Plasma Protein Fraction, Immunoglobins and
Coagulation Factor Concentrates, shall be as follows, namely: –
1. Location and surroundings, buildings and water supply:
The requirements as regards location and surrounding, buildings and water supply
as contained in paragraphs 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 of Part 1 of Schedule M shall apply
mutatis mutandis to the manufacture of blood products.
2. Disposal of waste and infectious materials:
(i) The requirements as regards dis posal of waste and infectious materials as
contained in paragraph 1.1.4 of Part 1 of Schedule M shall apply mutatis
mutandis to the manufacture of blood products.
(ii) Proper facility shall also be provided for potentially infectious materials,
particularly HIV I & HIV II *[(Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C
Virus antibody)] through autoclaving, incineration or any other suitable
validated methods.
3. Health, clothing and sanitation personnel:
(i) The requirement as contained in paragraph 3 of Part 1
of Schedule M shall be complied with.
(ii) The personnel working in the manufacturing areas shall be
vaccinated against Hepatitis B virus and other infectious
transmitting diseases
4. Requirements for manufacturing area for Blood Products:
(i) For the manufacture of blood products, separate enclosed areas
specifically designated for the purpose shall be provided. These areas be
provided with air locks for entry and shall be essentially dust free and
ventilated with an air supply. Air supply for manufacturing area shall be
filtered through bacteria retaining filters (HEPA Filters) shall be at a
pressure higher than in the adjacent areas.
The filters shall be checked for performance on installation and
periodically thereafter all records thereof shall be maintained.
(ii) Interior surfaces (walls, floors and ceilings) shall be smooth and free
from cracks; they shall not shed matter and shall permit easy cleaning
and disinfection. Drains shall be excluded from aseptic areas.
Routine microbial counts of the manufacturing area shall be carried out
during manufacturing operations. The results of such counts shall be
checked against well documented in-house standards and records
Access to the manufacturing areas shall be restricted to a minimum
number of authorized personnel. Special procedures for entering and
leaving the manufacturing areas shall be prominently displayed.
(iii) Sinks shall be excluded from aseptic areas. Any sink installed in other
clean areas shall be of suitable material such as stainless steel, without an
overflow, and be supplied with water of potable quality. Adequate
precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of the drainage system
with dangerous effluents and airborne dissemination of pathogenic
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001.
(iv) Lighting, air-conditioning, ventilation shall be designed to maintain a
satisfactory temperature and relative humid ity to minimize
contamination and to take account of the comfort of personnel working
with protective clothing.
(v) Premises used for the manufacture of blood products shall be suitably
designed and constructed to facilitate good sanitation.
(vi) Premises shall be carefully maintained and it shall be ensured that repair
and maintenance operations do not present any hazard to the quality of
products. Premises shall be cleaned and, where applicable, disinfected
according to detailed written validated procedures.
(vii) Adequate facilities and equipments shall be used for the manufacture of
blood products derived from blood plasma.
(viii) All containers of blood products, regardless of the stage of manufacture,
shall be identified by securely attached labels. Cross contamination shall
be prevented by adoption of the following measures, namely –
(a) processing and filling shall be in segregated areas;
(b) manufacture of different products at the same time shall be
(c) simultaneous filling of the different products shall be avoided;
(d) ensure transfer, containers/materials by means of airlocks, air
extraction, clothing change and careful washing and
decontamination of equipment;
(e) protecting containers/materials against the risk of contamination
caused by re-circulation of untreated air or by accidental re-entry
of extracted air;
(f) using container that are sterilized or are of documented low
(ix) Positive pressure area shall be dedicated to the processing area
(x) Air-handling units shall be dedicated to the processing area concerned;
(xi) Pipe work, valves and vent filters shall be properly designed to facilitate
cleaning and sterilization. Valves on fractionation / reacting vessels shall
be completely steam sterilisable. Air vent filters shall be validated for
their designated use.
5. Ancillary Areas :
(i) Rest and refreshment rooms shall be separated from other areas.
(ii) Facilities for changing and storing clothes and for washing and toilet
purposes shall be easily accessible and appropriate for the number of users.
Toilets shall not be connected directly with production or storage areas.
(iii) Maintenance workshops shall be separated from production areas.
Wherever parts and tools are stored in the production area, they shall be
kept in rooms or lockers reserved for that use.
(iv)Animal houses shall be well isolated from other areas with separate
(1) Plasma shall be collected from the licensed Blood Banks through a cold chain
process and stored in frozen condition not warmer than minus twenty degree
(2) Individual plasma shall remain in quarantine till it is tested for *[( Hepatitis B
and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)], HIV I and HIV II.
(3) A sample from pooled – lot plasma of about 10-12 units of different donors shall
be tested for [(Hepatitis B and Heptitis C Virus antibody)] HIV I and HIV II
and if the same sample found negative, only then it shall be taken up for
(1) Storage areas shall be of sufficient space and capacity to allow orderly
storage of the various categories of materials, intermediates, bulk and
finished products, products in quarantine, released, rejected, returned, or
recalled products.
(2) Storage areas shall be designed or adopted to ensure good storage
containers. In particular, they shall be clean, dry and maintained within
temperature required for such storage and where special storage
conditions are required (e.g. temperature, humidity), these shall be
provided, checked and monitored.
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001
(3) Receiving and dispatch bays shall protect materials and products from the
weather and shall be designed and equipped to allow containers of
incoming materials to be cleaned, if necessary, before storage.
(4) Where quarantine status is ensured by storage in separate areas, these
areas shall be clearly marked and their access restricted only to authorized
(5) There shall be separate sampling area for raw materials. If sampling is
performed in the storage area, it shall be conducted in such a way so as to
prevent contamination or cross-contamination.
(6) Segregation shall be provided for the storage of rejected, recalled, or
returned materials or products.
(7) Adequate facility shall be provided for supply of ancillary material, such
as ethanol, water, salts and polyethylene glycol. Separate facilities shall
be provided for the recovery of organic solvents used in fractionation.
1. Manufacture :
The manufacture of blood products shall be conducted under the active
direction and personal supervision of competent technical staff, consisting of
at least one person who shall be a whole time employee, with one year
practical experience in the manufacture of blood products / plasma
fractionation and possesses –-
(a) Post-graduate degree in Medicine – M.D. (Mic robiology /
Pathology / Bacteriology / Immunology / Biochemistry) ; or
(b) Post graduate degree in Science (Microbilogy); or
(c) Post-graduate degree in Pharmacy (Microbiology), from a
recognized University or Institution.
2. Testing :
The head of the testing unit shall be independent of the manufacturing unit
and testing shall be conducted under the active direction and personal
supervision of competent technical staff consisting at least one person who
shall be a whole time employee. The Head of the testing unit shall have
eighteen months practical experience in the testing of drugs, especially the
blood products and possesses –
(a) Post-graduate degree in Pharmacy or Science – (Chemistry /
Microbiology / Bio-chemistry); or
(b) Post-graduate degree in Medicine – M.D (Microbiology / Pathology /
Biochemistry), from a recognized University or Institution.
(1) The production area and the viral inactivation room shall be centrally airconditioned and fitted with HEPA filters having Grade C (Class 10,000)
environment as given in the Table below.
(2) The filling and sealing shall be carried out under aseptic conditions in
centrally air-conditioned areas fitted with HEPA Filters Grade A or as the
case may be grade B (Class 100) environment given in the said Table.
Maximum number of particles permitted per m3
GRADE 0.5 – 5 micron Less than 5
A (Class 100)
(Laminar – Airflow
3500 None Less than 1
B (Class 100) 3500 None Less than 5
C (Class 10000) 3,50,000 2000 Less than 100
(3) The physical and chemical operations used for the manufacture of plasma
fractionation shall maintain high yield of safe and effective protein.
(4) The fractionation procedure used shall give a good yield of products meeting
the in-house quality requirements as approved by the Licensing Authority and
Central Licence Approving Authority reducing the risk of microbiological
contamination and protein denaturation to the minimum.
(5) The procedure adopted shall not affect the antibody activity and biological
half-life or biological characteristics of the products.
The procedure used by the licensee to inactivate the pathogenic organisms such
as enveloped and non-enveloped virus, especially infectivity from HIV I & HIV II,
**[(Hepatitis B surface antigens and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)], the viral
inactivation and validation methods adopted by the licensee, shall be submitted for
approval to the Licensing Authority and Central Licence Approving Authority.
(1) No preservative (except stabilizer to prevent – protein denaturatin such as
glycine, sodium chloride or sodium caprylate) shall be added to Albumin,
Plasma Protein Fraction, Intravenous Immunoglobulins or Coagulation Factor
Concentrates without the prior approval of Licensing Authority and Central
Licence Approving Authority.
(2) The licensee shall ensure that the said stabilizers do not have deleterious
effect on the final product in the quality present so as not to cause any untoward
or adverse reaction in human beings.
Separate facilities shall be provided for Quality Control such a Hematological, Biochemical, Physico-chemical, Microbiological, Pyrogens, Instrumental and Safety
testing. The Quality Control Department shall have inter alia the following principal
duties, namely :-
(1) To prepare detailed instructions for carrying our test and analysis.
(2) To approve or reject raw material, components, containers, closures, in –
process materials, packaging material, labeling and finished products.
(3) To release or reject batch of finished products which are ready for
(4) To evaluate the adequacy of the conditions under which raw materials, semifinished products and finished products are stored.
(5) To evaluate the quality and stability of finished products and when necessary
of raw materials and semi-finished products.
* *Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001
6) To review production records to ensure that no errors have occurred or if
errors have occurred that they have been fully investigated.
(7) To approve or reject all procedures, or specifications impacting on the
identity, strength, quality and purity of the product.
(8) To establish shelf-life and storage requirements on the basis of stability tests
related to storage conditions.
(9) To establish and when necessary revise, control procedures and
To review complaints, recalls, returned or salvaged products and
investigations conducted there under for each product.
To review Master Formula Records/Cards periodically.
The products – manufactured shall conform to the standards specified in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia and where standard of any product is not specified in the
Pharmacopoeia, the standard for such product shall conform to the standard specified
in the United States Pharmacopoeia or the British Pharmacopoeia. The final products
shall be tested for freedom from HIV I and HIV II antibodies *[(Hepatitis B surface
antigen and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)]
(i) The final products shall be stored between two degree centigrade to eight degree
centigrade, unless otherwise specified by the Central Licence Approving
(ii)The shelf-life assigned to the products by the licensee shall be submitted for
approval to the Licensing Authority and Central Licence Approving Authority.
The products manufactured shall be labeled as specified in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmacopoeia or the United Stated Pharmacopoeia
which shall be in addition to any other requirement stated under Part IX or Part X of
these rules. The labels shall indicate the results of test for *[(Hepatitis B surface
antigen and Hepatitis C Virus antibody)] freedom from HIV I and HIV II antibodies.
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001
The licensee shall maintain records as per Schedule U and also comply with Batch
manufacturing records as specified in Paragraph 9 part 1 of Schedule M and any other
requirement as may be directed by Licensing Authority and Central Licence
Approving Authority.
The licensee shall maintain Master Formula Records relating to all manufacturing and
quality control procedures for each product, which shall be prepared and endorsed by
the competent Technical Staff, i.e. Head of the manufacturing unit. The Master
Formula Records shall contain –
(i) the patent or proprietary name of the product along with the generic name, if any,
strength and the dosage form;
(ii) a description or identification of the final containers, packaging materials, labels
and closures to be used;
(iii) the identity, quantity and quality of each raw material to be used irrespective of
whether or not it appears in the finished product. The permissible overage that
may be included in a formulated batch shall be indicated;
(iv) a description of all vessels and equipments and the sizes used in the process;
(v) manufacturing and control instructions along with parameters for critical steps
such as mixing, drying, blending, sieving and sterilizing the product;
(vi) the theoretical yield to be expected from the formulation at different stages of
manufacture and permissible yield limits;
(vii) detailed instructions on precautions to be taken in the manufacture and storage of
drugs and of semi finished products; and
(viii) the requirements in-process quality control tests and analysis to be carried out
during each stage of manufacture including the designation of persons or
departments responsible for the execution of such tests and analysis.
Where the blood products, such as Albumin, Plasma Protein Fraction, Immunoglobulins and
Coagulation Factor Concentrates are manufactured through the manufacturing activities of
filling and sealing the blood products from bulk powder or solution or both, the requirements
as they apply to the manufacture of blood products from whole blood shall apply mutates
mutandis to such manufacture of blood products, unless other requirements have been
approved by the Central Licence Approving Authority.
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.40(E) dt 29-01-2001 w.e.f. 01.06.2001
1. For the purposes of this Schedule, any test or method of testing described in the
Indian Pharmacopoeia shall be deemed to be a method approved by the Licensing Authority.
2. The Licensing Authority shall publish in the Official Gazette from time to time
particulars of any test or method of testing approved by him.
1. Definition- (1) This part of the Schedule applies to bacterial vaccines made from any
micro-organism pathogenic to man or other animal and to vaccines made from other microorganisms which have any antigenic value.
(2). For the purposes of this part of the Schedule, a bacterial vaccine means a sterile
suspension of a killed culture of the micro-organism from which the vaccine derives its name
or a sterile extract or derivative of a micro-organism, or a pure suspension of living microorganisms which have been previously made avirulent.
2. Staff of Establishment- A competent expert in bacteriology with sufficient experience
in the manufacture and standardisation of biological products shall be in charge of the
establishment responsible for the production of bacterial vaccine and he shall be assisted by a
staff adequate for carrying out the tests required during the preparation and standardisation of
the vaccines.
3. Proper Name- The proper name of any vaccine shall be the name of the microorganism from which it is made followed by the word “Vaccine”
1Renumbered under Government of India Notification No. F-18-1/46, dated 18-6-48
2Added under Government of India, Ministry of Health F.P., W.H and U.D. Notification No. F.1-6/62-D,
dated 2-7-1969
unless this Schedule otherwise provides or if there is no other special provision in the
Schedule, some other name as approved by the Licensing Authority. Provided that in the case
of the undermentioned preparations the proper name of the vaccine may be as follows:-
1. Anthrax Spore Vaccine (Living).
2. Blackquarter Vaccine.
3. Enterotoxaemia Vaccine.
4. Fowl Cholera Vaccine.
5. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Adjuvant Vaccine.
6. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine (Broth).
*[7. Multi Component Clostridial Vaccine.
8. Hemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine – Alum Treated.]
4. Records.- Cultures used in the preparation of vaccine before being manipulated into a
vaccine, should be thoroughly tested for identity by the generally accepted tests applicable to
the particular micro -organisms.
The permanent records which the licensee is required to keep shall include amongst others, a
record of the origin, properties and characteristics of the cultures.
5. Combined Vaccines- Vaccines may be issued either singly or combined in any
proportion in the same container. In the case of combination of vaccines, a name for the
combined vaccine may be submitted by the licensee to the Licensing Authority, and if
approved, may be used as the proper name of the vaccine.
6. Preparation- Bacterial vaccines, simple or polyvalent, are prepared from selected
cultures after careful examination for their identity, specificity, purity and antigencity. They
may be prepared in the following manner:-
(a). Formal Cultures or Bacterins- The selected pure culture strain or strain are grown in a
suitable fluid medium, at an optimum temperature, for an appropriate period. The pure
growth is then exposed to the action of solution of Formaldehyde I.P. in suitable
concentration and temperature. The product is finally filled in suitable sterilised containers
which are subsequently sealed.
(b) Vaccine of Bacterial Products or Bacterial Derivatives- These vaccines are prepared
by growing the organisms on suitable media and then deriving specific antigenic constituents
of the bacteria by various special methods.
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt 31.8.1994.
(c) Living Bacterial Vaccines- They are prepared from non-pathogenic but fully
immunogenic strains of micro-organism. Strict aseptic precautions are taken throughout the
preparation against the introduction of microbial contaminants.
7. General Standards:-
(a) Description- Bacterial vaccines are colourless to yellowish brown liquids containing
dead or viable bacteria in homogenous suspension.
(b) Identification- All types of vaccines confer active immunity in the susceptible animals
which can be demonstrated by injecting suitable experimental animals with the calculated
doses of the product and subsequently determining the presence of the protective antibodies
in their serum and/or by challenging the vaccinated animals by injecting viru lent strain of the
homologous organisms. The protected animals should survive the challenge.
(c) Test for Sterility- All bacterial vaccines shall be tested for sterility in accordance with
the provision of Rules 115 to 119 (both inclusive). If the vaccine contains added bactericide
or bacteriostatic, a quantity of medium sufficient to render the growth inhibitor ineffective is
added to the sample, or a suitable substance is added to the sample, or a suitable substance is
added in concentration sufficient to render the growth inhibitor in-effective but not itself to
inhibit the growth of micro-organism.
(d) Purity Tests for Living Bacterial Vaccine- Petri-dishes containing suitable media are
streaked with the final product and incubated at 37° C for 72 hours. The vaccine passes the
test if no growth of micro -organisms other than those from which the vaccine was prepared is
observed. Other tests include examination for motility of the organisms, fermentation
reactions and thermoagglutination test and dye-inhibitor tests in case of bruceliza vaccine.
(e) Safety Test- The safety of the vaccine shall be assessed by injecting it in appropriate
dose in suitable susceptible animals. No animal should show any untoward, general or local
reaction, within seven days after inoculation.
(f) Potency Test- Wherever applicable, susceptible experimental animals are inoculated
with the calculated doses of the final product. The animals are challenged, after the period of
immunisation, with virulent infective dose of the homologous culture along with the controls.
The potency of the vaccine is assessed by the survival of the vaccinated animals and the death
of the controls.
8. Labelling:-
(a) The label on the ampoule or the bottle shall indicate:
(i) Proper name.
(ii) Contents in millilitres or doses.
(iii)Potency, if any.
(iv)Batch number.
(v) Expiry date.
(b) The label on the outside container shall indicate:
(i) Proper name.
(ii) Contents in Millilitres or doses.
(iii) Batch number.
(iv) Date of manufacture.
(v) Manufacturing licence No.
(vi) Manufacturer’s name and address.
(vii) For animal treatment only”.
(viii) Storage conditions.
9. Storage- Bacterial vaccines shall be stored, protected from light at temperature between
2°C to 4°C and shall not be frozen.
10. Date of manufacture- The date of manufacture shall be, unless otherwise specified in the
individual monograph in this part, as defined in clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 109.
Anthrax Spore Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonyms- Avirulent Anthrax Spore Vaccine or Bacillus Anthracis Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- The vaccine is a suspension of living spores of an un-capsulated avirulent
strain of B. anthracis in 50 per cent glycerine saline.
3. Preparation- Avirulent B. anthracis of known antigenicity is grown on suitable medium
at pH. 7.4 in Roux flasks. After 72 hours incubation at 37° C, the pure sporulated culture
growth which shows 70 to 80 per cent sporulation is washed with normal saline and
glycerinated to the extent of 50 per cent by weight of the culture washing and the whole
suspension is kept at room temperature for twentyone days to allow for the stabilization of
the spores.
4. Standard:-
(a) Description- It is slightly opalescent or pale brown semi-viscous liquid.
(b) Identification- Uncapsulated B. anthracis which is avirulent can be isolated from the
(c) Sterility test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on “Bacterial Vaccine”.
(d) Purity Test- Complies with the “Purity Tests for Living Bacterial Vaccine” described
under the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
(e) Safety Test- Four healthy adult guinea-p igs each weighing 300-450 g. not previously
treated with any material which will interfere with the test are inoculated subcutaneously, two
with 0.2 ml. each and two with 0.5 ml. each of the unglycerinated suspension respectively.
Four more guinea-pigs are injected with 1:5 dilution of the glycerinated product in the same
manner. No untoward reaction should be observed and none of the animals should die of
anthrax during the period of observation for seven days.
(f) Safety and Potency Test in sheep and goat- Spore count of the glycerinated suspension
is made after twentyone days from the date of glycerination. Three plates for each of the three
dilution 10-5
, 10-6
and 10-7
are made.
Eight sheep and eight goats each weighing not less than 18 kg. are injected subcutaneously
in the following manner:-
two sheep : Each subcutaneously with 10 ml. of the stock suspension (for safety).
two goats : Each subcutaneously with 5 ml. of the stock
suspension (for safety).
six sheep : Each subcutaneously with one million spores
suspended in 50 per cent glycerine saline solution.
six goats : Each subcutaneously with one million spores suspended in 50 per cent
glycerine saline solution.
None of these animals should die of anthrax. Twenty one days after vaccination, the
animals are challenged with 100 lethal doses of virulent B. anthracis spores along with two
healthy sheep and two goats as controls.
All the controls should die of anthrax within 72 hours after challenge and at least 66 per
cent of the vaccinated animals should survive. The animals shall be observed for a minimum
of ten days from the date of challenge.
[*(g) Viable Count.- The vaccine when plated on suitable media should show 10 million
viable spores per cattle dose and 5 million spores per sheep dose.]
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements for “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
*[(6) Expiry Date- The date of expiry of the potency of the vaccine shall be not more than
two years from the date of manufacture if stored in 4oC and six months, if stored at room
Blackquarter Vaccine
1. Synonym- Blackleg vaccine or Quarter Evil Vaccine.
2. Definition-Blackquarter Vaccine is a culture of Clostridium chauvoei grown in a
suitable anaerobic fluid medium and rendered sterile and toxic by the addition of Solution of
Formaldehyde I.P. in such a manner that it retains its immunising properties.
3. Preparation- Cultures of Cl. Chauvoei are grown in a suitable anaerobic fluid medium
and killed by the addition of a suitable concentration of Solution of Formaldehyde I.P. The
final product shall be adjusted to pH.7.0.
4. Standards:-
(a) Description- It is a yellowish brown liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with Cl. Chauvoei.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on “Bacterial Vaccine”.
(d) Safety and Potency Tests- At least six adult healthy guinea-pigs each weighing 300 g to
450 g are injected subcutaneously each with 3 ml. of the product followed a week later by a
second injection with the same dose. They should not show any systemic reaction but may
show only a minimum of local reaction. Fourteen days after the second injection six of the
vaccinated guinea-pigs are challenged intramuscularly with 25 viable spores of Cl. Chauvoei
equivalent to 5 c.h.d. along with 0.2 ml. of a 5 per cent solution of calcium chloride. Two
controls are used. The controls should die of the specificinjection and at least 4 of the six
vaccinated animals should survive before the product is passed for issue.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of the potency of the vaccine shall not be more than
twenty -four months from the date of manufacture.
*Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R 659 (E) dt. 31-8-1994.
Brucella Abortus ( Strain 19 Vaccine) (Living)
1. Synonym- Contagious Abortion Vaccine, (Strain 19) (Living).
2. Definition- Brucella Abortus (Strain 19) Vaccine (Living) is a suspension of a pure
smooth living culture of Br. Abortus of low virulence in normal saline solution.
3. Preparation-Forty eight to seventy-two hour old growth of Br. Abortus (Strain 19) on
potato agar medium in Roux flasks washed with buffered normal saline solution pH 6.4 and
the pure growth from the flasks are pooled together, 0.5 ml. of the pooled product is mixed
with 4.5 ml. of normal saline solution at pH 6.4 in graduated centrifuge tube and centrifuged
at 3000 r.p.m for one hour. The percentage of cell deposit is assessed by reading the amount
of cell deposit obtained.
The concentrated suspension is then diluted with buffer normal saline solution so that the
final product contains 0.72 per cent bacterial cell deposit.
4. Standard:
(a) Description-It is an almost white turbid liquid containing live bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It consists of Gram-negative bacilli capable of protecting susceptible
animals against Brucellosis.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on “Bacterial Vaccine”.
(d) Purity Test- A smear of the finished products is examined microscopically after staining
by Gram’s method for evidence of any contamination. When grown on suitable media, Br.
Abortus should be obtained in a pure state.
(e) Safety Test- Two healthy guinea-pigs each weighing 300 g to 450.g are inoculated
subcutaneously each with 1.0 ml. of the final product. The guinea-pigs should not show
excessive reaction of a toxic nature during the period of observation of ten days.
(f) Potency Test- Each of a group of four healthy guinea-pigs, drawn from a uniform stock
and each weighing 300 g. to 450 g. is injected intra-muscularly with 1 ml. of the vaccine, and
is challenged nine weeks after vaccination by the intramuscular injection of 1 ml. of a
suspension containing 5,000 fully virulent Br. Abortus organisms. Each of a group of two
unvaccinated guinea-pigs is similarly injected. After a further six weeks, the guinea-pigs are
killed and cultures are made from their spleens. More than half of the vaccinated guinea-pigs
contain no demonstrable Br. Abortus in the spleen; all the controls are infected.
(g) Viable Count- The vaccine when plated on suitable media should show between 14, 000
million and 18,000 million Br. Abortus organisms per ml. At least 80 per cent brucella
organisms should be in the smooth phase.
5. Labelling and storage- Should comply with the requirements of “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”. The liquid vaccine
shall be issued fresh as far as possible without allowing any period of storage after
6.Expiry Date- The date of expiry of the vaccine shall be not more than five weeks from the
date of manufacture.
Enterotoxaemia Vaccine
1. Synonyms- Clostridium Wilchii, Type D, Formal Culture: Pulpy Kidney Vaccine.
2. Definition- Enterotoxaemia Vaccine is a culture of a highly toxigenic strain of
Clostridium type D, group is an anaerobic medium rendered sterile and toxic by the addition
of Solution of Formaldehyde I.P in such a manner that it retains its immunising properties.
3. Preparation- Selected toxigenic strain of Cl. Welchii type D, is grown in a liquid
medium under conditions which ensure maximum epsilon toxin production. The culture is
checked for purity and toxicity as tested in mice. Solution of Formaldehyde I.P. is added in
suitable concentration and the formolised culture is kept at 37° till the production is sterile
and non-toxic.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- It is a yellowish brown liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- When injected into susceptible animals it stimulates the production of
epsilon antitoxin of Cl. Welchii, type D.
(c) Sterility Test- Complies with the test for sterility described in the general monograph on
‘Bacterial Vaccines’.
(d) Safety and Potency Tests- At least eight sheep each weighing not less than 18 kg. or
twelve rabbits each weighing 1 kg. to 1.5 kg. are used for testing the safety and potency of
each brew of the vaccine. Two sheep receive subcutaneously 10 ml. each and the other six
sheep receive each 2.5 ml. of the product subcutaneously. The rabbits are given
subcutaneously a dose of 5 ml. each. The sheep and rabbits are observed for five days. They
should show only a minimum local reaction and no systemic reaction.
The sheep receiving 10 ml. are withdrawn from experiments after five days. Each of the
other six sheep is inoculated with a second dose of 2.5 ml. fourteen days after the first
injection. The rabbits are inoculated with 5 ml. as a second dose, after one month of the first
inoculation. The day after the second inoculation the sera of sheep or rabbits are pooled
separately. The pooled serum of eac h group of animal shall contain in each ml. not less than
two international units of Cl.welchii epsilon antitoxin which is determined by testing on mice
as follows:
One ml. of the pooled serum is mixed with one ml. of the epsilon toxin of Cl. welchii type
D, containing 300 mouse-minimum-lethal-doses (mouse m.l.d.) and kept at room temperature
for half an hour. At least two mice each weighing not less than 18 g. are each given
intravenously 0.2 ml. of the mixture. As control two mice each weighing not less than 18 g.
should each receive 0.2 ml. of the toxin containing 300 mouse m.l.d per ml. diluted with
equal volume of normal saline. The control mice should die within 1 to 2 hours while the
mice receiving the mixture of serum and toxin should survive for at least two days. Sera
containing one International Unit of epsilon antitoxin per ml. will be able to neutralise 150
mouse m.l.d. of epsilon toxin of Cl. Welchii, type D.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements regarding “Labelling”
and “Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry Date- The expiry date of potency of the vaccine shall be not more than twelve
months from the date of manufacture.
Fowl Cholera Vaccine (Polyvalent)
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Vaccine (Avian).
2. Definition- Fowl Cholera Vaccine is a formolised pure broth culture of virulent strains
of Pasteurella Septica (Avian).
3. Preparation- The strains are grown separately in nutrient broth for 48 hours at 37° C.
The pure growth is killed by the addition of a Solution of Formaldehyde I.P in a suitable
concentration. The cultures are then mixed in equal proportions and the final vaccine is
bottled in suitable containers.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- It is a yellow liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible birds against P. aviseptica infection.
(c) Sterility test- Complies with the test for “Sterility” described under the general
monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”..
(d) Safety Test- Two healthy young fowls each weighing not less than 400 g. or twelve
healthy mice are innoculated subcutaneously each with 1 ml. of the final product. The birds
should not show any untoward reaction during the period of observation for seven days.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency of the Vaccine shall be not more than six
months from the date of manufacture.
Hemorrhagic Septicaemia Adjuvant Vaccine
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Adjuvant Vaccine.
2. Definition- The vaccine is a homogenous suspension of formolised agar-washed
Pasteurella septica with liquid paraffin and lanolin.
3. Preparation- Pure growth of a highly antigenic strain of P. Septica in phase 1 grown on
nutrient agar medium containing 0.5 per cent yeast extract is washed with 0.5 per cent
formol saline. The pooled suspension is diluted with normal saline to contain
approximately 2100 million P. Septica organisms per ml. The safety test of this adjusted
suspension is conducted on four white mice each weighing not less than 18 g. and observed
for three days before it is mixed with liquid paraffin and lanolin in suitable proportion.
The mixture is blended until a homogenous emulsion is obtained which is filled in sutaibale
4. Standard-
(a) Description- It is a white thick oily liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with P. Septica.
(c) Sterility Test- It complies with the test for “Sterility” described in the general
Monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
(d) Safety Test- Six white mice each weighing not less than 18 g. are inoculated
intraperitoneally each with 0.5 ml. of the vaccine. None of the mice should die of
pasteurellosis during the observation period for seven days.
(e) Potency Test- Three susceptible calves in good condition between the ages of nine
months to three years are injected intramuscularly, each with 2 ml. of the vaccine, in the case
of animals weighing upto 140 kg. and 3 ml. for heavier ones.
Three weeks later these animals along with two healthy animals of the same type and
species are challenged subcutaneously with 18 hours old broth culture of P. Septica
equivalent to at least 50 million mouse minimum infective dose. Both the controls should die
of pasteurellosis and at least two out of the three protected animals should survive the
challenge dose for a period of seven days.
5. Labelling and storage- Should comply with the requirements for “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency of the vaccine shall be not more
than twelve months from the date of manufacture.
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine (Broth)
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Vaccine (Broth).
2. Definition- Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine is formolised culture of a virulent strain
of Pasteurella septica in nutrient broth.
3. Preparation- P.Septica culture is grown in nutrient broth at 37°C. The pure growth is
killed by the addition of a solution of Formaldehyde I.P. in a suitable concentration.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- It is a pale yellow liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with P.Septica.
(c) Sterility Test- Complies with the test for “Sterility” described under the general
monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
(d) Safety Test- Four healthy rabbits each weighing 1 kg. to 1.5 kg. are inoculated
subcutaneously each with 5 ml. of the product. There should be no untoward reaction during
the period of observation for seven days. Alternately two rabbits and six mice may be
employed. The dose for mice will be 0.5 ml.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency of the vaccine shall be not more than six
months from the date of manufacture.
Salmonella Abortus Equi Vaccine
1. Synonym- Equine Abortion Vaccine.
2. Definition- Equine Abortion Vaccine is a mixture of equal parts of pure formolised
cultures of smooth laboratory strains of Salmonella abortus equi.
3. Preparation- The strains are grown separately on plain agar in Roux flasks, for 24-28
hours at 37° C. The pure growth is washed with normal saline solution and the washings are
pooled together. The suspension is standardised to contain approximately 600 million
Sal.abortus equi organisms per ml. using normal saline solution as diluent. The culture is
killed by the addition of sufficient quantity of solution of Formaldehyde I.P in a suitable
concentration and the product is kept at 37° C for seven days. Potassium alum is added to
give a final concentration of 1 per cent
4. Standard-
(a) Description- It is an opalescent liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with Salmonella
Abortus equi.
(c) Sterility Test- Complies with the test for sterility described in the general monograph
on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
(d) Safety Test- Six white mice each weighing not less than 18 g. are inoculated
intraperitoneally each with 0.5 ml. of the product. None of the mice should die of
salmonellosis. The mice are observed for ninety-six hours.
3. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements for “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
4. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency of the vaccine shall be not more than six
months from the date of manufacture.
Streptococcus Equi Vaccine.
1. Synonym- Strangles Vaccine
2. Definition- Streptococcus equi Vaccine is a phenolised culture of a number of different
isolates of Streptococcus equi in glucose serum broth.
3. Preparation- Equal proportions of forty-eight hours old pure cultures of different
isolates of Str. Equi in serum glucose both are mixed together. The suspension is centrifuged
and the deposit is washed with normal saline solution after removing the supernatant. The
washed cells are suspended in normal saline and heated in a water bath 65°C for two hours.
Phenol and normal saline are added to give a final concentration of 1200 million Str. Equi
organisms per ml. and 0.5 per cent of phenol in the vaccine.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- It is a slightly opalescent liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with Str. Equi.
(c) Sterility Test- Complies with the test for “Sterility” described in the general monograph
on “Bacterial Vaccines. The nutrient broth being replaced by glucose broth.
(d) Safety Test- Two ponies and two rabbits (each weighing not less than 1 kg.) are
inoculated each with 10 ml. and 2 ml. respectively of the final product. The animals should
not show any untoward reaction during the period of observation of seven days.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements for “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency of the vaccine shall be not more than six
months from the date of manufacture.
Old Adjuvant Vaccine against Pasteurellosis in Sheep and Goats.
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Adjuvant Vaccine for ovines and Caprines.
2. Definition- The vaccine is a homogenous suspension of formolised agarwashed
Pasteurella septica of ovine origin with liquid paraffin and lanolin.
3. Preparation- Pure growth of highly antigenic strains (R1, R2, R4) in phase I grown
separately on nutrient agar medium containing 0.5 per cent yeast extract is washed with 0.5
per cent Normal saline. Equal quantities of the suspension of three strains diluted with
Normal saline to contain approximately 2100 million organisms per ml. is pooled together.
The safety test of this adjusted pooled suspension is conducted in for white mice each
weighing not less than 18 g. and observed for three days before it is mixed with liquid
paraffin and lanolin in suitable proportion.
The mixture is blended until a homogenous emulsion is obtained which is filled in suitable
4. Standards-
(a) Description- It is a white thick oily liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with P.Septica.
(c) Sterility Test- Complies with the test for sterility described in the general monograph on
“Bacterial Vaccines”.
(d) Safety Test- Six white mice each weighing not less than 18 g. are inoculated intraperitoneally each with 0.5 ml. o the vaccine. None of the mice should die of Pasteurellosis
druing the observation period of seven days.
The vaccine is also inoculated into six sheep and six goats in a dose of 3 ml. each
intramuscularly and are observed for a period of seven days. During this period none should
die of Pasteurellosis.
(e) Potency Test- Not being done at present.
5. Labelling and Storage- – Should comply with the requirements for “Labelling” and
“Storage” as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines.
6. Expiry Date- The expiry date of Potency of the Vaccine shall be not more than twelve
months from the date of manufacture.
*[Multicomponent of Clostridial Vaccine
1. Synonyms. – Combined anaculture of Clostridium perfringens type C and D, C1.
septicum and CI. oedematies.
2. Defination – It consists of four highly antigenic components containing the toxoids of
C. perfringens type D, CI. Perfringens type C, oedematiens and CI. Septicum which are
prepared in double strength and then combined in such a proportion that would invoke
adequate anti-toxin response in the vaccinated sheep against each antigen incorporated in the
3. Preparation – The above strains are grown separately in suitable liquid media under
conditions which ensure maximum toxin production. The cultures are checked for purity and
toxicity in mice. Solution of Formaldehyde I.P. of analytical grade is added to a 0.5 per
cent frinal concentration and formalized cultures are kept at 37oC till the product is
sterilized and atoxic. The formalized anacultures are pooled, precipitated by the addition of
Aluminium Chloride, 20 per cent solution in distilled water to have a final concentration of
the chemical to 10 per cent and pH adjusted to 6.0.the sedimented toxoid is reconstituted to
have its original volume in normal saline.
4. Standards :- Description – It is whitish liquid when shaken thoroughly to contain killed
bacteria and toxoid in suspension.
(a) Identification – When injected to susceptible animals it stimulates the production of
epsilon and beta antitoxins against CI. Perfrigens type D and C and also antitoxins against
CI. Septicum and toxin of CI. Oedematiens.
(b) Sterility Test – Complies with the test of sterility described in general monograph on
“Bacterial Vaccines.”
(c) Safety Test – Four sheeps each are inoculated with 10ml. S/C of the product and these
are observed for 7 days during which period animals shall not show any local or systemic
(d) Potency Test – Eight sheep each are inoculated with 2 doses of vaccines S/C at an
interval of 21 days and bled on 10th day after 2nd inoculation for collection of serum for
assessing the antitoxin titre against each antigen incorporated in the vaccine. The postinoculation serum should contain
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification GSR No. 659(E) dt 31-8-1994.
(e) not less than 2 i.u. of epsilon and beta antitoxins of CI. Perfringens and 2.5 i.u. of CI.
Septicum antitoxin and 4 i.u. of CI. Oedematiens antitoxin.
5. Labelling and storage – Shall comply with the requirements regarding labeling and
storage as laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expirty date – The expiry date of potency of vaccine shall not be more than 6 months
from the date of manufacture.
Haemorrhagic Setocaemia Vaccine – Alum Treated
1. Synonyms – Pasterulla multocida/(Yersinia Multocida) vaccine – Alum treated.
2. Defination — The vaccine is a formalized culture of a virulent strain of Pasteurella
multocida in nutrient broth treated with potash alum.
3. Preparation — A highly potent strain of Pasteurella multocida type I in Phase I is
grown on nutrient broth at 37oC. The pure growth is killed by the addition of a solution of
Formalin I.P in suitable concentration (0.5 per cent). This is treated with Potassium Alum I.P
to give a final concentration of 1 per cent.
4. Standard –
(a) Description – It is a white suspension containing dead bacteria and alum.
(b) Identification – It protects susceptible animals against infection with P.multocida.
(c) Sterility Test — It complies with the test for sterility described under general monograph
on “Bacterial Vaccines:.
(f) Safety Test — Four healthy rabbits each weighting 1 to 1.5 kg. Are inoculated
subcutaneously each with 5 ml. of the product. There shall be no untoward reaction during
the period of observation for 7 days except slight local welling. Alternatively two rabbits and
six mice may be employed. The dose for mice will be 0.5 ml.
5. Labelling and Storage :– Shall comply with the requirements of labeling and storage as
laid down in the general monograph on “Bacterial Vaccines”.
6. Expiry date – The date of expiry of potency of the vaccine shall be not more than six
months from the date of manufacture.]
1. Definition- (i) This part of the Schedule applies to viral vaccines live or inactivated
made from any virus pathogenic to domestic animals and poultry and made from other
modified viruses which have any antigenic value.
(ii) For the purpose of this part of the Schedule, a virus vaccine means a sterile suspension
or a freeze dried powder containing the modified living or inactivated virus particles, which
in its original unaltered stage, causes disease from which the vaccine derives i8ts name and
which has been prepared from the blood or tissues of a suitable host in which it has been
grown in vivo or from tissue culture.
2. Staff of Establishment- The establishment in which viral Vaccines, are prepared, must
be under the direction and control of an expert in bacteriology with specialized training in
virology and sufficient experience in the production of viral vaccines, and he shall be assisted
by a staff adequate for carrying out the tests required during the preparation and
standardisation of the vaccine.
3. Proper Name- The proper name of any viral vaccine shall be the name of the disease
which is caused by the particular virus from which the vaccine is produced followed by the
word “Vaccine” unless the Schedule otherwise provides, if there is no special provision in the
Schedule such other name as is approved by the Licensing Authority. Provided that in the
case of the undermentioned preparations the proper name of the vaccine shall be as follows:-
(i) Fowl Pox Vaccines, Chick Embryo Virus (Living).
(ii) Fowl Pox Vaccine, Pigeon Pox Virus (Living).
(iii) Horse Sickness Vaccine (Living)
(iv) Ranikhet Disease Vaccine (Living)
(v) Ranikhet Disease Vaccine F Strain (Living)
(vi) Rinderpest Goat Adapted Tissue Vaccine (Living)
(vii) Rinderpest Lapinised Vaccine (Living)
(viii) Rinderpest Lapinised Avianised Vaccine (Living)
(ix) Sheep and Goat Pox Vaccine (Living)
(x) Swine fever vaccine (crystal violet)
(xi) Swine fever vaccine lapinised (Living).
*[(xii) Foot and Mouth Dieses Vaccine (Inactivated)
(xii) Canine Hepatitis Vaccine (Living)]
*[4. Records- The seed virus used in the preparation of vaccine shall, before being used for
preparing a batch, be thoroughly tested for purity, safety, sterility and antigenicity by the
generally accepted tests applicab le to a particular virus. It shall not be more than five
passages away from the stock seed virus, unless otherwise system at specified passage level
and tested for bacterial, mycoplasmal and extraneous viral contamination. The permanent
record which the licensee is required to keep shall include a record of the origin, properties
and characteristics of the seed virus from which the vaccines are made.]
*Ins./Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt 31-8-1994.
5. Tests- Viral vaccine shall be tested for sterility, safety and potency on suitable test
animals and for viability in the case of live vaccines.
(a) Sterility Test- All vaccines shall be tested for sterility in accordance with rules 115 to
119. If the vaccine contains added bactericides or bacteriostatic, a quantity of medium
sufficient to render the growth inhibitor ineffective is added to the sample or a suitable
substance is added in a concentration sufficient to render the growth inhibitor ineffective but
not itself to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.
(b) Safety Test- Suitable laboratory animals or large animals or birds may be employed to
test the vaccine for safety. Details of the safety test are given in the individual monograph.
(c) Potency Test- All virus vaccines for which potency test has been prescribed shall be
tested for potency and only those which pass the potency test shall be issued. Details of the
potency test are given in the individual monograph.
6. Storage- Live viral vaccines shall be stored, protected from light at sub-zero temperature
as required. Other viral vaccines shall be stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C but shall not be frozen.
7. Condition of housing of animals- (i) The animals used in the production of vaccine must
be housed in hygienic conditions in premises satisfactory for this purpose.
(ii) Only healthy animals may be used in the production of vaccine. Each animal intended
to be used as a source of vaccine must, before being passed for the production of vaccine be
subjected to a period of observation in quarantine for at least seven days. During the period of
quarantine the animal must remain free from any sign of disease and must be well kept.
[*(iii) The poultry birds from which eggs and cell culture for production of vaccines are
obtained should be housed in a manner so as to keep them free from extraneous infection and
shall be screened at frequent intervals for common bacterial, mycoplasmal and viral infection.
The record of the tests and their results shall be maintained by the manufacturers.]
8. Labelling- The provisions of “Labelling” as laid down for Bacterial Vaccines shall also
apply to Viral Vaccines. The following additional information shall also be included on the
label of the outside container.
(i) The name and percentage of bacteriostatic agent contained in the
(ii) If the vaccine as issued for sale contains any substance other than the
diluent, the nature and strength of such substance.
9.Date of Manufacture- For the purpose of this part of the Schedule, the date of
manufacture shall be what is given unless otherwise stated in the individual monograph, as
defined in sub-clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 109.
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt 31-8-1994.
Fowl Pox Vaccine Chick Embryos Virus (Living)
1. Synonym- Egg adapted Fowl Pox Vaccine (Living)
2. Definition- Fowl-pox vaccine, Chick-Embryo Virus (Living) is a suspension of a
modified living virus (e.g. Mukteswar Strain) prepared from the chorioallantoic membrane
(CAM) of the infected embryo and is either freeze dried or is issued as glycerinated liquid
3. Preparation- Active chick-embryos obtained from Salmonella pullorum free flock, are
used. *[Twelve to thirteen days old embryos are injected with a suitable dilution of the
suspension of the infected membrane (seed virus) of chick embryo adopted fowl pox virus.]
The suspension of the stock seed virus is dropped on the CAM. After an incubation at 37°C
for a suitable period membranes showing discrete or confluent lesions (pocks) are harvested.
These are homogenised with adequate quantity of antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin)
ampouled in 0.5 ml. quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Light mauve coloured scales.
(b) Identification- When reconstituted vaccine is applied to scarified area of the skin of a
fowl it produces characteristic lesions of fowl pox. This product should afford protection
against fowl pox.
(c) Moisture Content- Moisture Content in the finished product should not exceed 1.0 per
(d) Safety Test- For testing each batch of fowl pox vaccine twelve healthy cockerels, or
other suitable young chicken each weighing not less than 400 g. from the same source are
taken. This group of twelve birds is immunized at least twenty-one days previous to the test,
with fowl pox vaccine. The vaccine under test is reconstituted in 5 ml. of 50 per cent
glycerine saline and administered to fowls as follows:-
Three of the test birds are injected subcutaneously with 0.8 ml. or 10 times the field doses
of the vaccine under test. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from other
viruses and bacteria causing septicaemia or not.
Three of the test birds are injected intratrecheally with 0.3 ml. or 10 times the field dose of
vaccine under test. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from the virus of
infectious laryngotracheitis and similar disease.
Three of the test birds are injected intranasally with 0.2 ml. of the vaccine under test. This
group serves to indicate whether the product is free from the virus of Coryza and similar
* Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt 38-8-1994
The three remaining birds serve as controls. They are isolated and kept under observation
for twenty-one days. The birds that succumb during the period of twenty-one days are
subjected to a careful postmortem examination. The product is withheld from issue until the
vaccine and the test birds are shown to be free from the causative agents of any extraneous
(e) Sterility test- Complies with the tests for sterility as described under the general
monograph on “viral vaccines”.
(f) Potency Test- For testing of potency three unsusceptible birds each weighing not less
than 400 g. are vaccinated using the field dose by the stick method and examined for “takes”.
Three weeks after vaccination these birds along with two unvaccinated controls are exposed
to challenged virus and observed for fourteen days. The vaccinated birds should not manifest
any reaction, while he controls should show active “takes”.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirement for “Labelling” as laid down in the
general monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
6. Storage and Expiry date- Freeze dried vaccine shall be expected to retain its potency for
periods at temperatures as specified below:-
-15 ° C to – 20° C- Twenty four months.
2° C to 4 °C- Twelve months.
Room temperature upto one month.
The liquid vaccine shall be expected to retain its potency for periods and temperatures as
specified below:-
2° C to 4 °C – six months.
Room temperature- seven days.
Fowl- Pox Vaccine Pigeon Virus (Living)
1. Synonym- Fowl Pox Vaccine (Pigeon pox scab).
2. Definition- Fowl vaccine, pigeon- pox virus (living) consists of pigeon pox virus in
scabs collected from artificially infected pigeons and dried.
3. Preparation- Healthy pigeon are scarified on the legs and breast, with a suitable
dilution of the suspension of pigeon-pox virus. The pigeons reacting satisfactorily and
showing good takes are selected and the superficial skin layer scraped by means of sharp
scalpel. The material so collected is freed from feathers, homogenised and dried or freeze
dried. The dried pulp is powdered, sieved and ampouled in 0.3 g. quantities and sealed
4.. Standard-
(a). Description- Light cream coloured powder.
(b).Identification- When applied to feather follicles by vigorous rubbing, it produces mild
reaction in fowls. The product should afford protection to fowls upto six weeks against fowl
(c).Safety Test- For testing a batch of vaccine, twelve healthy cockerels, or other suitable
young chicken from the same source are made available at the same time. This group of
twelve birds is immunised at least twenty -one days previous to the test with fowl pox
vaccine. The vaccine under test is reconstituted in 10 ml. of 50 per cent glycerine saline and
administered to fowls as follows: –
Three of the test birds are injected subscutaneously with 0.3 ml. or 10 times the field dose
of the vaccine to be tested. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from
organisms of septicaemia disease.
*[Three of the test birds are injected intrathicheally with 0.2ml of 10 times of the field dose
of the vaccine under test. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from the
virus of infectious laryngotracheitis and similar diseases.]
Three of the test birds are injected intranasally with 0.2 ml. of the vaccine to be tested. This
group serves to indicate whether the product is free from virus of Coryza and similar
The three remaining birds serve as controls. All the birds under test are isolated and held
under observation for twenty-one days. All those that succumb are subjected to careful postmortem examination. The product is withheld from issue until the vaccine and test birds are
shown to be free from the causative agents of any extraneous diseases.
(d) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described, under the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Potency Test- For testing the potency of a batch of vaccines three susceptible birds
each weighing not less than 400 g. are vaccinated using the field dose by the follicular
method and examined for ‘takes’. Three weeks after vaccination these birds and two healthy
susceptible controls are exposed to challenge virus and are observed for fourteen days. The
vaccinated birds shall manifest no reaction, while the controls must have active “takes”.
5. Storage and Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ as laid
down in the general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Expiry date- The vaccine shall be expected to retain its potency for periods at
temperature as specified below:-
–15 ° C to – 20 °C— two years.
2° C to 4 °C— twelve months.
Room temperature- Upto one month.
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt 31-8-1994.
Fowl Pox Vaccine- Pigeon Pox- Chick Embryos Virus (Living)
1. Synonym- Chick embryo adapted pigeon pox vaccine (Living)
2. Definition- Fowl pox vaccine (Pigeon Pox virus) chick embryo adapted virus (living) is
a suspension of a modified living virus prepared from he chorioallantoic membranes of the
infected embryos and is freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Active chick embryos obtained from Salmonella Pullorum free stock are
used. Twelve to thirteen days old embryos are injected with a suitable dilution of the
suspension of the infected membrane (stock seed virus) of chick embryo adapted pigeon pox
virus. The suspension of the stock seed virus is dropped on the membrane. The inoculated
eggs are incubated at 37 ° C for four days. One of the fourth day embryos that are living, are
removed to a refrigerator for chilling for about one hour. Membranes showing discrete
lesions (Pocks) are harvested. These are homogenised with adequate quantities of antibiotics,
ampouled in 0.5 ml. quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standards-
(a) Description- Light mauve coloured scales.
(b) Identification- When reconstituted vaccine is applied to scarified area of the skin of a
fowl, it produces characteristics lesions of Fowl Pox. This product should afford protection
against pox.
(c) Moisture content- Moisture content in the finished product should not exceed 1.0 per
(d) Safety test- For testing each batch chicks aged four to six weeks from the same source
are taken. This groups of twelve birds is immunised at least twenty-one days previous to the
last, with fowl-pox vaccine. The vaccine under test is reconstituted in 3 ml. of normal saline
solution and administered as under:-
Three of the test chicks are injected subcutaneously with 0.3 ml. or 10 times the field dose
of the vaccine under test. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from other
viruses and bacteria causing of septicaemia or not.
Three of the test chicks are injected intra-tracheally with 0.3 ml. or ten times the field dose.
This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from the viruses of infections
laryngeotracheiti and similar diseases.
Three of the test chicks are injected with 0.2 ml 1/N of the vaccine under test. This group
serves to indicate whether the product is free from the virus of coryza and similar diseases.
For remaining three chicks serve as controls. They are isolated and kept under observation
for twenty-one days. The birds that succumb during the period of observation are subjected to
careful post-mortem examination. The product is withheld from issue until the vaccine and
the test birds are shown to be free from the causative agents of any extraneous disease.
In addition to the above, similar groups of pigeons aged six to nine months old are also
injected in a similar in a similar way to eliminate psittacosis.
(e) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(f) Potency test- For testing potency of a batch of vaccine three susceptible chicks of three
to four weeks of age are vaccinated by feather forthicle method ( a few forthicles on one leg
are injected) and these are examined for ‘takes’.
Three weeks after vaccination these chicks along with two unvaccinated chicks are exposed
to challenge virus (virulent fowl pox virus) and observed for fourteen days. The vaccinated
chicks should not manifest any reaction while controls should show active ‘takes’.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements for ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6 Storage- The Freeze dried product is expected to retain its potency for periods and
temperatures as specified below:-
-15 ° C to 20 ° C- two years
2° C to 4 ° C- twelve months.
Room temperature- up to one month.
Sheep Pox Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- Sheep Pox vaccine; Goat pox vaccine.
2. Definition- Sheep pox vaccine consists of sheep pox virus collected from sheep
artificially infected with sheep pox virus and freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Healthy yearling sheep are infected artificially by subcutaneous infection
on the undersurface of the previously shaved abdomen with 200- 300 cc. of the freeze dried
sheep pox virus (seed material) diluted in 1 : 1 Normal saline solution. On the sixth or
seventh day after injection oedematous swelling develops in the injected area with thermal
reaction. The sheep which develop good swelling are slaughtered and the gelatinous material
present under the skin in the infected area is collected under sterile conditions. This material
is mixed with 2 parts by volume of sterile peptone broth of pH 7.2 and homogenised. The
homogenised suspension is filtered, ampouled in 0.5 ml. quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- White scales.
(b) Identification- Reconstituted vaccine when applied over the scarified area of the skin of
the abdominal region of sheep will produce characteristic local lesion of pox.
(c) Moisture content- The moisture content should not exceed 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety test- Two rabbits each weighing not less than 1 kg. are injected subcutaneously
each with 1 ml. of 1 : 100 dilution of the vaccine in normal saline solution. These animals are
observed for fourteen days. These animals are observed for fourteen days.
(e) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
(f) Potency Test- Four yearling sheep are vaccinated on the inner surface of the ear by
scarification method. The contents of one ampoule of F.D. Sheep Pox vaccine are constituted
in 10 cc. of 50 % glycerin saline solution, characteristic takes develop in the scarified area
with ulceration and scab formation. Three weeks later these and two more susceptible sheep
(Controls) are challenged by scarifying with a suspension of the previous brow of the vaccine
of the undersurface of the abdomen. The controls should develop typical lesions of pox and
the vaccinated should remain normal.
(g) Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph in ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(h) Storage and expiry date- The vaccine is expected to retain potency for period and
temperature as specified below:-
-15 ° C to – 20 ° C- two years
2 ° C to 4 ° C- three months.
Room temperature- Fifteen days.
Horse Sickness Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- African Horse Sickness Vaccine, Mouse adapted Polyvalent Horse Sickness
Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Horse sickness vaccine is a suspension of live mouse adapted strains of
Horse Sickness Virus (onderstepoort) prepared from the brains of infected mice and is freeze
3. Preparation- Thirty to thirty- five days old white mice are infected intracerebrally with
0.005 ml. of a suitable dilution of the seed virus (6 or 7 types, as the case may be). Groups of
large numbers of mice are injected separately with each type of the virus and are housed at 27
° C to 32 ° C. A majority of these become paralytic on the third and fourth day when they are
sacrificed and their brains collected and stored at – 15 ° C to – 20 ° C till the day of
processing. For preparing the polyvalent vaccine, equal number of brains collected from mice
infected with different types of the virus are homogenised with 5-10 times its volume of
sterile lactose buffer medium (pH 7.2 )containing antibiotics. The suspension is centrifuged at
1500 r.p.m. for five minutes. The supernatant liquid is distributed in ampoules in suitable
quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard-
(a) Description- White scaly material.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection to horse against horse sickness.
(c) Safety Test- Four healthy mice thirty to thirty-five days old are injected intraperitoneally
with 0.2 ml. of 10:1 dilution of the vaccine and kept under observation for ten days. All the
mice should remain normal throughout the period of observation.
(d) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(e) Viability Test- Each batch of vaccine is titrated in tenfold dilutions using four mice of
thirty to thirty-five days old for each dilution. Each mouse is injected intracerebrally with
0.05 and kept under observation for ten days. Mortality and survival ratios are noted and Ld
50 is determined. The minimum acceptable titre is 10-4 Ld 50 per 0.05 ml.
(5) Labelling – Should comply with the requirements of ‘labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph in ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(6) Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for twelve months if stored
– 15 ° C to – 20 ° C and about six months if stored in refrigerator at 2 ° C to –4° C.
Rabies Vaccine (Inactivated)
1. Synonym- Antirabic Vaccine (Inactivated)
2. Definition- Rabies vaccine is a suspension of the brain tissue of animals, that have been
infected with a suitable strain of rabies fixed virus, inactivated with phenol or some other
suitable agent.
3. The following particulars relating to this vaccine are the same as those relating to
Antirabic vaccine described in Part D of Schedule F to these rules, namely:-
(i) Strain of fixed Rabies Virus to be used;
(ii) Staff of Establishment;
(iii) Condition and housing of animals;
(iv) Precaution to be observed in preparation;
(v) Records;
(vi) Issue.
4. Preparation- Healthy sheep or any other suitable species of animal are inoculated
subdurally or intracerebrally with an appropriate dose of suspension of a suitable strain of
rabbit brain passaged rabies fixed virus. The sheep or animals which get paralysed from the
sixth day onwards after the inoculation are sacrificed and their brains collected aseptically.
Brain tissue is weighed individually and a suspension of suitable concentration of brain tissue
prepared in buffered saline is strained through gauze. The suspension treated with phenol or
some other suitable inactivating agent is incubated for an appropriate period.
5. Standard –
(a) Description- A grey to pale yellow opalescent suspension.
(b) Identification- Appropriate doses protect mice against subsequent intracerebral
inoculation with suitable strain of fixed rabies virus.
(c) Safety test- Not less than five mice, each weighing at least 18 gm., are inoculated
intracerebrally with not less than 0.03 ml. of the suitably diluted vaccine. None of the animals
should show symptoms of rabies or die of the disease during period of observation of three
(d) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
6. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccin es’. In addition the label in the container shall
indicate the percentage of brain tissue present in the vaccine.
7. Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for about six months if
stored in refrigerator at 2° to 4 ° C.
Rabies Vaccine (Living)
1. Definition- Rabies vaccine (living) is a freeze-dried suspension of chick-embryo tissue
infected with a suitable attenuated strain of rabies virus.
2. Preparation- It may be prepared by the following method. Seed virus consisting of a
suspension of the Flury or other suitable strain of chick adapted virus that has been
maintained by passage in chick embryos is injected into the yolk-sacs of fertile eggs
incubated for a suitable period. After incubation for a further ten days, the embryos are
harvested and ground in water for injection to give 33 percent suspension. The suspension is
centrifuged to remove coarse particles and the supernatant fluid is distributed into ampoules
in 3 millilitre quantities, and freeze dried. The vaccine is reconstituted immediately before
use by adding 3 millilitres of water for injection to the contents of an ampoule.
3. Standard – It complies with the requirements of general standard of viral vaccines for
abnormal toxicity, sterility, and labelling with the following additions.
(a) Description- Dry honey-coloured flakes or powder, readily dispersible in water.
(b) Identification- It protects guinea pig against a subsequent inoculation of rabies street
virus. It is distinguished from the inactivated Rabies vaccine by its ability to produce rabies
encephalitic on intracerebral injection into mice.
(c) Safety- The guinea pigs used in the test for potency should not show any marked local
or systemic reaction during the three weeks following injection with the vaccine.
(d) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(e) Potency Test- The contents of an ampoule are dispersed in water for injection to give a
5 per cent suspension and not fewer than twenty guinea pigs, drawn from a uniform stock and
each weighing 350 g. to 500 g., are each injected intramuscularly with 0.25 ml. of this
suspension. Three weeks later, these guinea pigs and an equal number of similar
unvaccinated control guinea pigs are each inoculated with 0.1 ml. of a suitable dilution of
canine salivary gland suspension of street virus which is maintained as a 20 per cent
suspension at 70 ° C or lower. The guinea pigs are observed for thirty days; not less than 80
per cent of the control guinea pigs die of rabies and not less than 70 per cent of the vaccinated
guinea pigs are protected.
4. Storage- Freeze-dried vaccine should be stored at refrigeration temperatures of 2 ° C to
4 ° C.
5. Labelling- The life of the vaccine at room temperature and at refrigeration temperature
should be stated on the label.
6. (a) Action and uses- Rabies vaccine (living) is used for the prophylactic inoculation of
dogs against rabies; one injection should provoke a serviceable immunity lasting for at least a
year. The vaccine has been used to a limited extent on cattle.
(b) Dose- By intramusclar injection: Dogs, the contents of one ampoule reconstituted in 3
ml. of water for injection; cattle five times the dog dose.
Ranikhet Disease Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- New castle Disease Vaccine (Living); pheumoenteritis Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Ranikhet Disease vaccine is a suspension of a modified living virus e.g.
(Mukteswar strain) prepared from infected embryos and fluids and is freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Good fertile eggs obtained from Salmonella pullorum free flock are
incubated in an egg incubator. Ten days old vigorous embryos are infected with 0.1 ml. of a
suitable dilution of a suspension of the virus. Inoculation is done in the allantoic cavity.
Embryos are incubated at a suitable temperature. Eggs showing dead embryos twenty-four
hours after incubation are discarded. After forty-eight hours incubation the eggs are candled
and those showing dead embryos are chilled for a suitable period of time, while embryos
alive beyond forty-eight hours are discarded. The fluids and embryos are then collected and
spot haemogglutination carried out. The material is homogenised in a blender and ampouled
in aliquots of 0.5 ml. quantities and freeze-dried.
4. Standards-
(a) Description- Light brown scales.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection to fowls against Ranikhet Disease.
(c) Safety Test- For testing each batch of freeze dried Ranikhet Disease Vaccine, twelve
healthy young chickens, all from the same source each weighing not less than 400 g. are
taken and immunised against Ranikhet Disease. Fourteen days later, these birds, are tested as
follows with the contents of one ampoule suspended in 100 ml. of normal saline.
Three of the test birds are injected intratracheally with 0.1 ml. equivalent to ten times the
field dose of the vaccine to be tested. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free
from viruses or organisms of speticaemia disease.
Three of the test birds are injected intratracheally with 0.1 ml. equivalent to ten times the
field dose of he vaccine to be tested. This group serves to indicate whether the product is free
from the virus of infectious laryngotracheitis, *[ ] and similar diseases.
The three remaining birds serve as controls.
**[Three of the test birds are injected intranasally with 0.2ml of the vaccine to be tested.
This group serves to indicate whether the product is free from virus of Coryza and sim ilar
All the treated birds and controls are observed daily for fourteen days. All the test birds that
succumb are subjected to careful postmortem examination. The product is not issued until the
birds under test are shown to be free from the causative agents of any extraneous diseases.
(e) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
(f) Potency Test- Four susceptible birds eight to twelve weeks old and each weighing not
less than 400 g. are vaccinated by injecting subcutaneously 1 ml. of a 10-5 dilution of the
product. Two weeks after vaccination these birds and four non-protected birds are challenged
by injecting subcutaneously each with 1.0 ml. of a 1: 100 dilution of virulent virus (liver and
spleen suspension) or 1.0 ml. of a 1 : 100 dilution of fluid from the embryo infected with
virulent Ranikhet Disease virus. The non-protected birds should show symptoms of Ranikhet
Disease and die and all the protected birds should remain normal during an observation
period of fourteen days.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine when stored at – 15 ° C to – 20 ° C. may be expected to retain the
potency for about one year and about three months if stored in a refrigerator at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
The product should not be sued if stored for more than ten days outside the refrigerator.
* The word “Coryza’ omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt. 31-8-1994.
** Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt. 31-8-1994
Ranikhet Disease Vaccine F strain (Living)
1. Synonyms- New castle disease vaccine F Strain (Living).
2. Definition- Ranikhet disease vaccine F. strain is a suspension of a naturally modified
living virus (F strain) prepared from the infected embryos, devoid of beaks and eyes and
fluids in a frozen state.
3. Preparation- Good fertile eggs obtained from salmonella pullorum free flock are
incubated in an egg incubator. Eight days old vigorous embryos are infected with 0.1 ml. of 1
: 100 suspension of Ranikhet Disease vaccine F strain virus. Inoculation is done via the
allantoic cavity. Embryos are incubated at 37° C. Eggs are candled every day upto four days
and the dead ones are discarded. Final candling of the embryos is carried out on the fourth
day and only the living ones are chilled in a refrigerator for one hour. The fluids embryos are
collected separately. The fluids are tested for spot haemagglutination and sterility test is
carried out. The beaks and eyes balls of the embryos are removed. The materials are
homogenised with adequate quantities of antibiotics in a cool warning blender and ampouled
in aliquots of 0.5 ml. quantity and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Light brown scales.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection to baby chicks against Ranikhet disease.
(c) Moisture content- The moisture content should not exceed *[1.0] per cent.
(d) Potency test- For testing each batch of the vaccine twelve one-day old chicks are
given two drops 1/N o the field dose of the vaccine (5 ampoules selected at random may be
reconstituted in 50 ml.) of cold normal saline solution. These are observed for fourteen days
and the vaccinated chicks should remain normal throughout the period of observation. This
serves the safety test also.
On the fourteen days the vaccinated chicks are challenged two drops with 1 : 50 virulent
Ranikhet Disease virus alongwith 8 control chicks. Four of the controls receive two drops
1/N of the virulent virus while the rest of the four receive 0.5 ml. of the virulent virus. The
control chicks should succumb to the challenge virus showing symptoms of Ranikhet Disease
while the protected chicks should remain normal throughout the observation period of
fourteen days.
(e) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’
*Amended as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 659(E) dt. 31-8-1994
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccine’.
6. Storage- The vaccine when stored at – 15 ° C to –20 ° C may be expected to retain the
potency for about one year and about three months if stored in a refrigerator at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
when removed from the refrigerator, the product should not be used later than ten days.
Rinderpest Goat adapted Tissue Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- Goat-adapted Cattle Plague Vaccine; Goat Tissue Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Rinderpest Goat-adapted Tissue Vaccine is the homogenised freeze dried
preparation of spleen pulp of goats artificially infected with the suitable strain of rinderpest
3. Preparation- Healthy susceptible goats are quarantined for a period of ten days. After
this period a batch of selected goats are injected subcutaneously with 2 ml. of a suitable
dilution of the suspension of the seed virus. The donor goats are sacrificed after a suitable
period when the titre of the virus in the animal body is expected to be maximum, usually four
days, and the spleen from animals free from any pathological change or signs are collected
under sterile conditions. Smear from each spleen is examined microscopically to exclude
spleen which are contaminated from the production batch.
The spleen is freed from fat and fascia and is blended into a smooth pulp in a grinder. The
pulp is spread on a shallow dish of glass or stainless steel and is freeze dried.
The freeze-dried pulp is then ground into a fine powder and sieved. The powder is
ampouled in 0.25 g. or 0.125 g. quantities and freeze-dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Dark brown or chocolate coloured scales or powder.
(b) Identification- The product affords protection to susceptible animals against rinderpest.
(c) Moisture content- Not more than 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety Test- Each batch of vaccine shall be tested for safety in laboratory animals and
cattle or buffalo calves as follows:-
(i) Small animals- At least two guinea pigs each weighing 300 g. to 450 g. and two adult
rabbits each weighing 1 kg. to 1.5 kg. should be injected each with 1 ml. of 1: 100 suspension
of the vaccine subcutaneously and kept under observation for seven days. None of the
animals should die. Alternatively, a batch of six white mice each weighing not less than 18 g.
may be used, each mouse receiving 0.5 ml. of a dilution 1 : 100 suspension subcutaneously.
None of the animals should die.
(ii) Large animals- Either cattle of good grade of susceptibility (hill cattle) or buffalo calves
may be employed. For each batch of vaccine, three animals should be injected
subcutaneously with 1 ml. of 1 : 8000 dilution of the vaccine. These animals should be kept
under observation for twelve to fourteen days. None of the animals should show any
untowards reactions.
(e) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described under the general
monograph in ‘ Viral Vaccine’.
(f) Potency Test- The animals receiving 1 ml. of 1 : 8000 dilution of vaccine used under
safety test mentioned above and kept under observation for fourteen days, should be
challenged with 1 ml. of 1 per cent suspension of stock Rinderpest Virulent virus. None of
the animals should die of rinderpest within a period of ten days. This test serves as a short
potency test for each of the batches.
For conducting a detailed potency test the following procedure may be followed:-
Dilution 1: 8000, 1: 12,000 and 1 : 16,000 shall be tested and for each dilution three
susceptible cattle or buffalo calves should be used. Each animal is inoculated subcutaneously
with 1 ml. of a dilution of the vaccine, followed twelve to fourteen days later with a standard
challenge dose of virulent rinderpest bull virus containing in 1 ml. of a 1 : 100 suspension of
spleen tissue. Two unvaccinated bovines, each receiving the same quantity of the challenge
dose acts as controls. These are kept under observation for fourteen days. The end point of
protection titre is assessed on the death or survival rate and the dose contained in one gramme
of vaccine calculated on the basis of 20 to 40 minimum protective doses being equivalent to
one vaccination dose.
(g) Virulence and viability Test- Two to four goats each weighing not less than 18 kg. are
injected with 2 ml. of 1 : 100 suspension of the vaccine and kept under observation for ten
days. These animals should show reaction characterised by pyrexia (rise of about 2° C)
anorexia and dullness.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirement of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘ Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for twelve months if stored
at – 15° to 20° or about three months if stored at 2°C to 4 ° C.
Rinderpest Lapinised Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- Rabbit Adapted Cattle Plague Vaccine (Living) Lapinised Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Rinderpest Lapinised Vaccine is a suspension of a modified living virus
(e.g. Nakamura III Strain) prepared with the blood spleen and mesenteric lymph glands of
infected rabbits and is freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Adult rabbits possibly from a known stock, each weighing not less than 1
kg. free from cocidiosis and snuffles, are injected intravenously with 1 ml. of a suitable
dilution of a suspension of the stock seed virus. Donor rabbits are sacrificed after a suitable
period when the titre of the virus in the animals is expected to be the maximum usually the
third day.
Ten millilitres of blood is collected from each rabbit in a defibrinating flask under aseptic
condition. Later the animals are sacrificed and the spleen and mesenteric lymph glands
collected. Each rabbit is subjected to a thorough post-mortem examination to observe lesions
of rinderpest infection.
After harvesting, the blood and the organs (spleen and glands) are homogenised in a
suitable proportion if necessary. Adequate quantities of penicillin and streptomycin may be
added. The homogenized material is ampouled in suitable quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Dark chocolate coloured mass.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection to susceptible animals against rinderpest.
(c) Moisture content- Not more than 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety Test- For testing a batch 2 guinea pigs each weighing not less than 300 g. are
injected subcutaneously with 1 ml. of a 1 : 100 suspension of the vaccine. Alternatively, a
group of six white mice each weighing not less than 18 g. is used. Each animal receives
subcutaneously 0.5 ml. of 1 : 100 suspension of the vaccine. None of the test animals should
die within a period of seven days.
(e) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’. If antibiotics have been added the inoculum should be
neutralised before doing the test.
(f) Potency Test- Dilutions 1: 100, 1 : 200, 1 : 400 and 1 : 800 shall be tested and for each
dilution 2 susceptible cattle ( hill bulls) or buffalo calves should be used. Each animal is
inoculated subcutaneously with 1 ml. of a dilution o the vaccine, followed twenty-one days
later with a standard challenge dose of a virulent rinderpest bulls virus contained in 1 ml. of a
1 : 100 suspension of spleen tissue. Two unvaccinated bovines each receiving the same
quantity of the challenge virus serve as controls. These animals are kept under observation
for fourteen days. The end point of the protecting titre is assessed on the death or survival
rate and the dose contained in one gramme of vaccine calculated on the basis of twenty
minimum protective doses being equivalent to one vaccinating dose.
(g) Virulence and Viability Test- Four rabbits each weighing 1 to 1.5 kg. are injected
subcutaneously with 1 ml. of 1 : 100 suspension of the vaccine. The animals should react
typically showing all the symptoms of rinderpest in rabbits.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for six months if stored at
15 °C to –20 °C or about a month if stored at 2 ° C to 4 °C.
Rinderpest Lapinised Avianised Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- Lapinised Avianised Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Rinderpest Lapinised Avianised Vaccine is a suspension of a modified live
rinderpest virus of low virulence prepared either with the whole chick embryo or the viscera
of the infected chick embryo.
3. Preparation- Twelve or thirteen days old active chick embryos from a flock free from
Salmonella pullorum infection are injected intravenously with a suitable dilution of the
suspension of the stock seed virus in six per cent glucose solution. The embryos are incubated
at 38.5 °C for five days. At the end of this incubation period, eggs which show living
embryos are selected for the preparation of the vaccine. The viscera of the chicks are
harvested, care being taken to reject the gizzard and gall bladders. The material is
homogenised in a blender with adequate quantities of antibiotics (penicillin and streptomycin
added if necessary), and primary freeze dried done. This freeze dried material is ground into a
fine powder, ampouled in suitable quantities and finally subjected to secondary freeze drying
and sealed under vacuum.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Pale cream or yellow coloured sterile powder.
(b) Identification- This product affords good grade of immunity to susceptible animals
against rinderpest.
(c) Moisture content- Not more than 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety Test- For testing each batch, a group of six mice each weighing not less than 18g.
is used. Each mouse is injected subcutaneously with 0.5 ml. of 1 : 100 suspension.
Alternatively, two guinea pigs each weighing not less than 300 g. and two rabbits each
weighing not less than 1 kg. are injected with 1 ml. of 1 : 100 suspension subcutaneously.
These animals should not show any untoward reaction during the period of observation for
seven days.
(e) Sterility Test- Should comply with th e test or sterility as laid down in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
(f) Potency Test- Healthy highly susceptible cattle (hill bulls) or buffalo calves should be
used for testing the potency of each batch of vaccine in suitable dilution. For each dilution
two highly susceptible animals should be used. Each animal is inoculated subcutaneously
with 1 ml. of a dilution of the vaccine, followed twenty -one to twenty -eight days after with a
standard challenge dose of a virulent rindepest bull virus contained in 1 ml. of a 1 : 100
suspension of spleen tissue. Two unvaccinated bovines, each receiving the same quantity of
the challenge virus serve as controls. All these animals are kept under observation for
fourteen days. The end point of protective titre is assessed on the death or survival rate and
the dose contained in one gramme of vaccine calculated on the basis of forty minimum
protective doses being equivalent to one vaccinating dose.
5. Labelling- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage and Expiry date- The vaccine shall be expected to retain its potency for the
period at temperatures as specified below:-
-15°C to – 20 °C .. Six months
2°C to 4 °C . .. One month
Sheep and Goat Pox Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonym- Sheep Pox Vaccine. Goat Pox Vaccine (Living).
2. Definition- Sheep and goat Pox Vaccine consists of the virus contained in the scabs
collected from sheep artificially infected with the virus.
3. Preparation- Healthy yearling sheep are infected artificially on the shaved portion of
the abdomen with a suitable dilution of the suspension of the stock seed virus 50 per cent
glycerine saline solution. The material from the semi-dried areas where the pock lesions are
evident is collected and dried over calcium chloride or phophorus pentoxide under vacuum.
Dry scabs are powdered, sieved, ampouled in suitable quantities and sealed.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Light cream coloured powder.
(f) Identification- This product when applied to scarified area of the skin
of the sheep or goats produces characteristic local lesions of pox and should afford
protection to sheep and goat against Sheep and Goat Pox.
(g) Safety Test- Two rabbits each weighing not less than 1 kg. are injected
subcutaneously each with 1 ml. of a 1 : 100 dilution of the vaccine in normal saline
solution. These animals are observed for fourteen days. The animals should remain
(h) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described under the
general monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
(i) Potency Test- Four yearling sheep are inoculated with 1 : 100
suspension of the vaccine in 50 per cent glycerine saline on a scarified area on the
abdomen. Fourteen days later, these and two more susceptible sheep are inoculated by
the same method with stock virus and observed for a period of fourteen days. The
control animals should develop typical lesions of pox and vaccinated animals should
remain normal.
5. Labelling- Should comply with requirement of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage and Expiry date- The vaccine shall be expected to retain its potency for period
at temperatures as specified below:-
-15 °C to – 20 °C .. . . .Twenty months
2°C to 4 °C . .. . . Three months
Room Temperature .. . . Fifteen days.
Fowl Spirochaetosis Vaccine ( Chick Embryo Origin)
1. Synonym- Tick Fever Vaccine.
2. Definition- The vaccine consists of a merthiolated suspension of chorioallantoic
membrane, internal viscera and blood of chick embryos infected with a vaccine strain of
spirochaetes and freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Eleven days old developing chick embryos are infected with 0.2 ml. of
sterile fresh blood containing spirochaetosis via the chorioallantoic membrane. The
inoculated embryos are incubated at 37 °C and candled daily and the dead one are discarded.
On the seventh day the living embryos are chilled in the refrigerator for two hours. The
chilled embryos are harvested separately and necrotic lesions in liver noted. Representative
samples of blood should be examined for teaming spirochaetes. The internal viscera, chorioallantoic memranes and the blood are collected. The material is pooled, weighed and held in
deep freeze at – 15 °C to –20 °C for a period of one week. Thereafter the material is blended
with equal quantity of Merthiolate (final concentration of merthiolate in the suspension
should be 1 : 10, 000) thoroughly for three times, each time the motor running at full speed
and the vaccine is ampouled in 2 ml. quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Light brownish scales.
(b) Identification- The vaccine affords protection when inoculated into the fowls against
(c) Moisture content- The moisture content should not exceed 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety and potency test- Six healthy cockerals ten to twelve weeks old are used for this
purpose. Each ampoule of vaccine is reconstituted in 10 ml. of cold distilled water and the six
cockerals are injected intramuscularly each with 1 ml. of the reconstituted vaccine and the
birds are observed for a period of ten days and the vaccinated birds should remain normal
throughout the period of observation. The vaccinated birds are challenged with 0.2 ml.
intramuscularly with virulent spirochaete blood along with two susceptible controls.
Temperature and blood smear examination of the challenged birds and controls should be
carried out daily for a period of ten days. The blood smears of vaccinated birds should remain
negative for spirochaetes during the entire period of observation. The controls should react
and show spirochaetes in the blood.
(e) Sterility Test- Complies with the tests for sterility described in the general monograph
on ‘ Bacterial Vaccine’.
5. Labelling- Should comply with requirement of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine when stored at –15 °C to – 20 °C may be expected to retain the
potency for about one year and about two months if stored in refrigerator at 2 °C to 4 °C.
Swine Fever Vaccine Crystal Violet
1. Synonym- Crystal Violet Swine fever vaccine, Hog Cholera Vaccine.
2. Definition- Swine fever vaccine, crystal violet is a suspension of blood of swine that
have been infected with a suitable virulent antigenic strain of swine fever virus, inactivated
with 0.25 per cent crystal violet ethylene glycol at 37 °C for fourteen days.
3. Preparation- Susceptible healthy pigs of six to seen months of age belonging to a well
established strain or bred are used. Body weight of these animals at this age may vary
according to the breed nut optimum weight is considered as between 75 to 100 kg. Animals
used for production may be procured from well established farms and kept under quarantine
or fourteen days. These are injected intramuscularly with a suitable dilution of the
suspension of the virulent blood viruses. Bleed ing of the clinically injected animals is carried
out on the sixth day. The defibrinated blood from each animal is strained and stored
separately in sterile glass containers. To the four parts of defibrinated blood, one part of 0.25
per cent crystal violet- ethylene glycol is added and the suspension after thorough mixing, is
stored at 37 °C ( 0.5) for two weeks. The product is filled ill 20 ml. volumes in sterile vials
and labelled on the completion o tests.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Very dark violet suspension.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection against swine fever but not against
African Swine Fever.
(c) Safety Test- Two young pigs weighing about 15 to 30 kg. are injected subcutaneously
each with 40 ml. of the vaccine batch to be tested. In addition, one unvaccinated susceptible
pig is placed in contact.
(d) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described under general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
(e) Abnormal toxicity test- Two guinea pigs are given 1 ml. or vaccine intramuscularly.
Two guinea pigs are given 2 ml. of the vaccine intraperitoneally.
Two mice are given 0.5 ml. of he vaccine subcutaneously.
(f) Potency Test- Four susceptible pigs weighing between 20-30 kg. are injected with 5
ml. of the vaccine subcutaneously. After twenty-one days these are challenged with 1 ml. of
suitable dilution o the challenge virus subcutaneously. The dose must contain at least 1000
minimum infective doses. At least two control pigs should be used.
5. Labelling- – Should comply with requirement of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for twelve months if stored
in refrigerator at 2 °C to 4 °C.
Swine Fever Vaccine Lapinised (Living)
1. Synonym- Lapinised swine fever vaccine, freeze dried lapinised swine fever vaccine.
2. Definition- Swine fever lapinised vaccine consists of the suspension of a modified live
swine fever virus prepared from spleens of infected rabbits and is freeze dried.
3. Preparation- Healthy adult rabbits weighing approximately 1000 gms. Or over, free
from coccidiosis snuffles etc. are injected intravenously with a suitable dose of a dilution of
the modified rabbit adapted virus. Rabbits are sacrificed at the height of reaction and spleens
are collected with sterile precautions. The collection is later homogenised in a blender using
ten per cent yolk phosphate buffer as a diluent. The suspension is ampouled in 0.5 ml.
quantities and freeze dried.
4. Standard –
(a) Description- Light scales.
(b) Identification- This product affords protection against swine fever.
(c) Moisture content- The moisture content should not exceed 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety Test- Six mice are injected each with 0.5 ml. of a 1 : 100 suspension of the
vaccine. These are kept under observation for seven days. Non should die.
(e) Viability Test- Two healthy rabbits are injected intramuscularly with 1 ml. of 1 : 100
suspension o the vaccine. These animals show thermal reaction.
Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described under the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
(f) Potency Test- The vaccine batch under test should be tested on susceptible healthy pigs
weighing between 20-30 kg. Two animals for each dilution may be used. The dilutions tested
are 1 : 10, 1 : 25, 1 : 50 and 1 : 100. One millilitre of each off these dilutions is injected
subcutaneously. One healthy, susceptible, unvaccinated in contact animal should be kept
along with the vaccinated animals.
Fourteen to twenty-one days later these animals along with two controls are injected
subcutaneously with 1 ml. of the challenge virus containing at least 1000 minimum infective
5. Labelling- Should comply with requirements of ‘Labelling’ as laid down in the general
monograph on ‘Viral Vaccines’.
6. Storage- The vaccine may be expected to retain its potency for six months if stored at
temperature ranging between – 10 °C to – 15°C and for seven days at 2 °C to 4 °C in the
*[Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine (Inactivated)
1. Synonym. – Inactivated Tissue culture mono or polyvalent Foot and Mouth Disease
2. Definition. – Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine is a liquid product or preparation
containing one or more types of foot and mouth disease virus which have been inactivated in
such a way that its immunogenic property is maintained. It may also contain an adjuvant.
The vaccine is described as monovalent, bivalent, trivalent or polyvalent depending on the
number of types of virus used.
Ins. As per G.O.I. Notification GSR No.659(E) dt. 31-8-1994.
3. Preparation. – The virus is propagated in suitable cell culture. The cell culture is
infected with an appropriate inoculum of virus and incubated at a suitable temperature for
multiplication of virus. The virus is harvested and cellular debris removed by filteration.
Inactivation is carried out by a suitable agent such a formaldehyde solution or aziridine
compound. The adjuvant may be aluminium hydroxide and/or saponin. In case of inactivated
gel vaccine the antigen is concentrated by sedimentation at plus 4 degree C. for preparing a
polyvalent vaccine, monovalent antigens are mixed in appropriate quantities to give the final
mixture which is the formulated vaccine.
4. Standards :
(a) Description :- Aluminium hydroxide gel vaccines settle down to variable degree on
storage leaving the supernatant clear.
(b) Identification – It protects cattle against Foot and Mouth Disease due to
homologous type/subtype of virus.
(c) Sterility test – It shall comply with the tests for sterility as prescribed under the “general
monograph of viral vaccines”.
(d) Safety test – The test is carried out on fully susceptible cattle not less than 12 months of
age and which have not been sensitized either by vaccination or previous infection. Inoculate
3 susceptible cattles each with 2 ml. of finished product at multiple sites on tongue by
intradermal route and observe for 4 days. The same animals are inoculated on 4th day with 3
cattle doses subcutaneously and are observed for a further period of 6 days. The animals
should not develop any signs of FMD and remain normal.
(e)Potency test – Each batch of the vaccine is to be tested in susceptible cattle of not less
than 15 months of age. The potency test in cattle can be done either by :-
(i) PD50 method :- The vaccine shall be tested by the determination of
PD50 in susceptible cattle by challenging animals vaccinated with
appropriate dilution of the vaccine made in adjuvanted or nonadjuvanted diluent as appropriate.
A minimum of 5 animals should be used per dilution and 2
unvaccinated animals to be included as controls to the challenge. All
animals are needle challenged with 10,000 ID50 of the homologous
strain of virus by inoculation on the tongue on the 21st day of postvacination.
The control animals are to be similarly challenged. Animals are
observed for 10 days for the development of lesions. Unprotected
animals show generalized lesions due to FMD. Control animals must
shown generalized lesions. From the number of animals protected in
each group the PD50 content of the vaccine is calculated. The vaccine
passes the test if an observed PD50 value of 3 or greater is obtained in
the test.
(ii) Percentage protection method in which groups of ten health susceptible
cattle are each injected subcutaneously with the vaccinating dose and
14 – 21 days later the cattle are challenged by intradermal injection into
three separate sites on the tongue with 10,000 ID50 of the strain of virus
used in the preparation of the vaccine. The vaccine can be passed if
atleast seven out of the ten in the group are protected against the
development of generalized infection whereas all the controls should
react by developing primary and secondary lesions observable in the
mouth and feet.
For other reasons if cattle testing is not possible then the potency of the vaccine may be
assed in guineapigs either by Lucam ‘C’ index or PD50 method by challenging those which
have been previously vaccinated, provided that the correlation has been established between
guineapig challenge test and cattle challenge results.
The estimation of the serum neutralizing antibody titre cattle may be considered as a
supportive test to evaluate potency of vaccine.
However, potency testing of vaccines, in cattle, of batches whenever by other accepted
methods of testing is in doubt, at aleast one out of every five batches, be undertaken.
5. Labelling :- It is labeled as described under the requirements of ‘labelling’ as laid down
in the general monograph, with the additional requirements that the label on the container
states the virus types used in the preparation.
6. Storage :- It should be protected from the light and stored between 4oC to 8oC. under
these conditions it may be expected t retain its potency for not less than 12 months. Freezing
of aluminium hydroxide vaccine must be avoided. The frozen product will not be fit for use.
Canine Hepatitis Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonyms :- Infectious Canine Hepatitis Vaccine (Living), Canine Hepatitis Cell
Culture Vaccine.
2. Definition :- Canine Hepatitis Vaccine (Living) is a freeze dried preparation of tissue
culture fluid containing the cell culture adopted canine hepatitis virus.
3. Preparation :- Canine hepatitis vaccine shall be prepared from virus bearing cell
culture fluid.
Only stock seed virus which has been established as pure, safe and immunogenic shall be
used in the preparation of the vaccine.
4. Immunogenicity test :- Each lot of stock seed virus shall be tested for immunogenicity
as follows :-
Thirteen canine hepatitis susceptible dogs, 8-14 weeks old shall be used for the test (10
vaccinates and 3 controls). Blood samples may be drawn from these animals and individual
serum samples tested for the presence of antibodies, against canine hepatitis virus. Ten dogs
shall be injected subcutaneously with predetermined quantity of the virus and remaining 3
dogs are kept as unvaccinated controls. The dose calculation will be based on virus titration
in suitable cell culture system. Not less than 14 days post vaccination, the vaccinated and
control shall each be challenged intravenously with virulent infectious canine hepatitis virus
and observed daily for 14 days. At least 2 out of 3 controls should die and the survivors shall
show the clinical signs of canine hepatitis. Nine out of ten vaccinated dogs shall survive and
shall not show any signs of infectious canine hepatitis during the observation period.
The stock seed virus shall be tested once in 5 years and maintained under standard
conditions as prescribed.
The stock seed virus may be inoculated on a suitable tissue culture system and may be
incubated for five to seven days.
The tissue culture fluid is then harvested and titrated in cell culture system for virus
content. After appropriate dilution and pooling, the material is stored at minus 20oC until
freeze dried. Each vaccine dose shall contain not less than 103.5 TCID50 dose,
4. Standards :-
(a) Description. – The dried product is a pinkish cream material readily
dispersible in water. The reconstituted vaccine is a pinkish liquid.
(b) Identification.- It causes characteristic cytopathic effect in dog, pig and ferret
kidney monolayers. This can be neutralized by specific antiserum. When
inoculated into dogs, the development of specific neutralizing antibodies can
be demonstrated by suitable serological tests.
(c) Moisture content.- In the finished product moisture content shall not exceed
1.0 per cent.
(d) Sterility Test.– Shall comply with the tests of sterility as described under
the general monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Safety Test.– Mouse safety test – Vaccine prepared for use as recommended
on the label shall be tested. Eight mice shall be inoculated intracerebrally
with 0.03 ml and 8 mice shall be inoculated intraperitoneally with 0.5ml.
both the groups shall be observed for seven days. If unfavourable reaction
attributable to the product occurs in two or more mice in either group during
their observation period, the batch is unsatisfactory.
Dog Safety Test.– Each of the two susceptible pups aged 8 – 14 weeks shall
be injected with vaccine equivalent of 10 vaccinating doses from the batch
reconstituted with sterile diluent and administered in the manner
recommended on the label and observed for 21 days. None of the pups shall
show any unfavourable reaction during the period of observation.
(f) Potency test, Virus Titration :- Samples of finished product shall be tested for
virus titre in suitable cell culture system. The batch shall have a virus titre of
not less than 103,5 TCID50 dose.
Potency test in dog.- : Two healthy susceptible dogs of 8-14 weeks of age
shall be injected subcutaneously with one Vaccine dose. 14 days after
vaccination, specific neutralizing antibodies from both the dogs shall be
demonstrable by serological tests.
5. Labelling.– Shall comply with the requirement for labeling as laid down in the
general monograph on “Viral Vaccines
6. Storage.– The dry product shall be stored at temperature of minus 20oC or
below. The vaccine is expected to retain its potency for about 6
months in the freezing chamber of the refrigerator (temperature)
approximately minus 8oC
Duck Plague Vaccine
1. Definition.- Duck plague vaccine is a suspension of modified living virus
prepared from infected chick embryos.
2. Preparation.- Fresh fertile hen’s eggs obtained from Salmonella free flocks are
incubated in an incubator. None days old embryos are injected with
0.2ml of the suitable dilution ( 1 in 100) of the suspension of the
virus on the CAM and incubated at 37oC for 5 days post-inoculation.
Dead embryos of the 3
, 4
th and 5
th days post-inoculation are
harvested. The embryos (devoid of head and legs). Clear fluid and
the membranes are collected and homogenized in a Blender,
ampoulded in 0.5ml quantities and freeze dried.
3. Standards:-
(a) Description.- Light brown scales.
(b) Identification.- This product affords protection to the ducks against duck
(c) Safety Test.- Four healthy, 8 to 12 weeks old ducks weighting not less than
600 grms are inoculated subcutaneously with 1ml of 10-1
dilution of the
vaccine and observed for a period of 14 days. During the period of
observation, the ducks shall not show any untoward reaction.
(d) Sterility.- Shall comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Potency Test.- Six susceptible ducks 8 to 12 weeks old each weighing not
less than 600 gms are inoculated subcutaneously with 1 ml of 10-3 dilution of
the vaccine. The minimum virus contents in 1 ml. dose of the vaccine shall
be 103.5 EID50. 14 days later these ducks are challenged subcutaneously each
with 1ml. of 10-2
dilution of the virulent duck plague virus (1000 DEID50)
along with 2 unprotected young ducks of about 8-12 weeks age. The
unprotected ducks shall show symptoms of duck plague and die within 10
days, while the protected ducks shall remain normal during the observation
period of 14 days.
4. Labelling.- Should comply with the requirements of labeling as laid down in the
general monograph on “Viral Vaccine”.
5. Storage.- Vaccine when stores at minus 15oC to minus 20oC may be expected to
retain its potency for one year and about three months if stored in the
freezing chamber of Refrigerator i.e. minus 5oC.
Avian Encephalomyelitis Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonyms.- Avin encephalomyelitis Vaccine Freeze dried.
2. Definition.- A virus bearing tissue and fluid suspension from embryonated hen’s
3. Preparation.- The stock seed virus which has been established as pure, safe and
immunogenic shall be used for preparing the vaccine.
(i) Each lot of stock seed virus shall be tested for pathogenicity by chicken
embryo inoculation test:
(a) One dose of the seed lot shall be mixed with 9 volume of sterile heat
inactivated specific, antiserum to neutralize vaccine virus in the product.
(b) After neutralization, 0.2ml of serum vaccine mixture shall be inoculated into
each of at least 20 fully susceptible chicken embryos (0.1ml of the inoculum
shall be inoculated on CAM of 9-11 days old embryos and 0.1 ml in the
allantoic sac).
(c) Eggs shall be candled for 7 days. Deaths occurring during first 24 hours shall
be discarded but at least 18 viable embryos shall survive 24 hours post
inoculation for a valid test. All embryos and CAMs from embryos which die
after the first day shall be examined.
(d) If the death or abnormality attributable to inoculums occur, the seed lot is
(ii) Immunogenicity test.- Avin encephalomyelitis susceptible chicks, all of same age
(8 weeks old) shall be used 20 chickens shall be inoculated
with the field dose of the virus by prescribed route. Ten
additional chickens of same age and flock shall be held as
unvaccinated controls.
At least 21 days post vaccination, the controls and
vaccinates shall be challenged intracerebrally with Virulent
avian encephalomyelitis virus and observed each for 21
days. At least 80 percent of controls shall show signs of
avian encephalomyelitis or die. At least 19 to 20 vaccinates
shall remain free from clinical avian encephalomyelitis
during the observation period for the stock seed virus to be
4. Standards:-
(a) Description:- Greyish white flakes easily dispersible in the diluent.
(b) Identification:- At least 5–6 days old embryonated eggs (from hens with no
history of infection with avian encephalomyelitis) shall be inoculated with 0.1
ml of undiluted vaccine into the yolk sac and kept in incubator and then
transferred to the brooder where they are allowed to hatch. The hatched chicks
shall be raised for 7 days. More than 5 per cent of hatched chicks shall
manifest the typical symptoms (weak-led, leg paralysis tremor etc.) at the end
of this period.
(c) Moisture Content: – Shall not exceed 1.0 per cent.
(d) Sterility Test: – Shall comply with the test for sterility described under general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Safety Test: – At least 25 avian encephalomyelitis susceptible birds (6-10
weeks of age) shall be vaccinated with 10 field doses by the recommended
route and observed each day for 21 days. If unfavourable reactions attributable
to the vaccine occur during the observation period, the batch of vaccine is
(f) Potency Test: –
(i) The vaccine shall be titrated for virus content. To be eligible for release,
the batch shall have a virus titre of at least 102.5 EID50 per dose.
(ii) At least 10 susceptible chickens shall be vaccinated with the field dose
of the vaccine by prescribed route and 10 chickens from same batch and
source shall be kept as unvaccinated controls.
At least 21 days post-vaccination, both the groups shall be challenged
intracerebrally with Virulent avian encephalomyelitis virus and observed
for 21 days. At least 8 out of 10 controls shall develop recognizable signs
or lesions of avian encephalomyelitis and at least 8 out of 10 vaccines
should remain normal
5.Labelling Shall comply with the requirement of labeling as laid down in
general monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
Marek’s Disease Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonyms.- Herpes virus of Turkey Vaccine HVT vaccine (Living).
2. Definition:- Marek’s disease vaccine is a suspension of cell free fluid containing
live virus.
3. Preparation.- The stock seed virus which has been established as pure, safe and
immunogenic in avian species shall be used for preparing the seed
virus for vaccine production.
(i) Safety Test – The stock seed virus shall be non-pathogenic for chickens as
determined by the following procedure:
The groups of at least 25 chickens each at one day of age shall be used.
These chickens shall be of the same source and batch be susceptible to
Marek’s disease and be kept in isolated group.
Group 1: Each chicken shall be injected with 0.2ml of 10 times as much viable virus
as will be contained in one dose of vaccine by intramuscular route.
Group II : Shall be serve as controls. At least 20 chickens in each group shall survive
for four days post injection. All chickens that die shall be necropsied and
examined for lesions of Marek’s disease and cause of death. The test shall
be judged according to the following :
At 120 days o age, the remaining chicken in both the groups shall be
weighted, killed and necropoised. If at least 15 chicken in each of these two
groups have not survived the 120 days period if any of the chicken of
group-I have gross lesions of Marek’s disease at necroposy or if the average
body weight of the chickens in Group-I is significantly (statistically)
differen t from the average of Group-II at the end of 120 days, the lot of
stock seed virus is unsatisfactory.
Purity test – Shall be conducted in chickens and no lesions other than those
typical of Turkey Herpes virus shall be evidenced.
Immunologenicity test – Sixty susceptible day old chicks are used. Thirty of them
inoculated with the seed virus in a dose corresponding to the field dose of the
final vaccine and 14-21 days later challenged by intrabdominal route with
virulent Marek’s diseas virus, alongwith the other 30 non-vaccinated control
chicks. At the end of the observation period when the chicks are 20 weeks old,
the surviving chickens are examined for the presence of antibody against
Marek’s disease by serological tests and postmortem inspection for lesions of
Marek’s disease.
Any bird dead is thoroughly examined and the cause of death ascertained by
necropsy/histopathological examination. All the surviving birds are killed and necropsied.
The protection index (P1) is determined by following procedure :
No. with MD lesions
1. Percent MD =
_________________________ x 100
No. with MD lesions +
No. of –ve Su-viviours
(effective No.)
Percent MD in controls –
Percent MD in vaccinated
2. P.I. =
_______________________________ x 100
Percent MD controls
Master seed virus should have P.1 of at least 80 per cent.
Eighty per cent of the chicks in the control group must fall ill specifically. If more than 80 per
cent of the vaccinated chickens do not show symptoms or signs of Marek’s disease, the seed
virus is regarded as sufficiently effective and can be used for production of vaccine.
The seed virus is propagated in duck embryo fibro-blast cell culture, chick embryo fibroblast
or any other suitable cell culture (specific pathogen free SPF flock) and when the peak
passage level is attained the cell monolayer is suspended in cold diluent of the following
SPGA Stablizer
0.218% Sucrose
0.0038% mono sodium phosphate
0.0072% dipotassium phosphate
L Monosodium glutanate 0.0049 M
1 per cent bovine albumin Fraction (V)
0.25 per cent EDTA (Sterilised by Seitz filteration and stored at minus 10oC). The virus is
freed from cell by ultrasonication for 3 minutes interrupted after every 30 seconds) at 100
MA and freeze dried in convenient volumes. The doses per ampoule vial is calculated after
titrating the freeze dried product in terms of plaque forming units (PFU) in the corresponding
cell monolayers.
4. Standards:-
(a) Description: – The cell free freeze dried HVT vaccine look uniformly grayish in
colour and easily dispersible in the specified diluent.
(b) Identification. – The vaccine on inoculation in suitable cell culture system shall
cause cytopathi effect typical of Herpes virus of Turkey. Specific antiserum of
Herpes vifus of Turkey shall neutralize the cytopathic effect.
(c) Moisture content. – Moisture content shall not exceed one per cent.
(d) Sterility test. – Shall comply with the test prescribed in general monograph on
“Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Safety Test.- At least 25 one day old chickens shall be injected with ten times of
the field dose of vaccine by intramuscular route. The chickens shall be observed
each day for 21 days. Chickens dying during the period shall be examined. Cause
of death determined and the results recovered as follows :-
(i) If at least 20 chickens do not survive the observation period, the test is in
(ii) If lesions of any disease or cause of death are directly attributable to the
vaccine the vaccine is unsatisfactory.
(f) Potency test. – The sample shall be titrated in the cell culture system. A
satisfactory batch shall contain at least 1500 plaque forming units (PFU) as per
dose at the time of release and maintain at least 1000 PFU till the end of expiry
5. Labelling. – Shall comply with the requirements of labeling as laid down in general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
6. Storage and expiry date. – The freeze-dried cell free HVT vaccine may be stored at
oC for 6 months.
Goat Pox Vaccine (Living Cell Culture)
1. Synonym. – Goat Pox Vaccine (living), attenuated goat pox vaccine.
2. Definition. – Goat Pox vaccine is freeze-dried preparation, prepared by growing
attenuated goat pox virus in kid kidney/testicular cell culture.
3. Preparation. – Primary kidney/testicular cell Cultures of disease free kid are used.
The monolayers infected with the seed virus are incubated at 37oC. The cultures are
harvested by three cycles of freezing and thawings 6 to 7 days post infection when
4. Standards: –
(a) Description. – Light yellow colour
(b) Identification – The product affords protection to goat against goat pox.
(c) Moisture content. – The moisture content shall not exceed 1.0 per cent.
(d) Safety test.-
(i) Laboratory animals. – Six mice, 3 guinea pigs and 3 rabbits are inoculated
with 0.2ml intraperitoneally, 0.5ml and 1.0 ml subcutaneously, with 10 field
doses of the vaccine. The inoculated animals during the observation period
of 80 days shall remain normal.
(ii) Goat. – Two susceptible goats of 6 to 8 months of age are inoculated in
postaxillary region by subcutaneous route with one-hundred field dose of the
vaccine. The inoculated animals shall not develop more than a local reaction
of 2 to 3 cms. These animals shall be observed for 10 days.
(e) Sterility test.- Shall comply with the test for sterility described under the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(f) Titration in cell culture.- Four randomly selected samples are inoculated in kid
kidney cell cultures using 5 tubes for each dilution. The titration shall be repeated
thrice. One thousands TCID50 is used as a field dose.
(g) Potency Test.- The three susceptible goats (8-10 months) are inoculated with
1/10th field dose and 3 susceptible goats (8-10 months) with one filed dose,
subcutaneously. Three incontract controls are also kept with the inoculated goats.
These animals are observed for a period of 14 days and their body temperature
recorded daily. The vaccinated animals shall not show any termal, local or
generalized reaction. Twenty one days post infection, the vaccinated and controls
and challenged with 10,000 TCID50 of virulent goat pox virus by intradermal
route. The temperature of these goats are recorded for a period of 14 days. The
vaccinated goats shall not develop localized or generalized reaction while control
goats shall develop high fever, localized reaction or even generalized reaction in
some cases.
5. Labelling .- Shall comply with requirements of labeling as laid down in the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
6. Storage and expiry date.- The vaccine is expected to retain its potency for 12
months if stored at minus 15oC to minus 20oC and for three months at 2 to 4oC.
Sheep Pox Vaccine (Inactivated)
1. Synonym .- Formal gel sheep pox vaccine.
2. Definition .- Sheep pox vaccine is a formaline inactivated gel treated tissue vaccine.
3. Preparation.- Healthy susceptible sheep of 8-12 months of age are inoculated
subcutaneously with 500ml of the 1:100 dilution of the Russian Virulent Sheep Pox
Virus. Seven to eight day post inoculation skin of the abdomen alongwith the
oedema is collected. The infected tissues are homogenized in 10 percent
concentration in phosphate buffer (ph 7.4-7.6) which after the extraction of the virus
is mixed with sterile gel and buffer in the following proportion :-
6 percent aluminium hydroxide gel-50 per cent.
Phosphate Buffer (pH 7.6)- 35 per cent.
10 per cent suspension – 15 per cent
This is later formalized and kept at 20-25oC/10oC for varying periods.
4. Standards.-
(a) Description .- It is a grayish white suspension. During storage the gel settles at the
bottom, upper layer of the suspension is clear.
(b) Identification.- This product affords protection to sheep against sheep pox.
(c) Safety test.- This is carried out by inoculating 2 white mice with 0,2ml one guinea
pig with 1.0 ml and one rabbit with 3,0 ml of vaccine. The animals should remain
clinically healthy for 10 days.
(d) Sterility test.- This is done by seeding the vaccine on usual bacterial media. The
plates and tubes are incubated for 10 days at 37oC. If the pathogenic bacteria are
found, the vaccine is rejected while with non-pathogenic bacteria the vaccine is
passed for field use.
(e) Potency test.- This is done by inoculating 4 non immune susceptible sheep
preferably exotic breed of 1-2 years with 3 ml of vaccine in the thigh,
The vaccinated sheep are challenged 15 days after inoculation alongwith 3 controls
each with 0.1 ml of virulent virus containing 200 infective doses intradermally
under the tail. The sheep are observed for 10 days and their skin reaction recorded.
The vaccine is considered potent if at all the vaccinated, sheep do not show thermal
or local skin reaction. Vaccine is also potent if 3 vaccinated animals do not develop
any reaction and one shows abortive skin reaction, while at least 2 of the 3 controls
develop typical sheep pox reaction at the site of inoculation.
5. Labelling.- Shall comply with the requirements of labelling as laid down in the
general monograph on “ Viral Vaccines”.
6. Storage.- The vaccine shall be stored at 4 to 5oC. it keeps well at above temperature
upto 12 months.
Sheep Pox Vaccine (Living Cell Culture)
1. Synonym.- Sheep pox vaccine (Living), attenuated sheep pox vaccine.
2. Definition.- Sheep pox vaccine is freeze dried preparation prepared by growing
attenuated sheep pox virus in lamb kidney/testicular cell cultures
3. Preparation.- Primary cell cultures prepared from kidney/testicles of disease free
lambs are used. The mono layers infected with the seed virus are incubated at 37oC.
the cultures are harvested by 3 cycles of freezing and thawing 6 to 7 days post
infection when more than 80 per cent Cells show C.P.E. the suspension is
centrifuged at 1000 r.p.m. for 10 minutes to remove cellular debris before being
stored at minus 20oC. the suspension is freeze dried after addition of 5 per cent
Lactalbumin hydrolysate and 10 per cent sucrose.
4. Standards:-
(a) Description.- Light yellow colour.
(b) Identification.- The product affords protection to sheep against sheep pox.
(c) Moisture contents.- The moisture contents should not exceed 1.00 per cent.
(d) Safety tests.-
(i) Six mice, 3 guinea pig and 3 rabbits are inoculated with 0.2ml
intraperitoneally 0.5ml and 1.0 ml subeutaneously, respectively containing
10 field dose of the vaccine. The inoculated animals during the observation
period of 10 days should remain normal.
(ii) One hundred field doses of the vaccine are inoculated subcutaneously into
each of 3 susceptibles sheep in postaxillary region. Inoculated animals shall
not develop more than a local reaction of 2 to 3 cms.
(e) Sterility test. – Shall comply with the test for sterility as described under the
general monograph on “Viral Vaccines
(f) Titration in cell culture. – Four randomly selected samples reconstituted in a
maintenance medium are inoculated in lamb kidney cell cultures using 5 tubes for
each dilution. The titrations shall be repeated thrice. The TCID50 to be calculated
by Read and Muonch method. One thousand TCID50 is calculated as one field
(g) Potency test. – Three susceptible sheep 8-10 months old are inoculated with
1/10th, field dose and 3 susceptible sheep with one field dose, subcutaneously.
Three in contact controls are also kept with the inoculated sheep. These animals
are observed for a period of 14 days and their temperature is recorded daily. The
vaccinated animals should not show any thermal, local or generalize reactions.
Twenty one days post infection the vaccinated and controls and challenged with
10,000 ID50 of virulent sheep poxvirus by intradermal route. The temperature of
these sheep are recorded for a period of 14 days. The vaccinated sheep should not
develop localised or generalized reaction while control sheep should develop high
fever, localized reaction or even generalized reaction in some cases.
5. Labelling.- Shall comply with requirements of labelling as laid down in the general
monograph on “viral vaccines”.
6. Store and expiry date.- The vaccine is expected to retain its potency for 12 months if
stored at minus 15oC to 4o
Tissue Culture Rinderpest Vaccine
1. Synonym.- Cell culture Rinderpest Vaccine.
2. Definition.- These culture Rinderpest vaccine is a freeze dried preparation of live
modified rinderpest virus adapted to any propagated in cell culture.
3. Preparations.- Primary or secondary monolayer cultures of the kidney cells (Bovine
or any other suitable animals) taken from kidney from healthy animals free from
any pathological changes shall be used. When secondary cultu5es are used they shall
have retained their original morphology and Karyo type. Kabeto ‘O’ stain of
Rinderpest virus developed by East African veterinary Research Organisation
(Plowrights strain between the passage levels of 99th and 100th passages) shall be
used. The virus harvested from cell monolayer culture prepared from the kidneys of
a single calf or serially cultivated bovine kidneys cells (Not more than 10 passages
away from the Primary) inoculated with the same seed and harvested together, will
be freeze dried with stabilizers in suitable quantities.
4. Standards.- It complies with the requirements of general standards of viral
(a) Description.- Dry light yellow coloured flakes readily soluble in chilled and
saline or buffered saline.
(b) Identifications.-
(i) Protects cattle against a subsequent challenge with virulent or caprinised
rinderpest virus.
(ii) It is titrable in tissue culture systems capable of supporting the
multiplication of this virus. These shall be made on at least three separate
occasions using a cell culture derived from different animals.
(iii) Specificity test shall be performed using an appropriate scrum
neutralization test.
(c) Sterility test. – Each batch shall be tested for bacterial and mycotic sterility as
given in general monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(d) Innocuity test.- Shall be made on each batch in at least two guinea pigs and six
mice. These animals shall be observed for atleast two weeks fro any untoward
(e) Safety and efficacy test.- The test for safety and efficacy shall be performed
using the pooled reconstituted contents of not less than 4 ampoules taken at
random. The vaccine shall be injected subcutaneously into each of at least two
susceptible cattle free from specific antibodies using the quantity containing not
less than 100 fields doses and two further cattle and using 1/10th of the field dose
(calculated on the basis of 1000 TCID50 one field dose). The animals shall be
housed with a least two unvaccinated animals and observed for a period of three
weeks. The vaccine passes the safety test if the cattle show no signs of unusual
clinical reactions.
At the end of three weeks all the four animals will be challenged alongwith two incontact
cattle with a challenge dose of not less than 10th ACID50 of virulent Rinderpest virus. The
vaccine passes the potency/efficacy test if the in contact animals develop rinderpest and all
the vaccinated animals remain normal.
6. Labelling.- Shall comply with general monograph on “Viral Vaccines”. Each ampoule
or at least 50 percent ampoules in a lot shall contain at least following print :
(i) TCRP Volume
(ii) Batch No. with year
(iii) General instructions for use.
7. Storage .- The vaccine when stored at minus 20oC and plus 4 degree C will maintain its
titre for 2 years and 6 months respectively.
Canine Distemper Vaccine
1. Synonyms.- Cannine distemper Vaccine (Living)- Freeze-dried.
2. Definition.- It is freeze dried preparation of either tissues from chick embryo
containing eggs adapted strain of cannine distemper virus or the cell culture in which
modified virus has been cultivated.
3. Preparation.- Canine distemper vaccine shall be prepared from virus bearing cell
culture, fluid or infected chroioalantoic membrane. Only stock seed virus which has been
established as pure, safe and immunogenic shall be used for preparation of vaccine. Stock
seed virus propagated in chicken embryo shall be tested for pathogen by chicken embryo test.
One volume of the virus shall be mixed with 9 volume of specific sterile heat inactivated
serum to neutralize the virus. Mixture shall be inoculated into twenty (9 to 11 days old )
chicken embryo (with 0.1 ml on CAM and 0.1 ml in alantoic sac). Embryonated eggs shall be
candled for 7 days daily. Death occurring in the first 24 hours shall be discarded. CAMS of
embryos which dieafter 24 hours shall be examined. When necessary embryo sub-culture
shall be made to determine the cause of death. The test should be concluded on the 7th day
cost inoculation.
The surviving embryos and their CAMS are examined. If deaths or abnormality due to the
inoculums occur, the seed virus is unsatisfactory.
4. Immunogenicity test : Thirteen susceptible dogs 8-14 weeks old shall be used for the test
(ten vaccinates and 3 controls). Blood samples are drawn from these animals and individual
sample is tested for antibodies against canine distemper. Ten dogs shall be injected with a
predetermined quantity of the virus and remaining 3 dogs are used as unvaccinated controls.
The dose shall be based on the virus tiltration. At least 21 days cost infection the vaccinated
and controls shall be challenged intramuscularly with the same dose of virulent canine
distemper virus and the animals are observed each day for 21 days. At least 2 out of 3
controls should die and survivor should show the symptoms typical of canine distemper. At
least 9 out of 10 vaccinated animals should survive and should not show any clinical signs of
canine distemper during the observation period. The stock seed virus should be tested for
immunogenicity at least once in 5 years, if maintained under suitable conditions of storage.
Eight days old chicken embryos from a healthy flock are inoculated on their chorioallantoic
membrane with bacteriologically sterile virus suspension of egg adapted strain. After
incubation for a period of five days, infected membrane and embryos are harvested. The
individual embryo is tested for bacterial sterility. Those free from bacterial contamination are
made into a 20 percent suspension in a suitable medium. The suspension is distributed in a
single dose quantity into the ampoules of vials and freeze-dried.
The ampoules are sealed under vacuum or with pure dry sterile nitrogen before sealing.
Alternatively, the virus may be grown on the suitable cell culture. Cells along with the
suspending fluid is harvested, distributed in single dose quantity in ampoules and freeze
4. Standard.-
(a) Description. – It is a dry product, pinkish cream material, readily dispersible in water or
a suitable solvent.
(b) Identification. – It infects CAM of fertile eggs. This is neutralized by canine distemper
antiserum. It does not cause distemper after injection into susceptible ferrets or dogs by
immunizes them against the disease.
(c) Moisture content. – Moisture content in the finished product shall not exceed more than
1.0 per cent.
(d) Sterility test. – Shall comply with the test for sterility as described in the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines.”
(e) Safety tests. – (i) Mice safety test; Reconstituted vaccine as recommended on the label
shall be tested.
Eight mice, 4 weeks old shall be inoculated intracerebally with 0.03 ml and 8 mice shall be
inoculated intraperitoneally with 0.5ml. Both groups shall be observed for 7 days, if
unfavourable reaction attributable to the product in either 2 or more mice in either group is
observed during observation period, the batch is unsatisfactory.
(ii) Dog Safety test.-Inject two healthy dogs eight to fourteen weeks old that have
previously been show to be free from distemper virus-neutralising antibodies by the
recommended route with twice the dose stated on the label and observe for 21 days. No
significant local or general reaction develops.
(i) Potency test. – (i) Titration : Final samples of finished product shall be
tested for virus titre, and when tested at any time within the expiry
period, it should contain not less than 103
ID50 per dose.
(ii) It shall be carried out in dogs. Two healthy susceptible dogs each of 8-
14 weeks of age free from distemper neutralizing antibodies are
injected subcutaneously each within one vaccination dose. Serum
samples shall be collected from each dog 14 days after vaccination and
these shall have specific neutralizing antibodies at a dilution of 1: 100.
5. Labelling.- Shall comply with the requirements of labeling as laid down in the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
6. Storage and expiry date. – For the freeze-dried product the expiry date is one year when
stored at minus 20oC.
Avian Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine (Living)
1. Synonyms. – Avian Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine (Living) freeze-dried.
2. Definition. – It is a freeze-dried product of low virulent Avian Infectious Bronchitis
Virus grown in embryonated hen’s eggs of cultivated n cell culture.
3. Preparation. – Only stock seed virus which has been established as pure, safe and
immunogenic shall be used. Each jot of stock seed virus shall be tested for other pathogens
by chicken embryo inoculation tests as follows: –
A lot of seed virus shall be mixed with 9 volumes of sterile heat inactivated specific antiserum to neutralize and the vaccine virus serum mixture shall be inoculated into each of at
least 20 fully susceptible chicken embryos of 9-11 days old (0.1 ml on CAM and 0.1 ml in
the allantoic sac). Eggs are candled daily for 7 days. Deaths occurring during first 24 hours
shall be discarded but at least 18 viable embryos shall survive 24 hours post inoculation for a
valid test. All embryo and CAMS from embryos shall be examined which die after 24 hours.
If necessary embryo subcultures shall be made to determine the cause of death. The test shall
be concluded on the 7th day post inoculation and surviving embryos including the CAM shall
be examined. If death and or abnormality attributable to the stock seed virus occur, the seed
lot is unsatisfactory.
Each lot of stock seed virus shall be tested for immunogenicity as below: –
Bronchitis susceptible chickens of the same age and source shall be used. For each method
of administration recommended on the label and for each serotype against which protection is
claimed, 20 chicks shall be used as vaccinates. Ten additional chickens for each serotypes
against which protection is claimed shall be held as unvaccinated controls. 21 to 28 days post
vaccination all vaccinates and controls shall be challenged by eye drops which virulent
Bronchitis virus. A separate set of vaccinates and controls shall be used for each serotype
against which protection is claimed. The challenge virus shall have a titre of at least 104.6
EID50 per ml. Trachea swabs shall be taken once 5 days post challenge from each vaccinated
and controls. Each swab shall be placed in test tube containing 3 ml of tryptose phosphate
broth and antibiotics. The tubes and swabs shall be swirled thoroughly and stored at minus
40oC pending egg inoculation. For each chicken swabs at least 5 chicken embryos 9-11 days
old shall be inoculated in the allantoic cavity with 0.2ml of broth from each tube. All the
embryos surviving 3rd day post inoculation shall be used in evaluation. A tracheal swab shall
be positive for virus recovery when any of the embryos show typical infections bronchitis
virus lesions such as stunting, curling, kidney urates, clubbed down or death during 4-7 days
post inoculation period.
90 percent of the controls should prove positive for virus recovery. If less than 90 per cent
of the controls are negative for virus recovery, the stock seed is unsatisfactory. The stock
seed virus should be tested for immunogenicity once in 5 years provided it is maintained
under standard conditions of the bronchitis virus storage.
4. Standards. –
(a) Description. – It is grayish-white product easily dispersible in the diluent
(b) Identification. – (i) The contents of the ampoule are suspended as per the instructions
for the field use. The 0.2ml of the suspension shall be inoculated in the allantoic cavity of 9-
11 days old chicken embryo and are incubated for 7 days. The lesions typical of infectious
bronchitis shall be observed in the embryos at the end of incubation period. The allantoic
fluid shall not agglutinate the chicken RBC’s.
(ii) Spectilie antisera against avian infectious bronchitis virus should neutralize the vaccine
(c) Moisture content. – Moisture content in the finished product should not exceed 1.0 per
(d) Sterility test. – Complies with the test for sterility as described under the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccines”.
(e) Safety test. – Ten healthy susceptible chickens 5-10 days old from the same source
batch shall be vaccinated with ten field dose of the vaccine and along with five chicks from
same batch as unvaccinated controls by the prescribed route and observed 7 or 21 days post
vaccination. Neither severe respiratory sympt0ms nor death shall occur to more than one
experimental chicks, none of the unvaccinated control shall show any clinical symptoms.
(f) Potency test. – The minimum virus content of the freeze-dried product shall not be less
than 103.5 EID50 per bird. The virus content of the vaccine shall be titrated as below:
Serial ten-fold dilution of the freeze-dried material will be made in tryptose phosphate
broth. Three to five embryonated eggs (9-11 days old) shall be in inoculated with 0.1 ml of
each dilution into the allantoic cavity and observed daily for 7 days.
Deaths occurring during the first 24 hours shall be discarded. The surviving embryos are
examined for the evidence of infection and EID50 shall be calculated by the Reed and
Muench Method/spearman and Karber method.
5. Labelling .- Shall comply with the requirement of labeling as laid down in the general
monograph on “Viral Vaccine”.
6, Storage and expiry date.- Shall be stored at 4oC for six months].
Provisions applicable to the production of all Sera from Living Animals
1. Definition- (i) This Part of the Schedule applies to antibacterial sera, anti-viral sera and
anti-toxic sera which are prepared by injecting bacteria or viruses or their products into
buffalo-bulls or other suitable animals so as to produce active immunity which is manifested
by the formation of anti-body.
(ii) For the purpose of this Part of the Schedule an anti-serum means sterile liquid antiserum concentrated and unconcentrated, solutions of globulins or their derivatives or solid
forms which can be reconstituted when necessary.
2. Staff of Establishment- The establishment shall be under the direction and control of a
competent expert in bacteriology and serology with adequate training in immunology and
standardisation of biological products and knowledge of animal management. He shall be
assisted by a staff adequate for carrying out the tests required during the course of preparation
of the sera and standardisation of the finished products.
3. Proper Name- The proper name of he antiserum shall be the recognised scientific name
of the diseases or its causative organism or some generally recognised abbreviations thereof
preceded by the prefix ‘anti’, and followed by the word ‘serum; as or example, ‘Anti-anthrax
serum’. The proper name of any antitoxin may be formed from the word ‘Anti-toxin’
preceded by the name of the organism from which the toxin was prepared, and followed, of
desired, by a tem indicating the source or the strain of that organism provided where there is
no special provision in the Schedule, the name as approved by the Licensing Authority may
be adopted.
4. Records-
(1) The permanent records which the licensee is required to keep shall include the
following particulars: –
(a) As to the culture- Evidence of the identity and specificity of the cultures.
(b) As to the procedure used in immunising the animals;
(i) The method of preparing the cultures or antigen used for immunisation.
(ii) The dosage and methods employed in administering the culture or antigen.
(iii) The period in the course of immunisation at which blood is withdrawn for the
preparation of the serum.
(c) Any test which may have been applied to the serum to determine its content of specific
antibodies or its specific therapeutic potency and purity.
(2) If the licensee desired to treat the performance of any tests recorded under subparagraph (i) (c) of this paragraph as determining the date of completion of manufacture for
the purpose of rule 109 he shall submit full particulars of the proposed test to the Licensing
Authority and obtain his approval.
5. Cultures- The cultures used in immunising the animals shall be at all times open to
inspection, and specimens shall be furnished for examination at the request of the Licensing
6. Quantity –
(a) Any antiserum shall be issued for veterinary use in the form of either.
(i) Actual serum, i.e., the liquid product of decantation of the coagulated blood or plasma
without any addition, other than antiseptic or subtraction, or
(ii) A solution of the purified serum proteins containing the specific antibodies.
(b) At the time of issue, the liquid shall be clear or show at the most a slight opalescence or
precipitate. Preparations of the natural serum shall not contain more than 10 per cent of solid
matter. A solution of serum protein shall not contain more than 20 per cent of solid matter.
7. Precautions to be observed in preparations-
(i) Laboratories where sera are exposed to the air in the course of the process of
preparation must be separated by a sufficient distance from stables and animals houses to
avoid the risk of aerial contamination with bacteria from animal excreta, and must be
rendered fly proof to prevent such contamination by insects. Such laboratories must have
impervious walls and floors and must be capable of being readily disinfected when necessary.
(ii) A special room with impervious walls must be provided for the collection of blood
from the living animals.
(iii) An efficient system of manure removal must be used which will prevent its
accumulation in the vicinity of any room where blood or serum is collected or handled.
(iv) An adequate number of sterilizers must be provided for the sterilization of all
glassware or other apparatus with which the serum may come into contact in the course of its
(v) All processes, to which the serum is subjected during and after the collection from the
animals, must be designed to preserve its sterility, but in the case of a artificially concentrated
sera, it shall suffice that the process of concentration is conducted with scrupulous cleanliness
and in such a manner as to avoid unnecessary dangerous contamination.
(vi) The laboratories in which the testing of sera for potency, sterility and freedom from
abnormal toxicity are carried out must be adequate for the purpose. An adequate supply of
animals for use in such tests and suitable housing for such animals must be provided.
(ii) Provision must be made for complying with any special conditions which may be laid
down in the Schedule relating to the production and issue of the particular serum, in respect
of which the lic ence is granted.
8. Unhealthy or Infected Animals- If an animal used in the production of sera is found to
be suffering from an infection except one produced by living organisms against which it is
being immunized, or shows signs of serious or persistent ill health not reasonably attributable
to the process of immunisation, the licensee shall immediately report the matter to the
Licensing Authority and shall, if the authority orders an inspection and the Inspectors so
directs, cause such animals to be killed and a postmortem examination of it to be made, and
take steps to prevent any serum obtained from the animal being sold or offered for sale until
permission is given by the Licensing Authority. If the result of the postmortem is such as to
bring under suspicion, the health of any of the other animals used for the production of sera,
the Licensing Authority may prohibit the use of those animals for the production of sera or
may take such other steps as may be necessary to prevent the issue of sera which may be
dangerous to animal health.
Provided in the case of emergency, the person in charge of the establishment may order the
destruction of an animal used in the production of sera and suspected of infection, and shall
in that case given notice forthwith to the Licensing Authority and shall permit an Inspector to
be present at the postmortem examination.
9. Conditions and Housing of animals-
(i) The animals used in the production of sera should be adequately housed under hygienic
(ii) Only healthy animals free from disease should be used in the preparation of sera.
(iii) Every animal intended to be used as the source of serum must be subjected to a period
of observation in quarantine for at least seven days before being admitted to the animal sheds
in which the serum yielding animals are housed.
(iv) In case of horses and other equidae, every animal used as source of serum shall either
be actively immunized against tetanus or shall be passively immunized against the disease by
injection of tetanus antitoxin in such doses as to ensure the constant presence of that antitoxin
in the blood during the whole period of the use of the animals as a source of serum.
Anti-Sera and their General Standard
Anti-sera contain the immune substances that have a specific prophylactic or therapeutic
action when injected into animals exposed to or suffering from a disease due to a specific
microorganism or its toxin. Anti-sera are classified into three groups.
(i) Antitoxic sera (Antitoxin).
(ii) Antibacterial sera.
(iii) Antiviral sera.
Antisera are usually issued in an unconcentrated form for animal use but may be
concentrated and also freeze dried. However, for the purpose of the Schedule the word
‘antisera’ is also used for the unconcentrated liquid sera. A suitable bacteriostatic agent in a
concentration sufficient to prevent the growth of microorganisms is added to the liquid
General Standard
1. Description- Liquid native or unconcentrated antisera are yellow or yellowish brown in
colour. They are initially transparent but may become turbid with age. They are almost
odourless except for the odour of any bacteriostatic agent that may have been added.
2. Identification- The test for identity is described in the individual monograph.
3. Acidity or Alkalinity- All native antisera have a pH of 7.0 to 8.5.
4. Abnormal Toxicity- All anti-sera shall comply with the following tests or freedom from
abnormal toxicity.
(a) Two healthy mice each weighing not less than 18 g. are injected subcutaneously each
with 0.5 ml. of the sample and observed for five days. None of the mice should show any
abnormal reaction or die.
(b) Two healthy guinea pigs each weighing 300 g. to 450 g. are injected subcutaneously
each with 5 ml. of the sample and observed for seven days. None of the guinea-p igs should
show any abnormal reaction or die.
5. Sterility- All anti-sera shall comply with the tests for sterility described in rules 115 to
6. Potency- The potency of each preparation, when the available methods permit, is
determined by the appropriate biological assay, and it is described under the individual
7. Total Solids- Native antisera should not contain more than 10 per cent solid matter.
8. Labelling- Should comply with the provisions for ‘Labelling’ as laid down for
‘Bacterial Vaccines.’
9. Storage- Liquid preparations of antisera shall be stored, protected from light at
temperature between 2 °C to 4 °C and shall not be frozen.
10. Date of Manufacture- The date of manufacture shall be unless otherwise specified in the
individual monograph in this part is as defined in clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 109.
11. Containers- All antisera are distributed in sterilised containers of a material which is
inert towards the substance and which are sealed to exclude micro-organisms.
12.Expiry Date- The expiry date of potency of all sera shall not be more than twenty-four
months after the date of a manufacture.
Anti-Anthrax Serum
1. Synonym- Bacillus Anthracis Anti-serum.
2. Definition- Anti-anthrax serum is the serum of animals that confers a specific protection
against Baccillus anthracis.
3. Preparation- The antiserum may be prepared in buffalo bulls after repeated injections
of cultures of B. anthracis of a virulent strain.
4. Standard – It complies with the requirements in the general provisions for antisera under
Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids, Labelling, Storage
and Expiry date.
(i) Identification – It protects animals against infection with B. Anthracis
Anti-Blackquarter Serum
1. Synonym- Blackleg Antiserum, Clostridium Chauvoei-Anti-serum
2. Definition-Anti-Blackquarter serum is the serum of suitable animals containing the
substances that have a specific neutralising effect on Clostridium Chauvoei.
3. Preparation- It is prepared by injecting subcutaneously or intramuscularly increasing
doses of formolised cultures of Cl. Chauvoei into buffalo bulls.
4. Standards- It complies with the requirements described in the general provisions for
antisera under Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids,
Labelling, Storage and Expiry date.
Identification- It protects susceptible animals against infection with virulent strains of Cl.
Anti-Fowl-Cholera Serum
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Antiserum (Avian).
2. Definition- Fowl Cholera Antiserum is the serum of animals containing the substances
that confer a specific protection to fowls against virulent strain of Pasteurella Septica (Avian).
3. Preparation- Antiserum is prepared from buffalo bulls after they have been subjected to
an injection of killed cultures of virulent strain of Pasteurella Septica (Avian) followed by
injections of living cultures of the same organisms.
4. Standard – It complies with the requirements described in the general provision for antisera under Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids, Lab elling,
Storage and Expiry date.
Identification- It protects susceptible fowls against infection with Pasteurella Septica
(Avian) and its homologous strains.
Anti- Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Serum
1. Synonym- Pasteurella Septica Antiserum.
2. Definition- Anti-Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Serum is the serum of animals containing
the substances that confer a specific protection to susceptible animals against virulent strains
of Pasteurella Septica.
3. Preparation – The antiserum is prepared from buffalos who have reacted to a dose of
virulent rinderpest virus, which is injected simultaneously with a predetermined quantity of
antirinderpest serum so as to control the severity of the reaction (serum-simultaneousmethod).
4. Standard – It complies with the requirements described in the general provisions of
antisera under Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids,
Labelling, Storage and Expiry date.
(i) Identification- It protects susceptible animals against rinderpest.
(ii) Potency -Five Buffalo -calves of about one year of age in good condition are used for
the test. Three are injected subcutaneously with the anti-rinderpest serum under test at the
rate of 10 ml. per 46 kg. body weight, subject to a minimum of 20 ml. per animal. These
together with the two remaining are simultaneously injected subcutaneously at a different site
with 1 ml. of a 1: 100 dilution of spleen suspension of virulent bull-virus.
The animals should be observed for fourteen days during which time the serum treated
animals should exhibit no symptoms of rinderpest other than rise in temperature and slight
intestinal disturbances, while the controls develop more severe symptoms or die.
Salmonella Pullorum Anti Serum
1. Synonym- Salmonella Pullorum Anti Serum.
2. Definition- Salmonella Pullorum anti-serum is the sera from fowls and contains
antibodies against Salmonella Pullorum. It is used for standardizing batches of Salmonella
Pullorum antigens and also used as a control along with the sera suspected for pullo rum
3. Preparation- The serum is prepared after intravenous inoculation with smooth culture
suspension of Salmonella Pulloram in healthy birds.
4. Standards- It complies with the requirements in the general provisions for anti-sera
under Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids, Labelling,
Storage and Expiry date.
Identification- It should give positive agglutination with Salmonella pullorum antigen.
Standard Anti-Brucella Abortus Serum
1. Synonym- National counterpart of standard anti-Brucella abortus serum.
2. Definition- Standard anti-Brucella abortus serum is the serum which contains 1000
International Units (I.U) per ml. and is used for standardizing batches of brucella antigens
and is also used as a control along with the sera suspected for brucellosis.
3. Preparation- The serum is prepared after intravenous inoculation of suspension of
smooth culture of B. abortus culture of B. abortus (strain 99) in rabbits or cattle and
subsequently diluting it suitably with brucella-free healthy serum so that when tested with
standardized Brucella abortus tube test antigen, it gives 50 % agglutination at 1/500 final
serum dilution.
4. Standard – It complies with the requirements in h general provision for anti-sera under
Description, Acidity or Alkalinity, Abnormal Toxicity, Sterility, Solids, Labelling, Storage
and Expiry date.
Identification- It should give agglutination with Brucella antigen.
Provisions Applicable to the Manufacture and Standardisation of Diagnostic
Agents (Bacterial Origin).
1 Definition- This Part of the Schedule applies to reagents of bacterial origin employed
for various tests.
2. Staff of Establishment- A competent expert in bacteriology with sufficient experience in
the manufacture and standardisation of veterinary biological products shall be in charge of
the establishment responsible for the production of various diagnostic agents of bacterial
origin and he may be assisted by a staff adequate or carrying out the tests required during the
preparation and standardisation of various diagnostic agents.
3. Proper Name- The proper name of any diagnostic agent is the name of micro-oraganism
from which it is made, followed by the word ‘antigen’ unless the Schedule otherwise
provides, or, it may be derived from the name of the organism responsible for the causation
of the disease or if there is no special provision in the Schedule, the name approved by the
Licensing Authority. In the case of the undermentioned preparations the proper name of the
diagnostic agent may be as follows:-
1. Abortus Bang Ring (A.B.R. ) Antigen
2. Brucella Abortus Coloured Antigen
3. Brucella Abortus Plain Antigen.
4. Johnin
5. Mallein.
6. Salmonella Abortus Equi “H” Antigen.
7. Salmonella Pullorum Coloured Antigen.
8. Salmonella Pullorum Plain Antigen.
9. Tuberculin.
4. Records- Culture used in the preparation of diagnostic agents of bacterial origin must,
before being manipulated into an agent be thoroughly tested for identity by the generally
accepted tests applicable to the particular micro-organism. The permanent record which the
licensee is required to keep shall amongst other include a record of the origin, properties and
characteristics of the cultures.
5. Preparation- Diagnostic agents of bacterial origin are prepared from selected cultures
after their careful examination for the identity, specificity, purity and antigenicity. They may
be prepared in the following manner.
(a) Formolised antigens- The selected pure culture strain grown in a suitable medium at an
optimum temperature for an appropriate period. The pure growth is then exposed to the
action of a solution of Formaldehyde I.P. in a suitable concentration and at an appropriate
temperature for a suitable period.
(b) In some cases, the diagnostic agents are prepared by growing the organisms on suitable
media and then deriving specific protein constituents of the bacteria by various methods.
6. General Standard:-
(a) Description- Diagnostic agents may be clear opalescent or coloured liquids.
(b) Identification- Some exhibit specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of the
animals infected with homologous organisms and others when injected into the animal body
in appropriate doses cause specific reactions like hypersensitiveness, local and general
reaction, if the animal is infected with homologous organisms.
(c) Sterility Test- All antigens shall be tested for sterility in accordance with rules 114 to
(d) Standardisation- It is carried out either by determining the definite cell concentration in
the product or by observing the general and local reactions in healthy and artificially infected
animals with various standard dilutions of the product.
7. Labelling- As under general provisions for the bacterial vaccines with the addition that
it is meant for diagnostic purposes only.
8. Storage- All antigens are stored, protected from light at a temperature between 2 ° C to 4
° C.
9. Date of Manufacture- The date of manufacture shall be unless otherwise
specified in the individual monograph in this part as defined in clause (b) of sub- rule (3) of
rule 109.
Abortus Bang Bing (A.B.R.) Antigen
1. Synonym- Milk Ring Test Antigen.
2. Definition- The antigen is a suspension of pure growth culture of standard strain of
Brucella abortus strain 99 strained supravitally with 2,3,5, triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
suspended in 0.85 per cent saline containing 1 per cent glycerol and 1 per cent phenol.
3. Preparation- Smooth strain of Brucella abortus strain 99 is grown on potato infusions
agar for 48 to 72 hours in Roux flasks, at 37 ° C. Condensation fluid if any is pipetted of
before washing. Each flask is washed with about 20 ml. of normal saline. The pooled
washing is filtered through a gauze and the filtrate is collected in a measuring cylinder. To
every 500 ml. of the filtrate 1 g. of 2, 3, 5, triphenyl tetrazolium chloride is added
immediately. The container is shaken for thirty minutes till the tetrazolium salt is dissolved.
The product is taken out and kept at 37 ° C for two hours. After incubation the product is
heated at 65° C in a water bath for thirty minutes. It is cooled and centrifuged at 3000 r.p.m
for one hour. The supernatant is pipetted off and sediment is suspended in normal saline
containing 1 per cent glycerol and 1 per cent phenol and filtered through sterile cotton wool.
This forms concentrated antigens.
Standardization of the Strained Antigen
An aliquot portion of the microbial suspension stained with phenylte-trazolium is taken,
representing the initial undiluted suspension. 1 ml. per tube of this initial undiluted stained
suspension is added to six test tubes, followed by increasing quantities of the glycerolphenol
diluent a follows:-
Tube Undiluted Stained Suspension Diluent
1 1 0.6
2 1 0.8
3 1 1.0
4 1 1.2
5 1 1.4
6 1 1.6
The contents of each tube are then diluted tenfold with the same diluent and serve as
antigen for a tube agglutination test with the Standard Serum (or its national counterpart). In
this way, six sero -reactions will be carried out. During this procedure, the concentrated
strained microbial suspension should be kept in the refrigerator at 4 ° C.
The agglutination reactions are read after forty -eight hours at the agglutination titre of the
Standard Serum, previously determined with the usual unstained antigen in the tube test,
corresponding to the correct dilution of the standard antigen.
The next step, therefore, is to dilute the concentrated stained suspension to the same extent
as the tube whose tenfold dilution has given the correct agglutination titre, i.e. the
concentration of antigen in the tube before the tenfold dilution had been made.
4. Standard:-
(a) Description- It is a red colour liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It shows formation of a specific cherry red coloured ring in the cream
layer when mixed with pooled samples of milk taken from animals suffering from
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with tests for sterility described in the general monograph
on ‘Diagnostic Antigen’. The test shall, however, bed one before colouring.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months from the
date of manufacture when stored 2 ° C to 4°C.
Brucella Abortus Coloured Antigen
1. Synonym- Brucella abortus Cotton Strain 99 coloured Antigen.
2. Definition- Brucella Abortus colured Antigen, is a suspension of pure smooth cultures
of Brucella abortus strain 99 in phenolised glycerine saline, the bacteria being colo ured by
the addition of crystal violet and brilliant green. This antigen is used for plate test for
serological diagnosis of brucella infection.
3. Preparation- Seventy-two hours old growth of Brucella Abortus strain ninetynine in
smooth form on potato infusion agar medium in Roux flasks is washed with phenolised
glycerine saline (containing 12 per cent sodium chloride, 20 per cent glycerine and 0.5 per
cent phenol). The washed growth is filtered through a pad of absorbent cotton wool and the
suspension is coloured by the addition of 1 ml. each of 1 per cent aqueous solution of crystal
violet and brilliant green for very 250 ml. of the suspension. The product is heated for sixty
minutes in a water bath at 60 °C before it is standardised.
4. Standard:-
(a) Description- It is a greenish violet liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification-It gives specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of the animal
infected with brucella organism.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in thegeneral
monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’
(d) Standardisation- 0.5 ml. of the antigen is mixed with 4.5 ml of normal saline solution in
Hopkins graduated tube. The mixture is centrifuged at 3000 r.p.m. for sixty minutes and the
percentage of bacterial cells present in the original antigen is assessed by noting the height of
the cell deposit. The antigen is then standardised so as to contain 10 per cent cell deposit.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months from the
date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4°C.
Brucella Abortus Plain Antigen
1. Synonym- Brucella Abortus Strain 99 Antigen.
2. Definition- Brucella Abortus Plain Antigen is a suspension of a pure smooth culture of
Brucella abortus strain 99 in phenol-saline.
3. Preparation- Seventy-two hours old growth of Br. Abortus strain 99 in smooth form on
potato infusion agar medium in Roux flasks is washed with normal saline solution. The
washed growth is filtered through a pad of absorbent cotton wool and the suspension is kept
at 60 ° C per cent.
4. Standard:-
(a) Description- An opalescent liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification –It gives specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of animals
infected with brucella organism.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in the general
monograph in ‘Diagnostic Antigen’.
(d) Standardisation- Mix the concentrated antigen well and dilute 1 ml. With 0.5 per cent
phenol saline until it corresponds to about Tube 4 of Brown’s opacity tubes. Further dilutions
of the antigen adjusted to opacity tube No. 4 are made. The particular dilution that gives 50
per cent agglutination with anti-brucella abortus serum ( containing 1000 Internationals
Units) at 1 : 500 final serum dilution, is assessed as the diluting factor for the concentrated
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling and
Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigen’.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months from the
date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 C.
1. Definition- Johnin is a preparation of a fluid medium in which Mycobacterium
paratuberculosis has been grown in artificial culture and which has been freed by filtration
from the bacilli.
2. Preparation- Young culture of selected strain of Myco. Paratuberculosis of bovine
origin is grown on synthetic medium and incubated at 37 ° C for ten to twelve weeks. Flasks
showing lucurient and pure growth are steamed for three hours thereafter kept at room
temperature overnight. The contents are filtered through fine meshed sieve. The filtrate is
concentrated over a steam bath to one-tenth of its original volume and kept in cold storage for
fourteen days before being filtered through Seitz filter. The product is dispensed in ampoules
and hermetically sealed.
3. Standards:-
(a) Description- A yellowish brown to brownish liquid.
(b) Identification- It produces hot, painful and oeodemateus swelling at the site of
inoculation in animals infected with Myco-paratuberculosis organism.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
(d) Potency Test- Two animals, previously infected with Myco-paratuberculosis and two
healthy animals are each injected intrademally in the neck region with 0.1 ml. of the product.
Forty-eight hours later, the injection is repeated at the same site. The product should produjce
a typical reaction in the infected animals in the form of a hot painful and oedemetous
swelling at the site of inoculation persisting for at least forty -eight hours after the second
injection. Control animals should not show such reaction.
4. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
5. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than two years from the
date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
1. Definition- (i) Malleins are preparations of fluids media in which the Actinobacillus
mellei has been grown in artificial culture and which have been freed by filtration from the
(ii) For the purposes of this Schedule malleins are classified into (a) Mallein-subcutaneous
and (b) Mallein intradermopalpebral (I.D.P.)
2. Preparation:-
(a) Mallein Subcutaneous- Three to four weeks old pure growth of standard strain of A.
mallei grown on synthetic medium is steamed for one hour in Koch’s steam sterilizer. One
part of 5 per cent phenol solution is added to every nine part of the dead culture which is then
filtered through Seitz filter.
(b) Mallein Concentrated. – The procedure is the same as for Mallein Subcutaneous except,
that the filtrate is evaporated in porcelain dish over steam to half the original volume before
addition of phenol. Five per cent phenol solution is added in sufficient quantity to the
concentrated product, to give a final concentrated of 0.5 per cent.
3. Standards: –
(a) Description- A yellowish to brown viscous liquid.
(b) Identification- It produces hot tense, painful swelling when injected into the animals
infected with A. mallei organisms.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
(d) Potency Test: –
(i) Mallein subcutaneous- Two ponies, previously sensitised with A. Mallei and controls,
are injected each with 1 ml. of the product subcutaneously in the neck region. The animals
are observed for local reaction and rise in temperature. Local reaction is manifested by a hot
tense, painful swelling becoming prominent within twenty-four hours. The rise in
temperature is observed by recording the body temperature at the time of inoculation and
subsequently at short intervals. A rise in temperature of 1° C or more above normal is
indicative of infection.
(ii) Mallein Intra-dermo-Palpebral (I.D.P.)- Two ponies, previously sensitized with A.
mallei and two healthy ponies are injected intradermally with 0.2 ml. of the product near the
rim of the lower eye lid of one eye. Typical reactions such as painful swelling of the
palpebral tissue with mucopurulent discharge from the eye is indicative of infection. The two
healthy ponies should not show such reactions.
Similar test in other eye is performed with a previously determined patient mallein using as
a standard. When the local reactio ns produced by intradermo palpebral infections of the two
preparations are comparable the batch is passed for issue.
4. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirement of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigen’.
5. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than two years from the
date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
Salmonella Abortus Equi ‘H’ Antigen
1. Synonym- Equine Abortion Diagnostic Antigen.
2. Definition- Salmonella Abortus Equi Antigen is suspension of a pure smooth culture of
actively motile Salmonella Abortus equi in formal saline.
3. Preparation- Standard stain of S.abortus equi is grown on nutrient agar in Roux flasks
at 37 ° C for twenty-four hours. The pure growth in Roux flasks is washed with normal saline
and diluted to contain approximately 800 million organisms per ml. Solution of
Formaldehyde I.P. is added to give a final concentration 0.5 per cent and the formolised
product is incubated at 37 ° C for twenty -four hours. The final product is dispensed in
suitable containers.
4. Standards:-
(a) Description- A slightly opalescent liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It gives specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of the animals
infected with S.abortus equi organisms.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Diagnostics Antigens’.
5. Labelling and storage- Should comply with the requirements of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months from
the date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
Salmonella Pullorum Coloured Antigen
1. Synonym- Bacillary White Diarrhoes (B.W.D) Antigen.
2. Definition- The antigen is a suspension in a solution containing 1 per cent Formaline, 1
per cent KH2PO4 and 0.85 per cent Sodium Chloride of pure smooth culture of standard strain
of Salmonella Pullorum.
3. Preparation- Standard strain of S. Pullorum is grown on sulphur agar medium in Roux
flasks for five days at 37 ° C. The pure growth is washed with 1.0 per cent Formal Saline.
The antigenic cell suspension is then centrifuged (preferably in cold centrifuge) for half an
hour at 4000 rotations per minute and the packed cell volume determined. The packed cell is
then re-suspended in a solution containing 1 per cent formalin, 1 per cent KH2 PO4 and 0.85
per cent sodium chloride, 1 ml. of packed cell is suspended in 10 ml. of the resuspendiary
solution, mixed thoroughly and is passed through a cotton wool pad. The turbidity of the
antigenic suspension is usually between 100 to 125 times Mac Farland scale standard and
optimum 3 cc. of a 1 per cent aqueous solution of crystal violet are added to 100 ml. of the
antigenic suspension. After making the dye the antigen is allowed to stand forty-eight hours
before use. The average yield per Roux flasks of culture medium is about 50 ml. The antigen
should be bottled in 10 ml. or 20 ml. quantity in amber-coloured bottles and corked with
rubber caps and paraffin sealed and preserved until required for use within he expiry period.
This antigen reacts instantly with the blood of all carrier birds and remains permanently
negative with that of non-infected birds.
This antigen gives good reactions with positive sera whose titre is even as low as 1 : 20.
4. Standard:-
(a) Description- Violet coloured liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It gives specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of birds in
infected with S. Pullorum infection. It is used for carrying out plate agglutination tests for
serological diagnosis for S. Pullorum infection in birds.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘ Diagnostic Antigen’. The tests shall be done before addition of ‘Crystal
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirements ‘Labelling’ and ‘Storage’
as laid down in the general monograph n ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
6. Expiry Date- A six month expiration date for this antigen is recommended. However, it
is advisable to use fresh ones as far as possible. This antigen should be preserved at 4 ° C to 6
° C in dark place in the refrigerator and should not be exposed to hot weather condition for
longer than necessary before use in the field.
Salmonella Pullorum Plain Antigen
1. Synonym- Bacillary White Diarrhoes (B.W.D) Plain Antigen.
2. Definition- The antigen is a suspension of pure smooth culture of Salmonella pullorum
in phenol saline.
3. Preparation- Forty-eight hours old pure culture of smooth strain of S. Pullorum is
washed with 0.5 percent phenol saline and the pooled suspension is adjusted to contain
approximately 800 million organisms per ml. by the addition of more carbol saline. The
suspension is kept at room temperature of twenty -four hours, and dispensed in suitable
4. Standard: –
(a) Description- An opalescent liquid containing dead bacteria in suspension.
(b) Identification- It gives specific agglutination when mixed with the serum of birds
infected with S. pullorum.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the tests for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigen’.
5. Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirments of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
6. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months from the
date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
(i) Tuberculines are preparations of fluid media on which Mycobacterium tuberculosis has
been grown in artificial culture and which has been freed by filtration from the bacilli.
(ii) For the purposes of the Schedule tuberculines are classified in (a) TuberculineSubcutaneous (b) Heat Concentrated Synthetic Medium (H.C.S.M) Tuberculine (c) Avian
2. Preparation:-
(a) Tuberculine subcutaneous- Flasks containing Henley and Dorset synthetic medium are
inoculated with standard human strains of Myco. Tuberculosis previously grown on glycerolbeef broth medium for ten days. After ten to twelve weeks of incubation at 37 ° C, flasks
containing pure growth are steamed for three hours. The contents are filtered through fine
meshed sieve and the volume is made up to its original with phenolised distilled water such
that the final concentration of phenol is 0.5 per cent. It is then filtered through Seitz filter.
(b) Heat Concentrated Sythetic Medium (H.C.S.M) Tuberculine- To the strained liquid
obtained after sieving as in the method of preparation of Tuberculine subcutaneous, glycerol
is added in the proportion of 122 ml. per litre of the original volume of medium used. The
mixture is evaporated to one-fifth of the original volume on a steam bath. An equal volume
of 1 per cent phenol in distilled water is added after the mixture is cooled. The product is
stored at 47 ° C for fourteen days before it is filtered through Seitz filter. It is then dispensed
in ampoules.
(c) Avian Tuberculine Concentrated- The procedure is the same as for Tuberculine
Concentrated (H.C.S.M) except that standard strain of Myco-tuberculosis (Avian) is used in
its preparation.
3. Standard:-
(a) Description- A yellowish brown viscous liquid.
(b) Identification- When injected intradermally into the animal infected with tuberculosis
diffused swelling occurs depending upon the allergic status of the animal, the magnitude of
dose and specificity of the product. In non-infected animals this reaction is not observed.
(c) Sterility Test- Should comply with the test for sterility described in the general
monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
(d) Potency Test- (i) Tuberculine subcutaneous-six large white guinea-p igs each weighing
not less than 300-450 kg. are individually inoculated intramuscularly with 0.5 mg. (Moist
growth from solid plants) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis three weeks prior to test of each
batch of tuberculine; the following dilutions of (a) test tuberculine and (b) standard
tuberculine are used:-
1 in 200, 1 in 400, 1 in 800 and 1 in 1600.
The six sensitized guinea pigs are depilated on one flank and after about twenty-four hours
each animal inoculated intradermally with 0.2 ml. of each dilution of the two tuberculines in
two rows. The reactions are read after twenty-four and forty-eight hours. When the local
reactions produced by the graded inter-dermal injections of the two comparable the brew is
passed for issue.
(ii) Heat Concentrated Synthetic Medium (H.C.S.M) Tuberculine-Six adult white guinea
pigs each weighing not less than 300-450 kg. and sensitized three weeks previously with 0.5
mg. (moist growth from solid plants) of Myco-Tuberculosis bovine type, injected
intramuscularly are used for test of each batch. The following dilutions o f (a) test
tuberculineand (b) standard tuberculine are used: –
1 in 500, 1 in 1000, 1 in 2000 and 1 in 4000.
The six sensitized guinea pigs are depilated on one flank and after about twenty-four hours
each animal inoculated intradermally with 0.2 ml. of each dilution of the two tuberculines in
two rows. The reactions are read after twenty-four and forty-eight hours. When the local
reactions produced by the graded inter-dermal injections of the two comparable, the test
tuberculine is passed for issue. The tuberculine is dispensed in ampoules.
(iii) Avian Tuberculine- Six adults fowls, with well developed wattles, sensitized at least
three weeks previously by intramuscular injection with 10 mg. moist weight (from solid
plants) of twenty -one days old culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Avian Type) are used
for potency test of each batch. In each fowl, one wattle is inoculated with 0.2 ml. of undiluted
test tuberculine and the other wattle with similar quantity of undiluted standard tuberculine.
The reactions in each fowl are read after twenty -four hours and forty-eight hours and if
comparable the product is passed for issue.
4 Labelling and Storage- Should comply with the requirments of ‘Labelling’ and
‘Storage’ as laid down in the general monograph on ‘Diagnostic Antigens’.
5. Expiry Date- The date of expiry of potency shall be not more than nine months
from the date of manufacture when stored at 2 ° C to 4 ° C.
(See Rule 124-C)
Synonyms.- Bandage Cloth, bleached Bandage Cloth, Rolled Bandage, Open Wove
Bandage, Cotton Bandage Cloth.
Bandage Cloth consists of cotton cloth of plain weave made from machine spun yarn of
suitable count to comply with a bleached count between 20 tex and 25 tex for wrap and
between 25 tex and 30 tex for weft. The fabric contains no filling, sizing or dressing material.
It may be supplied uncut and folded or cut to suitable size and rolled.
Description for uncut bandages.
Uncut bandages are cotton cloth of plain weave, in one continuous length showing no joints
or seams, with well-formed selvedges. The cloth is bleached to a good white, is clean and
odourless and reasonably free from weaving defects and form seed and leaf debris.
Description for cut bandages.
Same as for uncut bandages, except for selvedges which shall not be included in cut
bandages. In addition, both the extremes and edges of cut bandages shall be straight and
evenly cut, with reasonable freedom and loose threads.
Threads per dim. – Wrap not less than 150 and weft not less than 85.
Weight in g/m2
. – 57 ± 5.
Length and Width. – The length and width shall not be less than 99 per cent each of the
length and width stated on the label. For cut bandages, each of the bandages in a packing
complies with this requirement.
Foreign matter. – Not more than 2 per cent.
When viewed under screened ultra-violet light, not more than occasional points of
fluorescence are observed.
* Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification GSR No.318(E) dt. 01-5-1984.
Packing, Labelling and Storage.
Bandage Cloth shall be packed securely so as to allow normal handling and transport
without tearing and exposing the contents. In packages of cut and rolled bandages, each
bandage shall also individually be wrapped in a suitable paper. The net content is stated on
the label in terms of length and width. Bandage Cloth must be stored in packed condition
protected from dust. The packings of Bandage Cloth shall be labeled prominently with the
words “Non-Sterile”.
Absorbent Gauze.
Synonyms.- Gauze. Unmedicated Gauze; absorbent Cotton Gauze.
Absorbent Gauze is cotton fabric of plain weave, supplied in various widths and lengths.
The Gauze is bleached and free from any sizing, dressing or filling material. The yarn used is
machine spun cotton yarn, of suitable count to comply with a bleached count between 17 and
25 tex in the finished fabric.
Cotton cloth, plain weave, with a simple selvedge present in both sides to prevent
unraveling of yarn. The cloth is bleached to a good white, is clean, odourless, reasonably free
from fabric defects and adhering sand debris from cotton seeds and leaves, or any other
foreign matter.
Threads per dm.- Wrap not less than 75 and weft not less than 55.
Weight in g/m2
. – 30 ± 5
Length and width. Not less than 98 per cent each of the length and width stated on the
Absorbency. – Average sinking time not more than 10 seconds.
Fluorescence. – When viewed under screened ultra-violet light not more than occasional
points of fluorescence are observed,
Foreign matter. – Not more than 1 per cent.
Sterility. – If sterile, the contents comply with the test of sterility.
Packing Labelling and Storage.
Absorbent Gauze is folded and packed with such materials and so securely as to protec t its
absorbency and allow normal handling and transport without tearing and exposing the
contents. The net content is stated on the label in terms of length and width. The packages
shall be labeled prominently with the words “Non-Sterile”. If sterile, it shall be so stated on
the label, and the packing method and material shall be such as to maintain the sterility. The
Absorbent Gauze must also comply with the Sterility Test. Absorbent Gauze must be stored
in packed conditions protected from moisture and dust.
Defect in fabric.
The sample is unfolded, opened and held against diffused daylight or spread on
blacktopped table to locate and identify prominently visible defects in yarn and fabric
construction. The fabric shall be reasonably free from holes, slubs, snarls and naps as well as
the following: –
Odour.- Misty odour, or any objectionable smell like that of chemicals or materials used in
sizing and bleaching.
Skewness.- (For Bandage Cloth only) A condition where wrap and weft do not keep at right
angles to each other.
Defective Selvedge. – The selvedge tearing and allowing yarn to unravel and loop
formation at selvedge.
Cracks.- Prominent steaks of space or gaps between wrap or weft yarns.
Double ends.- More wrap threads woven as one, due to wrong draw.
Sloughing.- Entanglement in the fabric of a bulk of yarn that has slipped of the weft yarn
due to loose widing.
Measurement of length and width.
Length is the distance from end to end, along one edge of the fabric, and width is the
perpendicular distance from one edge to the opposite edge.
Length . – Fix a meter scale to a table or mark off the division of one metre on a table edge.
Starting from one ed, spread the fabric flat on that table in a single layer keeping one
selvedge parallel to the scale; smoothen the fabric without stretching it, to avoid creases, and
mark off with a coloured pencil, on the selvedge exactly one metre. Shift the fabric and
measure the same way the second metre and so on for the entire length of the fabric making a
mark at each metre. Note down the total length in metres. Repeat this at the opposite
selvedge, as well as on the fabric folded approximately about the middle. The average of the
three readings is the length. For cut bandages, one measurement at the middle of the
bandages by folding it length-wise will suffice.
Width. – Lay the portion of the fabric to be measured flat and smooth on the tables, but do
not stretch fabric except sufficiently to render it creaseless. At the place where mark had been
made on the selvedge in measuring the length measure the perpendicular distance to the
opposite selvedge with a metre scale. Note the width, repeat this at every mark made in
measuring the length. The average of all the readings is the width of the fabric. For cut
bandages, width shall be measured at every 50 cms and average reported as width.
Threads per dm.- (For examples not less than 15 m in length).
Weft. – At the third metre from one extreme locate three places one at about 5 cm below the
top selvedge, a second in the middle and third at about 5 cm below the top selvedge, a second
in the middle and third about 5 cm above the bottom selvedge, all three in a vertical row.
Take a rectangular plate, (made of suitable material such as plastic or aluminium) with the
rectangular opening of 5 cm x 10 cm cut in it. Keep the plate on the fabric horizontally so that
the left 5 cm side and bottom (10 cm side) edges of the opening coincides with a weft and
length of 10 cm. Repeat this at the other two selected places, and note down the average of
three readings. Repeat this at every third metre in the sample and calculate the average weft
per dm.
Keep the rectangular plate, this time vertically with left (10 cm side) and bottom (5 cm
side) edge of opening coinciding with a weft and wrap yarn respectively. Count the number
of wrap yarns within the opening for 10 cm and note down. Repeat this for about 10 selected
places in the samples taking care that the same set of wrap yarns is not counted more than
twice and calculate the average wrap per dm. Magnifying glass mounted on stand may be
used for counting.
For examples les than 15m in length, locate as many different places as the dimension of
the fabric permits, the total being not less than 10 for each sample and calculate the wrap and
weft per dm. as above.
For cut bandages, all the wrap threads in the samples are counted, taking care to leave 5mm
at the cut edge, and weft is counted at every 50 cm at any place about the middle of the
Weight per unit area.
For samples not less than 15 m in length, cut out pieces of fabric from the entire length of
sample, representative places being taken from areas at every third or fourth metre so that the
total area of all the pieces so collected is not less than 3 sq metre. Weigh the pieces
accurately, measure the dimension of each of the pieces and calculate the area and weight of
all the pieces. From the average area and average of weight thus obtained, calculate the area
per sq metre.
For examples less than 15 m length, take pieces in such a manner that the total area of the
selected pieces is not less than 20 per cent of the total area of the sample.
For cut bandages, pieces of 50 cm in length, cut from 5 different cut bandages in a packing
should be taken and weight calculated as an average of 5 readings.
Absorbency. – Take a glass trough of approximate size length 30 cm x width 30 cm x depth
25 cm with straight thick walls and flat bottom. Fill it almost full with distilled water leaving
only about 5 cm from the top rim of trough. Maintain the water at 27oC ± 1oC.
Cut out from any five places located equidistant down the length of the entire sample,
square pieces, each weighting one gm (±10 per cent). Fold each piece in such a manner that a
square of approximately 5 cm x 5 cm is obtained. Keep one of the folded test specimen
between two glass plates and place 1 kg weight on the top for 10 minutes. Remove the
weight. Lift the specimen with forceps and gently place it on to the surface of water (the
specimen should be lightly pinched in the middle with a blunt forceps having no serrations).
As soon as the specimen touches the water surface start a stopwatch which is stopped when
the entire sample disappears below the surface of the water. Record the time taken. Repeat
the test with the other four-test specimens. Calculate the average time in seconds.
Foreign Matter.
Dry about 5 g of the sample to constant weight at 105oC and weigh the dried sample
accurately. Extract the dried sample with chloroform for one hour in an apparatus for the
continuous extraction of drugs. Remove the extracted sample to a beaker and allow the
evaporation of residual chloroform. Wash the material 12 times with hot water, using about
1000 ml for each washing and wringing the material by hand after each washing; pass all
water through a fine sieve (100 mesh). Place the washed material and any loose threads or
fibres from sieve in a beaker, cover with a 0.5 per cent aqueous solution of distance and
maintain at 50oC until free from starch. Allow to cool, filter the solution through a sieve;
return sample and loose material to constant weight at 105oC, and determine the loss in
weight. Calculate the percentage of foreign matter, which is equal to the loss in weight, with
reference tot the sample dried to constant weight, at 105oC.
If the sample is tested with iodine and is known to be free from starch, the treatment with
solution of diastase and the second series of washing with hot water may be omitted .
Cloth for manufa cture of Plaster of Paris Bandages, cut and uncut.
Synonyms.- Bleached bandage Cloth for Plaster of Paris, Rolled Bandage for Plaster of
Cloth for Plaster of Paris Bandages shall consist of cotton cloth of leno weave made from
yarn of suitable count. It may be supplied cut or uncut of various widths and lengths.
(a) For uncut bandages.- Cotton cloth of leno weave, in one continuous length showing no
joints or seams, and with selvedges. The cloth is bleached to a good white, is clean and
odourless and reasonably free from weaving defects as well as from seed and leaf debris; the
cloth may be dressed if necessary and if so, shall not dust off when unrolled.
(b) For cut bandages. – Same as for uncut bandages except for selvedges which shall not
be included and the bandages shall be cut evenly with straight edges and be reasonably free
from loose threads.
Threads per dm:
Warp. – Average not less than 150/dm and Weft.- average not less than 75/dm.
Weight in gm/m2
: – 35±5
Length and width:
The length and width for uncut bandages shall not be less than 98 per cent each of the
length and width stated. For cut bandages a tolerance of ±5 cm in length and ±0.5 cm in
width may be allowed, and each of the bandages in packing complies these requirements.
When viewed under screened ultra-violet light not more than occasional points of
fluorescence are observed.
Packing, Labelling and Storage
Bandage Cloth for Plaster of Paris shall be packed securely so as to allow normal handling
and transport without tearing and exposing the contents. In packages of cut and rolled
bandages, each bandage shall also individually be wrapped in suitable paper. The package
shall be labeled as “Cloth for Plaster of Paris Bandage”. The net content is stated on the label
in terms of number of rolls and length and width. Bandage Cloth for Plaster of Paris must be
stored in packed condition protected from dust.
(See Rule 124-D)
(A) Standards for Sterilised Umbelical Polyster Tape–
Description. – A uniform stand of Polyester yarn prepared by braiding and may be finished
with a suitable silicone finishing material, white to yellowish-white in colour. Tape shall be
sterilized by Gamma Radiation or by any other suitable method approved by the Licensing
Other requirements. – The Umbilical Polyester Tape shall conform to the claims made on
the label in respect of length and width.
*Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification GSR No.1115(E) dt. 30-9-1986.
Tensile strength. – The Umbilical Polyester Tape shall have Tensile strength of not less
than 4 kgs on straight pull.
Packing and labeling. – The Umbilical Polyester Tape shall be packed in sealed Polythene
bags or sealed plastic containers which ensure that when packed, the tape is sterile. The
packing shall protect the tape from contamination and damage. Every packing offered for sale
shall bear a clear and permanent marking with the following particulars: –
(i) The proper name of the drug i.e. Umbilical Polyester Tape ‘Sterile’
(ii) Manufacturer’s name and address.
(iii) Batch number
(iv) Licence number under which the tape is manufactured
(v) Date of manufacture and date of expiry.
(vi) Length and width of the Tape
Storage condition. – It should be stored in a cool place protected from light.
(B) Standards for Sterilised Umbelical Cotton Tape—
Description. – A uniform strand f cotton yarn prepared by braiding and may be finished
with a suitable silicone finishing material, white to yellowish-white in colour. The tape shall
be sterilized by Gamma Radiation or by any other suitable method approved by the Licesing
Other Requirement. – The Umbilical Cotton Tap e shall conform to the claims made on the
label in respect of length and width.
Tensile strength. – The Umbilical Cotton Tape shall have a Tensile strength of not less than
4 kg on straight pull.
Packing and labeling. – The Umbilical Cotton Tape shall be packed in sealed Plythene
bags or sealed plastic containers which ensure that when packed the tape is sterile. The
packing shall protect the tape from contamination and damage. Every packing offered for sale
shall bear a clear and permanent marking with the following particulars:-
(i) The proper name of drug i.e. Umbilical Cotton Tape “Sterile”.
(ii) Manufacturer’s name and address
(iii) Batch number
(iv) Licence number under which the tape is manufactured
(v) Dateof manufacture and the date of expiry
(vi) Length and width of the Tape.
Storage condition.- It should be stored in a cool place protected from light.]
1. For the purpose of this Schedule any test or method of testing describ ed in the British
Veterinary Codex shall be deemed to be a method approved by the Licensing Authority.
2. The Licensing Authority shall publish in the official Gazette from time to time
particulars of any test or method of testing approved by him.
( See rule 126-A)
Standards for ophthalmic preparations.
Part-A. Ophthalmic Solutions and suspensions.
Ophthalmic Solutions and Suspensions shall-
(a) be sterile when dispensed or when sold in the unopened container of the
manufacturer, except in case of those ophthalmic solutions and suspensions which are
not specifically required to comply with the test for ‘Sterility’ in the Pharmacopoeia.
(b) contain one or more of the following suitable substances to prevent the growth of
micro -organisms.
(i) Benzalkonium Chloride, 0.01 per cent (This should not be used in solutions of
nitrates or salicylates).
(ii) Phenyl mercuric nitrate, 0.001 per cent.
(iii)Chlorbutanol 0.5 per cent.
(iv)Phenyl ethyl alcohol 0.5 per cent.
Provided that solutions used in surgery shall not have any preservative and be packed in
single dose container.
Provided further that the Licensing Authority may in his discretion authorise the use of any
other preservative or vary the concentration prescribed on being satisfied that its use affords
equal guarantee for preventing the growth of micro-organisms:-
(c) be free from foreign matter.
(d) be contained in bottles made of either neutral glass or soda glass specially treated to
reduce the amount of alkali released when in contact of aqueous liquids, or in suitable
plastic containers which would not in any way be incompatible with the solutions.
1Amended under Govt. of India, Ministry of Health, F.P., W.H. and U.D. Notification No. F-1-13/69-D dt. 3-
The droppers to be supplied with the containers of ophthalmic solutions and suspensions
shall be made of neutral glass or of suitable plastic material and when supplied separately
shall be packed in sterile cellophane, or other suitable packings.
(e) In addition to complying with the provisions of labelling laid down in the rules the
following particulars shall also be shown on the label:-
(1) of the containers
(i) The statement ‘Use the solution within one month after opening the
(ii) Name and concentration of the preservative, if used.
(iii) The words ‘NOT FOR INJECTION’.
(2) of container or carton or package leaflet
(i) Special instructions regarding storage, wherever applicable.
(iii) A cautionary legend reading as
“WARNING” (i) if irritation persists regarding storage, wherever applicable.
(ii) Do not touch the dropper tip or other dispensing tip to any
surface since this may contaminate solutions”.
Part-B. Ophthalmic Ointments
Ophthalmic Ointments shall-
(a) be sterile when dispensed or when sold in the unopened container of the
(b) be free from foreign matter.
(c) in addition to complying with the provisions for labelling laid down in the
rules the following particulars shall be shown on the container or carton or
package leaflet-
(i) Special instructions regard ing storage wherever applicable.
(ii) A cautionary legend reading
“Warning :- If irritation persists or increases discontinue the use and consult
(See Rule 97)
Busulphan; its salts
Chlorambucil;its salts
Chlorothiazide and other derivatives of 1, 2, 4 benzothiadrazine
Chlorpropamide; its salts
Chlorthalidone and other derivatives of Chlorobenzene compound.
Cyclophosphamide; its salts
Di-Isopropyl Eluorophosphate
Disodium Stilboestrol Diphosphate
Doxorubicin Hydrochloride
Ethacrynic acid, its salts
Hydantoin; its salts, its derivatives, their salts
Insulin, all types
**[(Lomustine Hydrochloride}]
Mannomustine; its salts
Mercaptopurine; its salts
Metformin; its salts
Mustine, its salts
Phenformin; its salts
5-Phenylhydantoin; its alkyl and aryl derivatives, its salts
**[(Procarpazine Hydrochloride])
**[(Sodium 2 Mercaptoethanesulfonate
Tamoxiten Citrate])
*Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.462(E) dt 22-06-1982 w.e.f. 22.06.1982.
**Ins. by G.O.I. Notification G.S.R. No.626(E) dt 2-7-1987 w.e.f. 2-7-1987.
Tretamine; its salts
Antihistaminic substances the following, their salts, their derivatives, salts of their
Diphenyl pyraline
Doxylamine Succinate
Mebhydrolin Napadisylate
Substance being tetra-N-substituted derivatives of Ethylene Diamine or Prophylenediamine.
Note . – Preparations containing the above substance excluding those intended for topical
or external use are also covered by this schedule.
(See Rules 65 and 97)
Acebutolol Hydrochloride
Aclarubicin Inj
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Alclometasone Dipropiponate
Amantadine Hydrochloride
¨ Subs. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No.282(E) dt 16.07.1996 .
Amiloride Hydrochloride
Aminoglutethimide Tab
Aminosalicylic Acid
Amiodarone Hydrochloride
Amitriptyline, its salts
Amrinone Lactate
Androgenic, Anabolic, Oestrogenic and Progestational Substances
Organic Compound of Arsenic for injection.
Articaine Hydrochloride
Atracrium Besylate Injection
Barbituric acid, its salts, derivative of
Barbituric acid, their salts
Benserazide Hydrochloride
Betahistine Dihydrochloride
Bethanidine Sulphate
Biperiden Hydrochloride
Bleomycin Oil Suspension
Bromhexine Hydrochloride
Bromocriptine Mesylate
Bupivacaine Hydrochloride
Carboplatin Injection
Cefatoxime Sodium
Cefazolin Sodium
Ceftazidime Pentahydrate
Ceftizoxime Sodium Sterile
Cefuroxime Axetil
Ciclopirox Olamine
Ciprofloxacin HCL Monohydrate/lactate
Chlordiazepoxide, its salts
Chlorpromazine, its salts
Clavulanic Acid
Clidinium Bromide
Clobetasol Propionate
Clobetazone 17-Butyrate
Clonidine Hydrochloride
Clostebol Acetate
Codeine, its salts and derivatives
Corticosteroids, their esters, their derivatives and their dosage forms.
Cyclosporin Oral Solution
Dapsone, its salts and derivatives
Dextropropoxyphene, its salts
Diclofenac Sodium
Dilazep Hydrochloride
Diphenoxylate, its salts
Dopamine Hydrochloride
Dothiepin Hydrochloride
Doxapram Hydrochloride
Doxepin Hydrochloride
Enalapril Maleate
Enfenamic Acid
Epinephrine, its salts
Epirubicine Inj.
Ergot, alkaloids of, whether hydrogenated or not, their homologues, any salt of any substance
falling within this item.
Estradiol succinate
Estramustine Phosphate Capsule.
Ethacridine Lactate
Ethambutol Hydrochloride
Etoposide Cap. & Inj.
Flavoxate Hydrochloride
Flufenamic acid, its salts, its esters, their salts
Flunarizine Hydrochloride
Fluphenazine Enanthate and Decanoate
Fluoxetine Hydrochloride
Galanthamine Hydrobromide
Gallamine, its salts, its quaternary compound
Genodeoxycholic Acid
Halogenated Hydroxyquinolines
Hepatitis B. Vaccine
Hydrocortisone 17-Butyrate
Hydroxyzine, its salts
Imipramine, its salts
Indomethacin, its salts
Insulin Human
Interferon Alpha Inj.
Intralipid (intravenous Fat Emulsion)
Iohexol Sterile Solution
Iopamidol Sterile Solution
Iron Preparation for parenteral use
Isonicotinic acid hydrazine and other hydrazine detivatives of isonicotinic acid, their
derivatives, their salts.
Isosorbide Dinitrate
Isosorbide Mononitrate
Ketamine Hydrochloride
Ketoconazole Acetate
Labetalol Hydrochloride
Levarterenol, its salts
Lithium Carbonate
Lofepramine Decanoate
Mebeverine Hydrochloride
Medroxy Progesterone Acetate Tablets
Mefenamic Acid, its salts its ester, their salts
Megestrol Acetate
Meglumine Iocarmate
Melagenina Lotion
Mephenesin, its esters
Methicillin Sodium
Metoprolol tartarate
Mexiletine Hydrochloride
Mianserin Hydrochloride
Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride
Mometasone Furoate
Morphazinamide Hydrochloride
Narcotic Drugs listed in the Narcotic Drugs and Psychtropic Substances Act 1985.
Nalidixic Acid
Netilmicin Sulphate
Nimustine Hydrochloride
Nitroglycerin Injection
Norethisterone Enanthate Injection
Orphenadrine, its salts
Orthoclone Sterile
Oxazolidine,its salts
Oxethazaine Hydrochloride
Oxolinic Acid
Oxprenolol Hydrochloride
Pancuronium Bromide
Para amino benzene sulphonamide its salts and derivatives.
Para amino Salicylic acid, its salts, its derivatives
Pepleomycin Injection.
Phenelzine, its salts
Phenothiazine, derivatives of and salts of its derivatives
Phenylbutazine, its salts.
Pituitory gland, the active principles of, not otherwise specified in this Schedule and their
Polidocanol Injection
Polyestradiol Phosphate Injection
Prednimustine Tablets
Prednisolone Stearoylglycolate
Prenoxdiazin Hydrochloride
Promazine Hydrochloride
Propafenon Hydrochloride
Propranolol Hydrochloride
Protristyline Hydrochloride
Pyrvinium, its Salts
Quinidne Sulphate
Rauwolfia alkaloids, their salts,derivatives of the alkaloids of rauwolfia, their salts
Reproterol Hydrochloride
Salbutamol Sulphate
Septopal Beads & Chains
Serratio Peptidase
Sisomicin Sulphate.
Sodium Cromoglyate
Sodium Hyaluronate Solution
Sodium and Meglumie Iothalamates
Sodium Valproate
Spectinomycin Hydrochloride
Sulprostone Injection
Teratolol Hydrochloride
Terbutaline Sulphate
Testosterone Undecoanoate
Tiaprofenic Acid
Timolol Maleate
Thiopropazate, its salts
Tranylcypromine, its salts
Trifluperidol Hydrochloride
Trimetazidine Dihydrochloride
Tripotassium Dicitrate Bismuthate
Vecuronium Bromide Injection
Verapamil Hydrochloride
Zidovudine Cap
1.Preparations exempted under proviso to para 2 of Note to Schedule X shall also be
covered by this Schedule.
*[2.Preparations containing the above substances excluding those intended for
topical/or external use are also covered by this Schedule. The inclusion of a substance
in Schedule H does not imply or convey that substance is exempted from the
provisions of Rule 122-A.]
* Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 904(E) dt 1.2.2000
[See Rule 101 (4)]
(¨ Omitted by GOI Notification No. G.S.R 462(E) dt 22.6.1982
(See rule 106)
Diseases and ailments (by whatever name described) which a drug may not purport to prevent
or cure or make claims to prevent or cure.
2. Angina Pectoris
3. Appendicitis
4. Arteriosclerosis
5. Baldness
6. Blindness
7. Bronchial Asthma
8. Cancer and Benign tumour
9. Cataract
10. Change in colour of the hair and growth of new hair.
11. Change of Foetal sex by drugs.
12. Congenital malformations
13. Deafness
14. Diabetes
15. Diseases and disorders of uterus.
16. Epileptic-fits and psychiatric disorders
17. Encephalitis
18. Fairness of the skin
19. Form, structure of breast
20. Gangrene
21. Genetic disorders
22. Glaucoma
23. Goitre
24. Hernia
25. High/low Blood Pressure
26. Hydrocele
27. Insanity
28. Increase in brain capacity and improvement of memory.
29. Improvement in height of children/adults.
.¨¨ Subs by GOI Notification No. G.S.R. 21(E) dt 11.1.1996.
30. Improvement in size and shape of the sexual organ and in duration of sexual
31. Improvement in the strength of the natural teeth.
32. Improvement in vision
33. Jaundice/Hepatitis/Liver disorders
34 Leukaemia
35. Leucoderma
36. Maintenance or improvement of the capacity of the human being for sexual
37 Mental retardation, subnormalities and growth
38. Myocardial infarction
39. Obesity
40. Paralysis
41. Parkinsonism
42. Piles and Fistulae
43. Power to rejuvinate
44. Premature ageing
45. Premature greying of hair
46. Rheumatic Heart Diseases
47. Sexual Impotence, Premature ejaculation and spermatorrhoea
48. Spondylitis
49. Stammering
50. Stones in gall-bladder, kidney, bladder
51. Vericose Vein. ]
[ See Rule 123]
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
1. Drugs falling under clause (b) (i)
of Section 3 of the Drugs &
Cosmetics Act not intended for
medicinal use.
All the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
the Rules thereunder subject to the conditions
that the drug is not sold for medicinal use or
for use in the manufacture of medicines and
that each container is labelled conspicuously
with the words “NOT FOR MEDICINAL
2. [Omitted]……… (Omitted by Government of India Notification
No. F.1-56/47-D dated 16.1.1950).
[2A Quinine and other antimalarial
Persons selling the drug by retail under
arrangements made by State Government for
sale and distribution of the drugs will be
exempted from the requirement to take out
licences for retail sale under clause (c)2 of
Section 18 of the Act.
[ * * *]
[ * * *]
[5. Drugs supplied by a registered
medical practitioner to his own
patient or any drug specified in
Schedule C supplied by a
registered medical practitioner at
the request of another such
practitioner if it is specially
prepared with reference to the
condition and for the use of an
individual patient provided the
registered medical practitioner is
not (a) keeping an open shop or
(b) selling across the counter or
All the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act
and the Rules made thereunder, subject to the
following conditions:
[(1)The drugs shall be purchased only from a
dealer or a manufacturer licenced under these
rules and records of such purchases showing
the names and quantities of such drugs together
with their batch numbers and the names and
addresses of the manufacturers shall be
maintained. Such records shall be open to
inspection by an Inspector appointed under the
Act, who may, if necessary, make enquiries
about purchases of the drugs and may also take
samples for test.
1Added under G.O.I. Notification No .F. I-2/47-D dated 13-2-1950.
2Amended under G.O.I. Notification No. F. I-22/59-D dated. 9-4-1960.
3Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. F.I-6/62-D dated 2-7-69.
4Amended under G.O.I. Notification No.F.I-22/59-D dated 9-4-1960.
5Amended by Min. of Health & F.W. Notification No. X- 11013/3/76-D & MS. Dated 19-8-7824-817DGHS/77
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(c) engaged in the importation,
manufacture, distribution or sale
of drugs in the provision of
Chapter IV of the Act and the
rules thereunder.
(2) In the case of medicine containing a
substance specified in 1
[Schedule G, H or X]
the following additional conditions shall be
complied with]
(a) the medicine shall be labelled with the name
and address of the registered medical
practitioner by whom it is supplied
(b) if the medicine is for external application, it
shall be labeled with the words 2
[* * * ]
“For external use only” or if it is for internal
use with the dose
(c) the name of the medicine or ingredients of
the preparation and the quantities thereof,
the dose prescribed, the name of the patient
and the date of supply and the name of the
person who gave the prescription shall be
entered at the time of supply in register to be
maintained for the purpose
(d) the entry in the register shall be given a
number and that number shall be entered on
the label of the container;
(e) the register and the prescription if any on
which the medicines are issued shall be
preserved for not less than two years from
the date of the last entry in the register or the
date of the prescrip tion as the case may be.
[(3) The drug will be stored under proper storage
conditions as directed on the label.]
5.A Drugs supplied by a hospital or
dispensary maintained or
supported by Government or
local body 4
[* * *]
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
the Rules thereunder which require them to
be covered by a sale licence, subject to the
following conditions :
Subs.as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
2 Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 460(E) dt 22.6.1984.
Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 812(E) dt 14.11.1994.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exem ption
(1) the dispensing and supply of drugs shall be
carried out by or under the supervision of a
qualified person;
(2) the premises where drugs are supplied or
stocked shall be open to inspection by an
Inspector appointed under the Drugs &
Cosmetics Act who can, if necessary, take
(3) the drugs shall be stored under the proper
storage conditions.
[(4) The drugs shall be purchased from a
manufacturer or a dealer licensed under these
rules or received as transferred stocks from
hospital stores for distribution. Records of
such purchases or receipts shall be
[5.B Whole Human Blood I.P.
and/or its components stored for
transfusion by a First referral
Unit Community Health Centre,
Primary Health Centre and
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
the rules made thereunder which require
obtaining of a licence for operation of a blood
bank or processing Whole Human Blood and,
or its components subject to the following
conditions, namely.
(1) The First Referral Unit, Community Health
Centre, Primary Health Centre and/or any
Hospital shall be approved by the State/Union
Territory Licensing Authority after satisfying
the conditions and facilities through
(2) The captive consumption of Whole Human
Blood I.P or its components in the First
Referral Unit, Community Health Centre,
Primary Health Centre and/or any Hospital
shall not be more than 2000 units annually.
Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 648(E) dt 16.9.2002 w.e.f.01.10.2002.
Ins. as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 909(E) dt 20.11.2001
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(3) The Whole Human Blood and/or its
components shall be procured only from
Government Blood Bank and/or Indian Red
Cross Society Blood Bank and/or Regional
Blood Transfuion Centre duly licenced.
(4) The approval shall be valid for a period of two
years from the date of issue unless sooner
suspended or cancelled and First Referral Unit,
Community Health Centre, Primary Healthy
Centre or the Hospital shall apply for renewal to
the State Licensing Authority three months
prior to the date of expiry of the approval.
(5) The First Referral Unit, Community Health
Centre, Primary Health Centre and/or any
Hospital shall have the following technical staff
for storage of blood or its components:-
(a) A trained Medical Officer for proper
procurement, storage and cross matching
of blood and/or its components. He/she
shall also be responsible for identifying
haemolysed blood and ensure non-supply
of date expired blood or its components.
(b) A blood bank Technician with the
qualification and experience as specified
in Part XII B of Schedule F or an
experienced laboratory technician trained
in blood grouping and cross matching.
(6) The First Referral Unit, Community Health
Centre, Primary Health Centre and Hospital
shall have an area of 10 sq metres. It shall be
well lighted, clean and preferably airconditioned. Blood bank refrigerator of
approximate capacity fitted with alarm device
and temperature indicator with regular
temperature monitoring shall be provided to
store blood units between 2oC to 8oC and if the
components are proposed to be stored,
specialized equipments as specified in Part XII
B of Schedule F shall also be provided.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(7) The First Referral Unit, Community Health
Centre, Primary Health Centre and Hospital
shall maintain records and registers including
details of procurements of Whole Human Blood
I.P and/or blood components, as required under
Part XII B of Schedule F.
(8) The First Referral Unit, Community Health
Centre, Primary Health Centre and Hospital shall
store samples of donors blood as well as patients
sera for a period of seven days after transfusion.]
6. Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 681(E) dt 5.12.1980.
7. Quinine Sulphate The provision of sub-section (a) (i) of Section 18
of the Act to the following extent.-
The colour of the drug may be pink, owing to its
being coloured with an edible pink colouring
The B.P tests for readily carbonisable substances
product a yellow colour of an intensity about
four times the colour produced with quinine
sulphate conforming to the B.P. standard;
(iii) Other Cinchona alkaloids present shall not
exceed six per cent; and
(iv) The residue on incineration shall not exceed 0.14
per cent.
9. Magnesium Sulphate The provision of sub-clause (i) of clause (ii) of
Section 18 of the Act to the following extent.
Chlorides present in the salt shall not exceed 0.12
per cent in the case of, the produce prepared from
sea water
10. The following substances which
are used both as articles of food
as well as drugs:-
All provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder.
Added as per G.O.I. Notification No.F.I-19/50-DS dt 30.3.1953
Added as per G.O.I. Notification No. DR/Sch. Ddk/F. I-40/54-DS dt 27.1.1955.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(i) all condensed or powdered milk
whether pure skimmed or malted,
fortified with vitamins and minerals
or otherwise
(ii) Farex, Oats, and all other similar
ceral preparations whether fortified
with vitamins or otherwise
excepting those for parenteral use.
(iii) Virol, Borvil, Chicken essence and
all other similar predigested foods.
(iv) Ginger, Pepper, Cumin. Cinnamon
and all other similar spices and
condiments unless they are specially
labelled as con-forming to the
standards in the Indian
Pharmacopoeia or the official
pharmacopoeias and official
compendia of drug standards
prescribed under the Act and Rules
made thereunder.
12. Substances intended to be used for
destruction of vermin or insects,
which cause disease in human
beings or animals viz. Insec ticides
and Disinfectants.
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules there under which required them to be
covered by a sale licence [subject to the
conditions that provision of condition (17) of rule
65 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 are
complied with by the person stocking or selling
such substances].
[13. The following household remedies
[(1) Aspirin Tablets.]
[(2) Paraetamol Tablets.]
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules there under which require them to be
covered with a sale licence in Form 20-A subject
to the following conditions: –
1 Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 19 dt 7.1.1978.
Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-20/60-D, dt 24.1.1964.
Ins. by G.O.I Notification No. F.1-19/59/D, dt 13.6.1961.
Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O. 2139 dt 12.8.1972.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. 1060(E) dt 5.9.1986.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(3) Analgesic Balms.
(4) Antacid Preparations
(5) Gripe Water for use of infants.
(6) Inhealers, containing drugs for
treatment of cold and nasal
The drugs are sold only in a village having
population of not more than one thousand
persons and where there is no licenced dealer
under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act;
The drugs do not contain any substance
specified in 1
[Schedules G, H or X];
7) Syrups, lozenges, pills and tablets
for cough.
8) Liniments for external use.
9) Skin ointments and ointments for
10) Absorbent cotton wool, bandages
absorbent gauze and adhesive
11) Castor Oil, liquid Paraffin
and Epsom Salt.
12) Eucalyptus Oil
13) Tincture Iodine. Tincture Benzoin
Co.and Mercurochrome in con-
tainers not exceeding 100 ml.
14) Tablets of Quinine Sulphate I.P.
15) Tablets of Iodochlorohydroxy
quinoline – 250 mg.]
the drugs are sold in the original unopened
containers of the licenced manufacturers;
when the drugs are sold under clause (a)
condition 3 under “Conditions of licence” of
Form 20-B shall not apply.
14 Mechanical Contraceptives
The provisions of Chapter IV o the Act and
Rules thereunder, which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, [subject to the
conditions that the provisions of condition
(17) of rule provisions of condition (17) of
rule 65 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
1945 are complied with by the person
stocking or selling mechanical
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. F.1-39/61-D dt 23.3.1964.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
[14A Vaginal contraceptive pessaries
containing Nonoxynol.
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence subject to the condition
that the provisions of clause (17) of the Rule 64
of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945 are
complied with by the person stocking or selling
this contraceptive.]
[15. Chemical contraceptive having the
following composition per tablet:-
[(1) DL-Norgestrel – 0.3 mg]
Ethinyloestradiol – 0.03mg
(2) Levonorgestrel – 0.15 mg.
Ethinylestraditol – 0.3 mg
(3) Centchroman – 30 mg.
[(4) Desogestrel — 0.150 mg.
Ethinyloestradiol – 0.030 mg
(5) Levonorgestrel — 0.1 mg
Ethinyloestradiol – 0.02 mg]
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder which required them to be
covered with a sale licence.]
[16 Cosmetics. The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder, which require them to be
covered by a licence for sale provided that the
cosmetics sold, if of Indian origin, are
manufactured by licenced manufacturers.]
[17. Ophthalmic ointments of the
Tetracycline group of drugs
Persons authorised by the Government to
distribute or sell the drugs under the National
Trachoma Control Programme shall be exempted
from the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
the Rules made thereunder, which require the
drugs to be covered by a sale licence.
18. [ [Omitted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1594 dt 13.11.1976.]
[19 Hair Fixers, namely mucilaginous
preparations containing gums, used
by men for fixing beard.
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder.]
Ins, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 784(E) dt 28.8.1989.
2 & 3 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 730 (E) dt 10.12.1991 and corrected by GSR 305(E) dt 4.3.1992.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 648(E) dt 16.9.2002.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 1-36/64-D dt 17.8.1964.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. I-21/63-D dt 4.1.1965.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. S.O.2139 dt 12.8.1971.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
[20 Radio Pharmaceuticals. All the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act, and
the Rules made hereunder.]
[21 Tablets of Chloroquine Salets. The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder, which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, provided the drug in
strip pack is sold under the Commercial
Distribution Scheme of the National Malaria
Eradication Programme and duly labeled as
‘National Malaria Eradication ProgrammeMinistry of Health and family Welfare,
Government of India.
[22 Sales from restaurant cars of trains
and from coastal ships of household
remedies, which do not require the
supervision of a qualified person for
their sale.
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder which require them to be
covered with a sale licence, subject to the
following conditions, namely:-
(a) the records of purchase and sale of drugs shall
be maintained by the person in charge of sale
of such drugs, which shall e available for
inspection by an Inspector appointed under
the Act.
(b) the place where such drugs are stocked be
shall be open to inspection by an Inspector
appointed under the Act who can, if
necessary, take samples for test.]
[23. Drugs supplied by : (i) Multipurpose
Workers attached to Primary Health
Centres/Sub-Centres, (ii) Community
Health Volunteers under the Rural
Health Scheme [
(and)] (iii) Nurses,
Auxiliary Nurse, Midwives and Lady
Health Visitors attached to Urban
Family Welfare Cenres/Primary
Health Centre/Sub Centres and 5
Anganwadi Workers.]
The provision of Chap ter IV of the Act and the
Rules thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, provided the drugs are
supplied under the Health or Family Welfare
Programme of the Central or State
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 926 dt 16.7.1977.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 697(E) dt 11.11.1977.
3 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 124(E) dt 15.9.1979.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 540(E) dt 22.9.1980
5Amended by G.O.I. Notifiation No. GSR 784 (E) dt 28.8.1989
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
[24 Homoeopathic medicines supplied by
a registered Homoeopathic medical
practitioner to his own patient or
Homoeopathic medicines supplied by
a registered Homoeopathic medical
practitioner at the request of another
such practitioner provided the
registered Homoeopathic medical
All the provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
rules made thereunder subject to the following
(1) The Homoeopathic medicines shall be
purchased only from a dealer or a manufacturer
licensed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules
Practitioner is not (a) keeping an
open shop, or (b) selling across the
counter or, (c) engaged in the importation, manufacture, distribution
or sale of Homoeopathic medicines in
India to a degree which renders him
liable to the provisions of Chapter IV
of the Act and the rules made
(2) The premises where the Homoeopathic
medicines are stocked shall be open to inspection
by an Inspector appointed under the Act, who
may, if necessary, take samples for test.”]
[25 Preparations applied to human body
for the purpose repelling insets like
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
Rules thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence subject to conditions
that such a product has been manufactured under
a valid drug manufacturing licence.
26 3
[Medicated Dressing and Bandages
for First Aid.]
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
Rules thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence subject to the conditions
that such a product has been manufactured under
a valid drug manufacturing licence.]
[27 Oral Rehydration Salts (Manufactured
as per the following formula) :
Sodium chloride 3.5 g/litre
* Trisodium citrate dihydrate 2.9
Potassium Chloride 1.5 g/litre
*May be replaced by Sodium
bicarbonate (Sodium hydrogen
Carbonate) 2.5 g/litre, when citrate
salt is not available.
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and Rules
thereunder which required them to be covered by
a sale licence, subject to the conditions that such
a product has been manufactured under a valid
drug manufacturing Licence.]
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 680(E) dt 5.12.1980.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1060(E) dt 5.9.1986.
Sub. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 371(E) dt 24.3.1988.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 677(E) dt 2.6.1988.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
[28 White or Yellow Petroleum Jelly
I.P. (Non perfumed).
The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
rules made thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, subject to the condition
that such a product has been manufactured under
a valid drug manufacturing licence.]
[29 Morphine tablets The provision of Chapter IV of the Act and the
rules made thereunder which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, subject to the following
conditions, namely:-
(i) The drug shall be supplied by the Palliative
Care Centre approved by the State Government to
terminally ill cancer patients.
(ii) The drug shall be purchased from a dealer or a
manufacturer who holds licence under these rules,
and records of such purchases showing the names
and quantities together with their batch numbers,
and name and addresses of the manufacturers or
dealers and the name and address of the patients
to whom supplies have been mad e shall be
maintained. Such records shall be open to
inspection by Inspection appointed under the Act,
who may also take samples for test.
30 Whole Human Blood collected and
transfused by Centres run by
Armed Forces Medical Services in
border areas, small mid -zonal
hospitals including peripheral
hospitals, Field Ambulances,
Mobile medical units and other
field medical units including blood
supply units in border, sensitive and
field areas.
All the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
rules made thereunder which require them to be
covered by a licence to operate a Blood Bank for
collection, storage and processing of whole
human blood for sale or distribution subject to the
following conditionsThese Centres shall collect, process and transfuse
blood in emergent situations which require life
saving emergency surgeries/or transfusion.
1 Ins.by G.O.I. Notification No.GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 6(E) dt 4.1.2001
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
(ii) These Centres shall be under the active direction
and personal supervision of a qualified Medical
Officer, possessing the qualifications and
experiences specified in condition (i) of rule 122-
(iii) Each blood unit shall be tested before for freedom
from HIV I and II antibodies, Hepatitis B surface
antigen, malarial parasites and other tests specified
under the monograph “Whole Human Blood” in
current edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia.
(iv) These Centres shall have adequate infrastructure
facilities for storage and transportation of blood.
(v) The blood collected and tested by such Centres
shall be transfused by the Centre itself and may be
made available for use of other peripheral Armed
Forces hospitals or centers during operational
The following Homoeo –
pathic Medicines, namely:-
a) Arnica Montana Hair
b) Homeopathic ointments,
each in 15 gm. Tube:
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and the
Rules made thereunder which require them to be
covered with a sale licence in form 20-C subject to
the following conditions:-
Arnica Montana
Calendula Officinalis
(i) These homoeopathic medicines shall be sold in the
original sealed small quantity packings of the
licensed manufacturers.
iv) Rhus Toxicodendron
These medicines may be stocked and sold by retail
dealers of medicines licensed under Rule 61.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 218(E) dt 28.3.2001.
Class of Drugs Extent and Conditions of Exemption
c) Biochemic tissue remedies in
tablets forms, in generic names
only, each in 20 gm. Packing in
3x and 6x trituration :
These medicines shall be stored separately
from other allopathic drugs.
These medicines shall be purchased from a
Calcarea Phosphorica
Calcarea Sulphurica
manufacturer or a dealer licensed under
these Rules.
Ferum Phosphoricum
Kali Muriaticum
Kali Phosphoricum
(v) The purchase and sale records of these
medicines shall be maintained by the dealer
for a minimum period of three years.
Kali Sulphuricum
(vi) These medicines shall be labeled in
generic/pharmacopoeial names only.]
viii) Megnesia Sulphurica
ix) Natrum Muriaticum
x) Natrum Phosphoricum
xi) Natrum Sulphuricum
xii) Silicea
d) Homoeopathic medicines, mentioned
below, in pills, each in 30 C potency,
in sealed original packing of
manufacturer of 8 gms.
i) Armica Montana
ii) Aconitum Napellus
iii) Arsenicum Album
iv) Aloe Socotrina
v) Apis Mellifica
vi) Allium Cepa
vii) Bryonia alba
viii) Borax
ix) Belladonna
x) Cantharis
xi) Carbo Vegetabilis
xii) Cina
xiii) Colocynthis
xiv) Calendula Officinalis
xv) Caulophyllum Thalictroides
xvi) Cocculus Indicus
xviii) Drosera Rotundifolia
xix) Hypericum Perforatum
xx) Hepar Sulphur
xxi) Ipecacuanha
xxii) Ledum Palustre
[*32 First Aid Kit supplied along with
motor vehicle by the
manufacturer or its distributor at
the time of first sale of vehicle.
The provisions of Chapter IV of the Act and
rules made there under which require them to be
covered by a sale licence, subject to the
condition that the drug items are procured from a
manufacturer or dealer licensed under the rules.]
*Ins. by G.O.I.Notification no. G.S.R. 648 (E) dt 16.09.2002.
xxiii) Millefolium
xxiv) Mercurius Solubillis
xxv) Nux Vomica
xxvi) Pulsatilla Nigricans
xxvii) Podophyyllum
xxviii) Plantago Major
xxix) Rhus Toxicodendron
xxx) Ruta Grveolens
xxxi) Symphytum Officinalis
xxxii) Veratrum Album
[see Rules 65(9) and 97]
? [Omitted]
[See Rules 71, 74, 76 and 78]
Note: – To achieve the objectives listed below, each licensee shall evolve appropriate
methodology, systems and procedures which shall be documented and maintained for
inspection and reference; and the manufacturing premises shall be used exclusively for
production of drugs and no other manufacturing activity shall be undertaken therein.
(A) Location and surroundings.- The factory building(s) for manufacture of drugs shall
be so situated and shall have such measures as to avoid risk of contamination from external
environmental including open sewage, drain, public lavatory or any factory which product
disagreeable or obnoxious odour, fumes, excessive soot, dust, smoke, chemical or biological
(B)Building and premises.- The building(s) used for the factory shall be designed,
constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the manufacturing operations so as to permit
production of drugs under hygienic conditions. They shall conform to the conditions laid
down in the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948)
The premises used for manufacturing, processing, warehousing, packaging labeling and
testing purposes shall be –
? Omitted by G.O.I.Notification No.G.S.R.462(E) dt.22.06.1982.
??Ins.by G.O.I.Notification NoG.S.R.864(E) dt.11.12.2001.- applicable to manufacturers licensed to
manufacture drugs, for the period upto 31.12.2003.
(i) compatible with other drug manufacturing operations that may be carried out
in the same or adjacent area / section;
(ii) adequately provided with working space to allow orderly and logical
placement of equipment, materials and movement of personnel so as to:
(a) avoid the risk of mix-up between different categories of drugs or with raw
materials, intermediates and in-process material;
(b) avoid the possibilities of contamination and cross- contamination by
providing suitable mechanism;
(iii) designed / constructed / maintained to prevent entry of insects, pests, birds,
vermins, and rodents. Interior surface (walls, floors and ceilings) shall be
smooth and free from cracks, and permit easy cleaning, painting and
(iv) air-conditioned, where prescribed for the operations and dosage froms under
production. The production and dispensing areas shall be well lighted,
effectively ventilated, with air control facilities and may have proper Air
Handling Units (wherever applicable) to maintain conditions including
temperature and, wherever necessary, humidity, as defined for the relevant
product. These conditions shall be appropriate to the category of drugs and
nature of the operation. These shall also be suitable to the comforts of the
personnel working with protective clothing, products handled, operations
undertaken within them in relation to the external environment. These areas
shall be regularly monitored for compliance with required specifications;
(v) Provided with drainage system, as specified for the various categories of
products, which shall be of adequate size and so designed as to prevent back
flow and/or prevent insets and rodents entering the premises. Open channels
shall be avoided in manufacturing areas and, where provided, these shall be
shallow to facilitate cleaning and disinfection;
(vi) The walls and floors of the areas where manufacture of drugs is carried out
shall be free from cracks and open joints to avoid accumulation of dust. These
shall be smooth, washable, covered and shall permit easy and effective
cleaning and dis-infection. The interior surfaces shall not shed particles. A
periodical record of cleaning and painting of the premises shall be maintained.
(C ) Water Supply. – There shall be validated system for treatment of water drawn from
own or any other source to render it potable in accordance with standards specified by the
Bureau of Indian Standards or Local Municipality, as the case may be, so as to produce
Purified Water conforming to Pharmacopoeial specification. Purified Water so produced shall
only be used for all operations except washing and cleaning operations where potable water
may be used. Water shall be stored in tanks, which do not adversely affect quality of water
and ensure freedom from microbiological growth. The tank shall be cleaned periodically and
records maintained by the licensee in this behalf.
(D)Disposal of waste. –
(i) The disposal of sewage and effluents (solid, liquid and gas) from the manufactory
shall be in conformity with the requirements of Environment Pollution Control
(ii) All bio-medical waste shall be destroyed as per the provisions of the Bio-Medical
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1996.
(iii)Additional precautions shall be taken for the storage and disposal of rejected drugs.
Records shall be maintained for all disposal of waste.
(iv)Provisions shall be made for the proper and safe storage of waste materials awaiting
disposal. Hazardous,toxic substances and flammable materials shall be stored in
suitably designed and segregated, enclosed areas in conformity with Central and
State Legislations.
(2) Warehousing Area. –
2.1 Adequate areas shall be designed to allow sufficient and orderly warehousing of
various categories of materials and products like starting and packaging materials,
intermediates, bulk and finished products, products in quarantine, released, rejected, returned
or recalled, machine and equipment spare parts and change items.
2.2 Warehousing areas shall be designed and adapted to ensure good storage conditions.
They shall be clean, dry and maintained with acceptable temperature limits, where special
storage conditions are required (e.g. temperature, humidity), these shall be provided,
monitored and recorded. Storage areas shall have appropriate house-keeping and rodent, pests
and vermin control procedures and records maintained. Proper racks, bins and platforms shall
be provided for the storage of materials.
2.3 Receiving and dispatch bays shall protect materials and products from adverse weather
2.4 Where quarantine status is ensured by warehousing in separate earmarked areas in the
same warehouse or store, these areas shall be clearly demarcated. Any system replacing the
physical quarantine, shall give equivalent assurance of segregation. Access to these areas shall
be restricted to authorized persons.
2.4.There shall be a separate sampling area in the warehousing area for active raw
materials and excipients. If sampling is performed in any other area, it shall be conducted in
such a way as to prevent contamination, cross-contamination and mix-up.
2.5.Segregation shall be provided for the storage of rejected, recalled or returned materials
or products. Such areas, materials or products shall be suitably marked and secured. Access to
these areas and materials shall be restricted.
2.6.Highly hazardous, poisonous and explosive materials such as narcotics, psychotropic
drugs and substances presenting potential risks of abuse, fire or explosion shall be stored in
safe and secure areas. Adequate fire protection measures shall be provided in conformity with
the rules of the concerned civic authority.
2.7.Printed packaging materials shall be stored in safe, separate and secure areas.
2.8.Separate dispensing areas for ß (Beta) lactum, Sex Hormones and Cytotoxic
substances or any such special categories of product shall be provided with proper supply of
filtered air and suitable measures for dust control to avoid contamination. Such areas shall be
under differential pressure.
2.9.Sampling and dispensing of sterile materials shall be conducted under aseptic
conditions conforming to Grade A, which can also be performed in a dedicated area within
the manufacturing facility.
2.10. Regular checks shall be made to ensure adequate steps are taken against spillage,
breakage and leakage of containers.
2.11. Rodent treatments (Pest control) should be done regularly and at least once in a year
and record maintained.
(3) Production area. –
3.1. The production area shall be designed to allow the production preferably in uni-flow
and with logical sequence of operations.
3.2. In order to avoid the risk of corss-contamination, separate dedicated and selfcontained facilities shall be made available for the production of sensitive pharmaceutical
products like penicillin or biological preparations with live micro-organisms. Separate
dedicated facilities shall be provided for the manufacture of contamination causing and potent
products such as Beta-Lactum, sex hormones and cytotoxic substances.
3.3. Working and in-process space shall be adequate to permit orderly and logical
positioning of equipment and materials and movement of personnel to avoid crosscontamination and to minimize risk of omission or wrong application of any manufacturing
and control measures.
3.4. Pipe-work, electrical fittings, ventilation openings and similar services lines shall be
designed, fixed and constructed to avoid creation of recesses. Services lines shall preferably
be identified by colours and the nature of the supply and direction of the flow shall be
(4.) Ancillary Areas. –
4.1 Rest and refreshment rooms shall be separate from other areas. These areas shall not
lead directly to the manufacturing and storage areas.
4.2 Facilities for changing, storing clothes and for washing and toilet purposes shall be
easily accessible and adequate for the number of users. Toilets, separate for males and
females, shall not be directly connected with production or storage areas. There shall be
written instructions for cleaning and disinfection of such areas.
4.3 Maintenance workshops shall be separate and away from production areas. Whenever
spares, changed parts and tools are stored in the production area, these shall be kept in
dedicated rooms or lockers. Tools and spare parts for use in sterile areas shall be disinfected
before these are carried inside the production areas.
4.4. Areas housing animals shall be isolated from other areas. The other requirements
regarding animal houses shall be those as prescribed in Rule 150-C(3) of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945 which shall be adopted for production purposes.
(5.)Quality Control Area.-
5.1. Quality Control Laboratories shall be independent of the production areas. Separate
areas shall be provided each for physico-chemical, biological, microbiological or radioisotope analysis. Separate instrument room with adequate area shall be provided for sensitive
and sophisticated instruments employed for analysis.
5.2 Quality Control Laboratories shall be designed appropriately for the operations to be
carried out in them. Adequate space shall be provided to avoid mix-ups and crosscontamination. Sufficient and suitable storage space shall be provided for test samples,
retained samples, reference standards, reagents and records.
5.3. The design of the laboratory shall take into account the suitability of construction
materials and ventilation. Separate air handling units and other requirements shall be provided
for biological, microbiological and radioisotopes testing areas. The laboratory shall be
provided with regular supply of water of appropriate quality for cleaning and testing purpose.
5.4. Quality Control Laboratory shall be divided into separate sections i.e. for chemical,
microbiological and wherever required, biological testing. These shall have adequate area for
basis installation and for ancillary purposes. The microbiology section shall have
arrangements such as airlocks and laminar air flow work station, wherever considered
(6.) Personnel.-
6.1. The manufacture shall be conducted under the direct supervision of competent
technical staff with prescribed qualifications and practical experience in the relevant dosage
and / or active pharmaceutical products.
6.2 The head of the Quality Control Laboratory shall be independent of the manufacturing
unit. The testing shall be conducted under the direct supervision of competent technical staff
who shall be whole time employees of the licensee.
6.3. Personnel for Quality Assurance and Quality Control operations shall be suitably
qualified and experienced.
6.4. Written duties of technical and Quality Control personnel shall be laid and following
6.5. Number of personnel employed shall be adequate and in direct proportion to the
6.6. The licensee shall ensure in accordance with a written instruction that all personnel
in production area or into Quality Control Laboratories shall receive training appropriate to
the duties and responsibility assigned to them. They shall be provided with regular in-service
(7.) Health, clothing and sanitation of workers. –
7.1 The personnel handling Beta-lactum antibiotics shall be tested for Penicillin
sensitivity before employment and those handling sex hormones, cytotoxic substances and
other potent drugs shall be periodically examined for adverse effects. These personnel should
be moved out of these sections (except in dedicated facilities), by rotation, as a health
7.2 Prior to employment, all personnel, shall undergo medical examination including eye
examination, and shall be free from Tuberculosis, skin and other communicable or contagious
diseases. Thereafter, they should be medically examined periodically, at least once a year.
Records shall be maintained thereof. The licensee shall provide the services of a qualified
physician for assessing the health status of personnel involved in different activities.
7.3 All persons prior to and during employment shall be trained in practices which ensure
personnel hygiene. A high level of personal hygiene shall be observed by all those engaged in
the manufacturing processes. Instructions to this effect shall be displayed in change rooms
and other strategic locations.
7.4 No person showing, at any time, apparent illness or open lesions which may adversely
affect the quality of products, shall be allowed to handle starting materials, packing materials,
in-process materials, and drug products until his condition is no longer judged to be a risk.
7.5 All employees shall be instructed to report about their illness or abnormal health
condition to their immediate supervisor so that appropriate action can be taken.
7.6 Direct contact shall be avoided between the unprotected hands of personnel and raw
materials, intermediate or finished, unpacked products.
7.7 All personnel shall wear clean body coverings appropriate to their duties. Before entry
into the manufacturing area, there shall be change rooms separate for each sex with adequate
facilities for personal cleanliness such as wash basin with running water, clean towels, hand
dryers, soaps, disinfectants, etc. The change room shall be provided with cabinets for the
storage of personal belongings of the personnel.
7.8 Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing or keeping plants, food, drink and personal
medicines shall not be permitted in production, laboratory, storage and other areas where they
might adversely influence the product quality.
(8.) Manufacturing Operations and Controls. –
8.1 All manufacturing operations shall be carried out under the supervision of technical
staff approved by the Licensing Authority. Each critical step in the process relating to the
selection, weighing and measuring of raw material addition during various stages shall be
performed by trained personnel under the direct personal supervision of approved technical
The contents of all vessels and containers used in manufacture and storage during the
various manufacturing stages shall be conspicuously labeled with the name of the product,
batch number, batch size and stage of manufacture. Each label should be initialled and dated
by the auhorised technical staff.
Products not prepared under aseptic conditions are required to be free from pathogens like
Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Pyocyanea, etc.
8.2. Precautions against mix-up and cross-contamination8.2.1. The licensee shall prevent mix-up and cross-contamination of drug material and
drug product (from environmental dust) by proper air-handling system, pressure differential,
segregation, status labeling and cleaning. Proper records and Standard Operating Procedures
thereof shall be maintained.
8.2.2 The licensee shall ensure processing of sensitive drugs like Beta-Lactum antibiotics,
sex hormones and cytotoxic substances in segregated areas or isolated production areas within
the building with independent air-handling unit and proper pressure differential. The effective
segregation of these areas shall be demonstrated with adequate records of maintenance and
8.2.3 To prevent mix-ups during production stages, materials under process shall be
conspicuously labeled to demonstrate their status. All equipment used for production shall be
labeled with their current status.
8.2.4 Packaging lines shall be independent and adequately segregated. It shall be ensured
tat all left-overs of the previous packaging operations, including labels, cartons and caps are
cleared before the closing hour.
8.2.5 Before packaging operations are begun, steps shall be taken to ensure that the work
area, packaging lines, printing machines, and other equipment are clean and free from any
products, materials and spillages. The line clearance shall be performed according to an
approximate check-list and recorded.
8.2.6 The correct details of any printing (for example of batch numbers or expiry dates)
done separately or in the course of the packaging shall be rechecked at regular intervals. All
printing and overprinting shall be authorized in writing.
8.2.7 The manufacturing environment shall be maintained at the required levels of
temperature, humidity and cleanliness.
8.2.8 Authorised persons shall ensure change-over into specific uniforms before
undertaking any manufacturing operations including packaging.
8.2.9 There shall be segregated enclosed areas, secured for recalled or rejected material
and for such materials which are to e reprocessed or recovered.
(9.)Sanitation in the Manufacturing Premises. –
9.1 The manufacturing premises shall be cleaned and maintained in an orderly manner, so
that it is free from accumulated waste, dust, debris and other similar material. A validated
cleaning procedure shall be maintained.
9.2 The manufacturing areas shall not be used for storage of materials, except for the
material being processed. It shall not be used as a general throughfare.
9.3 A routine sanitation program shall be drawn up and observed, which shall be properly
recorded and which shall indicate–
(a) specific areas to be cleaned and cleaning intervals;
(b) cleaning procedure to be followed, including equipment and materials to be used
for cleaning; and
(c) personnel assigned to and responsible for the cleaning operation.
9.4 The adequacy of the working and in-process storage space shall permit the orderly and
logical positioning of equipment and materials so as to minimize the risk of mix-up between
different pharmaceutical products or their components to avoid cross contamination, and to
minimise the risk of omission or wrong application of any of the manufacturing or control
9.5 Production areas shall be well lit, particularly where visual on-line controls are carried
(10.) Raw Materials. –
10.1 The licensee shall keep an inventory of all raw materials to be used at any stage of
manufacture of drugs and maintain records as per Schedule U.
10.2 All incoming materials shall be quarantined immediately after receipt or processing.
All materials shall be stored under appropriate conditions and in an orderly fashion to permit
batch segregation and stock rotation by a ‘first in/first expiry’ – ‘first-out’ principle. All
incoming materials shall be checked to ensure that the consignment corresponds to the order
10.3 All incoming materials shall be purchased from approved sources under valid
purchase vouchers. Wherever possible, raw materials should be purchased directly from the
10.4 Authorized staff appointed by the licensee in this behalf, which may include
personnel from the Quality Control Department, shall examine each consignment on receipt
and shall check each container for integrity of package and seal. Damaged containers shall be
identified, recorded and segregated.
10.5 If a single delivery of material is made up of different batches, each batch shall be
considered as a separate batch for sampling, testing and release.
10.6 Raw materials in the storage area shall be appropriately labeled. Labels shall be
clearly marked with the following information:
(a) designated name of the product and the internal code reference, where
applicable, and analytical reference number;
(b) manufacturer’s name, address and batch number;
(c) the status of the contents (e.g. quarantine, under test, released,
approved, rejected); and
(d) the manufacturing date, expiry date and re-test date.
10.7 There shall be adequate separate areas for materials “under test”, “approved” and
“rejected” with arrangements and equipment to allow dry, clean and orderly placement of
stored materials and products, wherever necessary, under controlled temperature and
10.8 Containers from which samples have been drawn shall be identified.
10.9 Only raw materials which have been released by the Quality Control Department
and which are within their shelf-life shall be used. It shall be ensured that shelf life of
formulation product shall not exceed with that of active raw materials used.
10.10 It shall be ensured that all the containers of raw materials are placed on the raised
platforms/racks and not placed directly on the floor.
(11.) Equipment. –
11.1 Equipment shall be located, designed, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit
the operations to be carried out. The layout and design of the equipment shall aim to minimise
the risk of errors and permit effective cleaning and maintenance in order to avoid crosscontamination, build-up of dust or dirt and, in general any adverse effect on the quality of
products. Each equipment shall be provided with a logbook, wherever necessary.
11.2 Balances and other measuring equipment of an appropriate range, accuracy and
precision shall be available in the raw material stores, production and in process control
operations and these shall be calibrated and checked on a scheduled basis in accordance with
Standard Operating Procedures and records maintained.
11.3 The parts of the production equipment that come into contact with the product shall
not be reactive, additive or adsorptive to an extent that would affect the quality of the product.
11.4 To avoid accidental contamination, wherever possible, non-toxic/edible grade
lubricants shall be used and the equipment shall be maintained in a way that lubricants do not
contaminate the products being produced.
11.5 Defective equipment shall be removed from production and Quality Control areas or
appropriately labeled.
12. Documentation and Records. – Documentation is an essential part of the Quality
assurance system and, as such, shall be related to all aspects Good Manufacturing Practices
(GMP). Its aim is to define the specifications for all materials, method of manufacture and
control, to ensure that all personnel concerned with manufacture know the information
necessary to decide whether or not to release a bath of drug for sale and to provide an audit
trail that shall permit investigation of the history of any suspected defective batch.
12.1 Documents designed, prepared, reviewed and controlled, wherever applicable, shall
comply with these rules.
12.2 Documents shall be approved, signed and dated by appropriate and authorized
12.3 Documents shall specify the title, nature and purpose. They shall be laid out in an
orderly fashion and be easy to check. Reproduced documents shall be clear and legible.
Documents shall be regularly reviewed and kept up to date. Any alteration made in the entry
of a document shall be signed and dated.
12.4 The records shall be made or completed at the time of each operation in such a way
that all significant activities concerning the manufacture of pharmaceutical products are
traceable. Records and associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) shall be retained for
at least one year after the expiry date of the finished product.
12.5 Data may be recorded by electronic data processing systems or other reliable means,
but Master Formulae and detailed operating procedures relating to the system in use shall also
be available in a hard copy to facilitate checking of the accuracy of the records. Wherever
documentation is handled by electronic data processing methods, authorized persons shall
enter modify data in the computer. There shall be record of changed and deletions. Access
shall be restricted by ‘passwords’ or other means and the result of entry of critical data shall
be independently checked. Batch records electronically stored shall be protected by a suitable
back-up. During the period of retention, all relevant data shall be readily available.
13. Labels and other Printed Materials. – Labels are absolutely necessary for
identification of the drugs and their use. The Printing shall be done in bright colours and in a
legible manner. The label shall carry all the prescribed details about the product.
13.1 All containers and equipment shall bear appropriate labels. Different colour coded
tablets shall be used to indicate the status of a product (for example under test, approved,
passed, rejected).
13.2 To avoid chance mix-up of printed packaging materials, product leaflets, relating to
different products, shall be stored separately.
13.3 Prior to release, all labels for containers, cartons and boxes and all circulars, inserts
and leaflets shall be examined by the Quality Control Department of the licensee.
13.4 Prior to packaging and labeling of a given batch of a drug, it shall be ensured by the
licensee that samples are drawn from the bulk and duly tested, approved and released y the
quality control personnel.
13.5 Records of receipt of all labeling and packaging materials shall be maintained for
each shipment received indicating receipt, control reference numbers and whether accepted or
rejected. Unused coded and damaged labels and packaging materials shall be destroyed and
13.6 The label or accompanying document of reference standards and reference culture
shall indicate concentration, lot number, potency, date on which containers was first opened
and storage conditions, where appropriate.
14. Quality Assurance. – This is a wide-ranging concept concerning all matters that
individually or collectively influence the quality of a product. It is the totality of the
arrangements made with the object of ensuring that products are of the quality required for
their intended use.
14.1 The system of quality assurance appropriate to the manufacture of pharmaceutical
products shall ensure that: –
(a) the pharmaceutical products are designed and developed in a way that takes
account of the requirement of Good Manufacturing Practices (herein referred as
GMP) and other associated codes such as those of Good Laboratory Practices
(hereinafter referred as GLP) and Good Clinical Practices (herein after referred as
(b) adequate arrangements are made for manufacture, supply and use of the correct
starting and packaging materials.
(c) adequate controls on starting materials, intermediate products, and bulk products
and other in-process controls, calibrations, and validations are carried out.
(d) the finished product is correctly processed and checked in accordance with
established procedures;
(e) the pharmaceutical products are not released for sale or supplied before authorized
persons have certified that each production batch as been produced and controlled
in accordance with the requirements of the label claim and any other provisions
relevant to production, control and release of pharmaceutical products.
(15.) Self Inspection and Quality audit – It may be useful to constitute a self-inspection
team supplemented with a quality audit procedure for assessment of all or part of a system
with the specific purpose of improving it.
15.1 To evaluate the manufacturer’s compliance with GMP in all aspects of production
and quality control, concept of self-inspection shall be followed. The manufacturer shall
constitute a team of independent, experienced, qualified persons from within or outside the
company, who can audit objectively the implementation of methodology and procedures
evolved. The procedure for self-inspection shall be documented indicating self-inspection
results; evaluation, conclusions and recommended corrective actions with effective follow up
program. The recommendations for corrective action shall be adopted.
15.2 The program shall be designed to detect shortcomings in the implementation of
Good Manufacturing Practice and to recommend the necessary corrective actions. Selfinspections shall be performed routinely and on specific occasions, like when product recalls
or repeated rejections occur or when an inspection by the licensing authorities is announced.
The team responsible for self-inspection shall consist of personnel who can evaluate the
implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice objectively; all recommendations for
corrective action shall be implemented.
15.3 Written instructions for self-inspection shall be drawn up which shall include the
following: –
(a) Personnel
(b) Premises including personnel facilities.
(c) Maintenance of buildings and equipment
(d) Storage of starting materials and finished products
(e) Equipment
(f) Production and in-process controls
(g) Quality control
(h) Documentation
(i) Sanitation and hygiene
(j) Validation and revalidation programmes
(k) Calibration of instruments or measurement systems.
(l) Recall procedures
(m) Complaints management
(n) Labels control
(o) Results of previous self-inspections and any corrective steps taken.
(16.) Quality Control System. – Quality control shall be concerned with sampling,
specifications, testing, documentation, release procedures which ensure that the necessary and
relevant tests are actually carried and that the materials are not released for use, nor products
released for sale or supply until their quality has been judged to be satisfactory. It is not
confined to laboratory operations but shall be involved n all decisions concerning the quality
of the product. It shall be ensured that all quality control arrangements are effectively and
reliably carried out the department as a whole shall have other duties such as to establish
evaluate, validate and implement all Quality Control Procedures and methods.
16.1 Every manufacturing establishment shall establish its own quality control laboratory
manner by qualified and experience staff.
16.2 The area of the quality control laboratory may be divided into Chemical,
Instrumentation, Microbiological and Biological testing.
16.3 Adequate area having the required storage conditions shall be provided for keeping
reference samples. The quality control department shall evaluate, maintain and store reference
16.4 Standard operating procedures shall be available for sampling, inspecting and testing
of raw materials, intermediate bulk finished products and packing materials and, wherever
necessary, for monitoring environmental conditions.
16.5 There shall be authorized and dated specifications for all materials, products,
reagents and solvents including test of identity, content, purity and quality. These shall
include specifications for water, solvents and reagents used in analysis.
16.6 No batch of the product shall be released for sale or supply until it has been certified
by the authorized person(s) that it is in accordance with the requirements of the standards laid
16.7 Reference/retained samples from each batch of the products manufactured shall be
maintained in quantity which is at least twice the quantity of the drug required to conduct all
the tests, except sterility and pyrogen/Bacterial Endotoxin Test performed on the active
material and the product manufactured. The retained product shall be kept in its final pack or
simulated pack for a period of three months after the date of expiry.
16.8 Assessment of records pertaining to finished products shall include all relevant
factors, including the production conditions, the results of in process testing, the
manufacturing (including packaging) documentation, compliance with the specification for
the finished product, and an examination of the finished pack. Assessment records should be
signed by the in-charge of production and countersigned by the authorised quality control
personnel before a product is released for sale or distribution.
16.9 Quality control personnel shall have access to production areas for sampling and
investigation, as appropriate.
16.10 The quality control department shall conduct stability studies of the products to
ensure and assign their shell life at the prescribed conditions of storage. All records of such
studies shall be maintained.
16.11 The in-charge of Quality Assurance shall investigate all product complaints and
records thereof shall be maintained.
16.12 All instruments shall be calibrated and testing procedures validated before these are
adopted for routine testing. Periodical calibration of instrument and validation of procedures
shall be carried out.
16.13 Each specification for raw materials, intermediates, final products, and packing
materials shall be approved and maintained by the Quality Control Department. Periodic
revisions of the specifications shall be carried out wherever changes are necessary.
16.14 Pharmacopoeiae, reference standards, working standards, references, spectra, other
reference materials and technical books, as required, shall be available in the Quality Control
Laboratory of the licensee.
17. Specification
17.1 For raw materials and packaging materials. – They shall includea) the designated name and internal code reference;
b) reference, if any, to a pharmacopoeial monograph;
c) qualitative and quantitative requirements with acceptance limits;
d) name and address of manufacturer or supplier and original manufacturer of
the material;
e) specimen of printed material;
f) directions for sampling and testing or reference to procedures;
g) storage conditions; and
h) maximum period of storage before re-testing.
17.2 For product containers and closures. –
17.2.1 all containers and closures intended for use shall comply with the pharmacopoeial
requirements. Suitable validated test methods, sample sizes, specifications, cleaning
procedure and sterilization procedure, wherever indicated, shall be strictly followed to ensure
that these are not reactive, additive, absorptive, or leach to an extent that significantly affects
the quality or purity of the drug. No second hand or used containers and closures shall be
17.2.2 whenever bottles are being used, the written schedule of cleaning shall be laid
down and followed. Where bottles are not dried after washing, they should be rinsed with deionised water or distilled water, as the case may be.
17.3.For in-process and bulk products. – Specifications for in-process material,
intermediate and bulk products shall be available. The specifications should be authenticated.
17.4 For finished products. – Appropriate specifications for finished products shall
a) the designated name of the product and the code reference;
b) the formula or a reference to the formula and the pharmacopoeial reference;
c) directions for sampling and testing or a reference to procedures;
d) a description of the dosage form and package details;
e) the qualitative and quantitative requirements, with the acceptance limits for
f) the storage conditions and precautions, where applicable, and
g) the shelf-life.
17.5 For preparation of containers and closures. – The requirements mentioned in the
Schedule do not include requirements of machinery, equipments and premises required for
preparation of containers and closures for different dosage forms and categories of drugs. The
suitability and adequacy of the machinery, equipment and premises shall be examined taking
into consideration the requirements of each licensee in this respect.
(18.) Master Formula Records.
There shall be Master Formula records relating to all manufacturing procedures for each
product and batch size to be manufactured. These shall be prepared and endorsed by the
competent technical staff i.e. head of production and quality control. The master Formula
shall include: –
(a) the name of the product together with product reference code relating to its
(b) the patent or proprietary name of the product along with the generic name, a
description of the dosage form, strength, composition of the product and batch
(c) name, quantity, and reference number of all the starting materials to be used.
Mention shall be made of any substance that may ‘disappear’ in the courts of
(d) a statement of the expected final yield with the acceptable limits, and of
relevant intermediate yields, where applicable.
(e) a statement of the processing location and the principal equipment to be used.
(f) the methods, or reference to the methods, to be used for preparing the critical
equipments including cleaning, assembling, calibrating, sterilizing.
(g) detailed stepwise processing instructions and the time taken for each step;
(h) the instructions for in-process control with their limits;
(i) the requirements for storage conditions of the products, including the
container, labeling and special storage conditions where applicable;
(j) any special precautions to be observed; and
(k) packing details and specimen labels.
-(19.) Packing Records. –
There shall be authorised packaging instructions for each product, pack size and type.
These shall include or have a reference to the following: –
(a) name of the product;
(b) description of the dosage form, strength and composition;
(c) the pack size expressed in terms of the number of doses, weight or volume of
the product in the final container;
(d) complete list of all the packaging materials required for a standard batch size,
including quantities, sizes and types with the code of reference number
relating to the specifications of each packaging material.
(e) reproduction of the relevant printed packaging materials and specimens
indicating where batch number and expiry date of the product have been
(f) special precautions to be observed, including a careful examination of the area
and equipment in order to ascertain the line clearance before the operations
(g) description of the packaging operation, including any significant subsidiary
operations and equipment to be used;
(h) details of in-process controls with instructions for sampling and acceptance;
(i) upon completion of the packing and labeling operation, a reconciliation shall
be made between number of labeling and packaging units issued, number of
units labeled, packed and excess returned or destroyed. Any significant or
unusual discrepancy in the numbers shall be carefully investigated before
releasing the final batch.
20. Batch Packaging Records.
20.1 A batch packaging record shall be kept for each batch or part batch processed. It
shall be based on the relevant parts of the packaging instructions, and the method of
preparation of such records shall be designed to avoid transcription errors.
20.2 Before any packaging operation begins, check shall be made and recorded that the
equipment and the work stations are clear of the previous products, documents or materials
not required for the planned packaging operations, and that the equipment is clean and
suitable for use.
21. Batch Processing Records
21.1 There shall be Batch Processing Record for each product. It shall be based on the
relevant parts of the currently approved Master Formula. The method of preparation of such
records included in the Master Formula shall be designed to avoid transcription errors.
21.2 Before any processing begins, check shall be performed and recorded to ensure
that the equipment and work station are clear of previous products, documents or materials
not required for the planned process are removed and the equipment is clean and suitable for
21.3 During processing, the following information shall be recorded at the time each
action is taken and the record shall be dated and signed by the person responsible for the
processing operations: –
(a) the name of the product
(b) the number of the batch being manufactured,
(c) dates and time of commencement, of significant intermediate stages and of
completion of production,
(d) initials of the operator of different significant steps of production and where
appropriate, of the person who checked each of these operations,
(e) the batch number and/or analytical control number as well as the quantities of
each starting material actually weighed,
(f) any relevant processing operation or event and major equipment used,
(g) a record of the in-process controls and the initials of the person(s) carrying
them out, and the results obtained,
(h) the amount of product obtained after different and critical stages of
manufacture (yield),
(i) comments or explanations for significant deviations from the expected yield
limits shall be given.
(j) notes on special problems including details, with signed authorization, for any
deviation from the Master Formula.
(k) addition of any recovered or reprocessed material with reference to recovery
or reprocessing stages,
22. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Records, regarding. –
22.1 Receipt of materials:
22.1.1 there shall be written Standard Operating Procedures and records for the receipt of
each delivery of raw, primary and printed packaging material.
22.1.2 the records of the receipts shall include;
(a) the name of the material on the delivery note and the number of
(b) the date of receipt;
(c) the manufacturer’s and/ or supplier’s name;
(d) the manufacturer’s batch or reference number;
(e) the total quantity, and number of containers, quantity in each container
(f) the control reference number assigned after receipt;
(g) any other relevant comment or information.
22.1.3 There shall be written standard operating procedures for the internal labeling,
quarantine and storage of starting materials, packaging materials and other materials, as
22.1.3 There shall be written standard operating procedures for the internal labeling,
quarantine and storage of starting materials, packaging materials and other materials, as
22.1.4 There shall be Standard Operating Procedures available for each instrument and
equipment and these shall be placed in close proximity to the related instrument and
22.2 Sampling: –
22.2.1 There shall be written Standard Operating Procedures for sampling which include
the person(s) authorized to take the samples.
22.2.1 There shall be written Standard Operating Procedures for sampling which include
the person(s) authorized to take the samples
22.2.2 The sampling instruction shall include:
(a) The method of sampling and the sampling plan,
(b) The equipment to be used,
(c) any precautions to be observed to avoid contamination of the
material or any deterioration in its quality,
(d) The quantity of samples to be taken,
(e) instructions for any required sub-division or poling of the samples,
(f) The types of sample containers to be used,
(g) any specific precautions to be observed, especially in regard to
sampling of sterile and hazardous materials.
22.3. Batch Numbering. –
22.3.1 There shall be Standard Operating Procedures describing the details of the
batch (lot) numbering set up with the objective of ensuring that each batch
of intermediate, bulk or finished product is identified with a specific batch
22.3.2 Batch numbering Standard Operating Procedures applied to a processing
stage and to the respective packaging stage shall be same or traceable to
demonstrate that they belong to one homogenous mix.
22.3.3 Batch number allocation shall be immediately recorded in a logbook or by
electronic data processing system. The record shall include date of
allocation, product identity and size of batch.
22.4. Testing:
22.4.1 There shall be written procedures for testing materials and products at
different stages of manufacture, describing the methods and equipment to
be used. The tests performed shall be recorded.
22.5 Records of Analysis. –
22.5.1 The records shall include the following data:
(a) name of the material or product and the dosage form
(b) batch number and, where appropriate the manufacturer and/ or supplier,
(c) reference to the relevant specifications and testing procedures,
(d) test results, including observations and calculations, and reference to any
specifications (limits),
(e) dates of testing,
(f) initials of the persons who performed the testing,
(g) initials of the persons who verified the testing and the detailed
(h) A statement of release or rejection, and
(i) signature and date of the designated responsible person.
22.5.2 There shall be written standard operating procedures and the associated
records of actions taken for:
(a) equipment assembly and validation
(b) analytical apparatus and calibration,
(c) maintenance, cleaning and sanitation;
(d) personnel matters including qualification, training, clothing, hygiene
(e) environmental monitoring;
(f) pest control;
(g) complaints;
(h) recalls made; and
(i) returns received.
23. Reference Samples. –
23.1 Each lot of every active ingredient, in a quality sufficient to carryout all the
tests, except sterility and pyrogens / Bacterial Endotoxin Test, shall be
retained for a period of 3 months after the date of expiry of the last batch
produced from that active ingredient.
23.2. Samples of finished formulations shall be stored in the same or simulated
containers in which the drug has been actually marketed.
24. Reprocessing and Recoveries. –
24.1. Where reprocessing is necessary, written procedures shall be established
and approved by the Quality Assurance Department that shall specify the
conditions and limitations of repeating chemical reactions. Such
reprocessing shall be validated.
24.2. If the product batch has to be reprocessed, the procedure shall be authorized
and recorded. An investigation shall be carried out into the causes
necessitating re-processing and appropriate corrective measures shall be
taken for prevention of recurrence. Re-processed batch shall be subjected to
stability evaluation.
24.3. Recovery of the product residue may be carried out, if permitted, in the
master production and control records by incorporating it in subsequent
batches of the product.
25. Distribution records:
25.1. Prior to distribution or dispatch of given batch of a drug, it shall be ensure
that the batch has been duly tested, approved and released by the quality
control personnel. Pre-dispatch inspection shall be performed on each
consignment on a random basis to ensure that only the correct goods are
dispatched. Detailed instructions for warehousing and stocking of Large
Volume Parenterals, if stocked, shall be in existence and shall be complied
with after the batch is released for distribution. Periodic audits of
warehousing practices followed at distribution centers shall be carried out
and records thereof shall be maintained. Standard Operating Procedures
shall be developed for warehousing of products.
25.2. Records for distribution shall be maintained in a manner such that finished
batch of a drug can be traced to the retain level to facilitate prompt and
complete recall of the batch, if and when necessary.
26. Validation and process validation. –
26.1. Validation studies shall be an essential part of Good Manufacturing
Practices and shall b conducted as per the pre-defined protocols. These shall
include validation of processing, testing and cleaning procedures.
26.2. A written report summarizing recorded results and conclusions shall be
prepared, documented and maintained.
26.3. Processes and procedures shall be established on the basis of validation
study and undergo periodic revalidation to ensure that they remain capable
of achieving the intended results. Critical processes shall be validated,
prospectively for retrospectively.
26.4. When any new Master Formula or method of preparation is adopted, steps
shall be taken to demonstrate its suitability for routine processing. The
defined process, using the materials and equipment specified shall be
demonstrated to yield a product consistently of the required quality.
26.5. Significant changes to the manufacturing process, including any changes in
equipment or materials that may affect product quality and/or the
reproducibility of the process, shall be validated.
27. Product Recalls. –
27.1 A prompt and effective product recall system of defective products shall be
devised for timely information of all concerned stockists, wholesalers,
suppliers, upto the retail level within the shortest period. The licensee may
make use of both print and electronic media in this regard.
27.2. There shall be an established written procedure in the form of Standard
Operating Procedure for effective recall of products distributed by the
licensee. Recall operations shall be capable of being initiated promptly so as
to effectively reach at the level of each distribution channel.
27.3 The distribution records shall be readily made available to the persons
designated for recalls.
27.4 The designated person shall record a final report issued, including
reconciliation between the delivered and the recovered quantities of the
27.5 The effectiveness of the arrangements for recalls shall be evaluated from
time to time.
27.6 The recalled products shall be stored separately in a secured segregated area
pending final decision on them.
28. Complaints and Adverse Reactions.
28.1 All complaints thereof concerning product quality shall be carefully
reviewed and recorded according to written procedures. Each complaint
shall be investigated /evaluated by the designated personnel of the company
and records of investigation and remedial action taken thereof shall be
28.2. Reports of serious adverse drug reactions resulting from the use of a drug
along with comments and documents shall be forthwith reported to the
concerned licensing authority.
28.3 There shall be written procedure describing the action to be taken, recall to
be made of the defective product.
29. Site Master File. –The licensee shall prepare a succinct document in the form of Site
Master File containing specific and factual Good Manufacturing Practices about the
production and/or control of pharmaceutical manufacturing preparations carried out at the
licensed premises. It shall contain the following: –
29.1 General information, –
(a) brief information of the firm;
(b) pharmaceutical manufacturing activities as permitted by the licensing authority;
(c) other manufacturing activities, if any, carried out on the premises;
(d) type of product licensed for manufacture with flow charts mentioning
procedure and process flow;
(e) number of employees engaged in the production, quality control, storage and
(f) use of outside scientific, analytical or other technical assistance in relation to
manufacture and analysis;
(g) short description of the Quality Management System of the firm; and
(h) products details registered with foreign countries.
29.2 Personnel. –
(a) organisational chart showing the arrangement for quality assurance including
production and quality control;
(b) qualification, experience and responsibilities of key personnel;
(c) outline for arrangements for basic and in-service training and how the records
are maintained;
(d) health requirements for personnel engaged in production; and
(e) personal hygiene requirements, including clothing.
29.3 Premises. –
(a) simple plan or description of manufacturing areas drawn to scale;
(b) nature of construction and fixtures/fittings;
(c) brief description of ventilation systems. More details should be given for
critical areas with potential risk of airborne contami nation (schematic drawing
of systems). Classification of the rooms used for the manufacture of sterile
products should be mentioned;
(d) special areas for the handling of the highly toxic, hazardous and sensitizing
(e) brief description of water system (schematic drawings of systems), including
sanitation; and
(f) description of planned preventive maintenance programs for premises and of
the recording system.
29.4 Equipment. –
(a) brief description of major equipment used in production and Quality Control
Laboratories (a list of equipment required);
(b) description of planned preventive maintenance programs for equipment and of
the recording system; and
(c) qualification and calibration including the recording systems and arrangements
for computerized systems validation.
29.5 Sanitation. –
(a) availability of written specifications and procedures for cleaning manufacturing
areas and equipment.
29.6 Documentation. –
(a) arrangements for the preparation, revision and distribution of;
(b) necessary documentation for the manufacture;
(c) any other documentation related to product quality that is not mentioned
elsewhere (e.g. microbiological controls about air and water).
29.7 Production. –
(a) brief description of production operations using, wherever possible, flow sheets
and charts specifying important parameters;
(b) arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials, bulk
and finished products, including sampling, quarantine, release and storage;
(c) arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products; and
(d) brief description of general policy for process validation.
29.8 Quality Control. –
(a) description of the quality control system and of the activities of the Quality
Control Department. Procedures for the release of the finished products.
29.9 Loan licence manufacture and licensee. –
(a) description of the way in which compliance of Good Manufacturing Practices
by the loan licensee shall be assessed.
29.10 Distribution, complaints and product recall. –
arrangements and recording system for distribution; and
arrangements for handling of complaints and product recalls.
29.11 Self inspection. –
short description of the self inspection system indicating whether an outside,
independent and experienced external export was involved in evaluating the
manufacturer’s compliance with Good manufacturing Practices in all aspects of
29.12 Export of drugs. –
(a) products exported to different countries; and
(b) complaints and product recall, if any.
Note. – The general requirements as given in Part 1 of this Schedule relating to
Requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices for Premises and Materials for
pharmaceutical products shall be complied with, mutatis mutandis, for the manufacture of
sterile products, Parenteral preparations (Small Volume Injectables and Large Volume
Parenterals) and Sterile Ophthalmic Preparations. In addition to these requirements, the
following specific requirements shall also be followed, namely: –
1. General
Sterile products, being very critical and sensitive in nature, a very high degree of
precautions, prevention and preparations and needed. Dampness, dirt and darkness are to be
avoided to ensure aseptic conditions in all areas. There shall be strict compliance in the
prescribed standards especially in the matter of supply of water, air, active materials and in
the maintenance of hygienic environment.
2. Building and Civil Works. –
2.1 The building shall be built on proper foundation with standardized materials to avoid
cracks in critical areas like aseptic solution preparation, filling and sealing rooms.
2.2 Location of services like water, steam, gases etc. shall be such that their servicing or
repair shall not pose any threat to the integrity of the facility. Water lines shall not pose any
threat of leakage to aseptic area.
2.3. The manufacturing areas shall be clearly separated into support areas (e.g. washing
and component preparation areas, storage areas etc.), preparation areas (e.g. bulk
manufacturing area, non-aseptic blending areas etc.) change areas and aseptic areas.
Operations like removal of outer cardboard wrappings of primary packaging materials shall
be done in the de-cartoning areas which are segregated from the washing areas. Wooden
pallets, fiberboard drugs, cardboard and other particle shedding materials shall not be taken
inside the preparation areas.
2.4 In aseptic areas –
(a) walls, floors and ceiling should be impervious, non-shedding, non-flaking and
non-cracking. Flooring should be unbroken and provided with a cove both at
the junction between the wall and the floor as well as the wall and ceiling.
(b) walls shall be flat, and ledges and recesses shall be avoided. Wherever other
surfaces join the wall (e,g, sterilizers, electric sockets, gas points etc.) these
shall flush the walls. Walls shall be provided with a cove at the joint between
the ceiling and floor;
(c) ceiling shall be solid and joints shall be sealed. Light-fittings and air-grills shall
flush with the walls and not hanging from the ceiling, so as to prevent
(d) there shall be no sinks and drains in Grade A and Grade B areas.
(e) doors shall be made of non-shedding ma terial. These may be made preferably
of Aluminium or Steel material. Wooden doors shall not be used. Doors shall
open towards the higher-pressure area so that they close automatically due to air
(f) Windows shall be made of similar material as the doors, preferably with double
panel and shall be flush with the walls. If fire escapes are to be provided, these
shall be suitably fastened to the walls without any gaps;
(g) The furniture used shall be smooth, washable and made of stainless steel or any
other appropriate material other than wood.
2.5. The manufacturing and support areas shall have the same quality of civil structure
described above for aseptic areas, except the environmental standards which may vary in the
critical areas.
2.6 Change rooms with entrance in the form of air-locks shall be provided before entry
into the sterile product manufacturing areas and then to the aseptic area. Separate exit space
from the aseptic areas is advisable. Change rooms to the aseptic areas shall be clearly
demarcated into ‘black’. ‘gray’, and ‘white rooms’ with different levels of activity and air
cleanliness. The ‘black’ change room shall be provided with a hand-washing sink. The sink
and its drain in the un-classified (first) change rooms may be kept clean all the time. The
specially designed drain shall be periodically monitored to avoid presence of pathogenic
microorganisms. Change room doors shall not be opened simultaneously. An appropriate
inter-locking system and a visual and/or audible warning system may be installed to prevent
the opening of more than one door at a time.
2.7. For communication between aseptic areas and non-aseptic areas, intercom
telephones or speak-phones shall be used. These shall be minimum in number.
2.8 Material transfer between aseptic areas and outside shall be through suitable airlocks
or pass-boxes. Doors of such airlocks and pass-boxes shall have suitable interlocking
2.9. Personal welfare areas like rest rooms, tea room, canteen and toilets shall be outside
and separated from the sterile product manufacturing area.
2.10 Animal houses shall be away from the sterile product manufacturing area and shall
not share a common entrance or air handling system with the manufacturing area.
3.Air Handling System (Central Air-Conditioning). –
3.1 Air Handling Units for sterile product manufacturing areas shall be different from
those for other areas. Critical areas, such as the aseptic filling area, sterilized components
unloading area and change room conforming to Grades B, C and D respectively shall have
separate air handling units. The filter configuration in the air handling system shall be suitably
designed to achieve the Grade of air as given in Table1. Typical operational activities for
clean areas are highlighted in Table II and Table III.
3.2 For products which are filled aseptically, the filling room shall meet Grade B
conditions at rest unmanned. This condition shall also be obtained within a period of about 30
minutes of the personnel leaving the room after completion of operations.
3.3. The filling operations shall take place under Grade A conditions which shall be
demonstrated under working of simulated conditions which shall be achieved by providing
laminar air flow work stations with suitable HEPA filters or isolator technology.
3.4. For products, which are terminally sterilized, the filling room shall meet Grade C
conditions at rest. This condition shall be obtainable within a period of about 30 minutes of
the personnel leaving the rook after completion of operations.
3.5. Manufacturing and component preparation areas shall meet Grade C conditions.
3.6. After completion of preparation, washed components and vessels shall be protected
with Grade C background and if necessary, under laminar air flow work station.
3.7. The minimum air changes for Grade B and Grade C areas shall not be less than 20
air changes per hour in a room with god air flow pattern and appropriate HEPA filters. For
Grade A laminar air flow work stations, the air flow rate shall be 0.3 meter per second ± 20%
(for vertical flows) and 0.45 meter per second ± 20% (for horizontal flows).
3.8. Differential pressure between areas of different environmental standards shall be at
least 15 Pascal (0.06 inches or 1.5mm water gauge). Suitable manometers or gauges shall be
installed to measure and verify pressure differential.
3.9 The final change room shall have the same class or air as specified for the aseptic
area. The pressure differentials in the change roods shall be in the descending order from
‘white’ to ‘black’.
3.10 Unless there are product specific requirements, temperature and humidity in the
aseptic areas shall not exceed 27 degree centigrade and relative humidity 55%, respectively.
Grade At rest (b) In Operation (a)
Maximum number of permitted particles per cubic metre equal to or above.
0.5µm 5µm 0.5µm 5µm
A 3520 29 3500 29
B (a) 35,200 293 3,52,000 2,930
C (a) 3,52,000 2,930 35,20,000 29,300
D (a) 35,20,000 29,300 Not defined (c) Not defined (c)
Notes :
(a) In order to reach the B, C and D air grades, the number of air changes shall be
related to the size of the room and the equipment and personnel present in the
room. The air system shall be provided with the appropriate filters such as HEPA
for Grade A, B and C. the maximum permitted number of particles in the “at rest”
condition shall approximately be as under:
Grade A corresponds with Class 100 or M 3.5 or ISO Class 5; Grade B with Class
1000 or M 4.5 ISO Class 6; Grade C with Class 10,000 or M 5.5 or ISO Class 7;
Grade D with Class 100,000 or M 6.5 or ISO Class 8.
(b) The requirement and limit for the area shall depend on the nature of the operation
carried out.
(c) Type of operations to be carried out in the various grades are given in Table II and
Table III as under.
Grade Types of operations for aseptic preparations
A Aseptic preparation and filling
B Background room conditions for activities requiring Grade A
C Preparation of solution to be filtered
D Handling of components after washing
Grade Types of operations for terminally sterilized products.
A Filling of products, which are usually at risk
C Placement of filling and sealing machines, preparation of solutions when usually
at risk. Filling of product when unusually at risk.
D Moulding, blowing (pre-forming) operations of plastic containers, preparations of
solutions and components for subsequent filling
4. Environmental Monitoring
4.1 All environmental parameters listed under para 3.1 to 3.10 shall be verified and
established at the time of installation and thereafter monitored at periodic intervals. The
recommended frequencies of periodic monitoring shall be as follows :-
(a) Particulate monitoring in air – 6 Monthly.
(b) HEPA filter integrity testing (smoke testing) – Yearly
(c) Air change rates – 6 Monthly.
(d) Air pressure differentials – Daily.
(e) Temperature and humidity – Daily
(f) Microbiological monitoring by settle plates and/or swabs in aseptic areas –
daily, and at decreased frequency in other areas
Note: The above frequencies of monitoring shall be changed as per the requirements and
load in individual cases.
4.2 There shall be a written environmental monitoring program and microbiological
results shall be recorded. Recommended limits for microbiological monitoring of clean areas
“in operation” are as given in the table below:
Grade Air sample
Settle plates (dia. 90mm.
Cfu/2 hrs.
Contact plates (dia.
55mm) cfu per plate
Glove points
(five fingers)
cfu per glove
A < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1
B 10 5 5 5
C 100 50 25 —
D 500 100 50 —
(a) These are average values.
(b) Individual settle plates may be exposed for not less than two hours in Grade B,
C and D areas and for not less than thirty minutes in Grade A area.
4.3 Appropriate action shall be taken immediately if the result of particulate and
microbiological monitoring indicates that the counts exceed the limits. The Standard
Operating Procedures shall contain corrective action. After major engineering modification to
the HVAC system of any area, all monitoring shall be re-performed before production
5.1 This section covers garments required for use by personnel working only in aseptic
Outdoor clothing shall not be brought into the sterile areas.
5.2 The garments shall be made of non-shedding and tight weave material. Cotton
garments shall not be used. The garments shall shed virtually no fibres or particulate matter.
5.3 The clothing and its quality shall be adopted to the process and the work place and
worn in such a way as to protect the product from contamination. Garments shall be single
piece with fastenings at cuffs, neck and at legs to ensure close fit. Trouser legs shall be tucked
inside the cover boots. Suitable design of garments shall either include a hood (head-cover) or
a separate hood which can be tucked inside the over-all. Pockets, pleats and belts shall be
avoided in garments. Zips (if any) shall be of plastic material. Garments with damaged zips
shall not be used.
5.4. Only clean, sterilized and protective garments shall be used at each work session
where aseptic filtration and filling operations are undertaken and at each work shift for
products intended to be sterilized, post-filling. The mask and gloves shall be changed at every
work session in both instances.
5.5 Gloves shall be made of latex or other suitable plastic materials and shall be powderfree. These shall be long enough to cover wrists completely and allow the over-all cuff to be
tucked in.
5.6. The footwear shall be of suitable plastic or rubber material and shall be daily cleaned
with a bactericide.
5.7. Safety goggles or numbered glasses with side extension shall be used inside aseptic
areas. These shall be sanitized by a suitable method.
5.8. Garment changing procedures shall be documented and operators trained in this
respect. A full size mirror shall be provided in the final change room for the operator to verify
that he is appropriately attired in the garments. Periodic inspection of the garments shall be
done by responsible staff.
6. Sanitation6.1. There shall be written procedures for the sanitation of sterile processing facilities.
Employees carrying out sanitation of aseptic areas shall be trained specifically for this
6.2. Different sanitizing agent shall be used in rotation and the concentrations of the
same shall be as per the recommendations of the manufacturer. Records of rotational use of
sanitizing agents shall be maintained.
6.3. Distilled water freshly collected directly from the distilled water plant or water
maintained above 70 degree centigrade from the re-circulation loop shall be used for dilution
of disinfectants. Alternatively, distilled water sterilized by autoclaving or membrane filtration
shall be used. The dilution shall be carried out in the ‘white’ change room.
6.4. Where alcohol or isopropyl alcohol is used for dilution of disinfectants for use as
hand sprays, the preparation of the same shall be done in the bulk preparation area and diluted
solution membrane filtered into suitable sterile containers held in aseptic area.
6.5. Diluted disinfectants shall bear the label ‘use before’, based on microbiological
establishment of the germicidal properties. The solutions shall be adequately labeled and
documents maintained.
6.6. Formaldehyde or any other equally effective fumigant is recommended for the
fumigation of aseptic areas or after major civil modifications. There shall be Standard
Operating Procedures for this purpose. Its use for routine purpose shall be discouraged and an
equally effective surface cleaning regime shall be followed.
6.7. Cleaning of sterile processing facilities shall be undertaken with air suction devices
or with non-linting sponges or clothes.
6.8. Air particulate quality shall be evaluated on a regular basis and record maintained.
7.1 The special equipment required for manufacturing sterile products includes component
washing machines, steam sterilizers, dry heat sterilizers, membrane filter assemblies,
manufacturing vessels, blenders, liquid filling machines, powder filling machines, sealing and
labeling machines, vacuum testing chambers, inspection machines, lyophilisers, pressure
vessels etc. suitable and fully integrated washing sterilizing filling lines may be provided,
depending upon the type and volume of activity.
7.2. Unit-sterilizers shall be double-ended with suitable inter-locking arrangements
between the doors. The effectiveness of the sterilization process shall be established initially
by biological inactivation studies using microbial spore indicators and then at least once a
year by carrying out thermal mapping of the chamber. Various sterilization parameters shall
be established based on these studies and documented. For membrane filters used for
filtration, appropriate filter integrity tests that ensure sterilization shall be carried out before
and after filtration.
7.3. Filling machines shall be challenged initially and then at periodic intervals by
simulation trials including sterile media fill. Standard Operating Procedures and acceptance
criteria for media fills shall be established, justified and documented. Special simulation trial
procedures shall be developed, validated and documented for special products like ophthalmic
7.4. The construction material used for the parts which are in direct contact with products
and the manufacturing vessels may be stainless steel 316 or Boro-silicate glass (if glass
containers) and the tubing shall be capable of being washed and autoclaved.
7.5 On procurement, installation qualification of each of the equipment shall be done by
engineers with the support of production and quality assurance personnel. Equipment for
critical processes like aseptic filling and sterilizers shall be suitably validated according to a
written program before putting them to use.
7.6. Standard Operating Procedures shall be available for each equipment for its
calibration and operation and cleaning. Gauges and other measuring devices attached to
equipment shall be calibrated at suitable intervals against a written program. Calibration status
of equipment gauges shall be adequately documented and displayed.
8.Water and Steam Systems –
8.1. Potable water meeting microbiological specification of not more than 500 cfu/ml
and indicating absence of individual pathogenic microorganisms, Escherichia coli,
Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa per 100 ml sample shall be
used for the preparation of purified water.
8.2 Purified water prepared by de-mineralization shall meet the microbiological
specification of not more than 100 cfu per ml and indicate absence of pathogenic microorganisms in 100 ml. Purified water shall also meet IP specification for chemical quality.
Purified water shall be used for hand washing in change rooms. Containers, closures and
machine parts may be washed with potable water followed by suitably filtered purified water.
Purified water shall be stored in stainless steel tanks or plastic tanks.
8.3. Water for Injection (hereinafter as WFI) shall be prepared from potable water or
purified water meeting the above specifications by distillation. Water for Injection shall meet
microbiological specification of not more than 10 cfu per 100 ml. WFI shall also met IP
specification for Water for Injection and shall have an endotoxin level of not more than 0.25
EU/Ml. bulk solutions of liquid parenterals shall be made in WFI. Final rinse of product
containers and machine parts shall be done with WFI. Disinfectant solutions for use in aseptic
areas shall be prepared in WFI.
8.4. Water for Injection for the manufacture of liquid injectables shall be freshly
collected from the distillation plant or from a storage or circulation loop where the water has
been kept at above 70 degree centigrade. At the point of collection, water may be cooled
using suitable heat exchanger.
8.5 Water for non-injectable sterile products like eye drops shall meet IP specifications
for purified water. In addition, microbiologial specification of not more than 10 cfu per 100ml
and absence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter coli in 100 m shall also be met.
8.6. Water for Injection shall be stored in steam jacketed stainless steel tanks of suitable
size and the tanks shall have hydrophobic bacterial retention with 0.2 µ vent filters. The filters
shall be suitably sterilized at periodic intervals. The distribution lines for purified water and
distilled water shall be of stainless steel 316 construction and shall not shed particles.
8.7. There shall be a written procedure and program for the sanitation of different water
systems including storage tanks, distribution lines, pumps and other related equipment.
Records of sanitation shall be maintained.
8.8. There shall be written microbiological monitoring program for different types of
water. The results shall justify the frequency of sampling and testing. Investigation shall be
carried out and corrective action taken in case of deviation from prescribed limits.
8.9 Steam coming in contact with the product, primary containers and other product
contact surfaces shall be sterile and pyrogen free. The steam condensate shall meet
microbiological specification of not more than 10 cfu per 100ml. the condensate shall also
meet IP specification for Water for Injection and shall have an endotoxin levels of not more
than 0.25 EU/ml. there shall be a suitable schedule for the monitoring of steam quality.
9.Manufacturing Process –
9.1. Manufacture of sterile products shall be carried out only in areas under defined
9.2. Bulk raw materials shall be monitored for bio-burden periodically. Bio-burden of
bulk solution prior to membrane filtration shall be monitored periodically and a limit of not
more than 100 cfu per ml is recommended.
9.3 The time between the start of the preparation of the solution and its sterilization or
filtration through a micro-organism retaining filter shall be minimized. There shall be a set
maximum permissible time for each product that takes into account its composition and
method of storage mentioned in the Master formula record.
9.4. Gases coming in contact with the sterile product shall be filtered through two 0.22 µ
hydrophobic filters connected in-series. These filters shall be tested for integrity. Gas
cylinders shall not be taken inside aseptic areas.
9.5.Washed containers shall be sterilized immediately before use. Sterilized containers, if
not used within an established time, shall be rinsed with distilled or filtered purified water and
9.6. Each lot of finished product shall be filled in one continuous operation. In each case,
where one batch is filled in using more than one operation, each lot shall be tested separately
for sterility and held separately till sterility test results are known.
9.7. Special care shall be exercised while filling products in powder form so as not to
contaminate the environment during transfer of powder to filling machine-hopper.
10 Form-Fill-Seal Technology or Blow, Fill-Seal Technology. –
10.1 Form-Fill-Seal units are specially built automated machines in which through one
continuous operation, containers are formed from thermoplastic granules, filled and then
sealed. Blow, fill-seal units are machines in which containers are moulded / blown (preformed) in separate clean rooms, by non-continuous operations.
Note: –
(i) These shall be installed in at least Grade C environment.
(ii) These shall comply with the limits as recommended in Table at Item 4.2.
10.2. Form-Fill-Seal/Blow, Fill-Seal machines used for the manufacture of products for
terminal sterilization shall be installed in at least Grade C environment and the filling zone
within the machine shall fulfill Grade A requirements.
10.3. Terminally sterilized products. –
10.3.1. Preparation of primary packaging material such as glass bottles, ampoules and
rubber stoppers shall be done in at least Grade D environment. Where there is unusual risk to
the product from microbial contamination, the above operation shall be done in Grade C
environment. All the process used for component preparation shall be validated.
10.3.2. Filling of products requiring terminal sterilization shall be done under Grade A
environment with a Grade C background.
10.4 Preparation of solutions, which are to be sterilized by filtration, shall be done in
Grade C environment, and if not to be filtered, the preparation of materials and products shall
be in a Grade A environment with Grade B in background.
10.5 Filtration (membrane).-
(i) Solutions for Large Volume Parenterals shall be filtered through a non-fibre
releasing, sterilizing grade cartridge/membrane filter of nominal pore size of
0.22 µ for aseptic filling whereas 0.45 µ porosity shall be used for terminally
sterilized products.
(ii) A second filtration using another 0.22 µ sterilizing grade cartridge / membrane
filter shall be performed immediately prior to filling. Process specifications
shall indicate the maximum time during which a filtration system may be used
with a view to precluding microbial build-up to levels that may affect the
microbiological quality of the Large Volume Parenterals.
(iii) The integrity of the sterilized filter shall be verified and confirmed immediately
after use by an appropriate method such as Bubble Point, Diffusive Flow or
Pressure Hold Test.
10.6 Sterilization (Autoclaving).-
10.6.1. Before any sterilization process is adopted, its suitability for the product and its
efficacy in achieving the desired sterilizing conditions in all parts of each type of load pattern
to be processed, shall be demonstrated by physical measurements and by biological
indicators, where appropriate.
10.6.2 All the sterilization process shall be appropriately validated. The validity of the
process shall be verified at regular intervals, but at least annually. Whenever significant
modifications have been made to the equipment and product, records shall be maintained
10.6.3 The sterilizer shall be double ended to prevent mix-ups.
10.6.4 Periodic bio-burden monitoring of products before terminal sterilization shall be
carried out and controlled to limits specified for the product in the Master Formula.
10.6.5 The use of biological indicators shall be considered as an additional method of
monitoring the sterilization. These shall be stored and used according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Their quality shall be checked by positive controls. If biological indicators used,
strict precautions shall be taken t avoid transferring microbial contamination from them.
10.6.6 There shall be clear means of differentiating ‘ sterilized’ and ‘un-sterilized’
products. Each basket, tray or other carrier of products or components shall be clearly labeled
with the name of the material, its batch number, and sterilization status. Indicators shall be
used, where appropriate, to indicate whether a batch (or sub-batch) has passed through the
sterilization process.
10.6.7 Sterilization records shall be available for each sterilization run and may also
include thermographs and sterilization monitoring strips. They shall be maintained as part of
the batch release procedure.
10.7. Sterilization (by dry heat).-
10.7.1 Each heat sterilization cycle shall be recorded on a time/temperature chart of a
suitable size by appropriate equipment of the required accuracy and precision. The position of
temperature probes used for controlling and/or recording shall be determined during the
validation and, where applicable, shall also be checked against a second independent
temperature probe located in the same position. The chart shall form a part of the batch
record. Container mapping may also be carried out in the case of Large Volume Parenterals.
10.7.2 Chemical or biological indicators may also be used, but shall take the place of
physical validation.
10.7.3. Sufficient time shall be allowed for the load to reach the required temperature
before measurement of sterilization time commences. This time shall be separately
determined for each type of load to be processed.
10.7.4. After the high temperature phase of a heat sterilization cycle, precautions shall be
taken against contamination of sterilized load during cooling. Any cooling fluid or gas in
contact with the product shall be sterilized unless it can be shown that any leaking container
would not be approved for use. Air inlet and outlets shall be provided with bacterial retaining
10.7.5. The process used for sterilization by dry heat shall include air-circulation within
the chamber and the maintenance of a positive pressure to prevent the entry of non-sterile air.
Air inlets and outlets should be provided with micro-organism retaining filters. Where this
process of sterilization by dry heat is also intended to remove pyrogens, challenge tests using
endotoxins would be required as part of the validation process.
10.8. Sterilization (by moist heat).-
10.8.1 Both the temperature and pressure shall be used to monitor the process. Control
instrumentation shall normally be independent of monitoring instrumentation and recording
charts. Where automated control and monitoring systems are used for these applications, these
shall be validated to ensure that critical process requirements are met. System and cycle faults
shall be registered by the system and observed by the operator. The reading of the
independent temperature indicator shall be routinely checked against the chart-recorder during
the sterilization period. For sterilizers fitted with a drain at the bottom of the chamber, it may
also be necessary to record the temperature at this position throughout the sterilization period.
There shall be frequent leak tests done on the chamber during the vacuum phase of the cycle.
10.8.2 The items to be sterilized, other than products in sealed containers, shall be
wrapped in a material which allows removal of air and penetration of steam but which
prevents re-contamination after sterilization. All parts of the load shall be in contact with the
sterilizing agent at the required temperature of the required time.
10.8.3. No Large Volume Parenteral shall be subjected to steam sterilization cycle until it
has been filled and sealed.
10.8.4 Care shall be taken to ensure that the steam used for sterilization is of a suitable
quality and does not contain additives at a level which could cause contamination of the
product or equipment.
10.9. Completion/finalisation of sterile products.-
10.9.1. All unit operations and processes in the manufacture of a batch shall have a
minimum time specified and the shortest validated time shall be used from the start of a batch
to its ultimate release for distribution.
10.9.2. Containers shall be closed by appropriately validated methods. Containers closed
by fusion e.g. glass or plastic ampoules shall be subjected to 100% integrity testing. Samples
of other containers shall be checked for integrity according to appropriate procedures.
10.9.3 Containers sealed under vacuum shall be tested for required vacuum conditions.
10.9.4 Filled containers parenteral products shall be inspected individually for extraneous
contamination or other defects. When inspection is done visually, it shall be done under
suitably controlled conditions of illumination and background. Operators doing the inspection
shall pass regular eye-sight checks with spectacles, if worn, and be allowed frequent rest from
inspection. Where other methods of inspection are used, the process shall be validated and the
performance of the equipment checked at suitable intervals. Results shall be recorded.
11. Product Containers and Closures.
11.1 All containers and closures intended for use shall comply with the pharmacopoeial
and other specified requirements. Suitable samples sizes, specifications, test methods,
cleaning procedures and sterilization procedures, shall be used to assure that containers,
closures and other component parts of drug packages are suitable and are not reactive,
additive, adsorptive or leachable or presents the risk of toxicity to an extent that significantly
affects the quality or purity of the drug. No second hand or used containers and closures shall
be used.
11.2 Plastic granules shall also comply with the pharmacopoeial requirements including
physio-chemical and biological tests.
11.3. All containers and closures shall be rinsed prior to sterilization with Water for
Injection according to written procedure.
11.4. The design of closures, containers and stoppers shall be such as to make cleaning,
easy and also to make airtight seal when fitted to the bottles.
11.5 It shall be ensured that containers and closures chosen for a particular product are
such that when coming into contact they are not absorbed into the product and they do not
affect the product adversely. The closures and stoppers should be of such quality substances
as not to affect the quality of the product and avoid the risk of toxicity.
11.6. Whenever glass bottles are used, the written schedule of cleaning shall be laid down
and followed. Where bottles are not dried after washing, these shall be finally rinsed with
distilled water or pyrogen free water, as the case may be, according to written procedure.
11.7. Individual containers of parenteral preparations, ophthalmic preparations shall be
examined against black/white background fitted with diffused light after filling so as to ensure
freedom from foreign matters.
11.8 Glass Bottles.-
11.8.1 Shape and design of the glass bottle shall be rational and standardized. Glass
bottles made of USP Type-I and USP Type-II glass shall only be used. Glass bottles shall not
be reused. Before use, USP Type-II bottles shall be validated for the absence of particulate
matter generated over a period of the shelf life of the product and shall be regularly monitored
after the production, following statistical sampling methods. USP Type-III glass containers
may be used for non-parenteral sterile products such as Otic Solutions.
11.9. Plastic Containers.-
11.9.1 Pre-formed plastic containers intended to be used for packing of Large Volume
Parenteral shall be moulded in-house by one-continuous operation through an automatic
11.9.2. Blowing, filling and sealing (plugging) operation shall be conducted in room(s)
conforming to requirements as mentioned in Table III of Item 3.10. Entry to the area where
such operations are undertaken, shall be through a series of airlocks. Blowers shall have an air
supply which is filtered through 0.22µ filters. Removal of runners and plugging operations
shall be conducted under a laminar airflow workstation.
11.10 Rubber Stoppers.-
11.10.1 The tuber stoppers used for Large Volume Parenterals shall comply with
specifications prescribed in the current edition of the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
12. Documentation
12.1 The manufacturing records relating to manufacture of sterile products shall
indicate the following details:-
(1) Serial number of the Batch Manufacturing Record.
(2) Name of the product
(3) Reference to Master Formula Record.
(4) Batch/Lot number
(5) Batch/Lot size.
(6) Date of commencement of manufacture and date of completion of
(7) Date of manufacture and assigned date of expiry.
(8) Date of each step in manufacturing.
(9) Names of all ingredients with the grade given by the quality control
(10) Quality of all ingredients.
(11) Control reference numbers for all ingredients.
(12) Time and duration of blending, mixing, etc. whenever applicable.
(13) pH of solution whenever applicable.
(14) Filter integrity testing records
(15) Temperature and humidity records whenever applicable
(16) Records of plate-counts whenever applicable.
(17) Results of pyrogen and/or bacterial endotoxin & toxicity.
(18) Results of weight or volume of drug filled in containers.
(19) Bulk sterility in case of aseptically filled products.
(20) Leak test records.
(21) Inspection records.
(22) Sterilization records including autoclave leakage test records, load details,
date, duration, temperature, pressure, etc.
(23) Container washing records.
(24) Total number of containers filled.
(25) Total numbers of containers rejected at each stage
(26) Theoretical yield, permissible yield, actual yield and variation thereof.
(27) Clarification for variation in yield beyond permissible yield.
(28) Reference numbers of relevant analytical reports.
(29) Details of reprocessing, if any.
(30) Name of all operators carrying out different activities.
(31) Environmental monitoring records.
(32) Specimens of printed packaging materials.
(33) Records of destruction of rejected containers printed packaging and testing.
(34) Signature of competent technical staff responsible for manufacture and testing.
Note: (1) Products shall be released only after complete filling and testing.
(2) Result of the tests relating to sterility, pyrogens, and Bacterial
endotoxins shall be maintained in the analytical records.
(3) Validation details and simulation trail records shall be maintained
(4) Records of environmental monitoring like temperature, humidity,
microbilogical data, etc. shall be maintained. Records of periodic
servicing of HEPA filters, sterilizers and other periodic maintenance of
facilities and equipment carried out also be maintained.
(5) Separate facilities shall be provided for filling-cum-sealing of Small
Volume Parenterals in glass containers and/or plastic containers,
(6) It is advisable to provide separate facilities for manufacture of Large
Volume Parenterals in glass containers and / or plastic containers.
(7) For manufacture of Large Volume Parenterals in plastic containers, it
is advisable to install automatic (with all operations) Form–Fill-Seal
machines having one continuous operation.
Note: – The General Requirements as given in Part 1 of this Schedule relating to
requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices for Premises and materials for
pharmaceutical products shall be complied with, mutates mutandis, for the
manufacture of oral Solid Dosage Forms (Tablets and Capsules). In addition
to these requirements, the following Specific Requirement shall also be
followed, namely :-
1. General1.1 The processing of dry materials and products creates problems of dust control and
cross-contamination. Special attention is therefore, needed in the design, maintenance and use
of premises and equipment in order to overcome these problems. Wherever required, enclosed
dust control manufacturing systems shall be employed.
1.2. Suitable environmental conditions for the products handled shall be maintained by
installation of air-conditioning wherever necessary. Effective air-extraction systems, with
discharge points situated to avoid contamination of other products and professes shall be
provided. Filters shall be installed to retain dust and protect the factory and local environment.
1.3. Special care shall be taken to protect against subsequent contamination of the
product by particles of metal or wood. The use of metal detector is recommended. Wooden
equipment should be avoided. Screens, sieves, punches and dies shall be examined for wear
and tear or for breakage before and after each use.
1.4. All ingredients for a dry product shall be sifted before use unless the quality of the
input material can be assured. Such sifting shall normally be carried out at dedicated areas.
1.5. Where the facilities are designed to provide special environmental conditions of
pressure differentials between rooms, these conditions shall be regularly monitored and any
specification results brought to the immediate attention of the Production and quality
Assurance Department which shall be immediately attended to.
1.6. Care shall be taken to guard against any material lodging and remaining undetected
in any processing or packaging equipment. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that any
vacuum, compressed air or air-extraction nozzles are kept clean and that there is no evidence
lubricants leaking into the product from any part of the equipment.
2. Sifting, Mixing and Granulation.
2.1. Unless operated as a closed system, mixing, sifting and blending equipments shall be
fitted with dust extractors.
2.2. Residues from sieving operations shall be examined periodically for evidence of the
presence of unwanted materials.
2.3. Critical operating parameters like time and temperature for each mixing, blending
and drying operation shall be specified in a Master Formula, monitored during processing,
and recorded in the batch records.
2.4. Filter bags fitted to fluid-bed drier shall not be used for different products, without
being washed in-between use. With certain highly potent or sensitizing products, bags specific
to one product only shall be used. Air entering the drier shall be filtered. Steps shall be taken
to prevent contamination of the site and local environment by dust in the air leaving the drier
due to close positioning of the air-inlets and exhaust.
2.5.Granulation and coating solutions shall be made, stored and used in a manner which
minimizes the risk of contamination or microbial growth.
3. Compressions (Tablets)
3.1. Each tablets compressing machine shall be provided with effective dust control
facilities to avoid cross-contamination. Unless the same product is being made on each
machine, or unless the compression machine itself provides its own enclosed air controlled
environment, the machine shall be installed in separate cubicles.
3.2. Suitable physical,, procedural and labeling arrangements shall be made to prevent
mix up of materials, granules and tables on compression machinery.
3.3. Accurate and calibrated weighting equipment shall be readily available and used for
in-process monitoring of tablet weight variation. Procedures used shall be capable of detecting
out-of-limits tablets.
3.4 At the commencement of each compression run and in case of multiple compression
points in a compression machine, sufficient individual tablets shall be examined at fixed
intervals to ensure that a tablet from each compression station or from each compression point
has been inspected for suitable pharmacopoeial parameters like ‘appearance’, ‘weight
variation’, ‘disintegration’, ‘hardness’, ‘friability’ and ‘thickness’. The results shall be
recorded as part of the batch documentation.
3.5. Tablets shall be de-dusted, preferably by automatic device and shall be monitored
for the presence of foreign materials besides any other defects.
3.6. Tablets shall be collected into clean, labeled containers.
3.7. Rejected or discarded tablets shall be isolated in identified containers and their
quality recorded in the Batch Manufacturing Record.
3.8 In-process control shall be employed to ensure that the products remain within
specification. During compression, samples of tablets shall be taken at regular intervals of not
greater than 30 minutes to ensure that they are being produced in compliance with specified
in-process specification. The tablets shall also be periodically checked for additional
parameters such as ‘appearance’, ‘weight variation’, ‘disintegration’, ‘hardness’, ‘friability’
and ‘thickness’ and contamination by lubricating oil.
4. Coating (Tablets)
4.1. Air supplied to coating pans for drying purposes shall be filtered air and of suitable
quality. The area shall be provided with suitable exhaust system and environmental control
(temperature, humidity) measures.
4.2 Coating solutions and suspensions shall be made afresh and used in a manner, which
shall minimize the risk of microbial growth. Their preparation and use shall be documented
and recorded.
5. Filling of Hard Gelatin Capsule.
Empty capsules shells shall be regarded as ‘drug component’ and treated accordingly.
They shall be stored under conditions which shall ensure their safety from the effects of
excessive heat and moisture.
6. Printing (Tablets and Capsules)
6.1. Special care shall be taken to avoid product mix-up during any printing of tablets
and capsules. Where different products, or different batches of the same product, are printed
simultaneously, the operations shall adequately be segregated. Edible grade colours and
suitable printing ink shall be used for such printing.
6.2. After printing, tablets and capsules shall be approved by Quality Control before
release for packaging or sale.
7. Packaging (Strip and Blister)
7.1. Care shall be taken when using automatic tablet and capsule counting, strip and
blister packaging equipment to ensure that all ‘rogue’ tablets, capsules or foils from
packaging operation are removed f\before a new packaging operation is commenced. There
shall be an independent recorded check of the equipment before a new batch of tablets or
capsules is handled.
7.2. Uncoated tablets shall be packed on equipment designed to minimize the risk of
cross-contamination. Such packaging shall be carried out in an isolated area when potent
tablets or Beta-Iactum containing tablets are being packed.
7.3. The strips coming out of the machine shall be inspected for defects such as misprint,
cuts on the foil, missing tablets and improper sealing.
7.4. Integrity of individual packaging strips and blisters shall be subjected to vacuum test
periodically to ensure leak proofness of each pocket strip and blister and records maintained.
Note :- The General Requirements as given in Part I of this Schedule relating to
Requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices for Premises and Materials for
pharmaceutical products shall be complied with, mutates mutandis, for the manufacture of
(Syrups, Elixirs, Emulsions and Suspensions). In addition to these requirement, the following
Specific Requirements shall also be followed, namely:-
1. Building and Equipment.
1.1. The premises and equipment shall be designed, constructed and maintained to suit
the manufacturing of Oral Liquids. The layout and design of the manufacturing area shall
strive to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and mix-ups.
1.2. Manufacturing area shall have entry through double door airlock facility. It shall be
fly proof by use of ‘fly catcher’ and/or ‘air curtain’.
1.3. Drainage shall be of adequate size and have adequate traps, without open channels
and design shall be such as to prevent back flow. Drains shall be shallow to facilitate cleaning
and disinfecting.
1.4. The production area shall be cleaned and sanitized at the end of every production
1.5. Tanks, containers, pipe work and pumps shall be designed and installed so that they
can be easily cleaned and sanitized. Equipment design shall be such as to prevent
accumulation of residual microbial growth or cross-contamination.
1.6. Stainless steel or any other appropriate material shall be used for parts of equipments
coming in direct contact with the products. The use of glass apparatus shall be minimum.
1.7. Arrangements for cleaning of containers, closures and droppers shall be made with
the help of suitable machines/devices equipped with the high pressure air, water and steam
1.8. The furniture used shall be smooth, washable and made of stainless steel.
2. Purified Water.
2.1. The chemical and microbiological quality of purified water used shall be specified
and monitored routinely. The microbiological evaluation shall include testing for absence of
pathogens and shall not exceed 100 cfu/ml (as per Appendix 12.5 of IP 1996.)
2.2. There shall be a written procedure for operation and maintenance of the purified
water system. Care shall be taken to avoid the risk of microbial proliferation with appropriate
methods like re-circulation, use of UV treatment, treatment with heat and sanitizing agent.
After any chemical sanitisation of the water systems, a flushing shall be done to ensure that
the sanitizing agent has been effectively removed.
3. Manufacturing
3.1. Manufacturing personnel shall wear non-fiber shedding clothing to prevent
contamination of the product.
3.2. Materials likely to shed fiber like gunny bags, or wooden pallets shall not be carried
into the area where products or cleaned-containers are exposed.
3.3. Care shall be taken to maintain the homogenecity of emulsion by use of appropriate
emulsifier and suspensions by use of appropriate stirrer during filling. Mixing and filling
processes shall be specified and monitored. Special care shall be taken at the beginning of the
filling process, after stoppage due to any interruption and at the end of the process to ensure
that the product is uniformly homogenous during the filling process.
3.4. The primary packaging area shall have an air supply which is filtered through 5
micron filters. The temperature of the area shall not exceed 30 degrees centigrade.
3.5. When the bulk product is not immediately packed, the maximum period of storage
and storage conditions shall be specified in the Master Formula. The maximum period of
storage time of a product in the bulk stage shall be validated.
Note: – The General Requirements as given in Part I of this Schedule relating to
Requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices for Premises and Materials for
pharmaceutical products shall be complied with, mutates mutandis, for the manufacture of
Topical Products i.e. External preparations (Creams, Ointments, Pastes, Emulsions, Lotions,
Solutions, Dusting powders and identical products used for external applications). In
addition to these requirements, following Specific Requirements shall also be followed,
namely: –
1. The entrance to the area where topical products are manufactured should be
through a suitable airlock. Outside the airlock, insectocutors shall be installed.
2. The air to this manufacturing area shall be filtered through at least 20µ air
filters and shall be air-conditioned. The area shall be ventilated.
3. The area shall be fitted with an exhaust system of suitable capacity to
effectively remove vapours, fumes, smoke, floating dust particles.
4. The equipment used shall be designed and maintained to prevent the product
from being accidentally contaminated with any foreign matter or lubricant.
5. No rags or dusters shall be used in the process of cleaning or drying the process
equipment or accessories used.
6. Water used in compounding shall be Purified Water IP.
7. Powders, wherever used, shall be suitably sieved before use.
8. Heating vehicles and a base like petroleum jelly shall be done in separate
mixing area in suitable stainless steel vessels, using steam, gas, electricity,
solar energy, etc.
9. A separate packing section may be provided for primary packaging of the
Note: – The General Requirements as given in Part I of this Schedule relating to
Requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices for Premises and Materials for
pharmaceutical products shall be complied with, mutates mutandis, for the manufacture of
Metered-Dose-Inhalers (MDI). In addition to these requirements, the following Specific
Requirements shall also be followed, namely: –
1. General
Manufacture of Metered-Dose-Inhalers shall be done under conditions which shall ensure
minimum microbial and particulate contamination. Assurance of the quality of components
and the bulk product is very important. Where medicaments are in suspended state, uniformity
of suspension shall be established.
2. Building and Civil Works
2.1. The building shall be located on a solid foundation to reduce risk of cracking walls
and floor due to the movement of equipment and machinery.
2.2 All building surfaces shall be impervious, smooth and non-shedding. Flooring shall
be continuous and provided with a cove between the floor and the wall as well as the wall to
the ceiling. Ceiling shall be solid, continuous and covered to walls. Light fittings and air-grills
shall be flush with the ceiling. All service lines requiring maintenance shall be erected in such
a manner that these accessible from outside the production area.
2.3. The manufacturing area shall be segregated into change rooms for personnel,
container preparation area, bulk preparation and filling area, quarantine area and spray testing
and packing areas.
2.4. Secondary change rooms shall be provided for operators to change from factory
clothing to special departmental clothing before entering the manufacturing and filling area.
2.5. Separate area shall be provided for de-cartoning of components before they are air
2.6. The propellants used for manufacture shall be delivered to the manufacturing area
distribution system by filtering them through 2µ filters. The bulk containers of propellants
shall be stored, suitably identified, away from the manufacturing facilities.
3. Environmental Conditions
3.1. Where products or clean components are exposed, the area shall be supplied with
filtered air of Grade C.
3.2. The requirements of temperature and humidity in the manufacturing area shall be
decided depending on the type of product and propellants handled in the facility. Other
support area shall have comfort levels of temperature and humidity.
3.3. There shall be a difference in room pressure between the manufacturing area and the
support areas and the differential pressure shall be not less than 15 Pascals (0.06 inches or
1.5mm water gauge).
3.4. There shall be a written schedule for the monitoring of environmental conditions.
Temperature and humidity shall be monitored daily.
4. Garments
4.1. Personnel in the manufacturing and filling section shall wear suitable single-piecegarment made out of non-shedding, tight weave material. Personnel in support areas shall
wear clean factory uniforms.
4.2. Gloves made of suitable material having no interaction with the propellants shall be
used by the operators in the manufacturing and filling areas. Preferably, disposable gloves
shall be used.
4.3. Suitable department-specific personnel protective equipment like footwear and
safety glasses shall be used wherever hazard exists.
5. Sanitation
5.1. There shall be written procedures for the sanitation of the MDI manufacturing
facility. Special care should be taken to handle residues and rinses of propellants.
5.2. Use of water for cleaning shall be restricted and controlled. Routinely used
disinfectants are suitable for sanitizing the different areas. Records of sanitation shall be
6. Equipment.
6.1. Manufacturing equipment shall be of closed system. The vessels and supply lines
shall be of stainless steel.
6.2. Suitable check weights, spray testing machines and labeling machines shall be
provided in the department.
6.3. All the equipment shall be suitably calibrated and their performance validated on
receipt and thereafter periodically.
7. Manufacture.-
7.1. There shall be approved Master Formula Records for the manufacture of metered
close inhalers. All propellants, liquids and gases shall be filtered through 2µ filters to remove
7.2 The primary packing material shall be appropriately cleaned by compressed air
suitably filtered through 0.2µ filter. The humidity of compressed air shall be controlled as
7.3. The valves shall be carefully handled and after de-cartoning, there shall be kept in
clean, closed containers in the filling room.
7.4. For suspensions, the bulk shall be kept stirred continuously.
7.5. In-process controls shall include periodical checking of weight of bulk formulation
filled in the containers. In a two-shot-filling process (liquid filling followed by gaseous
filling), it shall be ensured that 100% check on weight is carried out.
7.6. Filled containers shall be quarantined for a suitable period established by the
manufacturer to detect leaking containers prior to testing, labeling and packing.
8. Documentation8.1. In addition to the routine good manufacturing practices documentation,
manufacturing records shall show the following additional information:-
(1) Temperature and humidity in the manufacturing area.
(2) Periodic filled weights of the formulation.
(3) Records of rejections during on line check weighing.
(4) Records of rejection during spray testing.
Note : The General Requirements as given in Part I of this Schedule relating to Requirements
of Good Manufacturing Practices for premises and Materials for pharmaceutical
products shall be complied with, mutates mutandis, for the manufacture of active
pharmaceutical ingredients (Bulk Drugs). In addition to these requirements, the
following Specific Requirements shall also be followed, namely: –
1. Building and Civil Works. –
1.1. Apart from the building requirements contained Part-I, General note, the active
pharmaceutical ingredients facilities for manufacture of hazardous reactions, Beta-Lactum
antibiotics. Steroids and Steroidal Hormones / Cytotoxic substances shall be provided in
confined areas to prevent contamination of the other drugs manufactured.
1.2. The final stage of preparation of a drug, like isolation / filtration / drying / milling /
sieving and packing operations shall be provided with air filtration systems including prefilters and finally with a 5 micron filter. Air handling systems with adequate number of air
changes per hour or any other suitable system to control the air borne contamination shall be
provided. Humidity / Temperature shall also be controlled for all the operations wherever
1.3. Air filtration systems including pre-filters and particulate matter retention air filters
shall be used, where appropriate, for air supplies to production areas. If air is re-circulated to
production areas, measures shall be taken to control re-circulation of floating dust particles
from production. In areas where air contamination occurs during production, there shall be
adequate exhaust system to control contaminants.
1.4. Ancillary area shall be provided for Boiler-house. Utility areas like heat exchangers,
chilling workshop, store and supply of gases shall also be provided.
1.5. For specified preparation like manufacture of sterile products and for certain
antibiotics, sex hormones, cytotoxic and oncology products, separate enclosed areas shall be
designed. The requirements for the sterile active pharmaceutical ingredient shall be in line
with the facilities required for formulation to be filled aseptically.
2. Sterile Products. – Sterile active pharmaceutical ingredient filled aseptically shall
be treated as formulation from the stage wherever the process demands like crystallization,
lyophilisation, filtration etc. all conditions applicable to formulations that are required to be
filled aseptically shall apply mutates mutandis for the manufacture of sterile active
pharmaceutical ingredients involving stages like filtration crystallization and lyophilisation.
3. Utilities / Services. – Equipment like chilling plant, boiler, heat exchangers, vacuum
and gas storage vessels shall be serviced, cleaned, sanitized and maintained at appropriate
intervals to prevent mal-functions or contamination that may interfere with safety, identity,
strength, quality or purity of the drug product.
4. Equipment Design, Size and Location. –
4.1. Equipment used in the manufacture, processing, packing or holding of an active
pharmaceutical ingredient shall be of appropriate design, adequate size and suitably located to
facilitate operations for its intended use and for its cleaning and maintenance.
4.2. If the equipment is used for different intermediates and active pharmaceutical
ingredients, proper cleaning before switching from one product to another becomes
particularly important. If cleaning of a specific type of equipment is difficult, the equipment
may need to be dedicated to a particular intermediate or active pharmaceutical ingredient.
4.3. The choice of cleaning methods, detergents and levels of cleaning shall be defined
and justified. Selection of cleaning agents (e.g. solvents) should depend on :
(a) the suitability of the cleaning agent to remove residues of raw
materials, intermediates, precursors, degradation products and isomers,
as appropriate.
(b) whether the cleaning agent leaves a residue itself,
(c) compatibility with equipment construction materials like centrifuge /
filtration, dryer / fluid bed dryer, rotocone proton dryer, vacuum dryer,
frit mill, multi-mill / jet mills / sewetters cut sizing;
(d) test for absence of intermediate or active pharmaceutical ingredient in
the final rinse.
4.4. Written procedures shall be established and followed for cleaning and maintenance
of equipment, including utensils used in the manufacture, processing, packing or holding of
active pharmaceutical ingredients. These procedures shall include but should not be limited to
the following :
(a) assignment of responsibility for cleaning and maintaining equipment;
(b) maintenance and cleaning program schedules, including where appropriate,
sanitizing schedules;
(c) a complete description of the methods and materials used to clean and
maintain equipment, including instructions for de-assembling and reassembling each article of equipment to ensure proper cleaning and
(d) removal or obliteration of previous batch identification;
(e) protection of clean equipment from contamination prior to use;
(f) inspection of equipment for cleanliness immediately before use;
(g) establishing the maximum time that may elapse between completion of
processing and equipment cleaning as well as between cleaning and
equipment reuse.
4.5. Equipment shall be cleaned between successive batches to prevent contamination
and carry-over of degraded material or contaminants unless otherwise established by
4.6. As processing approaches the final purified active pharmaceutical ingredient, it is
important to ensure that incidental carry over between batches does not have adverse impact
on the established impurity profile. However, this does not generally hold good for any
biological, active pharmaceutical ingredient where many of the processing steps are
accomplished aseptically and where it is necessary to clean and sterilize equipment between
5. In-Process Controls. –
5.1. In-process control for chemical reactions may include the following:
(a) reaction time or reaction completion;
(b) reaction mass appearance, clarity, completeness or pH solutions;
(c) reaction temperature
(d) concentration of a reactant;
(e) assay or purity of the product
(f) process completion check by TLC / any other means.
5.2. In-process control for physical operations may include the following:
(a) appearance and colour;
(b) uniformity of the blend;
(c) temperature of a process;
(d) concentration of a solution;
(e) processing rate or time;
(f) particle size analysis;
(g) bulk/tap density;
(h) pH determination
(i) moisture content,
6. Product Containers and Closures
6.1. All containers and closures shall comply with the pharmacopoeial or any other
requirement, suitable sampling methods, sample sizes, specifications, test methods, cleaning
procedures and sterilization procedures, when indicated, shall be used to assure that
containers, closures and other component parts of drug packages are suitable and are not
reactive, additive, adsorptive or leachable to an extent that significantly affects the quality or
purity of the drug.
6.2. The drug product container shall be tested or re-examined as appropriate and
approved or rejected and shall be identified and controlled under a quarantine system
designed to prevent their use in manufacturing or processing operations for which these are
6.3 Container closure system shall provide adequate protection against foreseeable
external factors in storage / transportation and use that may cause deterioration or
contamination of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.
6.4. Bulk containers and closures shall be cleaned and, where indicated by the nature of
the active pharmaceutical ingredient, sterilized to ensure that they are suitable for their
intended use.
6.5. The container shall be conspicuously marked with the name of the product and the
following additional information concerning :
(a) quality and standards, if specified;
(b) manufacturing licence number/drug master file number (whichever
applicable), batch number;
(c) date of manufacture and date of expiry;
(d) method for container disposal (label shall give the methodology, if
(e) storage conditions, if specified and name and address of the
manufacturer, if available.
6.6. Areas for different operation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (bulk drugs)
section shall have appropriate area which may be suitably partitioned for different operations.
1. External Preparations. –
The following equipments are recommended for the manufacture of ‘External
preparations’ i.e. Ointments, Emulsion, Lotions, Solutions, Pastes, Creams, Dusting powders
and such identical products used for external applications whichever is applicable, namely :-
(1) Mixing and storage tanks (stainless steel),
(2) Jacketted Kettle (steam, gas or electrically heated),
(3) Mixer (electrically operated)
(4) Planetary mixer
(5) A colloid mill or a suitable emulsifier.
(6) A triple roller mill or an ointment mill.
(7) Liquid filling equipment (electrically operated).
(8) Jar or tube filling equipment (electrically operated)
Area. – (1) A minmum area of thirty square meters for basic installation of ten square
meters for Ancillary area is recommended.
(2) Areas for formulations meant for external use and internal use shall be separately
provided to avoid mix-up.
2. Oral Liquid Preparations. –
The following equipments are commended for the manufacture of oral/internal use
preparations i.e. Syrups, Elixirs, Emulsions and suspensions, whichever is applicable, namely:
(1) Mixing and storage tanks (stainless steel),
(2) Jacketted Kettle / Stainless steel tank (steam, gas or electrically heated).
(3) Portable stirrer (electrically operated)
(4) A colloid mill or suitable emulsifier (electrically operated)
(5) Suitable filtration equipment (electrically operated)
(6) Semi-automatic/automatic bottle filling machine
(7) Pilfer proof cap sealing machine.
(8) Water distillation unit or deioniser
(9) Clarity testing inspection units.
Area. – A minimum area of thirty square meters for basic installation and ten square
meters for Ancillary area is recommended.
The Tableting section shall be free from dust and floating particles and may be airconditioned. For this purpose, each tablet machine shall be isolated into cubicles and
connected to a vacuum dust collector or an exhaust system. For effective operations, the tablet
production department shall be divided into four distinct and separate sections as follows: –
(a) Mixing, Granulation and Drying section.
(b) Tablet compression section.
(c) Packaging section (strip/blister machine wherever required).
(d) Coating section (wherever required).
3.1. The following electrically operated equipments are recommended for the
manufacture of compressed tablets and hypodermic tablets, in each of the above sections,
namely: –
(a) Granulation-cum-Drying section
(1) Disintegrator and sifter
(2) Powder mixer
(3) Mass mixer/Planetary mixer/Rapid mixer granulator.
(4) Granulator
(5) Thermostatically controlled hot air oven with trays (preferably mounted on
a trolley)/Fluid bed dryer.
(6) Weighing machines.
(b) Compression section.
(1) Tablet compression machine, single/multi punch/rotatory.
(2) Punch and dies storage cabinets.
(3) Tablet de-duster
(4) Tablet Inspection unit/belt.
(5) Dissolution test apparatus
(6) In-process testing equipment like single pan electronic balance, hardness
tester, friability and disintegration test apparatus.
(7) Air-conditioning and dehumidification arrangement (wherever necessary)
(c) Packaging section.
(1) Strip/blister packaging machine.
(2) Leak test apparatus (vacuum system)
(3) Tablet counters (wherever applicable)
(4) Air-conditioning and dehumidification arrangement (whereever applicable).
Area. – A minimum area of sixty square meters for basic installation and twenty
square meters for Ancillary area is recommended for un-coated tablets.
(d) Coating section,
(1) Jacketted kettle (steam, gas or electrically heated for preparing coating
(2) Coating pan (stainless steel)
(3) Polishing pan (where applicable)
(4) Exhaust system (including vacuum dust collector)
(5) Air-conditioning and dehumidification arrangement.
(6) Weighing balance.
3.2. The Coating section shall be made dust free with suitable exhaust system to remove
excess powder and fumes resulting from solvent evaporation. It shall be air-conditioned and
dehumidified wherever considered necessary.
Area. – A minimum additional area of thirty square meters for coating section for basic
installation and ten square meters for Ancillary area is recommended.
Separate area and equipment for mixing, granulation, drying, tablet compression, coating
and packing shall be provided for Penicillin group of drugs on the lines indicated above. In
case of operations involving dust and floating particles, care shall be exercised to avoid crosscontamination.
3.3. The manufacture of Hypodermic tablets shall be conducted under aseptic conditions
in a separate air-conditioned room, the walls of which shall be smooth and washable. The
granulation, tableting and packing shall be done in this room.
3.4. The manufacture of effervescent and soluble/dispersible tablets shall be carried out
in air-conditioned and dehumidified areas.
(4) Powders
The following equipment is recommended for the manufacture of powders, namely:-
(1) Disintegrator
(2) Mixer (electrically operated)
(3) Sifter.
(4) Stainless steel vessels and scoops of suitable sizes.
(5) Filling equipment (electrically operated).
(6) Weighing balance.
In the case of operation involving floating particles of fine powder, suitable exhaust
system shall be provided. Workers should be provided with suitable masks during operation.
Area. – A minimum area of thirty square meters is recommended to allow for the basic
installations. Where the actual blending is to be done on the premises, an additional room
shall be provided for the purpose.
For the manufacture of capsules, separate enclosed area suitably air-conditioned and
dehumidified with an airlock arrangement shall be provided. The following equipment is
recommended for filling Hard Gelatin Capsules, namely: –
(1) Mixing and blending equipment (electrically or power driven).
(2) Capsules filling units (preferably semi automatic or automatic filling machines).
(3) Capsules counters (wherever applicable)
(4) Weighing balance.
(5) Disintegration test apparatus.
(6) Capsule polishing equipment.
Separate equipment and, filling and packaging area shall be provided in penicillin and
non-penicillin sections. In case of operations involving floating particles of fine powder, a
suitable exhaust system shall be provided. Manufacture and filling shall be carried out in airconditioned area. The room shall be dehumidified.
Area. – A minimum area of twenty-five square meters for basic installation and ten square
meters for Ancillary area each for penicillin and non-penicillin sections is recommended.
(6)Surgical Dressing
The following equipment is recommended for the manufacture of Surgical Dressings other
than Absorbent Cotton Wool, namely:-
(1) Rolling machine
(2) Trimming machine
(3) Cutting equipment.
(4) Folding and pressing machine for gauze.
(5) Mixing tanks for processing medicated dressing.
(6) Hot air dry oven.
(7) Steam sterilizer or dry heat sterilizer or other suitable equipment.
(8) Work tables/benches for different operations.
Area. – A minimum area of thirty square meters is recommended to allow for the basic
installations. In case medicated dressings are to be manufactured, another room with a
minimum area of thirty square meters shall be provided.
(7) Ophthalmic Preparations.
For the manufacture of Ophthalmic preparations, separate enclosed areas with airlock
arrangement shall be provided. The following equipment is recommended for the manufacture
under aseptic conditions of Eye-Ointment, Eye-Lotions and other preparations for external
use, namely
(1) Thermostatically controlled hot air ovens (preferably double ended).
(2) Jacketted kettle/stainless steel tanks (steam, gas or electrically heated).
(3) Mixing and storage tanks of stainless steel/Planetary mixer.
(4) Colloid mill or ointment mill.
(5) Tube filling and crimping equipment (semi-automatic or automatic filling
(6) Tube cleaning equipment (air jet type),
(7) Tube washing and drying equipment, if required
(8) Automatic vial washing machine.
(9) Vial drying oven.
(10) Rubber bung washing machine.
(11) Sintered glass funnel, Seitz filter and filter candle (preferably cartridge and
membrane filters).
(12) Liquid filling equipment (semi-automatic or automatic filling machines).
(13) Autoclave (preferably ventilator autoclave).
(14) Air conditioning and dehumidification arrangement (preferably centrally airconditioned and dehumidification system).
(15) Laminar airflow units.
Area. – (1) A minimum area of twenty-five square meters for basic installation and ten
square meters for Ancillary area is recommended. Manufacture and filling shall be carried out
in air-conditioned areas under aseptic conditions. The rooms shall be further dehumidified as
considered necessary if preparations containing antibiotics are manufactured.
(2) Areas for formulations meant for external use and internal use shall be separately
provided to avoid mix up.
(8) Pessaries and Suppositories
(i) The following equipment is recommended for manufacture of Pessaries and
Suppositories, namely: –
(1) Mixing and pouring equipment
(2) Moulding equipment.
(3) Weighing devices.
Area. – A minimum area of twenty square meters is recommended to allow for the basic
(iii) In the case of Pessaries manufactured by granulation and compression, the
requirements as indicated under “Item 3 of Tablet”, shall be provided.
9. Inhalers and Vitralle
The following equipment is recommended for manufacture of inhalers and vitrallae,
namely: –
(1) Mixing equipment.
(2) Graduated delivery equipment for measurement of the medicament during filling.
(3) Sealing equipment.
Area. – An area of minimum twenty square meters is recommended for the basic
10. Repacking of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Chemicals.
The following equipment is recommended for repacking of drugs and pharmaceuticals
chemicals, namely:-
(1) Powder disintegrator
(2) Powder sifter (electrically operated)
(3) Stainless steel scoops and vessels of suitable sizes
(4) Weighing and measuring equipment.
(5) Filling equipment (semi-automatic / automatic machines).
(6) Electric sealing machine.
Area- An area of minimum thirty square meters is recommended for the basic
installation. In case of operations involving floating particles of fine powder, a suitable
exhaust system shall be provided.
11. Parenteral Preparations
The whole operation of manufacture of parenteral preparations (small volume injectables
and large volume parenterals) in glass and plastic containers may be divided into the
following separate areas/rooms, namely: –
11.1 Parenteral preparations in glass containers,-
(1) Water management area: this includes water treatment and storage
(2) Containers and closures preparation area: This includes washing and drying of
ampoules, vials, bottles and closures.
(3) Solution preparation area: This includes preparation and filtration of solution.
(4) Filling, capping and sealing area: This includes filling and sealing of ampoules
and/or filling, capping and sealing of vials and bottles.
(5) Sterilization area
(6) Quarantine area
(7) Visual inspection area
(8) Packaging area
The following equipment is recommended for different above-mentioned areas, namely: –
(a) Water management area, –
(1) De-ionised water treatment unit
(2) Distillation (multi-column with heat exchangers) unit.
(3) Thermostatically controlled water storage tank.
(4) Transfer pumps.
(5) Stainless steel service lines for carrying water into user areas.
(b) Containers and closures preparation area, –
(1) Automatic rotary ampoule/vial/bottle washing machine having separate air,
water distilled water jets.
(2) Automatic closures washing machine,
(3) Storage equipment for ampoules, vials, bottles and closures.
(4) Dryer/sterilizer (double ended)
(5) Dust proof storage cabinets.
(6) Stainless steel benches/stools.
(c) Solution preparation area. –
(1) Solution preparation and mixing stainless steel tanks and other containers.
(2) Portable stirrer.
(3) Filtration equipment with cartridge and membrane filters/bacteriological filters.
(4) Transfer pumps.
(5) Stainless steel benches/stools
(d) Filling, capping and sealing area, –
(1) Automatic ampoule/vial/bottle filling, sealing and capping machine under
laminar air flow workstation.
(2) Gas line (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide) wherever required.
(3) Stainless steel benches / stools
(e) Sterilization area, –
(1) Steam sterilizer preferably with computer control for sterilization cycle along
with trolley sets for loading/unloading containers before and after sterilization).
(2) Hot air sterilizer (preferably double ended).
(3) Pressure leak test apparatus.
(f) Quarantine area. –
(1) Storage cabinets.
(2) Raised platforms/steel racks.
(g) Visual inspection area, –
(1) Visual inspection units (preferably conveyor belt type and composite white and
black assembly supported with illumination).
(2) Stainless steel benches/stools.
(h) Packaging area. –
(1) Batch coding machine (preferably automatic)
(2) Labelling unit (preferably conveyor belt type)
(3) Benches/stools
Area. – (1) A minimum area of one hundred and fifty square meters for the basic
installation and an Ancillary area of one hundred square meters for Small Volume Injectables
are recommended. For Large Volume Parenterals, an area of one hundred and fifty square
meters each for the basic installation and for Ancillary area is recommended. These areas
shall be partitioned into suitable enclosures with airlock arrangements.
(2) Areas for formulations meant for external use and internal use shall be separately
provided to avoid mix up.
(3) Packaging materials for large volume parenteral shall have a minimum area of 100
square meters.
11.2 Parenteral preparations in plastic containers by Form-Fill-Seal/Blow, Fill-Seal
Technology. -The whole operation of manufacture of large volume parenteral preparations in
plastic containers including plastic pouches by automatic (all operations in one station) FormFill-Seal machine or by semi-automatic blow moulding, filling-cum-sealing machine may be
divided into following separate areas/rooms, namely: –
(1) Water management area
(2) Solution preparation area
(3) Containers moulding-cum filling and sealing area
(4) Sterilization area
(5) Quarantine area
(6) Visual inspection area
(7) Packing area
The following equipment is recommended for different above mentioned areas namely: –
(a) Water management area, –
(1) De-ionised water treatment unit
(2) Distillation unit (multi column with heat exchangers)
(3) Thermostatically controlled water storage tank
(4) Transfer pumps
(5) Stainless steel service lines for carrying water into user areas.
(b) Solution preparation area, –
(1) Solution preparation and storage tanks.
(2) Transfer pumps
(3) Cartridge and membrane filters.
(i) Container moulding-cum-filling and sealing area, –
(1) Sterile Form-Fill-Seal machine (all operations in one station with built-in
laminar air flow workstation having integrated container output conveyor belt
through pass box).
(2) Arrangement for feeding plastic granules through feeding-cum-filling tank into
the machine.
(j) Sterilization area, – Super heated steam sterilizer (with computer control for
sterilization cycle along with trolley sets for loading/unloading containers for
(k) Quarantine area, – Adequate number of platforms/racks with storage system.
(l) Visual inspection area, – Visual inspection unit (with conveyor belt and composite
(m) Packaging area, –
(1) Pressure leak test apparatus (pressure belt or rotating disc type)
(2) Batch coding machine (preferably automatic)
(3) Labelling unit (preferably conveyor belt type).
Area. – (1) A minimum area of two hundred and fifty square meters for the basic
installation of an Ancillary area of one hundred and fifty square meters for large volume
parenteral preparations in plastic containers by Form-Fill-Seal technology is recommended.
These areas shall be partitioned into suitable enclosures with airlock arrangements.
(2) Areas for formulations meant for external use and internal use shall be separately
provided to avoid mix up.
(3) Packaging materials for large volume parenteral shall have a minimum area of 100
square meters.]
[See Rule 85-E (2)]
1. Requirements of factory premises for manufacture of Homoeopathic preparations. –
(A) Location and surroundings. – The factory shall be situated in a place which shall not
be adjacent to an open sewage drain, public lavatory or any factory which produces a
disagreeable or obnoxious odour or fumes or large quantities of soot, dust or smoke. The
factory shall be located in a sanitary place, remove from filthy surroundings.
(B) Buildings. – The part of the building used for manufacturing shall not be used for a
sleeping place and no sleeping place adjoining to it shall communicate therewith except
through open air or through an intervening open space. The walls of the room in which
manufacturing operations are carried out shall, upto a height of six feet from the floor, be
smooth, waterproof and shall be capable of being kept clean. The flooring shall be smooth,
even and washable and shall be such as not to permit retention or accumulation of dust. There
shall be no chinks or crevices in the walls or floor.
The building used for the factory shall be constructed so as to permit production under
hygienic conditions laid down in the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948).
(C) Water Supply. – The water used in manufacture shall be pure and drinkable quality,
free from pathogenic microorganisms.
(D) Disposal of waste. – There should be adequate arrangement for disposal of
wastewater and other residues from the laboratory.
The rooms should be airy and clean and the temperature of the room should be moderately
(E) Health, Clothing and Sanitary requirement of the Staff. – All workers shall be free
from contagious or obnoxious disease. Their clothing shall consist of a white or coloured
uniform suitable to the nature of the work and the climate, and shall be clean. Adequate
facilities for personal cleanliness, such as clean towels, soap and hand scrubbing brushes,
shall be provided separately for each sex. The workers shall be required to wash and change
into clean footwear before entering the rooms where the manufacturing operations are carried
on. Workers shall be required to wear either a clean cap or a suitable headgear so as to avoid
any possibility of contamination by air or perspiration.
(F) Medical services. – The manufacturer shall provide adequate facilities for First Aid,
Medical inspection of workers at the time of employment and periodically check-up thereafter
at least once a year.
(G) Working benches. – Working benches shall be provided for carrying out operations
such as filling, labeling, packing etc. such benches shall be fitted with smooth, impervious
tops capable of being washed.
(H) Container management. – Where operations involving use of containers such as
bottles, phials and jars are conducted, there shall be adequate arrangements separated from
potentisation chamber for washing, cleaning and drying such containers, with suitable
equipment for the purpose. Wherever these are attended manually adequate precaution of
perfection in respect of cleanliness and avoidance of pollutants shall be taken.
* Ins. by G.O.I Notification G.S.R. No. 507(E) dt 12-06-1987 w.e.f. 12.06.1987
2. Requirements of Plant and Equipment. –
(A) Mother tinctures. External tinctures and Mother solution section. – The following
plant and equipment shall be provided namely: –
(i) Disintegrator
(ii) Sieved Separator
(iii) Balances and fluid measures
(iv) Chopping boards and knives.
(v) Macerators with lids.
(vi) Percolators with lids and regulated discharge.
(vii) Moisture determination apparatus or other suitable arrangement.
(viii) Filtering arrangement
(ix) Mixing vessels and suitable non-metallic storage containers.
(x) Portable stirrers.
(xi) Water still
Note: – (1) As for as possible metal contacts may be avoided once the drug is processed.
(2) An area of 55 sq. meters is recommended for basic installations.
(3) Adequate separate storage facility should be provided for raw material quarantine,
storage and bonded room for alcohol were applicable.
(4) Separate and suitable storage facility should be provided for fresh herbs and odorous
raw materials.
(5) Adequate laboratory facility shall be provided for testing of raw material and finished
(a) Potentisation Section. –
(1) the following arrangements are recommended for container for closure preparation
section namely: –
(i) Washing tanks with suitable brushing arrangement manual or mechanical.
(ii) Purified Water rinsing tank
(iii)Closure macerating or washing tanks.
(iv)Drying chambers.
An area of 20 sq. meters is recommended for basic installation.
(2) The following arrangements are recommended for potency preparation section,
namely: –
(i) Working tables with washable top.
(ii) Facilities for separate storage of different grades of back potencies.
(iii)Suitable measuring devices for discharge of drug and diluent in potentisation
(iv)Potentiser with counter or suitable manual arrangement.
Note: – (1) Different droppers shall be used for different drugs potencies.
(3) All measuring devices shall be of metric system and be made of glass and shall be
free from metallic contents.
(4) It is desired that glass droppers etc. intended for re-use after cleaning should be
sterilized by autoclave or heating in a hot air oven.
(5) Plastics, rubber tubes, bulks etc. coming in contact with tinctures or back potencies
should not be re-used for other tincture and potencies.
(6) Method of potentisation will be adopted as specified in Homoeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of India Vol. I (3) Triturating, Tableting and Pill/Globules section –
(3) The following arrangement are recommended: –
(i) Triturating machine for suitable device
(iii) Disintegrator
(iv) Mass Mixer
(v) Granulator
(vi) Oven
(vii) Tableting punches or machines
(vii) Kettle (Steam/gas/electrically heated) for preparation solution.
(viii) Dryers
(ix) Sieved separator, tablet counters and balances.
Note: – Tablet section shall be free from dust and floating particles. An area of 55 sq.
meters is recommended for basis installations
(4) Ointments and lotion section.
The following arrangements are recommended namely: –
(i) Mixing tank
(ii) Kettle (Steam, gas or electrically heated).
(iii)Suitable powder mixer
(iv)Ointment mill
(v)Filling equipment or arrangement.
An area of 20 sq. meters is recommended for basic installation.
(5) Syrups and tonics: –
The following arrangements are recommended namely:-
(i) Mixing and storage tank
(ii) Potable mixer
(iii) Filtering equipment
(iv) Water still / Deioniser
(v) Filling and sealing equipment.
An area of 20 sq. meters is recommended for basic installations.
(6) Ophthalmic Preparations:
The following equipment is recommended for manufacture under aseptic conditions of
Eye-Ointments, Eye-Drops, Eye-lotion and other preparations for external use,
namely: –
(i) Hot air even electrically heated with thermostatic control.
(ii) Colloid mill or ointment mill.
(iii) Kettle (gas or electrically heated) with suitable mixing arrangement.
(iv) Tube filling equipment.
(v) Mixing and storage tanks of stainless steel or of other suitable material.
(vi) Sintered glass funnel, Seitz filter or filter candle.
(vii) Liquid filling equipment
(viii) Autoclaves
Adequate precaution should be taken to ensure that the finished product is
sterile. An area of 20 Sq. meters is recommended for basic installations.
(7) Adequate arrangements for space and equipment should made for labeling and
[See Rule 139]
(A) Location and surroundings. – The factory shall be located in a sanitary place and
hygienic conditions shall be maintained in the premises. Premises shall not be used for
residence or be interconnected with residential area. It shall be well ventilated and clean.
(B) Buildings. – The buildings used for the factory shall be constructed so as to permit
production under hygienic conditions and not to permit entry of insects, rodents, files, etc.
The walls of the room in which manufacturing operations are carried out, shall up to a height
of six feet from the floor, be smooth, waterproof and capable of being kept clean. The flooring
shall be smooth, even and washable and shall be such as not to permit retention or
accumulation of dust.
(C) Water supply: – The water used in manufacture shall be of potable quality.
(D) Disposal of water. – Suitable arrangements shall be made for disposal of wastewater.
(E) Health, clothing and sanitary requirements of the staff. – All workers shall be free
from contagious or infectious diseases. They shall be provided with clean uniforms, masks,
headgears, and gloves wherever required. Washing facilities shall also be provided.
(F) Medical Services. – Adequate facilities for first aid shall be provided
(G)Working benches shall be provided for carrying out operations such as filling,
labeling, packing, etc. such benches shall be fitted with smooth, impervious tops capable of
being washed.
(H)Adequate facilities shall be provided for washing and drying of glass containers if the
same are to be used for packing the product.
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 723(E) dt 11-8-1992.
II. Requirement of Plant and Equipment
The following equipment, area and other requirements are recommended for the
manufacture of: –
A. Powders. – Face powder, cake make-up, compacts, face packs, masks and rouges, etc.
1. Equipment.
(a) Powder mixer of suitable type provided with a dust collector.
(b) Perfume and colour blender.
(c) Sifter with sieves of suitable mesh size.
(d) Ball mill or suitable grinder.
(e) Trays and scoops (stainless steel).
(f) Filling and sealing equipment provided with dust extractor.
(g) For compacts: –
(i) a separate mixer, (ii) compact pressing machine.
(h) Weighing and measuring devices
(i) Storage tanks.
An area of 15 square meters is recommended. The section is to be provided with adequate
exhaust fans.
B. Creams, lotions, emulsions, pastes, cleansing milks, shampoos, pomade, brilliantine,
shaving creams and hair-oils etc.
(a) Mixing and storage tanks of suitable materials.
(b) Heating kettle – steam, gas or electrically heated.
(c) Suitable agitator.
(d) Colloidal mill or homogeniser (wherever necessary)
(e) Triple roller mill (wherever necessary).
(f) Filling and sealing equipment.
(g) Weighing and measuring devices.
An area of 25 square meters is recommended.
C. Nail Polishes and Nail lacquers.
1. Equipment:
(a) A suitable mixer.
(b) Storage tanks.
(c) Filling machine – hand operated or power driven.
(d) Weighing and Measuring devices.
An area of 15 square meters is recommended. The section shall be provided with
flameproof exhaust system.
2. Premises: – The following are the special requirements related to Nail Polishes and
Nail Lacquers: –
(a) It shall be suited in an industrial area.
(b) It shall be separate from other cosmetic-manufacturing areas by metal/brick
partition up to ceiling.
(c) Floors, walls, ceiling and doors shall be fireproof.
(d) Smoking, cooking and dwelling shall not be permitted and no naked flame
shall be brought in the premises.
(e) All electrical writing and connections shall be concealed and main electric
switch shall be outside the manufacturing area.
(f) All equipment, furniture and light fittings in the section shall be flameproof.
(g) Fire extinguisher like foam and dry powder and sufficient number of buckets
containing sand shall be provided.
(h) All doors of the section shall open outwards.
3. Storage. – All explosive solvents and ingredients shall be stored in metal cupboards or
in a separate enclosed area.
4. Manufacture:
(a) Manufacture of lacquer shall not be undertaken unless the above conditions
are complied with.
(b) Workers shall be asked to wear shoes with rubber soles in the section.
5. Other requirements: – No objection certificate from the local Fire Brigade Authorities
shall be furnished.
D. Lipsticks and Lip-gloss, etc.
1. Equipment
(a) Vertical mixer
(b) Jacketted kettle – steam, gas or electrically heated.
(c) Mixing vessel (stainless steel)
(d) Triple roller mill/Ball mill.
(e) Moulds with refrigeration facility.
(f) Weighing and measuring devices.
An area of 15 square meters is recommended.
E. Depilatories.
1. Equipment:
(a) Mixing tanks.
(b) Mixer
(c) Triple roller mill or homogeniser (where necessary).
(d) Filling and sealing equipment
(e) Weighing and measuring devices.
(f) Moulds (where necessary)
An area of 10 square meters is recommended.
F. Preparations used for Eyes: – Such preparations shall be manufactured under strict
hygienic conditions to ensure that these are safe for use.
I. Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Eyeliners, etc.
1 Equipment:
(a) Mixing tanks.
(b) A suitable mixer.
(c) Homogeniser (where necessary)
(d) Filling and sealing equipment.
(e) Weighing and measuring devices.
An area of 10 square meters is recommended.
II. Kajal and Surma
(a) Base sterilizer
(b) Powder sterilizer (dry heat oven).
(c) Stainless steel tanks.
(d) A suitable Mixer
(e) Stainless steel sieves
(f) Filling and sealing arrangements.
(g) Weighing and measuring devices.
(h) Homogeniser (where necessary)
(i) Pestle and Mortar (for Surma)
An area of 10 square meters with a separate area of 5 square meters for base sterilization
is recommended.
Other requirements for 1 and 2
(a) False ceiling shall be provided wherever required.
(b) Manufacturing area shall be made fly proof. An airlock or an air curtain shall
be provided.
(c) Base used for Kajal shall be sterilized by heating the base at 150 degree C for
required time in a separate enclosed area.
(d) The vegetable carbon black powder shall be sterilized in a drying oven at 120
degree C for required time.
(e) All utensils used for manufacture shall be of stainless steel and shall be
washed with detergent water, antiseptic liquid and again with distilled water.
(f) Containers employed for ‘Kajal’ shall be cleaned properly with bactericidal
solution and dried.
(g) Workers shall put on clean overalls and use hand gloves wherever necessary.
G. Aerosol.
1. Equipment: –
(a) Air-compressor (wherever necessary).
(b) Mixing tanks.
(c) Suitable propellant filling and crimping equipments.
(d) Liquid filling unit.
(e) Leak testing equipment.
(f) Fire extinguisher (wherever necessary)
(g) Suitable filtration equipment.
(h) Weighing and measuring devices.
An area of 15 square meters is recommended.
2. Other requirements: – No objection certificate from the Local Fire Brigade
Authorities shall be furnished.
H. Alcoholic Fragrance Solutions.
1. Equipment: –
(a) Mixing tanks with stirrer
(b) Filtering equipment.
(c) Filling and sealing equipment.
(d) Weighing and measuring devices.
An area of 15 square meters is recommended.
I. Hair Dyes.
1. Equipment:
(a) Stainless steel tanks.
(b) Mixer.
(c) Filling Unit
(d) Weighing and measuring devices.
(e) Masks, gloves and goggles.
An area of 15 square meters with proper exhaust is recommended.
J. Tooth powders and toothpastes, etc.
1.Tooth-powder in General.
1. Equipment:
(a) Weighing and measuring devices.
(b) Dry mixer (powder blender)
(c) Stainless steel sieves
(d) Powder filling and sealing equipments.
An area of 15 square meters with proper exhaust is recommended.
2. Toothpastes.
1. Equipment:
(a) Weighing and measuring devices.
(b) Kettle – steam, gas or electrically heated (where necessary)
(c) Planetory mixer with de-aerator system.
(d) Stainless steel tanks.
(e) Tube filling equipment.
(f) Crimping machine.
An additional area of 15 square meters with proper exhaust is recommended.
3.Tooth-powder (Black)
1. Equipment:
(a) Weighing and measuring devices.
(b) Dry mixer powder blender.
(c) Stainless steel sieves.
(d) Powder filling arrangements.
An area of 15 square meters with proper exhaust is recommended. Areas for
manufacturing “Black” and “White” tooth powders should be separate.
K. Toilet Soaps.
1. Equipment: –
(a) Kettles/pans for saponification.
(b) Boiler or any other suitable heating arrangement.
(c) Suitable stirring arrangement.
(d) Storage tanks or trays
(e) Driers.
(f) Amalgamator/chipping machine.
(g) Mixer
(h) Triple roller mill.
(i) Granulator
(j) Plodder
(k) Cutter
(l) Pressing, stamping and embossing machine
(m) Weighing and measuring devices.
A minimum area of 100 square meters is recommended for the small-scale manufacture of
toilet soaps.
The areas recommended above are for basic manufacturing of different categories of
cosmetics. In addition to that separate adequate space for storage of raw materials, finished
products, packing materials shall be provided in factory premises.1
[* * *]
Note No. I.The above requirements of the Schedule are made subject to modification at
the direction of the Licensing Authority, if he is of the opinion that having regard to the nature
and extent of the manufacturing operations it is necessary to relax or alter them in the
circumstances of a particular case.
Note No. II. The above requirements do not include requirements of machinery,
equipments and premises required for preparation of containers and closers of different
categories of cosmetics. The Licensing Authority shall have the discretion to examine the
suitability and adequacy of the machinery, equipments and premises for the purpose of taking
into consideration of the requirements of the licence.
Note No. III. Schedule M-II specifies equipments and space required for certain
categories of cosmetics only. There are other cosmetics items, viz. Attars, perfumes, etc.,
which are not covered in the above categories. The Licensing Authority shall, in respect of
such items or
The words ‘A testing laboratory shall also be provided’ were omitted by G.O.I.Notification No.G.S.R.285 (E) dt
categories of cosmetics have the discretion to examine the adequacy of factory premises,
space, plant and machinery and other requisites having regard to the nature and extent of the
manufacturing operations involved and direct the licensee to carry on necessary modification
in them.
Note No. IV. **[Areas for formulations meant for external use and areas for formulations
meant for internal use shall be separately provided to avoid mix-up even though they are from
the same category of formulations]
[See Rule 76]
1.1.1. Location and surroundings. – The factory building(s) shall be located in a
sanitary place and hygienic conditions shall be maintained in the premises. Premises shall be
not used for residence or be interconnected with residence. It shall be well ventilated and
1.1.2. Buildings. – The buildings used for the factory shall be constructed so as to permit
production under hygienic conditions and not to permit entry of insets, rodents, flies etc.
The walls of the rooms in which manufacturing operations are carried out, shall be up to a
height of six feet from the floor, be smooth, water proof and capable of being kept clean. The
floor shall be smooth, even and washable and shall be such as not to permit retention or
accumulation of dust.
1.1.3. Water supply. – The water used in manufacture shall be of potable quality.
1.1.4. Disposal of waste. – Suitable arrangements shall be made for disposal of
1.1.5. Health, Clothing and Sanitation of workers. – All workers shall be free from
contagious or infectious diseases. They shall be provided with clean uniforms, masks,
headgears and gloves wherever required. Washing facilities shall also be provided.
*** Ins. by GOI Notification No. G.S.R. 109(E), w.e.f. 22.2.1994.
1.1.6.Medical Services. – Adequate facilities for first-aid shall be provided.
1.1.7. Workbenches shall be provided for carrying out operations such as moulding,
assembling, labeling, packing etc. such benches shall be fitted with smooth impervious tops
capable of being washed.
1.1.8. Adequate facilities shall be provided wherever required for cleaning, washing,
drying of different containers of devices.
1.1.9. The premises shall be kept under controlled conditions of temperature and
humidity so as to prevent any deterioration in the properties of materials and products due to
storage and process conditions.
2. Requirements for Manufacture of Medical Devices.- The process of manufacture of
medical devices shall be conducted at the licensed premises, wherever required, and shall be
divided into the following separate operations/Sections:-
1) Moulding (wherever manufacture of medical devices is to start from granules).
2) Assembling (include cutting, washing and drying, sealing, packing, labeling, etc.)
3) Raw Materials.
4) Storage Area.
5) Washing, drying and sealing area (wherever required).
6) Sterilization.
7) Testing facilities.
The following equipments and space are recommended for the basic manufacture of
different categories of medical devices. –
(1) Moulding:
(a) Injection Moulding Machine.
(b) Extruder Machine.
(c) PVC Resin compounding Machine.
(2) Assembling:
(a) Hand Pressing Machine for filter fixing a Drip Chamber.
(b) Bag Sealing Machine.
(c) Compressor Machine.
(d) Leak Testing Bench
(e) PVC Tube Cutting Machine.
(f) Tube Winding Machine (wherever necessary).
(g) Welding Machine (wherever necessary)
An area of 30 square meters for Moulding and 15 square meters for Assembling are
recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided
with HEPA filters. The moulding section shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.
Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.
(1) Moulding: –
(a) Granulator
(b) Injection Moulding Machine.
(c) Weighing devices.
(2) Assembling:
(a) Blister Pack Machine.
(b) Vacuum Dust Cleaner
(c) Rubber-tip Washing Machine
(d) Foil stamping or screen printing equipment.
An area of 30 square meters for moulding and 15 square metres for assembling are
recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided
with HEPA Filters. The moulding section, shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.
Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.
(1) Moulding:
(a) Needle grinding and leveling machine.
(b) Electro Polishing Machine.
(c) Cutting Machine
(d) Injection Moulding Machine.
(e) Needle Pointing Deburrine Machine
(f) Air-compressor.
(2) Assembling:
(a) Needle cleaning Machine with Magnetic Separator.
(b) Blister Packing Machine.
(c) Needle Inspection Unit.
An area of 30 square meters for Moulding and 15 square meters for Assembling are
recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided
with HEPA filters. The molding section shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.
Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.
3. Raw Materials. – The licensee shall keep an inventory of all raw materials to be used
at any stage of manufacture of devices and shall maintain records as per Schedule U. All such
raw materials shall be identified and assigned control reference umber. They shall be
conspicuously labeled indicating the name of the material, control reference number, name of
the manufacturer and be specially labeled “Under Test” or “ Approved” or “Rejected”. The
under test, approved or rejected materials shall appropriately be segregated. These shall be
tested for compliance with required standards of quality.
A minimum area of 10 Square meters shall be provided for storage of raw materials.
4. Storage Area. – The licensee shall provide separate storage facilities for quarantine and
sterilized products.
An area not less than 10 square metre shall be provided for each of them.
5. Washing, drying and sealing area. – The licensee shall provide wherever required
adequate equipments like water distillation still, deionizer, washing machine. Dying Oven
with trays for washing, drying and sealing of medical device.
An area not less than 10 square metre shall be provided.
6. Sterilization. – The licensee shall provide requisite equipments with required controls
and recording device for sterilization of medical devices by Ethylene Oxide Gas in his own
premises or may make arrangements with some Institution approved by the Licensing
authority for sterilization. The products sterilized in this manner shall be monitored to assure
acceptable levels of residual gas and its degradation products. An area of 10 square meters is
recommended for basic installation of such facility.
Provided that the above equipment may not be required in case the licensee opts for
sterilization of medical devices by Ionising Radiation.
7. Testing Facilities. – The licensee shall provide testing laboratory for carrying out
Chemical and Physio-Chemical testing of medical devices and of raw materials used in its
own premises:
Provided that the Licensing Authority shall permit the licensee in the initial stage to carry
out testing of Sterility, Pyrogens, Toxicity on their products from the approved testing
institutions but after one renewal period of licensee shall provide testing facilities of all such
tests in their own premises.
8. Records. – The licensee shall maintain records of different manufacturing activities
with regard to each stage of manufacture in-process control, assembling, packing, batch
records for the quantity of devices manufactured from each lot of blended granules, duration
of work, hourly quantum of production in respect of each item as well as record of each
sterilizing cycle of the gaseous method employed.
Note: – The above requirements of machinery, equipments, space, qualifications are made
subject to the modification at the discretion of the Licensing Authority, if he is of the opinion
that having regard to the nature and extent of the manufacturing operations it is necessary to
relax or alter them in the circumstances of a particular case.]
[See Rule 64(1)]
List of minimum equipment for the efficient runninig of a pharmacy:-
I. Entrance. – The front of a pharmacy shall bear an inscription “Pharmacy” in front.
II. Premises. – The premises of a pharmacy shall be separated from rooms for private
use. The premises shall be well built, dry, well lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimensions
to allow the goods in stock especially medicaments and poisons to be kept in a clearly visible
and appropriate manner. The area of the section to be used as dispensing department shall be
not less than 6 square meters for one pharmacist working therein with additional 2 square
meters for each additional pharmacist. The height of the premises shall be at least 2.5 meters.
The floor of the pharmacy shall be smooth and washable. The walls shall be plastered or
tiled or oil painted so as to maintain smooth, durable and washable surface devoid of holes,
cracks and crevices.
A pharmacy shall be provided with ample supply of good quality water.
The dispensing department shall be separated by a barrier to prevent the admission of the
? Subs by G.O.I. Notification No.S.O.2139 dt12.08.1972.
III. Furniture and apparatus. – The furniture and apparatus of a pharmacy shall be
adapted to the uses for which they are intended and correspond to the size and requirements of
the establishment.
Drugs, chemicals, and medicaments shall be kept in a room appropriate to their properties
and in such special containers as will prevent any deterioration of the contents or of contents
of containers kept near them. Drawers, glasses and other containers used for keeping
medicaments shall be of suitable size and capable of being closed tightly to prevent the entry
of dust.
Every container shall bear a label of appropriate size, easily readable with names of
medicaments as given in the Pharmacopoeias.
A pharmacy shall be provided with a dispensing bench, the top of which shall be covered
with washable and impervious material like stainless steel, laminated or plastic, etc.
A pharmacy shall be provided with a cupboard with lock and key for the storage of
poisons and shall be clearly marked with the work ‘poison’ in red letters on a white
Containers of all concentrated solution shall bear special label or marked with the works
“To be diluted”.
A Pharmacy shall be provided with the following minimum apparatus and books
necessary for making of official preparations and prescriptions:-
Apparatus: –
Balance, dispensing, sensitivity 30 mg.
Balance, counter, capacity 3 Kgm., sensitivity 1 gm.
Beakers, lipped, assorted sizes
Bottles, prescription, ungraduated assorted sizes
Corks assorted sizes and tapers.
Cork, extracter
Evaporating dishes, porcelain.
Filter paper
Funnels, glass
Litmas paper, blue and red
Measure glasses cylindrical 10 ml, 25 ml, 100 ml and 500 ml
Mortars and pestles, glass
Mortars and pestles, wedgwood.
Ointment pots with bakelite or suitable caps.
Ointment slab, porcelain
Pipettes, graduated, 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml
Ring, stand (retort) iron, complete with rings.
Rubber stamps and pad
Spatulas, rubber or vulcanite
Spatulas, stainless steel.
Spirit lamp
Glass stirring rods
Thermometer, 0oC to 200oC
Tripod stand
Watch glasses
Water bath
Water distillation still in case Eye drops and Eye lotions are prepared.
Weights, Metric, 1 mg. to 100 gm
Wire Gauze
*Pill finisher, boxwood
* Pill Machine
* Pill Boxes
* Suppository mould
Books :
The Indian Pharmacopoeia (current Edition)
National Formulary of Indian (Current Edition)
The drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945
The Pharmacy Act, 1948
The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930
4. General provisions. – A pharmacy shall be conducted under the continuous personal
supervision of a Registered Pharmacist whose name shall be displayed conspicuously in the
The Pharmacist shall always put on clean white overalls.
The premises and fittings of the pharmacy shall be properly kept and everything shall be
in good order and clean.
All records and registers shall be maintained in accordance with the laws in force.
Any container taken from the poison cupboard shall be replaced therein immediately after
use and the cupboard locked. The keys of the poison cupboard shall be kept in the personal
custody of the responsible person.
Medicaments when supplied shall have labels conforming to the provisions of laws in
Note: – The above requirements are subject to modifications at the discretion of the
licensing authority, if he is of opinion that having regard to the nature of drugs dispensed,
compounded or prepared by the licensee. It is necessary to relax the above requirements or to
impose additional requirements in the circumstances of a particular case. The decision of the
licensing authority in that regard shall be final.
* These items are to be provided only by those who intend to dispense pills or
suppositories, as the case may be.]
[See Rule 126]
Provision applicable to Black fluids and White Fluids.
1. Classification. – The disinfectants shall be classified as follows: –
(A) Black fluids (B)White fluids
(A)Black fluids. –
These shall be homogeneous dark brown solution of coal tar acid or similar acids derived
from petroleum with or without hydrocarbon, and/or other phenolic compounds, and their
derivatives and a suitable emulsifier.
(B) White fluids. –
These shall be finely dispersed homogeneous white to off-white emulsion consisting of
coal tar acids or similar acids derived from petroleum, with or without hydrocarbons, and/or
other phenolic compounds, and their derivatives.
2. Gradation – Each of the above classes of disinfectant fluids shall be graded on the
basis of the minimum requirements in respect of:
Rideal Walker (RW) Coefficient as follows: –
Grade Rideal Walker (RW) Coefficient (Minimum)
1. 18
2. 10
3. 5
Subs.by G.O.I.Notification No. G.S.R.1243(E) dt.19.09.1979.
3. Type. – Each of the above grades of disinfectant fluids shall be stable in the range of
temperature indicated against each type. –
Type Stable in the range of
(I) Normal 15oC to 45oC.
(II) Winter 5 oC to 30 oC
4. Requirements. – All classes and grades of disinfectant fluids shall comply with the
following requirements, namely: –
(1) Stability after dilution. – When tested by the method described hereinafter the
disinfectant fluids shall be miscible with artificial hard water (for Black fluids) or with
artificial sea water (for White fluids) in all proportion from 1 per cent to 5 per cent by volume,
to give emulsion which shall not break or show more than traces of separation of either top or
bottom oil when kept for 6 hours at 15o
to 45oC for Type (I) (Normal) and 5oC to 30oC for
Type (II) (Winter).
(2) Germicidal Value. – Rideal Walker Coefficient – Black fluids and White fluids shall
be used tested for determination of Rideal Walker Coefficient (R.W.Coefficient) by the
method described hereinafter.
(3) Storage. – Disinfectant fluids of all classes shall be stored in mild steel, tinned mild
steel or other suitable containers. These shall not be stored in containers made of galvanized
(4) Labelling. -Subject to the other provisions in these rules, the label on the container
shall state-
(j) the name of the product
(ii) the name and full address of the manufacturer,
(iii) grade, type, R.W. Coefficient of product,
(iv) date of manufacture,
(v) quantity present in the container,
(vi) indications and mode of use, and
(vii) date up to which the product can be used
5. Method of testing –
(1) Preparation of sample. – The sample of disinfectant fluids to be tested should be
mixed thoroughly taking care that no air is beaten into the fluid immediately before
withdrawing any portion for testing. The rest portion should be withdrawn from the middle of
the sample.
(2)Method of resting stability after dilution. –
(a) Preparation of Artificial Hard Water: 40ml of I N Hydrochloric Acid (Analytical
Reagent Quality) is neutralized with a slight excess of Calcium Carbonate and
filtered. The filtrate is diluted to 1000 ml with distilled water, 10 parts of this
solution is further diluted to 100 parts with distilled water.
(b) Preparation of Artificial Sea Water: 27G of Sodium Chloride (Analytical Reagent
Quality) and 5 G of Magnesium Sulphate (Analytical Reagent Quality) are
dissolved in distilled water and diluted to 1000 ml. the solution is filtered before
(c) Procedure: Take 1 ml and 5 ml portions of the sample in duplicate in 100 ml
stoppered measuring cylinder (IS: 878 – 1956) by means of pipettes. Dilute the
sample with artificial Hard water or Artificial Sea water (as the case may be)
upto 10 ml mark. Mix thoroughly by inverting the cylinders 5 times. Keep the
cylinders containing the diluted fluids for 6 hours at the extremes of the
temperature range specified for the particular type. The sample complies with the
test if the solution shows not more than a trace of separation at its top and
(3) Method of determination of Rideal Walker Coefficient (R.W.C)
(a) Apparatus – A loop, 4 mm in internal diameter is made at the end of 28 swg (0.376
mm) wire of platinum or platinum iridium alloy, 38mm long from the loop to the holder. The
loop is bent at such an angle to the length of the wire and will facilitate in removal vertically
from the surface of the liquid while keeping the place of the loop horizontal.
Incubator – Set and maintained at 37oC ± 1oC
Pipettes – Standard graduated pipettes of capacity 10 ml; 5 ml and 1 ml
Dropping Pipette – Made of delivery 0.2 ml
Medication tubes – 5 sterile plugged rimless test tubes 125 mm x 22 mm (5” x ¾“)
made of hard neutral glass.
Both tubes – About 2 dozens of the same description as medication tubes.
Standard measuring cylinders stopped and graduated- 500ml graduated in 10 ml-; 100ml
graduated 1 ml- five. All apparatus must be scrupulously clean and sterile immediately before
Regents- (a) Broth- Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:
Meat extract (Microbiological grade) 20 g Peptone (Micro biological grade) 20 g Sodium
Chloride (Regent Quality) 10 g Distilled Water- 1000 ml.
Dissolve the solids in distilled water, add sufficient sodium hydroxide to neutralize the
solution; then boil it to bring down phosphates and filter while hot. The broth thus prepared is
then adjusted to pH 7.6 with normal Hydrochloric acid. The broth is then sterilized b
autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure for 20 minutes. It is then filtered and placed in 5 ml quantities
in sterilized broth tubes. The tubes of media thus prepared are sterilized by autoclaving at 15
lbs pressure for 10 minutes. The final pH of the medium should lie between 7.3 and 7.5.
Further sterilization in bulk or in tubes is not possible.
(b) Test Organism- Test organism used is Salmonella typhi (NCTC 786) of which
suitable culture shall be obtained from the Director, Central Drugs Laboratory, Calcutta. This
culture is maintained by weekly subculture on a nutrient agar slope (made by dissolving 2.5
per cent Agar Agar (Bacteriological grade) in broth prepared as above), incubating the
subculture for 24 hours at 37O C and then storing in refrigerator at a temperature below 22oC.
For the purpose of the test a little the growth from the most recent subculture in nutrient agar
slope is placed in tube of R.W. broth and incubated for 23 hours at 38oC. A standard loopful
is then transferred to a second tube and incubated as before. This is done at least three times
before a test is carried out. Sub-cutting in broth is limited to 14 days.
(c) Standard phenol: 5 per cent W/V solution in sterile distilled water of chemically pure
phenol having a crystallizing point of not less than 40.5oC is prepared. Test dilutions are
prepared from this stock solution containing 1 g of phenol in each 95, 100, 105, 115 ml of the
solution made. These dilutions shall be used within a week of preparation.
(d) Test dilutions of Disinfectant (sample)- The sample is prepared as described under
“Preparation of samples”. A test portion of 5 ml is withdrawn and discharged into about 480
ml of sterile distilled water in a 500ml glass stoppered sterile measuring cylinder and the
pipette is rinsed three times or more in the clear liquid. The whole is then made up to 500ml
with sterile distilled water, the cylinder is stoppered and the contents thoroughly mixed by
inverting the cylinder several time. Suitable test dilutions in sterile distilled water are then
immediately prepared from this stock solution.
Procedure: 5 ml of 4 chosen dilutions of the disinfectant are placed in 4 medication tubes
which are than placed in a rack provided with water bath maintained at a constant temperature
between 17oC and 19 oC, with the strongest dilution on the left. The fifth medication tube
containing 5 ml of the particular phenol dilution is placed on the right. When the content on
the medication tubes and broth culture of the test organism have reached the temperature of
the water bath, starting at Zero time, 0.2 ml of the culture is added to the left hand medication
tube and the tube is shaken gently. After 30 seconds the next tube is inoculated similarly and
the process is repeated with each successive tube at intervals of 30 seconds until the phenol
control has been inoculated. Thirty seconds after this last addition (that is 2-1/2 minutes from
zero) a loopful of the well-shaken content of the tube at the extreme left is withdrawn and
placed in tube containing 5 ml of the broth medium. Thirty seconds after this similar
operation is performed on the second medication tube. The procedure is repeated at an
interval of 30 seconds with each of the 5 medication tubes working from left to right until 4
sets of cultures have been made i.e. at 2-1/2, 5, 7-1/2 and 10 minutes respectively after
exposure. In each withdrawal care should be taken to ensure that the loop is removed
vertically from the surface of the liquid with its plane horizontally and without touching the
side of the test tubes. The loop shall be sterilized by flaming between each operation, care
being taken that the loop is cooled before being again used. The inoculated broth tubes are
incubated for not less than 48 hours and not more than 72 hours at 37oC when the tubes
showing growth of the test organisms will be recognized by turbidity of the broth.
Calculation of Coefficient- The R.W. Coefficient is obtained by dividing that dilution of
the disinfectant which shows life of test organism in 2-1/2 and 5 minutes but no life thereafter
by that dilution of the phenol which gives the same response.
A typical set of sample is given below:
Sample disinfectant Time of exposures in minutes
Dilutions. _____________________________
2½ 5 7½ 10
1: 1000 – – – – R.W.Coefficient
1200 = 12
1: 1100 + – – –
1: 1200 + + – –
1: 1300 + + + –
Phenol control
1: 100 + + – –
(+ = growth – = No growth)
Provisions applicable to other disinfectant fluids:
Disinfectant fluids which are made with chemicals other than those specified under Part I
of this Schedule shall conform to the formula or list of ingredients shown on the label.
Labelling : Subject to the provisions of rules on labeling, the label of container shall
(i) the name of product
(ii) the name and full address of the manufacturer;
(iii) the full formula or list of ingredients of the preparation;
(iv) date of manufacture;
(v) date up to which the product can be used;
(vi) quantity present in the container, and
(vii) indications and mode of use.
Cautionary note:
Mercury compounds shall be strictly excluded from all grades.]
[See Rule 96]
Name of the drug Period in months (unless
otherwise specified)
between date of
manufacture and date of
expiry which the labeled
potency period of the
drug shall not exceed
under the conditions of
storage specified in
Column No.4.
Condition of storage
1 2 3 4
1. Adramycin 30 In a cool place
2. Ampicillin 36 In a cool place
3. Ampicillin Capsules 24
4. Ampicillin Dry Syrup 24
5. Ampicillin Injection 24
6. Ampicillin Sodium 36 In a cool place
7. Ampicillin Trihydrate 30 In a cool place
8. Amoxycillin rihydrate 36 In a cool place
9 Amoxycillin Trihydrate Capsules 24
10. Amoxycillin Trihydrate Dry Syrup 18
11. Bacitracin 18 In a cool place
12. Bacitracin or Zinc Bacitracin Tablets 12
13. Bacitracin Lozenges 12
14. Carbenicillin Sodium Injection 24 At temperature not
exceeding 5oC.
15. Carbenicillin Sodium Powder 24 At temperature not
exceeding 5oC.
16. Cephalexin 24 In a cool place
17. Chloramphenicol 60 In a cool place
18. Chloramphenicol Capsules & Tablets 48
19. Chloramphenicol Palmitate 48
* Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 17(E) dt 7.1.1986 w.e.f. 7.1.1986
1 2 3 4
20. Chloramphenicol Palmitate Oral Suspension 36
21. Chloramphenicol Eye drops 24
22. Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate Powder 48 In a cool palace
23. Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate Injection 36 In a cool place
24 Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride 60 In a cool place
25. Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules 60
26. Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets 24
27. Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride Ointment 24
28. Cloxacillin (Oral) 36 In a cool place
29. Cloxacillin Sodium (Injection Grade) 36 In a cool place
30. Colistin Sulphate 60 Protected from light
31. D-Cycloserine 48 In a cool place
32. Dimethyl chlortetracycline Hydrochloride 48
33. Dimethyl Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride
34. Daunoblastin Injection. 36
35. Doxycycline Hydrochloride 48 In a cool place
36. Doxcycline Monohydrate 36 In a cool place
37. Doxycyline Monohydrate for Oral Suspension. 24
38. Doxycycline Monohydrate Capsules. 36
39. Erythromycin Estolate 36 In a cool place
40. Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate 60 In a cool place
41. Erythromycin Oral Suspension 36
42. Erythromycin Estolate for Oral Suspension 36
43. Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate Tablet. 24
44. Erythromycin Estolate Tablets 24
45. Erythromycin Stearate 36 In a cool place
46. Framycetin Sulphate 48 In a well closed contained
with temperature not
exceeding 30oC
47. Framycetin Sulphate Eye drops 24 In a well closed container
with temperature not
exceeding 30oC
48. Framycetin Sulphate Ointment. 24 In a well closed container
with temperature not
exceeding 30oC.
49. Gentamycin Sulphate 60 In a cool place.
50. Gentamycin Sulphate Injection 36
51. Gramicidin 60 In a cool place
52. Griseofulvin 48 In a cool place
1 2 3 4
53. Griseofulvin Tablets 36
54. Kanamycin Sulphate Injection. 24
55. Kanamycin Acid Sulphate Powder 48 In a cool place
56. Mitomycin C 48 In a cool place
57. Neomycin Sulphate. 48 In a cool place
58. Nystatin 36 At temperature not exceeding 5oC.
59. Oleandomycin Phosphate sterile 24 In a cool place
60. Oleandomycin Phosphate non sterile 36 In a cool place
61. Oxytetracline Hydrochloride 36 In a cool place
62. Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules. 36
63. Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets 24
64. Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Injection 24
65. Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Ointment 36
66. Penicillin Crystalline 36 In a cool place
67. Penicillin Tablets 18 In a cool place
68. Procaine Penicillin G 36 In a cool place
69. Benzathin Penicillin G 48 In a cool place
70. Potassium Phenoxy Methyl Penicillin 48 In a cool place
71. Potassium Phenoxy Methyl PenicillinTablets 24
72. Polymixin B Sulphate 48 In a cool place
73. Polymixin B Sulphate Ointment or Powder 24 In a cool place
74. Rifampicin 36 In a cool place
75. Rifampicin Capsules *[36]
76. Spramycin Base 24 In a cool place
77. Strepromycin Injection. 36
78. Streptomycin Ointment 24
79. Streptomycin Tablets 24
80. Streptomycin Sulphate 48 At temperature not exceeding 20oC
81. Tetracycline Base 24 In a cool place
82. Tetracycline Hydrochloride 36 In a cool place
83. Tetracycline Hydrochloride Capsules 36
84. Tetracycline Tablets 24
85. Tyrothricin 60 In a cool place.
1. Vitamin A Injection 24
2. Vitamin BI Injection 24
3. Thiamine Mononitrate Tablets 36
1 2 3 4
4. Thiamine Hydrochloride 48 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
5. Thiamine Mononitrate 48 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
6. Riboflavin 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
7. Riboflavin 5 Phosphate 24 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
8. Riboflavin Tablets 36
9. Vitamin B2 Injection 24
10. Vitamin B6 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
11. Vitamin B6 tablets 36
12. Cyanacobalamin 48 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
13. Hydroxycobalamin 48 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
14. Vitamin B12 Injection 36
15. Calcium Pantothenate 36 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
16. Vitamin C Injection 24
17. Calcium Pantothenate Tablets 36
18. Vitamin C 48 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
19. Vitamin D2 D3 36 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
20. Vitamin E or E-Acetate 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
21. Folic Acid 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
22. Folic Acid Tablets 36
23. Vitamin K 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
24. Vitamin K Injection 36
25. Niacinamide 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
26. Niacinamide Tablets 36
27. D-Panthenol 60 In a well closed container, protected from
light, in a cool place.
1 2 3 4
1. Globuline Zinc Insulin Injection 24 At temperature between 2
oC and 8
must not be allowed to freeze.
2. Insulin Injection 24 At temperature between 2
oC and 8
must not be allowed to freeze.
3. Insulin Zinc Suspension 24 At temperature between 2
oC and 8
must not be allowed to freeze.
4. Isophane Insulin Injection. 24 At temperature between 2
oC and 8
must not be allowed to freeze.
*[5. Human Insulin Injection 30 At temperature between 2
oC and 8
must not be allowed to freeze.
1. Anti-Haemophillic Human Globulin 12 In a cool place
2. Dried Plasma 60 At temperature between 2oC and 8oC,
must not be allowed to freeze.
3. Dried Normal Human Serum Albumin 60 At a temperature not exceeding 25oC
4. Frozen Plasma 24 In deep freeze
5. Liquid Plasma 24 In cold place
6. Liquid Normal Human Serum Albumin. 60 In cold place.
**[7 Whole Human Blood-
(a) Collected in ACD solution
(b) Collection in CPDA solution.
At temperature between 4oC and 6oC
At temperature between 4oC and 6
1. Alum Precipitated Diphtheria Toxoid 24 In cold place.
2. Alum Precipitated Diphtheria and
Tetanus toxoid and Pertusis
vaccine combined
18 In cold place
3. Alum Precipitated Tetanus Toxoid 24 In a cold place
4. Aluminium Hydroxide
Absorbed Diphtheria Toxoid
24 In a cold place.
5. Aluminium hydroxide Absorbed
Diphtheria Tetanus Toxoid and
Pertussis Vaccine combined.
18 In a cold place
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 215(E) dt 19.3.1999.
** Sub. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 626(E) dt 14.10.1991.
1 2 3 4
6. Aluminium Phosphate Absorbed Diphtheria
24 In a cold place.
7. Aluminium Phosphate absorbed
Diphtheria and Tetnus Toxoid
24 In a cold place.
8. Aluminium phosphate absorbed diphtheria
Toxoid Tetanus Toxoid and
Pertussis vaccine combined.
18 In cold place
9. Diagnostic Diphtheira Toxin (Schick Test) 12 In cold place
10. Cobra venom in solution 3 Between 2oC and 5oC protected from
11. Diphtheria Toxoid 24 In cold place
12. Inactivted Diagnostic Diphtheria Toxin. 12 In cold place
13. Liquid serum 12 Between 2oC and 10oC preferable at
the lower limit.
14. Lyophilised anti-snake venom serum 60
15. Lyophilised Schick test Toxin and control 60
16 .Old Tuberculin 60 In cold place
17. Thrombin (Bovine origin) 36 In cold place.
18. Tetanus Toxoid 24 In cold place
19. Tuberculin PPD 60 In cold place
1. Alum precipitatd pertussis Vaccine. 18 In cold place
2. BCG Vaccine 14 days In cold place
3. Cholera Vaccine 18 In cold place
4. DHL Vaccine (for dog) 12 In cold place
5. Measles Vaccine 24 In cold place
6. Plague Vaccine 36 In cold place
7. Polio Vaccine 24
When stored at minus 20oC
When stored at Zero oC
When stored at 4 oC
8. Rabies vaccine 6 In cold place
9. Typhoid vaccine 18 In cold place
10. Typhoid and Para Typhoid Vaccine. 18 In cold place
11. Typhoid Para Typhoid A and B vaccine. 18 In cold place
12. Typhoid Para Typhoid A,B & C Vaccine 18 In cold place
13. Typhoid Para Typhoid A, B & C and
Tetanus Vaccine.
18 In cold place
1 2 3 4
14. Typhus vaccine 12 In cold place
15. Yellow Fever Vaccine 12 In cold place
* [16 Anti-Rabies Vaccine (Cell Culture) 24 In cold place.]
(For serum extracted preparations)
20% Excess potency 12 In cold place
30% Excess potency 24 In cold place
40% Excess potency 36 In cold place
50% Excess potency (for enzyme
48 In cold place
5% Excess potency 12 In cold place
10% Excess potency 24 In cold place
15% Excess potency 36 In cold place
20% Excess Potency 48 In cold place
1. Andrenaline for Injection. 12 In cold place.
2. Chorionic Gonadotrophin for
Injection (Lyophilised)
36 At temperature not exceeding 20oC.
3. Corticotrophin 24 In cold place
4. Corticotrophin Lyophilised 36 In cold place
5. Heparin Injection 36 In a cool place.
6. Liquid Extract of Ergot 12 In cold place
7. Liver Extract Crude Injection. 24 In a cool place
8. Oxytocin Injection 24 In cold place
9. Paraldehyde Injection 6 In cool place protected from light.
10. Pituitary Injection 24 In cold place.
11. Vasopressin Injection. 24 In cold place.
Note : (1) The term “cool place” means ‘place having a temperature between 10oC and 25oC.
(2) The term “cold place” means a place having a temperature not exceeding 8 oC.
(3) Capsules should be kept in a well-closed container at temperature not exceeding 30 oC.
(4) Wherever condition of storage is not specified in Column 4, it may be stored under
normal room temperature.]
*Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 215(E) dt 19.3.1999.
[See Rule 105]
Name of the Drug Dosage form Pack size
1 2 3
Albendazole Suspension 10ml
Atenolol Tablets 14
Anti-Haemmorhoidal Topicals Rectal Capsules 20
Aspirin (Low-dose) Tablets 14
Cholecalciferol or Ergocalciferol Granules 1 gm. Sachet
Ciclopiroxolamine Vaginal Cream 30 gms.
Catalin Ophthalmic drops 15 ml
Famotidine Tablets 14
Glyceryl Trinitrate Spansules (Long Acting) 25
Isosorbide Dinitrate Spansules (Long Action) 25
Isoniazide Syrup 200 ml
Ipecacuanha Syrup 10 ml
Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) Powder Pouches to be reconstituted
to one litre in one pack or in
5 unit does sachets in one
Piperazine Granules 5 gm.
Syrup 30 ml
Pyrantel Pamoate Syrup 8 ml or 10 ml
Potassium Chloride. Syrup 60 ml and 200 ml.
Progestogen Qestrogen
(Combinations for Oral
Tablets 21 or 22 with or without 7
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 796(E) dt 1.10.1992
Name of the Drug Dosage form Pack size
1 2 3
Roxatidine Acetate Hydrochloride Tablets 14
Vitamin A Oral Drops Drops 7.5 ml]
[Co-trimoxazole Suspension 50 ml
Haloperidol Oral Solution 15 ml
Loxapine Oral Liquid Concentrate 15 ml ]
[ See rules134 and 144]
[Part I]
[List of Dyes, colours and Pigments permitted to be used in Cosmetics and Soaps as given under
IS : 4707 (Part I)-1988 as amended by the Bureau of Indian Standards].]
Common name of the
Chemical name of the colour
1 2 3
Guinea Green B 42085 Monosodium salt of 4-(N-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylamino) –
Light Green SF
42095 Disodium salt of 4-[4 (N-ethyl-p-sulfo benzylamine)-
phenyl)-4-sulphoniumphenyl) methylene]-(2 (N-ethyl-Nsulfobenzyl) ? 2,5-Cyclohexadienimine.
Tartrazine. 19140 Trisodium salt of 3-carboxy-5-hydroxy-1-p-sulfophenyl-4-
Sunset yellow FCF. 15985 Disodium salt of 1-p-sulfophenylazo-2- naphthol-6-
sulfonic acid.
Ponceau 3R 16155 Disodium salts of a mixture of 1-alkyl- phenylazo-2-
napthol 3, 6-disulfonic acids.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 753(E) dt 4.11.1999
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 1183 dt 17.8.1964.
3Renumbered as Part I by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 11(E) dt 7.1.1991.
Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 811(E) dt 14.11.1994.
1 2 3
Amarnath. 16185 Trisodium salt of 1-(4-sulfo-1- napthylazo) 2-naphthol 3, 6-
disulfonic acid.
Erythrosine. 45430 Disodium salt of 9-0-carboxyphenyl-6- hydroxy 2,4,5, 7-
tetraiodo-3- isoxanthone.
Ponceau SX. 14700 Disodium salt of 2-(5 sulfo-2, 4-xylyl- azo)-1-naphthol-4-
sulfonic acid.
Brilliant Blue FCF 42090 Disodium salt of 4-(9-4-(N-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylamino)-
phenyl)-2-sulfonium phenyl)- methylene)-(1-(N-ethtl-N-psulfobenzyl)- ? 2, 5-cyclohexadienimine).
Indigocarmine. 73015 Disodium salt of 5,5’-indigotindisulfonic acid.
Wool Violet 5 BN (Acid
violet 6B)
42640 Monosodium salt of 4-(N-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylamino)-
methylene)-(N, N-dimethyl-? 2,5-cyclohexadienimine)
Light Green SF Yellowish
Calcium salt of 4-(4-(N-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylamino)-phenyl)
(4-sulfonium-phenyl)methylene), (1-(N-ethyl-N-psulfobenzyl)- ? 2,5-cyclohexadienimine).
Alizarin Cyanine Green F 61570 Disodium salt of 1,4-bis (O-sulfo-p-toluino)anthraquinone)
Quinazarine Green SS. 61565 1,4-bis-(p-Toluino)-anthraquinone
Fast Green FCF. 42053 Disodium salt of 4-(4-(-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylamino)-phenyl)
(4-hydroxy-2 sulphoniumphenyl) methylene)-(1-N-ethylN-p-sulfobenzyl) ? 2,5, cyclohexadienimine).
Acid Fast Green 42100 Monosodium salt of 4-(4-N-ethyl-p-sulfobenzylomino)
phenyl)-(o-chlorophenyl)-methylene)- 1-(N-ethyl-N- psulfonium-benzyl- ? 2,5, cyclohexadienimine).
Pyranine Concentrated. 59040 Trisodium salt of 10-hydroxy-,3,5,8-pyrene-trisulfonic
Quinoline Yellow WS. 47005 Disodium salt of disulfonic acid of 2-(2-Quinolyl)-1, 3-
Quinoline Yellow SS 47000 2-(2-quinolyl)-1, 3 indandiene.
Poneceau 2 R. 16150 Disodium salt of 1 xylylazo-2-naphthol-3, 6-disulfonic
Lithol Rubin B. 15850 Monosodium salt of 4-(o-sulfo-p-tolylazo)3 hydroxy-2-
naphthoic acid.
Lithol Rubin BCA 15850 Calcium salt of 4-(o-sulfo-p-tolylazo)-3-hydroxy-2-
naphthoic acid
1 2 3
Lake Red D. 15500 Monosodium salt of 1-0-carboxyphenylazo-2-
Lake Red DBA 15500 Barium salt of 1-o-carboxyphenylazo-2-naphthol.
Lake Road DCA. 15500 Calcium salt of 1-o-carboxyphenylazo-2-naphthol.
Toney Red. 26100 I-p-phenylazophenylazo-2-naphthol.
Oil Red OS. 26125 I-Xylylazoxylylazo-2-napththol
.Tetrabromofluorescein 45380 2,4,5,7-Tetrabromo-3, 6-flurandiol.
Eosin TS 45380 Disodium salt of 2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-9-0
Eosin YSK. . 45380 Dipotassium salt of 2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-9-0
Tetrachlorofluorescein NA 45366 2,4,5,7- tetrachloro-S, 6-Fluorandiol
Tetrachlorofluorescein K. 45366 Disodium salt of 9-0-carboxyphenyl-2,4,5,7-
Tetrachloro Tetrabromo floure
45410 2,4,5,7-Tetrabromo-12,13,14,15-tetrachloro-3,6fluorandiol.
Phloxine B 45410 Disodium salt of 2,4,5,7-tetrabromo-9(3,4,5,6-tetra
Bluish Orange T.R. 45457 1,4,5,8, 15-Pentabromo-2, 7-dicarboxy-3, 6-fluoran
Helindone Pink CN. 73360 5, 5-Dichloro-3, 3’ dimethyl-thio indigo
Brilliant Lake Red R 15800 Calcium salt of 3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-2-naphthoic
Deep Maroon (Fanchon
15880 Calcium salt of 4-(I-sulfo-2-naphthylzo (3- hydroxy-2-
naphtoic acid.
Toluidine Red.. 12120 1-(o-Nitro-p-tolylazo)-2-naphthol.
Flaming Red. 12085 I- (o-Chloro-p-nitrophenylazo)-2-naphthol
Deep Red (Maroon). 12350 3-Hydroxy-N- (m-nitrophenyl)-4-(o-nitro-p-tolylazo)-
Alba Red. 13058 o-(p,B,B-Dihydroxy-diethylamino)- phenylazo)-
benzoic acid.
Orange G. 16230 Disodium salt of 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol-6-8-
disulfonic acid.
1 2 3
Orange II 15510 Monosodium salt of 1-p-sulfophenylaxo-2-naphthol.
Dichlorofluorescein 45365 4,5-Dichloro-3, 6-fluorandiol.
Dichlorofluorescein. NA 45365 Disodium salt of 9-o-carboxyphenyl-4,5- dichloro-6-
Diiodofluorescein. 45425 4,5 –Diiodo-3, 6-fluorandiol
Erythrosine Yellowish NA. 45425 Disodium salt of 9-o-carboxyphenyl-6- hydroxy-4, 5-
Erythrosine Yellowish K. 45425 Dipotassium salt of 9-o-carboxyphenyl-6-hydroxy-4,
Erythrosine Yellowish NH 45425 Dipotassium salt of 9-o-carboxyphenyl-6-hydroxy-4,
Orange TR 45456 4,5, 15-Tribromo 2, 7-dicarboxy-3, 6- fluorandiol.
Alizarin. 58000 1,2- Anthraquinonediol.
Dibromodiiodofluorescein. 45371 4 ,5- Dibromo-2, 7-diiodo-3, 6-fluorandiol.
Resorcin Brown. 20170 Monosodium salt of 4-p-sulfophenylazo-2(2) 4,
xylylazo)-1, 3-resorcinol.
Alphazurine FG. 42090 Diammonium salt of 4-(N-ethyl-p- sulfobenzyl)
amine-phenyl) 2-sulfoniumphenyl. Methytlene (-1 (N
ethyl-N-p-sulfobenzyl ? (2 ,5-cyclohexandienimine).
Allarin Astro B. 1530 Monosodium salt of 1-methylamino-4-(o-sulfo-ptoluino)-anthroquinone.
Indigo. 73000 Indigotin.
Patent Blue NA. . 42052 Monosodium salt of 4-(4- (N-ethyl- benzylamino)-
phenyl –5 hydroxy-4-sulfo-2-sulfoniumphenyl,
methylene)- (N-ethyl-Benzyl- ? 2 5-cyclohexadienimine).
Patent Blue CA. 42052 Calcium salt of 4-(4- (N-ethyl- benzylamino)-phenyl –
5 hydroxy-4-sulfo-2-sulfoniumphenyl, methylene)- (Nethyl-N-benzyl- ? 2, 5-cyclohexadienimine).
Curbrantherene Blue 69825 3- 3- Dichlorolindanthrene.
Nibhihol Blue Black 20470 Disodium salt of 8-amino-7-p- nitrophenylazo 3-
phenylazo-1-naphthol-3, 6-disulfonic acid
Alizurol purple SS. 60725 I-hydroxy-4-p-tolhuno-anthraquinone.
1 2 3
.Acid Red 89. 23910 —-
Acid Red 97. . 22890 —-
Acid Blue 1 42045 —-
Food Blue 3 42045 —-
Natural Orange 75480 —-
Solvent Blues 4 44045 —-
Solvent Yellow 18 12740 —-
Food Yellow 18. 12740 —-
Solvent Red 1. 12150 —-
Solvent Yellow 32. 48045 —-
Fanchon Yellow
(Hansa Yellow G).
11680 (a) (o-Nitro-p-tolylazo) accetoacetanilide
1[Part II – List of Colours permitted to be used in Soaps.
Phthalocyanine Blue 74160 (phthalocyninate (2–) copper
Iragalite Red CVPB Paste or
Pigment Orange 5
12075 1-(2,4-dinithro phenylazo-2-Naphthalenol.
Citrus Red No.2. 12156 1-2(2,5-dimethoxy phenylazo) 2-naphthol.
Rhodamine B 500 45170 3-ethochloride of 9-0 carboxy-ethenyl-6-diethylamino3-ethylamine-3-isoxanthene.
Aqueous Green Paste 74260 Polychloro copper Phthalocyanine.
Pigment Yellow 3 11710 2-(4-Chloro-2-nitrophenyl)-azo-N-(-2-Chlorophenyl)-
Irgalite Carmine F-P Power or
Pigments Red 5.
12490 N-(5-Chloro-2, 4-dimethoxy-phenyl)-4-(CS-diathylamine) Sulfonyl-2-methoxyphenyl)azo-3-hydroxy-2-
naphthalene carboxamide.
Monolite Red 4R HV Paste or
Pigment Red 7.
12420 N-(4-Chloro-2-methylphenyl-4-(-4-Chloro-2-
methylphenyl) azo 3-hydroxy-2-naphthalenel
Oil Red No.1 or Solvent Red
24 or Oil Red 3R.
26105 4-0-Tolylazo-Toluidine azo 2-naphthalenol.]
1 Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 11(E) dt 7.1.1991.
[See Rule 125]
Standards for condoms made of rubber latex intended for single use and other mechanical
1. Description. -Condoms consist of cylindrical rubber sheaths with one end open. The
open end shall terminate with an integral rim. The closed end may have a receptacle. They may be
supplied rolled and shall be free from tackiness and shall be capable of being unrolled readily.
2. Materials. – (1) Condoms shall be manufactured from good quality rubber latex and
shall be free from embedded grit and shall be opaque or translucent prior to the application of
dusting materials or lubricants;
(2) The rubber latex, colours used and any dusting materials or lubricants applied to the
condoms shall neither contain nor liberate substances which are known to have toxic or other
harmful effects under normal conditions of use. Any dusting material or lubricant or colour used
shall not have deleterious effect on the condoms or be harmful to the users.
3. Procedure for sampling during production. – (1) Specimens constituting the test samples
shall be taken at random successively from each quantum of production that is, from the quantity
produced from the same finished rubber latex and under the same processing and finishing
conditions of manufacture and samples from each quantum shall be tested separately to ascertain
conformity of quantum with the specified requirements in accordance with the tests described in
this Schedule.
(2) (a) The number of samples drawn from each quantum shall be not less than 0.5 per cent
of the number.
(b) The number of samples drawn from each quantum shall be tested for Burst Volume and
Pressure Test and Water Leakage Test in accordance with the method prescribed in
paras 9 and 10 of this Schedule; 75 per cent of the samples drawn will be tested for
Water Leakage Test and 25 per cent will be tested for Burst Volume and Pressure Test.
(c) The number of test samples ‘N’ and the number of rejected samples ‘R’ from a
sequence of production quanta shall be recorded in a register. The cumulative total of
test samples
1Subs, by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 495(E) dt 9.6.1995
‘N’ and the cumulative total of rejects ‘R’ from the test shall be recorded and the condoms shall be
deemed to comply with the requirements if the cumulative total of rejects ‘R’ is not more than
[0.0025N+3 x v0.0025N] for Water Leakage Test, and 3
[0.01N+3 x v0.01N] for Burst Volume
and Pressure Test.
(3) Each unit of 100 test samples shall be distributed for the various tests and follows: –
25 for Burst Volume Pressure Test, and; 75 for Water Leakage Test
(4) Where the number of test samples is a multiple of 100 the distribution scale mentioned
above shall be prorated.
(5) If the cumulative total sample rejected exceeds the number of allowables at any point
in the sequence of quanta, the quantum at which this occurs shall be liable to rejection. The
assessment of quality of further production quanta shall include all previous test results starting
from quantum number 1 and approval of production shall be in suspense until the condition
required by the scheme is again fulfilled.
(6) At least one sample shall be taken at random from each production quantum not
exceeding 10,000 condoms and shall satisfy all requirements regarding dimensions as specified in
paragraph 8 of this Schedule.
4. Procedure for sampling and testing of finished products by a manufacturerA. Water Leakage Test.- (1) Statistical sampling for quality control assessment of the
finished product in respect of Water Leakage Test shall be done in accordance with the plan set
out in Annexure 1 to this Schedule.
(2) A test sample failing in the above test is to be considered as defective. If the cumulative
total of rejects ‘R’ is found to be equal to or greater than the number shown against ‘R’ in
Annexure-I, the batch or lot shall be declared as not of standard quality.
B. Bursting Volume and Pressure Test.- (1) Sample condoms shall be tested for Bursting
Volume and Pressure Test. Statistical sampling for this test shall be done in accordance with the
plan set out in Annexure III to this Schedule.
Condoms shall not leak or burst at a volume of less than that specified or at a pressure less than
1.0 kpa (gauge), when tested as per paragraph 9, both before and after oven conditioning as
specified in annexure V. Bursting Volume minimum limit in litres shall be equal to [mean
condom width (mm) 2
] rounded to the nearest 0.5 litre.
(2) A test sample failing in the above test is to be considered defective. If the cumulative
total of rejects ‘R’ is found to be equal or greater than the number shown against ‘R’ in annexure
III, the batch or lot shall be declared as not of standard quality.
C. Dimensions. – At least 2 samples drawn from the lot or batch shall satisfy the
requirements regarding Dimensions as specified in paragraph 8 of the Schedule.
5. Procedure for sampling and testing of condoms by a purchaser.-
A. Water Leakage Test.- (1) Statistical sampling of condoms by a purchaser for Water
Leakage Test shall be done in accordance with the plan set out in annexure II to this Schedule;
(2) A test sample failing in the above test is to be considered as defective. If the
cumulative total of rejects ‘R’ is found to be equal to or greater than the number shown against ‘R’
in the Annexure-II, the batch or lot shall be declared as not of standard quality.
B. Bursting Volume and Pressure Test.- Sample condoms shall be tested for Bursting
Volume and Pressure Test. Statistical sampling for this test shall be done in accordance with the
plan set out in Annexure III to this Schedule. If the cumulative total of rejects ‘R’ is found to be
equal to or greater that the number shown against ‘R’ in Annexure III, the batch or lot shall be
declared as not of standard quality.
Condom shall not leak or burst at a volume of less than that specified or at a pressure less than 1.0
kpa (gauge), when tested as specified in paragraph 9, both before and after oven conditioning as
per specified in Annexure V. Bursting volume minimum limit in litres shall be equal [mean
condom width (mm) 2] rounded to the nearest 0.5 litre.
Dimensions. – At least two samples from the lot or batch shall satisfy the requirements
regarding dimensions as specified in paragraph 8 of this Schedule.
6. Sampling plan for a Drugs Inspector. – (1) Where an Inspector under the Act, desires to
take for test samples from the premises of manufacturer or a distribution depot; twenty containers
from each batch of production may be selected by him on a random basis and from each of this
containers, five samples shall be taken. The hundred samples so selected shall be distributed for
various tests as specified in paragraph 7 of this Schedule. In case the number of container is less
than twenty, the number of samples to be taken from each container shall be proportionately
(2) Where an Inspector under the Act, desires to take samples from a sales premises, he
shall take hundred samples from each batch of production in accordance with the procedure as
specified in sub-paragraph (1).
7. Sampled condoms drawn under sub-paragraph (1) shall be distributed for various tests
as follows: –
Two samples for thickness, length and width;
Forty-five samples for Water Leakage Test;
Forty-five samples for Bursting Volume and Pressure Test; and
Eight samples as reserve.
The samples shall be declared as not of standard quality, if, – (i) the number of condoms
found defective in the Water Leakage Test exceeds one; (ii) the number of condoms found
defective in Bursting Volume and Pressure Test exceeds two; (iii) samples fail to conform to the
requirements of dimensions as specified in paragraph 8 of this Schedule.
8. Dimensions. – (1) the length when unrolled (excluding teat) shall be not less than. –
(i) 170mm
(ii) 180 mm
(2) The width of a condom which laid flat and measured at any point within 85 mm from
the open end shall be,
(i) 49 ± 2mm for 170mm length
(iii) 52 ± 2mm for 180mm length.
(3) The single-wall thickness of a condom when measured at three points, one at 30 ±
2mm from the open end, 30 ± 5mm from the close end excluding the reservoir tip and at the mid
distance between these two point shall be from 0.045 mm to 0.075 mm.
NOTE 1. – The single-wall thickness shall be determined with a suitable micrometer dial
gauge graduated in intervals of 0.01 mm.
NOTE 2. – Condoms shall, prior to the measurement of thickness, have the dusting
powder or the lubricant or both removed by means of water or Isopropanol.
9. Bursting Volume and Pressure Test.- Determination of Bursting Volume and Pressure
Test shall be done as specified in Annexure IV.
10. Water Leakage Test.- Unroll the condom and fit the open end on a suitable mount, the
condom thus being suspended open end upwards. Fill it with 300ml water at room temperature
and inspect it after a period of at least 1 minute for leakage up to 25mm from the open end
because of distension of the condom the water does not extend to25mm from the open end. If raise
the closed end until the water level reaches this distance. After at least 1 minute, inspect the
newly-wetted part of the condom for leakage. The condom shall be deemed to be defective if it
bursts during test or shows any evidence of leakage or seepage of micro-droplets or does not hold
300ml water.
11. Quantity of Lubricant. -(1) The condoms shall be dressed with silicone lubricant. The
quantity required on each individual condom should not be less than 200 mg and minimum
viscosity shall be 200 centistokes.
(2) Lubricated condoms in individual foil packages shall be weighed on an Analytical
Balance. Each condom shall be removed from its foil package and both condom and its foil
package shall be washed in denatured ethanol or isopropanol, dried and then weighed again. All
weights shall be recorded to the nearest milligram (mg.). Compliance with the requirement shall
be determined by subtracting the weight of the washed and dried condom and its foil package from
the weight of sample condom in individual foil package prior to the removal of lubricant. Washing
and drying may be required upto a total of four times if the lubricant quantity is less than the
required minimum.
(3) At least thirteen samples shall be drawn from the lot or batch and the samples shall
satisfy the requirements regarding the quantity of lubricant.
12. Colour Fastness.- Not less than ten samples taken at random from each batch of
coloured condoms shall pass the following test for colour fastness, namely :-
Thoroughly wet inside and outside of the condom with distilled water. Make no attempt to
remove any dusting material or lubricant. Wrap the wet condom in white absorbent paper so that
the largest possible surface area of the condom is in contact with the paper and seal the whole in a
suitable container to prevent loss of moisture. Allow the container and its contents to stand for 16
hours to 24 hours at room temperature. After removing the absorbent paper from the container,
examine it visually the natural daylight for any indication of staining. No part of the absorbent
paper shall be stained. If there is any indication of staining of the absorbent paper by any colouring
agent present in any of the condoms or any dusting material or lubricant, the entire batch shall be
declared to be not of standard quality.
13. Labelling, packing and storage. – (1) The condoms shall be individually wrapped and
sealed in laminates containing at least eight microns of aluminium foil. The individual condom
shall be packed in square (non-squeeze condition) / rectangular aluminium foil. The packing shall
protect the condoms from contamination and mechanical damage. The smallest packing offered to
the consumer shall bear a clear permanent marking with the following particulars, namely: –
(i) Manufacturer’s name and address and the trade name of the condoms, if
(ii) Batch number;
(iii) Date of manufacture (Month and year only);
(iv) Date of expiry (Month and year only) which shall not be more than thirtysix months from the date of manufacture;
(v) The words “For single use only”
(2)The condoms shall be stored in a cool dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.
14. Integrity of individual package seals. – Sample condoms in individual packages shall
be placed in a sealed, transparent container (such as a laboratory Bell jar) and subjected to vacuum
of 50± 10 kpa (gauge) for a period one minute.
Condom packages that do not inflate or remain inflated for the period of the test shall be
deemed non-compliers. In doubtful cases, the test may be repeated, and both the inflation and
deflation of packages may be observed on application and removal of vacuum. An AQL of 2.5 per
cent will be applied in assessing the results of this test. Thirty-two samples of condoms for a batch
size less than 5 lakhs and fifty samples of condoms for batch size more than 5 lakhs shall be tested
for integrity test of individual package seals and compliance limit or acceptance number shall be
not more than two or three condoms respectively.
II- Other Mechanical Contraceptive
15. Standards for other mechanical contraceptive – Standards for ‘Copper T’ and ‘Tubal
Ring’ shall be as laid down in Annexure VI.
[See Paragraph 4-A]
Sampling Plan for Quantity Control of Condoms at Manufacturer’s Level.
BATCH SIZE: 35,001 TO 1.5 LAKH.
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 200: AQL – 0.25
AC – 1
R – 2
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 315 : AQL – 0.25
AC – 2
R – 3
* Annexures I to III subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 353(E) dt 26-4-2000.
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 500: AQL – 0.25
AC – 3
R – 4
Note : AQL denotes Acceptance Quality Level;
AC denotes Acceptance Number i.e. the maximum allowable number of defectives
for acceptance of the Batch; and
R denotes Rejection Number i.e., the minimum number of defectives for rejection
of the Batch.
[See Paragraph 5-A]
Sampling Plan for Quality Control of Condoms at Purchaser’s Level.
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 200: AQL – 0.25
AC – 1
R – 2
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 315: AQL – 0.25
AC – 2
R – 3
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 500: AQL – 0.25
AC – 3
R – 4
Note: AQL denotes Acceptance Quality Level;
AC denotes Acceptance Number i.e. the maximum allowable number of defectives
for acceptance of the Batch; and
R denotes Rejection Number i.e., the minimum number of defectives for rejection
of the Batch.
[See Paragraph 4-B and 5-B]
Sampling Plan for Bursting Volume and Pressure Test.
BATCH SIZE: 35,001 TO 1.5 LAKH.
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 200: AQL – 1.5
AC – 7
R – 8
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 315: AQL – 1.5
AC – 10
R – 11
Single Sampling Plan.
Sample Size 500: AQL – 1.5
AC – 14
R – 15
Note : AQL denotes Acceptance Quality Level;
AC denotes Acceptance Number i.e. the maximum allowable number of defectives
for acceptance of the Batch; and
R denotes Rejection Number i.e., the minimum number of defectives for rejection
of the Batch.]
(See Paragraph 9)
Determination of Bursting Volume and Pressure.
1. Principle. – Inflation of constant length of the condom with air and recording the
volume and pressure at the moment of bursting.
2. Apparatus. – (1) Apparatus suitable for inflating the condom with clean air at a
specified rate and provided with equipment for measuring volume and pressure.
(2) Suitable mount for fitting the condoms to the apparatus as shown in the figure annexed.
(3) Rod, 140mm in length having a smooth sphere 20 mm in diameter at its top (see the
figure) for hanging the unrolled condom when fixed to the apparatus.
3. Procedure. – (1) Unroll the condom, hang it on the rod (2.3), affix to the mount (2.2)
and inflate with air at a rate of 0.4 to 0.5 litre/sec. (24 to 30 litres/min)
(2) Measure and note the Bursting Volume, in litres rounded to the nearest 0.5 litre and the
bursting pressure, in kilopascals rounded to the nea5rest 0.1 kpa.
4. Test report. – The test report shall include the following particulars.
(a) the identification of the sample,
(b) the Bursting Volume and Bursting Pressure of each tested condom;
(c) the date of testing.
[See Paragraphs 4(B) and 5 (B)
Oven Conditioning
1. Principle of the Method. – The test consists in subjecting test samples to controlled
deterioration by air at an elevated temperature and at atmospheric pressure after which Burst
Volume and Pressure limits are measured.
2. Apparatus. – The air oven shall be of such a size that the total volume of the test
samples does not exceed 10 per cent of the free air space of the oven. Provision shall be made for
slow circulation of air in the oven of not less than three changes and not more than ten changes per
hour. The temperature of the over shall be thermostatically controlled so that the test samples are
kept within ± 2 oC of the specified ageing temperature. A thermometer shall be placed near the
center of the ageing test samples to record the actual ageing temperature.
Note: – Copper or Copper alloys shall not be used for the material of construction of the
oven prescribed.
3. Test sample. – The foil laminations of individual packages should remain intact
throughout all laboratory handling including over conditioning.
4. Temperature of the oven – Maintain the over at 70 ± 2 oC.
5. Duration of test. – 96 hours.
6. Procedure. – Condition the requisite number of unopened packages of rubber condoms
in the oven at 70 ± 2 oC for 96 hours. After heating, keep the packages at 23 ± 5 oC for at least 12
hours but not more than 96 hours. Open the packages and examine conditioned condoms for
thickness, brittleness, or other signs of deterioration. Within 96 hours but not sooner than 12 hours
after conditioning, do the Bursting Volume and Pressure Test as described in this Schedule.
(See Paragraph 15)
1. Standards for Copper T (200B) (IS-12418 (part 4)-1991-UDC 615.477.87. –
Contraceptive Device Copper T (200B) shall conform to the Indian Standards laid down from time
to time b the Bureau of Indian Standards.
2. Standards for Contraceptive Tubal Ring (IS 13009 : 1990-UDC 615.472.6 : 611.656).-
Contraceptive Device Tubal Ring shall conform to the Indian Standards laid down from time to
time by the Bureau of Indian Standards.]
(See Rules 109-A and 125-A)
The following medical device shall conform to the Indian Standards specification laid
down from time to time by the Bureau of Indian Standards: –
(1) Sterile Disposable Perfusion sets for single use only (Sections 2 and 3 of item 1 of IS
9824:1981 read with Amendment number 1).
(2) Sterile Disposable Hypodermic Syringes for single use only (IS 10258 : 1982).
(3) Sterile Disposable Hypodermic Needles for single use only 9IS 10654 : 1991)]
[See Rule 150-A]
Standards for cosmetics in finished form.- The following cosmetics in finished form shall
conform to the Indian Standards specifications laid down from time to time by the 3
[Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS)].
1. Skin Powders
2. Skin Powder for infants
3. Tooth Powder
4. Toothpaste
5. Skin Creams
6. Hair Oils
7. Shampoo, Soap-based
8. Shampoo, Synthetic-Detergent based
9. Hair Creams
10. Oxidation hair dyes, Liquid
11. Cologne.]
[12 Nail Polish (Nail Enamel)
13. After Shave Lotion
14. Pomades and Brilliantines
15. Depliatories chemicals
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 510(E) dt 26.7.1982.
2 Subs. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 673(E) dt 27.10.1993.
3Added by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 731(E) dt 28.8.1990
16 Shaving Creams
17. Cosmetic Pencils
18. Lipstick]
[19. Toilet Soap
20. Liquid Toilet Soap
21. Baby Toilet Soap
22. Shaving Soap
23. Transparent Toilet Soap]
[24. Lipsalve IS:10284
25. Powder Hair Dye IS: 10350
26. Bindi (Liquid) IS: 10998
27. Kum Kum Powde IS: 10999
28. Henna Powder IS: 11142]
[See Rule 157]
The Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are prescribed as follows in Part I and Part II to
ensure: –
i) raw materials used in the manufacture of drugs are authentic, of prescribed quality and
are free from contamination;
ii) the manufacturing process is as has been prescribed to maintain the standards;
iii) adequate quality control measures are adopted;
iv) the manufactured drug which is released for sale is of acceptable quality;
v) to achieve the objectives listed above, each licensee shall evolve methodology and
procedures for following the prescribed process of manufacture of drugs which should be
documented as a manual and kept for reference and inspection. However, under IMCC
Act 1970 registered Vaidyas, Siddhas and Hakeems who prepare medicines on their own
to dispense to their patients and not selling such drugs in the market are exempted from
the purview of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
Factory Premises:
The manufacturing plant should have adequate space for: –
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 673(E) dt 27.10.1993.
Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 553(E) dt 20.7.1995.
Sub. By G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 198(E) dt 07.3.2003.
(i) receiving and storing raw material;
(ii) manufacturing process areas;
(iii)Quality control section;
(iv)finished goods store;
(v) office;
(vi)rejected goods/drugs store.
1.1.General Requirements:
1.1(A) Location and surroundings. – The factory building for manufacture of Ayurveda,
Siddha and Unani medicines shall be so situated and shall have such construction as to avoid
contamination from open sewerage, drain, public lavatory for any factory which produces
disagreeable or obnoxious odour or fumes or excessive soot, dust and smoke.
1.1(B) Buildings. – The buildings used for factory shall be such as to permit production of
drugs under hygienic conditions and should be free from cobwebs and insects/rodents. It should
have adequate provision of light and ventilation. The floor and the walls should not be damp or
moist. The premises used for manufacturing, processing, packaging and labeling will be in
conformity with the provisions of the Factory Act. It shall be located so as to be:
(I) Compatible with other manufacturing operations that may be carried out in the
same or adjacent premises.
(II) Adequately provided with working space to allow orderly and logical placement of
equipment and materials to avoid the risk of mix up between different drugs or
components thereof and control the possibility of cross contamination by other
drugs or substances and avoid the risk of omission of any manufacturing or control
(III) Designed, constructed and maintained to prevent entry of insects and rodents.
Interior surface (walls, floors and ceilings) shall be smooth and free from cracks
and permit easy cleaning and disinfection. The walls of the room in which the
manufacturing operations are carried out shall be impervious to and be capable of
being kept clean. The flooring shall be smooth and even and shall be such as not to
permit retention or accumulation of dust or waste products.
(IV) Provided with proper drainage system in the processing area. The sanitary fittings
and electrical fixtures in the manufacturing area shall be proper and safe.
(V) Furnace/Bhatti section could be covered with tin roof and proper ventilation, but
sufficient care should be taken to prevent flies and dust.
(VI) There should be fire safety measures and proper exits should be there.
(VII) Drying Space: – There should be separate space for drying of raw materials, in
process medicine or medicines require drying before packing. This space will be
protected from flies/ insects/ dust etc., by proper flooring, wire mesh window, glass
panels or other material.
1.1(C) Water Supply. – The water used in manufacture shall be pure and of potable
quality. Adequate provision of water for washing the premises shall be made.
1.1(D) Disposable of Waste. – From the manufacturing section and laboratories the waste
water and the residues which might be prejudicial to the workers or public health shall be disposed
off. .
1.1(E) Container’s Cleaning. – In factories where operations involving the use of
containers such as glass bottles, vials and jars are conducted, there shall be adequate arrangements
separated from the manufacturing operations for washing, cleaning and drying of such containers.
1.1(F) Stores. – Storage should have proper ventilation and shall be free from dampness.
It should provide independent adequate space for storage of different types of material, such as
raw material, packaging material and finished products.
1.1. (F)(A) Raw Materials. – All raw materials procured for manufacturing will be stored in
the raw materials store. The manufacture based on the experience and the characteristics of the
particular raw material used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system shall decide the use of
appropriate containers which would protect the quality of raw materials as well as prevent it from
damage due to dampness, microbiological contamination or rodent and insect infestation, etc. If
certain raw materials require such controlled environmental conditions, the raw materials stores
may be sub-divided with proper enclosures to provide such conditions by suitable cabinization.
While designing such containers, cupboard or areas in the raw materials store, care may be taken
to handle the following different categories of raw materials:-
1. Raw material of metallic origin.
2. Raw material of mineral origin
3. Raw material from animal source
4. Fresh Herbs
5. Dry Herbs or Plant parts
6. Excipients etc
7. Volatile oils/perfumes and flavours
8. Plant concentrates/ extracts and exudates/resins.
Each container used for raw material storage shall be properly identified with the label
which indicates name of the raw material, source of supply and will also clearly state the status of
raw material such as ‘UNDER TEST’ or ‘APPROVED’ or ‘REJECTED’. The labels shall
further indicate the identity of the particular supply in the form of Batch No. or Lot No. and the
date of receipt of the consignment.
All the raw materials shall be sampled and got tested either by the in-house Ayurvedic,
Siddha and Unani experts (Quality control technical person) or by the laboratories approved by the
Government and shall be used only on approval after verifying. The rejected raw material should
be removed from other raw material store and should be kept in separate room. Procedure of ‘First
in first out’ should be adopted for raw materials wherever necessary. Records of the receipt,
testing and approval or rejection and use of raw material shall be maintained.
1.1. (F)(B) Packing Materials. – All packaging materials such as bottles, jars, capsules etc.
shall be stored properly. All containers and closure shall be adequately cleaned and dried before
packing the products.
1.1. (F)(C) Finished Goods Stores. – The finished goods transferred from the production
area after proper packaging shall be stored in the finished goods stores within an area marked
“Quarantine”. After the quality control laboratory and the experts have checked the correctness of
finished goods with reference to its packing/labeling as well as finished product quality as
prescribed, then it will be moved to “Approved Finished Goods Stock” area. Only approved
finished goods shall be dispatched as per marketing requirements. Distribution records shall be
maintained as required.
If any Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug needs special storage conditions, finished goods
store shall provide necessary environmental requirements.
1.1(G) Working space. – The manufacturing area shall provide adequate space
(manufacture and quality control) for orderly placement of equipment and material used in any of
the operations for which these employed so as to facilitate easy and safe working and to minimize
or to eliminate any risk of mix-up between different drugs, raw materials and to prevent the
possibility of cross contamination of one drug by another drug that is manufactured, stored or
handled in the same premises.
1.1(H) Health Clothing, Sanitation and Hygiene of Workers.- All workers employed in the
Factory shall be free from contagious diseases. The clothing of the workers shall consist of proper
uniform suitable to the nature of work and the climate and shall be clean. The uniform shall also
include cloth or synthetic covering for hands, feet and head wherever required. Adequate facilities
for personal cleanliness such as clean towels, soap and scrubbing brushes shall be provided.
Separate provision shall be made for lavatories to be used by men and women, and such lavatories
shall be located at places separated from the processing rooms. Workers will also be provided
facilities for changing their clothes and to keep their personal belongings.
1.1. (I) Medical Services: The manufacturer shall also provide:-
(a) Adequate facilities for first aid;
(b) Medical examination of workers at the time of employment and periodical
check up thereafter by a physician once a year, with particular attention being
devoted to freedom from infections. Records thereof shall be maintained.
1.1(J) Machinery and Equipments. – For carrying out manufacturing depending on the size
of operation and the nature of product manufactured, suitable equipment either manually operated
or operated semi-automatically (Electrical or steam based) or fully automatic machinery shall be
made available. These may include machines for use in the process of manufacture such as
crushing, grinding powdering, boiling, mashing, burning, roasting, filtering, drying, filling,
labeling and packing etc. to ensure case in movement of workers and orderliness in operation a
suitably adequate space will be ensured between two machines or rows of machines. These
equipments have to be properly installed and maintained with proper cleaning. List of equipments
and machinery recommended is indicated in Part II A.
Proper Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for cleaning, maintaining and performance
of every machine should be laid down.
1.1(K) Batch Manufacturing Records. – The licencee shall maintain batch manufacturing
record of each batch of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs manufactured irrespective of the type
of product manufactured (classical preparation or patent and proprietary medicines).
Manufacturing records are required to provide an account of the list of raw materials and their
quantities obtained from the store, tests conducted during the various stages of manufacture like
taste, colour, physical characteristics and chemical tests as may be necessary or indicated in the
approved books of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani mentioned in the First Schedule of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 19400. These tests may include any in-house or pharmacopoeial test
adopted by the manufacturer in the raw material or in the process material and in the finished
product. These records shall be duly signed by Production and Quality Control Personnel
respectively. Details of transfer of manufactured drug to the finished products store including
dates and quantity of drugs transferred along with record of testing of the finished product, if any,
and packaging, records shall be maintained. Only after the manufactured drugs have been verified
and accepted quality shall be allowed to be cleared for sale.
It should be essential to maintain the record of date, manpower, machine and equipments
used and to keep in process record of various shodhana, Bhavana, burning and fire and specific
grindings in terms of internal use.
1.1(L) Distribution Records. – Records of sale and distribution of each batch of Ayurveda,
Siddha and Unai Drugs shall be maintained in order to facilitate prompt and complete recall of the
batch, if necessary.The duration of record keeping should be the date of expiry of the batch.
Ceertain category of Ayurvedic, siddha and Unani medicines like Bhasma, Rasa, Kupi-pakva,
Parpati, Sindura, Karpu/uppu/puram, kushta, Asava-arishta etc. do not have expiry date in contrast
their efficiency increases with the passage of time. Hence, records need be maintained upto five
years of the exhausting of stock.
1.1(M) Record of Market Complaints. – Manufacturers shall maintain a register to record
all reports of market complaints received regarding the products sold in the market. The
manufacturer shall enter all data received on such market complaints, investigations carried out by
the manufacturers regarding the complaint as well as any corrective action initiated to prevent
recurrence of such market complaints shall also be recorded. Once in a period of six months the
manufacturer shall submit the record of such complaints to the licensing authority. The Register
shall also be available for inspection during any inspection of the premises.
Records of any adverse reaction resulting from the use of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani
drugs shall also be maintained in a separate register by each manufacturer. The manufacturer shall
investigate any of the adverse reaction to find if the same is due to any defect in the product, and
whether such reactions are already reported in the literature or it is a new observation.
1.1(N) Quality Control. – Every licensee is required to provide facility for quality control
section in his own premises or through Government approved testing laboratory. The test shall be
as per the Auurveda, Siddha and Unani pharmacopoeial standard. Where the tests are not
available, the test should be performed according to the manufacturers specification or other
information available. The quality control section shall verify all the raw materials, monitor in
process, quality checks and control the quality of finished product being released to finished goods
store/warehouse. Preferably for such Quality control there will be a separate expert. The quality
control section shall have the following facilities: –
1) There should be 150 sq. feet area for quality control section.
2) For identification of raw drugs, reference books and reference samples should be
3) Manufacturing record should be maintained for the various processes.
4) To verify the finished products, controlled samples of finished products of each
batch will be kept for 3 years.
5) To supervise and monitor adequacy of conditions under which raw materials, semifinished products and finished products are stored.
6) Keep record in establishing shelf life and storage requirements for the drugs.
7) Manufacturers who are manufacturing patent proprietary Ayurveda Siddha, and
Unani medicines shall provide their own specification and control reference in
respect of such formulated drugs.
8) The record of specific method and procedure of preparation, that is, “Bhavana”,
“Mardana” and “Puta” and the record of every process carried out by the
manufacturer shall be maintained.
9) The standards for identity, purity and strength as given in respective
pharmacopoeias of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems of medicines published
by Government of India shall be complied with.
10) All raw materials will be monitored for fungal, bacterial contamination with a view
to minimize such contamination.
11) Quality control section will have a minimum of:
(i) One person with Ayurveda /Siddha/ Unani qualification recognized under Schedule II
of Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (84 of 1970). Two other persons one each with
Bachelor qualification in Botony/ Chemistry/ Pharmacy could be on part time or contractual basis.
(ii) The manufacturing unit shall have a quality control section as explained under Section
35(ii). Alternatively, these quality control provisions will be met by getting testing etc., from a
recognized laboratory for Ayuveda, Siddha and Unani drugs; under Rule 160-A of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act. The manufacturing company will maintain all the record of various tests got done
from outside recognized laboratory.
(iii)List of equipments recommended is indicated in Part II C.
1.2. Requirement for Sterile Product:
.2(A) Manufacturing Areas: For the manufacture of sterile Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha
drugs, separate enclosed areas specifically designated for the purpose shall be provided. These
areas shall be provided with air locks for entry and shall be essentially dust free and ventilated
with an air supply. For all areas where aseptic manufacture has to be carried out, air supply shall
be filtered through bacteria retaining filters (HEPA Filters) and shall be at a pressure higher than
in the adjacent areas. The filters shall be checked for performance on installation and periodically
thereafter the record of checks shall be maintained. All the surfaces in sterile manufacturing areas
shall be designed to facilitate cleaning and disinfection. For sterile manufacturing routine
microbial counts of all Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug manufacturing areas shall be carried out
during operations. Results of such count shall be checked against established in-house standards
and record maintained.
Access to manufacturing areas shall be restricted to minimum number of authorized
personnel. Special procedure to be followed for entering and leaving the manufacturing areas shall
be written down and displayed.
For the manufacturing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drug that can be sterilized in their
final containers, the design of the areas shall be preclude the possibility of the products intended
for sterilization being mixed with or taken to be products already sterilized. In case of terminally
sterilized products, the design of the areas shall preclude the possibility of mix up between nonsterile products.
1.2(B) Precautions against contamination and mix:
(a) Carrying out manufacturing operations in a separate block of adequately isolated
building or operating in an isolated enclosure within the building,
(b) Using appropriate pressure differential in the process area.
(c) Providing a suitable exhaust system.
(d) Designing laminar flow sterile air system for sterile products.
(e) The germicidal efficiency of UV lamps shall be checked and recorded indicating the
burning hours or checked using intensity.
(f) Individual containers of liquids and ophthalmic solutions shall be examined against
black-white background fitted with diffused light after filling to ensure freedom from
contamination with foreign suspended matter.
(g) Expert technical staff approved by the Licensing Authority shall check and compare
actual yield against theoretical yield before final distribution of the batch.
All process controls as required under master formula including room temperature, relative
humidity, volume filled, leakage and clarify shall be checked and recorded.
Sl.No. Category of Medicine Minimum manufacturing
space required
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1200 Square feet covered area
with separate cabins partitions
for each activity. If Unani
medicines are manufactured
in same premises an
additional area of 400 sq. feet
will be required.
1. Anjana/Pisti 100 sq. feet. Karel/mechanized/motorized,
kharel. End runner/Ball-Mill
2. Churna / Nasya
Kwath Churn
200 Sq feet Grinder / disintegrator /
Pulverisar / Powder mixer /
Sieves / Shifter.
3. Pills / Vatti / Gutika
Matrica and tablets
100 sq. feet Ball Mill, Mass mixer powder
mixer, granulator, drier, tablet
compressing machine, pill/vati
cutting machine, stainless steel
trays/container for storage and
sugar coating, polishing pan in
the case of sugar coated
tablets,mechanised chattoo (for
mixing guggulu) where
1 2 3 4
4. Kupi pakava / Ksara /
Parpati / Lavana Bhasma
Satva / Sindura Karpu /
Uppu / Param
150 Sq. feet Bhatti,Karahi/StainlessSteelVessels/
Patila Flask, Multani Matti/Plaster of
Paris, copper Rod, Earthern container,
5. Kajal 100 Sq. feet Earthern lamps for Collection of Kajal,
Triple Roller Mill, End Roller, Sieves,
S.S.Patila, filling / packing and
manufacturing room should be
provided with exhaust fan & ultra
violet lamps.
6. Capsules 100 Sq. feet Air Conditioner, De humidifier,
hygrome ter, thermometer, Capsule
filling machine and chemical balance.
7. Ointment /Marham /
100 Sq. feet Tube filling machine, Crimping
machine/Ointment mixer, End Runner/
Mill (Where required) S.S. Storage
Container S.S.Patila.
8. Pak /Avalesh / Khand /
Modak /Lakayam
100 Sq. feet Bhatti section fitted with exhaust fan
and should be fly proof, iron kadahi /
S.S.Patila and S.S. Storage container.
9. Panak / Syrup / Pravahi
Kwath Manapaku
150 Sq, feet Tincture press, exhaust fan fitted and
fly proof, Bhatti section, Bottle
washing machine, filter press / Gravity
filter liquid filling machine, P.P.
Capping Machine.
10. Asava / Arishta 200 Sq. ft Same as mentioned above.
Fermentation tanks containers and
distillation plant where necessary,
Filter Press.
12. Sura 100 Sq. ft Same as mentioned above plus
distillation plant and transfer pump.
13. Ark/ Tinir 100 Sq. ft Maceration tank, Distillation plant,
Liquid filling tank with tap / Gravity
filter/Filter press, Visual inspection
14. Tail/Ghrit Ney 100 Sq. ft Bhatti, Kadahi/S.S. Patila S.S.Storage
Containers, Filtration equipment,
filling tank with tap/Liquid filling
15. Aschyotan / Netra
Malham Panir
100 Sq. ft Hot air oven electrically heated with
thermostatic control, kettle gas or
electrically heated with suitable mixing
arrangements collation mill, or
ointment mill, tube filling equipment,
mixing and storage tanks of stainless
steel or of other suitable material
sintered glass funnel, seitz filter or
filter candle, liquid filling equipment,
16. Each manufacturing unit
will have a separate area
for Bhatti, furnace,
boilers, puta, etc. This
will have proper
ventilation, removal of
smoke, prevention of
flies, insets, dust etc. the
furnace section could
have tin roof.
200 Sq. ft
Sl.No. Category of Medicine Minimum manufacturing
space required
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. 1200 square feet covered
area with separate cabins,
partitions for each
activity. If Ayurveda /
Siddha, Medicines are
also manufactured in
same premises an
addition area of 400
square feet will be
1. Itrifal Tiryao /
majoon / Laooq /
Jawarish Khamiras
100 Sq. feet Grinder/ Pulveriser, Sieves, powder
mixer (if required), S.S. Patilas,
Bhatti and other accessories,
Planter mixer for Khamiras.
2. Araq. 100 Sq. feet Distillation Plant (garembic) S.S.
storage tank, boiling vessel, gravity
filter, bottle filling machine, bottle
washing machine, bottle drier.
3. Habb (Pills) and
100 Sq. feet Ball Mill, Mass Mixer/Powder
mixer, Granulator drier, tablet
compressing machine, pill/vati
cutting machine, stainless steal
trays/ container for storage and in
the case of sugar coated tablets,
mechanized chattoo, (for mixing
guggulu) where required.
4. Sufoof (Powder) 100 Sq. feet Grinder / Pulveriser, Sieves, Trays,
Scoops, Powder mixer (where
5. Raughan (oils)
(Crushing and
100 Sq. feet Oil expeller, S.S. Patilas oil filter
bottle, filling machine, bottle drier,
6. Shiyaf, Surma, Kajal 100 Sq. feet End runner,mixing S.S. Vessel
7. Marham, Zimad
100 Sq. feet Karal, Bhatti, End runner, Grinder,
Pulveriser, Triple Roller Mill (if
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8. Qurs (Tab) 100 Sq. feet Grinder / Pulveriser, Sieves, Powder
mixer (where needed), Granulator,
Drier, Tablet Compressing Machine,
Die punches Trays, D.T. apparatus,
Balance with weights, Scoops, Sugar
Coating Pan, polishing pan, Heater.
9. Kushta 100 Sq. feet Bhatti, Kharal, Sil Batta, Earthen pots.
10. Murabba 100 Sq. feet. Aluminium Vessels 50-100 kgs.
Capacity, Gendna, Bhatti.
11. Capsule 100 Sq. feet Pulveriser, Powder mixer (where
needed), capsule filling machine, Air
conditioner, Dehumidifier Balance
with weights, storage containers,
12. Sharbat & Jushanda 100 Sq. feet Tinctum Press, exhaust fan fitted,
Bhatti section, Bottle washing
machine, Filter Press, Gravity filter,
Liquid filling tank with tap/liquid
filling machine, PP capping machine,
air over electrically heated with
thermostatic control, kettle.
13. Qutoor Chasm and
Marham (Eye drops
eye ointment)
100 Sq. feet Hot air oven electrically heated with
thermostatic control, kettle.
(alternatively unit can get testing done from the government approved laboratory.)
1 Alcohol determination Apparatus (complete
1. Microscope Binoculor.
2. Volatile Oil Determination Apparatus. 2. Dissecting Microscope.
3. Boiling Point Determination Apparatus 3. Microtome.
4. Melting Point Determination Apparatus 4. Physical Balance.
5. Refractometer 5. Aluminium Slide Trays.
6. Polarimeter 6. Stage Micrometer.
7. Viscometer. 7. Camera Lucida (Prism and
Mirror Type.)
8. Tablet Disintegration Apparatus. 8. Chemicals, Glass-ware etc.
9. Moisture Meter.
10. Muffle Furnace.
11. Electronic Balance.
12. Magnetic Stirrer.
13. Hot Air Oven.
14. Refrigerator.
15. Glass/Steel Distillation apparatus.
16. LPG Gas Cylinders with Burners.
17 Water Bath(Temperature controlled.)
18 Heating Mantles/ Hot Plates.
19. TLC Apparatus with all accessories
20 Paper Chromatography apparatus with
(1) (2) (3) (4)
14. Each manufacturing
unit will have a
separate area for
Bhatti, furnaces,
boilers, putta, etc. this
will have proper
ventilation, removal
of smoke, prevention
of flies, insets, dust
200 Sq. feet
21. Sieve size 10 to120 with Sieve shaker.
22 Centrifuge Machine.
23. Dehumidifier.
24 PH Meter.
25. Limit Test Apparatus.
Note: – The above requirements of machinery, equipments, space, qualifications are made subject
to the modification at the discretion of the Licensing Authority, if he is of the opinion that having
regard to the nature and extent of the manufacturing operations it is necessary to relax or alter then
in the circumstances in a particular case.
[ see I Rules 74, 74-A, 74-B, 78 and 78-A]
A. Substances other than parenteral in preparation in general.
1. Serial number
2. Name of the product
3. Reference of Master Formula Records.
4. Lot/Batch Size.
5. Lot/Batch Number
6. Date of commencement of manufacture and date of completion of manufacture and
assigned date of expiry.
7. Name of all ingredients, specifications quantities required for the lot/Batch size and
quantities actually used. All weighing and measurements shall be carried out by a
responsible person and initialed by him and shall be counter-checked and signed by the
competent technical staff under whose personal supervision the ingredients are used for
8. Control Numbers of raw materials used in the formulation.
9. Date, time and duration of mixing.
10 Details of environmental controls like room temperature, relative humidity.
11.Date of granulation, wherever applicable.
* Sub by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 735(E) dt 24.6.1988.
12.Theoretical weight and actual weight of granules/powder blend.
13. Records of in-processes controls (Periodically whenever necessary)
a) Uniformity of mixing.
b) Moisture content of granules/powder in case of Tablet/Capsules.
c) pH of solution in case of liquid.
d) Weight variation.
e) Disintegration time.
f) Hardness
g) Friability test
h) Leak test in case of strip packing.
i) Filled volume of liquids.
j) Quantity of tablets/capsules in the final container.
k) Content of ointment in the filled containers.
14. Date of compression in case of Tablets/date of filling in case of capsules.
15. Date of sealing/coating /polishing in case of capsules/tablets wherever applicable.
16. Reference to analytical Report number stating the result of test and analysis.
17. Separate records of the disposal of the rejected batches and of batches withdrawn from
the market.
18. The theoretical yield and actual productions yield and packing particulars indicating
the size and quantity of finished packing.
19. Specimen of label/strip, carton with batch coding information like Batch Number,
date of manufacture, date of expiry, retail prices as applicable, stamped thereon and
inserts used in the finished packings.
20. Signature with date of competent technical staff responsible for the manufacture.
21. Counter-signature of the head of the testing units or other approved person-in-charge
of testing for having verified the batch records and for having released and batch for
sale and distribution, the quantity released and date of release.
22. Date of release of finished packings and quantity released for sale and distribution.
23. Quantity transferred to warehouse.
24. For Hypodermic tablets and ophthalmic preparations, which are required to be
manufactured under aseptic conditions, records shall be maintained indicating the
precautions taken during the process of manufacture to ensure that aseptic conditions
are maintained.
1. Serial number
2. Name of the product.
3. Reference of the master formula record
4. Batch /Lot size
5. Batch No. and/or Lot No.
6. Date of commenceme nt of manufacture and date of completion.
7. Name of all ingredients, specifications and quantity required for the Lot/Batch size
and quantity actually used. All weighings and measurements shall be carried out by
a responsible person and initialed by him and shall be countersigned by the
technical staff under whose personal supervision the stock are issued and by
another competent technical staff under whose supervision the ingredients are used
for manufacture.
8. Control numbers of raw materials used in the formulation.
9. Date, time and duration of mixing.
10. Details of environmental controls like temperature, humidity, microbial count in
the sterile working areas.
11. pH of the solution, wherever applicable.
11. Date and method of filtration.
12. Sterility test, release on bulk batch wherever applicable.
13. Record of check on volume filled.
14. Date of filling.
15. Records of test employed: –
a) To ensure that sealed ampoules are leak proof
b) To check the presence of foreign particles.
c) Pyrogen test, wherever applicable.
d) Toxicity test wherever applicable.
16. Records of checking of instruments and apparatus of sterilization (indicators).
17. Records of cleaning and sterilization of containers and closures, if necessary.
18. Records of sterilization in case of parenteral preparations which are heat sterilized
including particulars or time, temperature and pressure employed. Such records
should be marked to relate to the batch sterilized.
19. Number and size of containers filled and quantity rejected.
20. The theoretical yield and actual yield and the percentage yield thereof.
21. Reference to Analytical report numbers stating whether of standard quality or
23. Specimen of labels, cartons, etc. with Batch coding information like batch number,
date of manufacture, date of expiry, as applicable, stamped thereon, and inserts
used in the finished packings.
24. Signature with date of the component technical stall responsible for manufacture.
25. Particulars regarding the precautions taken during the manufacture to ensure that
aseptic conditions are maintained.
26. Countersignature of head of the testing unit or person in charge of testing for
having verified the documents and for having released the product for sale and
distribution, the quantity released and date of release.
27. Records for having transferred to warehouse giving packings and quantities.
28. Separate records of the disposal of the rejected batches and of all batches
withdrawn from the market.
29. Records of reprocessing if any and particulars of reprocessing.
Records in respect of each raw material shall be maintained indicating the date of receipt,
invoice number, name and address of the manufacturer/supplier, batch number, quantity received,
pack size, date of manufacture, date of expiry, if any, date of analysis and release/rejection by
quantity control, analytical report number, with special remarks, if any, quantity issued, date of
issue and the particulars of the name and batch numbers of products for the manufacture of which
issued and the proper disposal of the stocks.
1. Analytical report number.
2. Name of the sample
3. Date of receipt of sample
4. Batch/Lot number
5. Protocols of tests applied.
a) Description
b) Identification
c) Uniformity of weight
d) Uniformity of diameter (if applicable).
e) Disintegration test (time in minutes)
f) Any other tests
g) Results of Assay.
Note: – Records regarding various test applied (including readings and calculations) should be
maintained and necessary reference to these records should be entered in Col. 5 above
whenever necessary.
6. Signature of the Analyst.
7. Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst.
1, Analytical report number.
2. Name of the sample
3. Batch number
4. Date of receipt of samples.
5. Number of containers filled.
6. Number of containers received.
7. Protocols of tests applied.
a) Clarity
b) PH wherever applicable
c) Identification.
d) Volume in container.
e) Sterility – (i) Bulk sample wherever applicable (ii) container sample.
f) Pyrogen test, wherever applicable
g) Toxicity test, wherever applicable
h) Any other tests
i) Results of Assay
Note: – Records regarding various test applied (including readings and calculations) should be
maintained and necessary reference to these records should be entered in Col. 7 above,
wherever necessary.
8. Signature of the Analyst.
9. Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst.
Pyrogen Test:
1. Test Report Number.
2. Name of the sample.
3. Batch Number.
4. Number of rabbits used.
5. Weight of each rabbit.
6. Normal temperature of each rabbit.
7. Mean initial temperature of each rabbit.
8. Dose and volume of solution injected into each rabbit and time of injection.
9. Temperature or each rabbit noted at suitable intervals.
10. Maximum temperature.
11. Response.
12. Summed response.
13. Signature of the Analyst.
14.Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst.
Toxicity Test
1. Test Report Number.
2. Name of the sample.
3. Batch Number.
4. Number of mice used and weight of each mouse.
5. Strength and volume of the Drugs injected.
6. Date of injection.
7. Results and remarks.
8. Signature of Analyst.
9. Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst.
1. Analytical report number.
2. Name of the sample.
3. Batch/Lot number.
4. Date of receipt of sample.
5. Protocol of tests applied.
(a) Description.
(b) Identification.
(c) Any other tests.
(d) Results of Assay.
Note :- Particulars regarding various tests applied (including readings and calculations) shall
be maintained and necessary reference to these records shall be entered in Column
5 above, wherever necessary.
6. Signature of Analyst.
7. Opinion and signature of the approved Analyst.
1. Serial number,
2. Name of the materials.
3. Name of the manufacturer/supplier.
4. Quantity received.
5. Invoice/Challan number and date.
6. Protocols of test s applied.
Note: – Particulars regarding various tests applied (including readings and calculations) shall
be maintained and necessary reference to these records shall be entered in Column 6
above, wherever necessary.
1. Serial number.
2. Name of the item.
3. Name of the manufacturer/supplier.
4. Quantity received.
5. Invoice/Challan number and date
6. Results of tests applied.
Note:- Particularsregarding various tests applied shall be maintained and necessary reference
to these records shall be entered in column 6 above.
7. Remarks.
8. signature of the examiner.
Note: – The foregoing provisions represent the minimum requirements to be complied with by
the licensee. The Licensing Authority, may however, direct the nature of records to
be maintained by the licensee for such products as are not covered by the categories
described above.
2. The Licensing Authority may permit the licensee to maintain records in such manner as
are considered satisfactory, provided the basic requirements laid down above are
complied with.
3. The Licensing Authority may at its discretion direct the licensee to maintain records for
such additional particulars as it may consider necessary in the circumstances of a
particular case.]
(See rules 142 and 142-B)
I. Particulars to be shown in the manufacturing Records: –
1. Serial number.
2. Name of the product.
3. Lot/Batch size.
4. Lot/Batch number
5. Date of commencement of manufacture and date when manufacture wascompleted.
6. Names of all ingredients, quantities required for the lot/batch size, quantities
actually used.
7. Control reference numbers in respect of raw materials used in formulation.
8. Reference to analytical report number.
9. Actual production and packing particulars indicating the size and quantity of
finished packings.
10. Date of release finished packing for distribution sale.
11. Signature of the expert staff responsible for the manufacture.
II. Records of Raw MaterialsRecords in respect of each raw material shall be maintained indicating the quantity
received, control reference number, the quantity issued from time to time, the names and batch
numbers of the products for the manufacture of which the said quantity of raw material has been
issued and the particulars relating to the proper disposal of the stocks.
NOTE 1:The Licensing Authority may permit the licensee to maintain records in such
manner as is considered satisfactory, provided the basic requirements laid down above are
complied with.
NOTE 2:The Licensing Authority may direct the licensee to maintain records for such
additional particulars, as it may consider necessary in the circumstances of a particular case.
1Added by G.S.R. 1594, dated 13-11-1976, Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/4/76-&MS, dated 28-10-1976.
593 –A
Vitamin Unit Patent or proprietary Patent or proprietary Patent or proprietary medicines containing
Medicines containing medicines containing vitamins for paediatric use.
Vitamins for prophylactic vitamins for therapeutic
in single dose or in two divided doses.
per daily dose
For adults For infants less than For children above one
one year. year upto adults
1 2 3 4 5 6
Vitamin A. I.U Not less than 1600 and not
more than 2500
Not less than 5000 and not
more than 10000
Not less than 750 and not
more than 3000
Not less than 1500 and more
than 5000
Vitamin D. I.U Not less than 100 and not
more than 200.
Not less than 400 and not
more than 1000
Not less than 200 and not
more than 400
Not less than 100 and more
than 400
Vitamin B1 mg. Not less than 1 and not more
than 2
Not less than 4.5 and not
more than 10
Not less than 0.5 and
more than 1
Not less than 1 and not more
than 4.5
Vitamin B2 mg Not less than 1 and not more
than 3
Not less than 5 and not more
than 10
Not less than 0.5 and not
more than 1.5
Not less than 1 and not more
than 5.
Vitamin B6 mg Not less than 0.5 and not
more than 1.5
Not less than 1.5 and not
more than 3
Not less than 0.5 and not
more than 1.5
Not less than 1 and not more
than 3
Niacinamide mg Not less than 15 and not
more than 26
Not less than 45 and not
more than 100
Not less than 5 and not
more than 15
Not less than 10 and not
more than 40.
acid or its
salts and
Mg Not less than 1 and not more
than 5
Not less than 5 and not more
than 50
Not less than 1 and not
more than 3
Not less than 2.5 and not
more than 10
593 – B
1 2 3 4 5 6
Folic acid mcg. Not less than 50 and not
more than 300
Not less than 1000 and not
more than 1500
Not less than 25 and not
more than 100
Not less than 100 and not
more than 500
Vitamin B12 mcg Not less than 0.5 and not
more than 1
Not less than 5 and not more
than 15
Not less than 1 and not
more than 3
Not less than 1 and not more
than 5
Vitamin C mg Not less than 25 and not
more than 50
Not less than 75 and not
more than 150
Not less than 20 and not
more than 40
Not less than 30 and not
more than 80
Vitamin E I.U Not less than 5 and not
more than 10
Not less than 15 and not
more than 25
Not less than 2.5 and not
more than 10
Not less than 5 and not more
than 20.
Note 1: Patent or proprietary medicines containing vitamins intended for prophylactic, therapeutic or paediatric use shall bear on the label the words “For
Prophylactic Use” “ For Therapeutic Use,” or “For Paediatric Use” as the case may be. In the case of paediatric preparations the age of the infant or the
child for whose use it is intended, shall be given in addition to the particulars required to be given under these rules.
Note 2: The above standards shall not apply to any preparation containing a single vitamin only and also to any preparation containing vitamins intended for
parenteral use. Provided, however, that in the case of patent or proprietary medicines containing vitamins which are intended for the treatment of certain
specific conditions or diseases, the Licensing Authority specified in clause (b) of rule 21, may permit the addition of vitamins therein in relaxation of the
limits specified above, if satisfactory evidence is produced in justification of such relaxation.
[ See rule 124-B]
Standards for patent or proprietary medicines.
1. 2
[ * * * ]
2. Standards for patent or proprietary medicines, containing vitamins:
Patent or proprietary medicines containing vitamins for prophylactic, therapeutic or
paediatric use shall contain the vitamins in quantities not less than and not more than those
specified below in single or in two divided daily doses, namely: –
(See Table )
3 5[* * *]
[4. General Standards for Different Categories of Patent or Proprietary Medicines. –
In the case of Pharmaceutical products containing several active ingredients, the selection
shall be such that the ingredients do not interact with one another and do not affect the safety and
therapeutic efficacy of the product. The combination shall not also lead to analytical difficulties
for the purpose of assaying the content of such ingredient separately. The substances added as
additives shall be innocuous, shall not affect the safety or therapeutic efficacy of the active
ingredients, and shall not affect the assays and identity tests in the amount present.
Subject to the provisions of these rules, patent or proprietary medicines shall comply with
the following standards, namely: –
1. Patent or proprietary medicines shall comply with the general requirements of the dosage
from under which it falls as given in the Indian Pharmacopoeia. If the dosage form is not included
in the Indian Pharmacopoeia, but is included in any other pharmacopoeia, prescribed for the
purpose of the Second Schedule to the Act, it shall comply with the general requirements
1 Added under G.S.R. No. 665, dated 28-5-1977 (Govt. of India Notification No. X. 11014/2/77-D & MS, dated 6-5-
2 Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 59(E) dt 22.1.1992.,
3 Added under G.S.R. No. 930, published in the Gazette of India, Pt. II, Sec. 3, Sub-Sc. (i),
dtd 22-7-1978. (G.O.I. Notification No. X. 11013/2/77-DMS & PFA dated 13th July, 1978.)
and 5 Paragraph 3 inserted by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 331(E) dt 8.5.1984 and omitted as per G.O.I. Notification
No. GSR 59(E) dt 22.1.1992.
6 Inserted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 792(E) dt 17.9.1987.
of the dosage of such pharmacopoeia. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
requirements, general requirements shall include compliance with colour consistency, clarity,
stability, freedom from contamination with foreign matter or fungal growth, defects like
chipping and capping of tablets, cracking of the coating, mottled appearance and other
characteristic defects that can be perceived by visual inspection.
2. Without prejudice to the generality of the following paras, dosage forms of patent or
proprietary medicines shall comply with the following requirements, namely:-
a) Tablets: Medicines shall comply with requirements for tablets as laid down in the
Indian Pharmacopoeia. The nature of coating shall be indicated on the label. Permitted colours
may, however, be added and declared on the label. Nature of tablets, such as uncoated, sugar
coated or film coated, shall be declared on the label.
b) Capsules : Medicines shall comply with the requirements for capsules laid down in the
Indian Pharmacopoeia. However, the capsules shall be free from distortion or shape, discolouration and other physical defects like leakage of power from joints, pinholes or cracks in the
c) Liquid oral dosage forms: Emulsions and suspensions shall disperse uniformly on
shaking. Homogeneous solutions shall contain no sediments. The volume of the product (net
content) in the container shall be not less than the labeled volume. The limit for ethanol content of
pharmaceutical products shall be not less than 90 per cent and not more than 110 per cent of the
labeled contents.
d) Injections: Medicines shall comply with the requirements for injections as laid down in
the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
e) Ointments: Medicines shall comply with the requirements for injections as laid down in
the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
3. The contents of active ingredients, other than vitamins, enzymes and antibiotics, in
patent or proprietary medicines shall be not less than 90 per cent and not more than 110 per cent of
the labeled content; however, for enzymes and vitamins, only for lower limit of 90 per cent shall
apply. In all dry formulations containing antibiotics, the limit shall be 90 to 130 per cent of the
labeled contents and in case of liquid antibiotic formulations, the limit shall be 90 to 140 per cent
of labeled contents.
Fiducial limits for error for microbiological assay of antibiotics may be estimated
depending upon the design of assay procedure. Methods, used for assaying active ingredients shall
employ the same basic principles and shall use same organisms as given in the latest edition of the
Indian Pharmacopoeia or shall follow any other methods as approved by the authority competent
to grant licence to manufacture.
4. All patent or proprietary medicines containing aspirin shall be subjected to “Free
Salicylic Acid Test” and the limit of such acid shall be 0.75 per cent. Except in case of soluble
type aspirin in which case the limit of such acid shall be 3 per cent.
5. Patent or proprietary medicine to be tested under the provisions of Rule 121-A for
pyrogen shall be tested by injecting into rabbits not less than the human dose of the medicine
based on body weight of a 60 kg. human being. Methodology selected shall be indicated in the
protocol but the dose shall be not greater than 5 times the human dose based on body weight of 60
kg for man.
6.In injectable patent or proprietary medicines, the test for freedom from toxicity, shall be
performed as described in the Indian Pharmacopoeia. Dose selected shall be indicated in the
protocol but the dose shall not be less than five times the human dose based on body weight of 60
kg. human being.]
(Schedule W) – Inserted as per G.O.I. Notificiation No. GSR 27(E) dt 17.1.1981 and deleted
as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 94(E) dt 8.2.2000.
[See Rules 23, 61, 75, 97 and 105.A]
Amobarbital 2
[ Omitted]
Amphetamina Methylphenidate
Barbital Methylphenobarbital
Cyclobarbital Pentobarbital
Dexamphetamine Phencyclidine
Ethclorvynol Phenmetrazine
Glutethimide 3
Meprobamate Secobarbital
Note:- 1. Any stereoisometric form of the substance specified in this Schedule, any salt of
the substance and preparation containing such substances are also covered by this Schedule.
Ins as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 462(E) dt 22.6.1982.
Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 647(E) dt 28.10.1998.
Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 673(E) dt 27.10.1993.
2. Preparations containing the above substances are also covered by this Schedule.
Provided, however, preparations containing Meprobamate [* * *] 1 in combination with
other drugs may be exempted by the Licensing Authority specified in clause (b) of Rube 21, from
the provisions of this Schedule, if satisfactory evidence is adduced that these preparations are not
liable to be misused.]
1. Clinical Trials.
1.1.Nature of trials. – The clinical trials required to be carried out in the country before a new
drug is approved for marketing depend on the status of the drug in other countries. If the drug is
already approved/marketed, Phase III trials as required under Item 7 of Appendix 1 usually are
required. If the drug is not approved/marketed trials are generally allowed to be initiated at one
phase earlier to the phase of trials in other countries.
For new drug substances discovered in other countries phase I trials are not usually allowed to
be initiated in India unless Phase I data as required under Item 5 of the said Appendix from other
countries are available. However, such trials may be permitted even in the absence of Phase I data
from other countries if the drug is of special relevance to the health problem of India.
For new drug substances discovered in India, clinical trials are required to be carried out in
India right from phase I as required under Item 5 of the said Appendix though Phase III as
required under Item 7 of the said Appendix, permission to carry out these trials is generally given
in stages, considering the data emerging from earlier phase.
1.2.Permission for trials. – Permission to initiate clinical trials with a new drug may be
obtained by applying in Form 12 for a test licence (TL) to import or manufacture the drug under
the Rules. Data appropriate for the various phases of clinical trials to be carried out should
accompany the application as per format given in Appendix I (items 1-4). In addition, the protocol
for proposed trials, case report forms to be used, and the names of investigators and institutions
should also be submitted for approval. The investigators selected should possess appropriate
qualifications and experience and should have such investigations facilities as are germane to the
proposed trials protocol.
Permission to carry out clinical trials with a new drug is issued along with a test licence in
Form 11.
Omitted as per G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 673(E) dt 27.10.1993.
2. Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 944(E) dt 21.9.1998.
It is desirable that protocols for clinical trials be reviewed and approved by the institution’s
ethical committee. Since such committees at present do not exist in all institutions, the approval
granted to a protocol by the ethical committee of one institution will be applicable to use of that
protocol in other institutions which do not have an ethical committee. In case none of the trial
centers/institutions has an ethical committee, the acceptance of the protocol by the investigator and
its approval by the Drugs Controller (India) or any officer as authorized by him to do so will be
adequate to initiate the trials.
For new drugs having potential for use in children, permission for clinical trials in the
paediatric age group is normally given after phase III trials as required under item 7 of the said
Appendix in adults are completed. However, if the drug is of value primarily in a disease of
children, early trials in the paediatric age group may be allowed.
1.3.Responsibilities of Sponsor/Investigator. – Sponsors are required to submit to the
licensing authority as given under Rule 21 an annual status report on each clinical trial, namely,
ongoing, completed, or terminated. In case a trial is terminated, reason for this should be stated.
Any unusual, unexpected or serious adverse drug reaction (ADR) detected during a trial should be
promptly communicated by the sponsor to the licensing authority under Rule 21 and the other
In all trials an informal, written consent required to be obtained from each
volunteer/patient in the prescribed Forms (See Appendix V) which must be signed by the
patient/volunteer and the chief investigator.
2.Chemical and pharmaceutical information.
Most of the data under the heading (See Appendix I, item 2) are required with the
application for marketing permission. When the application is for clinical trials only, information
covered in item 2.1 to 2.3 of Appendix I will usually suffice.
3. Animal Toxicology.
3.1.Acute Toxicology. – Acute toxicity studies (See Appendix I item 4.2) should be carried
out in at least two species usually mice and rats using the same route as intended for humans. In
addition, at least one more route should be used to ensure systemic absorption of the drug; this
route may depend on the nature of the drug. Mortality should be looked for up to 72 hours after
parenteral administration and up to 7 days after oral administration. Symptoms, signs and mode of
death should be reported, with appropriate macroscopic and microscopic findings where
necessary. LD 50s should be reported preferably with 95 per cent confidence limited, if LD 50s
cannot be determined, reasons for this should be stated.
3.2 Long term toxicity: – Long term toxicity (see appendix 1, item 1.3) should be carried
out in at least tow mammalian species, of which one should be a non rodent. The duration of study
will depend on whether the application is for marketing permission or for clinical trial, and in the
latter case, on the phase of trials (see Appendix III). If a species is known to metabolize the drug
in the same way as humans, it should be preferred.
In long-term toxicity studies the drug should be administered 7 days a week by the route
intended for clinical use in humans. The number of animals required for these studies, i.e. the
minimum number on which data should be available, is shown in Appendix IV.
A control group of animals given the vehicle along should always be included and three
other groups should be given graded dose of the drug; the highest dose should produce observable
toxicity, the lowest dose should not cause observable toxicity, but should be comparable to the
intended therapeutic dose in humans of a multiple of it, e.g. 2.5 to make allowance for the
sensitivity of the species; the intermediate dose should cause some symptoms, but not gross
toxicity or death, and may be placed logarithmically between the other two doses.
The variables to be monitored and recorded in long-term toxicity studies should include
behavioral, physiological, biochemical, and microscopic observations.
3.3.Reproduction studies. – Reproduction studies (see Appendix I, item 4.4) need to be
carried out only if the new drug is proposed to be studied or used in women or childbearing age.
Two species should generally be used, one of them being a non-rodent if possible.
a.Fertility Studies. – The drug should be administered to both males and females,
beginning a sufficient number of days before mating. In females the medication should be
continued after mating and the pregnant one should be treated throughout pregnancy. The highest
dose used should not affect general health or growth of the animals. The route of administration
should be the same as for therapeutic use in humans. The control and the treated group should be
similar size and large enough to give at least 20 pregnant animals in the control group of rodents
and at least 8 pregnant animals in the control group of non-rodents. Observations should include
total examination of the litters from both the groups, including spontaneous abortions, if any.
b.Teratogenicity studies. – The drug should be administered throughout the period of
organogenesis, using three dose levels. One of the doses should cause minimum maternal toxicity
and one should be proposed dose for clinical use in humans or a multiple of it. The route of
administration should be the same as for human therapeutic use. The control and the treated group
should consist of at least 20 pregnant females in case of non-rodents, on each dose used.
Observations should include the number of implantation sites; resorptions if any; and the number
of foetuses with their sexes, weights and malformations, if any.
c.Perinatal studies. – The drug should be administered throughout the last third of
pregnancy and then through lactation of weaning. The control of each treated group should have at
least 12 pregnant females and the dose which causes low foetal loss should be continued
throughout lactation weaning. Animals should be sacrificed and observations should include
macroscopic autopsy and where necessary, histopathology.
3.4.Local toxicity. – These studies (see Appendix I, item 4.5) are required when the new
drug is proposed to be used topically in humans. The drug should be applied to an appropriate site
to determine local effects in a suitable species such as guinea pigs or rabbits, if the drug is
absorbed from the site of applications, appropriate systemic toxicity studies will be required.
3.5Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity. – These studies (see Appendix 1, item 4.5) are
required to be carried out if the drug or its metabolite is related to a known carcinogen or when the
nature and action of the drug is such as to suggest a carcinogenic/mutagenic potential. For
carcinogenicity studies, at least two species should be used. These species should not have a high
incidence of spontaneous tumors and should preferably be known to metabolize the drug in the
same manner as humans. At least three dose level should be used; the highest dose should be
sublethal out cause observable toxicity; the lowest dose should be comparable to the intended
human therapeutic dose or a multiple of it, e.g. 2.5 X; to make intermediate dose to be placed
logarithmically between the other two doses. A control group should always be included. The drug
should be administered 7 days a week or a fraction of the life span comparable to the fraction of
human life span over which the drug is likely to be used therapeutically. Observations should
include macroscopic changes observed at autopsy and detailed histopathology.
4. Animal pharmacology.
Specific pharmacological actions (see Appendix I, item 3.2) are those with therapeuticpotential for humans. These should be described according to the animal models and species used.
Wherever possible, dose-response relationships and ED 50s should be given. Special studies to
elucidate mode of action may also be described.
General pharmacological action (see Appendix I, item 3.3) are effects on other organs and
systems, specially cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems.
Pharmacokinetic data help relate drug effect to plasma concentration and should be given
to the extent available.
5 Human/Clinical Pharmacology (Phase I).
The objective of phase I of trials (see Appendix I, item 5) is to determine the maximum
tolerated dose in humans; pharmacodynamic effects; adverse reactions, if any, with their nature
and intensity; and pharmacokinetic behaviour of the drug as far as possible. These studies are
carried out in healthy adult males, using clinical, physiological and biochemical observations. At
least 2 subjects should be used on each dose.
Phase I trials are usually carried out by investigators trained in clinical pharmacology and
having the necessary facilities to closely observe and monitor the subjects. These may be carried
out at one or two centers.
6. Explanatory trials (Phase II).
In phase II trial (see appendix I, item 6) a limited number of patients are studies carefully
to determine possible therapeutic use, effective dose range and further evaluation of safety and
pharmacokinetics. Normally 10-12 patients should be studied at each dose level. These studies are
usually limited to 3-4 centres and carried out by clinicians specialized in the concerned therapeutic
areas and having adequate facilities to perform the necessary investigations for efficacy and safety.
7. Confirmatory trials (Phase III).
The purpose of these trials (see Appendix I, item 7) is to obtain sufficient evidence about
the efficacy and safety of the drug in a larger number of patients, generally in comparison with a
standard drug and/or a placebo as appropriate. These trials may be carried out by clinicians in the
concerned therapeutic areas, having facilities appropriate to the protocol. If the drug is already
approved/marketed in other countries, phase III data should generally obtained on at least 100
patients distributed over 3-4 centres primarily to confirm the efficacy and safety of the drug, in
Indian patients when used as recommended in the product monograph for the claims made.
If the drug is a new drug substance discovered in India and not marketed in any other
country, phase III data should be obtained at least 500 patients distributed over 10-15 centres. In
addition, data on adverse drug reactions observed during clinical use of the drug should be
collected in 1000-2000 patients; such data may be collected through clinicians who give written
consent to use the drug as recommended and to provide a report on its efficacy and adverse during
reactions in the treated patients. The selection of clinicians for such monitoring and supply of drug
to them will need approval of the licensing authority under Rule 21.
8. Special Studies.
A. These include studies on solid oral dosage form, such as, bio-availability and
dissolution studies. These are required to be submitted on the formulations manufactured in the
country. (see Appendix I, items 8.2 and 8.3).
B. These include studies to explore additional aspects of the drug, e.g. use in elderly
patients or patients with renal failure, secondary or ancillary effects, interactions, etc. (See
Appendix 8.2 and 8.3).
9. Submission of Reports (Appendix II).
The reports of completed clinical trials shall be submitted by the applicant duly signed by
the investigator with a stipulated period of time. The applicant should do so even if he is no longer
interested to market the drug in the country unless there are sufficient reasons for not doing so.
10. Regulatory status in other countries.
It is important to state if any restrictions have been placed on the use of the drug in any
other country, e.g. dosage limited, exclusion of certain age groups, warnings about adverse drug
reaction, etc. (See Appendix I, item 9.2).
Likewise, if the drug has been withdrawn from any country specially by a regulatory
directive, such information should be furnished along with reasons and their relevance, if any, to
India (See appendix I, item 9.1 (d).
11. Marketing information.
The product monograph should comprise the full prescribing information necessary to
enable a physician to use the drug properly. It should include description, actions, indications,
dosage precaution, drug interactions, warnings and adverse reactions.
The drafts of label and carton texts should comply with provisions of Rules 96 and 97 of
the said rules.
*[12 Post-marketing surveillance study.
On approval of a new drug, the importer or the manufacturer shall conduct post-marketing
surveillance study of that new drug after getting the protocols and the names of the investigators
approved by the Licensing Authority as defined under clause (b) of Rule 21 during the initial
period of two years of marketing.]
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. 900(E) dt 12.12.2001.
Data required to be submitted with application for permission
to market a New Drug
A brief description of the drug and the therapeutic class to which it belongs.
2.1. Chemical name, code name or number, if any, non-proprietary or generic
name, if any, structure, physio-chemical proportion.
2.2 Dosage form and its composition.
2.3 Specifications of active and inactive ingredients.
2.4. Tests for identification of the active ingredient and method of its assay.
2.5. Outline of the method of manufacture of the active ingredient.
2.6 Stability data
3.1. Summary
3.2. Specific pharmacological actions.
3.3 General pharmacological actions.
3.4. Pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion.
4. ANIMAL TOXICOLOGY (See Appendix III and IV)
4.1. Summary
4.2 Acute Toxicity
4.3. Long Term Toxicity
4.4 Reproduction Studies.
4.5 Local Toxicity
4.6. Mutagenicity and Carnicogenicity.
5.1. Summary
5.2 Specific Pharmacological effects.
5.3 General Pharmacological effects.
5.4. Pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion.
6.1. Summary
6.2 Investigatorwise reports.
7.1. Summary
7.2 Investigatorwise reports
8.1. Summary
8.2 Bioavailability and dissolution studies.
8.3 Investigatorwise reports.
9.1. Countries where –
(a) Marketed
(b) Approved.
(c) Under trial, with phase.
(d) Withdrawn, if any, with reasons.
9.2. Restrictions on use, if any, in countries where marketed/approved.
9.3 Free sale certificate from country of origin.
10.1. Proposed product monograph
10.2. Drafts of labels and cartons.
10.3. Sample of pure drug substance, with testing protocol.
Notes: (1) All items may not be applicable to all drugs, for explanation, see text of
Schedule Y.
(2) For requirements of data to be submitted with application for clinical
trials see text of Schedule Y, Section 1 and also Appendices II and III.
[See Rules 122-A and 122-B)
Data required to be submitted by an applicant for grant of permission to import
manufacture an already approved new drug.
A brief description of the drug and the therapeutic class.
* Ins. by G.O.I. Notification No. GSR 900(E) dt 12.12.2001.
2.1. Chemical name, code name or number, if any, non-proprietary or generic name, if
any, structure, physico-chemical properties.
2.2. Dosage from its composition
2.3. Test specifications.
(a) active ingredients.
(b) Inactive ingredients
2.4. Tests for identification of the active ingredients and method of its assay.
2.5. Outline of the method of manufacture of active ingredients.
2.6. Stability data.
3. Marketing information.
3.1 Proposed package insert/promotional literature
3.2 Draft specimen of the label and carton.
4. Special studies conducted with approval of Licensing Authority.
4.1. Bioavailability/Bioequivalance and comparative Dissolution Studies, for oral
dosage form,
4.2. Sub-acute animal toxicity studies for intravenous infusions and injectables.]
Format for submission of clinical Trial Reports.
___ Title of the trial
___ Name of investigator and institution
___ Objectives of the trial
___ Design of study: Open, single-blind or double blind, non-comparative or comparative,
parallel group or crossover.
___ Number of patients, with criteria selection and exclusion, whether written, informed
consent, was obtained.
___ Treatments given – drugs and dosage forms, dosage regimens, method of allocation of
patients to treatments, method of verifying compliance, if any
___ Observations made before, during and at the end of treatment, for efficacy and safety, with
methods used.
___ Results : exclusions and dropouts, if any, with reasons, description of patients with initial
comparability of groups where appropriate, clinical patients with initial comparability of
groups where appropriate, clinical and laboratory observations on efficacy and safety,
adverse drug reactions.
___ Discussion of results ; relevance to objectives, correlation with other reports/data, if any,
guidance for further study, if necessary.
___ Summary and conclusion.
Animal toxicity requirements for clinical trials and marketing of a New Drug.
Route of administration Duration of Human
Phase Long term toxicity
1 2 3 4
Single dose of several
doses in one day.
I-III MP 2 sp; 2 wk
I, II 2 sp ; Up to 4 wk
III MP 2 sp; Up to 3 mo
Up to 2 wk
I, II 2 sp; 4 wk
Up to 3 wk III 2 sp; 3 mo
MP 2 sp; Up to 6 mo
I, II 2 sp; 3 mo
Oral or Parenteral or
Over 3 mo
III: MP 2 sp; 6 mo
Inhalation (general
I: III MP 4 sp; 5d(3h/d)
I; II 1-2 sp; 3h/exp.
III 1-2 sp; Up to 6 wk
(2 exp/d)
Aerosole Repeated or Chronic use
MP 1-2 sp; 24 wk
(2 exp/d)
Dermal Short term or long
Term application
I: II 1 sp; single 24h exp;
then 2 wk observation
III: MP 1 sp. number and duration of
applications commensurate
with duration of use.
Ocular or Otic or Nasal Single or Multiple
I: II Irrigation test;
Graded doses.
III 1 sp; 3 wk; dailyapplications
as in clinical use.
MP 1 sp; number and or duration
of application commensurate
with duration of use.
Vaginal or Rectal Single or Multiple
I : II
1 sp; number and duration of
applications commensurate
with duration of use.
Abbrevations : Sp-species, wk- week, d- day, h-hour, mo-month, MP-Marketing
Permission, exp-exposure, I,II,III – Phases of clinical trial (see Appendix I,
item No.5-8).
Note: – (1) Animal toxicity data available from other countries are acceptable and do
not need to be repeated/duplicated in India.
(2) Requirements for fixed dose combinations are given in Appendix VI.
Number of animals for long term Toxicity Studies.
2 – 6 Weeks 7 – 26 Weeks
Group Rodents (rats) Non-Rodents
Control 6 – 10 6 – 10 2 –3 2 –3 15 –30 15 –30 4—6 4—6
Low dose 6 – 10 6 – 10 2 –3 2 –3 15 –30 15 –30 4—6 4—6
Intermediate dose 6 – 10 6 – 10 2 –3 2 –3 15 –30 15 –30 4—6 4—6
High dose 6 – 10 6 – 10 2 –3 2 –3 15– 30 15 – 30 4—6 4—6
Patient consent form for participation in a Phase I Clinical Trial
The clinical trial involves the study of a new …………. agent …………….. in
volunteers/patients suffering from ……………………………………………………………….
The drug which will be administered to volunteers/patients has been found to be safe in
animal toxicity tests and other experimental data. The volunteers /patients will be required to
undergo, if necessary, all routine examinations including taking of X-ray, ECG, EEG etc. at
intervals. The volunteers/patients may be asked to collect stool and urine, and there may be need
to draw blood or any other body fluid on several occasions to test the effects of concentrations of
the drug. The volunteers/patients are free to withdraw from the trial at any stage.
I have read/been briefed on the above project summary and I voluntarily agree to
participate in the project. I understand that participation in this study may or may not benefit me.
Its general purpose, potential benefits, possible hazards, and inconveniences have been explained
to my satisfaction, I hereby give my consent for this treatment.
Name of the volunteer/patient
Signature or thump impression
of the volunteer/patient.
Signature of Chief Investigator
Patient consent form for participation in Phase II and Phase III Clinical Trial: –
I…………………………….. exercising my free power of choice, hereby give my consent
to be included as a subject in the clinical trial of a new drug, namely……………….. for the
treatment of …………………….. I understand that I may be treated with this drug for the
diseases. I am suffering from ………………………I have been informed to my satisfaction, by
the attending physician the purpose of the clinical trial and the nature of drug treatment and follow
up including the laboratory investigation to monitor and safeguard my body functions.
I am also aware of my right to opt out of the trial at any time during the course of the trial
without having to give the reasons for doing so.
Signature of the attending physician.
Date: …………. Signature of the patient
Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) fall into four groups and their data requirements accordingly.
(a) The first group of FDC includes those in which one or more of the active ingredients is
a new drug. Such FDC are treated in the same way as any other new, drug, both the clinical trials
and for marketing permission (See Rule 122-E, item (a).)
(b) The second group of FDC includes those in which active ingredients already
approved/marketed individually are combined for the first time, for a particular claim and where
the ingredients are likely to have significant interaction of a pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic
nature (see Rule 122-E, item (c)). For permission to carry out clinical trials with such FDC, a
summary of available pharmacological, toxicological and clinical data on the individual
ingredients should be submitted, with rationale for combining them in the proposed ratio. In
addition, actual toxicity data (LD 50) and pharmacological data should be submitted on the
individual ingredients as well as their combination in the proposed ratio. If the clinical trials have
been carried out with the FDC in other countries, reports of such trials should be submitted. If the
FDC is marketed abroad, the regulatory status in other countries should be stated. (See Appendix ,
item 9).
For marketing permission, the reports of clinical trails carried out with the FDS in India
should be submitted. The nature of trials depending on the claims to be made and the data already
(c) The third group of FDC includes those which are already marketed, but in which it is
proposed either to change the ratio of active ingredients or to make a new therapeutic claim.
For such FDC, the appropriate rationale should be submitted to obtain a permission for the
clinical trials, and the reports of trials should be submitted to obtain a marketing permission. The
nature of trails will depend on the claims to be made and the data already available.
(d) The fourth group of FDC includes those whose individual active ingredients have been
widely used in particular indication for years, their concomitant use is often necessary and no
claim is proposed to be made other than convenience, and a stable acceptable dosage from the
ingredients are unlikely to have significant interaction of a pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic
No additional animal or human data are generally required for these FDC, and marketing
permission may be granted if the FDC has an acceptable rationale.
I.Notifications pertaining to prohibition of manufacture etc of drugs: –
Notifications issued under Section 26 A of the Act:
[ 1 Amidopyrin.
2 Fixed dose combinations of Vitamins with anti-inflammatory agents and
3 Fixed dose combinations of atropine inAnalgesics and anti-pyretics.
4 Fixed dose combinations of Strychnine and Caffeine in tonics.
5 Fixed dose combinations of Yohimbine and Strichnine with Testosterone and
6 Fixed dose combinations of Iron with Strichnine, Arsenic and Yohimbine.
7 Fixed dose combinations of sodium Bromide/ chloral Hydrate with other drugs.
8 Phenacetin.
9 Fixed dose combinations of anti-histaminics with anti- diarrhoeals.
10 Fixed dose combinations of Penicillin with Sulphonamides.
11 Fixed dose combinations of Vitamins with Analgesics
12 Fixed dose combinations of Tetracycline with Vitamin C.
13 Fixed dose combinations of Hydroxyquinoline group of drugs except
preparations preparations meant for external use.
[14 Fixed dose combinations of corticosteroids with any other drug for internal use.
15 Fixed dose combinations of Chloramphenicol with any other drug for internal
16 Fixed dose combinations of crude Ergot except those containing Ergotamine,
caffeine, analgesics, antihistamines for the treatment of Migraine headaches.
17 Fixed dose combinations of Fixed dose combinations ofitamins with
antiT.B.Drugs except combination of Isoniazid with Pyridoxin Hydrochloride (
Vitamin B6.)
18 Penicillin skin/eye ointment
19 Tetrracycline liquid oral preparations.
20 Nialamide.
21 Practolol.
22 Methapyrilene, its salts.]
23 Methaqulone.
24 Oxytetracycline Liquid Oral Preparations.
25 Democlocycline Liquid Oral Preparations.
26. Combinations of Anabolic steroids with other drugs.
27 Fixed dose combination of Oestrogen and Progestin(other than oral
contraceptives) containing per tablet oestrogen content of more than50
mcg.(equivalent to Ethenyl Estradiol) and progestin content of more than 3
mg(equivalent to Norethysterone Aceate and all fixed dose combination
injectable preparations containing synthetic oestrogen and progesterone.
28 Fixed dose combination of Sedatives/hypnotics/anxiolytics with analgesic –
29 Fixed dose combination of Pyrazinamide with other anti tubercular drugs except
combination of Pyrazinamide with rifampicin and INH as per recommended
daily dose given below: –
Minimum Maximum.
Rifampicin 450 mg 600 mg
INH 300 mg 300 mg
Pyrazinamide 1000 mg 1500 mg.
30 Fixed dose combination of histamin H2 – receptor antagonists with antacids
except those combinations approved by the Drugs Controller, India.
31 The patent and proprietary medicines of fixed dose combinations of essential
oils with alcohol having a percentage higher than 20% proof except preparations
given in the Indian Pharmacopoea.
32 All Pharmaceutical preparations containing Chloroform exceeding 0.5% w/w or
whichever is appropriate.
33 Fixed dose combination of Ethambutol with INH other than the following:
INH Ethambutol
200 mg 600 mg.
300 mg. 800 mg.
34 Fixed dose combination containing more than one antihistamine.
35 Fixed dose combination of anthelmintic with cathetric/ purgative except for
36 Fixed dose combination of salbutamol or any other bronchodialator with
centrally acting anti-tussive and/or antihistaminic.
37 Fixed dose combination of laxatives and/or anti-spasmodic drugs in enzyme
38 Fixed dose combination of Metaclopromide with other drugs except for
preparations containing Metaclopromide and aspirin/ paracetamol.
39 Fixed dose combination of centrally acting anti-tussive with antihistamine
having high atropin like activity in expectorants.
40 Preparations claiming to combat cough associated with asthma containing
centrally acting anti-tussive and/or other antihistamine.
41 Liquid oral tonic preparations containing and/or otherphosphates and/or central
nervous system stimulant and such preparations containing alcohol more than
20% proof.
42 Fixed dose combination containing Pectin and/or Kaolin with any drug which is
systemically absorbed from GI tract except for combinations of Pectin and/or
Kaolin with drugs not systemically absorbed.
43 Chlora Hydrate as a drug.
44 Dover’s Powder I.P.
45 Dover’s Powder Tablets I.P.
46 Anti diarrhoeal formulations containing Kaolin or Pectin or Attapulgite or
activated charcoal.
47 Anti diarrhoeal formulations containing Phthalyl sulphathiazole or
Sulphaguanidine or Succinyl Sulphathiazole.
48 Anti diarrhoeal formulations Neomycin or Streptomycin or Dihydrostreptomycin
including their respective salts and esters.
49 Liquid oral anti-diarrhoeals or any other dosage form for paediatric use
containing Diphenoxylate or Loparamide or Atropine or Belladonna including
their salts or esters or metabolites Hyoscyamine or their extracts or their
50 Liquid oral anti-diarrhoeals or any other dosage form for paediatric use
containing halogenated hydroxyquinolines.
51 Fixed dose combination or anti-diarrhoeals with electrolytes.
52 Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts other than those conforming to the
following parameters:
(a) Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts on reconstitution to one
liter shall contain: –
Sodium – 50 to 90 millimoles.
Total osmolarity – not more than 290 millimoles.
Dextrose:Sodium molar ratio- not less than 1:1 and not more than 3:1.
(b) Patent and Proprietary cereal based Oral Rehydration Salts on
reconstitution to one liter shall contain: –
Sodium – 50 to 90 millimoles.
Total osmolarity – not more than 290 millimoles.
Precooked rice – equivalent to not less than 50 gms. And not more than
80 gms. As total replcement of dextrose.
© Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) may contain
aminoacids in addition to Oral Rehydration Salts conforming to the
parameters specified above and labeled with the indication “ For Adult
Choletric Diarrhoea only.”
(d) Patent and Proprietary Oral Rehydration Salts shall not containMono or
Polysaccharides or saccharine sweetening agent.
53 Fixed dose combination of Oxyphenbutazone or Phenylbutazone with any other
54 Fixed dose combination of Analgin with any other drug.[ The words ‘other than
anti-spasmodics’ omitted by G.O.I. notification no.405(E) dt.03.06.1999.]
55 Fixed dose combination dextropropoxyphene with any other drug other than
anti-spasmodics and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
56 Fixed dose combination of a drug, standards of which are specified in the Second
Schedule to the said Act with an Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug.
57 Mepacrine Hydrochloride (Quinacrine and its salts) in any dosage form for use
for female sterilization or contraception.
58 Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine.
59 Fixed dose combination of diazepam and diphenhydramine Hydrochloride.
Items 1 to 22 were prohibited as per G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.578(E)
dt23.07.1983. and items 14 and 15 were subs. by G.O.I.Notification No.X.11014/2/88
DMS&PFA. G.S.R.1057(E) dt 03.11.1988.
. Item No.13 was subs. By G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.793(E) dt.13.12.1995.
. Item no. 23 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.49(E) dt.31.01.1994.
. Items no.24 and 25 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.322(E)
Item no. 26 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.863(E) dt.22.11.1985.
Item no. 27 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.700(E) dt.15.06.1988 and.
was subs. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.743(E) dt.10.08.1989.
. Items nos. 28 to 32 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.999(E)
Items nos. 33 to 42 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.69(E) dt.11.02.1991
and Item no. 38 was subs. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.603(E) dt.24.08.2001.
Item no 43 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.304(E) dt.07.06.1991.
Items nos. 44 and 45 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.111(E)
dt.22.02.1994 and corrected by G.S.R. No. 612(E) dt.09.08.1994.
Items nos. 46 to 51 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.731(E)
Item no. 52 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.57(E) dt.07.02.1995.
Items nos. 53 to 56 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.633(E)
Items nos. 57 and 58 were Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.499(E)
Items nos.59 and 60 which had been ins. by G.O.I.Notification No.590(E)
dt.17.08.19999 were deleted by G.O.I.Notification No.704(E) dt. 20.10.1999.
The present item 59 was Ins. by G.O.I.notification No.G.S.R.169(E) dt.12.03.2001.
Other drugs prohibited without being made part of the list above: –
(i) Fixed dose combination of Penicillin with Streptomycin- vide G.S.R. No.
93(E) dt.25.02.1997,w.e.f.01.01.1998.
(ii) Fixed dose combination of Vitamin B1,Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12-
vide G.S.R. No.702(E) dt.14.10.1999,w.e.f.01.01.2001.
(iii) 1. Fixed dose combination of haemoglobin in any form ( natural or
2. Fixed dose combination of Pancreatin with Pancrelipase containing
amylipase, protease and lipase wqith any other enzyme.
– vide G.O.I. Notification No. G.S.R.814(E) dt.16.12.1999
(iv) 1. Fixed dose combination of Nitrofurantoin and trimethprim.
2. Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone with any anti-asthmatic
3. Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone with Hyoscine and/or
4. Fixed dose combination of Phenobarbitone with Ergotamine and or
5. Fixed dose combination of Haloperidol with any anti-cholinergic agent
includingPropanthelene Bromide.
6. Fixed dose combination of Nalidixic acid with any anti-amoebics
including Metronidazole.
7. Fixed dose combination of Loperamide Hydrochloride with
8. Fixed dose combination of Cyproheptadine with Lysine or Peptone.
-items 1 to 8 above prohibited vide G.O.I.Notification. No G.S.R.170(E)
dt.12.03.2001, w.e.f. 01.01.2002.
COSMETIC prohibited under Sec.26.A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.1940: –
Tooth pastes/ tooth powders containing tobacco.
-vide G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R.444(E) dt.30.04.2002.
Drugs prohibited under section 33 Eed of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940:-
All Ayurvedic drugs licensed as tooth pastes/ tooth powders containing tobacco.
-vide G.O.I. Notification No.G.S.R.443(E) dt.30.04.2002.
II. Prohibition of Import under section 10-A of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act,1940.
1.G.O.I. Notification. No. G.S.R.577 (E) dt.23.07.1983.
5.Methapyrilene and its salts.
2. G.O.I. Notification. No. G.S.R.48 (E) dt.31.01.1984..
3. G.O.I. Notification. No. G.S.R.303 (E) dt.07.06.1991
7.Chloral Hydrate as a drug.
4. G.O.I. Notification. No. G.S.R.498 (E) dt.14.08.1998.
8.Mepacrine Hydrochloride (Quinacrine and its salts) in any dosage form for use
for female sterilization or contraception.
9.Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine.
1. G.O.I. Notification No.1-20/60-D dt.03.06.1961.
1. Contraceptives.
2. Disinfectants.
(1) Disinfectant fluids made from Coaltar Oils, Coaltar acids or
similar acids derived from petroleum with or without
(2) Disinfectant fluids from synthetic or naturally occurring substances
other than those mentioned in (1) above by virtue of their
composition possessing disinfectant properties or with claim to
possess disinfectant properties.
2. G.O.I. Notification No G.S.R. 365(E) dt 17.03.1989.
(i) Disposable Hypodermic Syringes.
(ii) Disposable Hypodermic needles.
(iii) Disposable Perfusion Sets.
(iv) In-vitro diagnostic devices for HIV, HbsAg & HCV.
. (w.e.f.01.09.2002.)
1Amended by G.O.I. Notification No.F.1-20/60-D dt.29.9.1962.
2Amended by G.O.I. Notification No X.11013/2/72 dt.09.07.1975.
3Amended by G.O.I. Notification No. F1-49/68-D dt.11.06.1969.
4 Ins.by G.O.I.Notification No.G.S.R.601(E) dt.27.08.2002.