
Do you agree if clinical trials for AYUSH medicines will succeed then it will raise AYUSH above allopathy medicines as of now, no allopathy medicine is 100% effective against COVID19?

No doubt about it if clinical trials for AYUSH medicines will succeed then it will raise AYUSH above allopathy medicines as of now, no allopathy medicine is 100% effective against COVID19. But our Indian agencies like the Indian Council of Medical Research – Wikipedia for biomedical research and Drug Controller General of India – Wikipedia. Who is responsible for issuing drug licenses. National Medical Commission – Wikipedia. Which regulates medical education in India. Indian Medical Association – Wikipedia which is an association of Indian doctors all has to market it properly in the world market and with WHO. World Health Organization – Wikipedia as all are having total western allopathic medicines biases because of their educational background.


Not only that ICMR has to fight and get the official recognition for these AYUSH medicines which can improve not only the body immunity against all Covid-19 infections. Even with virus mutations which will catapult Indian traditional medicines into the global league with an export potential of trillions very fast. Since Govt is fully supporting AYUSH, we can hope that MNCs Pharma biggies won’t be able to sabotage AYUSH in global markets.

To take care Dr. B M Hegde and Dr. Devi Shetty both can be drafted as WHO along with FDA and Drug Administration – Wikipedia. European regulators like European Medicines Agency – Wikipedia like foreign drug regulators should not ask for “ scientific trials data proof “ with the goal of rejecting it. As normally these drug trials are first on animals, then 3 stage clinical trials on hundreds, thousands of volunteers, then data, then peer reviews, then regulators approvals, etc. will be insisted upon.

ISO Standards Certifications:

ISO standards certifications will also be insisted upon for quality affirmation during manufacturing. These agencies have a fixed notion of a fixed definition of what are “ scientific studies or drug trials “ in which these successful AYUSH medicines may not fit in. They may term it as Placebo effects on the success of AYUSH medicines which we have to be very cautious.

Then they may say we have not “ double blindfolded “ Blinded experiment – Wikipedia our AYUSH research. In the height of pandemic they may approve it’s one time use without FDA like regulators approval but they may not give AYUSH medicines the same levels of respect and recognition as MNC pharma have.

So it is a long haul but with a determined govt and few determined people it is possible no matter after 72 years of post-independence. Source

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