Dr. Asma Supari Pak acts as an alternative and is indicated leucorrhoea. Which is the research and formulation of C P Singh Chawla {Ayurved Expert, B.Sc. (Medical) & D Pharma (Ayurvedic)}. It is used as a female uterine tonic after delivery. Firstly, Supari Pak is a balancing & revitalizing formula for the female reproductive system. Secondly, supari Pak gently maintains the healthy production of female hormones & relieves congestion of the blood & abdominal area. Thirdly, supari Pak is an old formula that has successfully been used as an effective remedy for diseases peculiar to women.
supari pak ke fayde / Supari Pak Benefits for female in hindi:
ल्यूकोरिया का इलाज करता है
इसमें एंटी-फंगल और कसैले गुण होने के कारण प्रजनन अंगों के इन्फेक्शन को कम करने में मदद करता है जिससे आपको किसी भी जलन या सूजन से आराम मिलता है।
ऊर्जा और शक्ति दोबारा लाता है
आयुर्वेदिक उपाय होने के कारण सुपारी पाक को तय की गयी खुराक में लिया जाए तो बहुत सारे लाभ होते हैं। ऐसा ही एक लाभ यह है कि यह ऊर्जा और शक्ति को बनाए रखता है, भूख को बढ़ाता है और इम्युनिटी में सुधार करने में मदद करता है।
श्रोणि सूजन की बीमारी (पीआईडी)
श्रोणि में बैक्टीरिया के विकास को रोकते हुए सुपारी पाक श्रोणि वाली जगह को साफ़ रखता है। यह निचले पेट और श्रोणि में होने वाले दर्द को कम करने में मदद करता है और बदबू को खत्म करता है।
बांझपन को ठीक करता है
बांझपन वह स्थिति है जब आप कई बार अनप्रोटेक्टेड इंटरकोर्स करने के बाद भी गर्भधारण नहीं कर पाते। यह स्थिति मानसिक और शारीरिक दोनों रूप से परेशानी देती है। सुपारी पाक ग्रैन्यूल को बांझपन के रोगियों के लिए सबसे अच्छे उपचारों में से एक माना जाता है क्योंकि यह प्रजनन प्रणाली को मजबूत करने और शुक्राणुओं की संख्या को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है|
गर्भाशय को मजबूत करता है
महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने के लिए सुपारी पाक फार्मूला व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है। यह गर्भाशय को मजबूत करते हुए बार-बार होने वाले गर्भपात का इलाज करता है।
मासिक धर्म की समस्याओं का इलाज करता है
सुपारी पाक(Supari Pak) नर्व का टॉनिक है जो अनियमित पीरियडस का इलाज करता है। यह दर्दनाक पीरियडस से संबंधित है और महिला प्रजनन प्रणाली के विभिन्न अंगों को मजबूत करता है।
इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन का इलाज करता है
सुपारी पाक यौन प्रदर्शन में सुधार करते हुए इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन और कम स्पर्म काउंट, जल्दी या समय से पहले डिस्चार्ज जैसे पुरुष प्रजनन की समस्याओं का इलाज करने में मदद करता है।
Uses of Dr. Asma Supari Pak or Supari Pak ke fayde:
- It remedies general physical weakness, facial paleness, and anemia.
- It is also a nervine tonic.
- Also remedies backache, pain in the shins, anxiety, and uneasiness.
- Also relieves bodily fatigue.
- Supari Pak can also be used by men for the treatment of spermatorrhoea (involuntary discharge of semen).
Kapoor, taj, tejpat, nagar motha,sukha pudina, peepal, khurasani ajwain, choti elachi, talees patra, banslochan, javitri, shuait Chandan, kali mirch, jaiphal & safed jeera. Also, used some more organic herbs which are more helpful for this product.
Dosage For Dr. Asma Supari Pak:
10-15gm to be taken in the morning and evening with milk. For better results, use Gynaefit Ayurvedic female uterine syrup
How to Use Supari Pak in Hindi – सुपारी पाक का उपयोग कैसे करें
आप दिन में दो बार गाय के दूध या पानी के साथ सुपारी पाक ले सकते हैं।
क्या इसे भोजन से पहले या बाद में लिया जा सकता है?
भोजन के 1 से 2 घंटे बाद सुपारी पाक लिया जा सकता है
क्या सुपारी पाक को खाली पेट लिया जा सकता है?
सुपारी पाक(Supari Pak) ज्यादातर भोजन के बाद लिया जाता है न कि खाली पेट।
क्या सुपारी पाक को पानी के साथ लिया जा सकता है?
हां, सुपारी पाक को दूध या पानी के साथ लिया जा सकता है।
क्या इसे दूध के साथ लेना चाहिए?
हां, गाय के दूध के साथ सुपारी पाक लिया जा सकता है
Day Wise Diet plan for Leucorrhea Patients.
Monday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 paratha (buckwheat)+ buttermilk(one cup) (Decrease Kapha dosha and balance Vata dosha)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 glass (broccoli+carrot) juice (it balance Vata-Kapha Dosha)
- Lunch (1 pm-2 pm)- 1 bowl okra sabzi + 2 whole wheat bran roti + 1 bowl brown rice (optional) + buttermilk with a pinch of black pepper (It alleviates Vata-Kapha dosha)
- Evening snack (4-5 pm)- 1 glass coconut water (balances Tridoshas)
- Dinner (7-8 pm)- half cup green beans sabzi + 2 oats roti+ 1 plate cucumber salad (decrease Kapha and balance Vata dosha)
Tuesday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 glass (goat milk)+ 1 bowl Muesli( decreases Vata and balance Kapha )
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 bowl of fruit salad(pears and peaches) ( balances Kapha)
- Lunch (1pm-2pm)- 1 bowl spinach +cottage cheese(goat milk) + 2 oats roti + salad( decrease Kapha, increase Pitta and balance Vata)
- Evening snack (4-5 pm)- 1 bowl of fruit salad(figs dry, pears, peaches) decreases Vata and balance Kapha )
- Dinner(7-8pm)- 2 missi chappati + 1 bowl moong dal + 1 cucumber salad
Wednesday Diet chart for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1bowl oats with veggies( green beans, corn, cooked onions) (it decreases Kapha and balances Vata-pitta)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 bowl mix fruit salad (include fruits such as banana, cranberries, (decreases Vata-Kapha)
- Lunch (1pm-2pm)- 1 bowl moong dal + 1 multi grain roti+ 1 bowl bitter melon sabji + 1 bowl brown rice(optional) (Balance Kapha and Vata and pitta )
- Evening snack (4-5 pm)- 1 bowl of wheatgrass soup (Balance tridoshas)
- Dinner(7-8pm)- 2 plain(oats+barley) chappati+ half-cup mushrooms sabji+ half cup brown rice (decreases Vata-Kapha)
Thursday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 bowl of boiled chickpeas, moong beans (decrease Vata and balance Kapha)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 bowl popcorn(no salt, no butter) (Allievates Kapha-vata)
- Lunch (1pm-2pm)- 1 bowl green gram dal + 2-3 whole wheat chappati + 1 glass butter milk (Decreases Vata- Kapha)
- Evening snack (4-5pm)- 1 cup(aloe vera +carrot )juice (Balance tridoshas)
- Dinner(7-8 pm)- 2 multigrain chappati + half cup broccoli sabzi + 1/4 cup spinach sabji+ 1plate cucumber salad (Balance Kapha and Vata and pitta)
Friday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 glass celery juice (decreases Kapha and vata)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 bowl mix fruit (apples, pears, peaches) (Decreases Kapha)
- Lunch (1pm-2pm) – 1 bowl moong dal + 1 wheat bran roti + 1 bowl brown rice (Balances Kapha, pitta and vata)
- Evening snack (4-5pm)- 1 bowl vegetable(cilantro,corn,spinach) soup (balances vata and Kapha)
- Dinner(7-8pm)- 2 multi grain chappati + half cup any moong dal + half cup steamed rice (decrease vata and Kapha)+ 1 bowl of green beans sabzi.
Saturday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 glass goats milk museli (decrease Kapha)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 bowl mix fruit salad (pear, peaches) (decreases Kapha and vata)
- Lunch (1pm-2pm)- 1 bowl round gourd sabji+ 2 oats roti + 1 bowl buttermilk (balance Kapha, pita and vata)
- Evening snack (4-5pm)- 1 bowl vegetable soup(spinach,carrot,lettuce) (balance tridoshas)
- Dinner(7-8pm)- 2 missi roti + half cup any green leafy vegetable sabji+ 1 bowl moong dal(optional) (decrease vata)
Sunday Diet Plan for Leucorrhea
- Breakfast (7a.m-8a.m)- 1 bowl of oats with milk ( decreases Vata and Kapha)
- Mid-morning (11a.m)- 1 glass of wheatgrass juice) (decreases Kapha and Vata)
- Lunch (1 pm-2 pm)- 1 bowl bitter gourd sabji+ 2 whole wheat roti + 1 glass buttermilk (balance pita, Vata and decrease Kapha)
- Evening snack (4-5 pm)- 1 bowl of vegetable soup (balances Vata and Kapha)
- Dinner(7-8 pm)- 2 missi chappati + half cup Mushroom sabzi (Balances Kapha and Vata)
Food to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Following a Diet chart is an important factor but leucorrhea patients must be clear with the food to eat and avoid. Because healthy food eating can give the worst effect on your health
Grains to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Brown rice, barley, buckwheat, oats dry, wheat bran, millet | Bread(with yeast), pancakes, pasta |
Fruits to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Apples, pears, peaches, raisins, apricots, Pomegranate, black plums, cranberries | Pineapples, papaya, oranges, lemon, tamarind, banana, avocado, kiwi, watermelon, plums, dates, coconut |
Vegetables to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Okra, Mushrooms, Green Beans, peas, celery, cilantro, corn, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, garlic, eggplant, bitter melons, turnips | Potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini |
Lentils to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Kidney beans, Soybeans, Soy cheese, Soy flour, Soy powder, Soy sauce, Tofu (cold | Black beans, Black-eyed peas, Chickpeas |
Non-veg to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
No non-veg item is recommended | Eggs, meat, bread, sweets, alcohol, fried foods, black coffee, and tea. |
Spices to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Ajwain, Almond extract, Asafoetida (Hing), Basil, Bay Leaf, Black pepper, Cardamom | Salt |
Beverages to eat and avoid in Leucorrhea
Consume | Avoid |
Fresh Vegetable and advised fruit juices | Chocolate milk, coffee, cold dairy drinks, Grapefruit juice, Iced Tea, Icy cold drinks, Lemonade, Orange Juice, Papaya Juice |
Doctor tips
- Drink lots of water.
- Eat balanced diet
- Exercise regularly along with yoga and meditation.
Leucorrhea is a typical condition in which women discharge whitish/yellowish color fluid from the vagina. If the color is different from those mentioned above and other symptoms like itching and pain persist, then it needs to be treated by an experienced consultant. It can be managed by simple home remedies and following a strict diet plan that includes eating green leafy vegetables and reducing the number of carbonated drinks.
Also, Check our Classical Ayurvedic Medicine list.
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Shireen –
Purchased this for Mom, Good product, quality wise “very satisfied”.
Jyoti Shankar Roy Choudhury –
Very good product – value for money. The container came nicley packed with the seal intact. The taste, consistency and flavour is good. The jar can be reused again for other purpose – is quite useful.
Saurabh –
A gem of a product in taste and quality from one of the finest ayurvedic Supari Pak. Thank you Dr. Asma
Meena –
I started it to consume one tea spoon regularly before going to bed with luke warm milk. Getting very good result.